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Disability and Rehabilitation, May 2006; 28(10): 645 – 651


A preliminary economic evaluation of percutaneous neuromuscular

electrical stimulation in the treatment of hemiplegic shoulder pain


Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2Rehabilitation Center ‘Het Roessingh’, Enschede,
The Netherlands, and 3Biomedical Signals and Systems Group, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

Accepted July 2005

Objective. The objective of this study was to compare the cost-effectiveness of various treatment modalities for hemiplegic
shoulder pain.
Design. A stage II economic evaluation.
Main outcome measures. Incremental cost effectiveness ratio of P-NMES, compared to slings and anti-inflammatory
Results. The incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) of p-NMES, compared to anti-inflammatory injections is e6,061
(+3,285). The incremental cost of the first quality-adjusted life year after implantation of the P-NMES device compared to
anti-inflammatory injections is e33,007 (+5,434). This decreases to  e7,000 after 5 years, and to  e5,000 after 10 survival
Conclusion. In this early evaluation, P-NMES seems to be cost-effective according to known guidelines. Treatment with
P-NMES is recommended for patients with chronic HSP.

Keywords: Electrical stimulation, hemiplegic shoulder pain, stroke, economic evaluation

multi-factorial, and interventions are therefore aimed

at restoring normal alignment, the preservation or
Stroke is the fourth highest cause of death and the restoration of both range of motion and muscle func-
most important cause of disability in The Nether- tion, and pain reduction. Evidence-based decision-
lands. The incidence of stroke is approximately making with regard to the choice of intervention for
30,000 cases a year and approximately 120,000 HSP is limited. There is some recently published
people live with the mental and/or physical con- evidence supporting the positive influence of elec-
sequences of stroke. Hemiplegic shoulder pain trically stimulated contraction of the shoulder
(HSP) is a common complication of stroke, which muscles on external rotation of the shoulder [6],
negatively affects the use of the affected limb [1], subluxation, and pain sensation [7]. Other interven-
compromises functional recovery [2] and delays tions for HSP include careful positioning of the arm,
discharge from hospital or a rehabilitation centre the use of a sling or lap-board, medication, and
[3,4]. In a review performed by Turner-Stokes et al. physical therapy [21]. To a lesser extent treatment
[2] the incidence rates of HSP are reported to be for shoulder pain can include anti-inflammatory (AI)
between 5 and 84% after the occurrence of stroke. injections, nerve blocks, icing, ultrasound, and
HSP thereby influences the quality of life (QoL) in a strapping [22 – 24]. Clinical trials were performed
substantial percentage of the stroke population. to study the effect of AI injections [25,26] and
There is still considerable controversy about the slings [9].
etiology of HSP and, as a consequence also about Although treatment with electrical stimulation is
the appropriate treatment [5]. HSP is believed to be considered to be most promising, the implementation

Correspondence: Janine van Til, PT, MSc. Roessingh Research and Development, PO Box 310, 7500 AH Enschede, The Netherlands. Tel: 31 53 4850739.
Fax: 31 53 4340849. E-mail:
ISSN 0963-8288 print/ISSN 1464-5165 online ª 2006 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/09638280500277057
646 J. A. van Til et al.

