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Management of Hyperphosphatemia in
End-Stage Renal Disease: A New Paradigm
Anjay Rastogi, MD, PhD,* Nisha Bhatt, MD,† Sandro Rossetti, MD,† and
Judith Beto, PhD, RDN, FAND‡

Bone and mineral metabolism becomes dysregulated with progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD), and increasing levels of para-
thyroid hormone serve as an adaptive response to maintain normal phosphorus and calcium levels. In end-stage renal disease, this
response becomes maladaptive and high levels of phosphorus may occur. We summarize strategies to control hyperphosphatemia
based on a systematic literature review of clinical trial and real-world observational data on phosphorus control in hemodialysis patients
with CKD-mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD). These studies suggest that current management options (diet and lifestyle changes; reg-
ular dialysis treatment; and use of phosphate binders, vitamin D, calcimimetics) have their own benefits and limitations with variable
clinical outcomes. A more integrated approach to phosphorus control in dialysis patients may be necessary, incorporating
measurement of multiple biomarkers of CKD-MBD pathophysiology (calcium, phosphorus, and parathyroid hormone) and correlation
between diet adjustments and CKD-MBD drugs, which may facilitate improved patient management.
Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction and length of life.2-5 High serum phosphorus levels have


metabolism is maintained through interactions
between the kidney, gut, and bone mediated by multiple
also been associated with increased mortality risk in the
general population and CKD-MBD patients.6-10
Although the natural course of CKD results in elevated
hormones, including active/analog vitamin D, parathyroid PTH and serum phosphorus levels with low serum
hormone (PTH), and fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF- calcium, current standard of care therapy results in the
23). As kidney function progressively declines to more typical patient presenting with elevated levels of all 3
severe stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) leading to parameters. An understanding of why control of
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring dialysis, this phosphorus is important in the context of dysregulated
balance becomes increasingly dysregulated,1 and CKD- mineral balance is essential in formulating a
mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD) and secondary comprehensive, patient-centric plan for treatment.
hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) develop. In addition to As a first-line approach, dietary phosphorus control
biochemical imbalances, CKD-MBD is associated with should account for both the total phosphorus content and
parathyroid gland hyperplasia, vascular calcification, ure- the bioavailability of phosphorus in organic versus inor-
mic bone disorders with increased risk for fractures, bone ganic sources. Phosphorus can be further managed through
pain, and cardiovascular (CV) events, and has been linked dialysis treatment and the use of drugs that include phos-
to poor health outcomes including diminished quality phate binders, active/analog vitamin D, and calcimimet-
ics.3,11 Renal replacement therapy with dialysis is needed
to compensate for loss of kidney function in advanced

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California. CKD and can help to reduce the positive phosphorus bal-
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medical Affairs, Amgen Inc., Thou- ance. However, regular dialysis treatment and diet alone are
sand Oaks, California.

Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Loyola University Chicago, May-
not sufficient to reduce phosphorus levels to within the
wood, Illinois. normal range in the majority of patients and additional
N.B. is currently not employed by Amgen Inc. drug therapy is often needed. Accordingly, management
Financial Disclosure: See Acknowledgment(s) on page XXX. of phosphorus levels in patients receiving dialysis should
Address correspondence to Anjay Rastogi, MD, PhD, CORE Kidney Pro- be achieved through an integrated approach involving die-
gram, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, UCLA David Geffen
School of Medicine, 7-155 Factor Building, 10833 Le Conte Ave, Los Angeles,
tary control and medical intervention when necessary.
CA 90095. E-mail: Indeed, control of phosphorus should be viewed within
Ó 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National the total complexity of mineral balance and inter-
Kidney Foundation, Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC- relationships/compensatory mechanisms involved with
ND license ( disease progression, particularly the unique roles of the kid-
ney, gut, and bone contributing to serum phosphorus

Journal of Renal Nutrition, Vol -, No - (-), 2020: pp 1-14 1


levels. The current review focuses on phosphorus manage- binders; non-calcium-based binders; aluminum-based
ment in dialysis patients with CKD-MBD and SHPT, with binders; iron-based binders; and lanthanum.
particular attention given to how progressive disturbances Phosphorus and phosphate were cross-referenced sepa-
in calcium, phosphorus, and PTH may be mitigated in rately given the common lack of differentiation between
these patients. the contents of phosphate and phosphorus in the medical
literature (see Box 1).12,13
Case reports, reviews, preclinical studies and reports
Systematic Literature Review on describing peritoneal dialysis, and post-transplant patients
Phosphorus Control in Chronic Kidney were excluded. A total of 132 articles were selected
Disease-Mineral Bone Disorder (Fig. 1) and used to review current phosphorus manage-
A systematic literature review of clinical trial, real-world, ment approaches for CKD-MBD patients receiving
and observational data specifically focused on phosphorus dialysis.
control in CKD-MBD and SHPT was conducted.
Relevant studies published between 2013 and 2019 were
identified using the MEDLINE and Embase databases. Pathophysiology of Hyperphosphatemia in
The following unique search terms were applied: ‘‘phos- Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone
phorus’’ AND ‘‘phosphate’’ AND ‘‘phosphate binders’’ Disorder
AND ‘‘secondary hyperparathyroidism’ AND ‘‘SHPT’’ Serum phosphorus balance is dependent on the contri-
AND ‘‘chronic kidney disease mineral bone disorder’’ bution of dietary phosphorus absorption in the intestine,
AND ‘‘CKD-MBD.’’ Common search terms included the glomerular filtration, and tubular excretion and reabsorp-
following: chronic kidney disease (CKD); chronic kidney tion in the kidney, and a balance between bone formation
disease mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD); end-stage and resorption. As part of the normal physiological process,
renal disease (ESRD); secondary hyperparathyroidism these mechanisms work in tandem to maintain serum phos-
(SHPT); dialysis; hemodialysis; parathyroidectomy; Kidney phorous within a tight range (3.0-4.5 mg/dL in adults).
Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guide- Renal adaptation to changes in dietary phosphate intake
lines; Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative is rapid, thus maintaining net phosphate balance. During
(KDOQI) guidelines; calcimimetic; SensiparÒ; ParsabivÒ; the early stages of kidney failure, decreased renal phos-
etelcalcetide; cinacalcet; vitamin D; vitamin D sterols; phorus excretion (with associated increases in serum phos-
vitamin D analogues; vitamin D analogs; calcitriol; phorus levels) coupled with reductions in the renal
1,25(OH)2D; dialysate; diet; nutrition; malnutrition; dieti- synthesis of active vitamin D3 (with associated decreases
tian; dietician; gastrointestinal; calcium; calcium sensing re- in vitamin D-mediated calcium uptake from the intestine)
ceptor (CASR, CAR); parathyroid hormone (PTH, results in elevated levels of serum phosphorus and lowered
iPTH); additives; paricalcitol; bone (in association with levels of serum calcium. Hypocalcemia is the main trigger
CKD); phosphate binder; sevelamer; calcium-based of parathyroid gland PTH synthesis and release, which in

