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I often imagine myself speaking in front of an audience, and making them all
listen to my speech with interest. I want to be a speaker on TV. For this
profession it is most important the first impression. First impression is the best
impression! Your body language speaks a lot, even before you actually start to
speak. Elegant clothes also gives you confidence in yourself, and the audience
will also be pleased to listen to you.
You must practice a lot, and to prepare yourself before your speech. You must
have confidence in yourself. The connection with the audience is so important,
so you must make that kind of a connection.

These are two separate things you are talking about, lets first talk about being a
good presenter:

Presenter: The requirements for this are pretty simple:

A neat and proper attire to describe your sociality, cheerful face beaming with
confidence and healthy style of walking.

Speaker: The requirements are very serious and could be vast too, demanding
inch-perfectness of each and every point:

1. Addressing the crowd - you need to speak eyes in eyes with your
listeners. Make eye-contacts with each and every one of them. Greet them
before you start and after you finish.
2. Patience - to have an ear for your listeners. The time for this is mostly
allocated after you stop, but even if someone starts midway your speech,
you should stop at the immediate point. After he will be done, either you
can answer his query or ask him to wait until you complete your speech.
3. Timely pause and breaks (the most important) - There is a defined way of
speaking which consists of timely pauses. You got to learn that. Without
perfecting this, your speech will never be termed as complete.
4. Voice - your voice should be as bold as possible. Clean and shake up
your throat as much as you want before you start but not once in between.
Remember, a bold voice can leave an everlasting impression on your
listeners even if your matter is not perfect.
5. Movement - try not to stand at one place and speak. Try moving around
the front portion of the stage. This will reflect your confidence and also
will portray your engagement to the gathering.

Made by Andrej Cilakov VII-3

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