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COVID – 19

In general there are 3 general symptoms that can indicate someone is infected with the
Corona virus, namely:
 Fever (body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius)

 Cough

 Out of breath

Until now, there is no vaccine to prevent Corona virus infection or COVID-19.

Therefore, the best preventive way is to avoid the factors that can cause you to be infected
with this virus, namely:
 Bring your own shopping
Menggunakan tas jinjing sendiri berarti Anda lidak mendorong gerobak alau membawa

keranjang yang disentuh oleh puluhan orang lainnya.

 Maintain physical contact
Maintaining social distance is a loving way to protect people in vulnerable demographics,

such as elderly relatives and those who have healthy kormaları.

 Stop holding cash
Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can not be treated, but there are some steps that
doctors can take to reduce symptoms and prevent the spread of the virus, namely:

 Refer COVID-19 sufferers to undergo treatment and caratina at the designated hospital
 Provide fever and pain relievers that are safe and in accordance with the patient's condition
 Encourage sufferers of COVID-19 to get enough rest
 Encourage sufferers of COVID-19 to drink lots of water to maintain body fluid levels

Viral Drone Residents Out of the House When Corona, This is the

Jakarta- On social media circulated a video of a drone shooting at residents with fireworks.
The drone was said to be firing on Malaysians who remained out during the Corona virus
prevention lockdown. What are the facts?
In the video seen by AFP on Sunday (22/3), the video shows a drone that fired on
residents with fireworks. The video was uploaded in the TikTok application and was slipped
with someone's voice in Malay.
The video has a narration that this happened in Malaysia. The Malaysian army is said to
have shot at residents who were still leaving despite calls to remain at home because of the
Corona outbreak.
In fact, the incident did not occur in Malaysia, but in Brazil. The video has been
circulating since July 2019.

As reported by AFP Fact Check, the video has been watched millions of times on
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. In 2019, the video was said to contain the event of a drone
launching fireworks in a house after the chaos over a liquor party.
The video shows the action carried out by a Brazilian influencer with his friends in Brazil.
This video was uploaded on July 16, 2019.
Nevertheless, the Malaysian government has indeed mobilized the army to bring order to
the people. After the lockdown was set on Wednesday (3/18/2020), residents were seen still
doing activities outside the home as usual. The government's call for citizens not to leave
their homes feels ignored by some Malaysians.
Until finally, Friday (20/3), Malaysian authorities sent down troops to discipline their
citizens about the lockdown rule. The deployment of the army was carried out because many
Malaysians violated the isolation rules that were now in place.

Explanation text
Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus
that attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-
19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), better known as the
Corona virus, is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can
affect anyone, both infants, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing
This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan,
China, at the end of December 2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other
regions in China and to several countries, including Indonesia.
Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system. In many
cases, this virus only causes mild respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can
also cause severe respiratory infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia), Middle-East
Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can cause sufferers to experience flu symptoms, such
as fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and headache; or symptoms of severe respiratory
infections, such as high fever, cough with phlegm and even bleeding, shortness of breath,
and chest pain.
Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can cause sufferers to experience flu symptoms, such
as fever, runny nose, cough, afternoon throat, and headache; or symptoms of severe
respiratory infections, such as high fever, cough with phlegm and even bleeding, shortness
of breath, and chest pain.
Corona virus infection or COVID-19 is caused by coronavirus, which is a group of viruses
that infect the respiratory system. In most cases, coronaviruses only cause mild to
moderate respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe
respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
It is suspected that the Corona virus was initially transmitted from animals to humans.
However, it was later discovered that the Corona virus was also transmitted from human to
To determine whether the patient is infected with the Corona virus, the doctor will ask
about the symptoms experienced by the patient. The doctor will also ask if the patient is
traveling or living in an area that has a case of Corona virus infection before symptoms
Until now, there is no vaccine to prevent Corona virus infection or COVID-19. Therefore,
the best preventive way is to avoid the factors that can cause you to be infected with this
virus, namely:

