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I am a Monkey.

Speaking on behalf of my community:

We are not part of your civilization but share the same nature.

Before your civilization, there were trees, forests and habitat.

Above all, there was freedom.

Then came the civilization which was nothing but an invasion.

In the name of civilization,

Boundaries were made, nations were made.

Above all, differences were made.

You human started respecting such boundaries and differences.

We, by nature, were a free-spirited animal.

We roamed freely,

transcending boundaries.

From one tree to another tree, from one house to another house.

When you see us crossing your boundary,

You start attacking us like an invader.

When you see us crossing your boundary,

You react in a manner that would fail us animals too.

You are afraid that we might loot or destroy your ill-gotten possessions.

We mean no harm to you,

We remain the same free-spirited animal ;

claiming what was ours.

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