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CONG TY CO PHAN GTNFOODS CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM GTNEOODS JSC Doc lip — Ty do ~ Hanh phic Sé: 01 NQBHDCDIN Ha N6i, ngay 28 thang 3 nam 2017 NGHI QUYET DAI HOI DONG CO DONG THUONG NIEN 2017 RESOLUTION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS 2017 Can ett: - Luét Doanh nghiép s6 68/2017/OH13 va cdc vain bin huéng dan thi hanh; - Diéu 1é t6 chite va hoat d6ng ciia Céng ty c6 phn GTNfoods; - Bién ban hop Dai héi déng cé déng theong nién nam 2017, Pursuant to. - Enterprise Law number 68/2017/QH13 and other regulations; - GTNfoods JSC Charter - MeetingMinutes of AGM 2017, QUYET NGHI: RESOLVED: Digu 1: Thong qua céc n9i dung béo céo cia HGi déng quan tri, Ban Kiém soat, Bigu hanh vé tinh hinh host dng va két qua kinh doanh cia Cong ty nam 2016; tinh hinh sir dung vn ca cde dot phat hanh cd phiéu riéng 18 nam 2016. Article 1: Approve Performance & Operation Report 2016 by Executive Board, Reports on activities of Board of Directors (BOD) and Supervisory Board in 2016 Diéu 2: Théng qua Bao cao tai chinh nim 2016 da duge kiém toan. Article 2: Approve Audited financial statements for the fiscal year 2016 Didu 3: Théng qua phuong an chi tra thi lao cho thanh vién Héi déng quan tri, Ban kiém soat Céng ty cho nim tai chinh 2016, Article 3: Approve remuneration plan of the fiscal year 2016 for the BOD and the Supervisory Board Dieu 4: Thong qua phuong an phan phéi loi nhuan nim 2016. Article 4: Approve profit distribution plan of the fiscal year 2016 Didu 5: Théng qua ké hoach kinh doanh nam 2017. Article 5: Approve the business plan for 2017 Dieu 6: Thong qua danh sach cdc Cong ty kiém toan thyc hién kiém todn céc Bao cdo tai chinh trong nim 2017 Article 6: Approve the list of audit companies for the fiscal year 2017 Digu 7: Thong qua dé nghj cia c6 déng “Céng ty 06 phan Invest Tay Dai Duong” dy kién mua thém 10 trigu c6 phiéu, nang ty 18 sé hitu tai GTNfoods lén trén 25% vin didu Ie ma khéng phai kim tha tue chao mua céng khai. Article 7: Approve the proposal of Shareholder “West Ocean Invest JSC” to purchase 10 million shares of GTNfoods per expected, increasing ownership to over 25% without public tender offer Digu 8: Théng qua phé duyét va chun y vige cho vay céc Céng ty con trong giai doan 2016-2017. Article 8: Approve lending activities to subsidiaries for the period 2016-2017 Dieu 9: Théng qua phé duyét 8 xudt mua 5 triéu cd phiéu quy. Article 9: Approve the Plan to purchase 5 million Treasury Shares Dieu 10: Théng qua vige mién nhiém thinh vién Hi déng quan tri; bau b6 sung thénh vién H6i dng quan tri Céng ty nhiém ky 2016-2020, Article 10: Approve the dismission of Board members; approve the election of 2 new Board member period 2016-2020 Diéu 11: Thong qua két qua bau cit bd sung thanh vién Hi déng quan tri Céng ty cé phan GTNfoods nhiém ky 2016-2020, gdm cdc ng: Article 11: Approve the result of additional election for Board member — GTNfoods JSC — period 2016-2020: 1. Ong Lars Kjaer 2. Ong Nguyén Hong Anh Article 12: Implementation Nghi quyét nay duge Dai hoi déng cd déng nhdt tri thong qua Xe i cudc hopwae 1g t6 chttc va hoat dong cita Céng ty $ al GTNfoods. This resolution is approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholderss in the meeting and come into effect on March 28, 2017. The members of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board shall have to implement this Resolution and organize the implementation thereof according to their respective functions in compliance with Law and Company Charter of GTNfoods Joint Stock Company. Noi nhin: - HDQT/BOD; - Ban Téng Gidm déc/CEO; - Ban Kiem sodt/Supervisory Board; + Lau VI/Filed if NGHII EM VAN THANG

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