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El presente trabajo es de carácter individual y consiste en:

1. A continuación se presenta un hipervínculo donde encontramos el resumen de un artículo

científico en inglés, lea el resumen y seguidamente escriba una explicación de lo que
entendió en inglés y en 10 líneas de texto:

In order to improve the understanding of these processes, the present study developed
regression relation ships between environmental variables and fine root dynamics
within a hardwood forest of northern New Hampshire, USA. and that using
minirizotrons for 2 years in stands of sugar maple and yellow birch and analyzed in
relation to temperature, water and nutrient availability, and relationship exhibited
seasonal temperature hysteresis, which was altered by snow removal treatment.

2. Usando la imagen que se presenta a continuación elaborar una composición de 10 líneas

de texto en Ingles

The image suggests that the two people are in a river monitoring the water, seeing the
quality, density and volume of the water. They are also studying whether it can be
adapted for human consumption

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