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Ellen: What are you going to do tonight, Tom?

Tom: I’m going to go home and change. I have to work tonight at the restaurant.

Ellen: How long have you been working there?

Tom: This is my second year at the restaurant.

Ellen: If you don’t mind me asking, how much money do you make per hour?

Tom: I make $6 an hour plus tips. I usually earn about $50 a night.

Ellen: That’s not bad. Are you saving a lot of money? Or just spending it all?

Tom: Actually, I’m saving about $200 a month.

Ellen: Not bad. Most people spend their paycheck as soon as they get it. What are you going
to do with that money?

Tom: I want to buy a car. Ellen: A new car?

Tom: No! I’m going to buy a used car, of course. I’m looking at a used car for about $8,000. If I
can save up half, my parents will pay the other half.

Ellen: That’s a good deal. But you know it’s still going to cost a lot of money even after you buy
it, right?

Tom: I know. Gas and insurance aren’t cheap.

Ellen: And eventually your car is going to need repairs. That costs money too.

Tom: Sure. I’m going to keep working. I should be OK. Anyway, it will be more convenient to
get around town. I don’t want to keep taking the bus everywhere.

Ellen: Yeah, and having a car also makes it easier to go on dates, right?

Tom: Well, I wasn’t really thinking about that.

Ellen: Oh come on, Tom. Every guy thinks about that.

Tom: Well...I...I mean...I don’t know...

Ellen: I’m just teasing you, Tom. You’re so cute when your face turns red.

Tom: Cut it out. Now you’re really making me blush.

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