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The Greenwood

Dictionary of Education

Edited by John W. Collins III

and Nancy Patricia O'Brien

Foreword by Catherine Snow

Westport, Connecticut • London
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The Greenwood dictionary of education / edited by John W. Collins III and Nancy Patricia O'Brien ;
foreword by Catherine Snow,
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-89774-860-3 (alk. paper)
1. Education—Dictionaries. I. Collins, John William, 1948- II. O'Brien, Nancy P.
LB15.G68 2003
370'.3—dc21 2003051766
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.
Copyright © 2003 by John W. Collins III and Nancy Patricia O'Brien
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be
reproduced, by any process or technique, without the
express written consent of the publisher.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2003051766
ISBN: 0-89774-860-3
First published in 2003
Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881
An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
www. green wood. com
Printed in the United States of America

The paper used in this book complies with the
Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National
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Foreword by Catherine Snow vii

Preface ix

How to Use This Book xiii

The Greenwood Dictionary of Edlucation 1

Bibliography 391

Contributing Editors 417

Contributors 421

About the Editors 431

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As someone who studies language acquisi- term educator encompasses many different
tion, I am well aware of the complexities of specific jobs, ranging from classroom prac-
attaching meaning to words. Written and titioners to researchers, from principals to
spoken language is in a constant state of ev- policy makers, from curriculum developers
olution. New words enter our lexicon on an to university professors. It encompasses, fur-
increasingly frequent basis and existing thermore, people with initial training in a
words take on new meaning in light of con- wide variety of fields, including, in addition
temporary usage and context. Meanings of to education, at least anthropology, econom-
words are culturally influenced, subject to ics, history, linguistics, political science, psy-
disciplinary rules and interpretations, af- chology, sociology, and statistics. If these
fected by the tone and manner in which they various educators do not share a common
are spoken, and dependent on a number of lexicon, their options for working together
other variables affecting the written and spo- effectively to address educational problems
ken word. Consider the permanent impact will be constrained. Informed debate on the
on the meaning of the word operative as a important issues affecting education assumes
result of its negation by President Richard a common understanding of the words and
Nixon's spokesperson, Ron Ziegler. In terms inherent in the field.
short, it is a great challenge for linguists and To complicate things, the language of ed-
lexicographers to keep up with contempo- ucation transcends traditional linguistic
rary and discipline-specific language usage. boundaries and is used in everyday conver-
It is, nevertheless, extremely important to sation by people from all walks of life, by
monitor and document the evolution of lan- journalists in their daily work, and by any-
guage and to provide reflections of contem- one engaging in debate around pressing po-
porary thought on the use of words, litical issues. The value of a resource defining
particularly in discipline-specific contexts. the terms needed for those conversations, re-
Every field of endeavor develops a lexicon ports, and debates should be obvious.
that practitioners of the discipline are ex- The editors of The Greenwood Dictionary
pected to acquire, use, and, under certain of Education have undertaken a monumen-
circumstances, add to. The field of education tal task in attempting to capture the contem-
is no different from any other, in this regard porary meanings of words and terms relating
at least, even though education is among the to this broad field. The methodology that
most multidisciplinary of enterprises. The they have employed has enabled them to col-


lect definitions from subject experts repre- formed a valuable service to the education
senting a wide variety of topical areas. It is, community in producing a work of great
perhaps, the only way a work like this could utility and wide appeal. The manner in
be produced in this age of specialization. which it was developed makes it easy to up-
The resulting merge of submissions has date. New and emerging fields of study re-
produced a comprehensive volume, contex- lating to education can be included in future
tualized within specific subject areas. Fur- editions, as can new interpretations of words
thermore, the contributing editors have, in a and concepts. Recruiting such a large num-
sense, defined their field of expertise through ber of contributors has, furthermore, fo-
the selection of the words that they chose to cused the attention of many educators on the
include in the dictionary. The contributors language of education; the impact on the
(scholars, administrators, teachers, practi- success of our future communications,
tioners, graduate students, and others) set among ourselves and with those outside our
limits on what they wished to include and field, can only be positive.
chose entries that they viewed as important
to the understanding of their field. Catherine Snow
The editors of this Dictionary have per- Harvard Graduate School of Education


Not since Good's Dictionary of Education, the process, we nevertheless decided on a

last published in 1973, has there been a plan of action. Recognizing the need for
comprehensive dictionary of education. expert involvement in this project, we iden-
While selected dictionaries have covered ed- tified several specializations within the field
ucation during the interim, they have fo- of education and decided to select contrib-
cused on specifics such as educational uting editors to take responsibility for these
technology or British educational terms, or areas. Persistence resulted in a cadre of ex-
have been general dictionaries rather than perts from around the country. A list of
comprehensive. The Greenwood Dictionary these authorities may be found at the end of
of Education fills a serious gap by providing this work. We believe that the quality of this
the first comprehensive dictionary of educa- Dictionary reflects the expertise of the con-
tion in over a quarter of a century. tributing editors and the care and commit-
Users of this Dictionary will find it an aid ment they gave to this project.
in the contemporary understanding and use Each of these contributing editors had the
of more than 2,600 terms as they apply to option of gathering a group of colleagues to
educational research, practice, and theory. It develop definitions for terms in their respec-
will be of value not only to the general pub- tive areas. Each contributing editor who
lic concerned with education issues, but also chose to do so was subsequently responsible
to professionals in the K-12 setting, parents, for identifying and recruiting contributors to
students at all levels, and educators, re- write definitions within specific guidelines.
searchers, and scholars in higher education. The contributing editors were also respon-
Staff in public, academic, and school librar- sible for defining the boundaries of their top-
ies will find the Dictionary immensely help- ical areas; selecting words for inclusion;
ful in interpreting the terminology used in collecting, reviewing and editing the submis-
education. sions from their contributors; and submit-
As we first considered the process for de- ting the results to the editors-in-chief. The
veloping a new dictionary of education, the individual contributors, drawn from a vast
1999 book The Professor and the Madman: array of education professionals, were re-
A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making sponsible in turn for identifying potential
of the Oxford English Dictionary was terms for inclusion, writing the definitions,
brought to our attention. Uncertain into and submitting the results to the contribut-
which category we would fall by the end of ing editors.


The terms for inclusion in the Dictionary noted as we worked with our contributing
were collected over a three-year period. The editors was the number and variety of re-
editors-in-chief, John Collins, librarian of sources they consulted as they defined the lit-
the Harvard Graduate School of Education, erature of their respective areas in education.
and Nancy O'Brien, librarian of the Educa- This extensive and helpful list of sources ap-
tion and Social Science Library, University of pears at the end of this volume. Not only
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, worked with were books, journal articles, technical re-
an advisory board of distinguished scholars ports, encyclopedias, and dictionaries con-
and practitioners. The advisory board was sulted, but the publication dates of these
consulted on matters relating to the identi- items span nearly a century. In addition,
fication of topical areas for inclusion in the many references are made to World Wide
Dictionary and in the identification of ap- Web sites that provided background infor-
propriate individuals to serve as contributing mation as definitions were developed. We
editors. believe this consultation of a variety of
The editors-in-chief were extensively in- sources reflects the increasing availability of
volved in a continual review of the education information to anyone seeking education in-
literature to seek terms for inclusion. In ad- formation. The source list is included in the
dition, they also provided each contributing Dictionary because we believe it represents
editor with a starter list of words for consid- a valuable collection of important and influ-
eration, sample definitions, and guidelines ential works.
for inclusion and submission. They also co- As editors of this work, we have reviewed
ordinated the work of the Dictionary, man- every term and definition several times. Our
aged deadlines, and compiled and edited the editing has traveled with us as we engaged
thousands of submissions. In consultation in professional conferences or trips with our
with the advisory board, the editors-in-chief families. We have hauled segments of the
also identified gaps and omissions in the sub- manuscript across country and across con-
mitted terms. tinents. Cyberspace has had a continuous
While there was no specific time period flow of terms as we collaborated with our
defined for inclusion, the focus of this work contributing editors and with one another.
is on contemporary usage of terms rather We accept the final responsibility for any er-
than on the historical. As deemed appropri- rors that may appear in this work. Credit for
ate, terms from earlier centuries were in- the immense amount of work is shared
cluded, but in general users are urged to among the contributing editors, contribu-
consult one of the older dictionaries when tors, and the invaluable assistance of a num-
seeking a definition of an educational meth- ber of other people. Brooke Scelza, Amy
odology or technology no longer in use. We Stevens, Jessica Penchos, and Jeff Wright, all
have included terms relevant to education Harvard graduate students, provided re-
but not terms that focus on extremely spe- markable support to this project. Dana B.
cific aspects of information technologies Moore performed miracles in keeping con-
used in education. We expect that readers trol of the ever-increasing manuscript. Janise
can find those terms in specialized diction- Phillips provided superb assistance in track-
aries that deal with computers, electronic re- ing down incomplete references and Web
sources, and other related areas when sites from the contributing editors. Anne
needed. The focus of the Dictionary is on Thompson, senior development editor at
education as it is practiced in the United Greenwood Press, shepherded us through
States. However, given the current global na- the process and we are grateful for her pa-
ture of society, the terms are relevant to tience, guidance, and expert advice. Finally,
many aspects of education practiced in other we want to recognize the extraordinary ef-
countries. fort of Ann Staniski Flentje in the prepara-
One of the interesting developments we tion of the final manuscript. She assembled


major portions of this book and brought her braries. We hope that the Dictionary will be
considerable expertise and support to the the first source consulted for education ter-
project from the beginning. Without the con- minology for years to come.
tributions of these people, this work would
still be in progress. John W. Collins III
During the development of the Dictionary Nancy Patricia O'Brien
we weathered family events including wed-
dings and births, serious illness, and other
distractions. This work is dedicated to all of
the family and friends who supported our REFERENCES
efforts and provided encouragement when
Good, C. V. Dictionary of Education. 3d ed.
needed. This much-awaited volume will of-
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973.
fer an excellent source of terminology in the Winchester, S. The Professor and the Madman:
critically important field of education. It will A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making
also offer the editors a resource that will be of the Oxford English Dictionary. New
of use in our daily practice in education li- York: HarperPerennial, 1999.

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How to Use This Book

All terms, acronyms, and initialisms have and definitions related to the history and
been included in the alphabetical arrange- foundations of education, terms that have
ment of dictionary entries. For example, fallen from usage are not included and
"EFL" follows immediately after "effective should be sought in older dictionaries. In ad-
schools research" rather than appearing in a dition, the focus of this particular work is
separate index or preceding all entries begin- on education. While relevant terms from
ning with the letter "e." Since this is a other disciplines such as psychology and so-
dictionary, there is no index. ciology may be included, they are defined
Initials identify each contributor after the within the context of education.
definition that he or she wrote. A list of Other parts of the work include a fore-
those initials, cross-referenced to their full word from one of the prominent educators
name, appears at the back of the Dictionary of our time, Catherine Snow; a preface de-
following the list of contributors and their scribing the process and background of how
affiliations. the Dictionary came into being; and a list of
When multiple meanings of a term are advisory board members. The dictionary en-
used in the field of education, we have in- tries follow this prefatory material. At the
cluded those in the definition. The meanings end of the Dictionary can be found an ex-
are not identified with a separate numeric tensive list of sources used by the contribu-
prefix as they are in general dictionaries. In- tors and contributing editors as they
stead, we have indicated that when used in developed definitions. This list reflects the di-
one educational context the term has a cer- versity of subject areas within education.
tain meaning, while in another context it has The final components of the Dictionary are
a different connotation. lists of contributing editors for specialized
The Greenwood Dictionary of Education areas within education, contributors, and an
focuses on contemporary terminology used index to the initials of each contributor that
in education. While we have included words provides the full name.

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AAHE (See American Association for ability grouping
Higher Education) Assigning students to separate classrooms,
groups, or activities on the basis of their per-
AASCU (See American Association of ceived academic abilities or performance.
State Colleges and Universities) Grouping can be either homogeneous (stu-
dents of similar abilities placed together) or
heterogeneous (students of mixed abilities
AAU (See Association of American
placed together), (bba)
ABLE (See Adult Basic Learning
AAUP (See American Association of Examination)
University Professors)
absolute constant
AAUW (See American Association of A constant that always has the same value,
University Women) such as numbers in arithmetic, (kgh)

ABA (See applied behavior analysis) absolute knowers

Students for whom there is only one right
answer, and who place the teacher as the
ABC art (See minimalism)
sole legitimate source of knowledge and in-
sight. These students see knowledge as some-
ABE (See adult basic education) thing to be received, as well as something to
be mastered, (hfs)
Capacity to perform a task, as in talk of absorbent mind
"high ability" or "low ability." Degree of According to Montessori, the absorbent
skill at task performance. Intelligence. There mind of the child "absorbs each experience
is much disagreement over the question of in a powerful and direct way that, through
whether intelligence is unitary or multiple, the process of such absorption, the mind it-
genetically determined or socially developed, self is formed" (Roopnarine and Johnson,
and whether the tests purported to measure 2000, p. 196). Montessori has proposed two
it can do so. (jc) stages in the development of the absorbent


mind: the unconscious state where impres- words themselves as objects to be counted.
sions or mental constructions are formed A child at this level will be able to success-
based on the young child's uses of the senses fully solve tasks like the following: 6 +
and movement; and a more conscious state - 8. (amr)
where the child is able to use memory to See also children's counting schemes.
compare experiences and problem-solve.
(pw, yb) abuse
Acts of physical, sexual, and/or psychologi-
abstract cal/emotional harm directed at another per-
Not concrete; that which exists beyond a son. The perpetrators of abuse toward
particular object or example as an idea or children frequently include caregivers or par-
quality. A particular poem may be beautiful, ents but may also include other children.
but beauty itself is an abstract concept. Ab- Threatened harm is also considered abuse.
stract painting features the use of lines, col- (vm)
ors, and forms to represent attitudes and
emotions rather than photograph-like rep- academe
resentation of particular objects. Abstract art A general term or collective noun for refer-
may appear accidental in its making even ence to the academic world at large; origi-
when it has been carefully planned and ex- nally the grove outside of Athens where
ecuted. The art of very young children is of- Plato taught his students, (cf)
ten likened to abstract art because it aptly
represents human qualities and emotions academic
even as it disregards details of pictorial rep- Pertaining to college and university events,
resentation, (kpb) rituals, and ceremonies. Related to scholarly
aspects of education beyond the high school.
abstract reasoning Ranges from praise to sarcasm: academically
An ability to comprehend and manipulate sound or merely academic (i.e., pedantic,
abstract concepts such as symbols, language, formalistic, meaningless), (cf)
relationships, etc., that is often associated
with human intelligence, (jcp) academic affairs
The division of a college or university that
abstract singleton
administers the educational and research
Used in relation to the child's construction
missions of the institution. Academic affairs
of 10 as a unit. Here the child distinguishes
administrators handle faculty issues, such as
between those items that can be counted us-
recruitment, supervision, and evaluation of
ing the sequence 10, 20, 30, 40 from those
academic deans; academic policies and stan-
to be counted using the standard number-
dards; and advising the president concerning
word sequence but does not see one 10 as
tenure, promotion, and leaves, (cf)
composed of 10 ones, (amr)

abstract unit academic calendar

Constructing a number as a set of singletons The system by which the institution struc-
while maintaining its whole (e.g., thinking of tures its school year. The three common
10 as 10 ones while maintaining its tenness). types of calendars are the semester, the quar-
10 is thus a mathematical entity that can be ter, and the trimester, (cf)
thought of simultaneously as one thing and
ten things, (dc) academic culture
A general term for the numerous character-
abstract unit items (counting) istics that permeate college and university
Items do not need to be created in order to campuses, facilities, programs, alumni, fac-
be counted. The child can take the counting ulties, students, and other constituencies;


sometimes defined as those features without acalculia

which a particular institution would not be A learning disability which may leave an in-
an institution of higher learning, (cf) dividual capable of understanding general
mathematical concepts, but unable to carry
academic freedom out simple calculations, (jcp)
The custom and practice that accords uni- See also dyscalculia.
versity professors and, to a lesser degree, K-
12 teachers the freedom to teach and con- accelerated learning
duct research without interference of admin- A pedagogical method that emphasizes using
istrators, government officials, or other the whole person (both mind and body) in
outside parties. In 1940, the American As- order to increase a learner's ability to learn
sociation of University Professors issued its more in a shorter period of time. Accelerated
Statement of Principles on Academic Free- learning techniques involve the use of crea-
dom and Tenure, which has served as a tivity, music, images, and/or color to en-
guide for school officials and legal interpre- hance learning, (chm)
tations of the purpose and scope of academic
freedom in educational institutions. Doctrine acceleration program
that professors and students are free to in- An approach to serving academically gifted
quire, to learn, and to teach in a climate of students by increasing the pace at which they
judgmental neutrality; to teach in the ab- complete their education through practices
sence of political, religious, or social censor- such as skipping grade levels, (bba)
ship. Derived from the German concepts of
Lernfreiheit (uncontrolled study) and Lehr- access
freiheit (freedom of teaching), (cf, kl) The right to enter an institution as a partic-
ipant and to enroll in programs, courses and
to derive benefits and advantages. Often
academic rationalist used with equity, as in access and equity is-
An individual who believes that the intent of sues in higher learning, (cf)
education should be to expose students to
the thinking of the "great" minds and books accessibility
of history. An academic rationalist assumes Access to public and federally funded build-
that there is an identifiable body of legiti- ings, transportation, and facilities for indi-
mate knowledge and that there are people viduals with mobility, visual, hearing, and
qualified to select material from this body of other impairments, (sr)
knowledge to design meaningful curricula,
(jqa, jwc) accommodation
Jean Piaget's "Theory of Cognitive Devel-
academy opment" describes the alteration of estab-
A term that may refer to a school of philos- lished schemes in order to incorporate new
ophy, such as the gymnasium founded by information as accommodation. Accommo-
Plato. In the arts and sciences, the term re- dation may involve the changing of existing
fers to a society or professional community cognitions to gain an understanding of a
seeking to advance art, science, or literature. new concept. Also, changes, additions, or
In education, the term denotes a legally in- other alterations to a program, service, cur-
corporated institution providing a relatively riculum, or environment to meet the unique
advanced form of schooling beyond the ele- needs of a person with a disability, (mf, sr)
mentary level. Private academies were par-
ticularly common in the nineteenth-century accountability
United States before the growth of public The ethical or legal requirement that dele-
high schools, (kt) gated authority be exercised responsibly.


