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=> Nymphs have the following characteristics:

* Ability Score Increase: Your Strenght score increases by 2, and your Constitution
score increase by 1.

* Age: A centaur reaches adulthood and mature at the same rate as humans.

* Alignment: Most centaur are neutral. As a rule they value freedom, impulsiviness
and the spontaneity, but also follow a stout tribal culture based on strengh and

* Size: Centaur are horizontaly big, and occupy 10 feet, like a horse. Your size is

* Speed: Centaur are as fast as horses with their powerful hoves. Your base walking
speed is 50 feet.

* Medium Sized Weaponry: Despite being considered "large", centaur use weapon as if
they were medium sized.

* Quadrupede: Centaur are always considered mounted for the purpose of moving,
attacking or using a spear or using the feat "Mounted Combat" (if they have it).
Aditionally, they have advantage on any attack that could move them forcebly or
knock them prone.

* Unusual Form: Centaur might encounter extreme difficulty to find armor that fits
them. Climbing or manuvering tight spaces is considered difficult terrain for you.
You also have Disadvantage on all Strenght (Athletics) rolls made to climb or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) made to manuvering tight spaces.

* Charge. If you move 30 feet straight toward a target and then hit them with a
melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage from the first
attack you make this turn.

* Multiattack: Centaurs have a special hove attack that deals 2d4 bludgeoning
damage. This attack always uses Strengh and can be made as a Bonus Action, but adds
no Strengh to damage. Centaurs are always considered proficient with their hooves.

* Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common (Helenic) and Sylvan.

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