Box 1. Phosphorus or phosphate?

Phosphorus and phosphate are used interchangeably in the literature; however, there are important dif-
ferences in the meanings of these terms. Phosphorus is an essential mineral required by every cell in the
body for normal function.
 Physiological functions of phosphorus include the formation and repair of bones and teeth, muscle contraction,
nerve signaling, kidney function, maintaining a normal heartbeat, generation of Adenosine Triphosphate and
other high-energy bonds, and signal transduction for hormones, drugs, and other cellular effectors.

Due to its highly reactive nature, phosphorus is bound to oxygen as phosphate in all biological systems.
 Organic phosphates form the structural components of cells and are distributed in the skeleton (85%), teeth
(0.4%), soft tissue (14%), blood (0.3%), and extravascular fluid (0.3%). Inorganic phosphates exist as phosphate
ions (85%), bound to protein (10%) or complexed with calcium, magnesium, or sodium (5%).12
 It is the amount of phosphate in the blood that is measured with a serum phosphorus/phosphate test.
 Because the mass of phosphate (H2PO4) is 3 times greater than the mass of phosphorus, a recommended daily
intake of phosphorus of 1,000 mg is equivalent to 3,000 mg phosphate.13

Figure 2. A simplified overview of disordered mineral meta-

bolism in CKD-MBD. The decline in kidney function with dis-
ease progression leads to increased retention of
phosphorus. Patients with CKD-MBD have impaired renal
synthesis of active vitamin D, essential for GI calcium absorp-
tion. Decreased GI absorption of calcium can lead to hypo-
calcemia, which signals the parathyroid glands to secrete
PTH. High PTH then triggers increased reabsorption of cal-
cium (an adaptive response to rebalance low calcium) and
phosphorus from bone. This maladaptive response, over
time, drives progression of CKD-MBD. CKD-MBD, chronic
kidney disease-mineral bone disorder; GI, gastrointestinal;
PTH, parathyroid hormone; Vit D, active vitamin D.
Figure 1. Flow chart of literature selection for systematic
literature review. Overall, 1,901 potential abstracts were and bone pain in patients with CKD-MBD.1,5 Eventually,
identified. Preclinical studies (N 5 169), case reports regardless of the levels of PTH and FGF-23, the kidney
(N 5 19), and review articles (N 5 332) were omitted. Studies
were also excluded if study subjects had primary or tertiary can no longer excrete sufficient phosphorus to maintain
hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism due to calcium- homeostasis, resulting in hyperphosphatemia (Fig. 2).14
sensing receptor mutations, parathyroid carcinoma or malig- Excessive retention of phosphate in the body can cause a
nancy, were not on dialysis, or had chronic kidney disease wide range of conditions, such as vascular calcification,
stage 4 or lower (N 5 685). Finally, all non-English impaired bone mineralization, and dysregulated cell
(N 5 135) and duplicate manuscripts were discounted, and
a total of 132 manuscripts met our inclusion criteria and signaling and cell death.15 Although less than 5% of people
were evaluated. with normal kidney function or those in CKD stages 1 and
2 exhibit hyperphosphatemia, the prevalence increases in
turn increases calcium release from bone and renal phos- CKD stage 3b (estimated glomerular filtration rate
phate excretion.3 FGF-23, secreted by cells in the bone [eGFR] # 44 mL/minute/1.73 m2) and becomes incre-
in response to rising phosphorus, acts to increase excretion mentally higher in stages 4 (eGFR 15-29 mL/minute/
of phosphorus by the kidney, but has an inhibitory effect on 1.73 m2) (20%) and 5 (eGFR , 15 mL/minute/
active vitamin D synthesis, further exacerbating distur- 1.73 m2) (40%).14 By the time a patient receives dialysis,
bances in bone and mineral metabolism. Together, these they are highly likely to be hyperphosphatemic.
compensatory actions are an adaptive response to maintain Several studies have demonstrated associations between
the physiology of mineral homeostasis within normal levels. disturbances in mineral metabolism and adverse CV and
With CKD progression, phosphorus handling by the in- mortality outcomes in CKD patients, particularly in cases
testine, kidney, and bone becomes increasingly dysregu- of elevated serum phosphorous levels.16 In a meta-analysis
lated, and the adaptive response becomes maladaptive. As of cohort studies (N 5 25,546 non-dialysis–dependent
the loss of renal function becomes more severe, vitamin CKD patients), every 1 mg/dL increase in serum phospho-
D levels become clinically deficient and renal phosphorus rous was shown to be associated with increased risk of both
excretion is increasingly impaired, with exacerbation of kidney failure (hazard ratio 5 1.36) and mortality (hazard
the phosphorus and calcium imbalances and elevations in ratio 5 1.20).17 A systematic review of 47 cohort studies
PTH levels, leading eventually to SHPT.4 Elevated PTH (N 5 327,644 CKD patients) linked higher serum phos-
levels in SHPT increase bone turnover and resorption, phorous levels with mortality and observed that the risk
which releases phosphorus, reduces the phosphorus reser- of death increased by 18% for every 1 mg/dL increase in
voir capacity of the skeleton, and contributes to fracture serum phosphorous.18 Although there is some evidence