The obligation to give explicit justification to in grades, degrees, and other forms of certi-
those having the authority to demand or ex- fication or public acknowledgment, (cf)
pect an explanation. An extension of respon-
sibility to give evidence that duties have been achievement rating
performed as agreed. A higher order of re- A measurement of student achievement on a
sponsibility; faculty may be responsible for standardized test to compare individual
teaching courses, but are accountable to growth in a subject area against a standard;
deans and department heads. Also, the idea an evaluation of something accomplished,
that districts, schools, and teachers should such as an athletic skill or academic test,
be held responsible for ensuring that stu- (dsm)
dents master the specified curriculum at a
particular grade level, (cf, bba)
achievement test
One of a class of assessment instruments de-
signed to measure an individual's current
Being given approval of a school or pro-
skill or mastery of a specific academic task.
gram—including teacher education pro-
Scores on these tests are strongly influenced
grams—by a government or other official
by academic exposure and cultural experi-
educational body or organization, such as
ences. Unlike intelligence tests, which are de-
NCATE (National Council for Accreditation
signed to help predict future academic
of Teacher Education). The process by
performance, achievement tests are designed
which institutions and programs gain public
to assess mastery of materials one has al-
approval by a recognized authority with
ready learned. For example, they may assess
credibility. The granting of approval by an
mastery in one or more of the following ar-
association of comparable institutions who
eas: reading, written language, mathematics,
attest to each other's status and authenticity,
and oral expression. Achievement tests seek
(peb, cf)
to determine the degree to which an individ-
accrediting agencies ual has learned a set of objectives or other
Private, nonprofit organizations designed for goals within an instructional curriculum.
the specific purpose of facilitating the proc- The administration of this type of test will
ess used by higher education to review col- normally take place at the end of an instruc-
leges, universities, and educational programs tional sequence, which can be at the end of
for quality assurance and quality improve- an entire course term, or at the end of a par-
ment, (cf) ticular module within the course, (kc, seme,
bdj, bkl)
The process of acquiring a culture different ACLS (See American Council of
from one's own. Usually occurs when one Learned Societies)
cultural group adopts the cultural norms of
a dominant group and takes place when acoustic phonetics (See phonetics)
groups with different cultural backgrounds
come into contact. It also can represent the ACT (See American College Testing)
blending of cultures between diverse groups
of people, (jqa, jwc)
action learning
ACE (See American Council on A form of action research that brings small
Education) teams of peers together at their workplace to
find solutions to problems in real contexts,
achievement to try new ways of operating, to assess their
The attainment of knowledge, competencies, progress, and to make necessary adjust-
and higher-level status, as may be reflected ments. Any learning through doing, (aim)


action research is saying. Also involves "listening with a

Action research describes many dissimilar third ear," that is, listening to both what he
forms of inquiry that include teacher- or she is saying and to what he or she really
originated, administration-directed research; means. Specific types of listening responses
as well as collaborative research with uni- include: clarifying statements, paraphrasing
versity faculty, involving practitioners as what was said, reflecting feeling(s), and sum-
change agents in pursuit of the betterment marizing what was said, (kdc, ksp)
of schools, curriculum, teaching, and learn-
ing. The goals of action research are multi- active participation
fold: to improve the knowledge base for Hands-on, experiential learning. A class-
educational theory; as a means of personal room that values active participation pro-
fulfillment, empowerment, and the profes- vides children with many types of activities,
sionalization of teaching; and to improve designed to help children explore, experi-
and refine teaching practice specific to a ment, practice emerging skills, and learn new
teacher-researcher's context. Research in concepts and skills, (kdc)
which the researcher participates in the phe-
nomenon being studied. It is usually under- active role-play area
taken with the intent of changing a specific An area where children use their experiences
situation or problem, (ja, las) and act out what they have experienced
within their environment such as acting out
active learning what they see adults do at different times of
The process of having students engage in the day or acting like an animal, or a super-
some activity that forces them to reflect hero, seen on television. The area also may
upon ideas and upon how they are using facilitate children's learning to empathize
those ideas. Requiring students to regularly by placing themselves in another person's
assess their own degree of understanding shoes. The role-playing process helps a child
and skill at handling concepts or problems to imagine what it is like to be someone else,
in a particular discipline. The attainment of how it feels, and to practice using language—
knowledge by participating or contributing. verbal and nonverbal—in different ways, or
The process of keeping students mentally, try out and test imaginative ideas, (pw)
and often physically, active in their learning
through activities that involve them in gath- activist
ering information, thinking, and problem An individual who engages in direct politi-
solving, (dsm, bba) cal, civil, or social action designed to influ-
ence political or social change, (jqa, jwc)
active learning time (ALT)
The amount of time that students are ac- activity center
tively participating in meaningful movement An activity center is an area where either an
skills related to the goals of instruction, (rf) individual or a small group can interact with
interesting objects laid out for them. Activity
active listening centers are provided to promote many as-
The act of attending to the speech, body lan- pects of learning at the same time, such as
guage, facial expressions, and implied mean- using fine motor skills, movement or large
ings of a person's communication. Active motor skills, auditory discrimination, and
listening can also be demonstrated by reflect- language development in comfortable, stim-
ing what one has heard another say by re- ulating settings, (pw)
phrasing or reiterating the statement and
confirming the statement's meaning and in- ACUHO-I (See Association of College
tent. A microcounseling skill that involves and University Housing Officers-
attending to and understanding what a client International)

ad hoc committees

ad hoc committees ably caused by dysfunction in the brain's

Appointed for specified purposes and length medial forebrain bundle, or pleasure path-
of service, with expectations that when its way. Tolerance to a drug's action or with-
mission is accomplished, the committee will drawal symptoms may or may not accom-
no longer exist, (cf) pany addiction. The term is distinct from
drug abuse and misuse, which implies willful
ad valorem (See tax abatement) use, as opposed to addiction, which implies
brain chemistry malfunction, (sdc)
adaptive physical education See also substance abuse; substance-
Accommodations made to the physical edu- related disorder.
cation program to address the unique needs
of students with disabilities, (sr)
additive inverse
The number that when added to the original
adaptive testing
number results in a sum of zero; e.g., —3 is
The adaptive testing concept refers to tests
the additive inverse of 3 because 3 + ( — 3
that shape themselves to the particular level
= 0. (ps)
of ability for individual test takers. Rather
than have all test takers work through an
entire set of test items, an adaptive test will additive reasoning
tailor the items or tasks that each person is Involves constructing the relationship be-
presented with based on the developing pic- tween addition and subtraction and devel-
ture of his or her ability on those items. Test oping appropriate strategies for solving
takers end up taking only the number of problems related to adding and subtracting.
items necessary to identify their level of abil- (smc)
ity. This is accomplished by presenting items
from pre-established difficulty levels, and us- ADHD (See Attention Deficit Disorder)
ing these to zero in on the level at which the
test taker's responses indicate he or she can-
not handle anything more difficult. Strictly adhesive adaptation
speaking, any test that "adapts" in real time The addition rather than subtraction of cul-
to an ongoing estimate of student ability is tural behaviors, values, and attitudes by im-
an adaptive test, including such assessments migrants to their pre-existing belief system
as face-to-face interview testing; however, and relationships. It suggests that new cos-
the term is typically applied to multi-item as- mologies and understandings are complexly
sessments, (bkl) superimposed upon the old instead of the
See also computer adaptive testing. complete replacement or destruction of pre-
vious systems of values, beliefs, and under-
ADD (See Attention Deficit Disorder) standing, (hfs)

addends adjunct faculty

Any of the members of a set of numbers be- Individuals appointed on a temporary or
ing added, (kva) provisional basis to perform specific aca-
demic duties that do not carry full faculty
addiction privileges and responsibilities; the academic
A term with an evolving definition based on credentials of adjunct faculty are often com-
recent discoveries of brain mechanisms. In parable to those of tenured faculty, but the
scientific terms, addiction is typically re- appointments of adjunct faculty may be
placed by "substance dependence," which, restricted for reasons such as concurrent
according to DSM-IV, signifies impaired be- appointment with another institution or or-
havioral control over substance use, presum- ganization, (cf)


adjustment, occupational in-service academic administrators; includes

Response of a person to stimuli furnished by administrative fellowships, internships, at-
a job and its circumstances correlated with tendance at conferences, participation in
personal values, abilities, and interests, (jm) training seminars/workshops or in other
scheduled occasions to observe, study, and
adjustment, vocational review administrative duties and responsibil-
The degree to which a person is suited by ities, (cf)
personality, interests, and training to an oc-
cupation. The establishment of a satisfac-
administrative leadership
tory, harmonious, or otherwise proper
The efforts of academic administrators, in
relationship to one's employment, occupa-
addition to their assigned responsibilities
tion, or profession. An aspect of personal de-
and delegated authority, to improve an in-
velopment, (jm)
stitution's performance in pursuit of its spec-
ified mission and goals; includes efforts to
adjustment disorder
make the achievement of institutional objec-
A category of mental disorders characterized
tives a satisfying experience for most, if not
by the development of significant emotional
all, participants in the process, (cf)
and behavioral symptoms within three
months of an identifiable stressor. The symp-
toms are considered significant if they are in administrative officers
excess of what would be an expected reac- Administrative officers include institution
tion to the stressor or if there is accompa- presidents, provosts, and deans, as well as
nying impairment in social, academic, or senior professionals working in various of-
occupational functioning. Adjustment dis- fices. Many faculty members do administra-
orders may occur with depressed mood, anx- tive work as well, serving on committees,
iety, disturbance of conduct, or some acting as department chairs, etc. Some full-
combination of the three. Grief reactions are time administrative officers are also part-
not considered adjustment disorders, (mgg) time faculty members, and others may have
been professors or instructors before joining
Adlerian therapy the administration, (cf)
A phenomenological approach to psycho-
therapy that emphasizes the importance of
administrative theory
viewing an individual from his or her sub-
An educational term referring to a set of in-
jective world view or frame of reference.
terrelated concepts, assumptions, and gen-
Central to Adlerian therapy is the impor-
eralizations that systematically describes and
tance of goal-directed behavior and individ-
explains regularities in behavior in educa-
ual optimal development, balanced with
tional organizations. It is related to practice
one's need for social responsibility and be-
in that it forms a frame of reference and
longing, (jbb)
guides decision making, (mm)
administrative community
A term in education referring to a unified admissions
body of professional individuals established The process of admitting or allowing to en-
in a country, a city, or a school district who ter into an institution or program. Admis-
interact with each other based on common sion has a more general meaning than
interests, (mm) admittance, which is used only to denote the
obtaining of physical access to a place. To
administrative development gain admittance to a fraternity or sorority is
The organized activities and events that pro- to enter its facilities, to gain admission is to
vide learning opportunities for pre-service or become a member, (cf)

admissions officer

admissions officer Adult Basic Learning Examination

In education, an admissions officer is typi- (ABLE)
cally a member of a postsecondary academic A norm-referenced test that measures read-
staff responsible for admitting students into ing comprehension by asking adults to
a postsecondary program. An admissions of- answer multiple-choice questions about
ficer gathers and maintains student admis- reading passages provided in the test and by
sions data and reports admissions data to completing fill-in-the blank items. The read-
the administrators of the educational organ- ing passages are similar to K-12 texts, (jpc)
ization. An admissions officer also commu-
nicates appropriate admissions information adult development
to students, parents, and educational profes- Changes in consciousness or cognition over
sionals, and/or others, as needed, as long as the course of the adult lifespan. Different
the confidentiality of any student's admis- theorists treat these changes, variously, as
sions information is not compromised, (tp) conscious or unconscious, as by-products of
events and activities, or as predictable, se-
admissions tests quential progressions in an individual's life
(As related to entrance exams) Standardized course. Stages or levels of cognitive and
tests, such as the SAT and ACT, are admin- emotional development that take place after
istered, scored, and reported prior to the ac- adolescence. These developmental levels de-
ceptance and enrollment of applicants to scribe different ways of knowing and learn-
undergraduate education. Tests nationally ing, (jpc, chb)
administered for professional and graduate
schools include the MCAT, LSAT, MAT, adult education
and GRE. (cf) Organized experiences designed to meet the
learning needs of people who are beyond the
normal school-leaving age and who are no
longer full-time students, (chb)
A period of physical and psychological de-
velopment beginning at eleven to thirteen
Adult Education Act (AEA)
years of age and extending into the early
The legislation that established adult edu-
twenties. Changes in build and body struc-
cation as a permanent part of the U.S. De-
ture are prominent during this period. Ini-
partment of Education in 1966. The AEA
tiated by a short period of puberty, it
continued through 1999 when the Work-
continues for many years after the arrival of
force Investment Act became law. (jpc)
sexual maturity, (jw)
See also Workforce Investment Act.

adult (See adult learner) Adult Education and Family Literacy

adult basic education (ABE) Title II of the Workforce Investment Act of
The entire system of services that provides 1998; the act provides for federal funding to
basic skills education to adults who do not be used for adult basic education. In addi-
speak English, who do not have a high tion, it establishes a comprehensive perform-
school diploma, or who have weak literacy ance accountability system measuring state
and math skills. Educational services that are performance in several areas: demonstrated
exclusively focused on adults who have very improvement in literacy skill levels in read-
low literacy and math skills. The area of ing, writing, and speaking the English lan-
adult education that focuses on the lan- guage; numeracy; problem-solving; English-
guage, mathematics, and social skills that language acquisition and other literacy
adults need in order to carry out their every- skills; placement, retention, or completion of
day life roles, (jpc, dmv) postsecondary education, training, unsubsi-

adult-child ratios

dized employment or career advancement; expanded to include skills and knowledge as

receipt of a high school diploma or equiva- diverse as computer expertise and financial
lent; and other objective, quantifiable meas- acumen, which increase a person's ability to
ures, as identified by state agencies, (las) function as a productive member of society.
In the legislation funding adult literacy pro-
adult education center grams in the United States, the term is de-
A place where adult education takes place, fined as the ability of adults to read, write,
(jpc) and speak English, compute and solve prob-
lems at levels of proficiency necessary to
adult educator function on the job and in society, to achieve
Individuals involved in the development, or- their goals, and develop their knowledge and
ganization, and provision of adult educa- potential, (dmv, jpc)
tion. The term applies to teachers, tutors,
administrators, counselors, and curriculum adult new readers
developers, (jpc) Adults who left school with very low literacy
skills and learned to read well as adults or
are presently improving their reading skills.
Adult Language Assessment Scales
(A-LAS) (jpc)
A test that assesses the oral language, read-
adult numeracy
ing, writing, and math skills of adults. It
The ability of adults to solve life problems
assesses skills from the most basic to a level
by using numbers and math information and
sufficient for entry into employment or aca-
processes, (jpc)
demic training. The test questions draw from
life situations. The test is used for assessment
Adult Performance Level (APL)
and placement of students in adult basic ed-
A 1971 study by the U.S. Office of Educa-
ucation programs, (jpc)
tion assessed the performance of adults on
literacy tasks and reported the mean scores
adult learner for each of five levels of education: less than
An adult who is a participant in an organ- eighth grade, eighth through twelfth grade,
ized adult education program or any adult high school graduate, some college, and col-
who is engaged in learning. In most state lege graduate, (jpc)
and national legislation an adult is someone
who is not in K-12 and is 16 or older, but adult secondary education (ASE)
for some states adulthood begins at 18 for Programs that provide adults with an op-
educational purposes, (jpc) portunity to acquire a high school diploma,
either through taking a test or through pass-
adult learning ing a set of courses, (jpc)
The engagement of adults in either organized
adult education programs or self-directed adult student (See adult learner)
learning. The learning that an adult does,
both in planned educational activities and adult vocational education
through unplanned, incidental experiences, Education aimed at preparing adults to enter
(jpc, chb) the workforce or advance in their careers.
adult literacy
The ability of adults to read and write ac- adult-child ratios
cording to a standard set by society and es- Refers to the maximum number of children
pecially in the learner's social context. allowed in the care of an individual adult in
Recently the definition of literacy has been childcare settings. Ratios are usually based

advance organizer

on the age of the youngest child in the ing is studied as a phenomenon related to
group, with the youngest groups allowing societal trends and issues, (ewr)
fewer children to each adult. State regula-
tions or accrediting agency standards deter- advisee
mine ratios, (jlj) One who is assigned to or seeks the assis-
tance of an adviser. In a scholastic setting,
advance organizer this relationship is established to gain infor-
Any information (verbal, quantitative, or mation and recommendations about per-
graphic) that is presented to learners prior to sonal, curricular, and vocational concerns.
a learning experience with the goal of mak- (jw)
ing the instruction or presentation easier to
follow, (mkr) advisement
The careful consideration of a request, peti-
advanced placement tion, or demand; advising of students as to
Academic credits or standing earned prior to courses, schedules, extracurricular activities,
matriculation at an educational institution etc. (cf)
by which a student exempts certain courses
or other academic requirements; includes adviser/advisor
credit-by-examination, acceptable credits In an educational context, an adviser is an
earned at another institution, and credits informed person in a given area who pro-
awarded for experiential work, (cf) vides specific information to another individ-
ual or individuals on such things as course
advancement selection or future education plans. A mem-
The continued improvement or progress of ber of the faculty who provides information
institutions and individuals. The continuing to and guides the activities of a given class
acquisition and development of resources, is called a class adviser, (gac)
programs, services, and activities of colleges
and universities. The progression of a stu- advising (See advisement)
dent from one grade to another, (cf)
advisor, vocational
adventure education A qualified person who assists individuals in
The term "adventure education" is often choosing an occupation by informing them
used interchangeably with Project Adven- about occupational preparation, entry, and
ture. It is an experiential approach to cur- progression. Someone who aids individuals
riculum that involves games, initiative in making satisfactory adjustments to the
problems, trust activities, high and low ele- work environment, (jm)
ments of a ropes course, risk-taking, prob-
lem solving, and cooperative learning. advisory committee
Activities utilized can be performed indoors In vocational education, advisory commit-
or outdoors and often involve challenging tees are groups of employers and community
people to go beyond their perceived capabil- representatives who advise educators on the
ities, (rf) design, development, operation, evaluation,
and revision of career-technical education
advertising programs, (sk)
The action of calling attention of others via
an announcement in the media (e.g., warn- advocacy
ing, notification, information). A paid public To actively and positively respond to, sup-
announcement, especially by printed notice port, and represent the welfare of young
or broadcast, intended to arouse a desire to children and/or families by staying and keep-
buy or patronize. In social studies, advertis- ing others well-informed and taking action


as needed, including phone calls, writing let- Greene calls an "awakening of the imagi-
ters, serving on committees, etc. Advocacy nation"—an ability to make sense of expe-
activities might include reporting suspected rience through the lenses of works of art and
abuse, seeking social services for children literature. The Lincoln Center Institute (LCI)
and/or families, and taking action to influ- in New York, spearheaded by Greene, has
ence public policies, (dbl) launched an aesthetic education program
that has been emulated across the country
AEA (See Adult Education Act) and features summer training of teachers
working closely with professional artists
AEFLA (See Adult Education and who later make visits to the teachers' class-
Family Literacy Act) rooms, (jd)

aesthetic aesthetic knowledge

Having to do with the study of beauty or The understanding of hope as held and felt
taste. Also, artistic, having to do with the by students for the possibilities of change in-
arts. The appealing or artful aspects of an herent in a given situation. Such insight is
experience. Having to do with standards for generated through participatory learning,
taste or beauty. Cognitivists have embraced meaning making, the engagement of imagi-
the notion of aesthetic knowing as the spe- nation, and affective as well as cognitive per-
cial mode of cognition, understanding, ex- ception, (hfs)
perience and percipience associated with the
arts, (jd) aesthetic whole
See also aesthetic education; aesthetic A unified composition, whether in music, vi-
whole; aesthetics. sual art, or writing in which the parts of the
whole are integrated seamlessly. The result
aesthetic development is twofold: The disruption of any part would
The development of perceptive skills with re- render the whole significantly diminished or
gard to attending to and making sense of vi- meaningless; and the whole is greater than
sual art. From a cognitive perspective, the the sum of its individual parts. After Langer,
ability to discover meaning in and make aesthetic expressions deliver multiple and
sense out of artistic creations. Aesthetic de- challenging meanings determined as surely
velopment has been studied by cognitive by the aesthetic properties of the symbols
psychologists, notably Michael Parsons and (words, line, tones) as by the meanings they
Abigail Housen, with an eye to changes in deliver. The construction of an aesthetic
aesthetic response that may be associated whole (see Aristotle and Arnheim) is a tri-
with age and experience. After Piaget, five umph of meaning revealing itself to the artist
stages of development have been noted rang- (adult or child) when the work appears
ing from the earliest sensual responses to "right" or done, (jd)
color, form, and personal association to the
most advanced understanding of the chal- aesthetics
lenges and vision that the artist embraces, The study of beauty and value, and of the
(jd) perception and appreciation (the experience)
of beauty and value. The central questions
aesthetic education of aesthetics are "What makes something
The education of perception, specifically ar- beautiful (or valuable)?" and "What makes
tistic vision that can be applied to every ex- us experience something as beautiful (or val-
periential situation. Focusing as well on uable)?" In the formation of educational
literary texts and musical creations as on re- policy and curriculum, aesthetics is a central
sponse to works of art, aesthetic education concern, if most often an unrecognized one,
is dedicated to what philosopher Maxine since determinations of what belongs in the

affectional orientation

curriculum are always questions of what is prescribes equal opportunity employment

valuable for the student to learn. Tradition- standards for government employment. Af-
ally, a branch of philosophy dealing with the firmative action commits government con-
nature, creation, and appreciation of beauty, tracting agencies to nondiscrimination in the
art, and taste. The Greek term aisthetikos areas of race, color, religion, sex, and na-
meant "pertaining to sense perception." The tional origin and the law's broad coverage
special way that we perceive art objects— includes protection for workers in the areas
"the aesthetic experience"—is of interest in of promotion, advancement, transfer, re-
education. Philosopher and educator John cruitment, layoff or termination, as well as
Dewey argued for aesthetic perception as a rates of pay and other forms of compensa-
way to make sense of daily experience. Fol- tion, (jqa, jwc)
lowing Dewey, educational philosopher
Maxine Greene has developed programs fos- AFQT (See Armed Forces Qualification
tering such appreciation under the rubric of Test)
"aesthetic education." Cognitive psycholo-
gists study the modes of response to artistic African dance
symbols and have demonstrated stage-like A multidimensional art form originating in
development in aesthetic perception, (jc, African tribal cultures. The communicative
kpb) and expressive properties of African dance
are bases for the different intersocial and
affectional orientation (See sexual aesthetic activities for rituals, festivities, re-
orientation) ligious observances, rites of passage, politi-
cal ceremonies, and professional activities,
affective though tribal cultures differ in language,
Affective learning stands in contrast to cog- movements, storytelling, and costuming. Af-
nitive learning as it is used to denote those rican drumming as a means of communi-
aspects of learning that involve emotions, cation is an essential component to the
feelings, and attitudes, (crl) recreational, aesthetic, and symbolic dance
forms. The African slave population in
affective development
America devised a method of communicative
The social and emotional dimensions of a
drumming by attaching stones and pebbles
child's growth. According to Erickson's
to the bottoms of shoes, which has evolved
(1963) stages of psychosocial development,
into the art form of tap dancing, (kbc)
a child's affect grows in concert with his or
her physical and cognitive dimensions, (ecr)
African-American language
affective education Sometimes referred to as Black English or
Programs and practices which address and Ebonics, African-American language is the
promote positive social and emotional language typically spoken within the
growth in children. A healthy self-concept African-American community. According to
and pro-social relationships with other chil- Williams, the term "acknowledges its Afri-
dren are goals of an affective education can cultural roots, identifies its geographical
program. In affective education, adult inter- residence, and reflects the linguistic integrity
action with children is responsive to their of this effective communication system."
emotional needs and their expressed feelings, (jqa, jwc)
Afro-American studies
Affirmative Action A field of cultural studies that emerged in the
Enacted September 24, 1965, through Ex- United States during the 1960s, which fo-
ecutive Order 11246, Affirmative Action cuses on the academic, social, and cultural