 Avoid traveling to public places that are crowded with visitors (social distancing).
 Use a mask when on the move in public places or crowds.
 Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitizer containing at least
60% alcohol after doing activities outside the home or in public places.
 Do not touch the eyes, mouth and nose before washing hands.
For people suspected of being affected by COVID-19 or included in the ODP
(monitored person) category, there are steps that can be taken so that the Corona
virus is not transmitted to others, namely:
 Do not leave the house, except for treatment.
 Check with your doctor only if you experience symptoms of respiratory distress
accompanied by fever or meet PDP criteria (the patient is under surveillance).
 Try to stay apart from other people for a while. If it is not possible, use a bedroom
and bathroom that is different from what others use.
 Prohibit and prevent others from visiting or visiting you until you are completely

REPORT TEXT - Paolo Maldini, Daniel Maldini, and Dybala became three of

thousands of the latest active cases of the corona virus in Italy on Saturday
(3/21/2020) or early Sunday morning WIB.
The number of cases in Italy until Sunday morning WIB reached 53,578. The
second highest after China, namely 81,054 cases.
However, Italy became the country in the world that experienced the highest
mortality rate due to the covid-19 outbreak. The death toll from Covid-19 in Italy
reached 4,825 until Sunday morning WIB. That number exceeds what happened in
China, which is 3,261 people.
The addition of mortality in Italy is also the highest in the world, which is almost
reached 800 people on Saturday (3/21/2020) local time. To be exact, 793 people
The number is predicted to continue to grow considering the addition of active
cases of the corona virus in Pizza Country is also increasing.
The increase is estimated due to the behavior of thousands of citizens of the city
of Rome and local government policies that are felt to be indecisive.
Italy actually has implemented a lockdown or restrictions on the movement of the
The Italian League and all sports competitions in the country have also been
However, awareness and commitment of some parties have not been so strong.
Some of the clubs participating in the Italian League such as Napoli and Lazio
even insisted on holding their routine training in the midst of the corona virus.
In fact, news circulating, another Italian League club, Sampdoria, closed related to
the actual number of players infected with the corona virus.
"I also made direct contact with a teammate who was positive for the corona
virus," Sampdoria player Jakub Jankto was quoted as saying by Football Italia.
"At the moment there are 15 people infected with the corona virus in the club,
but that number could increase," he added.
However, Sampdoria only reported seven.
Seeing other clubs like Juventus, they gave their four players permission to leave
the quarantine period to return to their respective homelands.
They include Douglas Costa (Brazil) following Gonzalo Higuain (Argentina),
Miralem Pjanic (Bosnia-Herzegovina), and Sami Khedira (Germany).
In fact, this step is quite risky because they are considered as carriers or carriers of
the virus from countries that apply lockdown.
Despite this, the corona virus slowly seems to "kill" football in Italy, even the
The outbreak of important people in football like Paolo Dybala, Daniel Maldini,
and Paolo Maldini should be an alarm for all people of the world.


Jokowi Ensures Indonesia Will Not Have a Lockdown Due To Corona

Jakarta-President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) confirmed that he would not take a
lockdown step amid the increasingly massive Corona virus (COVID-19) spread. This
was stated by the Head of BNPB and Chairman of the 19th COVID Handling Task
Force Doni Monardo.
Doni said Jokowi had instructed him not to not take the lockdown step. According
to him, the statement had become a decision of the Indonesian government.
"Once again I emphasize, the government in this case President Jokowi who has
also given instructions to the head of the task force will not have a lockdown," said
Doni as seen by AFP in a video upload on the Twitter account of the Head of the Data
Center for Disaster Information and Communication, Agus Wibowo, Sunday
"So that my answer might become a certainty for all components of society
including colleagues, friends from various countries now in Indonesia, especially in
Jakarta," continued Doni.
As is known, the government is updating data on Corona virus cases (COVID-19)
on a national scale. The latest data shows that there are 81 Corona positive
"There are 81 new cases added, so that a total of 450 people," said a government
spokesman for the handling of the Corona virus, Achmad Yurianto, at a press
conference at BNPB, East Jakarta, Saturday (21/3).
The total cases of Indonesian citizens hit by Corona in Indonesia were collected
by the government from Friday (3/20) to Saturday (3/21) this afternoon. Corona's
positive cases are scattered in several points in Indonesia.
There are additional patients who recovered to 4 people. The total cases
recovered were 20 cases.
"Then there was an additional number of cases twice stated negative
examination, clinical improvement and recovery of 4, a total recovery of 20," he said.
While for positive patients Corona who died increased by 6 people to a total of
38 people.

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