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Climate change Edyth Chou TA2A

First of all, climate change and global warming. There is an important difference between those
two concepts. It is global warming that causes climate change. As the earth’s temperature rises
more than it normally would, the climate differs.
We human beings affect our planet’s climate. Climate change is a problem since a very long
time ago. How can we change this?
If we all help a little the climate will be better than before. If we change the way of transport,
like walking, cycling to nearby places we reduce the greenhouse effect and the waste gases in
the atmosphere.

Another thing is that, as the global temperature increases, we human beings and all other
animals will find it harder to adapt to changes of the climate. The world is already experiencing
changes in average temperature. The faster the climate changes, and the longer adaptation
efforts are put off, the more difficult it will be.
Year after year the temperature records are breaking. This brings big disastrous consequences,
endangering the survival of the Earth’s animals and human beings.
This causes big forest fires in Australia due the dry air in the sky, which is one consequence of
rising temperature.
Climate scientists warn of the rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere will cause an increase in the
number and intensity of heatwaves in many places of the world. But a new study is cautioning
that climate change will also significantly increase humidity, causing the effects of these

The changes of our planet’s climate is in our hands we all can do something small to change.
That will make a better world.
Thanks you for listening!

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