aspects of African-American life. Distin- Afrocentrism

guished from Negro history, black history, Afrocentrism is considered a frame of refer-
and African history, Afro-American studies ence in which phenomena are viewed from
flourished on American college campuses as the perspective of the African person. In ed-
students demanded a curricular relevance to ucation, it is the belief that African cultural
the needs of black communities. The field heritage should be represented more com-
encompasses many subject areas and core pletely in curricula. Most Afrocentrist work
courses, including: black history, religion, relates closely to the books of Molefi Asante
arts, sociology, psychology, politics, and ec- and his contention that black cultural and
onomics, (jqa, jwc) ethnic identity should be discussed and stud-
ied more closely, (jwn)
Afrocentric curriculum
AFT (See American Federation of
A curriculum that focuses on concepts, is-
sues, arts, and literature from the perspec-
tives of Africans and African Americans.
after-school care
Viewed as an alternative to Eurocentric-
Extended care for school-age children in the
based curriculum, Afrocentic curriculum is
hours between the end of the school day and
more inclusive, less exclusionary, and pro-
the time the parents are available to pick
vides many students the opportunity to learn
them up. Simple activities and assistance
from their own cultural perspectives, (jqa,
with homework are often included, (jlj)
after-school programs
Afrocentric education Supervised programs for school children, lo-
An approach to education that decenters cated in schools or other community re-
European history and culture and replaces it source centers, that extend from the end of
with African and African-American history the school day until late afternoon or eve-
and culture as the lens through which edu- ning. After-school programs serve one or
cation is focused. The premise of Afrocentric more of the following purposes: providing
education is that the privileged position child care for children of working parents;
given to European history and culture in the providing educational support and enrich-
school curriculum disadvantages children of ment; and promoting youth development,
African descent by alienating them from (bba)
their cultural and historical heritage and/or
from their education. Philosophy that rec- age-graded approach
ognizes the existence of cultural, intellectual, The assignment of students to grade levels
psychological, and emotional bonds and solely on the basis of their chronological age.
connections within all persons of African an- (bba)
cestry. Teaching and learning requires criti-
cal inquiry and reflection on the varied ageism
consequences and inherent contradictions of Discrimination, hatred, or prejudice directed
African existence in European-dominated against people based on their age. (jqa, jwc)
societies, and by extension, the world. It is
an orientation that places the examination aggregation
of the African experience and cosmology In a sociological context, this term can mean
centrally as subject in the development of the voluntary clustering of individuals by
intellect, curriculum, pedagogy, goals, and race. In schools, this type of aggregation can
outcomes, (jc, hfs) be seen in classroom seating arrangements,
See also multicultural education. cafeteria groupings, etc. Some sociologists

agricultural education

suggest that aggregation can be viewed as a algebra

measure for assessing student attitudes to- The study of general methods of understand-
ward interracial and intercultural grouping, ing patterns, relations, and functions by
(jqa, jwc) representing and analyzing them using math-
ematical symbols called variables. The use of
variables allows relationships to be identified
agricultural education
and generalized from the specific numbers or
One of major program areas in career and
constants of arithmetic to larger sets of num-
technical education that was established in
bers representing a range of values, (kva)
Georgia in 1734. Teaching of agriculture in
public school can be traced back to elemen-
tary schools in Massachusetts in 1858. Pro- algebraic expression
grams that prepare students for careers in Numbers and/or variables usually with op-
production, agriculture, horticulture, agri- eration signs between them and possibly
cultural mechanics, agribusiness, and emerg- with symbols of inclusion (e.g., parentheses).
ing agricultural fields, (jb) The following are examples of algebraic ex-
pressions: 2x + 3, 3(x — 2), x2 + 2/x — 1.
AHA Committee of Seven
A group of historians who were appointed
algebraic irrational numbers (See
by the American Historical Association in
irrational number)
1896 and reported in 1899 about the status
of history and civic education in the United
States. In their report, they stressed the im- algebraic reasoning
portance of teaching historical thinking as a Thinking in variables. Using the general be-
preparation for civil government as well as havior of numbers, patterns, relations, and
the necessity for studying civil government functions, to solve problems, evaluate the
from a historic perspective. They also em- validity of those solutions, and verify con-
phasized the teaching of responsible citizen- jectures, (gtm)
ship and the capacity for students to deal
with political and governmental questions, algebraic symbols
(jwn) Symbols used to represent an unknown
value or range of values, (kva)
AIHEC (See American Indian Higher
Education Consortium)
A procedure for quickly and efficiently per-
forming a calculation or solving a routine
AIM (See American Indian Movement) problem. Traditionally, algorithms are de-
veloped by more experienced mathemati-
AIR (See Association for Institutional cians and become standard procedures that
Research are taught to students of mathematics. There
has been a move in mathematics education
in recent years away from teaching standard
A-LAS (See Adult Language algorithms, toward encouraging students to
Assessment Scales) develop their own meaningful procedures to
use in these situations, (amr)
alcohol education
A proactive approach to dissuade students all aspects of industry
from drinking and abusing alcohol by in- As defined by the School-to-Work Oppor-
structing them on its negative influence in tunities Act, the phrase "all aspects of in-
lives, (dsm) dustry" refers to all aspects of the industry

alternative education programs

or industry sector a student is preparing to betic language in the world has its own
enter, including planning, management, fi- unique alphabet, (smt)
nances, technical and production skills, the
underlying principles of technology, labor ALT (See active learning time)
and community issues, health and safety is-
sues, and environmental issues related to alternate day kindergarten
such industry or industry sector. This term A delivery system for kindergarten in which
also includes the collection of occupations the five-year-olds attend school alternate
and careers in an industry, from the most weekdays (Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday,
simple to the advanced, (jb) or Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) instead
of five half-days each week. The longer
allegory school day can reduce transition times and
A story, play, poem, or picture is an allegory save on transportation costs, but has not
(or allegorical) when the characters or events been shown to be educationally superior.
represent particular human qualities or (ecr)
ideas, most frequently related to some
moral, religious, or political meaning. In this alternative assessment
way abstract concepts like virtue, beauty, Alternative assessments examine student
nature, or truth may be represented by fic- progress through direct observation of stu-
tional figures (e.g., an innocent child) or an dent performance and/or judgment of learn-
instance (e.g., an act of kindness) standing ing products. The aim is to gather
for a human quality (e.g., virtue), (kpb) information about how individual students
approach "real-life" tasks in a particular do-
main. When alternative assessments are
allocated time
used, information is often collected from a
The amount of time that is assigned or
variety of "authentic" sources, for example,
scheduled for the instruction of specific sub-
observation/anecdotal notes, student oral
jects or content, (bba)
reading/presentation, and collections of stu-
dent work. Evaluative rubrics that spell out
allographic criteria for various levels of proficiency often
Writing, as in a signature, made by one per- accompany the use of the assessment. Alter-
son to represent the signature of another (as native assessments can also be described as
opposed to autographic in which the signa- authentic assessments or performance assess-
ture is original). A performance of a musical ments, (al, aw)
composition is allographic. The composer
has written the work and the performer in- alternative education
terprets it artistically so that it can stand for Any variety of education that is apart from
(though it is not literally the same as) what the common public school. Most often used
the composer has written even though, like to describe schools that are created within
the re-created signature, it is now written in the public school system for "at risk" or spe-
the hand (or voice or through the instru- cial populations of students (e.g., gifted/tal-
ment) of the performer, (kpb) ented or children with special needs), the
term is also used to describe private schools
alphabet as alternatives to the public school, and in-
Generally, the complete set of letters or other cludes home schooling, (jc)
graphic symbols representing speech sounds
used in writing a language or in phonetic alternative education programs
transcription. More specifically, it is the se- Alternative education programs address the
quential arrangement of the letters used to needs of students who have dropped out of
write a given language. Almost every alpha- school or those who are at risk of dropping

alternative route to certification

out of school. These programs emphasize ac- American Association of University

ademic as well as socialization skills, (jt) Professors (AAUP)
Was founded in 1915 by Arthur Love joy of
alternative route to certification Johns Hopkins and John Dewey of Colum-
A path to teacher licensure provided by in- bia University. Its mission to advance aca-
stitutions of higher education as a substitute demic freedom and shared governance; to
for a four-year or graduate education pro- define fundamental professional values and
gram devised to meet the needs of profes- standards for higher education; and to en-
sionals already holding a bachelor's degree sure higher education's contribution to the
interested in entering the teaching profes- common good, is most clearly articulated in
sion. An intensive course of study may in- the famous 1940 Statement of Principles on
clude courses in content, educational theory Academic Freedom and Tenure. During the
and methods followed by an internship, (elk) era of McCarthyism the AAUP was called
upon to protect faculty members suspected
alternative school movement of Communist Party affiliation. It is cur-
A broad term used to describe a wide variety rently a nonprofit organization that is open
of public and private alternatives to tradi- to membership by any academic profes-
tional public educational curriculum and sional. The association continues to publish
methodology. Among the many varieties of reports on topics germane to academics and
alternative schools popular in the United is called upon to investigate infringements
States over the past 30 years are free schools, on academic freedom, (rih, cf)
freedom schools, open schools, survival
schools, schools-within-schools, magnet
American Association of University
schools, and charter schools, (sw)
Women (AAUW)
A national organization founded for the pur-
American Association for Higher
pose of achieving gender equity in education
Education (AAHE)
and fostering societal change. Members are
This organization addresses the challenges
required to hold college degrees from col-
higher education faces and promotes the
leges and universities approved by the asso-
changes necessary to ensure its effectiveness
ciation. The AAUW was formed in 1921
in a changing world. AAHE provides indi-
from a merger between the Association of
viduals and institutions committed to change
Collegiate Alumnae (founded in 1881) and
with the knowledge needed to bring those
the Southern Association of College Women
changes about. Individual members are fac-
(founded in 1903). Currently, it is an inter-
ulty, administrators, and students from all
national organization for 150,000 college
disciplines, plus policy makers from foun-
graduates of both sexes. It funds, evaluates,
dations, business, government, accrediting
and disseminates original educational re-
agencies, and the media, (cf)
search, monitors voting records of elected
officials, supports litigants in sexual harass-
American Association of State Colleges ment cases, and provides educational mate-
and Universities (AASCU) rials to voters, (pjm)
This Washington-based association consists
of more than 400 public colleges and uni-
versities and systems across the United States American College Testing (ACT)
and in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin A nationally administered test for students
Islands. AASCU's programs promote under- entering colleges not requiring the Scholastic
standing of public higher education's essen- Assessment Test (SAT). The ACT is based
tial role and advocate for public higher on a different testing philosophy that em-
education policy issues at the national, state, phasizes educational achievement instead of
and campus levels, (cf) aptitudes or verbal ability, (cf)

American Indian studies

American Council of Learned Societies tion, and access to health care, as well as
(ACLS) those related specifically to the needs of mi-
Founded in 1919 as an umbrella organiza- grant workers and veterans, (vmm)
tion to represent United States humanities
and social sciences' interests at the Union American Indian Higher Education
Academique Internationale (UAI). The Consortium (AIHEC)
ACLS has developed and administered fel- The AIHEC was founded in 1972 by six
lowships, grants-in-aid, and other programs tribally controlled community colleges to
intended to promote social science and hu- meet the common challenges of these insti-
manities research, publications, and confer- tutions. Now it is a cooperatively sponsored
ences. The ACLS is noted for its pioneering effort on the part of 32 member institutions
work in language teaching materials, espe- in the United States and Canada and serves
cially in the era after passage of the National over 25,000 students from more than 250
Defense Education Act (1958). (vmm) tribal nations. The stated mission of the
AIHEC is "to nurture, advocate, and protect
American Council on Education (ACE) American Indian history, culture, art and
Founded in 1918 and the nation's best- language, and the legal and human rights of
known higher education association. ACE is American Indian people to their own sense
dedicated to the belief that equal educational of identity and heritage." (cf)
opportunity and a strong higher education
system are essential cornerstones of a dem- American Indian Movement (AIM)
ocratic society. Its approximately 1,800 Founded in 1968 in response to complaints
members include accredited, degree-granting by Native American residents in Minneapo-
colleges and universities from all sectors of lis, Minnesota, concerning police brutality,
higher education, (cf) AIM was devoted to promoting cultural
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) awareness and political self-determination
Founded in 1916, the American Federation for Native Americans, including: improved
of Teachers, an affiliate of the American city services, recognition of treaty rights be-
Federation of Labor, represents over one tween Native Americans and the United
million teachers, K-12 and higher educa- States government, and the development of
tion support staff and faculty, and health "survival schools" that would teach the Na-
care, state, and municipal employees. The tive American culture. Patterned after the
organization represents member interests in Black Panthers and most successful in urban
collective bargaining, legislative efforts, pro- areas, AIM's militancy and violent tactics
fessional development, and research initia- eventually led to government crackdowns
tives, (mml, jwc) and imprisonment of its leaders. AIM offi-
cially disbanded by 1979, but was revived in
American G.I. Forum the early 1990s as the Confederation of Au-
Founded originally in 1948 by Hector P. tonomous AIM Chapters. The original
Garcia as the American G.I. Forum of "AIM Survival School," now called Heart of
Texas, the national American G.I. Forum the Earth Survival School, continues to pro-
was created in 1958 as a civil rights organ- vide an educational alternative for Native
ization devoted to securing equal rights for American children in Minneapolis. (Id)
Hispanic Americans. The Forum initially
fought to secure G.I. Bill benefits denied to American Indian studies
Mexican Americans returning from World Often referred to as Native American Stud-
War II in Texas, but it has also participated ies, this interdisciplinary field of study fo-
in broader civil rights struggles related to cuses on the cultural, historical, and
equal educational opportunity (including contemporary aspects of Native Americans.
school desegregation cases), voter registra- Coinciding with the emergence of other eth-

American Paidea

nic studies programs in the late 1960s, this communist sentiment led to the collapse of
field developed in response to the demands the ASU in 1940-1941. (vmm)
of Native American and non-Native Amer-
ican students who wanted to learn more American studies
about the history, culture, and social con- Examines diverse aspects of social construc-
cerns of these people. The field includes the tions and cultural productions in the Amer-
visual arts, literature, and music as well as icas, particularly the United States. Ameri-
many other aspects of the social sciences, hu- can studies is a multidisciplinary approach
manities, history, anthropology, and the ap- to a diversity of theoretical and methodolog-
plied sciences, (jqa, jwc) ical analyses of the Americas. Such studies
emphasize cultural studies, popular culture,
American Paidea and material culture with regard to a global
Concept developed by Lawrence Cremin to transitional setting of commodity and cul-
describe the explicit philosophy of the good tural exchange. American studies includes
life intentionally translated into educational knowledge and perspectives from such dis-
practice and philosophy in order to instruct ciplines as cultural studies, ecology, ethics,
the young, inform men and women beyond government, history, literary criticism, art,
their school years, shape public opinion and politics, sociology, and women's studies,
perceptions, influence and shape politics, (hrm, ew, jkd)
and transfer American culture to the world
at large, (hfs) American Vocational Education
Research Association (AVERA)
American Sign Language (ASL) Organized in 1966, AVERA is a professional
The most widely used of the conventional, association for scholars and others with re-
grammatical, natural languages of the deaf. search interests in the relationship between
Like all manual languages, ASL uses hand education and work. The purposes of the or-
configuration, location, and movement, ac- ganization are to stimulate and foster re-
companied by cues from facial expression search and development activities related to
and body position, to express a full range of vocational education, stimulate the devel-
linguistic meaning. ASL is spoken by over a opment of training programs designed to
half million deaf people, mainly in the prepare persons for responsibilities in re-
United States, and has many dialects and va- search in vocational education, and to dis-
rieties. Pidgin versions of ASL are sometimes perse research findings, (ch)
used therapeutically with certain hearing
populations, such as the mentally retarded, Americanization Movement
(mhi-y) A term identified with efforts aimed at pro-
viding recent immigrants with instruction in
American Student Union (ASU) the English language and civic education
Student collegiate organization formed in during the early twentieth century. Because
1935 from the merger of the National Stu- the size and the "foreign" character of the
dent League and the Student League for In- wave of immigrants coming to America from
dustrial Democracy. The ASU had its peak 1880 to 1920 aroused nativist concerns,
operations in the late 1930s with an esti- Americanization involved mandates for stu-
mated membership of 20,000. It organized dents to assimilate to dominant linguistic,
one-hour strikes against war and pro- cultural, and political norms. The movement
mulgated numerous reforms including fed- was spurred by the widely accepted concept
eral aid to education, government youth of the melting pot, the needs of an industrial
programs, academic freedom, racial equal- economy, and the "progressive" concerns of
ity, and pro-labor advocacy. The signing of social workers and educators. Stricter im-
the Nazi-Soviet pact in 1939 and anti- migration laws imposed after World War I


made the movement gradually seem unnec- to determine its essential elements or to de-
essary, (jv) termine specific factors such as cause, effect,
similarity, or difference. Separating the
Americanization programs whole into individual parts for comparison
A term that was popular in the early part of in the search for understanding, (jjc, dsm)
the twentieth century which describes edu-
cational programs for immigrants that pro- analytical philosophy
vide English and citizenship instruction, (jpc) Although various methods of philosophical
analysis have been used since Plato's time,
AmeriCorps and explicit references to philosophical
A national community service program es- "analysis" have been common since the sev-
tablished in 1993 with the passage of the enteenth century, it was only in the 1960s
National Community Service Trust Act.
that the term "analytical philosophy" came
AmeriCorps is an outgrowth of VISTA, the
into widespread use to refer to the work of
Peace Corps, and other U.S. government
Bertrand Russell, G. E. Moore, Ludwig
service programs. AmeriCorps members
Wittgenstein, Rudolph Carnap, Gilbert Ryle,
number in the thousands and work on pro-
A. J. Ayer, J. L. Austin, and others. Analyt-
grams in the areas of literacy, health educa-
ical philosophy is not a "school of thought"
tion, welfare to work, and a number of other
united by shared doctrines as much as it is
community service initiatives, (jwc)
a loosely defined style of investigation em-
anal stage ploying a variety of logical, linguistic, and
The second phase in Freud's theory of psy- epistemological methods, resting in the belief
chosocial development is the anal phase that such methods are useful in solving or
which begins at age two and lasts about one dissolving a variety of philosophical prob-
year. During this phase, the young child lems, (re)
seeks gratification through either withhold-
ing or eliminating feces. During this time the anchored instruction
first conflict surfaces between the internal in- Instructional design in which students ac-
stincts and external demands (from adults). quire useful knowledge rather than static
(xss) factual information through teacher guided
discovery. This model of instruction requires
See also psychosocial development.
the development and maintenance of an au-
analogy thentic task environment in which the utility
From the Greek ana logon, "according to a of skills and knowledge can be examined as
ratio." Originally a similarity in propor- they are acquired and the applicability of
tional relationships. A comparison between both in a given situation or circumstance,
things based upon observations of a signifi- (hfs)
cant similarity between them, while ac-
knowledging that they are otherwise andragogy
dissimilar. Makers of analogies use them to A term, popularized by Malcolm Knowles in
illustrate or explain complex or unfamiliar The Modern Practice of Adult Education,
ideas. For example, an analogous relation- that describes the science of helping adults
ship is often drawn between the aging proc- learn. It functions under four assumptions:
ess and the four seasons (e.g., youth is the adults are self-directed learners, adults have
Spring of one's life, old age the Winter), a reservoir of experience that is a resource
(kpb) for learning, adults are motivated to learn
the developmental tasks of their social roles,
analysis and adults are looking for learning that
The process by which one examines a doc- serves an immediate need. The term focuses
ument, event, trend, or other source of data on the needs of the adult learner, as opposed

anecdotal notes

to pedagogy, which is child-centered. An- houses or trees will have eyes, arms, and hu-
dragogy is now frequently used to refer to man expression, (kf)
learner-centered education for people of any
age. (jpc, jsj) anti-bias curriculum
Planned learning activities which deliber-
anecdotal notes ately seek to teach children to value and re-
A tool used for collecting information as one spect people of all races, cultures, genders,
observes a child's behavior of interest; notes abilities, and ages. A curriculum designed to
regarding the behavior are jotted down, and counter racism, sexism, and other biased and
may include recording frequencies of the be- discriminatory aspects of society; to encour-
havior over a period of time. The notes may age school children to discuss, explore, and
help in identifying patterns regarding the oc- be exposed to issues of race, ethnicity, gen-
currence of the behavior (for example, when, der, religion, diversity, socioeconomic status,
where, and why), (pw) and physical ableness, etc. (jlj, jqa, jwc)

