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CONG TY CO PHAN GTNFOODS ~—- CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM GTNFOODS, JSC Doe lip — Ty do— Hanh phic Sé: 0/ /2017/BB/DHDCDTN-GTN Ha N6i, ngay 28 thang 3 nam 2017 BIEN BAN HOP DAI HOI DONG CO DONG THUONG NIEN NAM 2017 MEETING MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING 2017 Tén doanh nghi¢p: Céng ty cé phan GTNfoods Name of the Company: GTNfoods JSC Gidy chimg nh§n dang ky doanh nghiép céng ty cé phan, ma sé doanh nghigy 0105334948 do Sé Ké hogch va Dau tu Thanh phé Ha Néi cp Kin diu ngay 30/5/2011 va dang ky thay d6i lan thir 14 ngay 17/11/2016. Business registration certificate of a Joint stock company, registration number: 0105334948 issued by Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment for the first time on 30/5/2011 and registered for the 14th amendment on 17/11/2016. Try sé chinh: $6 92 V6 Thj Séu, Phuémg Thanh Nhan, Quén Hai Ba Trung, Thanh phé Ha NGi, Viét Nam. Headquarter: 92 Vo Thi Sau, Thanh Nhan Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam. A. THOI GIAN, DIA DIEM HOP DAI HOI TIME & PLACE 1. Thdi gian: 9 gid, thir Ba, ngay 28 thang 3 nam 2017. Meeting Time: 9h00 Tuesday 28 March 2017 2. Dia diém: Phong FUJI, Khach san Nikko Ha NOi, 84 Trin Nhan Tong, Quén Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi Place: FUJI Room, Nikko Hanoi, 84 Tran Nhan Tong, HBT District, Hanoi B. THANH PHAN THAM DY DAI HOI PARTICIPATION 1. Cé dong cia Cong ty cé phn GTNfoods cé tén trong danh sach cd dong chét ngay 08/02/2017 do Trung tém Luru ky Chimg khodn Vigt Nam cung cp. Shareholders who are holding the GTN shares as the record date on 08 Feb 2017, based on the list issued by VSD. 2. Cac Ong ba Ia thinh vién Hi déng quan tri, Ban kiém sodt, Ban diéu hanh Céng ty cé phin GTNfoods. The Board of Directors (BOD), The Executive Board, The Supervisory Board of GIN 3. Cae don vi bio chi, khéch mii. Journalists, guests C. TINH HOP PHAP, HOP LE. CUA DAI HOI LEGITIMAION OF THE AGM oN Dai hdi dai nghe Ong Lé Quang Hung — Truéng Ban kiém tra tu cach ¢6 déng cng bé Bign ban tham tra tu cdch 6 dong. Mr Le Quang Hung — Head of Shareholders’ Eligibility Examination Committee announced the examination result: - Ting s6 cé dong durge moi tham dr Dai hoi: 1.112 6 ding, dai dign cho 250.000.000 6 phan c6 quyén biéu quyét cia Céng ty c6 phan GTNfoods (GTNfoods). The total number of shareholders was invited to the Meeting: 1.112, representing 250,000,000 voting shares of GIN. ~ $6 dai biéu 1a cd déng sé hitu hode duge wy quyén tham dy Dai hdi: 38 c6 déng nim gitt: 213.841.948 c6 phan, chiém 85,54% s6 c6 phan 6 quyén biéu quyét ctia GINfoods The number of participants who are shareholders or authorized to attend the Meeting: 38 shareholders, representing 213.841.948 shares and accounting for 85,54% of the GIN's voting shares. ‘Theo quy dinh cia Luat Doanh nghiép s6 68/2014/QH13 va Diéu 1é Céng ty c6 phan GTNfoods, phién hop Dai hi ding cé dong thumg nién nim 2017 cia GTNfoods li hgp php, hop Ié va di diéu kién tién hanh. Pursuant to the 2014 Enterprise Law and the Charter of company, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2016, is legal, valid and eligible 10 proceed. D. NOL DUNG VA DIEN BIEN DAI HOL THE MEETING’ CONTENTS I. Bau Ban Chii toa Dai hi Election of Chair Committee Dé diéu hinh Dai hi, Bai hdi tién hanh Bau Ban Chi toa. Sau khi nghe danh séch nhén su dy kién do Ban t6 chite gidi thigu, 100% c6 dong c6 quyén biéu quyét c6 mat tai Dai hoi da biéu quyét théng qua Ban Chi toa gém cdc thanh vién sau day: To run the Meeting, a Chair Committee has been elected. Upon the list of nominees, 100% voting shareholders