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Questions number 2.

Continental Trade Ltd (CT) is a French organic food producer of a delicious

and healthy veggie-burger and distributor of quality fruits and vegetables to
all EU countries. Germany has banned the import of veg-burgers after they
detected salmonella in veg burger however they are only sold as organic only
in organic stores which tends small stores. They have planned to open
additional distribution center in one of the European countries, Latvia but
there seems confusion regarding movement of workers. Recently, UK
employees have been found respiratory problems because of spray of Wax 10
in fruits and vegetables. They are blamed of for not providing information to
employees how to spray and precautions methods before spraying.

For sending employees to Latvia to know business practices, establish

working relationship and establish own distribution center there seems some
confusion on actually whether they can send the group of workers to Latvia or
not due the different relevant legal issues. They have to consult with expert
regarding the European Union laws for non -European marriage nationals,
children of school age while sending workers to Latvia.

Within above mentioned confusion there is more confusion in things like

recognition of marriage, rights and responsibilities they have and their
treatment in host country. These are important aspects/key areas of workers
to address. Since they have children of school age it can cause problem for
parents to move. This might raise a question on the education facilities of
children, family benefits, social allowances and employment status for the
parents. Host country Latvia has also its own rules, laws and acts too. When
been through several directives, laws and acts respective to that confusion
can clarify whether they can move to Latvia or not.

Regarding the marriage all the civil marriage between European or non-
European couples are recognized in all the European countries.  Some countries
recognize religious marriage as being equivalent to civil marriage, others do not.
[ CITATION eur17 \l 1033 ]. Civil unions and registered partnerships are
considered equivalent or comparable to marriage in some EU countries. However, the laws of
Latvia do not provide for registered partnerships while it recognizes civil marriage.
[ CITATION eur171 \l 1033 ].
 If you are an non-EU citizen moving to another EU country to live, work or study, EU

rules make it easier for your family to join you which means Non- European spouse,

their children and even grand children can freely move into another country as a worker,

self -employed person Until or if they are Civil and registered partners. Not only as

workers they can also live as students, pensioner etc. under several conditions. It has

categorized time of living under three category if less than three months, more than

three months and permanent residence. Under category of more than three months the

non- EU national worker his spouse, children and grand -children can easily freely live

without having to meet any other conditions but still non-EU spouse, children and

grandchildren must apply for a residence document with the authorities in the host

country (town hall or local police station) within 3 months of arriving if not so the

national authorities may require them to leave.[ CITATION uni17 \l 1033 ].for the residence

card an non -EU nationals they need

 valid passport

 your registration certificate as an EU national or any other proof of your residence in

the country

 proof of the family relationship with you (such as a marriage or birth certificate)

 for (grand)children, proof they are under 21 or dependent on you

 for (grand)parents, proof that they are dependent on you

 for other family members, proof that they are dependent on you or there are serious

health ground requiring you to take personal care of them[ CITATION uni171 \l 1033 ]

According to the act Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of

the Council of 29 April 2004  even the non EU nationals like spouse, children
and grandchildren can move to another country with European citizen for less
than or more than 3 months. For more than three months the employee has to
register the residence document in local/relevant authorities (police station
or town hall) of host country for right to stay in the host country. The non-
European spouse and children are treated as nationals having equal access to
employment, pay, benefits facilitating access to work and enrollment in
schools. [ CITATION Eur18 \l 1033 ] so as per the term CT can easily send its group of
employees to work in Latvia with their family members despite non -
European national and children of school age. The family can get all the
facilities regarding the school of children.

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