A category of psychotropic medication. Its
The bringing to life, animating. In art, the
most common use and intended therapeutic
making of an animated cartoon or film in
effect is to treat mood disorders, in particu-
which the illusion of movement is achieved
lar, depression, by acting on neurotransmit-
by creating individual frames that capture
ters in the brain. The three main types of
subtle changes in a drawing over time. Clay-
antidepressants are: monoamine oxidase
mation is a version of animation most pop-
inhibitors (MAOIs), tricyclic compounds,
ular with children in art classes. Instead of
and selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors
drawings, clay figures are adjusted and pho-
(SSRIs; e.g., Prozac, Zoloft). (mkt)
tographed in frames capturing their changes
See also psychotropic.
over time and giving the illusion of actual
motion, (jd)
Antioch Plan
A cooperative work-study plan of education,
answer keys introduced by Antioch College President Ar-
Teacher made or text sheets with answers
thur E. Morgan in 1921 as part of a reor-
that serve as tools to aid teachers in assessing
ganization of the struggling institution. The
student performance on tests, (dsm)
Antioch Plan is credited with incorporating
cooperative education into the liberal arts,
anthropology departing from the earlier practice of apply-
The study of the origins of mankind, includ- ing the idea to only technical education. The
ing social and cultural development, (jwc) plan calls for students to alternate between
coursework and employment in an effort to
anthropomorphism prepare them for leadership roles in the com-
From the Latin anthropomorphous, mean- munity and in industry, while providing for
ing "of human form." The representation of their development into more well-rounded
nonhuman beings, whether real or fictitious, and complete individuals, (trc)
in human form. The ascription of human at-
tributes, characteristics, and/or preoccupa- anti-racist education
tions to nonhuman beings. In Aesop's fables Used particularly within the United King-
or the stories of Beatrix Potter, for example, dom and Canada, this term refers to at-
the animals speak to one another in human tempts by educators to eliminate racism
voices, wear humans' clothes, and have hu- from schools and society and to help stu-
man emotions. Young children often pro- dents. Anti-racist education addresses issues
duce anthropomorphic drawings. Their in the curriculum as well as in teacher hiring,


school policies, and all aspects of school life administer justice at a higher level. The of-
in which institutional racism may be mani- ficials of this court review trial records from
fest, (jqa, jwc) a lower court, which have resulted in a de-
cision considered adverse by one side, (mm)
anxiety disorder
A category of mental disorders characterized applications-based learning
by excessive or inappropriate anxiety that Knowledge associated with academic subject
produces significant distress or impairment matter used to solve actual problems en-
in important areas of one's life. Anxiety dis- countered in the workplace, often through
orders involve problems with apprehensive simulations, (db)
anticipation of future danger or misfortune,
frequently accompanied by a feeling of dys- applied academics
phoria or somatic symptoms of tension. Courses that emphasize academic subject
Among the most common mental disorders matter as utilized in real-world circum-
found in the general population, anxiety dis- stances, hands-on learning activities, and
orders include panic disorder, agoraphobia, problems drawn from the workplace (e.g.,
specific phobia, social phobia, obsessive- applied mathematics, applied biology), (db)
compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress
applied arts
disorder, acute stress disorder, and general-
Produced primarily for utilitarian purposes,
ized anxiety disorder, (bd) the applied arts include architecture, ceram-
ics, jewelry, textiles, and musical instru-
anxiolytic ments. A distinction between applied and
A category of psychotropic medication. Its fine arts came into view during the Industrial
most common use and intended therapeutic Revolution when arts education addressed
effect is to prevent or manage anxiety and contemporary needs such as technical draw-
anxiety-related symptoms. The term anxiol- ing and product design. In reaction to in-
ytic may also be used to describe the dustrialization, some American artists
anti-anxiety effect of a given treatment, (bd) expressed a need to replace dying spiritual
See also psychotropic. values with purely aesthetic ones, setting fine
art above and apart from the rest of life.
aphasia Nonetheless, the value of craft and related
A neurological disorder leading to language systems of aesthetics are often defended in a
disorders that are not caused by specific sen- challenge to the distinction between the fine
sory problems or broad cognitive impair- and the applied arts, (kpb)
ment. Individuals with aphasia generally
display problems with spoken communica- applied behavior analysis (ABA)
tion, either in severely impaired speech (non- ABA is a behavior modification technique
fluent) or highly verbal individuals whose that uses consequences to affect behavior.
speech contains no meaning (fluent), (jcp) ABA was derived from B. F. Skinner's work
and is based on the principle that rewarded
APL (See Adult Performance Level) or reinforced behavior will increase, while
ignored/punished behaviors will decrease.
APPA (See Association of Higher ABA provides the basis for one popular
Education Facilities Officers) treatment method for young children with
autism, but it can be used with other behav-
appellate courts ioral issues, such as toilet training, (vm)
Increasingly involved in school matters, an
appellate court is a state court that has the apprentice
power to review the judgment of another tri- An individual who, in agreement with an
bunal in order to evaluate the decision and employer and under the supervision of that

apprentice coordinator

employer, learns a skilled trade, occupation, United States before the founding of public
or job. In teacher education, a pre-service or schools, and often included a responsibility
novice teacher who is learning through par- on the part of the employer to provide basic
ticipation about authentic practice—the or- literacy skills, (rih)
dinary daily practices of teachers in his or
her field—from an experienced teacher, (jm, approximation
peb) An inexact result or relationship, adequate
See also youth apprentice. for the given purpose. All measurements and
calculations derived therefrom are consid-
apprentice coordinator (See ered approximations rather than exact val-
coordinator, apprentice) ues because the tools used for measuring are
precise within a certain range of values.
apprentice method Their closeness to the real value is dependent
A plan of instruction whereby an inexperi- on the precision of the measurement tool,
enced performer or worker is matched with (amr)
one or more experienced, well-qualified
workers for learning skills and competencies aptitude
in a vocation, occupation, or profession, A natural or acquired ability to be or be-
(jm) come proficient in a given area. Aptitude
may be measured by the effort or time re-
apprentice training quired by a learner to reach the point of
An organized system for providing young mastery, (jw)
people with the technical skills and theoret-
ical knowledge needed for competent per- aptitude, vocational (See vocational
formance in skilled occupations and related aptitude)
studies, (jm)
aptitude test
apprenticeship One of a class of standardized instruments
An arrangement entered into by a novice/ne- designed to assess an individual's potential
ophyte (the apprentice) and an expert/master performance/achievement in a particular
of a craft or trade. The apprentice gets on- area. Unlike achievement tests, aptitude tests
the-job training and guidance from the attempt to predict one's future ability to de-
expert and provides his/her labor or services velop skills or to attain information. These
in return. Terms of an apprenticeship may tests range from specific (e.g., assessment of
be regulated either by an agreement or by clerical skills) to general (e.g., assessment of
law. (jmb) intelligence), (kc, seme, bdj)
See also registered apprenticeship.
arbitrary constant
apprenticeship, registered (See A constant that assumes a certain value for
registered apprenticeship) a particular problem, (kgh)

apprenticeship education archeology in the social studies

A form of education where an individual or As the study of the human past using the
apprentice signs an agreement with a spon- evidence of material culture, both content
sor to be trained in the sponsor's field of and methods from archeology are sometimes
work. It is the sponsor's responsibility to ed- included in social studies courses in various
ucate the apprentice in a learning environ- ways. Archeological content extends knowl-
ment that is usually hands-on in nature. This edge of human chronology, technology, mi-
form of education was extremely popular in gration, inventiveness, and culture formation
the eighteenth and early nineteenth century and complexity beyond that gained from

Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT)

historical records alone. Methods of inquiry ographical regions for examination, (hrm,
and analysis used in archeology are also ew, jkd)
helpful in promoting cognitive skills in stu-
dents at various levels. Because archeological area vocational school
information and skills are interdisciplinary A term currently coming into use for a vo-
in nature, an archeological perspective can cational school at the secondary level which
serve as an integrating vehicle for various so- serves joint vocational school districts, set up
cial studies areas, such as history, geogra- so that each school district need not have a
phy, and economics, (msb) vocational high school of its own. May be
named in some places "joint vocational
architecture school." (jb)
From the Latin archi, meaning of a leading
and distinguished sort, and tecture, meaning arete
pertaining to construction. The art (or sci- The Greek word most often translated as
ence) of designing and constructing build- "virtue," it corresponds more closely to the
ings, structures, and other environmental idea of "excellence of a kind." That is, there
features. Like other art forms, architecture is is an arete for humans (what we call virtue),
concerned with such principles as design, but also an excellence for horses or even
composition, form, light, and color patterns. bricks. Arete is different for each kind of
It is distinguished by its fundamental focus thing, and each kind of thing has its own
on usable space. While painting represents arete, form of excellence, its own fulfillment
space and sculpture displaces space, archi- of an ideal. In Greek thought, the task of an
tecture encloses space. Architecture has be- individual is to develop his or her own per-
come of particular interest as an arts sonal arete, that is, to be virtuous. The ed-
curriculum for young children that intro- ucational task is to develop arete (virtue) in
duces them to a critical approach to the the student, (jc)
structures in their communities, (kf)
The science or art of computing by positive,
area career center real numbers. The study of numbers and the
A specialized public or nonprofit educational properties and operations that can be per-
institution used exclusively or primarily for formed on them. Facts and computational
the preparation of students seeking employ- procedures, (dc)
ment immediately after high school or to
continue at the postsecondary level, (db) arithmetic progression
A list of numbers in which there is one com-
area studies mon difference between any and all consec-
The interdisciplinary study of culturally co- utive numbers in the list. For example, the
herent geographical regions through the use list {1,2,3} is an arithmetic progression be-
of a multidisciplinary approach that draws cause between 2 and 1 the difference is 1,
upon literature and scholarship in history, between 3 and 2 the difference is 1 and thus
geography, anthropology, sociology, art, between all consecutive numbers in the list,
and language. The term originally referred to there is a single common difference. Addi-
the study of the classical civilizations of the tionally, the common difference may be neg-
ancient world. This interdisciplinary field fo- ative or less than one. (dbc)
cused on the ways in which the Greco-
Roman civilizations of the Mediterranean Armed Forces Qualification Test
basin were to be understood and analyzed. (AFQT)
Since World War II, the term "area studies" A screening test developed by the U.S. mili-
has come to include the broader range of ge- tary that measures vocabulary, arithmetic,

Army Alpha Test

spatial ability, and tool recognition. The test thought and worthy of continued study
places adults into one of five levels, with one throughout our children's education, (jd)
being the highest and five being the lowest,
(jpc) art area
An area where children can express their cre-
Army Alpha Test ativity through the use of many types of ma-
A standardized test given to recruits in terials and media, which may incorporate
World War I, believed to be the first paper/ colors, shapes, sounds, and textures. This
pencil mental tests designed for use on mass area encourages the child to express ideas,
groups. This test was used to classify recruits perceptions, and impressions of the world
by officer or enlisted ranks, and was com- around him or her by permitting exploration
prised of true/false and multiple-choice ques- and experimentation of artistic materials
tions aimed at measuring the person's and techniques. Common tools found in the
English, arithmetic, and analytical level of area are scissors, staples, stamps, brushes,
knowledge. The test was revised when the awl, hole puncher, sponges, cups, rulers,
Army realized the majority of recruits were stencils, eyedropper, ink pads, popsicle
illiterate and therefore the measurements sticks, potatoes, paint, easels, etc, which al-
were incorrect. The Army Alpha tests paved low the senses to stimulate a child's creativ-
the way for widespread testing in the public ity. Children can be encouraged to use
schools as part of the twentieth-century in- materials they find interesting such as leaves,
telligence testing movement, (rih) pasta, pictures from magazines, etc., in their
creative expression through art activities.
Army Beta Test
The revised version of the Army Alpha Test
that tried to identify the best placement for art cart
recruits. Unlike the Alpha version of the test, A sign of the marginalization of arts curric-
worded questions were limited because the ulum, the art cart is the vehicle that art
Beta targeted illiterate and non-English- teachers wheel into classrooms for arts ac-
speaking recruits. Illustrations and diagrams tivities when no space, studio, or room has
were used to ask and answer questions, (rih) been designated for holding art classes. The
cart holds paints, crayons, papers, and other
art supplies to scaffold in-class arts activities, of-
Creations made by human beings that ex- ten restricted to table-top art. (jd)
press their individual and shared humanity,
tell the stories of their lives, and describe and art criticism
question their realities. Once thought to in- Writing that evaluates art, such as the criti-
clude only those products (created in artistic cism of Clement Greenberg; or any writing
domains such as painting, sculpture, music, on art, such as the historical work of Geor-
and dance) that could be described as beau- gio Vasari. A distinction is often made be-
tiful, works of art can be difficult to confront tween art criticism, which is outwardly
and complex in their structure. In light of the judgmental and opinionated, and art history,
difficulty of determining what is and isn't which is ostensibly more neutral and factual.
art, philosopher Nelson Goodman suggested Description and evaluation, however, are ar-
rewriting the question of "what is art?" to guably mixed in all writing. John Dewey
"when is art?", suggesting that the context proposed that art criticism should not ap-
and appreciation of an object determined its praise or judge, and others view criticism as
symbolic and transitory status as art. An ac- imaginative reenactment of creation or per-
tivity reserved for and determined by human ception. In Discipline Based Art Education
beings, art is the product of emotion and (DBAE), art criticism entails describing, in-

art therapy

terpreting, evaluating, and theorizing about art, drama, music, and visual arts). Arts-
works of art. (lj) integrated curricula are most effective when
nonarts as well as arts teachers study each
art education others' objectives and practices with an eye
Education in the various forms of art (e.g., to developing balanced, arts-integrated cur-
music, dance, visual arts, and drama) in ricula, (jd)
American schools dates back to before the
turn of the nineteenth century. Its purposes art museum
over time have included the acquisition of A building where art objects of interest and/
skills to advance a developing nation, the ex- or value are collected, conserved, exhibited,
pression of emotion in the development of and interpreted. The word "museum" de-
the whole child, and most recently, the rec- rives from the Greek, meaning "abode of the
ognition of links with cognition that suggest muses." While some argue that art museums
the inclusion of arts in the curriculum to de- are educational instruments by virtue of the
velop habits of learning that have implica- systematic organization and presentation of
tions across academic subjects. The arts have their collections, others insist that it is the
traditionally been marginalized or relegated educational programs that they offer (grow-
to extracurricular activity. Arts advocates ing widely in the twentieth century) for
struggle today as they have throughout his- school children and adults that give them an
tory to find timely rationales for the inclu- educational perspective. Unlike history, sci-
sion of arts learning in our children's ence, or children's museums that are clearly
education, (jd) dedicated to educational objectives, the pri-
orities and usefulness of the art museum to
art history general education is a subject of debate,
Knowledge or study of the visual arts within (kpb)
a historical framework. Until the nineteenth
century, accounts of art and aesthetics im- art specialist
plied that there were traceable patterns of An individual responsible for in-school art
historical development within the visual arts. education (typically in visual arts) in K-12.
In the nineteenth century, a concerted at- Often professionally certified, the art spe-
tempt was made to give art history a philo- cialist either works in a designated art room
sophical basis. At the end of the twentieth in a particular district school or, more fre-
century, art history in the Western world quently, delivers arts education to a variety
was characterized by a pluralism of ap- of schools during any given week, rotating
proaches. The field is no longer concerned through grade levels and classrooms. Art
with creating one comprehensive and uni- specialists have been phased out of many
versal account of art. Art history generally schools in this country in which budget cuts
flourishes in advanced industrial societies, have provoked a reliance on art taught by
counting as a luxury in less developed classroom teachers or by visiting artists; or
nations, (kf) even the elimination of in-school art educa-
tion. In areas in which art education is being
art integration reinstated (e.g., New York City), the need
Incorporating the arts into the general cur- for art specialists is growing and issues of
riculum. Art integration can range from the appropriate training abound, (kpb)
simple inclusion of an arts activity (e.g.,
writing and producing a play about an his- art therapy
torical event studied in history class) to full- A human-service profession that employs the
scale, schoolwide, project-based curricula artistic process in many different art forms
(e.g., studying heroes across all grade levels for therapeutic purposes. The activity of
and disciplines including as equal partners painting may be used to assess and treat de-

articulated credit

velopmental, medical, educational, social, or articulation agreement

psychological problems. Artwork created in A formal agreement between educational in-
"art therapy" is considered reflective of the stitutions, typically secondary schools and
artist's abilities, concerns, conflicts, person- community and technical colleges or be-
ality, and interests. Art and music therapy tween community and technical colleges and
are large and growing fields, separate from, four-year colleges and universities, ensuring
but not exclusive of, notions of healing and a sequential and coherent progression of
the arts. While healing and the arts value skills and knowledge from the secondary to
and practice art in a therapeutic sense, "art the postsecondary level. A formal agreement
therapy" utilizes art making in the actual as- designating how college-level credits are
sessment of and treatment for problems rec- awarded for student mastery of secondary-
ognized in the human development and school courses and course content, (db)
psychological fields, (km)
articulatory phonetics (See phonetics)
articulated credit
Credit for courses taken at the secondary
Any object made or modified by human be-
level that counts toward a postsecondary de-
ings for use in a particular culture. Examples
gree or certificate. Credit awarded once the
of artifacts include automobiles as well as
student has enrolled at the postsecondary
stone tools. Artifacts can serve as primary
level and demonstrated mastery through as-
sources for learning about human activity,
sessment, more advanced course-taking, or
belief systems, and life styles in different time
other demonstration of competence, (db)
periods and cultures, (dv, msb)

articulated curriculum (See curriculum, artificial intelligence

articulated) An attempt to emulate the capabilities, if not
the underlying processes, of the human mind
using computer software, hardware, or both.
articulation, curriculum (See curriculum
Artificial Intelligence researchers contribute
to a better understanding of how to educate
and how to learn through the construction
articulation, horizontal of architectures and algorithms that reflect
Continuity existing among the various parts human information-processing techniques.
of a curriculum at a particular level so that, The successes and failures of these systems
taken together, the parts have some degree often provide empirical data that inform our
of unity and coherence at a specific level, understanding of how physical entities can
(db) be "intelligent." (eh)

articulation, program (See program
Behavior that is of or like an artist (a maker
of art). Having to do with the making and
the ability to make art. While artistic behav-
articulation, vertical ior might be thought of as relevant to any
Continuity and interrelation between a art making (painting, claymaking, photog-
lower-level grade or institution and higher raphy, etc.), it is mostly reserved for the de-
levels to enhance the interrelation of suc- scription of art making thought to be at, or
cessive levels of the educational system to fa- as if it were at, a professional level. Similarly
cilitate the continuous, economical, and children who demonstrate perceived talents
efficient progression of learners (e.g., 2 + 2, in art are said to be "artistic" and thought
2 + 2 + 2). (db) to be imbued with a special variety of tal-


ents. Remembering that the modernist original play at the culmination of the resi-
movement in art included the replication of dency), (em)
artistic techniques used by very young chil-
dren, we may think of all children as coming arts, extracurricular
to school with artistic gifts, (jd) The most usual of scenarios for arts learning
See also art; artistic process. in our schools, in this model, the arts are
viewed as extras, and are reserved for spaces
artistic domains outside of the daily curriculum, like the
The domains of art are delineated according after-school play or poetry club. Extracur-
to the various sets of symbols out of which ricular arts programs are often a challenge
artists craft meaning. Accordingly, visual for students and teachers to balance: Late re-
arts, drama, poetry, and music may be con- hearsals five nights a week may take a toll
sidered different artistic domains because of on student performance in school. When
the different symbols (image, action, word, schools do not provide an arts extras situa-
and notes, respectively) each offers to the tion, parents often find them for themselves
artist to employ, (jd) in the piano teacher who comes to the house,
the city children's theater, or community art
center, (jd)
artistic process
The process that artists employ to create arts cultura curriculum
works of art. The artistic process is often A curriculum in which the arts are seen as
characterized as being integrative of connecting the individual child's culture
thought, feeling, and skill; flexible, marked (worldview) to the cultures of immediate
by an appreciation of mistakes as generative, communities (including neighborhood, fam-
and considerate of the views of maker and ilies, school), to the cultures of nations and
perceiver. Csikszentmihalyi has studied the race, and to culture itself as humankind.
intense and transformative quality of the ar- Based on such a cycle, the essentiality of arts
tistic process as representative of what he education emerges as a way to provide the
calls "flow." Educators have emulated as- tools for and facilitate meaning-making and
pects of the artistic process, such as ongoing communication within and across all cul-
reflection, process-based assessment, and tural perspective. Accordingly, the arts cul-
dedicated attention to process over product tura curriculum features the study of artistic
in framing pedagogical strategies such as the products and processes associated with each
portfolio-based assessment, (jd) and all perspectives embodied in this inter-
See also portfolio assessment. connected paradigm, (jd)

artist-in-residence ARTS PROPEL

A professional artist who works in or with An arts-curricular approach developed at
artistic or educational environments for a Harvard Project Zero in the early 1980s,
sustained length of time. In an artistic envi- which builds on the activities of the profes-
ronment (e.g., museum, artists' colony, com- sional artist in various artistic domains.
munity art center), the artist-in-residence is PROPEL focuses on three aspects of the art-
often given funding, workspace, and support ist's process: production (the making of art,
to create new artworks, and may be required at the center of activity); perception (the at-
to educate or involve the public in his or her tention to details/response to the work); and
artistic processes. In a school, the artist-in- reflection (thinking about the activity even in
residence works with groups of students on terms of works that have been made by
specific art projects (e.g., a theater specialist other artists). Students maintain processfo-
might do drama workshops with groups of lios that document their artistic process over
students and work with students to create an time rather than store examples of their best

