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Picture IL BLUES

This Picture is a drawing that represent a moment of life in America on the 1920
years.On the left there is a boy with a pig who is listening music played by a man
near him. These man plays the guitar sitting on a wooden box

In the centre of the picure there are a few people, a large woman, a boy and a man.
The boy is listening the music. Near him there is a woman, probably his mother, she
is talking with the man. They are talking about a trumpet, Maybe this mother wants
to buy the trumpet for her son. The man seems a salesman who sells a lot of things
like instruments, radios, dishes, etc.
Behind these persons there is a dog and some buckets.

In the background there are some shacks, probably where the people of the picture
live. Near the shacks there are people who are hanging out their clothes and a
person who pushing a wheelbarrow, probably a farmer.

On the right there is a general store, on the first floor of it there are two persons
who are looking the people working and playing. On the ground floor there are
people who are listening music and an old man rolling a cigarette. In The ground
floor there is also the entrance of the store in effect there is a door and a window
and in front of it there are some merchandise.
Analysis : WALTZ
This composition is in ternary form ABA, section A ends on bar 8 on the repeat( a
double ending), section B begins in the bar 9 and section A returned on the last beat
of the bar 23. Section A is exactly the some.

These piece is in G minor but the piece begins in D minor, in bar 4 there is an
interrupted cadence, then start in Bb major. Section A ends in G minor. Section B
starts straight away in Bb Major and stay until bar 14, then become in D minor until
the bar 16. The second part of section B begins in bar 17 in Bb major and ends
abruptly in bar 23

These piece is a romantic peace of music, in section A we have a melody and an

In section B the left hand plays the melody and the right hand is chordal.
The key changes causes an unsettled melody on section A. Section Bis more stable.

On the bar 3 we have a crotchet, two quavers and a crotchets, these rhythmic cell
returns on bar 10 and bar 14 of the section B. Section B is based on these rhythmic
cell of section A. These create a sense of unity.

The unusual features are:

The piece is in G minor but begins in D minor that is the dominant minor of G
The section B finish Abruptly.

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