presented at Meeting have approved the Chair Committee, including the following persons: ¥ Ong Nghiém Van Thing - Chi toa Head of Chair Committee ¥ Ong Michael Louis Rosen- Thanh vién Member Y Ong Nguyén Héng Anh - Thanh vién Member Y Ba Chew Mei Ying— Thanh vin Member ¥ Ong La Manh Tién— Thanh vién Member IL Gi6i thigu Ban Thw ky Dai hoi; bau Ban Kiém phiéu va thong qua thé thite biéu quyét; ‘Thong qua chuong trinh nghi sy va Quy ché lm vie ciia Dai hoi Appointment of the Secretary Committee; Election of the Vote Counting Committee; Approval of the voting method, the Meeting’s agenda and the Meeting's organization regulations. ON 1. Dé ghi chép dién bién Dai hOi va soan thao Bién ban, Nehi quyét Dai hdi, Dai hoi da tién hanh giéi thigu Ban Thu ky. Sau khi nghe danh sich nhin sy dy kién do Ban t6 chite giéi thigu, 100% 6 dong c6 quyén biéu quyét cé mat tai Dai hdi da biéu quyét théng qua Ban Thu ky, g6m cdc thanh vién sau day To prepare the Meeting’s Minutes and to draft the Meeting's Resolution, the AGM has introduced a Secretary Committee. Upon the list of nominees introduced by the Chair Committee, 100% voting shareholders presented at meeting have approved the Secretary Committee, including the following persons: Y Ong Nguyén Duy Ly- Truéng Ban Head of Secretary Committee V BaNguyén Thanh Huong- Thanh vién Member 2. Dé thye hign cong tac bau cir va biéu quyét tai Dai hi, Dai hdi da tién hanh bau Ban Kiém phiéu. Sau khi nghe danh sich nhin sy dy kién do Ban t6 chite gidi thigu, 100% 06 dng ¢6 quyén biéu quyét c6 mat tai Dai hoi da biéu quyét thong qua Ban Kiém phiéu, g6m cdc thanh vign sau day: To carry out the Meeting’s election and voting, a Vote Counting Committee was elected. Upon the list of nominees introduced by the Chair Committee, 100% voting shareholders presented at meeting have approved the Vote Counting Committee, including the following persons: Y Ong Lé Quang Hung - Truong Ban Head of Vote Counting Committee ¥ BaNguyén Thi Thu Huyén - Thanh vién Member ¥ Ong Trinh Xuan D6 - Thanh vien Member 3, Sau phan khai mac, Ong Pham Duy Cutng - thay mat Ban t6 chite céng bé Chong trinh nghj sy, Quy ché lm vie cia Dai hdi, ire biéu quyét, kiém phiéu. Dai a quyét ding ¥ théng qua Chuong trinh nghj sy, Quy ché kim vige cita Dai héi, Thé thie kiém phiéu, biéu quyét tai Dai h9i voi ty 1g biéu quyét 100% s6 06 dong c6 mat tai Dai hgi. Afier the Meeting’s opening, Mr. Pham Duy Cuong on behalf of Chair Committee announced the Meeting's agenda; Meeting regulations, Voting regulatins. The agenda and regulations were approved by 100% of the presented shareholders. IIL. Noi dung chinh cia Dai hGi Main Contents 1. Bao céo cia HDQT, Ban kiém soat, Ban Tong Gidm déc Reports of BOD, Supervisory Board and Executives Board Dai hoi da nghe Ong La Manh Tién ~ Thanh vién HDQT trinh bay bao cio cla HQT: ‘Ong Pham Duy Cutmg- Giém déc tai chinh trinh niy béo céo cia Ban digu hanh; Ong Trin Vit ‘Thing-Truéng Ban kiém soit trinh bay béo céo cita Ban kiém soét. ‘Mr. La Manh Tien Member of the BOD presented the reports of the BOD, Mr. Pham Duy Cuong — CFO presented the reports of Executive Board, Mr. Tran Viet Thang - Head of Supervisory Board presented reports of Supervisory Board. 