arts-based curriculum

work. Tested in the Pittsburgh Public arts-infused curriculum

Schools, PROPEL is often contrasted with In which the arts are infused into the general
DBAE as a cognitive approach that features curriculum, brought in almost as a hand-
making at the center of arts study, (jd) maiden to other subjects. Music of a period
may be played on a CD in the history class;
arts-based curriculum students may be asked to create felt collage
In which the arts are featured both as core maps in geography or tribal masks in social
subjects and as entry points into all aspects studies. Arts-infused curricular activities in-
of the curriculum. The arts in this paradigm clude the case of the visiting artist—the poet
are seen as a basis for learning, a model for coming into English class, the folk-singer in
learning, and a way into learning. In this history, or the group Shakespeare and Com-
framework, students study the arts in their pany performing for the whole school. In
own right and learn other subjects through arts-infused curricula, the arts enter the
the window of the arts. For example, the scene from outside in and enrich whatever is
composition of a painting can serve as a way going on. (jd)
into balance in writing or symmetry in sci-
ence. For examples of arts-based curricula, arts-professional curriculum
see the Bernstein Institute and A+ schools, In which the arts are taught with an eye to
(jd) serious training and preparation for adult
careers in the arts. Even in arts-based or arts
arts-expanded curriculum magnet schools, careers in the arts are not
In an arts-expanded curriculum, the arts are always viewed as viable outcomes for stu-
employed as vehicles for extending school- dent learning. Arts learning is more often
based education beyond school walls into thought of as a means to something else—
the larger community. In an arts-expanded even if it is knowledge of a vocabulary that
curriculum, student learning includes regular will enable students to participate as literate
trips to the art museum (a place that when appreciators of dance, music, and visual arts.
visited by schools at all is rarely visited more Most often the students who seek arts-
than once a year) or the local community art professional curricula have recognized talent
center or concerts in the setting of the con- or a belief in the benefits of professional
cert hall. Arts-expansion models focus on training, (jd)
the familiarization of students with behav-
iors in and the resources of cultural institu- ASE (See adult secondary education)
tions, (jd)
ASHE (See Association for the Study of
arts-included curriculum Higher Education)
In which the arts are included in the stan-
dard roster of courses offered. In an arts- ASL (See American Sign Language)
inclusion school, for example, all of the
children might have, along with Spelling, ASPIRA
Latin, Math, English, and Social Studies: Vi- A national association devoted to the edu-
sual Art, Music, Theater, and Dance. In an cation and leadership development of Puerto
arts-included curriculum, the arts are taught Rican and other Latino youth. ASPIRA ("as-
alongside of and considered on an equal par pire") was founded in 1961 by Antonia Pan-
with what are more traditionally regarded as toja and a group of Puerto Rican educators
important, core, or basic subjects. Examples in New York City as a means to combat low
of arts-included curricula can be found in educational attainment among Puerto Rican
arts magnet or pilot schools and independent youth. In 2000, ASPIRA had offices in six
schools dedicated to the inclusion of art in states and Puerto Rico. Youth Leadership
the general curriculum, (jd) Development (YDL) programs carried out in

associate degree

the school-based ASPIRA clubs form the their placement in courses or programs,
core of the organization. Students learn the (chb)
ASPIRA process of "awareness, analysis,
and action," through participation in lead- assessment of prior learning
ership training, cultural enrichment activi- A process for recognizing and assigning ac-
ties, and community action projects, (vmm) ademic value to learning that adults have
achieved through formal education or
aspiration, career or occupational through informal, nonacademic experiences.
A goal-directed attitude which involves con- Among the methods of assessment are ex-
ception of the self in relation to a particular aminations and reviews of portfolios that
level of the occupational prestige hierarchy document an individual's learning, (chb)
or career progression, (jm)
assigned responsibilities
assertive discipline Duties and activities that are required for ef-
Developed by Lee Canter in the 1970s, as- fective performance in a particular job clas-
sertive discipline is an approach to class- sification; one-half of an old maxim that
room management that emphasizes the right responsibilities can be assigned to others, but
of teachers to insist on appropriate and re- they cannot be delegated, (cf)
sponsible behavior from students. In asser- See also delegated authority.
tive discipline, teachers develop a discipline
plan consisting of clearly stated rules for be- assignment
havior, disciplinary consequences for rule The act of prescribing mental or physical
violation, and positive reinforcement for ap- tasks to a group or to an individual. The
propriate behavior, (ba) given duties or work to be completed by a
student or a class, (jw)
Any method used to better understand the assimilation
current knowledge that a student possesses. Jean Piaget's "Theory of Cognitive Devel-
Assessment may affect decisions about opment" describes the process of encoding
grades, advancement, placement, instruc- new information into cognitive structures as
tional needs, and curriculum. Information assimilation. A child's reference to an unfa-
gathered may include social, educational, miliar animal as "dog" is an instance of in-
and psychological observations used to iden- corporating something new into an existing
tify an individual's strengths and weak- category. In this instance, the child has gen-
nesses. The methods and procedures used in eralized in terms of his or her existing
gathering and interpreting information schemes, (mf)
about students, institutions, and programs See also cognitive development.
for purposes of evaluation, appraisal, ac-
creditation, (dsm, sr, cf) assistantship
The opportunity for an enrolled student to
assessment center work on a college campus or other related
An organization or organizational unit that site, usually in the area of the student's
uses multiple evaluation techniques (exer- study. The work can be teaching, research,
cises, simulations, discussions, interviews, or administrative. An assistantship usually
etc.) to assess an individual's behaviors; typ- involves a stipend, and a discount or waiver
ically used prior to making a hiring or pro- of tuition, (cf)
motion decision, to identify people who
possess qualities or competencies related to associate degree
successful job performance. At a college or An academic degree awarded upon comple-
university, a unit that tests students prior to tion of two years of undergraduate educa-

associate of applied science degree

tion; usually identified in terms of the Association of College and University

recipient's area of concentration, such as an Housing Officers—International
associate technical degree; increasingly used (ACUHO-I)
as a replacement of two-year certificates Founded in 1951, ACUHO-I is an inter-
awarded by technical/vocational schools, (cf) national higher education association dedi-
cated to representing and serving students
and staff members involved in student hous-
associate of applied science degree
ing environments in the academy, (cf)
A collegiate degree awarded to students who
complete career and vocational-technical
programs of study offered by community Association of Higher Education
and technical colleges, (db) Facilities Officers (APPA)
Founded in 1914, APPA (acronym for As-
sociation of Physical Plant Administrators,
Association for Institutional Research its former name) is an international higher
(AIR) education association dedicated to maintain-
This international association is dedicated to ing, protecting, and promoting the quality of
professional growth of all who participate in educational facilities, including buildings
decision making related to higher education and infrastructure, in the academy, (cf)
via management research, policy analysis,
and planning. Its members work in many
associative play
different postsecondary areas (finance, aca-
Associative play occurs when children are in-
demic affairs, instruction, student services, volved in a similar activity, usually near each
and institutional development) and in vari- other, but where the children are free to pur-
ous offices at the international, state, system, sue their own individual interests. A child
or campus levels, (cf) may imitate the behaviors of the other child,
exchange information, or trade materials
Association for the Study of Higher during this type of play. The children may
Education (ASHE) build upon each other's ideas or contribu-
A scholarly society with approximately tions, but interdependency is not required
1,200 members, ASHE is dedicated to higher during the play activity. This type of play
education as a field of study. The Associa- can commonly be seen with preschoolers.
tion promotes collaboration among its mem- (yb)
bers and others engaged in the study of
higher education through research, confer- associative property (addition)
ences, and publications, (cf) The property stating that when finding the
sum of three or more numbers, any two
Association of American Universities numbers may be added in any order to ob-
(AAU) tain the correct sum. The grouping of the
The AAU was founded in 1900 by 14 uni- sums has no effect on the final answer; ex-
versities offering the Ph.D. degree. Today ample, 1 + (2 + 3) = (1 + 2) + 3. (ps)
AAU consists of 61 American universities
and two Canadian universities with approx- associative property (multiplication)
imately half public and half private institu- The property stating that when finding the
tions. The association serves its members in product of three or more numbers, any two
two major ways: (a) it assists them in devel- numbers may be multiplied in any order to
oping national policy positions on issues obtain the correct product. The grouping of
that relate to higher education; and (b) it the products has no effect on the final an-
provides them with a forum for discussing a swer; example, 1 X (2 X 3) = (1 X 2) X 3.
broad range of other institutional issues, (cf) (ps)

attachment theory

astronomy (Kids of Survival) in the Bronx, New York,

The branch of science that studies the uni- is a well-known example of atelier-style
verse both as a whole and as individual, in- learning, (jd)
terrelated parts. Includes topics such as the
relative positions of celestial bodies, energy athletic training
and matter distribution, history, composi- The care, prevention, and rehabilitation of
tion, exploration and evolution of the uni- athletic injuries, (rf)
verse and its parts, (tw)
asynchronous learning Organized efforts to engage students in
The education of students at different times physical activity to foster learning about
and locations, often called "anytime, any- teamwork, sportsmanship, and competition;
place learning." Asynchronous learning competitive sports/activities involving an in-
involves the ability to maintain communi- dividual or group of people, incorporating
cation without having to meet at the same the physical skills of individuals, (dsm)
place at the same time, through a com-
mon conference space (e.g., bulletin board,
at-risk children
e-mail, chat room) available where everyone
Children susceptible to the adverse effects of
can post a message, read a message, or re-
physical, genetic, physiological, environmen-
spond to a message all within the same
tal, or developmental conditions are said to
shared space. A learning process in which in-
be "at risk." Examples of environmental
teractions between instructors and students
conditions that could place children at risk
occur with a time delay so students can self-
include low income of families, lack of
pace their own learning process, (cf, hh)
health care services, and caregiving that is
See also synchronous learning.
neglectful or abusive. (mc2)
at risk
A term used to describe children who have, at-risk student
or could have, problems with their devel- A student who shows greater disposition for
opment that might affect their ability to dropping out of an educational program or
learn, (sr) institution before completion than a typical
student, (db)
Lack of muscle coordination, appearance of attachment style (See attachment
being clumsy, literally "lack of order." Par- theory)
ticularly associated with cerebral palsy, in-
dividuals with ataxia may have difficulty attachment theory
with standing, walking, and other physical A psychological theory proposed originally
activities, (sr) by John Bowlby which attempts to explain
the human tendency to develop strong bonds
atelier with important others. A basic premise of
A room in which an artist or designer works. attachment theory is that humans have a ge-
The studio in which a developing artist ap- netic predisposition to exhibit various be-
prentices with a veteran artist as did many haviors that keep them in close proximity to
great artists in the nineteenth century in important others. How important others
France. The "atelier" model for art educa- typically respond to proximity-seeking be-
tion involves this paradigm in which young haviors will establish a basis from which an
artists work to assist, learn from, and be individual evaluates and responds to subse-
mentored by veteran artists. Tim Rollins and quent interpersonal interactions. A related
his Art and Knowledge Workshop KOS term is attachment style, which represents an


attempt to categorize common patterns of things. Actions can be observed that are
interpersonal interaction, (kc, seme, bdj) made based on these beliefs. Law binds some
of these, some are bound by society (family
attendance and friends). Values shape an individual's at-
The act of being present. The people or num- titudes toward actions, people, and things.
ber of people present, (jw) Attitudes also direct a person's aspirations
and ambitions, (kfl)
attending behavior
A microcounseling skill used to encourage, audition
or in some instances discourage, talking. In- A short performance given by a performing
volves orienting oneself physically toward a artist (e.g., actor, musician, or dancer) to
client and communicating, both verbally show his or her ability and suitability for a
("ummhmm," "please tell me more") and particular venue (e.g., play, film, or show).
nonverbally (affirming head nods, open Often called the "try out," auditions are
body posture), interest in what a client is used in schools to determine the cast (lead
saying and/or not saying. Skillful use of at- roles and other parts) of dramatic and mu-
tending behaviors allows a counselor, or sical productions. Auditions are often re-
therapist, to identify and interpret a client's quired of students applying to performing
intended/unintended message(s) more easily. arts-based schools and to community art
The appropriateness of these behaviors is, centers, (kbc)
however, culturally determined, (ksp)
auditory discrimination
attending skills The ability to recognize the likenesses and
Skills that involve the pragmatics of listen- differences in sounds. Specifically, for speech
ing, turn-taking, topic maintenance, and re- sounds, the ability to tell differences in pho-
telling for understanding, all of which are nemes, stress, or intonation patterns. Usu-
part of communication skills, (pw) ally, an auditory discrimination test presents
pairs of words that are different only in one
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) phoneme (e.g., pat-bat) and asks the listener
Difficulty in focusing on information and to determine the likeness or difference of the
sustaining attention. May be combined with pairs. Auditory discrimination is often tested
hyperactivity (ADHD), characterized by in the context of second/foreign-language
overactive behavior and impulsivity. (sr) learning, in the therapeutic setting for treat-
ing language acquisition problems, or for the
attention span diagnosis of comprehensive reading abilities,
The span or time spent on attending to a (h-jk)
task whether the task is listening to a story
being told, making a product, or conversing auditory phonetics (See phonetics)
with a peer. Children that have short atten-
tion spans usually have a problem in inap- Ausubelian program
propriate behavior as well as listening skills. An approach to preschool curriculum and
Increasing attention span to task helps chil- instruction that balances child-directed and
dren accomplish tasks and build self-esteem, teacher-directed instruction. In this ap-
deterring them from inappropriate behavior. proach, the teacher takes the lead to teach
(pw) and model, using "zones of proximal devel-
opment" or windows of opportunity, to
attitudes relay important concepts. This program sup-
Exist in a person's mind as abstractions and ports "subsumption" learning or "advanced
cannot be quantified. These beliefs represent organizing lessons" in which children are
a disposition toward people, behaviors, or first taught themes or superconcepts and


then gradually learn the more detailed as- thority may also refer to a source of expert
pects of the lesson, often referred to as "hi- information or opinion, (ce)
erarchical classification." (kdc)
authentic assessment A developmental disability that is a neuro-
A form of assessment that offers an alter- logical disorder affecting an individual's
native to standardized tests. It helps measure ability to communicate, social interaction,
how effectively students apply knowledge to and behavior. Other characteristics often as-
the real world. Authentic assessments come sociated with autism include engagement in
in many forms (e.g., work samples, teacher repetitive activities, resistance to environ-
report forms, and observation notes), but all mental change or changes in daily routines,
are connected to the real world. An assess- and unusual responses to sensory experi-
ment that is designed to closely mirror the ences. The term Pervasive Developmental
teaching and learning process, resulting in Disorder is also used to describe many of the
greater instructional fidelity for the tests. same characteristics, (sr)
(aw, peb)
authoring tool Written in one's hand, as in an autograph
A software application designed for use by a that is signed directly by an individual. The
non-computer expert to create computer recordings of a musical performance would
programs. It allows an instructor to generate be classed as autographic because they are
specific e-learning courses by arranging var- mechanically reproduced with no artistic in-
ious types of teaching materials containing terpretation on the part of the reproducer
text, graphics, and/or charts via a series of that might alter the original details as would
templates. Authoring tools are designed to happen with photographs, prints, and cast
be used by individuals without substantial sculpture, (kpb)
programming knowledge or skills, (hh)
authoritarian discipline Synonymous with a feeling of independence,
A method of shaping a child's behavior char- it is the ability to accomplish a task unas-
acterized by strict control, absolute rules, sisted or to take care of oneself. Feelings of
and respect for tradition. The adult requires independence and autonomy fostered in
compliance to pre-established, nonnegotia- young children help in the development of
ble standards and values and rewards the confidence and initiative. The state of being
child's obedience, (ecr) independent or self-governing. At the level of
the individual: not under the control of an-
authoritative discipline other. At the aggregate level of the teaching
A method of shaping a child's behavior char- profession: self-governing, (kdc, jc)
acterized by flexible control, rational de-
mands, and warmth shown to the child. The AVERA (See American Vocational
adult is receptive to the child's attempts at Education Research Association)
self-control and negotiates with the child to
reach solutions that are reasonable to both axial symmetry (See symmetry—
child and adult, (ecr) line/rotational)

authority axiology
The right, power, or ability to give orders The branch of philosophy that deals with
and make decisions, or the power to exercise questions of value, both aesthetic and ethi-
control or influence over others. One's au- cal, (jc)

baby talk (See child-directed speech) parts making sense in terms of one another
such that clarity in comprehension is
bachelor's degree (See degree, achieved on the part of the viewer or lis-
bachelor's) tener, (jd)
See also aesthetic whole; composition;
back-to-basics unity.
An educational reform movement begun in
the 1950s focused on traditional academic balanced calendar schools (See
disciplines. Begun by Robert Bestor as a re- year-round schools)
action to both progressive educational ef-
forts that emphasize personal growth and ballet
development and vocational-technical edu- A classical Western dance form originating
cation that focuses on work-related skills. in Europe in the fifteenth century, ballet is
The back-to-basics movement advocates that characterized by grace and precision of
all students should be required to master the movement and by elaborate formal gestures,
same academic disciplines, "the basics," steps, and poses combining dance, music,
with differences in individual ability being scenery, and costumes to tell stories or to
accommodated through the pace of coverage create a particular mood. A musical com-
rather than the content of the curriculum. position written for this dance form is also
Rooted in perennialism. (jc) called a "ballet" as is the group or company
See also essentialism; perennialism; pro- that performs the dance. Well-known ballets
gressivism. from the nineteenth century include The
Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and Giselle, (kbc)
Bakke case (See Regents of the
University of California v. Bakke, 438 band
U.S. 265 [1978]) A group of musicians playing woodwind,
brass, and percussion instruments (rarely in-
balance cluding string instruments); an ensemble of
A condition in artistic and musical compo- any one type of instrument (e.g., a brass
sitions in which the articulation of the artis- band, wind band, marimba band). Marching
tic statement is coherently constructed, with or parade bands perform while in motion;

bar graph

dance bands (including rock and jazz) pro- maximum employment and national pros-
vide backgrounds for social dancing. Jazz perity." Money and land were donated for
bands (e.g., swing, "big" bands, or jazz or- further development of cooperative agricul-
chestras) are usually smaller in size than con- tural extension work and the more complete
cert bands, and the brass section is most endowment and support of land-grant col-
often reduced to trumpets and trombones, leges. Research relating to improvement in
woodwinds to clarinets and saxophones, the quality of, production of, distribution of,
and, instead of percussion, there is a rhythm and markets for agricultural products was
section of piano, bass (electric or acoustic) the intended result of this legislation. Land-
and drum set. Rock bands minimally include grant universities were the direct beneficiar-
a lead guitar, rhythm or bass guitar, and ies, (bsb)
drums, (jbl)
banking education
Bank Street College A process of formulaic schooling identified
Since its beginning in 1916, Bank Street Col- by Paulo Freire, whereby a teacher, or
lege of Education has been a leader in edu- expert, actively deposits information and
cation, a pioneer in improving the quality of skill sets into the minds of docile students
classroom education, and an advocate for who are themselves devoid of any useful in-
children and families. Through its independ- herent knowledge. As such, the flow of
ent graduate school of education, a model knowledge is unidirectional from teacher to
school for children, a family center, a divi- student. In this model, an overemphasis on
sion of continuing education, and a memorization inhibits the development of a
publications and media group, Bank Street critical sense of consciousness. The concept
conducts research and creates programs that symbolizes oppressive relations and power
meet the emerging needs of children, youth, dynamics present both in schooling and in
families, and educators, (bjl) the other structures and institutions of a so-
ciety, (hfs)
Bank Street curriculum
bar graph
A curricular approach often referred to
A graph that displays data through the use
as a "developmental-interaction" approach.
of equally proportional rectangular figures
Based on the belief that cognitive learning
called bars. The height of these bars indi-
cannot be separated from interpersonal ac-
cates the amount of each set of data, (kr)
tivity, social studies is the core of this cur-
riculum and students and teachers focus on
relationships between people and their en-
vironment. Children are encouraged and al-
lowed to develop their own sense of self
while teachers use overarching themes to
guide the development of lessons. Demo-
cratic living and beliefs are emphasized,

Bankhead-Jones Act
An act of Congress originally passed June
29, 1935, providing funds for agricultural
research during the Great Depression. Its
stated purpose included "to promote a
sound and prosperous agriculture and rural
life as indispensable to the maintenance of Bar graph.


