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Therapeutic processes aimed at treating deteriorating in vitro diagnostic device have mostly been

used to aid in merging of interbodies after surgical removal of parts of the body, which has resulted
in no functionality of the affected part that has been removed ,and in less circumstances to cure the
deteriorated , intervertebral disc .This conflict is majorly caused by the distinct properties of that
particular disc and the changes it undergoes when degenerating which limit significantly the range of
possible approaches. Additionally, contradicting knowledge and oftenly little knowledge about cell
biology will occasionally complicate the different biological approaches. The different techniques
developed to overcome the difficulties and to biologically treat degenerated IVD have been
discussed in this article. The main similarity in this techniques is the aim to ensure fully delivery of
the biologically active factors to the disc that should conserve the existing state of the tissue which
has been affected. The nature of the specific active factor is then defined by our knowledge of the
molecular mechanisms active in the disc during the several stage of degeneration.

The best and more straightforward method that ensures sustained delivery of the active substance
to the disc cells will be directly injecting the active substance into the disc cell as shown in figure
3.Though applying directly of the beneficial factors such as protein like growth factors ,cytokines or
anabolic enzymes ,has been mostly used in vitro, few studies have been developed to attempt this
research in vivo. Encouraging results have been reported after injecting rabbit lumbar IVD in vivo
with a growth factor that belongs to the TGF-B super family and this growth factor is called
osteogenic protein-1.Direct injection of OP-1 resulted in increased synthesis of proteoglycan and
disc height restoration which was stable even up to 8 weeks after that injection. In addition, this
studies also demonstrated that OP-1 injection was capable of inhibiting pain –related behaviour in a
rat interverterbral disc degeneration model. Though these studies demonstrated the possibility of
injecting directly into the disc, this method had its own limits since the disc cells present must be
numerous, healthy and be able to respond effectively and to a short term impulse. By putting into
consideration the declining viability and synthetic activity of the human cells during progressing
degeneration, direct injection is mostly limited to mildly degenerated discs. Since the mildly
degenerated discs will mostly be found in younger individuals then just a temporary regeneration of
the disc might not counteract the intervention. The short follow –up time common to the current
studies (up to 8 weeks )is limiting the conclusions regarding of how this technique applies to human
beings. For further studies we will need that we also include animal models that have at least IVD
that can be compared to the human state, especially by distinctly looking at the cell density and the
cell population and lastly the mechanical loading.

These injection techniques have commonly experienced short term effect which ceases only when
the initially injected material has been used up or has been diffused and thus lost. Production of the
factor of choice or including of the substances in a pharmacological slow-release system will be
essential in providing the disc with a continuous and maintained supply of the beneficial factors.
Considering this ,it is good to say that combining of both growth factor injection and matrix
replenishment by a disc solution might be the only way to obtain a sustained improvement of the
degenerated discs and might also expand the limitation regarding its application to various grades
of degeneration.

Not until about ten years ago, there has been few theories about food addiction science ,but there
has been no hard evidence to support these theories that food addiction actually exists. Doctors and
scientists were not easy to convince about these theories as most did not believe. Nowadays, this is
not the case since there has been large amounts of evidence in the medical literatures that has
established this phenomenon.

The research on food addiction has been done extensively and the various findings obtained from
this research are now appearing in most medical journals just to prove that people getting addicted
to food actually exists. Though most of this studies are specifically on the disease of obesity and not
actually food addiction. In various cases ,obesity has been said to be as a result of eating disorder
which then results to that disease.

Hence food addiction cannot be termed as obesity as this is just like branding alcoholism to be either
drug addiction or drunkenness which are too different issues since drug addiction is as a result of
trauma. A research has described obesity as a result of dependency on certain chemicals and this
has also described various other eating diseases such as binge and bulimia. This studies showed
similar results to the studies done on drug addiction and alcoholism as this were also as a result of
dependency on certain chemicals. This is to say that food dependency is slowly catching up to other
addictions. This studies that stated the two addictions were as a result of food addiction were both
recognized by the American medical association and also the American Psychiatric Association.

In the last ten years ,just when this obesity epidemic became rampant in various states of the united
states, various research institutions are determined to identify the root causes of this eating disorder
and some actually have begun analysing whether food addiction is the root cause or not. This
research has brought us new evidence in supporting food dependency as the cause of addiction. The
major areas where this research is performed include the following areas :in the field of brain
imaging, cross addiction, serotonin malfunction ,overstimulation of the endorphin and genetics .By
carefully analysing each area mentioned above it is evident that any person’s body can eventually
become addicted to a certain food .


Various contributions of medicine and science in researching on alcoholism have greatly improved
our mere comprehension about alcoholism . Nowadays, we are now trying to fathom as to how
different biological forces have an impact on both human and animals behaviours. It is therefore
very easy to understand the chemistry around addiction when we try to consider and understand
that our bodies are programmed to pursue and always experience repetitive pleasurable
experiences. Nevertheless, we must always note that we are not bound to our biology .In the
classical story of Peter pan it is depicted that immoderate pursuit of pleasure actually represents a
certain distinct type of developmental immaturity. It is worthy noting that the socio-cultural,
psychological and spiritual factors will determine whether we mature beyond our biological
limitations .People with those certain types of addiction such as alcoholism have been occasionally
viewed as being selfish .These people seem to behave badly in front of others .These people will
always tell others that willpower is not enough. We come to understand our biological make-up
explains so.
Neurobiological research advancements have tried to make us view addiction in a totally different
way. We have come to know that addiction is no longer problematic substance use and that certain
activities such as sex ,gambling and many others can also be addictive. This is because addiction is a
problem caused by brain functioning. We will become addicted to the chemicals that our brain
releases but not the activity or substance that causes this release. The genetics of our body will
greatly determine the functioning of our brain.

It therefore very important to understand whether we should reduce our addiction to a “chronic
brain illness”. However ,there is still a great evidence that there is a genetic component to addiction.
It is crystal clear that addiction does not develop just because a person is weak willed or not. Those
people addicted to certain activities or substances do not choose their genetics and will not at any
circumstances control any addiction that befalls them.


It has always been shown that through exercises a persons health improves. People will engage in
various physical activities just for various reasons one of them being to improve their health. For
some health is their only priority for exercising while for others it may be on body building especially
building of the muscles and also gaining endurance. Good exercise will involve well structured,
planned and repetitive bodily movement just to maintain fitness physically. It is good to note that
exercise should be beneficial and excessive exercises can also be dangerous and can also lead to

Just like drug addiction exercise addiction has some characteristics such as lack of control,
withdrawal effects, intention effects among others.

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