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Impulse excitation apparatus to measure resonant frequencies, elastic

moduli, and internal friction at room and high temperature

G. Roebben, B. Bollen, A. Brebels, J. Van Humbeeck, and O. Van der Biest

Citation: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68, 4511 (1997); doi: 10.1063/1.1148422

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Impulse excitation apparatus to measure resonant frequencies, elastic
moduli, and internal friction at room and high temperature
G. Roebbena)
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, de Croylaan 2,
B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
B. Bollen
Integrated Material Control Engineering, Wetenschapspark 1, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
A. Brebels
C.I.T. vzw, Kleinhoefstraat 4, B-2440 Geel, Belgium
J. Van Humbeeck and O. Van der Biest
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, de Croylaan 2,
B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
~Received 28 April 1997; accepted for publication 3 September 1997!
This paper presents a new apparatus to measure elastic properties and internal friction of materials.
The apparatus excites the test specimen by a light mechanical impact ~impulse excitation! and
performs a software-based analysis of the resulting vibration. The resonant frequencies f r of the test
object are determined and, in the case of isotropic and regular shaped specimens, the elastic moduli
are calculated. The internal friction value (Q 21 ) is determined for each f r as Q 21 5k/( p f r ) with
k the exponential decay parameter of the vibration component of frequency f r . A furnace was
designed and equipped with automated impulse excitation and vibration detection devices, thus
allowing computer-controlled measurements at temperatures up to 1750 °C. The precision of the
measured f r depends on the size and stiffness of the specimen, and varies from the order of 1023
~that is 61 Hz at 1 kHz! in soft, high damping materials or light specimens, to values as precise as
1025 ~that is 60.1 Hz at 10 kHz! in larger or stiffer specimens. The highly reproducible Q 21
measurements are accurate whenever the relation Q 21 5k/( p f r ) holds. The precision of the Q 21
measurement depends on the suspension or support of the specimen, and on the specimen size. Since
external energy losses are relatively smaller for larger specimens, the lower limit of measurable Q 21
extends from 1023 for small specimens ~for example ,1 g! down to 1025 with increasing specimen
size. High temperature tests have shown that Q 21 can be monitored up to values of about 0.1.
© 1997 American Institute of Physics. @S0034-6748~97!00412-7#

I. INTRODUCTION class of materials to the other.3 In general, the hysteretic

A. Resonant frequencies, elastic moduli, and internal rearrangement of microstructural features upon application
friction of a dynamic load causes internal friction. Examples are the
motion of interstitial carbon atoms in steel, and oxygen va-
Solid objects have a characteristic set of mechanical cancies in zirconia crystals, the realignment of glass mol-
resonant frequencies ( f r ) which are related to the object’s ecules or polymer chains, and dislocation interface move-
mass, dimensions and elastic properties. In the case of mono- ment in crystalline solids. Also larger structural defects like
lithic, isotropic specimens of simple geometry, this relation cracks or delaminations can induce energy loss through fric-
is straightforward. Therefore, measurement of f r allows in- tion. An important feature of Q 21 in a homogeneous speci-
vestigation of the elastic properties E, G and n and their men is the fact that it is essentially independent of the geo-
changes as a function of microstructural or extensive para- metry of the solid. This means that Q 21 can be used in
meters such as temperature. For objects with complex process control as information additional to f r , which does
shapes, or made of anisotropic materials, or consisting of depend on the geometry of the object.
multiple components, the relation is not as simple. Neverthe-
B. The impulse excitation technique
less, f r can be measured to characterize the object numeri-
cally. Already in 1937 Förster recognized such resonance Several types of apparatus exist which measure the f r
frequency measurement as a powerful tool in quality and/or Q 21 of solid objects.4 Some of these systems rely on
control.1 an impulse excitation to induce the vibration: a light impact
The vibration can also be analyzed from the internal fric- is given to the specimen that, after a short transient period,
tion (Q 21 ) point of view,2 i.e., the dissipation of vibration will vibrate at one or more of its resonant frequencies.
energy in the specimen, or damping, or mechanical loss. This impulse excitation technique ~IET! is essentially
Q 21 can be deduced from the amplitude decay of a free non-destructive,5 can be applied at high temperatures and in
vibration. The microstructural origin of Q 21 varies from one aggressive atmospheres, and requires no special shape for the
tested specimen. IET has found world-wide acceptance both
in industry and research.5–10 This paper presents a new IET
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apparatus, available from IMCE ~see author’s affiliations!.