linking elevated serum phosphorous with adverse out- in difficult-to-treat cases when goal laboratory values are
comes in CKD patients, high-quality clinical evidence sup- not achieved. However, based on the updated KDIGO
porting an ideal target range is lacking. The ongoing 2017 guideline recommendations that all 3 key laboratory
pragmatic, multicenter Pragmatic Trial of Higher vs Lower values (calcium, phosphorus, and PTH) be addressed simul-
Serum Phosphate Targets in Patients Undergoing Hemodi- taneously (goal range listed below), as well as current
alysis trial (NCT04095039) aims to assess the optimal thinking that calcimimetics may be used with first-line
serum phosphorous range and compares all-cause hospital- drug treatment and dietary modification, we discuss an in-
ization and mortality rates between patients assigned to the tegrated approach to CKD-MBD treatment in the
experimental Hi arm (phosphorus $ 6.5 mg/dL) or stan- following sections.
dard of care Lo arm (phosphorus , 5.5 mg/dL).19
Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone
Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone Disorder Management: An Integrated
Disorder: Guidelines and Current Clinical Approach
Practice The 3 cornerstone approaches that collectively work to
The recent 2017 update to the Kidney Disease: Improving control the 3 key laboratory values in CKD-MBD include
Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guideline emphasizes the dietary and lifestyle modification, dialysis, and drug treat-
complexity of CKD-MBD and recommends that treatment ment with phosphate binders, active/analog vitamin D,
be based on serial assessments of phosphate, calcium, and and/or calcimimetics.1,3,21 These are referred to as the
iPTH, considered together. The guideline also states that 3Ds of hyperphosphatemia management: diet, dialysis,
decisions pertaining to phosphate-lowering therapy should and drugs (Box 2).
be based on progressively elevated serum phosphate—that The following sections focus on the three 3D treatment
dietary phosphate intake should be limited—and the dose options in greater detail. These treatment options have unique
of calcium-based phosphate binders restricted. When benefits and limitations and, therefore, should not be viewed
making dietary recommendations, the phosphate source singularly in isolation but collectively as part of a holistic
(e.g., animal, vegetable, additives) should be considered. approach to improve mineral markers in CKD patients.
The updated guidelines also focus on treating CKD patients
with hyperphosphatemia and lowering elevated serum Dietary Control of Phosphorus Intake
phosphorous levels toward the normal range.20 Dietary awareness and control, by limiting phosphorus
Conventional drug therapy approaches toward CKD- absorption in the gut, are central to management of hyper-
MBD management involve the progressive stepwise addi- phosphatemia in patients receiving maintenance dialysis
tion of additional therapies as kidney disease advances. because phosphorus intake can limit the amount of phos-
With this traditional approach, dietary intervention is rec- phorus available for absorption in the gut. However, foods
ommended first; if this approach does not control CKD- high in phosphorus are plentiful in the normal diet (e.g.,
MBD, phosphate binders are added followed by active/ meats and fish, nuts, whole grains, legumes, cheese) and
analog vitamin D, and calcimimetics are used as a final resort contain many important nutrients. Thus, avoiding

Box 2. Novel Paradigm for Hyperphosphatemia Management in CKD-MBD


Box 3. Hidden sources of phosphorus

There can be surprisingly high levels of phosphorus in foods traditionally considered low in phosphorus,
as well as in common medications, due to the use of phosphate additives. These difficult-to-measure
forms of ingested phosphorus are thus termed ‘‘hidden’’ sources.

 Food additives, including pH regulators, stabilizers, and flavor/color enhancers, may contribute up to one-third
of dietary phosphorus. Dietary phosphorus in the form of food additives has roughly doubled from 1990 to 2005,
and approximately 50% of foods in US supermarkets have phosphorus-containing additives.23,24
 Poor labeling of phosphorus content. Food labels contain little information on phosphorus content, and
when present, there is a discrepancy between the listed value and the level of phosphorus measured in a given
food sample.25
 Phosphorus in medications. More than 10% of drug formulations contain phosphorus, which can significantly
contribute to the daily phosphorus intake in patients taking multiple medications simultaneously.26,27 Common
medications high in phosphorus include:
1. Paroxetine (antidepressant)
2. Amlodipine (calcium channel blocker)
3. Lisinopril (antihypertensive)
4. Sitagliptin (antidiabetic)