2, Cac TY trinh Dai hi dbng cb dong Proposal to AGM Dai hi da nghe cac Ong Pham Duy Cuong va Ong La Manh Tién trinh bay cde To trinh: Mr. Pham Duy Cuong and Mr. La Manh Tien presented proposals as follows: - To trinh $6 01 théng qua BCTC Kiém ton 2016; Proposal No.1 for Audited financial statements for the fiscal year 2016; - Tétrinh $é 02 vé mite thi lao cho Héi dng quan tri va Ban Kiém Soat nim 2016; Proposal No.2 for 2016 remuneration of the BOD and the Supervisory Board; - Tartrinh $6 03 vé phuong an phan phdi loi nhufin 2016; Proposal No.3 for 2016 profit distribution plan; - Tétrinh $6 04 Ké hoach kinh doanh nam 2017; Proposal No.4 for the business plan for 2017; - Tertrinh $6 05 Iya chon Céng ty kiém todn cho nm tai chinh 2017; Proposal No.5 for the list of audit companies for the fiscal year 2017; - To trinh $6 06 théng qua Dé nghj cia Cé dong “CTCP Invest Tay Dai Duong” mua dy kién 10 trigu 6 phiéu, ting ty 1é sé hou Ién trén 25% khong cin qua chio mua c6ng khai; Proposal No.6 to approve the proposal of Shareholder “West Ocean Invest JSC" to purchase 10 million shares per expected, increasing ownership to over 25% without public tender offer. - To trinh $6 07 théng qua Phé duyét va chudn y viée cho vay cic Cong ty con trong giai dogn 2016-2017; Proposal No.7 to approve lending activities to subsidiaries for the period 2016-2017 - Tétrinh Sé 08 théng qua Phé duyét dé xudt mua 5 trigu cé phiéu quy Proposal No.8 to approve the Plan to purchase 5 million Treasury Shares - Tortrinh S609 théng qua Dé nghj mién nhiém thanh vién HDQT Proposal No.9 to approve the dismission of Board member - Tétrinh S6 10 théng qua Dé nghi Bau ctr thinh vién HDQT thay thé Proposal No.10 to approve the election of 2 new Board member IV. Biéu quyét thong qua cac Bao cio, Td trinh Dai hdi déng cb dong Voting for approval of the reports and proposals Trén co s6 cde Bao cdo, TY trinh va qua trinh bay ciia Ban 18 chite, Dai hoi da tién hanh biéu quyét (Bang thé biéu quyét) thong qua cde ndi dung sau day: Upon presented reports and proposals, after the discussion has been made, the Meeting has voted (by voting card) to approve the following content. 1. Théng qua céc ndi dung trong bio céo cia HDQT, Ban kiém sodt, Ban Téng Gidm déc vé tinh hinh hoat d6ng va két qua san xuat kinh doanh cia Cong ty nim 2016; tinh hinh sit dung von ciia cde dot phat hanh cé phiéu riéng 1é nim 2016. veil bs y x To approve the report of BOD, Supervisory Board, Executive Board on the activities and results of production and business of the company in 2016; the use of proceeds from Private Placement in 2016. 86 cb phiéu biéu quyét ding ¥ la 213.841.948 c6 phiéu, chiém ty 1¢ 100% tng s6 phiéu bigu quyét cita cae ¢8 déng tham dy Dai héi tai thoi diém biéu quyét; hiéu khong déng y va c6¥ kién khac la 0 ¢6 phiéu, chiém ty 18 0,0%. The number of agreed voting shares was 213,841,948 which was account for 100% total voting shares of the presented shareholders. No shareholders disagreed or had other comments. 2. Théng qua Bio co tai chinh (BCTC) nim 2016 da duge kiém toin boi Cong ty TNHH Kiém toan - Tur van Dat Viét (bao gsm BCTC Cong ty me va BCTC Hop nat) To approve the Audited Financial statements for the fiscal year 2015 (including the Separate financial statements and the Consolidated financial statements) which are audited by Vietland Auditing and Consulting Co.,Ltd Sé cé phiéu biéu quyét ding y 1a 213.841.948 c6 phiéu, chiém ty 1¢ 100% téng sO phiéu bigu quyét cia cdc 06 déng tham dir Dai hi tai thoi diém biéu quyét; s6 c6 phiéu khéng dong ¥ va c6 ¥ kién khdc ...0....c6 phiéu, chiém ty Ié 0,0%. The number of agreed voting shares was 213,841,948 which was account for 100% total voting shares of the presented shareholders, No shareholders disagreed or had other comments. 3. Thong qua phurong én thi lao cho toan bo 07 thinh vign HBQT va 03 thinh vién Ban kiém sodt khdng qué 200 (hai trim) tigu dng cho nim ti chinh 2016, Tinh hinh ew thé giao cho HDQT quyét dinh da trén cdc dong gop oiia cdc thinh vign cho Cong ty. To approve the remuneration for 07 members of the BOD and 3 members of the Supervisory Board which is not exceed YND 200 million for the fiscal year 2016. This remuneration shall be allocated upon the BOD's discretion based on the dedication of each member. 