barrier basic skills

A physical or architectural obstruction that Basic skills are the fundamental abilities that
impedes or limits access of people with dis- lay the foundation for the application of
abilities, (sr) knowledge. They are a form of knowledge
that includes the activities necessary for
basal functioning and progressing on a daily basis
In cognitive and academic assessment, which at work and in society in general. Basic ed-
generally begin with easier questions and be- ucational skills typically include speaking,
come increasingly harder, a continuous se- spelling, reading, writing, and computa-
ries of items answered correctly so it is tional abilities. Some consider these to be the
assumed all earlier items have been mas- essential school subjects. Social skills are
tered. This permits beginning test adminis- taught by peer groups and are necessary for
tration at a likely performance level, rather social acceptance, the nature of these skills
than at the most basic questions, (jcp) being dependent upon the cultural context of
the particular groups and upon its age level.
Study habits, attention training, and other
base ten number system specific tasks that assist in the development
The most commonly used number system of independence and self-esteem may also be
where the powers of 10 determine the place emphasized. In addition to reading, writing,
value in the positional representation of a and arithmetic, educators and employers in-
specific number. For example, 3024 means clude multiple cognition, interpersonal abil-
3 x 103 + 0 x 102 + 2 X 101 + 4 x 10°. ities, and employability skills, (mm, kg)

basic skills education

base-10 blocks Organized learning opportunities, primarily
Also known as Dienes blocks. One of the in literacy and numeracy, provided to adults
most commonly used materials for repre- who are functionally illiterate, who did not
senting place value. They consist of small complete high school, or whose first lan-
unit cubes (representing one), a stack of 10 guage is not English, (chb)
unit cubes fixed together (representing 10), See also compensatory education; reme-
a 10-by-10 array of cubes fixed together dial instruction.
(representing 100), and a large cube made
using 10-by-10-by-10 small cubes (repre-
senting 1,000). (amr) basic skills tests
Examinations frequently given in technical
or specialized courses to assure that students
basic competencies are adequately prepared for advanced
Possession of required or adequate skills, coursework in their respective academic
knowledge, and capacity in a particular sub- fields; more recently, basic skills is a term for
ject. These skills and knowledge accumulate tests focusing on reading and writing as es-
from one grade to the next, providing for sential learning tools, (cf)
later learning and achievement. Basic com-
petencies are first learned in a step-by-step
manner, and later integrated into structured BAT (See Bureau of Apprenticeship
complex knowledge, (ce) Training)

Basic English Skills Test (BEST) behavior disorder

A test that assesses both oral language and Behavior that deviates from the norm and
literacy skills of adults. The test is focused which interferes with the ability to learn or
on survival and pre-employment skills, (jpc) function in a given environment, (sr)


behavior management ation, exposure and response prevention,

Behavior intervention that focuses on pre- thought stopping, pleasant event scheduling,
ventive management of identified undesired and systematic desensitization. These tech-
behaviors. This approach seeks to anticipate niques largely ignore internal cognitive proc-
the undesired behaviors and institute preven- esses, emotions, and underlying causes of
tive measures, with a focus on reinforcing disorders. Theoretically, when behaviors
good behaviors rather than punishing poor change to be more adaptive, thoughts and
behavior. The practice of manipulating feelings also change. Behavior therapy is
environmental stimuli to direct children's present focused, problem specific, and time
behavior toward a chosen goal. Different limited, (fa)
theories of how children are socialized (be-
haviorist, constructivist, ecological, sociocul-
tural) lead to different methods of behavior behavioral blame
management, (sr, ecr) Conceptualizes attributions of success and
failure to issues of the effort of the individual
behavior modification (i.e., what one has done). Effort character-
The use of various intervention strategies istics exist within the purview of individual
stemming directly from theories of operant control and development as alterable and
and classical conditioning for the purpose of mutable achievement attributes, (hfs)
changing behavior. Examples of operant
conditioning techniques include positive re- behavioral medicine
inforcement, negative reinforcement, and A subspecialty of medical science that inte-
punishment. Classical conditioning is used grates social science theory and research
to explain how behaviors are learned based with the traditional medical model. It is an
on association. Pairing is one of the main interdisciplinary subspecialty that views the
techniques used from this theory. Behavior etiology and/or treatment of medical disor-
modification approaches can be used to in- ders as needing to incorporate and consider
crease desired behavior, decrease unwanted the three-way interaction between biologi-
behavior, or make behavior contingent on cal, psychological, and social influences, (kc,
specific circumstances. This is a psychologi- seme, bdj)
cal method for treating maladjustment and
for changing observable behavior patterns.
Applied behavior analysis is used to develop behaviorism
educational techniques to be tailored to each A research program that seeks to understand
individual's requirements. Behavior modifi- human behavior as predictable response to
cation is a systematic approach that causes stimuli (Pavlov, Watson). A scientific-
a change in response patterns of an individ- materialist view of humanity that excludes
ual, (fa, dsm) feelings and mental states as real things, de-
fining them as the individual's disposition to
behavior therapy behave in certain ways (Ryle, Skinner). Be-
A diverse group of therapeutic techniques haviorism has a strong influence in modern
that have their origin in behavioral learning education, being the theoretical foundation
theories. Behavior therapists emphasize the for many common school practices, includ-
identification and modification of environ- ing teaching a specific and clearly defined se-
mental antecedents and consequences of be- quence of objectives (Bloom), carefully
havior. The basic premise of this approach sequenced curricula, and control of student
is that behaviors are learned. Therefore, they behavior through "classroom management"
can also be unlearned and relearned. Ex- or "behavior management" programs with
amples of commonly used behavior therapy strict positive and negative reinforcement
techniques include progressive muscle relax- schedules, (jc)


benchmark formation can be found. For example, a rec-

A benchmark in mathematics is a known ord for a book might include a library
point or idea. For example, when consider- location or call number, whereas a record
ing 35 percent of a number, one might first for an article might include a journal title,
find "benchmarks" such as 25 percent and volume, issue, and page number. Students
10 percent in order to compute 35 percent. utilize bibliographic databases in the form of
Other examples of benchmarks occur in library catalogs and indexes to literature.
measurement such as a meter is approxi- Bibliographic databases may also include
mately the height of a doorknob or a centi- links to other databases that contain the full
meter is approximately the width of a small text of the material cited, (ac)
paper clip. If one has developed meaningful
benchmarks in mathematics, these bench-
marks may be helpful in estimating and solv- bibliotherapy
ing more complicated tasks, (sdt) The use of written texts, such as self-help
books, client manuals, fictional novels, chil-
dren's storybooks, and factual accounts, to
Berea College v. Commonwealth of
educate and to assist individuals of all ages
Kentucky, 211 U.S. 45 (1908)
striving for personal/therapeutic change.
In October 1904, Berea College was con-
victed of violating a law prohibiting "any More recently, the Internet has been used as
person, corporation, or association of per- an adjunct treatment of this kind, because a
sons to maintain or operate any college, considerable amount of educational material
school, or institution where persons of the is now available electronically, (fa)
white and Negro races are both received as
pupils for instruction." Upheld by the Ken- bicultural education
tucky Court of Appeals, the case went to the The process of instructing students in a set-
U.S. Supreme Court on the basis that such a ting that is predominantly of one culture,
prohibition restricted the rights of individu- while being mindful and respectful of a sec-
als to fully exercise their rights under the ond culture, a student's native culture. When
fourteenth Amendment. The Supreme Court appropriate, curriculum addresses topics
upheld the lower courts, saying that states pertinent to that second culture, (jtr)
can impose limits on corporations within
their boundaries, (mb)
BEST (See Basic English Skills Test) Recognizing, respecting, or adhering to the
culture of two distinct ethnic traditions si-
bias multaneously. In such a setting, conflicts
In testing, bias is systematic and persistent concerning customs, values, and behaviors
alteration of test results due to factors other may arise, (jtr)
than the construct(s) being assessed; social
or cultural (typically) negative perception of big books
a test's results as being differentially fair to
Children's books which have been enlarged
a particular group of test takers, (fd)
so they can be seen by all of the children in
See also Differential Item Functioning the group as they are held in front of the
teacher or in teacher's lap. (jlj)
bibliographic databases
Databases that contain indexed listings of in- bilingual education
formation sources: books, articles, and other An approach in which students are taught
media. When such databases are searched, for part of the day in English and part of the
the retrieved records indicate where the in- day in their native language, (bba)

block play

bilingual vocational education may vary over time. She or he may also not
Vocational education and English-language necessarily be involved sexually with both
instruction to persons with limited English men and women. Some people who have
proficiency to prepare these persons for jobs been involved sexually with both men and
in recognized (including new and emerging) women may not self-identify as bisexual, (ti)
occupations, (jb)
Black English (See African-American
bilingual/bicultural education language)
Instruction that incorporates, and is sensitive
to, cultural norms held by primary and sec- blend
ond language learners, (jqa, jwc) To combine the sounds that are represented
by the graphemes in order to pronounce a
bilingualism word. Blending can be achieved either by
The ability to speak or understand a second single letters (e.g., b-1-e-n-d) or by onsets and
language other than one's native language. rimes (e.g., bl-end). Blends are a string of
However, the ability to read and write a sec- consonant letters that are joined at the be-
ond language may or may not be associated ginning or end of a syllable with minimal
with bilingualism. The ability to speak two change in their sounds. The combined letters
languages with equal, or nearly equal levels are restricted in their location and sequence.
of fluency, (mc, jtr) An example: str- as in "street" in the
syllable-initial position; -ts as in "bats" in
biliteracy the syllable-final position. The term conso-
The ability to read and write in more than nant cluster is also used to refer to blend.
one language, (mc) Blends are similar to compound words in
that they are formed by combining two or
binary operation more words; however, blends tend to be pro-
A process applied to pairs of elements to duced through the close association of two
produce a single element. For example, mul- words and are created by joining parts of
tiplication and division are binary opera- them. For instance, usually the first part of
tions, (kva) the first word is joined to the last part of the
second word (e.g., smoke + fog = smog).
biology Compound words combine whole parts of
The branch of science that studies life, life other words (e.g., blackboard, highchair).
processes, and living things, including their Most of blends are nouns (e.g., brunch, cam-
classification, structure, function, distribu- corder, infomercial, motel, telethon); how-
tion, growth, origin, and evolution. Subdi- ever, there are examples of verbs (e.g.,
visions include botany and zoology, (tw) electrocute, gues(s)timate) and adjectives
(e.g., bodacious = bold + audacious) as
biomechanics well. A significant number of blends were
Application of mechanical principles to the created in the twentieth century when the
study of human movement, (rf) need for new words to cover various topics
in culture, politics, and science was dramat-
biphobia (See homophobia) ically increased, (h-jk)
See also digraph; portmanteau word.
Refers to individuals who are attracted emo- blind (See visual impairment)
tionally and/or sexually to both women and
men. A person who self-identifies as bisexual block play
may or may not be attracted equally to both Play in which children gain hands-on expe-
sexes, and the overall degree of attraction rience in basic math concepts, such as geo-

block scheduling

metric shapes and spatial relations, by knowledge, comprehension, application,

building with and manipulating blocks, (jlj) analysis, synthesis, evaluation, (peb)

block scheduling board of education

A school scheduling procedure that provides Boards of education exist and function at the
large blocks of time (for example, four 90- state and local levels. They comprise either
minute periods a day) for teachers or teams a publicly elected or appointed body of rep-
of teachers to arrange instruction. With resentatives that influence, propose, adopt,
block scheduling, teachers can more effec- and support educational policy within their
tively individualize instruction to meet the jurisdiction. The board of education is the
various needs and abilities of students. Re- primary policy-making body for educational
structuring of the typical school day (usually issues at the local level but may or may not
six or seven classes of approximately 50 be at the state level where it may be sup-
minutes each) where courses are scheduled planted by the individual state legislatures or
for two or more continuous periods or days by some other state educational agency, (tm)
in order to give them more uninterrupted
time for project work, laboratory instruc-
tion, work-based learning, and other similar Board of Regents
activities. Block scheduling has been shown The governing board of an institution or a
to facilitate academic and vocational inte- statewide system of public institutions; the
gration, (bba, jm) authority that selects and evaluates the pres-
ident and provides for the financial welfare
and general operating policies of the insti-
tution or unit. The terms regent and trustee
Also called "staging," is the physical move-
are generally considered interchangeable;
ment of actors on a stage in a scene, or the
there is no appreciable difference in duties
process by which actors and director physi-
or areas of authority, (cf)
cally put a scene on the stage—i.e., decide
where actors will move at particular mo-
ments. Blocking decisions are purposeful, of- Board of Trustees
ten made to enhance the meaning and The governing board of an institution or of
emphasize the dramatic action of the scene. an educational unit; the authority that se-
Relevant to blocking: upstage is the back lects and evaluates the president and pro-
and downstage is the front (closest to the au- vides for the financial welfare and general
dience) of the stage; stage right and stage left operating policies of the institution or unit.
are the sides of the stage from the perspec- The term trustee is the word most commonly
tive of the actor facing the audience, (em) used for a member of a governing board, (cf)

blocks bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

Children's building toys that come in various One of Howard Gardner's (1983) multiple
geometric shapes. Blocks are hard or soft intelligences, the aptitude and ability to con-
and may be made of wood, cardboard, sty- trol one's body with expertise and elegance
rofoam, plastic, or foam covered with vinyl and the predisposition to use bodily and tac-
or fabric, (jlj) tile sensations to learn efficiently. A child
with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence learns by
Bloom's taxonomy moving his body and by manipulating ob-
A classification developed by Benjamin jects in his environment. Young children are
Bloom that categorizes questions commonly notoriously bodily-kinesthetic in their ori-
occurring in educational settings by their entation to learning. Examples of expert per-
level of abstraction. The six categories are: formance in this domain are a tennis

brick and mortar

champion, a ballerina, and a glassblower. bottom-up model

(ecr) The bottom-up model is a decision-making
model intending to involve all educational
stakeholders in the fundamental decision-
bonding making processes of an educational organi-
A process in which two people become emo- zation. These educational stakeholders
tionally available and responsive to one an- include students, parents, community mem-
other. Bonding can include time spent bers, business representatives, and school
together, shared activities, holding, talking, administration. In a bottom-up model all de-
or listening, (kdc) cisions, policies, systems, and mechanisms
are supposed to be developed, approved,
bookmobile and implemented in a participatory manner
A wheeled vehicle, generally a large van, that that creates a sense of ownership and in-
serves as a traveling library, usually follow- volvement among all stakeholders in the suc-
ing a regular circuit. Such vehicles extend the cess of the educational process. The
ability of libraries to reach out to under- bottom-up model is often contrasted to the
served clients in areas that are remote from top-down model which is based on supervi-
established libraries, especially in rural areas. sory management and in which all decisions,
(lr) policies, systems, and operating mechanisms
are produced by a management group that
does not involve all stakeholders but claims
border pedagogy to represent their interests, (tm)
An educational process which calls all forms
of subordination into question. As such it bound morpheme (See morphology)
aims to replace the authority of memoriza-
tion and recitation with student-directed brain development
reflection, inquiry, and knowledge develop- Development of the brain is due to genetic
ment through their own histories, collective and epigenetic (one stage builds upon an-
memories, and perspective. Simultaneously, other) influences. Formation of brain regions
the aim is to challenge and critically examine is timed with more primitive and caudal
the ways in which knowledge and power are parts (brain stem) formed before more com-
legitimated and constructed. The emphasis is plex and evolved structures (cerebral cortex).
on engaging students and teachers in the Brain growth varies by region and growing
process of de-centering Western ideologies, regions are most vulnerable to teratogens (a
codes, and cultural, social, and academic virus, drug, radiation, etc.) Brain develop-
knowledge by developing a multiplicity of ment occurs before birth and continues
perspectives, voices, histories, identities, and throughout the life span, (vm)
subjectivities, (hfs)
A technique for quickly generating large lists
border studies
A focus of study centered on the United of ideas, problems, or issues from a group.
States-Mexican border, encompassing vari- Individuals are encouraged to contribute any
ous issues relating to migration, economics, suggestion, no matter how remote or uncon-
cultural influences, and politics affecting the ventional; all ideas are recorded. Individual
United States and Mexico, (jqa, jwc) suggestions are reviewed and evaluated only
after the brainstorming is completed, (jsj)

botany brick and mortar

The branch of biology that studies plants. A descriptive phrase used to distinguish col-
(tw) leges and universities with on-campus build-

bridge programs

ings and facilities from universities, colleges, which guaranteed equal protection under the
or schools providing comparable instruction law. The Kansas Board of Education argued
via mail, television, radio, or computer net- that their public schools were racially sepa-
works, (cf) rate but equal in all measurable aspects such
as physical facilities and funding. Supreme
bridge programs Court judges ruled in favor of Brown, calling
Programs designed to facilitate transition racially segregated schools "inherently un-
from adult basic education programs to equal" and illegal. It also ruled that segre-
postsecondary educational institutions. gation deprived minority children of equal
Through participation in transition pro- educational opportunity by creating feelings
grams, learners build academic literacy skills of inferiority, thus negatively affecting the
and acquire strategies for success in college motivation to learn. Often referred to as
and vocational training, (las) Brown I, the Supreme Court in its 1955
Brown II case (349 U.S. 294) ordered that
bridging ten strategy (See thinking segregated schools begin to be dismantled.
strategies) (snr)

brief therapy budget

Although the exact length is debatable, psy- A budget can be defined as a plan for the
chotherapy that lasts 15 sessions or less is financial operation of the educational needs
usually considered to be "brief therapy." of the school. This plan includes an estimate
Most typically, brief therapy aims to reduce of proposed expenditures for a given period
behavioral or emotional symptoms rather of time (generally referred to as the fiscal
than provide insight into underlying etiolo- year), a proposed means of financing those
gies, or causes, of problems. It focuses on expenditures, and is the expression of edu-
narrowly defined treatment goals, as op- cational hopes and aspirations relating to the
posed to broad change, and on a client's school. During the fiscal year, three budgets
cognitions, (mgg) are managed at once—the preparation of
next year's budget, administering and mon-
Brown Berets itoring the current budget, and preparing the
Founded in East Los Angeles in 1967, the financial report for the past budget. Some
Brown Berets were a paramilitary group as- approaches taken in budgeting have been:
sociated with the Mexican-American (or Planning Programming Budgeting and Eval-
"Chicano") civil rights movement. Patterned uation Systems, Zero-Based Budgeting, Site-
after the Black Panthers, the Brown Berets Based Budgeting, Strategic Planning, and
lent their support to efforts aimed at ending Total Quality Management, (jr)
discrimination against Mexican Americans
in education, employment, and the free ex- built environment
ercise of civil rights. As part of the broader Everything that is and has been humanly cre-
Civil Rights Movement, the Brown Berets ated, arranged, or maintained (e.g. cities,
actively supported efforts to reform K-12 homes, parks, bridges, and the spaces that
schools and to introduce ethnic studies into connect these structures). The built environ-
the college curriculum, (sw) ment possesses a dual role: to fulfill human
purposes and to provide a context for hu-
Brown v. Board of Education of man actions and endeavors. The built envi-
Topeka, Kansas, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) ronment is artificially constructed and
U.S. Supreme Court case in which Oliver consists of tangible artifacts (e.g., buildings,
Brown and other African-American parents roads, automobiles) in order to manipulate
charged that racially segregated public and modify the natural environment for hu-
schools violated the Fourteenth Amendment, man purposes, (hrm, ew, jkd)

buzz group

Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training style of drama or literature that ridicules

(BAT) people and subjects by portraying their op-
A division of the U.S. Department of Labor posites: for example, trivializing "serious"
that issues apprenticeship certificates, (jm) subjects, treating trivial matters with ex-
aggerated mock importance, turning "intel-
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and lectuals" into ignorant buffoons, and
Abandoned Lands portraying those whom society sees as
A federal agency created by Congress on knowing as geniuses. In comparison with
March 3, 1865 to respond to the social and satire, which is thought to have a "meaner"
economic dislocations caused by the Ameri- edge, burlesque seems more playful and
can Civil War. It had authority over war ref- good-hearted. Commonly also refers to
ugees, emancipated slaves, and Confederate variety-type shows with stripteases, magic
States property and other lands abandoned acts, slapstick comedy, "dirty" jokes, and
after the war. The bureau provided emer- songs, dances, and skits filled with sexual
gency rations, negotiated labor contracts, humor and innuendo, (em)
acted as a court of law if local courts failed
to deal equitably with newly freed African
Americans, and assisted in establishing business and information technology
schools. It curtailed most activity in 1870, education
and ceased to exist in 1872. Popularly A combination of business and information
known as the Freedmen's Bureau, (rb) technology for students in preparation for an
occupation in this field. Students receive in-
bureaucratic roles tensive and cooperative instruction and ac-
Bureaucratic roles are defined by sets of ex- tual work experience, (jb)
pectations, which are combined into posi-
tions and offices in the organization. In business education
schools, the positions of principal, teacher, A field of training in business practices and
and student are critical and each is defined specific skills such as bookkeeping, account-
in terms of a set of expectations. Bureau- ing, record keeping, keyboarding, informa-
cratic expectations specify the appropriate tion processing, and data entry. Increasingly,
behavior for a specific role or position. A business education requires acquisition of
teacher, for instance, has the obligation to technology skills. Business education may
plan learning experiences for students and focus on education for individuals interested
has the duty to engage students in a peda- in a career in business and industry, or focus
gogically effective manner, (jt) on education for individuals interested in a
career as a business education teacher, (jtr)
bureaucratic structure
In education, the structure that the formal
organization specifically establishes to buzz group
achieve explicit goals and carry out admin- A small subgroup of learners in a class,
istrative tasks. Structural properties such as formed at the request of the teacher or fa-
rules, regulations, hierarchy, and division of cilitator, who discuss a topic briefly among
labor are consciously designed to attain themselves before returning to a full-group
those goals effectively. Bureaucracy employs conversation. Adult educators commonly in-
authority through means to achieve rational vite students to get together in buzz groups
decision making and maximize efficiency. in order to stimulate spontaneous conversa-
(ks) tion on a topic. A teaching technique in
which students are put into small groups to
burlesque discuss a question or issue and then all
Characterized primarily by exaggeration, groups share what they have learned with
caricature, parody, satire, and mockery, a each other, (chb, jpc)