phosphorus-rich foods can be difficult for patients with (220-700 mg/100 g), egg yolk (586 mg/100 g), legumes
CKD, and malnutrition is an important concern in this (300-590 mg/100 g), and fish and meat (170-290 mg/
already nutritionally compromised patient population. 100 g). Phosphorus is higher in processed foods compared
Moreover, healthier diets can be more inconvenient and with fresh foods,28 which makes it difficult to obtain an ac-
expensive compared to inexpensive fast food that can be curate measure of dietary phosphorus intake. Moreover,
very high in additive phosphorus. The phosphorus burden food labels provide little information on phosphorus
of what we eat depends upon multiple factors including the content.25 Inorganic phosphates, such as phosphoric acid,
food source (animal- vs. plant-derived), presence of phos- polyphosphates, and pyrophosphates, are commonly used
phate additives, and method of food preparation,22 which as food additives or preservatives in processed meats
can all impact the bioavailability of phosphorus. This is (e.g., chicken nuggets, hotdogs), cheese spreads, sauces
further complicated by other hidden sources of phosphorus and dressings, bakery products, soft drinks, and red wine;
in foods and medications (see Box 3).23-27 such additives can increase the phosphorus intake by up
In the United States, the recommended daily allowance to 1 g/day.29 Proteins with phosphorus-containing addi-
of phosphorus for adults is 900 mg/day. In a typical diet, the tives provide approximately twice the phosphorus per
phosphorus content is generally proportional to the gram of protein compared with fresh foods.28
amount of protein, and the 3 main sources of phosphorus The crude amount of phosphorus in foods does not
are proteins, dairy products, and cereals and grains. The reflect true phosphorus exposure because of variability in
highest concentrations of naturally occurring phosphorus phosphorus bioavailability, or the proportion of phos-
are found in cereal grains (120-360 mg/100 g), cheese phorus digested and taken up systemically by the body.

Figure 3. Bioavailability of phosphorus in relation to dietary source. Bioavailability of phosphorus (% of phosphorus absorbed
from the gastrointestinal tract into the circulation) is dependent upon the dietary source29-32 with greatest bioavailability from
inorganic additives present in common foods such as drinks (sodas), processed foods (fast food), and canned foods. The
amount of phosphorus absorbed from animal sources can be as high as phosphorus from inorganic additives, whereas that
from plant sources is the lowest.

The bioavailability of phosphorus is dependent upon the phosphate additives have a phosphorus content almost
food source and generally increases from plant to animal 70% greater than foods without additives,52 tight control
to inorganic sources (Fig. 3).30-33 Despite the high of dietary phosphorus intake is a critical yet challenging
phosphorus content of plant-derived foods, mammals aspect of providing care to CKD patients receiving dialysis.
lack the enzyme phytase, which is required to degrade Choosing meats and poultry without breading, marinades,
this form of phosphorus, leading to limited gastrointestinal or sauces can limit phosphorus intake, and seafood is an
(GI) absorption and low bioavailability.34,35 In contrast, excellent source of low fat protein, with lower phosphorus
phosphorus in meat is easily hydrolyzed and absorbed, content than red meat. Additional strategies to encourage
and close to 100% may be absorbed from foods containing protein but limit phosphorus intake include the use of dairy
additives. Phosphorus absorption is linear over quite a large substitutes and egg white in cooking and baking, as the yolk
range; hence, the amount and bioavailability of ingested contains the majority of the phosphorus in eggs. Patient
phosphorus is crucial. However, there is a lack of awareness and adaptation is an on-going conversation.
evidence-based information on true phosphorus absorp-
tion, which can be difficult to measure in human feeding Dialytic Removal of Phosphorus
studies and can be affected by the presence of other minerals In the United States, more than 120,000 individuals with
in the intestine such as vitamin D.30 Thus, the complexity ESRD initiate renal replacement therapy annually, with the
of oral intake makes it challenging to estimate true phos- prevalent dialysis population, as of 2016, exceeding
phorous ingestion in relation to absorption. 725,000 patients.53 Although a range of dialysis modalities
It is estimated that 30% of patients receiving dialysis are accessible to patients with ESRD, almost 90% of patients
take at least 1 medication containing phosphorus, and undergoing maintenance dialysis use conventional in-
the median phosphorus burden from prescribed medica- center hemodialysis. Additionally, home dialysis modalities,
tions can be more than 100 mg/day.3,27 This source of including both peritoneal dialysis and home hemodialysis,
phosphorus is clinically significant for patients with represent available alternatives to conventional in-center
advanced CKD, given that more than 25% of these pa- hemodialysis for patients with ESRD.54 However, conven-
tients are prescribed .25 tablets per day for a range of tional dialysis treatment removes only a fraction of absorbed
conditions.36 CV and central nervous system drugs ac- phosphorus. A dietary phosphorus consumption of
count for approximately 90% of phosphorus-containing 1,000 mg/day with a 70% GI absorption rate provides an
medications.27 Examples of drugs taken by ESRD pa- approximate weekly phosphorus burden of 5,000 mg,
tients that contain phosphorus are central nervous system which is inadequately managed by conventional hemodial-
medications such as paroxetine (111.5 mg phosphate per ysis strategies alone. Standard hemodialysis (4 hours) re-
40 mg tablet), codeine, and oxycodone; CV medications moves, on average, 700-900 mg of phosphorus,
including amlodipine (120 mg phosphate per 10 mg amounting to a weekly phosphorus removal of 2,100-
tablet) and lisinopril (32.6 mg phosphate per 10 mg 2,700 mg with a conventional thrice weekly hemodialysis
tablet); and the diabetic drug sitagliptin (110 mg phos- regimen and a large phosphorus deficit.55
phate per 100 mg tablet).27,37,38 However, the level of Alternative strategies targeting phosphorus kinetics to
phosphorus can vary between different formulations of increase dialytic phosphorus removal, including frequency,
the same drug, which underscores the difficulty in con- duration, and timing of dialysis, have been investigated.55-58
trolling medicinal phosphorus intake.39 Although phosphorus is classified as a small molecule, it
Patients should be encouraged to consume foods with behaves like a middle molecule and is negatively charged,
the least amount of inorganic phosphate, low thus leading to reduced dialytic clearance compared with
phosphorus-to-protein ratios, and adequate protein con- small, water-soluble molecules.59 Serum phosphorus levels
tent.40 Care should be taken in maintenance dialysis pa- plateau during the later parts of a dialysis session, suggesting
tients to avoid concomitant reductions in dietary that extending weekly dialysis time or increasing dialysis
protein41 because a low-protein diet can lead to hypoalbu- frequency to 5 or 6 times per week may represent attractive
minemia, protein energy wasting, and uremic malnutri- alternative treatment schedules for additional phosphorus
tion, which are associated with increased mortality.42-46 removal. Improved phosphorus removal and reductions in
In contrast, dialysis patients with higher protein intake phosphate binder dose have been reported in patients
usually have higher serum albumin, higher body mass, receiving more frequent dialysis at shorter treatment dura-
and better survival.41,47-50 However, with a tions.56,58 To date, the greatest cause for optimism has been
recommended daily protein intake of 1-1.2 g/kg/day for provided by frequent nocturnal dialysis, totaling more than
patients receiving dialysis, it is extremely difficult to keep 30 weekly dialysis hours.57,60 Data from randomized
phosphorus levels below 900 mg/day; assuming a controlled trials showed that nocturnal hemodialysis was
phosphorus-to-protein ratio of 14, the phosphorus intake significantly more effective at lowering serum phosphorus
with food is approximately 1,340 mg/day for an 80 kg pa- than conventional hemodialysis. Phosphorus levels were
tient.51 Furthermore, considering that foods containing reduced from 5.5 6 1.5 to 4.4 6 1.7 mg/dL, and phosphate

