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 Over 8+ years of experience in full-stack development by using the JAVA/J2EE technologies in all phases of
SDLC which involves design, development, and execution of Web-based applications and client-server multi-
tier applications.
 Hands on experience in UI technologies like HTML5, XHTML, DHTML, CSS3 (SASS, LESS), Bootstrap and AJAX
to build responsive and dynamic web pages.
 Expertise in using JavaScript/TypeScript to build interactive web pages and hands-on experience in
JavaScript frameworks like jQuery, ReactJS and HandleBar JS.
 Enhanced UI with Bootstrap built-in HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons,
navigation, etc.
 Developed User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications using HTML, XHTML,
CSS2/CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, Angular JS, jQuery, Node JS, React JS, Express JS, Bootstrap, JSP, Mongo DB,
NPM, GIT, MVC, JSON, XML, and Jira.
 Proficient in consuming Restful Web Services with AJAX call and updating dynamic functionality of HTML in
JavaScript, jQuery, and Angular.js.
 Expertise in obtaining MVC functionality by implementing ReactJS with Redux and flux patterns.
 Proficient knowledge on Angular 2.x/4.x with NGRX to obtain MVVM design flow, developed front-end
applications by using Angular JS, Backbone JS, Ember JS, Knockout JS, and ExtJS to obtain Model View
Controller (MVC) design flow.
 Good knowledge in implementing ES6 features like arrows, block scoping, enhanced object literals, promises,
and modules.
 Experience in developing applications using Object Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks like Hibernate,
MVC frameworks like Struts, JSF and spring modules such as Spring
 Good working experience on IBM and Sun Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and its Internals, Java Runtime
Environment (JRE), Java Development Kit (JDK) and Garbage Collection (GC) implementation environment.
 Proficient experience in building dynamic SPA (Single Page Application) using a MEAN full stack javascript
 Hands-on experience in Automated and Manual testing with AngularJS framework (Karma, Jasmine,
Protractor) and Mocha, Chai for ReactJS.
 Experience in Java 8 features likes Concurrency, Multi-threading, Functional interface, Lambda functions,
Time API, Stream API, Collection API, Filter API, Exception Handling and Transaction Management.
 Good knowledge of Relational databases (Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and DB2) and
NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Cassandra, and Redis).
 Worked with various J2EE frameworks like JSP, JMS, JDBC, EJB and Servlets and web spring MVC like Structs,
JSF, Spring MVC, and master level experience in spring modules like Spring Security, Spring Batch, Spring
Boot, Spring JTA, Spring Cloud, Spring AOP.
 Expertise in using servers like Apache Tomcat, JBoss, IBM WebSphere, and WebLogic to configure and
deploy applications.
 Enhanced and deployed applications based on Micro Services using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
 Proficient in using JSP to implement the view layer, using Spring 2.0(IOC, AOP) to implement the business
layer, and using Hibernate and DAO to implement persistent layer.
 Extensive knowledge in developing efficient, reliable, scalable enterprise and web applications using EJB, JMS,
JSP, JNDI, Struts, JSF (Prime Faces).
 Expertise in providing authentication and authorization for web services using Open ID Connect (OIDC) with
OAuth 2.0.
 Build a real-time application on Apache Web servers using Elastic Search, Kibana 4.0(ELK), Logstash,
 Proficient in the implementation of Platform as a Service (PaaS) Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) services such as
Pivotal Functional Service, Pivotal Container Service, and Pivotal Application Service to continuously deploy
applications on the cloud.
 Experienced in setting up Amazon EC2 instances, virtual private cloud (VPCs), and security groups, Data
Pipeline, and Lambda.

Technical Skills

Languages C, C++, Java 12 (JSP, Servlets, JSTL, and other java related technologies).
Operating Systems Windows (10/8.1), Ubuntu, Mac
Scripting languages HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, JSON, XML, XSL, XSLT, JSP, JSTL.
Web Technologies JSP, Servlets, AngularJs, jQuery, ReactJS, NodeJS, EJB, Hibernate, Struts,
Spring, JDBC, HTML5, DHTML and XML, CSS3, Web Services, SOAP, MQ
Series, Spring Boot, ExpressJS
Databases Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL Server, Sybase, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
IDE Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD)
Version controls SVM, GitHub, Jasmine.
Web Servers JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, Tomcat, Jetty, Apache
Frameworks Spring (MVC, AOP, ORM, Web Service, DAO, Social, Security, etc.),
Hibernate ORM 5.0.2, Bootstrap, Struts, Tiles, DWR (Direct Web
Tools Eclipse, Notepad++, GitHub, JIRA, ClearQuest, MS Project, Excel, MS
XML Technologies DOM, SAX, JAXP, JAXB, XML-RPC and XML Beans.

