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Value Confrontations: Teleological and Deontological Theories

 Read course and unit objectives

 Read study guide prior to class attendance
 Read required learning resources; refer to unit
terminologies for jargons
 Proactively participate in classroom discussions
 Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
 Answer and submit course unit tasks

At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:


1. Understand the concept of value confrontations

2. Analyze the difference between Teleological and Deontological Theories
3. Executes the ethical reasoning process in arriving at decisions to address situations of
ethical distress and moral dilemma

1. Practice effective listening during class discussion
2. Inquire on topics that are not completely understood
3. Share opinions on the subject matter that can enhance class discussion


1. Follow class rules and netiquettes

2. Participate during class discussion

Introduction to Ethics:


Value Confrontations

2 Types

 Teleological Theories
 Deontological Theories

Teleological Theory

 Teleology means “end” (Greek word telos) and science (Greek word logos)
 Morality means following, doing and pursuing moral obligation and right action so that good
and desirable end will be achieved
 The right thing to do is the good thing to do
 Also known as consequentialist ethics

2 main consequentialist ethics:

A. Egoism- this theory believes that one’s self or personal drive should be the motivation
for everything that we do. Egoism argues that humans are self-centered in nature and
will only act if it benefit them and will work on their advantage

“Selfishness motivates individuals to adopt moral rules to protect themselves from

selfish whims of one another” – Thomas Hobbes
B. Utilitarianism- The most common form of consequence oriented theory, it believes that
the right act is the one that brings the best outcome and an action that brings a more
favorable outcome than unfavorable is morally right.

“For the greater good” – Albus Dumbledore

Deontological Theory

 Deontology means duty (Greek word deon)

 The right action is one based upon correct principles regardless of the results. “One treats
others as ends and never as means” – Immanuel Kant
 Base morality on principles of obligation/duty arising from his profession regardless of the

Professional Duties

A. Fidelity
B. Reparation
C. Gratitude
D. Justice
E. Beneficence
F. Self-Improvement
G. Non-maleficence

Value Confrontation – The process of choosing the best action, decision and path to walk through
to arrive and achieve the desired goal based on the individual’s values and beliefs.

Teleological ethics;

What is ethical egoism?
Bioethical Issues in Health Care Management;
Movie Review

Please watch the 2002 movie "John Q" and answer the following the questions:
1. What is the ethical dilemma that John Q faces in this movie?
2. Do you think everyone has the right to proper health care? Do you believe that it is the
responsibility of the government to provide every citizen an accessible health care? Why or why
3. Do you think the rights of the hostages are violated? Should their rights be neglected to save the
4. What is the ethical dilemma that the cardiac surgeon faces at the end of the movie?
5. Is John Q. Archibald (Denzel Washington) a good person – an ethical person?
Explain. What is it that sets him apart from others? Relate your answer based on the Deontological
or Teleological Theories
6. “Rules are made to be broken” on your opinion what does this statement mean? Do you find
your example related to ethical issues? Please relate your answer based on the Deontological and
Teleological Theories

Ethics of Health Care; A guide for clinical practice 4th edition by

Edge and Groves
Ethical Dilemmas & Nursing Practice, 5th Ed. Anne J. Davis, et al.
Introduction to Ethics:
Teleological ethics;
What is ethical egoism?
Bioethical Issues in Health Care Management;
John Q Assignment:

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