Table 1. A Comparison of Phosphorus Removal Between Dialysis Modalities

Modality Frequency Phosphorus Removal (mg/wk) Reference

Conventional HD 334h 1,572 6 366 104

Extended HD 335h 3,400 6 647 105

Short daily HD 633h 2,452 6 720 56

Nocturnal daily HD 6 3 6-8 h 8,000 6 2,800 106

CAPD 24.0 h* 2,790 6 1,022 107

APD, CCPD 18.5 6 7.3 h* 2,739 6 1,042 107

APD, automated PD; CAPD, continuous ambulatory PD; CCPD, continuous cycling PD; HD, hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal dialysis.
*Dwell time.

binder medication dose was reduced or completely discon- phosphorus-lowering treatment consisting of phosphate
tinued in 73% of patients (the protocol for nocturnal dial- binders.1,3 Because treatment decisions should be based
ysis required in the addition of phosphate to the dialysate upon progressively or persistently elevated serum phos-
bath as needed to prevent hypophosphatemia).57 In addi- phorus,3 this section focuses on the use of phosphate-
tion, encouraging evidence in favor of longer/more binding agents to manage serum phosphorus in patients
frequent hemodialysis sessions for improved phosphorous with stage 5 CKD on dialysis. Of note, no phosphate binder
control is available from the Frequent Hemodialysis has been approved by the Food and Drug administration
Network Daily and Nocturnal trials. In patients receiving for use in nondialysis CKD patients.
nocturnal dialysis, assignment to more frequent sessions Phosphate binders are designed to be taken with meals to
(6 times/week) was associated with a relative decrease of reduce the amount of phosphorus available for absorption
1.24 mg/dL in mean serum phosphorous compared to in the GI tract. There are quite a few phosphate binders
assignment to less frequent sessions (3 times/week) at currently approved by the Food and Drug administration
month 12 (end of study). In addition, while none of the pa- and available on the market, and they can all lower phos-
tients assigned to more frequent dialysis had serum phos- phorus absorption from the GI tract to variable extents.
phorous .8 mg/dL, serum phosphorous was .8 mg/dL However, each type has advantages and disadvantages
in 18% of those assigned to less frequent dialysis sessions related to the mechanism of binding, cost, pill burden,
at the end of the study. Among all patients receiving efficacy, adverse effects, degree of systemic absorption,
nocturnal dialysis, 42% required the addition of phosphorus and effects on other targets63-67 (Table 2). It is important
into the dialysate to prevent hypophosphatemia. In the to understand that phosphate binders only limit the amount
Daily trial, assignment to frequent hemodialysis (6 times/ of phosphorus absorbed in the gut; these agents have little to
week) was associated with a relative decrease of 0.46 mg/ no effect on controlling phosphorus that has entered the
dL in mean serum phosphorus levels compared to assign- circulation following release from the bones. As such, phos-
ment to less frequent sessions (3 times/week). Similar to re- phate binders will not be sufficient to bring phosphorus
sults from the Nocturnal trial, only 1% of the participants within range in patients with very high levels of phosphorus
assigned to more frequent dialysis in the Daily trial had secondary to uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism where the
serum phosphorous .8 mg/dL at the end of study, bones can significantly contribute to the high levels of
compared to 9.6% in the less frequent arm.61 A comparison phosphorus; rather, phosphate binders should be used in
of the extent of phosphorus removal with different dialysis combination with diet and calcimimetics to control phos-
modalities is provided in Table 1. phorus from all sources. Active/analog vitamin D may be
Despite these advances in dialysis technology, adequate best avoided until the phosphorus level is better controlled,
dialytic phosphorus removal is an unmet need, and more as this can increase phosphorus absorption from the gut.
than 25% of dialysis patients still have serum phosphorus Aluminum hydroxide, the first phosphate binder used on
levels above the target range.62 Thus, in addition to regular mass scale, has a high ionic binding affinity, low pill burden,
dialysis, phosphorus-lowering strategies should include di- and is relatively inexpensive; however, the potential for
etary management to limit intake of foods or beverages rich serious toxicity limits it to short-term use as rescue ther-
in phosphorus, phosphate binders to decrease intestinal ab- apy.62,68 Calcium-based binders, which are some of the
sorption, and active/analog vitamin D and calcimimetics to most commonly used binders and available as generic/
decrease phosphorus indirectly by decreasing PTH- over-the-counter formulations (e.g., calcium carbonate),
induced bone resorption and release of phosphorus from can improve hypocalcemia but also can contribute to
bone. increased calcium loading (hypercalcemia), a risk factor
for CV calcification and mortality.62 Iron-based agents
Drug Therapy (e.g., ferric citrate) can improve anemia but can result in
Phosphate Binders
iron overload and associated toxicity68,70; an exception is
The current guidance for phosphorus management is to sucroferric oxyhydroxide, a newer agent with minimal
lower serum levels toward the normal range, partly with

