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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

review article
Julie R. Ingelfinger, M.D., Editor

Scorpion Envenomation
Geoffrey K. Isbister, M.B., B.S., M.D.,
and Himmatrao Saluba Bawaskar, M.B., B.S., M.D.

very year, more than 1 million cases of scorpion envenomation From the School of Medicine and Public
are reported worldwide.1 Although the resultant mortality is lower than that Health, University of Newcastle and Calvary
Mater Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW, Aus-
from snake envenomation, there is substantial morbidity and, among children, tralia (G.K.I.); and the Bawaskar Hospital
a risk of death. Almost all systemic scorpion envenomation causes pain at the site of and Research Centre, Mahad, Dist-Raigad,
the sting. A mixed autonomic excitation (neuroexcitatory) syndrome that is unique Maharashtra, India (H.S.B.). Address re-
print requests to Dr. Isbister at the
to scorpions follows; the syndrome varies in type and severity according to the type Department of Clinical Toxicology and
of scorpion.2-4 In addition, a cytotoxic envenomation syndrome has been reported Pharmacology, Calvary Mater Newcastle,
in areas of Iran in which Hemiscorpius lepturus is endemic.5 Edith St., Waratah, NSW 2298, Australia,
or at
N Engl J Med 2014;371:457-63.
Epidemiol o gy DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1401108
Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Although millions of scorpion stings occur annually,1 most cases are minor, with
localized pain and minimal systemic involvement.6,7 However, severe envenomation
is a major public health problem in certain parts of the world — Central and South
America, North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. Most scorpions that cause
serious medical problems belong to the Buthidae family, which includes scorpions
from the genera leiurus in the Near and Middle East, androctonus and buthus in
North Africa, tityus in South America, centruroides in North and Central America,
mesobuthus in Asia (especially India), and parabuthus in South Africa (for further
information on several species in these genera, see Table S1 in the Supplementary
Appendix, available with the full text of this article at
In Mexico, probably hundreds of thousands of stings by centruroides scorpions
occur each year. Similar numbers of cases occur in other areas where scorpions
are endemic (e.g., in Tunisia2 and other parts of North Africa and in India8).

Mech a nisms of En v enom at ion a nd Pathoph ysiol o gy

Scorpions have a stinger (or telson) in their tail (terminal segment) that contains
venom glands. The scorpion hooks the tail over its body, which allows the stinger
to penetrate the skin and inject venom. Numerous toxins have been identified in
scorpion venoms, most of which are small peptide toxins that target ion channels
found in both mammals and insects.9 The toxins that have the greatest medical
consequence are the scorpion α-toxins, which consist of 61 to 76 polypeptides that
bind to a specific site on the mammalian voltage-gated sodium channel. Once the
toxin binds to a site, it inhibits the inactivation of the channel, which results in
prolonged depolarization and, hence, neuronal excitation. Other toxins in scorpion
venom act on potassium and calcium channels, but these toxins appear to be less
important in human envenomation.9
Neuronal excitation stimulates autonomic centers, both sympathetic and para-
sympathetic, which results in autonomic excitation.9 In addition, scorpion α-toxins
cause massive endogenous release of the catecholamines epinephrine and norepi-
nephrine, as well as other vasoactive peptide hormones, such as neuropeptide Y and
endothelin-1.10 As compared with sympathetic effects, parasympathetic effects are

