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Corrections :-

1. In the home page, remove helpdesk content from the header.

Enhance the look of SEBI regd number.
2. New logo to be inserted which is sent by mail.
3. Below picture to be changed. Also insert a best picture which is

4. In the home page, in our services sections , keep the suitable icons
for services, also add the separate pages and add respective content
with a good look and link it here.
5. In a navigation bar, in the knowledge center menu, increase the size
of sub menus. Also merge product reports and research reports.
6. In the footer, following changes are required.
● All the columns of footer to be aligned properly.
● In the site map, all the links displayed are not required. Display
according to alignment.
● Change the logo in footer also.
● Remove the recent posts from the third column. I will let you
know which to be added.
● In the 4th column, change all the icons of contact us. Keep
attractive icons.
7. Login details required for chat application.
8. In the about us page, for CEO Content, add one button named “More
details” . If we click more button, more details will display.
9. In the useful downloads page, design is not good. The way of
displaying the list is not good. Check the knowledge center of website
“”, in that scheme bank section, display the useful
downloads section in the current website.

Required features :-

1. Add whatsapp feature.

2. Add social snap feature.
3.​ check this website for displaying sub menus in the main
menu. Check the expertise menu for displaying sub menu names.
Implement it if possible.
4. 6 Sections required in the about us page, as of now 4 sections are

Note :- All the necessary content will be provided by mail. For all the
“REQUIRED FEATURES”, money will be paid. Some small extra content
will be added.

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