Table 2. Comparison of Common Phosphate Binding Oral Agents in Chronic Kidney Disease
Phosphate Binder Pros Cons References

Calcium-based: calcium  Increases calcium and can  Hypercalcemia and/or 62,63,72

acetate calcium correct hypocalcemia positive calcium balance

carbonate calcium citrate  Low cost  Cardiovascular calcification
 Moderate pill burden
Sevelamer-based:  No systemic absorption  Adverse GI effects 62,64-66,72,77,101

sevelamer  Potentially less vascular  High pill burden

carbonate sevelamer calcification (calcium-free)  High cost
hydrochloride  Lowers LDL cholesterol  Binds fat-soluble vitamins
 Improvement in metabolic  Metabolic acidosis with the
acidosis with hydrochloride variant
carbonate variant
Iron-based: sucroferric  Lower pill burden  High cost 67,71,73,74

oxyhydroxide  Minimal systemic absorption,

no iron overload
 Greater efficacy
 Increased GI motility which
might be beneficial in
constipated and PD patients
Iron-based: ferric citrate  Noninferior to sevelamer,  Systemic absorption with 66,71,73

well tolerated, beneficial potential for iron overload

effect on renal anemia
Lanthanum carbonate  Twice as potent as calcium  High cost 62,72,73

and sevelamer  Systemic absorption and

potential tissue deposition/toxicity
 GI intolerance, nausea
 Difficult to chew
GI, gastrointestinal; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; PD, peritoneal dialysis.

systemic absorption and no evidence of iron accumulation common in patients with CKD due to poor nutrition,
in a phase 3 clinical study.71-74 Sucroferric oxyhydroxide limited sun exposure, and reduced ability of the kidney to
also tends to have a favorable side effect profile on the GI convert vitamin D into its biologically active form.84
system and is one of the most efficacious binders Thus, active/analog vitamin D is administered as standard
currently on the market. Resin-based ion exchange binders of care, with either oral or intravenous dosing, to CKD-
(e.g., sevelamer) have no systemic absorption, can lower MBD patients to increase calcium and decrease PTH.
cholesterol, and have beneficial effects on vascular calcifica- Different forms of vitamin D, including calcitriol, parical-
tion.75,76 However, sevelamer can have adverse GI effects citol, and doxercalciferol, are generally equally effective at
with a high pill burden and binds to fat-soluble vitamins, decreasing PTH, with similar safety profiles, but can lead
thereby reducing its bioavailability.62,72,77 Lanthanum car- to hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia.85-89 An
bonate, another non-calcium-based binder, has high overview of natural and synthetic forms of vitamin D is
phosphate-binding affinity, low pill burden, and works provided in Box 5.80,82,83,85,86
over a wide range of pH with no negative effects on Vitamin D regulates PTH directly by binding to the
bone; however, it is expensive, can produce adverse GI ef- vitamin D receptor in the parathyroid gland to suppress
fects, and has uncertain long-term effects on the liver and synthesis of PTH and indirectly by increasing calcium ab-
nervous tissues because of systemic absorption and is diffi- sorption from the gut, which in turn regulates PTH stored
cult to chew.62,72,73 To optimize use, doses of phosphate in the parathyroid glands. As a result, active/analog vitamin
binders may be titrated up or down or removed from the D can correct hypocalcemia when present,21,90 but can also
treatment plan based on serial serum phosphorus levels increase absorption of phosphorus from the gut and release
and timing of meals. Examples of real-world questions of phosphorus from bone, leading to increased serum phos-
regarding the use of phosphate binders in CKD patients phorus. Thus, serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, and
are listed in Box 4.73,78,79 PTH must be monitored with active/analog vitamin D
treatment, as increases in calcium and phosphorus above
Vitamin D their normal ranges can result in hypercalcemia and hyper-
Abnormal vitamin D metabolism plays a key role in the phosphatemia and thereby limit the dose and frequency of
development of SHPT.80-83 Low levels of vitamin D are drug administration.6-9,21

