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Grammar note 1

Grammar note 2

Grammar note 3

Grammar note 4

Grammar note 5

Grammar note 6


My electronic devices are very important in my life. Every day, I use them either to study or to spend
time. I have a laptop and a cellphone. Every night, i clean them, turn them off and charge them. In this
quarantine, i’m spending a lot of time on my electronic devices. Even my little sister is using my laptop
right now. She also is having a meeting at Zoom with her friends next weekend. I have had them for 3
years. I have been cleaning my laptop myself because I know how to do it. I always clean it carefully not
to damage some elements. On the other hand, i have been thinking about buying a new cellphone. I
need a new one because my cellphone looks terrible. My laptop has been repaired twice, so nowadays
it’s still working. I usually use it when my classes begin. It helps me to access the internet for searching
information. It has undeniably a downside. I charge it each 3hours. It works slowly if it has low battery.

All in all, my electronic devices let my life get easy. My exposure to electronic devices has gotten better
since I had one. I realize I can’t live without them.

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