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Spinning side slam

Also referred to as a Scrapbuster Slam, the wrestler stands side-to-side and

slightly behind with the victim, facing in the opposite direction, and reaches
around the victim's torso with one arm across the victim's chest and under both
arms. The wrestler then lifts him/her up with one arm as he/she swings the victim
180� to the opposite side, while the wrestler faces the same direction, then falls
onto the opponent slamming the victim onto the mat back-first. The Big Boss Man
used this move as a finisher, as well as a non-spinning, one-armed version, both
known as the Boss Man Slam.

In another version of this move, which is performed against a charging opponent,

the wrestler uses the victim's own momentum to power the throw and can see the
wrestler with the victim in the air spinning back round nearly 360� before dropping
him to the mat. "The Monster" Abyss calls this variation the Black Hole Slam.

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