Box 4. Common questions on the use of phosphate binders in patients with CKD-MBD

1. Can phosphate binders be taken without food?

 In accordance with prescriber information, all binders should be taken shortly before or with meals to achieve
maximal efficacy and avoid unwanted effects.73 When taken in an empty stomach or hours after eating, there is
an increased risk of hypercalcemia with calcium-based binders and nausea or vomiting with lanthanum
 Effectiveness of phosphate binding is dependent upon the GI transit time of food. Binders are most effective
when food is present in the stomach and small intestine, where most phosphorus is absorbed.78,79
2. Why would a dose be missed?
 It is important to understand how often and why doses are missed and whether behavioral changes could be
adopted to maintain adherence, e.g., Are special pill boxes with a more attractive design or shape needed?
 Additional medications may not be effective if adherence is low.
3. If a dose is missed, should it be skipped until the next meal?
 Common practice is to take the missed dose as soon as possible, unless it is close to the next scheduled dose.
However, extra doses are not recommended and will not ‘‘make up’’ for the missed dose.
4. Should chewable tablets, such as over-the-counter calcium carbonate, be chewed or swallowed
 Swallowing tablets whole could lead to a reduced effect. Chewing into pieces allows the binder to reach more
sites in the esophagus and intestine to bind phosphorus. An exception is sucroferric oxyhydroxide, which can
be broken into smaller pieces and swallowed as it dissolves quite easily in the GI system.
5. Should phosphate binder use be personalized?
 Physicians, dieticians, and the healthcare team should educate the patient on how he/she can adjust the dose of
phosphate binders depending on dietary phosphorus load. This is very similar to how the insulin dose is
managed in diabetic patients. However, the patient will need to have some basic understanding of the phos-
phorus load in the meal.

Box 5. Vitamin D compounds

Nutritional vitamin D is ingested with the diet or in supplements and must undergo hydroxylation in the liver and
kidney to become active.82,83

 Non-nutritional vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin from exposure to sunlight.

Active vitamin D and vitamin D analogs are functionally active and effectively lower PTH levels. Active forms
directly activate the nuclear vitamin D receptor, and analogs may be designed with modifications to confer an
improved side effect profile or differential nonclassical effects compared with natural forms.83

 Calcitriol: Synthetic calcitriol was introduced in the 1970s and effectively reduces PTH; however, dose-
dependent development of hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia prompted the development of calcitriol
 Paricalcitol is an analog with a wider therapeutic window but similar efficacy and safety as calcitriol.77,78
 Doxercalciferol is an analog of vitamin D2 and undergoes hydroxylation in the liver to become active, without
involvement of the kidney.80

Figure 4. The key players in hyperphosphatemia in CKD-MBD: kidney, gut, and bone. Hyperphosphatemia (high serum phos-
phorus) in CKD-MBD results from disordered mineral metabolism that is regulated by the kidney, gut, and bone, thereby neces-
sitating a multifaceted, integrative approach to treatment. Treatments that alter the contribution or sources of high phosphorus
from each of these target organs/tissues have unique advantages and inherent limitations. For instance, phosphate binders only
reduce phosphorus absorption in the gut but will not impact phosphorus released from bone. CKD-MBD, chronic kidney
disease-mineral bone disorder; GI, gastrointestinal; PTH, parathyroid hormone; SHPT, secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Calcimimetics Their differential effect on multiple mineral markers,

Calcimimetics activate the calcium-sensing receptor to specifically decreased release of phosphorus from bone, is
inhibit calcium-regulated PTH secretion, effectively a key differentiating characteristic of calcimimetics
mimicking or potentiating the effects of extracellular cal- compared with active/analog vitamin D, which stimulate
cium. By reducing PTH, calcimimetics also decrease GI absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and compared
bone resorption and thus decrease the contribution of with phosphate binders, which diminish the availability of
serum phosphorus from bone.91-93 The oral calcimimetic phosphorus in the gut. Additionally, calcimimetics offer
cinacalcet and intravenous calcimimetic etelcalcetide both minimal (cinacalcet) to no (etelcalcetide) pill burden. Etel-
effectively reduce PTH while simultaneously reducing calcetide shows some advantages over cinacalcet, including
the serum levels of calcium and phosphorus.69,91 a stronger efficacy profile, longer half-life, and intravenous
mode of administration.94,95 Potential limitations of calci-
mimetics include hypocalcemia and nausea/vomit-
ing.91,96,97 Improvement in GI tolerability of cinacalcet
Table 3. Effect of Various Classes of Drugs on Key CKD- can be achieved by administration with meals.98,99
MBD Biomarkers
Although some centers administer cinacalcet postdialysis
Class of Drugs Calcium Phosphorus PTH FGF-23 to improve compliance, there are little data to support
Phosphate binders –/[* Y Y [Y† this approach.
Active/analog [ [ Y [
vitamin D Benefits and Limitations of Different
Calcimimetics Y Y Y Y
Modalities in Controlling Phosphorus
CKD-MBD, chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder; FGF- Updated guidelines and clinical evidence do not support
23, fibroblast growth factor 23; PTH, parathyroid hormone. targeting high phosphorus alone.3 When administered with
Note: Size of the arrow does not necessarily correlate with the
magnitude of impact for patient. maintenance dialysis, a combination of dietary control,
*Calcium-based phosphate binders will increase serum calcium. phosphate binders, active/analog vitamin D, and calcimi-
†Depends on the phosphate binder used. metics (i.e., the 3Ds of phosphate management) can be