Education :

 Bachelor's in Engineering and Technology.

Client : Caterpillar , Peoria , IL. Jun 2019-Till Date

Role : Full Stack Java/UI Developer

Description : Caterpillar Inc. is an American Fortune 100 corporation that designs, develops, engineers,
manufactures, markets and sells machinery, engines, financial products and insurance to customers via a
worldwide dealer network. It is the world's largest construction equipment manufacturer.

Responsibilities :

 Involved in Requirements gathering, analysis, design, development, testing and maintenance phases with a
TDD approach.
 Designed and developed the UI using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node JS, and Backbone.js, Ext JS, AJAX, and
 Used Bootstrap for responsive design which allows users to access it from any device.
 The presentation layer used Spring MVC to implement the MVC architecture design and facilitates user
interface designed by the use of JSP's and tag libraries.
 The enhanced user experience by designing new web features using MVC Framework like Backbone.js
accommodates these advanced and fast technologies. Enhanced User Interface based on Adobe Flex.
 Developed the entire user interface using various Ext JS components like Form panels, Tab panels,
Viewport, and Editable grids.
 Worked with Redux Middleware Redux-Sagas while working with the CRUD operations worked with the
 Material-UI library for the designing purpose while creating the functional components which can be
reused in the future.
 Integrated Redux Framework with React to handle large chunks of data for better performance.
 Worked on the modernization of a legacy and outsourced UI technologies used were Angular JS 2, CSS,
Node JS, Express JS and AWS (Amazon Web Services).
 Developed a tool to retrieve and send data to third-party service provider this feature was implemented
using REST.
 Involved with bug fixing on functionality, performance and designing issues with JavaScript, jQuery,
HTML5, CSS3, and AngularJS.
 Used RESTFUL client to interact with the services by providing the RESTFUL URL mapping
 Built MAVEN scripts for automated deployment and for the build operation of the entire application.
 Deployed the application in WebSphere Application Server 6.0.1 and Configured JMS in the WebSphere
application server to send messages on the queue.
 Developed Controller for the request, response paradigm by Spring Controllers using Spring-MVC. Used
JSON as a response type in REST services.
 Implemented Micro Services based Cloud Architecture using Spring Boot.
 Designed and developed Micro Services business components and RESTful service endpoints using Spring
 Used ReactJS to create views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data with the server as a
Single Page Application (SPA).
 Used Spring JDBC Template to do CRUD operations with Database.
 Involved in building and deploying scripts using Maven3.3 to generate WAR, EAR and JAR files.
 Developed Applications using Rule Engines, Drools 4. X and ILOG with corresponding to validate the
business User Roles.
 Done with Web sphere server configurations, Data Sources, Connection Pooling, MQ Series Queues set up
for messaging and deploying the apps on different servers in different environments like
 Worked on Rest Web services as well as Node Rest framework for backend services and used MongoDB
(NoSQL) for database services.
 Done with unit testing of all java classes using the TestNG framework. Supports various kinds of testing
activities starting from Integrated Unit Test, Sub System Test, System Test, and User Acceptance Test.
 Used ActiveMQ messaging to set up communication between applications in ESB. And flows are created for
JAX-WS and JAX-RS web services.
 Coordinated with the Performance team to get thread dumps tuned java as well as DB code. Used Tomcat
server for the application development and Utilized JIRA for task scheduling, quality control activities like
defect tracking and fixing.

Environment : JAVA 12, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, Swing, Web Sphere Application Server 8.x, XML, HTML, WSDL,
Maven, Java Spring MVC, SOAP, JavaScript, Jenkins, AngularJS, Node JS, Backbone.JS, Bootstrap, EXT JS,
ReactJS, Ant, MongoDB, Google Maps API, Microservices, etc.

Client : Zoetis , Parisppany , NJ. Dec 2017-May 2019

Role : Full Stack Java/UI Developer
Description : Zoetis Inc. is the world's largest producer of medicine and vaccinations for pets and livestock. The
company was a subsidiary of Pfizer, the world's largest drugmaker, but with Pfizer's spinoff of its 83% interest in
the firm, it is now a completely independent company.