of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) in [11]. These trials were conducted in our rehabilita-
daily practice is hampered by the practical problems tion center in The Netherlands and in the United
that are involved in putting on and taking off the States. The methods, the inclusion and exclusion
necessary equipment and the pain that can be criteria and the results of these studies are presented
induced by electrical surface stimulation [8]. A newly in detail elsewhere [9,10], but were comparable. For
developed system bypasses these problems by deli- pain, a weighted average of success was calculated
vering the stimulus percutaneously (P-NMES) via over four studies at 6 months of follow-up. In the
electrodes implanted through the skin into the Dutch trial, health-related QoL was measured with
muscle. In recently published stage II trials, P-NMES the Short Form 36 (SF-36). Health utility was
seemed to be effective in the treatment of shoulder calculated from the SF-36 data according to the
subluxation and shoulder pain [9,10]. The percuta- method developed by Brazier et al. [20]. The utility
neous intramuscular approach has also been gain of the treatment is the difference between the
reported to be less painful, more selective and easier pre-treatment health status utility and the 6-month
for daily use [7]. follow-up health status utility.
However, with the restraints that have been Three-month follow-up data were extracted from
imposed on the funding of the health care system the available studies concerning the effectiveness of
worldwide, costs play an important role in the AI injections [25,26] and slings [9]. No literature
reimbursement of p-NMES. As explorative trials to with regard to the effect of slings and IA injections on
evaluate the effectiveness of P-NMES have recently QoL was identified. Therefore, possible increases in
been performed [9 – 11], the purpose of the current QALY due to interventions with slings and IA
study is to obtain a preliminary indication of the cost- injections were estimated with the Brazier et al.
effectiveness of the interventions available for [20] algorithm.
chronic hemiplegic shoulder pain, to help decide
whether a p-NMES is a feasible alternative compared
Measures of effectiveness
to more common interventions. The main outcome
measures in this study are the incremental costs and The first measure of the effectiveness of a treatment
effectiveness of P-NMES, compared to alternative aimed at pain reduction is the number of patients
interventions, in the treatment of shoulder pain. who experience diminished pain experience (per-
centage successful treatments). Subjective pain
experience is commonly scored by means of a visual
Methods analogue scale (VAS) or a numerical rating scale
(NRS). A decrease of three points on a NRS has
Study design
been shown to represent a true change in pain
The primary audience for this study is the national experience and therefore indicates a successful
health insurance board investigating the effectivity of intervention [13].
P-NMES in the treatment of HSP. This study is a Most treatment modalities ultimately aim to
stage II economic evaluation according to the criteria improve the QoL of patients. Successful treatment
of Sculpher et al. [12]. Sculpher et al. state that an is one that increases QoL in the remaining life-years
economic evaluation can be performed during each and/or lengthens the life of the patients. The
phase of a clinical trial, with accompanying certainty secondary measure of effectivity is therefore the
of results, depending on strength of evidence of the number of quality-adjusted life-years (QALY);
clinical trial. This study will also provide an the expected survival years multiplied by the increase
indication of continuing research on the effectivity in QoL of patients as a result of the intervention.
of p-NMES. The methods section begins with a QoL is usually expressed as a utility, a number
presentation of the outcome measures for economic between 0 (dead) and 1 (perfect health).
evaluation, after which the short- and long-term Pain experience has a maximal impact of 0.136 and
analysis of cost-effectivity data is discussed. The an average influence of 0.072 on the SF-36 overall
requisite data gathering for both P-NMES and health status utility. The average change in health
alternative interventions are discussed subsequently, status value of a successful treatment is multiplied by
and the Methods Section ends with a description of the effectivity of treatment at the 6-month follow-up
applied statistics and sensitivity analysis. and multiplied by the estimated duration of the effect
to obtain an estimate of QALY gain after an
intervention with slings of IA injections.
Available interventions for HSP
In the short-term analysis the cost-effectiveness
The effectiveness of P-NMES was measured in two figures of treatment are calculated for a period of
small uncontrolled pilot studies [9,19], an uncon- one year. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
trolled trial [10] and a randomized controlled trial (ICER) is the ratio of the difference in cost and the
Economic evaluation of P-NMES 647

difference in effectiveness between P-NMES and include the time invested by physician, occupational
alternative interventions. and physical therapist fees and associated costs in a
The effectiveness of the treatment is the ratio of the rehabilitation setting and costs of the device as the
number of patients who receive successful treatment major contributors to treatment costs. Non-direct
and the total number of patients. It was assumed that costs were not assessed in this analysis because of the
the effectiveness of treatment is stable up to one year. difficulty of obtaining these costs retrospectively.
Short-term analysis is performed for the effect of the Figures used are presented in Table I. Unit costs are
intervention on both pain and QALY. summed to get total treatment costs.
The long-term consequences of the intervention
were calculated for the effect of the intervention on Statistics
QALY. Mortality is not expected to be influenced by
HSP, and therefore it has no influence on the cost- Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio ðICERÞ
effectiveness of the treatment. The effect of decreas- ðcosts pNMESÞ  ðcosts alternativeÞ
ing effectiveness of each intervention is calculated up ¼
ðeffectivity pNMESÞ  ðeffectivity alternativeÞ
to 10 years after intervention.
To obtain data on expected survival after stroke a Depending on the measure of effectivity, the ICER
literature search was carried out with the search reflects either the cost for each additional patient
terms ‘survival’ and ‘stroke’. After excluding early treated successfully, or the cost per additional QALY
case fatality an average mortality rate of 10% per year gained.
is assumed for stroke patients [14]. Excluding early
case fatality is justified, because most severely
The sensitivity analysis
impaired patients will not be eligible for treatment,
due to more urgent co-morbidity [15 – 18]. The The effect of uncertainty on health gains after
effectiveness of the treatment is expected to decline treatment was modelled, and included in the
over time and as a result of a variety of age-related calculation of long-term cost-effectiveness. Probabil-
adverse effects on health-related QoL. Three differ- istic sensitivity analysis, based on Monte Carlo
ent scenarios for a decline in effectiveness (from 0 to simulation [27], was performed to study the simul-
50%) of all the interventions after a variable time- taneous impact of uncertainty of the costs and
span (3 months to 2 years after intervention) were efficacy on the cost-effectiveness results for short-
chosen after discussions with a panel of rehabilitation and long-term economic evaluation. Both first-order
physicians. Future health gains are discounted at 5% uncertainty (variability per patient in the costs,
in the long-term analysis. number of units of therapy received and the survival
of patients over 10 years) and second-order uncer-
tainty (varying effectivity data, the decrement in
Measurement of costs
effectivity, QALY gain from treatment and survival
This study assesses direct cost associated with rate of patients) are accounted for [28,29]. First
p-NMES, slings and IA injections. These mainly the second-order parameters are selected from