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 „12…, December 1997 0034-6748/97/68„12…/4511/5/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics 4511

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FIG. 1. Example: ~a! Flexural and ~b! torsional vibration mode of rectangu-
lar bars.
FIG. 2. ~a! Test specimen with impulse excitation and vibration detection
tools on the polymer-foam support, ~b! the PtRh-wire suspension unit as
II. DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW IMPULSE-EXCITATION used for high temperature tests.
A. Impulse excitation and vibration detection by a microphone. A piezo crystal requires contact with the
specimen. Especially in the case of light specimens, the place
The vibration modes of a specimen depend on its shape,
of contact has to be as close as possible to the vibration node
the place of impact and the type of support. Since these
in order not to affect f r . In any case, the contacting piezo
modes are well defined for simple shapes ~bars, rods, disks,
crystal does not allow accurate measurement of Q 21 in light
...!, the supports can be placed in the nodes of the desired
specimens. Instead one can use a microphone, a non-
vibration mode. Figure 1 ~a for flexural and b for torsional
contacting transducer. For high temperature tests one end of
vibration! shows how to support the specimen in these
a ceramic tube is placed close to the specimen surface. The
nodes, thus minimizing the frictional losses at the supports.11
tube guides the acoustic wave from the specimen out of the
Measurements are mainly performed in the flexural mode,
furnace to a microphone.12 Laser vibrometry is currently be-
using two setups. The first one has supports made of a
ing investigated for vibration detection in noisy or vacuum
polymer-foam cylinder (B 5 mm!, glued to steel blocks that
surroundings, or of distant specimens.
are clamped to a heavy mounting table to reduce the influ-
ence of external vibrations @Fig. 2~a!#. A second setup is
mounted on a pallet and can be bottom-loaded into the fur-
B. Furnace
nace. In this set-up the specimen lies on platinum-rhodium
~PtRh! wires that are fixed to parallel alumina ~Al2 O3 ) rods A furnace was built to perform impulse excitation tests
@Fig. 2~b!#. During long term tests, Al2 O3 rods are hanging up to 1750 °C air at atmospheric pressure ~Super Kanthal
from additional PtRh wires that lie on top of the specimen to 1800 heating elements, inner volume 215 3 120 3 165
prevent the shift of the specimen upon repeated mechanical mm3 ). A Pt30%Rh / Pt6%Rh thermocouple is used to mea-
impact. sure the temperature of the test specimen. An Al2 O3 shell
The place of impact is near an antinode of the vibration. around the test specimen provides an indirect and homoge-
The impact can be provided manually, with a simple tool neous heating of the specimen.
consisting of a steel ball glued to the end of a flexible poly- The waveguide tube enters the furnace from its top. Also
mer rod. The excitation can also be performed pneumati- through this feedthrough the beam of a laser vibrometer can
cally, by firing a small light ceramic cylinder at the speci- reach the specimen surface. The ceramic tube through which
men. After impact the cylinder drops back into the the impacting projectile is fired at the specimen enters the
pneumatic channel and is ready for the next measurement. furnace via a hole through the bottom-loaded pallet. A sec-
Tests have been successfully performed with the pneumatic ond hole in the pallet can be used to lead an inert gas flow
system on a specimen as small as 25 3 6 3 0.85 mm3 , ~N2 , Ar, ...! into the Al2 O3 shell to prevent excessive oxida-
weighing less than 1 g. tion at the higher temperatures. A furnace with controlled
The specimen vibration is recorded by a piezo crystal or inert or vacuum atmosphere is in preparation.

