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Rua Maceio, 24 – PARIPE

Tel: (71) 3397-3471 / (71) 3307-1806

ALUNO(A):Riquelme de Souza Reis DATA: / /2020

VERSO BÍBLICO: “Tudo posso naquele que me fortalece”. Filipenses 4:13

OBJETIVOS: Desenvolver a habilidade de se comunicar com clareza ao se apresentar a outra

pessoa.Diferenciar e reconhecer o personal pronouns ,bem como o verb to be no uso da língua Inglesa
em diálogos do cotidiano.


1º What is a common element of love in both sayings?

a) Love is unpredictable.
b) Love is sacred.
c) Love is infinite.
d) Love is fragile.
e) Love is changeable.
Texto II
      Sam: This is my family. This is my wife Grace.
      Jack: Nice to meet you, Grace.
     Grace: Nice to meet you, too.
     Sam: And these are my children Kenny and Mike.
     Jack: Hi!
     Mike and Kenny: Hi!  
2º Responda as questões 2 e 3 de acordo com o texto.
  Marque a alternativa correta.
      A palavra “children”, no texto significa
a) Crianças
b) Criança
c) Filhos
d) Irmãos
e) Irmãs
3º   O que Grace e Sam são de Kenny e Mike?
a) Witness
b) Parents – in –Law
c) Uncles
d) Parents
e) Grandparents
4º Responda as questões: 4 e 5
 Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a tradução correta.
Meu pai é garçom. 
a) My cousin is waiter.
b) My grandfather is waiter.
c) My uncle is waiter.
d) My father is waiter.
e) My great- grandfather is waiter
5º  Mary é minha prima.
a) Mary is my Aunt.
b) Mary is my cousin.
c) Mary is my sister.
d) Mary is my wife.
e) Mary is my mother
6º  Complete as frases com verbo to be, depois marque a resposta correta.
 It _______ a black dog.
Paul and Mary _________ at school now.
 I _______ a nurse.
a) Am – is – are
b) Is – are – am
c) Are – is – are
d) Is – is – am
e) Are – is – am
7º Qual é a forma do verbo to be( Present) que completa o espaço em branco na tirinha? 

(I think we _____ safe here!)

a) Am
b) Is
c) Are
d) Was
e) Were
8º Responda as questões 8 e 9 com os pronomes demonstrativos.
 Aqueles alunos estão na classe.
a) That student is in the classroom.
b) This student is in the classroom.
c) These  students are in the classroom.
d) Those students are in the classroom.
e) What's  student is in the classroom.
9º Este é um exercício  fácil.
a) This is an easy exercise.
b) Those  are an easy exercises.
c) That  is an easy exercise.
d) These  is an easy exercise
e) These are an easy exercises
10º Substitua os nomes pelos pronomes pessoais, respectivamente.
Ana Carolina is a singer.
John and Susan are basketball.
Paty and I are good students.
a) He / you / we
b) You / she / they
c) They / we / you
d) They / she / He
e) She / they/ we

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