Table I. Cost associated with a single unit of treatment. The sources for the pricing data are the Advisory Board for Health Care Pricing, the
manufacturer of materials and the medical compass 2003. The sum costs reflects the minimal costs of treatment options.

Costs of treatment P-NMES Sling Intra-articular Injections

GP e23.20 e23.20 e23.20
Consultations 1 1 3
Rehabilitation setting e104.00 e104.00 e104.00
Time 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes
Material e1,500 e105 e5.54
Amount 1 1 3
Treatment hour institution e104.00 e104.00 e104.00
Total 5 hour 0 30 minutes
Prescription e11.60 e11.60 e11.60
Total 0 0 1
Occupational therapist e12.50 e12.50 e12.50
Total 0 3 0
Sum costs e2041 e164 e98
648 J. A. van Til et al.

appropriate Beta-distributions and then, holding Sensitivity analysis. The estimated average cost of
these parameters constant for the patient group, p-NMES, slings and AI injections are reasonably
1000 patients were simulated and the mean cost and similar to the costs calculated in the first year analysis.
effectiveness calculated for each treatment. This When varying both effectiveness and cost in the
simulation is performed 1000 times, resulting in manner described in the Methods section, results of
1000 values of the mean cost, mean effectiveness and the short-term cost-effectiveness analysis seem to be
mean utilities. Both short- and long-term simulations stable and proof against both changes in costs and
were performed in S-Plus 6.1. Estimated costs changes in effectiveness of the intervention, as is
and mean simulated costs may differ, due to some shown in Figure 1. The variation in costs is minor,
skewed distribution assumptions used in the and limited to a maximum of e25, which reflects
simulation. approximately 1 – 2% of additional costs. The range
between minimal and maximal effect (QALY gained)
is somewhat greater, and the maximum variation can
Results be as great as 25% of additional effect.
Short-term analysis
Long-term consequences. For the long-term analysis the
Cost-effectiveness assessment. Using the three-point treatment effects were discounted, and varied ac-
decrease definition of success, the average percen- cording to different scenarios. The results of the
tage of subjects treated successfully was 73% for the comparison between the most positive scenarios
P-NMES group, 28% for the sling intervention and (minimal decrease in effectivity) and the most
42% for intervention with the AI injections. The negative scenario (decrease in effectivity of 50%)
costs of a 6-week course of P-NMES treatment were are presented in Figure 2, but the trend remains the
estimated at e2,041, compared to e164 for a fitted same. The results of long-term cost-effectiveness
sling and e98 for three AI injections. The results of seem to be stable and proof against both changes in
calculated ICER are presented in the text, and the costs and changes in the effectiveness of the
results for both modeled and calculated costs are intervention and less than e20,000 between 1 and
presented in Table II. The incremental costs per 2 years after the intervention with P-NMES.
successfully treated patient with P-NMES are e6,268
when compared to IA injections, and e4,171 for P-
NMES compared to slings.
The first and most important conclusion that can be
Cost QALY assessment. The average gain in the drawn from this study is that although P-NMES
Qol 24 weeks after intervention with P-NMES is more costly compared to the alternative interven-
treatment was 0.089 (8.9%) in the Dutch trial. The tions, it also seems to be more effective in the
increase in QALY as a result of treatment with treatment of HSP. The incremental cost of P-NMES
AI injections was estimated to be 0.0309 (3%) and, is e6,000 per patient treated successfully and an
as a result of treatment with slings it was 0.017 (2%). incremental e30,000 per QALY gained. However,
The ICER for P-NMES when compared to IA no gold standard exists for cost-effectiveness analysis
injections is estimated at e32,821 and when [30]. In general, cost-effectiveness (cost/QALY) of
P-NMES is compared to slings the ICER is e20,000 – 40,000/QALY is consistent with that of
estimated at e27,085. other society-funded medical programs [31]. A cost

Table II. The calculated (c) and modelled (m) short-term analysis data. The average costs, average effectiveness and average 1-year QALY
gain for each individual treatment options are presented. Using both the effectiveness results and the QALY gain data are used to calculate
cost-effectiveness results.