4512 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 68, No. 12, December 1997 Elastic properties

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TABLE I. Q 21 and f r of the flexural vibration of an annealed rectangular TABLE II. Q 21 and f r of flexural and torsional vibration of an Al2 O3
99.99% Cu bar. specimen in two support modes.

f r ~Hz! k~1/s! E~GPa! Q 21 Vibration Support fr k E G

mode mode ~Hz! ~1/s! ~GPa! ~GPa! Q 21
3959 12.1 119 0.000 97
3960 11.3 119 0.000 91 Flexural Flexural 8249 6.5 347.5 – 0.000 25
3961 12.4 119 0.001 00 Flexural Torsional 8249 18.2 347.5 – 0.000 70
3959 12.3 119 0.000 99 Torsional Flexural 18352 15.3 – 144.6 0.000 27
Torsional Torsional 18352 6.7 – 144.6 0.000 12

C. Signal analysis
was expected for pure Cu ~bending test, frequency 100
The so-called resonant frequency and damping analyzer Hz!,14 hence three times as high. It must be emphasized that
amplifies and adapts the transducer signal, which then is Q 21 is not only severely dependent on the material’s micro-
stored by a PC. A program written in LabVIEW™ ~registered structure, but also varies with the vibration frequency and
trademark of the National Instruments Corporation! deter- amplitude.
mines the f r by Fourier analysis. The program assigns a
vibration of the form x(t)5Ae 2kt sin(2p f rt1f) to each f r 2. Limits to the measurement’s precision: external
that is judged relevant by the operator. An algorithm simu- friction
lates the measured signal as a sum of these transient sinu- A basic assumption is made: the measured Q 21 cannot
soidal waves, optimizing iteratively the parameters A, k, f r underestimate the real one, since every measurement is af-
and f . Having reached a pre-selected convergence criterion, fected by extra energy losses which add to the real Q 1 .4 To
the program gives the final f r , and for each of them a value determine the contribution of the external energy losses tests
k. If the specimen shape, dimensions and mass are known, were performed on dense monolithic ceramics, materials
the elastic moduli are calculated from the f r using the rela- which are known to exhibit very low Q 21 at room tempera-
tions prescribed by ASTM C 1259-94.5 For each k the cor- ture.
responding Q 21 is calculated as Q 21 5k/( p f r ).4
a. Influence of support position
III. TEST MEASUREMENTS While the exact location of the support has only a small
A. Accuracy of the measurement: computer influence on f r , it has a large effect11 on the measured Q 21 .
simulation tests If the supports are not located right at the nodes, Q 21 in-
creases substantially. Before each test the specimen supports
Computer-generated electric signals composed of se-
therefore have to be moved gradually towards the nodes by
veral exponentially decaying sinusoidal components to simu-
minimizing Q 21 . A higher Q 21 is expected for the vibration
late specimen vibration, were used to test the accuracy of the
components that do not correspond to the chosen specimen
extraction algorithm. The frequency determination is perfect
support. This is confirmed by the data in Table II, obtained
up to a level of 0.001 Hz, and k is measurable in a Q 21
on an Al2 O3 specimen ~150.4 3 25.5 3 19.8 mm3 , 288 g!,
range of 0.000 01 to 0.1. This means that the apparatus de-
resting on polymer supports of the types shown in Figs. 1~a!
livers highly accurate Q 21 values whenever the relation
and 1~b!. In contrast, f r and hence the elastic moduli values
Q 21 5k/( p f r ) holds, i.e., if Q 21 ,0.1.4
hardly seem to be affected.
B. Impulse excitation tests at room temperature b. Influence of support system
1. Reproducibility of the measurement Two quartz specimens ~nominally 60 3 10 3 3 mm3,
Manual impulse excitation tests are performed on an an- dimensional accuracy better than 1%! were tested, both on
nealed copper ~Cu! bar ~60.1 3 4.4 3 3.8 mm3 , 8.6885 g! on the Pt-wire suspension, and on the polymer-foam supports.
the polymer-foam support. From the results ~Table I! one Since quartz exhibits a Q 21 less than 1025 ,14 the measured
concludes that f r can be determined with a repeatability in Q 21 can be fully attributed to ‘‘external’’ friction. The re-
the order of 1 Hz. This variation is too small to affect the sults ~Table III! show that the thin wire support causes far
accuracy of the calculated elastic modulus @Eq. ~1!#, which is ~53!
dominated by the accuracy of the bar’s width b and length L,
but especially by its thickness t.5 TABLE III. Average Q 21 and f r for several tests on two quartz specimens
in flexural vibration on two different supports ~standard deviations between