CAI (See computer-assisted systems of higher education, and brought in-

instruction) ternational acclaim to its architect, Clark
Kerr. (ks2)
CAL (See characteristics of adults as
learners call and response
A way of singing, found especially in church
calculus music, in which the leader sings a line ("the
The field of mathematics developed during call") and the audience answers with an-
the last half of the seventeenth century by other. In African-American drumming, the
Leibniz and Newton, whose central idea is call and response can be between two drum-
the concept of limit. Differential calculus is mers. In some community art centers that fo-
the branch dealing with the rate at which a cus on African-American cultures, the call
function changes and integral calculus deals and response form of making music
with finding areas on the Cartesian plane, (through drumming, singing, dancing as in
(gtm) tapping a call and response) is thought to be
an excellent vehicle for increasing the con-
CALDEF (See Cuban American Legal centration and engagement of the young stu-
Defense and Education Act) dent of the arts, (jd)

California Master Plan calligraphy

The comprehensive and often controversial The art of fine or beautiful handwriting.
plan created in 1960 to reorganize the higher Usually cursive, although sometimes angu-
education system of California. The plan lar, produced chiefly by brush, ink, inkstone,
created a tiered system of higher education and paper ("the four treasures of the study"
consisting of community colleges, state uni- in China) or specially designed pens. Re-
versities, and research universities. The plan garded as a form of artistic expression in
included uniform admission standards, in- many parts of the world, calligraphy is most
creased state funding of community colleges, widely practiced in the Islamic culture and
free tuition for Californians, student finan- in cultures using Chinese or Chinese-
cial aid, full-year calendar, and the creation influenced writing, including China, Japan,
of new campuses. This model plan was stud- and Korea. It is appreciated on the basis of
ied and partly adopted by several other state the calligrapher's skill, imagination, and

Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education (1918)

ability to give "spirit" to his or her strokes. panding (including photography, perform-
Islamic calligraphy aims to exercise a relig- ance art, video, craft, and design) and
ious effect upon its viewer's mind, and Chi- previously unrecognized artists coming to
nese calligraphy requires each stroke to carry light, the plausibility or usefulness of an
the energy of a living thing, (yjl) agreed-upon list of most important works is
being dismantled by artists, art historians,
CAM (See certificate of advanced writers, and contemporary critics, (jd)
One of the four basic categories of resources,
camera obscura
or factors of production, including manufac-
A camera-like device whereby an image is
tured (or previously produced) resources
projected through a darkened chamber and
used to manufacture or produce other
lens onto an exterior surface. This method is
things. Common examples of capital are fac-
used in the transfer of designs and drawings
tories, buildings, trucks, tools, machinery,
for paintings. Today, camera obscura exists
and equipment used by businesses in their
for the most part in children's museums and
productive pursuits. The primary role of
science classrooms, and serves as a tool for
capital in the economy is to improve the
learning about light, perspective, and projec-
productivity of labor as it transforms the
tion. In the seventeenth, eighteenth, and
natural resources of land into wants-and-
nineteenth centuries, however, camera ob-
needs-satisfying goods, (mkg)
scura was used to a large extent as part of
the process of making many Realist paint- capital renewal
ings, (km) In the context of facilities, including build-
ings and infrastructure, refers to all con-
campus struction projects necessary to remedy
The landscape upon which the buildings and existing deferred maintenance, and to pre-
facilities of an institution are used for in- vent future deferred maintenance by ade-
struction, research, and/or service, (cf) quately funding reinvestment in facilities,
campus planning See also deferred maintenance.
A process involving the preparation and im-
plementation of guidelines, often including capstone course
maps, to support and promote the orderly In technical education, a course taken at the
physical growth and development of an in- end of a program of study that requires stu-
stitution. Also describes the title of the de- dents demonstrate their accumulated knowl-
partment responsible for these activities, (cf) edge in solving real-world problems through
the application of knowledge from academic
canon and career-technical education courses, (db)
In art and literature, the group of unques- cardinal number
tionably great or greatest artists and works
A number used to denote the numeric value
(masterpieces). Originally referred to the
of a set of objects. Another term used in el-
saints who were canonized by the Roman
ementary mathematics is "counting num-
Catholic Church. The idea of a canon of art-
ber." The cardinality or "count" of a set
ists and works of art is particularly Western
indicates the number of objects in the set.
and male and exclusive of many unrecog-
nized historical voices in the art world in-
cluding those of women and nonwhite Cardinal Principles of Secondary
non-Western artists. Postmodernism is chal- Education (1918)
lenging the very idea of a canon. With the Influential report of the National Education
idea of what counts as art and literature ex- Association's Commission on the Reorgani-

care, ethic of

zation of Secondary Education that was struction. CTSOs serve as a medium to

critical to the establishment of the compre- allow the students to gain important practice
hensive high school model in the United at applying leadership skills, (db)
States. Best known for its articulation of
seven "main objectives of education" in- career awareness
tended to lend coherence to the subject- Activities intended to make students, partic-
centered curriculum. The seven "cardinal ularly at the elementary school level, aware
principles" were health, command of fun- of careers and/or occupations in the work-
damental processes, worthy home member- force. Some activities may include field trips
ship, vocation, citizenship, worthy use of and classroom speakers, curriculum rede-
leisure, and ethical character, (wgw) sign, and planned activities integrated with
middle schools, (kg)
care, ethic of (See ethic of care)

career career clusters

A career is the course of events which con- Core of courses focused on skills and knowl-
stitutes a life. The sequence of occupations edge common to several related occupations.
and other life roles which combine to ex- Career clusters are intended to provide stu-
press one's commitment to work in his or dents with choice and stronger foundations
her total pattern of self-development. The se- in a specialized career or profession, (jb)
ries of remunerated and nonremunerated
positions occupied by a person from adoles- career coordinator (See coordinator,
cence through retirement, of which occupa- career)
tion is only one. Includes work-related roles
such as those of student, employee, and pen-
sioner together with complementary avoca- career counseling
tional, familial, and civic roles. Careers exist Guidance by a trained, competent counselor
only as people pursue them; they are person or mental health professional of individuals
centered, (kg) or groups aimed at facilitating career ex-
ploration and promoting/optimizing occu-
career, high school (See high school, pational potential and satisfaction. Such
specialized) guidance includes, but is not limited to, as-
sessment and test interpretation feedback;
career academy intake of personal and career history; inves-
School-within-a-school operated by a small tigation of career aspirations and expecta-
tions; formal consideration of personal and
group of teachers from different disciplines
career-related interests, abilities and values;
who provide course work and work experi-
and the identification of current resources
ences arranged according to a career theme.
and data trends, (mm, ao)
Students gain the necessary skills for entry
See also career guidance.
into the workforce and progression into
postsecondary education, and often curric-
ulum is designed with business partners, (db) career decision-making
Method for understanding, analyzing, and
career and technical student appreciating a variety of careers or career
organizations (CTSOs) options through exploration, guidance, and
A group of students within a school who planning. It utilizes reasoning-centered pro-
have a common career interest who meet cesses, including mental and/or graphic de-
regularly, organize activities, and serve as an pictions of career decision-making steps
integral part of the students' learning cli- involved in "goal setting-goal attaining" ca-
mate, in combination with classroom in- reer development, (lrm)

career maturity

career development career indecision

A lifelong process through which an individ- Difficulties in deciding on a career goal.
ual develops and identifies with an area of These difficulties typically involve the in-
the working world. Involves the results of an ability to choose a career goal or the un-
individual's education and career-related willingness to choose a career goal. They
choices, along with one's aptitudes, interests, can, however, also involve experiencing un-
beliefs, and self-concept, (kg) certainty regarding a previously expressed,
or chosen, career goal, (sc)
career development theory
Theory that attempts to describe the factors career interest inventory
that motivate career behaviors or under- An assessment tool that measures an individ-
stand the structural characteristics and ca- ual's vocational interests. Specifically, an in-
reer attitudes desired for employment, (kg) dividual's likes and dislikes of a variety of
activities, objects, and types of people are
compared with the likes and dislikes of in-
career education dividuals who are performing in, and satis-
An educational concept born in the 1970s fied with, specific occupations and career
addressing the relationship between tradi- fields. Occupations and career fields are dis-
tional educational programs and occupa- played graphically on a profile. Low, mod-
tional aspects of society. Career education is erate, and high vocational interest levels are
a comprehensive approach to education to identified for each occupation and career
prepare learners to be productive citizens. field. The Strong Interest Inventory (SII), the
Infused with existing educational curricula Campbell Interest and Skills Survey (CISS),
and intended for learners of all ages, these and the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey
programs may help develop an understand- (KOIS) are representative examples of career
ing of the nature of careers or a specific ca- interest inventories, (sc)
reer, as well as teach the skills needed for
success in any career or in a specific career,
career majors
(ch, jpc)
A sequence of courses in secondary schools
and continued at the postsecondary level
career education program that prepare students for employment in an
All the academic and career-related courses occupational cluster or industry by integrat-
organized to fulfill the same general objec- ing academic and career-technical education
tives and conducted along similar lines, (db) and results in a high school diploma or
equivalent, a skill certificate, and when ap-
career exploration propriate, recognition of successful comple-
Investigative activities or inquiries under- tion at the postsecondary institution, (kg)
taken inside and outside the classroom to
search out information about a future oc- career maturity
cupational or professional interest or goal, The degree to which an individual is ready
(jm) to make a career choice. According to Don-
ald Super, career maturity is a developmen-
tal process within the career exploration
career goal (See goal, vocational) stage, one of the five primary stages of career
development. During this stage, an individ-
career guidance ual typically experiences the following: ori-
Career planning based on a student's values, entation to the role of work in one's life;
needs, interests, and abilities and involving crystallization, the process of developing
various informational resources, (jm) preferences for a particular occupation or
See also career counseling. career field; specification, the process of be-

career passport

coming certain and comfortable with a ca- needs of the child across all of the develop-
reer choice; and implementation, the process mental domains, (kdc)
of becoming qualified and actually obtaining
a career of one's choice, (sc) Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied
Technology Education Act
career passport Amendments of 1990 and 1998
A state-issued, school-validated document Federal legislation passed in 1990 and again
indicating a student has met state and/or na- in 1998 reauthorizing the Carl D. Perkins
tional competency standards in an occupa- Act of 1984. The legislation is intended to
tion. Passport receivers are encouraged to improve vocational and technical education
complete industry-issued credentials, certifi- programs by promoting high academic stan-
cates, or licenses and incorporate them in the dards and the integration of academic and
passport, (jb) vocational or career-technical education in
order to make the United States more com-
career pathway (See career majors) petitive in the world economy, (jb)

Carl Perkins Vocational Education Act

career planning
of 1985
The development of a plan by a student,
United States legislation that designated fed-
with the assistance of counselors and teach-
eral funds to provide vocational-technical
ers, of well-considered steps in progressing
education programs and services to youth
toward entry into a specific job, occupation,
and adults to prepare them for employment
or profession, (db)
in occupations that do not require a bache-
lor's or advanced degree, (las)
career planning
The process of selecting an occupation, se-
Carnegie Foundation for the
curing a job, advancing in that job and, if
Advancement of Teaching (CFAT)
necessary, changing jobs. The process in-
A private foundation originally endowed by
volves finding a match between an individ-
Andrew Carnegie to provide retirement
ual's talents, skills, interests, personality, and
funds for college faculty, CFAT now serves
values, and a particular career, (jtr)
as an independent policy center and con-
ducts research and policy studies in educa-
career-technical course (See course, tion. From 1967 to 1993, CFAT funded the
career-technical) Carnegie Commission on Higher Education,
and its historic series of reports on Higher
career-technical education laboratory Education, (cf)
A laboratory designed, equipped, and used
for instruction in some vocation, (jb) cartoon
A drawing, often detailed, that is made as a
caregiver design for a painting of the same size to be
A person or persons who provide for the executed in fresco or oil, or for a work in
everyday physical, intellectual, social, and tapestry, mosaic, or stained glass. In paint-
emotional needs of a child. A caregiver can ing, the cartoon is transferred to the canvas
be a parent, a day care teacher, a grandpar- or wall, where it becomes the under draw-
ent, a sibling, or anyone who is responsible ing. A cartoon is also any full-page illustra-
for the care and well-being of a child. A tion in a paper or periodical, including
caregiver will feed, clothe, and manage dia- comics that are humorous, or political draw-
pering/toileting, in addition to providing a ings. In television and cinematography, a
safe, nurturing, and responsive environment. cartoon is any animated sequence of these
A caregiver is responsible for meeting the drawings on film. Pre-adolescent and adoles-


cent children often draw cartoons or comics categorical data

as a way to tell the stories of their lives and/ Data that are grouped according to some
or to explore the visual language of the me- common feature or quality. One of the eas-
dia. (lj) iest ways to summarize categorical data is
through the use of a pie chart, (kr)
CASAS (See Comprehensive Adult
Student Assessment System) categorical funding
Funding given by governmental or other
case (See case method) bodies to schools, districts, or states to pay
for specific programs designed to serve par-
ticular groups of students or particular stu-
case conceptualization
dent needs, (peb)
A process of considering and summarizing a
client's situation from a specific theoretical
perspective. The intent of a case conceptu- catharsis
alization is to consider all relevant informa- Both the outer expression of affect or emo-
tion related to the diagnosis, prognosis, and tion and the inner awareness and acceptance
treatment planning of a client in order to of affect or emotion. Catharsis is thera-
promote the best possible therapeutic out- peutic, in part, because it is believed that
comes, in part, by developing a consistent expressing emotion leads to increased
and comprehensive treatment approach, (kc, awareness and acceptance of otherwise un-
seme, bdj) wanted or repressed emotions. This accep-
tance, in turn, is believed to lead to greater
self-awareness, understanding, and respon-
case method sibility for oneself and one's feelings and be-
An inductive approach to learning, in which
haviors, (mgg)
learners read a detailed accounting of a sit-
uation, institution, event, decision, or prob-
CBI (See computer-based instruction)
lem (a "case") and then discuss it as a group
under the guidance of a facilitator or instruc-
CBO (See community-based
tor. The goal is to increase the learners' skills
of analysis and problem-solving, and/or to
deepen their understanding of some field of
CBT (See cognitive-behavior therapy)
practice, (chb)
CBT (See computer-based training)
case study method (See case method)
CBTE (See competency-based teacher
case study research education)
A type of inquiry within qualitative research.
A case is a single entity or a defined system, CCC (See Civilian Conservation Corps)
and may be an individual, an event, a proc-
ess, or an organization. The researcher de- CDA (See Child Development
scribes and analyzes the case holistically and Associate)
in-depth, with particular attention to the
context of the case. The researcher usually CDE (See Civil Defense Education)
seeks multiple perspectives on the phenom-
enon, and uses diverse data collection meth- CDF (See Children's Defense Fund)
ods and sources, (mas)
caste-like minorities (See involuntary Stands for Compact Disk Read Only Mem-
minorities) ory. A CD-ROM is an optical device for


storing computer data. One CD-ROM can certificate of advanced mastery (CAM)
hold 680 megabytes of data, which is equiv- Initially associated with educational reform
alent to 485 floppy disks. Because of this in the state of Oregon, a certificate associ-
large storage capacity and the fact that CD- ated with various career pathways offered
ROMS can be used on different types of during the last two years of high school, pro-
computers (i.e., both PC and Macintosh ma- viding students with a college-preparatory
chines), many educational software pro- endorsement or a career or vocational-
grams come on CD-ROMS. In addition, technical education endorsement, or both.
recordable (CD-R) and rewriteable (CD- (db)
RW) CDs are useful for storing files that
may be too large for a floppy disk, such as
certificate of initial mastery (CIM)
multimedia presentations, (kgl)
Initially associated with educational reform
in the state of Oregon, a certificate demon-
CDS (See child-directed speech) strating that students have met the core
academic subjects required of secondary
CEEB (See College Entrance schools, typically by grade 10 or age 16. (db)
Examination Board, College Board)

ceiling certificate program

In cognitive and academic assessment, which A sequence of courses in a given field or
generally begin with easier questions and be- topic, leading to the award of a certificate
come increasingly harder, a continuous se- upon successful completion of the sequence.
ries of items the subject answers incorrectly. A certificate program is a shorter, more fo-
It is assumed all items beyond this point cused course of study than a full degree pro-
would be too difficult for the respondent, so gram, (chb)
test administration is stopped, (jcp)
centers (See learning centers) Certification is the approval by a regulatory
board or agency that has established stan-
ceramics dards or criteria, which must be met. State
From the Greek keramikos, "of pottery," or federal mandates regulate most of these
and, in spite of certain technical differences, agencies or boards. Certification may be ob-
is used interchangeably with the term "pot- tained through undergraduate work, post-
tery" as the making of objects out of clay to baccalaureate work, or by examination.
be glazed and fired, (kf) Many require professional development to
See also pottery. update or renew the certification. In educa-
tion, certification is an official license to
cerebral palsy teach. Certification takes several forms, such
A condition caused by injury to the parts of as emergency, initial, or standard, and often
the brain that control the ability to use mus- requires passing a test and taking specified
cles, characterized by disordered movement courses, often as part of a teacher education
and posture, and delayed motor develop- program. Certification is usually determined
ment, and atypical motoric findings on neu- separately by each state, (jr, peb)
rological examination. There are three main
types of cerebral palsy: spastic, characterized
by too much muscle tone or tightness; ath- CES (See Cooperative Extension
etoid, characterized by uncontrolled body Service)
movements and low muscle tone; and mixed,
a combination of both, with some high- and CETA (See Comprehensive
some low-tone muscles, (sr) Employment and Training Act)

character education

CEU (See continuing education unit) tions in one set of value systems, rules of
behavior, or cultural symbols being replaced
CFAT (See Carnegie Foundation for the by another. Change is a result of reflecting,
Advancement of Teaching) rethinking, or restructuring a system and
may result from political, ideological, eco-
chain of response model nomic, technological, or demographic influ-
A theory, put forward by Patricia Cross in ences. Change can be isolated or systemic in
Adults as Learners, that suggests that an an educational entity. In mathematical
adult's motivation to participate in educa- terms, a difference, such as in shape, size, or
tion is the result of a series of steps. Those location. Change is expressed as motion and
steps are self-evaluation of self-confidence to is quantified by using terms such as speed,
undertake the education, overcoming any acceleration, or distance traveled, and these
negative attitudes about education, and un- terms are expressed as a ratio of the number
derstanding the importance of the goal and representing the distance covered divided by
the rewards that may follow goal attain- the number representing the quantity of
ment, (jpc) time. To move from one state of being or
phase to another. In a school setting this
chaired professor process can involve changes in such areas as
A college teacher whose salary or pay is at policy, personnel, or curriculum. Change
least partially funded by an endowment, may be a planned occurrence or a natural
foundation, or other source of specially des- occurrence, (tm, kgh, jtr)
ignated monies in an honorific recognition
of the professor's achievements, (cf) change agent
Someone who helps produce or who insti-
challenge (See confrontation) gates changes in the status quo. (peb)
challenge by choice
A Project Adventure term allowing partici- character
pants to choose or say no to an activity The sum of a person's vices, virtues, and dis-
knowing that the opportunity for another positions to act that makes each person
attempt is always available, (rf) unique. Understanding good character is the
central concern of virtue ethics. One of the
chancellor debates about education today is the extent
The title of the highest-ranking official in a to which it does and should develop a cer-
unit of a university system or in the entire tain sort of character, or whether the state,
system; used alternately with president, de- in the form of education, should be neutral
pending upon established precedence in a on issues of character. Debates about the
particular system (i.e., in some university hidden curriculum often are over the extent
systems, presidents are the titular heads of to which the content of the hidden curricu-
the separate universities and report to the lum shapes character, and in what ways it
chancellors of the university system; in other should do so. The "Character Education"
systems, chancellors are heads of institutions Movement is directed at developing a set of
and presidents are in charge of the overall "civic virtues" deemed necessary for civic
system), (cf) life, (jc)
See also ethics; moral development; moral
change education; virtue ethics.
An alteration of the focus, emphasis, struc-
tures, systems, beliefs, expectations, or character education
mechanisms within the social or educational An approach to education that focuses on
structure that is characterized by modifica- developing students' character and support-

characteristics of adults as learners (CAL)

ing their moral reasoning and development, CHAT (See CHILDES)

