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Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________

Gr/Sec: _____________________ Score: ___________

I. True or False. Write FACT if the statement is correct, if not, underline the statement that
made it incorrect and write the correct phrase on the space provided. (2 points each)

______________________1. Riddles and proverbs are the simplest form of written literature.
______________________2. Colloquialism is considered as non-standard language.
______________________3. Slang is used by members of some limited group---teenagers, ethnic
groups or professions.
______________________4. Proverbs are questions created as a problem to be solved or guessed.
______________________5. Proverbs, Riddles, Tanaga are examples of Folk Narratives.
______________________6. Folk Songs reflect the various aspects of life and activities of the ancient
______________________7. Dewey Decimal is a collection of cards that provide information about
______________________8. Myths are short stories that have animal characters.
______________________9. A search engine is a website that collects and organizes content from all
over the internet.
______________________10. Folk Songs are stories from the remote past handed down by word of
mouth from one generation to the next.

II. Choose the major classes or topics in the following numerical system. Write your answers on the
blank provided.

Science General Works Arts and Recreation Technology

Philosophy and Psychology Social Sciences
Literature Religion History and Geography Language

_________________1. 700-799 ______________________6. 100-199

_________________2. 000-099 ______________________7. 300-399
_________________3. 500-599 ______________________8. 400-499
_________________4. 200-299 ______________________9. 600-699
_________________5. 900-999 ______________________10. 800-899

III. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. He created the Dewey Decimal System.

a. Melvin Dewey b. Melvil Dewey c. John Dewey
2. It is an example of search engine.
a. Google b. Microsoft c. facebook
3. It is a place where students can borrow books.
a. school b. study hall c. library
4. Kalusan is an owing song from what province?
a. Jolo b. Batanes c. Ilocos
5. Dung-aw is a _____________ chant.
a. ritualistic b. lullaby c. death
6. It is a folk song that talks about goodbye/farewell.
a. Dung-aw b. Bari-bari c. Dandansoy
7. It is a folk song chants to help sleep the baby.
a. Hele or Oyayi b. Tabe Nona c. Kalusan
8. They are spontaneous outburst of the lyric feeling from the soul of the people.
a. Folk Speeches b. Folk Songs c. Folk Narratives
9. These are stories that explain about actions of gods, exploits if heroes or the elements of nature’s
a. legend b. myths c. folktales
10. These are two vowel sounds pronounced as one syllable.
a. Diphtongs b. Vowels c. Consonants
IV. A. Choose the IPA symbol for each words. B. Choose the diphthong sounds present in each
Write your answer on the space provided for each words.
number. a. ai b. ei c. oi
a. ε b.æ c. e∫ . d. ou e. au
d. I e. i
__________1. weight __________1. ghost
__________2. land __________2. plow
__________3. leather __________3. replace
__________4. Field __________4. mine
__________5 . tip __________5 . toy

V. Underline the slang word/colloquial pairs or expression in each sentence.

1. My friends are awesome 6. Let’s take a selfie.
2. I like his new red wheels. 7. She’s sick and tired of her boss.
3. I’ve been running to and fro all day long. 8. The teacher shouted “buzz off!”
4. It takes a lot of guts to stand for what you believe in. 9. They wanna go home early.
5. I ain’t interested in joining declamation. 10. Gotta go. See ya!

IV. Upward if its rising and downward if its falling.

________________1. She is beautiful.
________________2. How much is this mug?
________________3. Do you love music?
________________4.Get your book.
________________5. One cup of coffee, please?

VII. Underline the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. The boys ( walk, walks ) to school every day.
2. She (step, steps) down from her position.
3. Everybody (was,were) asked to remain quiet.
4. Each of my brothers (wants, want) to enrol in a swimming class.
5. Martha, with her two friends (is, are) playing doll house.
6. Nobody in the class ( has, have) the answer.
7. Bob and George (is,are) leaving
8.The paper in those boxes (is, are) for the copy machine.
9.Both of my friends (is, are) practicing tonight.
10. The coach, as well as the fans, (was,were) disappointed in the team’s performance.
11. The dog or the cats (is, are) always howling.
12. Macaroni and cheese (taste, tastes) good when it’s hot.
13. Neither the owner nor the manager ( has signed, have signed) yet.
14. (Has, have) you and she chosen courses in college?
15. Stephen (wish, wishes) he was more athletic.
16. The officer and his bodyguard (takes, take) taxi.
17. Economics (is, are) very crucial issue.
18. Everybody (plays, play) the piano.
19. Both (take, take) music lessons.
20. The news of his death ( was,were) a surprise to everyone.
21. Eyeglasses (was prescribed, were prescribed) by Rachel’s ophthalmologist.
22. Some of the boys (eats, eat) pizza every week.
23. Linda, one of my good friends, (visit, visits) England every year.
24. Most (is, are) coming to the play.
25. Others (has, have) never ridden pedicabs.
26. Everybody (cheers, cheer) when Benny scores a basket.
27. Ham and egg (is, are) a popular dish.
28. We (float, floats) in the pool.
29. Several of the students (is, are) not listening.
30. Few (agree, agrees) with the choice that was made by the judges.

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