Cost-effectiveness of Average cost of Effectiveness of One year QALY Incremental Incremental cost-effectiveness
P-NMES treatment (e) treatment (%) gain of treatment cost-effectiveness ratio (QALY) ratio

p-NMES C 2041 73 0.0893

M 2036 73 0.0891
sd. 2.76 6 0.003
IA-Injection C 98 42 0.0301 6,268 32,821
M 100 37 0.0309 6,061 33,997
sd. 0.03 9 0.008 3,285 5,434
Slings C 164 28 0.02 4,171 27,085
M 210 20 0.017 3,587 25,605
sd. 1.43 7.5 0.006 799 2,660
Economic evaluation of P-NMES 649

Figure 1. Sensitivity analysis. The influence of uncertainty of both costs and QALY gain on first year cost-effectiveness results is presented. It
can be seen that although there is some change in cost-effectiveness due to the modelled uncertainty in costs and QALY gain, the changes are
minor and do not influence cost-effectiveness of P-NMES as a whole.

Figure 2. Future year analysis. The modelled future year development in cost-effectiveness of P-NMES, compared to injections and slings, is
presented against varying declines in effectiveness. Irrespective of assumed declines in effectiveness, all comparisons drop below the e20,000
cut-off point between 1 and 2 years after the intervention.
650 J. A. van Til et al.

of 5e20,000/QALY would be considered as parti- earlier intervention with P-NMES would lead to a
cularly cost-effective, while a cost of 4e60,000/ decreased the utilization of resources after treat-
QALY would be considered expensive. Therefore, ment, earlier recovery and earlier discharge from
the incremental costs of P-NMES fall below the hospital. There are no medical reasons that prohibit
e40,000/QALY threshold. In the long-term analysis earlier intervention with p-NMES, but the difficulty
the incremental costs of P-NMES fall below the lies in identifying the patient subgroup most at risk
particularly cost-effective threshold of e20.000/ of developing chronic HSP.
QALY between 1 and 2 years after the intervention. In conclusion, although more expensive than the
Both the effectivity and cost estimates resulting from alternative interventions, based on both short- and
this economic evaluation must be interpreted with long-term economic evaluation, P-NMES seems to
caution, as a result of the preliminary nature of this be cost-effective in the treatment of HSP. P-NMES
analysis. Data on the effectivity of treatment options intervention thereby seems to be justified for
are mainly obtained either from small trials patients with chronic HSP, moreover because
[9,10,19,26] or from slightly larger randomized P-NMES is the only treatment option left for the
controlled trials [11]. Moreover, the data on the patients in this extensively treated group. Future
costs of all interventions and the estimates of QALY research should aim at identifying the subgroup of
gained from the alternative interventions are based patients with acute HSP who are most at risk of
on assumptions, although plausible, made by the developing chronic HSP. This would enable inter-
authors of the article in discussions with the medical vention with P-NMES in an acute stage, resulting
staff of the local rehabilitation center. To investigate in possible cost savings. Outcome measures for
the influence of uncertainty on both costs and future studies should include a reliable measure for
effectivity, a sensitivity analysis was performed to pain, an index for health-related QoL and a
study the effect of varying effectivity and costs on the sensitive measure for motor function. Based on this
results. This effect seems to be negligible, and it can study, an extensive stage IV budget-impact study
be concluded from this preliminary analysis that the [12] is justified, alongside a randomized controlled
use of P-NMES in the treatment of HSP seems to be trial of P-NMES intervention for patients with both
cost-effective. acute and chronic HSP.
One difficulty that is encountered when interpret-
ing the results of this study is the categorization of
patients with acute and chronic HSP. No accurate
comparison can be made between P-NMES and This research was sponsored by NeuroControl
alternative interventions, because they are each Corporation (NCC), Cleveland, Ohio. NCC intends
intended for different stages of HSP. As yet, to commercialize the device evaluated in this paper.
P-NMES has only been studied in the treatment of NCC had no influence at all in relation to this work.
patients with chronic HSP, which the majority of NCC provided financial support for the execution
whom have already received most treatment options of this study and allowed a discount on the purchase
available with no lasting results, and their shoulder of P-NMES devices for the clinical trial that was
pain has therefore become chronic. For these performed in our rehabilitation center.
patients, P-NMES might be the only remaining
treatment option.
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