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

less severe; when they occur, they are often seen by neuromuscular abnormalities resulting from
soon after the sting, and they may contribute to effects on the somatic and cranial nerves, both
respiratory impairment. In contrast, the combi- cholinergic and adrenergic excitation of the auto-
nation of sympathetic excitation and the release nomic nervous system, pulmonary edema, and
of catecholamine in plasma causes the majority of cardiac effects (Fig. 1). Most multiorgan clinical
the severe systemic effects, including myocardial manifestations are caused by neuronal excitation
injury, pulmonary edema, and cardiogenic shock and neurotransmitter release. The clinical effects
(Fig. 1). There is an initial increase in blood pres- of stings by various genera of scorpions are re-
sure and cardiac output, followed by decreasing left viewed elsewhere.2,4,8,12-16
ventricular function and hypotension. The mecha-
nisms of cardiac dysfunction and pulmonary ede- Autonomic Effects
ma after scorpion envenomation are complex, but Excitation of the autonomic nervous system is
they appear to result from a combination of cat- characterized by both parasympathetic and sym-
echolamine-induced myocarditis and myocardial pathetic responses. Parasympathetic, cholinergic
ischemia (coronary vasoconstriction) and, possi- effects may include hypersalivation, profuse dia-
bly, a direct effect of toxin on the myocardium.11 phoresis, lacrimation, miosis, diarrhea, vomiting,
The direct effects of scorpion toxins on the bradycardia, hypotension, increased respiratory
neuronal sodium channels of the somatic and secretions, and priapism. Sympathetic, adrenergic
cranial nervous system cause the classic neuro- effects include tachycardia, hypertension, mydri-
muscular excitation seen after stings by scorpions asis, hyperthermia, hyperglycemia, agitation, and
in the Americas, such as centruroides species. restlessness. Whereas most parasympathetic ef-
Central nervous system effects are uncommon fects tend to occur early, sympathetic effects per-
and are generally related to the effects of severe sist because of the release of catecholamines and
envenomation because the toxins cannot cross are responsible for severe envenomation.
the blood–brain barrier.
Cardiovascular Effects
A range of cardiac conduction abnormalities oc-
Cl inic a l M a nife s tat ions
of Sc or pion S t ings cur in about one third to one half of patients
with systemic envenomation. These effects in-
clude atrial tachycardia, ventricular extrasystoles,
General Characteristics T-wave inversion, ST-T wave changes, and, less
Despite the variety of scorpions found worldwide, frequently, bundle-branch block.3,15 Increased auto-
systemic envenomation is characterized by rela- nomic stimulation caused by increased vagal ef-
tively similar neurotoxic excitation syndromes, fects on the heart and sympathetic stimulation are
irrespective of the species, although some differ- the probable causes of these effects (Fig. 1).
ences do exist. Centruroides and parabuthus scor- Hypertension is common and occurs early in
pions are associated primarily with neuromuscu- response to sympathetic stimulation. Hypotension
lar toxicity,12 whereas severe envenomation from is less common, occurs with the development of
androctonus, buthus, and mesobuthus scorpions severe envenomation, and often requires interven-
is associated with cardiovascular toxicity, which tion with vasopressors and fluid resuscitation.
results from hyperstimulation of autonomic cen- Many factors are at play in the development of
ters and the release of catecholamines (Table S1 in hypotension, with cholinergic stimulation causing
the Supplementary Appendix).2,8 vasodilation, fluid loss, and myocardial depression.
Most scorpion stings cause localized pain, Cardiac dysfunction resulting from cate­
whereas only an estimated 10% of stings, even cholamine-induced myocarditis and myocardial
from the most dangerous scorpions, result in se- ischemia complicates severe envenomation from
vere systemic envenomation. Edema, erythema, androctonus, buthus, mesobuthus, and tityus
paresthesias, muscle fasciculations, and numb- scorpions.8,17 This complication may result in
ness may occur at the site of the sting. It is often pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock.11,15,17
difficult to see the sting site or to identify in-
flammation at the site, despite substantial local Neurologic Effects
pain. Most cases of severe envenomation occur in Stimulation of the peripheral nervous system re-
children. Systemic envenomation is characterized sults in uncoordinated neuromuscular activity

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Scorpion Envenomation

Scorpion envenomation
(α-toxins and other toxins)

Adrenergic excess Cholinergic excess Neuromuscular

(sympathetic effects) (parasympathetic effects) excitation

Tachycardia Mydriasis Myocarditis Bradycardia Vomiting ↑Bronchial Oculomotor Uncoordinated

Hypertension Irritability Vasodilation Diaphoresis secretions abnormalities neuromuscular
Agitation Salivation Bronchospasm Visual disturbances activity
Seizures Lacrimation Muscle spasms
Miosis Paralysis

Cardiovascular effects

Bundle-branch block
Atrial tachyarrhythmia
Ventricular ectopy
T-wave changes

Myocardial Pulmonary edema



Multiorgan failure Death Respiratory failure

Figure 1. Pathophysiological and Clinical Effects of Systemic Scorpion Envenomation.

The effects of a scorpion sting on autonomic and neuromuscular activity are shown, as are the major effects of severe envenomation,

including pulmonary edema, myocardial depression, hypotension, and multiorgan failure. Some scorpion toxins may Drafthave
8 direct7/15/14
on body tissue, such as cardiac toxic effects. Author Isbister
Fig # 1
Title Scorpion Envenomation
that is manifested as wild flailing and thrashing and the arms and legs.12,18 Uncoordinated neuro-
DE Ingelfinger
of the limbs, abnormal oculomotor movements muscular activity contributes to respiratoryArtist
com-N Koscal
(e.g., roving eyes), visual disturbances, and muscle promise (Fig. 1). Neuromuscular excitation isbeenPlease
Figure has redrawn and type has been reset
check carefully

fasciculation and spasms of the face and tongue most commonly reported with envenomation by 7/31/2014
Issue date