E5 0.9465 S m~ f r!2
b DS D
T .
t3 1

Wire suspension Polymer-foam support

In Eq. ~1! m is the specimen weight. The correction factor T 1 Specimen f r ~Hz! k~1/s! Q 21 (31023 ) f r (Hz) k~1/s! Q 21 (31023 )
depends on the ratio L/t and the Poisson’s ratio ~0.35 for
Cu!, and was calculated to be 1.029. The calculated E ~119 No. 2 4875.3 0.96 0.063 4874.0 4.90 0.320
~0.1! ~0.03! ~0.002! ~0.1! ~0.01! ~0.001!
GPa! corresponds well with the expected value.13 No. 3 4901.5 0.73 0.047 4899.9 4.50 0.292
The standard deviation on the Q 21 measurements is ~0.5! ~0.01! ~0.0005! ~0.1! ~0.02! ~0.001!
about 5% of the mean value 0.000 97. A loss factor of 0.003

Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 68, No. 12, December 1997 Elastic properties 4513

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TABLE IV. Average Q 21 and f r ~and E) of a series of tests on an as TABLE V. Average Q 21 and f r of the flexural vibration of large Si3 N4
sintered and an annealed Si3 N4 specimen in flexural vibration ~oop 5 out of specimens ~standard deviation between brackets!.
plane, ip 5 in plane, standard deviation between brackets!.
fr k Q21
f r,oop E oop k oop Q 21
oop f r,ip E ip Si3N4 „Hz… „1/s… „31023)
Si3N4 ~Hz! ~GPa! ~1/s! (31023 ) ~Hz! ~GPa!
As sintered 2154 0.7 0.11
As sintered 15 025.3 299.6 8.1 0.17 19 768.3 299.6 ~1! ~0.1! ~0.005!
~0.1! ~0.1! ~0.005! ~0.1! annealed 2157 0.7 0.10
Annealed 15 093.9 302.3 7.3 0.15 19 870.2 302.9 ~2! ~0.1! ~0.005!
~0.1! ~0.1! ~0.005! ~0.2!