Responsibilities :

 Participated in the complete software development lifecycle tasks (design, coding, testing, and documentation).
 Extensive knowledge and experience in developing Single Page Applications (SPA) using AngularJS.
 Developed the single page application following Agile Scrum, participated in daily standups, sprint reviews,
Kickoffs and used Jira for project management.
 Responsible for preparing the use cases and for designing and developing object models, class diagrams with
UML Specifications.
 Involved to implement various screens for the front end using React.js and used various predefined components
from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux.js library. Involved in the implementation of DAO using
 Extensive experience with ReactJS/ Redux tech stack, implement React to build UI components, Redux for
managing app state and interaction.
 Designed and Developed UI for Customer Service Modules and Reports using Angular2.0, HTML, CSS,
Bootstrap, JavaScript, and jQuery Created web application prototype using JavaScript and AngularJS.
 Implemented nested views and routing using the AngularUI Router as per the requirement. GUI was developed
using JSP, HTML, and AngularJS and created reusable components in Angular2.0 using Custom Directives
Filters, Services, and Partials.
 Met with the project manager frequently for reviewing project goals and for creating proposals for future
developments and researching their fields for UI design.
 Developed pages using Angular2.0 directives, expressions, routing capabilities for bookmarking, filters,
validations and AngularUI components such as grid, buttons, carousels, date pickers, modal dialogs, and other
input components.
 Developed views using Bootstrap components, Angular-UI and involved in configuring routing for various
modules using angular UI router.
 Involved in batch processing using the Spring Batch framework to extract data from the database and load into
corresponding Loan App tables.
 Install KAFKA on the cluster and configure producer and consumer coding part in java to establish a connection
from twitter source to HDFS with popular hashtags.
 Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST API s and Spring
Boot for micro-services.
 Defined new validations through AngularJS for the form field validation implemented through HTML5.
 Developed the application using Spring MVC intensively that leverages classical MVC architecture and
JavaScript for major data entry that involved an extreme level of data validation at the client-side.
 Integrated Single sign-on using LDAP and Active directory on the Spring security layer, successfully maintained
users' and groups' integrity in the application.
 Exposed Stateless session beans as RESTful web services using JAX-RS. Implemented Angular promises to
handle asynchronous communication with our Rest API for various requirements.
 Created and injected Spring services, Spring controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection and to wire
objects of business classes.
 Good experience in developing Ext JS applications with extensive server calls using AJAX and stronghold in
handling the server data and exceptions to provide the interactive user experience.
 Efficiently used data stores, services, Rest for efficient CRUD operations.
 Developed components of web services (JAX-WS, REST, JAX-RPC) end to end, using different JAX-WS standards
with a clear understanding of WSDL (type, message, port Type, bindings, and service).
 Developed unit test cases using Jasmine and Karma as a unit test runner for various application modules.
 Used Junit and Mockito framework for unit testing of application and Log4j 1.2 to capture the log that includes
runtime exceptions.
Environment : Jdk1.7, HTML5, Angular2.0, jQuery, JavaScript, Spring Batch, Node.js, Bootstrap, Spring 4.0,
Apache7.0, log4j, Hibernate, Kafka, Maven, Tortoise SVN, Rest web services, AWS, maven, jQuery, JIRA,
Eclipse Kepler, XML, MySQL.

Client:EssentGuarantyInc,Winston-Salem,NC Apr 2016 - Nov 2017

Role : Full Stack Java Developer

Description : Essent Guaranty, Inc. provides private mortgage insurance services to single-family mortgage loans
in the United States. The company provides private capital to mitigate mortgage credit risk for lenders and
investors. It offers its products through sales representatives.

Responsibilities :
 Created web services, WSDL and web methods with Annotation in Hibernate Used the spring container for the
data source and to load hibernate specific classes.
 Implemented Angular 2 services to connect the web application to back-end APIs to POST/GET the data used in
the application.
 Designed and developed the framework to consume the web services hosted on Amazon EC2 instances.
 Developed API for using AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS.
 Wrote test cases using the JUnit testing framework and configured applications on WebLogic Server.
 Implemented the backend services using Spring Boot.
 Implemented Java Multithreading to refresh the cache at a given set of the time interval.
 Developed various UI components using Angular JS, Spring (MVC), JSP, and HTML.
 Designed and Developed Servlets and JSP pages for authentication.
 Developed the different components of application such as JSPs, Servlets and EJB's using WebLogic
Application Server and used CVS for version control.
 Responsible for implementing SQL queries and managing JDBC interactions with data sources.
 Explore single-page asynchronously data-driven UIs using REACT JS, REDUX and Node JS.
 Created Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap, SVG, and other media queries to support all kinds of devices.
 Architected, designed and implemented a SPA (Single Page Application) in AngularJS which consumes JSON
from a Spring MVC, using Spring Security to secure the Application.
 Developed AJAX-driven application by invoking web services/API and parsing the JSON response.
 They the followed Agile process created and maintained User stories in JIRA. Actively participated in Sprint
grooming, retrospectives and daily stand up meetings.