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

centruroides scorpions12 but may also occur after symptoms were included in these classes without
stings from parabuthus and tityus species. reference to the pathophysiology of scorpion en-
venomation, and the report did not focus on treat-
Gastrointestinal Effects ment. Ideally, clinical grading should direct
Vomiting and abdominal pain are common after treatment. A simple approach based on previ-
scorpion stings, and increased gastric motility ously reported grading systems and interven-
and diarrhea are also reported. Many of these tions is provided in Table 1.
effects are due to cholinergic stimulation. Acute
pancreatitis has been reported with stings from Di agnos t ic In v e s t ig at ions
some scorpions, including Leiurus quinquestriatus
and tityus species.15,19 There are no specific diagnostic investigations
recommended for scorpion stings; in the majority
Cytotoxic Envenomation of cases, no investigation is required, particularly
A clinical syndrome that is distinct from typical in the many regions of the world where it is dif-
systemic envenomation occurs with stings from ficult to perform diagnostic tests. Investigations
the H. lepturus scorpion of Iran. Stings do not should focus on potential complications of scor-
cause immediate severe pain. Most cases are pion envenomation; for example, creatinine lev-
characterized by erythema and purpuric and bul- els should be measured to assess whether renal
lous lesions that resolve, but in about 20% of failure has occurred, and levels of pancreatic
cases there is delayed localized necrosis that de- enzymes should be measured to determine
velops over hours or days.5 Systemic features in- whether the sting has induced pancreatitis. Se-
clude nausea, vomiting, fever, minor autonomic rum scorpion venom levels have been measured
effects, direct hemolysis with hemoglobinuria, in a number of research studies, but such assays
and acute kidney injury that often necessitates are neither generally available nor useful in de-
dialysis.5 The syndrome appears to be similar to termining the appropriate treatment. In cases
that associated with bites by loxosceles spiders.20 of severe systemic envenomation, an electrocar-
diogram should be obtained when possible, since
Clinical Grading electrocardiographic abnormalities are fairly com-
Grading systems for scorpion envenomation are mon. Further investigation with echocardiogra-
available, but they differ from country to country. phy, assessment of serum markers of cardiac
A recent consensus report defined four classes of distress, and other investigations of the heart
scorpion envenomation: local, minor, major, and should be guided by the severity of the enven-
lethal.21 However, a large number of signs and omation and the resources available.

Table 1. Treatment of Scorpion Stings According to Clinical Grade.*

Clinical Grade
or Class Clinical Effects Treatment
1 Local effects only Analgesia, local anesthesia
2 Autonomic excitation Antivenom, prazosin
Agitation and anxiety Oral benzodiazepines
3 Pulmonary edema Admission to intensive care unit, noninvasive or
­mechanical ventilation, antivenom, vasodilators
(e.g., prazosin), in some cases nitroglycerin†‡
Hypotension and cardiogenic shock Antivenom, dobutamine infusion†
Severe neuromuscular excitation (associated Antivenom, benzodiazepine infusion†
with centruroides species)
4 Multiorgan failure, including coma, seizures, and Supportive care, mechanical ventilation, inotropes
end-organ damage caused by hypotension (e.g., dobutamine), benzo­diazepine infusion

* These data are based on a number of previously reported grading systems and interventions.8,11,12,14,21,22
† The benefit of antivenom is less clear when severe systemic envenomation is well established.1
‡ The role of intravenous vasodilators is not well defined; these drugs must be used with caution when administered to
patients with established hypotension and when administered in combination with dobutamine.2

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Scorpion Envenomation

ments is variable, and types of treatment appear

T r e atmen t of S t ings a nd to vary according to region.8 In severe envenom-
the En v enom at ion S y ndrome
ation, the standard intensive care treatment for
Numerous treatments have been recommended acute pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock ap-
for scorpion envenomation, including antivenom, pears to be appropriate and often includes the use
prazosin,8 inotropic agents,2 atropine, vasodilators, of inotropes and specific vasodilators (Tables 1
and benzodiazepines (Tables 1 and 2).12 However, and 2). Symptoms related to the site of the sting
the evidence for the effectiveness of most treat- should be managed with appropriate analgesia

Table 2. Treatments for Scorpion Envenomation, Effects, Indications, and Dosing.*

