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Ala-carte Work

User App, Delivery App and Admin Panel (Web)

User App
1) Live location auto fetch and option to change the location manually.
Query- Do you want to fetch the location of the user automatically and also have the feature where the user
can change the location manually? ==>Yes
2) Check the search feature, search the restaurant and food both.
Query- Do you want the app’s search feature to have the capability to search the restaurants and the food from
the database? If yes, where will we get the database or the data required to display the search results?  Yes
Use get the access of this
3) Increase the size of banner from-
This to Like this

Query- What exactly do you want us to do here? Please specify.==>Banner look like same

4) Filter option in home page

a. Sort by price (High to Low, Low to High)
b. Cuisine (American, Italian)
c. Rating (5,4.5,4.0,3.5, Any)
Query- What do you want to by home page? Is it pertaining to website home page(if any) or the app home
screen?  APP home screen only like Zomato
5) Make the all small banner function accordingly
Query- What do you mean by making the banner work properly. Please elaborate.==> means if you click on
great offer it only offer product

6) Check the Functionality and fix the issues of Nearest Page

Query- What functionalities are you talking about? Please give us a list so that it becomes easy for us to relate.
 It show the nearby restaurant of my location
7) Add review option for ordered food.

Query- Are you talking about the reviews which a user can provide after using your app?==> After ordering
the food

8) Add New Address feature not working fix the issue.

Query- Where do you want the Add New Address in the app? We mean which page of the app?  when your
proceed the order

9) Map API for fetch current location as address

Query- Who will provide the API?==> Client

10) Once Admin adds the Push Notification it is not showing in the user app. It shows in the notification menu and
also like this -

Query- Here do you want to mean that the notifications provided by the admin are not being properly displayed
in the app? If yes, please let us know where do you want the notifications to feature?= in website
notification menu is there.. you have to give the feature the to show the notification like this

11) if user opens the app at 1 am in the evening, maybe there could come up some kind of interactive notification
saying "its 1am, would like to see open late restaurants"?

Query- Here do you want some pop-ups to be displayed once the user logs in?==> it show the only open

12) Referral System to refer you friend and get 1 free delivery or any other offer.

Query- Are you talking about a referral scheme where the user gets some offer, discount etc. for introducing his
friend? How do you this to happen? Is it a unique user number/ID which the new user puts up while registering
for the first time? Also, who would be telling us about which schemes are to be introduced? ==> I’ll explain
to you

13) Social login Facebook and Google.

Query- Are you here talking about user registration or login using social media accounts like FB, Google etc.?

Delivery Boy App

1) Fix the login issue in delivery boy app.
2) Check the all feature of app.
Query- Can we get a full feature list desired by client?
3) Driver can check and download the report.
Query- Which report are we talking about here?  monthly report
4) Delivery Boy check the income.
Query- Which income are we referring to here?

Website Work Required

Query- Is the website existing? If yes, can you please us with the link so that we can study?
 Already shared with id and password

Admin Panel
1) Admin can set the percentage of restaurant when they add the restaurant.
Query- Is this percentage the amount which the app company gets once food gets ordered and billed at a
restaurant?  Yes
2) Admin can set the percentage of delivery boy when they add the delivery boy.
Query- Is the delivery boy not on salary? Is the entire delivery mechanism happening on commission?==> Yes
3) In reporting page he can check the amount to pay the admin and delivery boy.
Query- What is the admin amount here?==> ill Explain on call

Restaurant Web Panel

1) Can check the report month wise and search the report between selected timeframe.
2) Add print option after the bill is generated.
Query- Can we elaborate a bit? What do you mean by adding the print option once the bill is generated? Is it a
simple print-out of the bill which is being referred here?
3) When they add menu item, they can add the extra feature of food like: extra toping and price, pizza bread type
and price.

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