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The ant and the grasshopper


Audio 1 script
It was a beautiful hot summer’s day. In a corn field, a grasshopper was having
a good time hopping about and singing. He was very happy. Then an ant
walked by. The ant was walking very slowly because she had found a big
piece of corn and was carrying it back to her home.

Audio 2 script
“Where are you off to with that heavy thin?” asked the grasshopper.
Without stopping, the ant replied, “To out and hill. This is the third piece of
corn I’ve delivered today.” “Why not come and sing with me,” said the
grasshopper, “instead of working so hard?” “I am helping to store food for
the winter,” said the ant, “and think you should do the same.” “Why worry
about winter?” said the grasshopper, “We have plenty of food right now.”
The ant didn’t pay any attention to the grasshopper and continued to collect
food and bring it home.

Audio 3 script
The weather soon turned cold. All the fields were covered with thick snow.
Even the grasshopper could not dig through the snow. Soon the grasshopper
started to get really hungry. He went to the ants and saw them eating the
corn they had collected in the summer. “Please, can you give me some
food?” asked the grasshopper. “No, we don’t have enough for you,” said the

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