specimen is removed from its support. Comparing the Q 21

less external friction than the polymer-foam support unit data in Table IV and Table V shows that in larger specimens
does. A second but smaller difference is observed between the ratio of external friction to ‘‘internal’’ friction becomes
the Q 21 of the two specimens, which is tentatively explained smaller: the value of parasitic damping decreases with in-
by small differences in the roughness of the machined side creasing specimen size.
surfaces. The level up to which the Q 21 measurements are
reproducible ~of the order of 1026 ) is smaller than the exter- 3. High-damping materials
nal friction contribution ~of the order of 1024 ). Hence, the
Some metals have a high Q 21 at room temperature, as
accuracy of Q 21 is entirely determined by the latter. This has
can be seen from the results of the tests on zinc ~Zn! and lead
to be accounted for when performing high precision Q 21
~Pb! beams ~Table VI!. The Q 21 values are large enough to
measurements, but it does not harm comparative measure-
neglect the contribution of the energy losses in the support.
ments of Q 21 . Parallel with the increased Q 21 measured on
Q 21 for the Pb specimen falls within the expected range.14
the polymer-foam support, a decrease in the f r is observed.
The literature values14 for Zn are smaller than the ones in
This can be the effect of the extra external friction. The
Table VI, probably due to differences in the material micro-
influence, however, is smaller ~of the order of 1024 ) than the
structure and in vibration amplitude and frequency.
accuracy on the dimensions of standard machined speci-
mens, and would not affect the calculation of the elastic
C. Elevated temperature scans
1. Oxide ceramics
c. Influence of specimen size A polycrystalline Al2 O3 specimen ~size 83 3 12.5 3 3
The effect of specimen size was investigated by per- mm3 , weight 9.3 g! was tested. Figure 3 shows the evolution
forming tests on two types of silicon nitride ~Si3 N4 ) speci- of f r ~and E) and Q 21 from room temperature to 1500 °C. It
mens. First accurately machined bars ~nominally 44 3 4 3 3 is known from literature that no sudden changes in both E or
mm3 , dimensional accuracy better than 0.1%! of an as sin-
TABLE VI. Results of tests on Zn and Pb specimens at room temperature.
tered and a heat treated Si3 N4 were tested on the wire sus-
pension unit. Table IV shows that the annealing heat treat- weight dimensions f E k
ment ~5 h at 1420 °C! induces a stiffening of the ceramic specimen ~g! ~mm! ~Hz! ~GPa! ~1/s! Q 21
~13 GPa!. This agrees with the results of uniaxial tests and
Pb 37.7 56.7 3 12.0 3 5.0 2239.8 22 115 0.0164
other resonant frequency tests, and is the result of devitrifi- Zn 29.1 60.7 3 12.4 3 5.6 4970.2 74 473 0.0303
cation of the 10 vol % intergranular region.15 Notice the
agreement of the out-of-plane ~oop! and the in-plane ~ip!
measurements ~oop: impulse on the 3 3 44 mm2 side of the
specimen, ip: impulse on the 4 3 44 mm2 side of the speci-
men!, even though during both measurements the specimen
was suspended in the oop position. Q 21 is only marginally
different between as sintered and annealed Si3 N4 . We found
in the literature14 a loss factor of 0.000 025 for Si3 N4 , which
is one order of magnitude smaller than the values in Table
IV. This confirms that the latter are due to external friction,
presumably in the specimen support.
Secondly, tests were performed on larger specimens with
a flat waisted shape ~outer dimensions 160 3 20 3 6 mm3 ).
Small dimensional irregularities induce a slightly different f r
for each specimen and obscure the difference in f r ~and E)
between the as sintered and the annealed specimens ~Table
V!. Q 21 is determined with a sensitivity of 1025 over a
series of specimens, and does not differ significantly between
the as sintered specimens and the heat treated specimens. No FIG. 3. The resonant frequency f r and internal friction value Q 21 in
differences can be discerned when between measurements a Al2 O3 as a function of temperature.

4514 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 68, No. 12, December 1997 Elastic properties

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FIG. 5. E and Q 21 in Si3 N4 as a function of temperature.

duction of the Q 21 peak near T g . This indicates crystalliza-

FIG. 4. The resonant frequency f r and internal friction value Q in ZrO2 tion of the intergranular phase. The same Si3 N4 was tested in
as a function of temperature. a torsion pendulum19 and uniaxially,20 revealing good agree-
ment between the torsion pendulum and the IET results.
Q 21 of a pure Al2 O3 occur at temperatures below 1000 °C.
Above this temperature the grain boundary defects become
mobile, and minor secondary phases soften.16 This leads to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the increase of Q 21 and a corresponding decrease in f r , The research was performed with the support of the
which agrees with the results presented in Fig. 3. Above a Flemish Institute for the Promotion of the Scientific Technol-
certain Q 21 ~6%!, the vibration amplitude decreases too fast ogy Research in Industry ~IWT!. One of the authors ~G. R.!
to allow accurate analysis. This is close to the 10% level thanks the IWT for a grant. The authors acknowledge the
above which the anelastic assumptions required to calculate Institute for Advanced Materials, Petten, the Netherlands, for
Q 21 from k are not valid anymore. having provided the Si3 N4 specimens.
Also a polycrystalline zirconia ~ZrO2 ) was tested in air.
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Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 68, No. 12, December 1997 Elastic properties 4515

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