Environment :  Spring 4.0, Hibernate, Web logic, Angular JS 1.5, HTML5, CSS3, Linux, Apache CXF, JMS, Shell
scripting, REST, JSP, JDK 1.8, SERVLET, MYSQL, JDBC, AWS, PCF, Eclipse, MAVEN, Agile, JIRA, Web 2.0, SOA.

Client:CHGHealthCare,SaltLakeCity,UT. Sep 2014 - Mar 2016

Role : Full Stack Java Developer

Description : CHG Healthcare was founded in 1979 by Therus C. Kolff, MD to deliver medical care to rural areas of
the western United States.

Responsibilities :
 Implemented the service layer based on a Spring container and exploited Spring's IOC features for bean
 Implemented the persistence layer using Hibernate-ORM. Worked on Spring Web Flow on Spring MVC for
building flows in our web application.
 Implemented jQuery based accordion styles and handled complete jQuery in showing Rich Internet Application.
 Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML5, CSS3,
JavaScript, and AngularJS.
 Coded in AngularJS MVC Framework to make a single page app (spa) and complex price configurations pages.
 Wrote several Angular controllers, services, and providers to achieve the migration.
 Developed application of spring 3.x framework by utilizing its features like Spring Dependency injection,
Spring Security, Spring Web Flow with Spring MVC. Used spring's dependency injection for injecting entity
manager and managed beans into spring beans.
 Used Spring Security framework for login authentication, password hashing. Worked on Java Message Service
(JMS) API for developing message-oriented middleware (MOM) layer for handling various asynchronous
requests. Worked on a topic for creating a publish/subscribe messaging model.
 Used D3.js and Angular to construct data visualization. Developed a persistence layer based on the JPA
framework for providing a POJO persistence model for object-relational mapping.
 Used Concurrent Version System (CVS) as a source control tool. Developed unit test cases and suits on JUnit
framework for unit testing. Used Maven for building, deploying the application, creating JPA based entity
objects and compiling GWT application.

Environment : Spring 3.1, J2EE 1.7, Spring JDBC Template, Spring Batch, AJAX, XML, CSS, HTML 5, JavaScript,
Oracle 10g/11i, Maven 3.0.3, MYSQL 6.1, jQuery, JUnit, REST, AngularJS.

Client:OpenLogixSolutionsPrivateLtd,Vizag. Nov 2012 - Aug 2014

Role : Java Developer

Description : At OpenLogix, we have an awesome team of technology and business professionals that make things
happen. We strive to provide a great experience for our customers, employees, and partners.

Responsibilities :
 Gathered user requirements followed by analysis and design. Evaluated various technologies for the Client.
 Developed Java classes and JSP files.
 Extensively used XML documents with XSLT and CSS to translate the content into HTML to present to GUI.
 Developed Java Mail for automatic emailing and JNDI to interact with the Knowledge Server.
 Used Struts Framework to implement J2EE design patterns (MVC).
 Developed, Tested and Debugged the Java, JSP and EJB components using Eclipse RCP.
 Developed Enterprise Java Beans like Entity Beans, Session Beans (both Stateless and State Full Session beans)
 Developed JSP as the view, Servlets as Controller and EJB as the model in the Struts Framework.
 Worked on Web Logic application server to deploy JSP and EJB applications.
 Created and implemented PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers.

Environment : Core Java, J2EE, EJB 2.1, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.4, JSP, JDBC, Struts, HTML, XML, Eclipse RCP,
PL/SQL, Oracle 9i, Weblogic8.1, Spring MVC Framework, Eclipse RCP, Entity Beans, Session Beans.

Client:HuconTechnologies-Hyderabad,Telangana Jun 2011 - Oct 2012

Role : Java Developer

Description : Hucon Solutions is an Integrated HR Service Provider for all Corporates all over India. We are backed
by a good ERP and enough experience in HR and related activities. Hucon Solutions was launched in April 2008, with
an aim to grow into a one-stop-shop for all HR requirements for clients in India.

Responsibilities :
 Involved in the Design, Development Phases of quotes, customer service modules.
 Developed the front-end using JSP, Struts, MVC, JavaScript, HTML, and DHTML.
 Used the Struts-validation Framework to provide Validation.
 Developed middleware business logic using Enterprise Java Beans.
 Release deployment planning and execution of releases.
 Used ClearCase for version control.
 Worked in the development of DAO classes for the data access logic.

Environment : Java, J2EE, Struts, XML, SOAP, WSDL, AJAX, JSP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Log4J, JAXB, JUnit,
Tomcat 5, JBoss 5.0, LDAP, SQL Server, Linux.

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