used to holistically address hyperphosphatemia in CKD- should be used together to target the goal range for
MBD. However, each approach has benefits and limitations CKD-MBD laboratory values, and instead of the old step-
(Fig. 4). A diet low in phosphorus, particularly in added wise approach, calcimimetics may be used together with
sources of phosphorus, is a key component of phosphorus other first-line agents (phosphate binders and vitamin D)
control but is rarely sufficient on its own to achieve levels in the appropriate setting. These 3 classes of drugs should
within the recommended range. All phosphate binders be used synergistically for additive effects, thereby mini-
can reduce serum phosphorus; however, phosphate binders mizing adverse effects and improving outcomes. When
do not target phosphorus released from bone. Data sup- used in addition to regular dialysis treatment, dietary and
porting mortality benefits with phosphate binders alone lifestyle modifications, phosphate binders, active/analog
are equivocal, and beneficial effects on other hard outcomes vitamin D, and calcimimetics have benefits and limitations
(CVendpoints, fracture incidence, or prevention of dialysis with mixed clinical outcomes. The current treatment para-
therapy initiation) compared with placebo or comparator digm consists of a multifaceted, integrative approach to
phosphate binders are lacking.100,101 High pill burden phosphorus control, which includes serial measurements
with phosphate binders has been associated with increases of calcium, phosphorus, and PTH and should be accompa-
in nonadherence that are associated with high serum phos- nied by an understanding of relationships between these
phorus (.5.5 mg/dL) and PTH (.600 pg/mL).100,102 markers, their absorption and release from gut and bone,
Another disadvantage is the increasingly high cost of non- and fluctuations with disease progression and treatment.
calcium-based phosphate binders100; the cost of treatment When taken together, these factors should facilitate optimal
with calcium-based binders is low, but there may be an patient management.
increased risk of vascular calcification, and hence morbidity
and mortality. Because elevated PTH is linked to sustained Key Take-Aways
hyperphosphatemia, calcimimetics offer the advantage of
 The 3 key CKD-MBD laboratory values are calcium,
controlling both SHPT and high phosphorus, compared
phosphorous, and PTH. Serial assessment and anal-
to active/analog vitamin D, which can increase phosphorus
ysis of trends related to these key laboratory values
absorption leading to hyperphosphatemia. This is critical
should be performed before any change to therapy
given that patients with PTH levels above 600 pg/mL
because of the differential impact a given treatment
and adequate nutritional intake are 3-5 times more likely
might have on individual laboratory values.
to have hyperphosphatemia.103 In the setting of hyperphos-
 In addition to hyperphosphatemia, hypercalcemia
phatemia secondary to uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism,
should be avoided.
calcimimetics play a central role along with dietary modifi-
 With the new paradigm to CKD-MBD manage-
cation, dialysis, and phosphate binders. By decreasing bone
ment, the goal is to make sure the interventions com-
resorption, calcimimetics will decrease the phosphorus
plement one another rather than making conditions
coming from bones; active/analog vitamin D can poten-
worse. Calcimimetics may be used as first-line
tially worsen hyperphosphatemia in this setting. Thus, ap-
treatment with other drugs in the right setting,
proaches aimed only at reducing phosphorus intake or
together with dietary modification and dialysis.
intestinal phosphorus absorption are unlikely to produce
 The dietary source of phosphorus (animal- vs. plant-
a clinically significant effect for CKD-MBD patients with
derived) and hidden phosphorus in food additives
dysregulated PTH, calcium, and phosphorus (Table 3).
and medications can significantly impact the
bioavailability of phosphorus in the body.
Conclusion  The contribution of bone to hyperphosphatemia in
Control of phosphorus is complex but important for the
the setting of uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism is
overall health and well-being of CKD patients, and an un-
often under-appreciated and under-addressed.
derstanding of why and how phosphorus should be
controlled is important for the entire healthcare team.
One in 3 patients is not getting below 5.5 mg/dL phos- Acknowledgments
phorus, and 2 in 3 are not getting toward the normal phos- The authors acknowledge Charles M. Henley, PhD and Jonathan
phorus range, which are the recommendations from the Plumb, PhD of Fishawack, whose work was funded by Amgen Inc.;
Kate Smigiel, PhD and William W. Stark, Jr, PhD (employees and stock-
recent KDIGO guidelines. This indicates that it is time to holders, Amgen, Inc.) for their assistance with the writing of this manu-
reassess the approach to phosphorus management in script; and Christina Lopez, MBA and Anita Mkrttchyan of the CORE
ESRD patients. In the integrated approach, the 3Ds— Kidney Program for their assistance. The authors also acknowledge the
Diet, Dialysis, and Drugs—are used concurrently to Shaffer Foundation for supporting the ESRD CORE Kidney Program
manage not just phosphorus but all 3 key CKD MBD lab- at UCLA.
Financial Disclosures: This study was funded by Amgen Inc. S.R. is an
oratory values (calcium, phosphorus, and PTH). The 3 employee and stockholder of Amgen Inc. N.B. was previously employed
main classes of CKD-MBD drugs, including phosphate and is a stockholder of Amgen Inc. J.B. is an employee of Loyola Univer-
binders, active/analog vitamin D, and calcimimetics, sity Chicago, Maywood, IL. A.R. is an employee of UCLA, Los Angeles,

CA. A.R. has research support/clinical trial funding from AstraZeneca, 18. Palmer SC, Hayen A, Macaskill P, et al. Serum levels of phosphorus,
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