Treatment Effect Indications Suggested Dosing

Analgesic agent (acetamino- Provides pain relief and antiinflammato- Local pain Follow standard pediatric and
phen, ibuprofen) ry action; acetaminophen also has adult dosing for pain and fever
antipyretic effect.
Local anesthetic agent Provides relief from severe local pain Severe pain that does not Follow standard dosing of anes-
respond to analgesia thetic without epinephrine for
local wound infiltration, ad-
ministered at sting site
Antivenom Binds toxins and prevents them from Systemic envenomation Follow manufacturer’s instruc-
reaching target site; increases rate tions
of toxin elimination
Prazosin Decreases peripheral vascular resistance Indications of excess cat­ Administer 0.5 mg prazosin orally
without affecting cardiac output or echolamine, hyper­ every 3 hr (0.25 mg in chil-
heart rate or contributing to elevation tension dren)
of catecholamine levels
Dobutamine (or other inotrope) Treats cardiogenic shock and decreases Hypotension due to car- Administer 5–15 μg dobutamine/
in cardiac output resulting from ele- diogenic shock kg of body weight/min
vated catecholamine levels and myo-
cardial injury
Nitroglycerin Acts as vasodilator for treatment of pul- Pulmonary edema Administer 10 μg nitroglycerin/
monary edema; decreases preload min intravenously in adults,
and afterload through arteriolar dila- 1–4 μg/kg/hr in children; dou-
tion and venodilation ble rate every 5 min on basis
of clinical response, but main-
tain systolic blood pressure at
level >90 mm Hg
Benzodiazepine (e.g., midazol- Acts as an anticonvulsant and may be ef- Neuromuscular incoordi- For neuromuscular incoordina-
am, diazepam) fective for treatment of hypertension nation, sympathetic tion, initially administer mid-
associated with sympathetic excita- agitation and seizures azolam bolus intravenously,
tion; in cases of severe neuromuscu- 0.05–0.1 mg/kg, then com-
lar excitation, used for sedation and mence infusion at 0.1 mg/kg/
symptomatic relief (e.g., midazolam hr, adjusting dose to maintain
in patients with centruroides stings) light sleep; for sympathetic agi-
tation and seizures, administer
0.1–0.2 mg diazepam/kg orally
or 0.05–0.1 mg diazepam or
midazolam/kg intravenously
Atropine Acts as muscarinic receptor blocker to Severe bradycardia associ- Administer 0.5 mg atropine (0.02
ameliorate cholinergic effects of ated with hypotension mg/kg in children); dose can
sting, including bradycardia, early or cardiac decompen- be repeated if severe bradycar-
hypotension, and excessive sweating sation dia recurs
or salivation; can potentiate sympa-
thetic effects, including hypertension
Other vasodilator (e.g., hydrala- Decreases peripheral vascular resistance Not recommended be-
zine, captopril, nifedipine, and reduces hypertension, but evi- cause of potential ad-
sodium nitroprusside, clon- dence for use not strong and has po- verse effects
idine) tential adverse effects (e.g., sympa-
thetic stimulation, reflex tachycardia)

* Unless stated otherwise, dosing for adults and children is the same. The data were drawn from a number of sources.8,11,12,14,21,22

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

with acetaminophen and antiinflammatory agents, gestion that is supported by recent observational
depending on severity (Table 1). studies of antivenom after stings by centruroides
The use of antivenom for scorpion stings re- species.23,24 A cost-effectiveness analysis of the use
mains controversial, since the results of clinical of antivenom for scorpion envenomation in the
trials have been both negative and positive. A large United States showed that at its current price, anti-
study from Tunisia showed no benefit from the venom is not cost-effective and that its use should
routine administration of antivenom.6 However, be restricted to cases of severe envenomation.25
that trial did not include many cases of severe or However, once severe envenomation has devel-
systemic envenomation, in which antivenom would oped, the administration of antivenom may be less
be more likely to have beneficial effects. In con- effective, since its primary therapeutic action is to
trast, in a small North American clinical trial of bind toxins; it does not reverse established patho-
centruroides scorpion envenomation (15 patients), physiological injury, such as excess levels of cat-
neurotoxic effects of envenomation resolved with- echolamine, pulmonary edema, and cardiogenic
in 4 hours in all 8 patients who received antivenom shock.10 (A list of the major scorpion antivenoms
as compared with only 1 of 7 patients who received manufactured worldwide can be found at http://
placebo.12 In a randomized, open-label study in
India involving 70 patients who had been stung by
the red scorpion (Mesobuthus tamulus), the patients Sum m a r y
who received antivenom and prazosin had a more
rapid recovery than did those who received pra- Scorpion stings and envenomation are of clinical
zosin alone.8 A recent study of red scorpion en- importance worldwide, and although most stings
venomation in 50 children also compared the cause only local effects, severe envenomation that
use of antivenom and prazosin with prazosin causes either excessive autonomic activity and
alone and showed that the children who re- cardiovascular toxic effects or neuromuscular
ceived antivenom plus prazosin had a more toxic effects results in illness and, in the case of
rapid recovery (mean between-group difference, children, in death. The specific treatment is the
9 hours), were less likely to undergo progres- administration of antivenom combined with
sion to severe envenomation syndrome, and symptomatic and supportive treatment, includ-
needed less prazosin than the children who did ing prazosin and dobutamine in patients with
not receive antivenom.14 cardiovascular toxic effects and benzodiazepines
Although the evidence in favor of antivenom is when there is neuromuscular involvement.
heterogeneous, given the small size of the trials No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
with positive results and the different scorpion reported.
species across studies, the reports, when taken Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
together, suggest that administration of anti­ We thank Ingrid Berling for her assistance with the original
venom after a sting is of some benefit — a sug- version of Figure 1.

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