86 od phiéu biéu quyét ding ¥ 1a 213.787.448 od phiéu, chiém ty 1¢ 99% tng s6 phiéu iu quyét cia ede eb dong tham dy Bai hoi ta thd diém biéu quyét; s6 6 phiéu khong dingy la 54.500 c6 phiéu, chiém ty 1¢ 1,0%; s6 c6 phiéu c6 y kién khic ...0... c6 phiéu, chiém ty 18 0,0%. The number of agreed voting shares was 213,787,448 which was account for 99% total voting shares of the presented shareholders. The number of disagreed voting shares was 54,500 which was account for 1% total voting shares of the presented shareholders. No shares with other opinion 4, Thong qua phurong fn phan ph6i loi nhufin nim 2016, nhur sau: Approve the Business results of the year 2016 ~ Loi nhudn sau thué nim 2016: 7,294 ty déng Profit after tax in 2016: 7.2946VND ~ Loi nhudn gitt lai dé dau tr phat trign cde dy 4n nim 2017: 7,294 ty dong Retained earnings to invest and develop projects in 2017: 7.2946VND 86 08 phiéu bigu quyét ding ¥ 1A 213.841.948 cd phiéu, chiém t¥ 18 100% ting s6 phiéu biéu quyét cita cde o8 déng tham dy Bai h6i tai thdi dim biéu quyét; s6 od phiéu khong ding y va c6 y kign kha ..0....06 phiéu, chiém ty 16 0,0%. The number of agreed voting shares was 213,841,948 which was account for 100% total voting shares of the presented shareholders, No shareholders disagreed or had other comments. 5. Thong qua ké hoach kinh doanh nam 2017 Appove the business plan for 2017 - Doanh thu (Hop nhat): 3.950 ty dong Revenue (consolidated amount): VND 3,950 billion - Lgi nhudin sau thué (Hop nhat): 225 ty ding Profit after tax (consolidated amount): VND 225 billion - Loi nhuan c6 dong Céng ty me: 70 ty dong, Profit attributable to Parent shareholders: VND 70 billion 6 cé phiéu bigu quyét déng y 14 213.841.948 cd phiéu, chiém ty 12 100% téng s6 biéu quyét cla cdc ¢6 dong tham dy Dai i thai diém biéu quyét; s6 cd phiéu khong ding ¥ va c6 y kién khic ...0....c5 phiéu, chiém ty 1¢ 0,0%. The number of agreed voting shares was 213,841,948 which was account for 100% total voting shares of the presented shareholders. No shareholders disagreed or had other comments. 6. Thong qua danh sich cde Céng ty kiém todn thy hign kiém todn cae Bao céo tai chinh trong nim 2017 bao gdm: Approve the List of auditing companies consists of: — Cong ty TNHH Emst & Young Viét Nam; Ernst & Young Vietnam Co., Ltd — Céng ty TNHH KPMG Viét Nam; KPMG Vietnam Co., Ltd — Cong ty TNHH Deloitte Viet Nam Deloitte Vietnam Co.,Ltd = Céng ty TNHH Hang kiém toan AASC AASC Audit Co.,Ltd — Céng ty TNHH Kiém ton AFC Vigt Nam - Chi nhénh Ha Thanh AFC Vietnam Auditing Co.,Ltd. - Ha Thanh Branch — Céng ty TNHH Kiém todn va Tu vin bat Viet Vietland Auditing and Consulting Co., Ltd = Céng ty TNHH kiém todn va ké toan Ha Noi (CPA Ha Noi) CPA Hanoi Accounting and Auditing Co.,Ltd Trong truéng hop khéng théng nhat duge véi cdc Cong ty kiém toan trén vé tién do va mite phi kiém ton, Dai hi déng c6 déng ty quyén cho HDQT Céng ty Iya chon mét trong s6 céc Céng ty kiém todn cén lai thude Danh sich cde Céng ty kiém toan déc Kip duge chap thun bai Uy ban Chimg khoan Nha nuée dé tién hanh kiém todn cde Bao edo tai chinh ciia Cong ty ¢6 phan GTNfoods trong nim 2017. In case of inconsistency with those auditing companies on the progress and the fee of the audit, the BOD hereby submits to the General Shareholders’ Meeting to authorize the BOD to appoint other auditing company which is in the approved list of auditing companies by the State Securities Commission of Vietnam for auditing listed companies. sé.

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