chautauqua (See Chautauqua
characteristics of adults as learners Movement)
A model, developed by Patricia Cross, that Chautauqua Institute
describes what is known about adults as A not-for-profit, 750-acre educational center
learners. It consists of two types of variables: beside Chautauqua Lake in southwestern
personal characteristics (physiological or New York state. Founded in 1874 as a two-
aging and sociocultural life phases and psy- week summer institute for Sunday school
chological or development stages) and situ- teachers, its scope was broadened to include
ational characteristics (variables unique to academic subjects, music, art, and physical
adult participants, such as full- versus part- education, (js)
time learning or mandatory versus voluntary
participation), (las) Chautauqua Movement
In 1874, John H. Vincent and Lewis Miller
characterological blame devised an adult education program in con-
Conceptualizes explanations of achievement nection with a bible summer camp on the
associated with self perceptions concerning shores of Lake Chautauqua in western New
unchanging personal and innate attributes York. The idea turned into a widespread
and characteristics (i.e., what one is like). adult education movement inaugurated in
These ability characteristics exist outside of 1878 as the Chautauqua Literary and Sci-
the purview of individual control or devel- entific Circle which included correspondence
opment as unchanging and stable attributes, courses, reading circles, and university ex-
(hfs) tensions. In the early 1900s mobile Chautau-
quas traveled around the country with
charity schools (See pauper schools) speakers and exhibits. By the 1930s the on-
set of commercial radio, movies, and auto-
charter schools mobiles contributed to its decline as an
Autonomous public schools operating under active movement of the Progressive Era. (rih)
a contract that has been negotiated between See also Chautauqua Institute.
the organizers, who create and operate the
school, and a sponsor, who oversees the CHEA (See Council for Higher
terms of the contract. Charter schools pur- Education Accreditation)
sue a set of objectives approved by the char-
tering agency, which is typically an arm of checklist
state government, (bba) A generic term referring to a list of children's
behaviors, teacher competencies, activities,
chat or other items to accomplish, to create, or
An Internet-based utility that enables indi- maintain a quality service program. It is an
viduals to engage in a typed conversation. easy and quick method to use in determining
Chatting is also referred to as instant mes- the effectiveness and needs of children,
saging. In a chat room, multiple people from teachers, or programs, (pw)
remote locations can simultaneously com-
municate via typing. For example, students checks and balances
can discuss course concepts by connecting to A governmental system employed where the
an online chat from computers at home or powers of the legislative, judicial, and exec-
school. In fact, students from different utive branches overlap so that each branch
schools can communicate in real-time with can check the actions of the others. The con-
one another by chatting, (kgl) cept of checks and balances is commonly

child development

taught in government and U.S. history abuse or exploitation, or the imminent risk
courses, (cb) or threat of such serious harm to a child.
Major types of child abuse include physical
CHEMA (See Council of Higher abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional
Education Management Associations) or psychological abuse. Laws regarding child
abuse are determined by the civil and crim-
chemistry inal codes of each state, (llf, emm)
The branch of science that studies matter,
how matter interacts and is transformed, child art
and the energy changes that result from The art of children has been of interest to
these interactions and transformations. In- adults since before its praise by the French
cludes topics such as the composition, struc- philosopher Rousseau. The playful and pow-
ture, and properties of matter, and the erful art of children has been emulated by
different ways that matter can combine or modernist artists like Klee and Miro, studied
react, (tw) by cognitive psychologists like Gardner and
Winner, and celebrated for its inherent em-
chiaroscuro bodiment of human expression by scholars
From the Italian chiaro (light) and scuro such as Arnheim and Kellogg. Despite the
(dark). An effect in painting, drawing, and similarities, many prefer to distinguish chil-
print making in which areas of light and dren's work from that of trained profession-
shadow are emphasized so that objects and als, by calling the work "child art." (jd)
figures may appear to have more depth, vol-
ume, and weight. For example, when paint- child care (or childcare)
ing a muscled arm, the muscles themselves Care that is provided outside of the child's
would be painted with light colors so that immediate family/home environment. Care
they appear to stand out and the spaces be- may be given during the day or night hours
tween muscles would be painted with darker in centers, individual homes, or religious fa-
colors. Teen artists often explore chiaro- cilities, (jlj)
scuro (calling it "shading") after comic book
artists who feature muscular contour in their child care license
drawings. Examples of chiaroscuro abound A state-issued license indicating that a facil-
in paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and en- ity or home has met government/state oper-
gravings by Albrecht Durer. (ap) ation requirements and is authorized to
operate. The license states the maximum
Chicano/Chicana studies number of children allowed, the age ranges
A term relating to research and curriculum of children allowed, whether day and/or
focused on Mexican Americans in the United night care may be provided, and whether or
States. One of a variety of ethnic studies pro- not transportation may be provided. After
grams developed in the 1960s and 1970s in initial issuance, the facility or home is sub-
response to cultural demands for inclusive ject to repeated, unannounced inspections to
and relevant curriculum, particularly at the ensure continued compliance, (jlj)
college and university level, (jqa, jwc)
child development
child abuse The stages of maturation from infancy to
An act, or failure to act, by a person respon- adulthood. The maturation process is typi-
sible for a child's welfare (e.g., parent, care- cally sequential and involves physiological,
taker, teacher, employee of residential fa- psychological, cognitive, behavioral, and so-
cility) or by a person who is in a position of cial development. There are many theories of
power over a child, which results in death, child development that focus on differing as-
serious physical or emotional harm, sexual pects. For example, Urie Bronfenbrenner's

Child Development Associate (CDA)

ecological model of child development con- ment was a grassroots effort that swept
siders that the environment (setting, family, across the nation and became international
and other relationships, the larger commu- through the creation of organizations with a
nity and the individual's physiological and membership supporting and promoting these
psychological self) contains key influences. studies. The National Education Association
Other theorists such as Freud focused on the devoted much effort to this movement,
personality, while some such as Erik Erikson though it gained greater recognition through
emphasized the role of society, (npo) John Dewey's closely related child-centered
education platform, (rih)
Child Development Associate (CDA)
A credential awarded by the Council for child-centered curriculum
Early Childhood Professional Recognition, Developmental or educational activities and
an organization that advocates for and pro- interactions that are based on children's in-
vides specific training for child care profes- terests and the choices they make about
sionals within center-based, home-based, learning activities, (mcl)
and home visiting programs. The CDA is de-
signed to assess skills of child care providers
who manage a program in the home and to child-directed activity (See child-
assess their abilities to meet the needs of in- directed play)
fants, toddlers, and preschoolers. The pro-
gram of study takes approximately one year child-directed play
to complete and the CDA is evaluated Children's interactions with materials, play
through a written exam, a verbal interview, objects, or other persons that reflect the flow
and a portfolio. Community or technical of an individual youngster's exploration, in-
colleges may offer curricula supporting terest, curiosity, and invention, (mcl)
study for the CDA credential, (kdc, npo)
child-directed speech (CDS)
Child Find Also called motherese, and colloquially,
A process used by school systems to locate, baby talk. A specialized speech register used
identify, and assess/evaluate children to de- in some cultures by caregivers with very
termine if the child is eligible to receive ther- young children. For example, in many west-
apeutic or special education services through ernized cultures, CDS is characterized by
the early intervention or public school sys- short simplified utterances, special lexical
tem. A service directed by each state for items, and prosodic features such as exag-
identifying and diagnosing unserved children gerated intonation patterns, exaggerated
with disabilities, with an emphasis on chil- stress, and higher and more variable pitch
dren ages birth to six years, (kms, sr)
than in adult speech. Research suggests that
CDS supports children's acquisition of key
Child Language Data Exchange System language features and conversational rou-
(See CHILDES) tines, (jrk)

Child Study Movement

Created by G. Stanley Hall in the late 1890s, child-initiated activity (See child-
the movement was designed to research chil- initiated play)
dren's knowledge bases. Research method-
ology included student observations and the child-initiated play
recording, reflection, and study of these ob- Instructional or supportive activities facili-
servations. This allowed parents and teach- tated, sustained, or provided by caregivers
ers to more effectively gear teaching methods but that initially reflect observed children's
and materials to the child's level. This move- engagements, (mcl)


CHILDES (Child Language Data Went a Courtin'," "Old Dan Tucker," etc.),
Exchange System) the term "children's folk" refers to any folk
A computerized system for the study, anal- music presented with care and at a high level
ysis, and exchange of child language data of quality for young children, (jd)
(MacWhinney and Snow, 1995). The system See also folk art/music.
has three interrelated components: CHAT
(Codes for the Human Analysis of Talk), children's theater
conventions for the transcription and coding A genre of theater comprised of dramatic
of language; CLAN (Codes for Language performances intended for children as audi-
Analysis), a package of language analysis ence members, in which either children (of-
programs integrated with CHAT; and a da- ten along with adults) or just adults are the
tabase of child language corpora represent- performers. Often consists of the dramati-
ing a variety of languages and interactive zation of children's stories, but also includes
settings, (jrk) many original works that span the dramatic
range from light and comedic to serious and
children's counting schemes thought provoking. Most institutional chil-
Counting schemes used by children are of dren's theaters both perform works and pro-
four types: perceptual unit items, motor unit vide active educational opportunities—
items, verbal unit items, and abstract unit through classes in acting, movement, impro-
items. For a description of each, see under visation—for children, (em)
individual listings, (amr)
Children's Defense Fund (CDF) In early childhood education, choice is pro-
A private, nonprofit organization founded in viding children with options from which
1973 and funded through foundations, cor- they may freely choose. These options could
poration grants, and private donations. The be varied or similar, but their presence em-
CDF mission statement is "leave no child be- powers the learner to express personal inter-
hind" and the organization advocates for the ests and needs, (mcl)
rights of children through its divisions
"Healthy Start," "Head Start," "Fair Start," choice, vocational (See vocational
"Safe Start," and "Moral Start." CDF pro- choice)
motes quality, comprehensive health serv-
ices; affordable, safe childcare; and the choir
economic security of families. It educates the From the Latin chorus. Historically used to
public about those children who are victims denote a church vocal ensemble, but cur-
of abuse, neglect, and domestic violence rently used to identify both secular and sa-
through public service announcements. CDF cred singing groups. Many popular
has a partnership with the religious com- professional singers got their start singing in
munity and does not receive money from the their church choirs. May also be used to spec-
U.S. government, (kdc) ify instrument exclusive groups (e.g., flute
choir, cello choir) or any organized arts per-
children's folk formance ensemble (e.g., dance choir), (jbl)
Since the 1970s, there has been an effort on See also chorus.
the part of many folk singers to bring to chil-
dren quality folk music either through visit- choral
ing artist appearances in schools, television As a noun, any hymn tune sung by a chorus
shows, recordings, etc. While there are or choir or church congregation; as an ad-
countless folk songs that seem to be partic- jective, having to do with vocal ensemble/
ularly well suited to the sort of stories young chorus music or performance (e.g., the com-
children are reading in school (e.g., "Frog poser specialized in choral music). To be dis-


tinguished from chorale, which is specifically CIM (See certificate of initial mastery)
a German Protestant (Lutheran) hymn tune
that is usually harmonized in four parts vo- circle graph
cally (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) or com- A graph that shows how various categories
posed for and played by the organ, as of a set of data account for certain propor-
epitomized by the organ chorales of J. S. tions of the whole. Circle graphs are many
Bach, (jbl) times referred to as pie graphs or pie charts.
Derived from the Greek choreia (dancing)
and graphe (writing), choreography refers to
the arrangement of steps, actions, and move-
ments within a dance piece, and the formal
notation of such movements. The "chore-
ographer" is the person who creates the
dances for a performance. In a school mu-
sical theater production, the choreographer
works with the stage director, who is re-
sponsible for the entire production. Since so
few schools have sequential dance programs,
choreography is rarely taught in schools. In Circle graph.
community centers, however, choreography
is often presented as a skill that may be Citizen Schools
learned and exercised by advanced dancers, A set of schools developed in the Sea Islands
(em) of South Carolina and Georgia during the
1940s and 1950s, established by African
chorus Americans such as Esau Jenkins and Septima
Originally referred to an organized band of Clark, in order to provide an education to
singers and dancers in the religious festivals underserved and undereducated adult Afri-
(such as the choir of a church), or in ancient can Americans. The schools were established
Greek dramatic performances that explain to prepare African-American adults for the
numerous literacy tests utilized to deny them
or comment upon the course of events be-
the vote. Often because of the service pro-
tween "acts." In its modern use, a chorus
vided the schools were operated clandes-
refers to the collective body of vocalists in
tinely in the back rooms of businesses. The
drama and music who perform in a group
schools used any material on hand, such as
as opposed to those who perform singly. It
newspapers or hymnals, to teach reading
can also refer to the repeated refrains in vo-
and writing skills, (hfs)
cal music or poetry (e.g., the chorus of the
song). Chorus, or the generally extracurric-
ular gathering of groups of songsters at citizenship education
American schools, is a popular school arts A type of education offered to immigrants
activity, (yjl) designed to make them aware of their rights
See also choir. and responsibilities as citizens in a democ-
racy, and to develop an understanding of the
importance of being active citizens. Included
chronological age in this education are the social health traits
The actual age of an individual calculated of honesty; respect for others; kindness; co-
from the date of birth, (sr) operation; respect for home, school, com-


munity, and environments; and generosity. at the height of the Cold War, as school-
In the United States, citizenship education children across the country were taught how
may include preparation for the national cit- to protect themselves in the event of a nu-
izenship test, (las, knl) clear attack, (ah)

civic education
Civil Rights Movement
Education for citizenship. In a democratic
polity, civic education includes both history Popularly thought of as the political and so-
and other course content intended to foster cial movement occurring in the 1960s in the
feelings of patriotism and the civic virtues attempt to end discrimination and provide
necessary for life as a citizen participating in equal rights for African Americans. Now
civic life. American policy makers developed thought of as encompassing women's rights,
and have supported the common school be- gay rights, and the rights of all Americans to
cause of a belief in the importance of civic be free from discrimination, (jqa, jwc)
education; the common school movement
was historically charged with civic education Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
as its primary responsibility, (jc) The Civilian Conservation Corps or Emer-
See also education, vocational education. gency Conservation Work (ECW) Act was
enacted as part of the New Deal in 1933.
civics The Act was to ease widespread unemploy-
The branch of political science that focuses ment while improving the nation's forests.
on rights and duties of citizens, and civic af- More than three million men enrolled in the
fairs. It involves participatory skills as well
Corps. Each CCC camp had an educational
as knowledge about government and society.
component that included reading, writing,
Knowledge of civics can help increase un-
arithmetic, and vocational training in areas
derstandings about citizenship and society.
such as carpentry and forestry. Some camps
A form of education aimed at making learn-
offered advanced academic courses. Teach-
ers aware of their rights and responsibilities
as citizens and building their capacity to ex- ing more than 35,000 men to read and write
ercise them effectively and responsibly, (knl, was a significant accomplishment of the
las) CCC. The CCC remained in existence until
June of 1942. (lh)
civil case
A case referring to private or personal rights. CLAN (See CHILDES)
Legal advocacy applied to individual cases,
such as cases to protect the rights of individ-
uals with disabilities, (sr) class
A group, all members of which possess at
Civil Defense Education (CDE) least one common characteristic. A group of
At its most basic level, Civil Defense Edu- students scheduled to report regularly at a
cation is a system of education that imparts particular time to a particular teacher. The
various survival tactics in the event of nat- students pursuing a particular subject, fre-
ural or man-made disasters. The most com- quently at different levels within a school,
mon feature of CDE as practiced in most such as a French-language class in a high
American schools includes fire and severe school. All students in an educational insti-
weather drills. During the Cold War, CDE tution who entered at the same time and
took on a different dimension because of graduate together. Class can also be used to
presence of the nuclear threat. "Duck and denote characteristics relative to socioeco-
Cover" drills were routine features of CDE nomic status, (gac)

class action

class action for the use of students in the classroom.

In education, the term is usually applied to Classroom libraries may be located in a des-
a lawsuit brought by one or more persons ignated area of the room or on movable
on behalf of all persons similarly situated as carts, and they may consist of either per-
to complaint and remedy sought. Examples manent or variable collections of materials,
might include a group of parents or students (bba)
bringing suit against a school district due to
injury caused by asbestos or lead paint in a
classroom management
school building or for the use of standard-
A teacher's methods for establishing and
ized test scores being used for the purpose
maintaining an environment in which teach-
of student promotion or retention, (mm) ing and learning can occur, including tech-
niques for preventing and handling student
class adviser (See adviser/advisor) misbehavior, (bba)
class (grade) average
A measure of the middle position on a scale Clery Act (See Student Right-to-Know
of evaluation, the central tendency. Typi- and Campus Security Act)
cally the mean is calculated when determin-
ing the average for a group of students on a click and brick
given assessment or group of tasks. Class av- Identification of institutions with both Inter-
erage can be used to track the direction and net programs and a physical location, (cf)
degree of individual student deviations from
the group mean or for assigning marks, (jw)
click art (See clip art)
class size
The number of students who meet on a reg- client-centered therapy
ular basis with one particular teacher. Many An approach to psychotherapy that requires
school districts have established specific a nondirective therapeutic stance. Emphasis
teacher-student ratios based on grade level is placed on the counselor-client relation-
or subject area, (jtr) ship, as well as on the creation of conditions
within the relationship that facilitate client
classical test theory (CTT) (See item change. Philosophically, the belief is that in-
analysis dividuals will move toward greater overall
health when the necessary and sufficient con-
classification ditions for personality change (i.e., genuine-
The process of assigning an event, trend, or ness, unconditional positive regard, and
other data to a category or other generalized accurate empathic understanding) are pres-
description based on similarities to other ent, (mjs)
events, trends, or comparable data, (jjc)
clinic, vocational (See vocational clinic)
Discrimination based on social class. Typi-
cally manifest as discrimination against clinical experiences
poor, underprivileged, and/or working-class In teacher education, activities or observa-
people, (jqa, jwc) tions accomplished by preservice teachers in
PK-12 schools or other authentic sites, usu-
classroom library ally before student teaching and as a condi-
A collection of books and other reading ma- tion to completing a teacher certification
terials located in a classroom and intended program, (peb)

cloze procedure

clinical practitioner close-ended question

Within the area of education, an education A specific type of question that allows a
professional currently employed in the field counselor, or therapist, to influence the
who works with or is observed by a preser- quantity and quality of a client's response.
vice or student teacher, (peb) Typically requires/encourages a short, one-
or two-word answer. "Was that hurtful?" is
an example of a close-ended question. If
clinical supervision
used appropriately, these types of questions
Supervision by teachers, professors, or other
can help a counselor collect relevant infor-
education personnel of persons receiving
mation and/or clarify any misunderstand-
clinical experiences in an educational setting,
ings. They can be particularly helpful with
clients that are tangential and/or who have
a tendency to dominate a therapy session.
clinical training (ksp)
Work-based learning that is required to ac-
crue knowledge and skills in occupations cloze procedure
leading to semi-professional or professional A testing procedure, typically considered an
degrees, licensure, or certification, (db) integrative measure of language proficiency.
The term is adopted from "closure" in Ge-
stalt psychology, which refers to the human
clip art
tendency to complete an incomplete picture
Commercially or publicly available, non-
or text to construct a whole. A cloze test re-
copyrighted graphics for inserting into pre-
quires the reader to fill in the gaps in the
sentations, posters, and other documents.
text. In the standard cloze procedure, the
Clip art is available for a wide range of
words are omitted at a regular interval (e.g.,
themes, such as science, geography, and hol-
every fifth word), and the reader is expected
idays. Teachers or students can use clip art
to provide exact words to fill in the blanks.
to more effectively convey their message by
Because of the challenging nature of the test,
using graphics in combination with text or
even for a proficient, adult, native speaker,
to simply enhance the appearance of their
and the strict scoring criteria, some alterna-
computer-generated materials. Also referred
tive versions of cloze procedures have been
to as click art. (kgl)
introduced. One of them is a modified cloze
test, in which blanks are not created at an
closed campus arbitrary, fixed interval, but at selective
A school policy that requires students, once places in the text. This technique may be
on school property, to remain on site until used to assess proficiency in specific gram-
the end of the school day. Students must re- matical categories. Another version is a
ceive permission of school officials to leave multiple-choice cloze test, in which multiple
school property, (jw) choices are provided for each blank. The
other type of cloze tests includes those in
which synonyms as well as exact replace-
closed questions
ments are accepted for correct answers. This
Questions for which there is only one ac-
technique may, however, suffer from lower
ceptable answer or interpretation, (bba)
reliability. Cloze procedures are widely rec-
ognized and often used for teaching and test-
closed skill ing of reading comprehension and second
A motor skill that is performed in an envi- language acquisition. Despite the efficiency
ronment that is fixed and does not change. and reliability of cloze procedures, many
(rf) have questioned their validity as a tool for


measuring global comprehension of text community. Most schools utilize some type
rather than subskills such as syntax, vocab- of student code of conduct. Some schools,
ulary, and/or comprehension of text at a lo- for example, are specific about dress codes
cal/sentential level, (h-jk) while others are not. A school's code of con-
duct reflects the morals of the community in
clumsiness (See motor skill disorder) which it resides. One school may prohibit
body piercing and tattoos, while another
CMI (See computer-managed school may allow them depending upon the
instruction) standards of the individual school's com-
munity, (dm)
co-curricular activities See also ethical principles and codes of
Noncredit academic endeavors conducted by conduct
student organizations outside of classroom
efforts which promote in-class learning (e.g., codes
language clubs, student publications, moot This term generally refers to a set of laws or
court, and mock trial organizations, etc.). principles that stipulate conduct, as in the
(cf) NEA code, state and local code of ethics, or
a school district's student code of conduct.
coaching Because codes are documents that are writ-
The actions taken by more experienced peers ten for the purpose of guiding behavior, they
or adults who guide and support children are necessarily normative or moral in nature.
engaged in a particular learning experience Most address moral or ethical issues. This
or a sequence of similar experiences. The term may also refer to standards required by
guidance and support scaffold successive ap- government and state regulations, as in
proximations of the competence or concep- building and safety codes that must be fol-
tualization desired, (mcl) lowed by the school's building and mainte-
nance department. Another use of the term
coda may refer to codes as formulas for transcrip-
Within a syllable the elements (usually con- tion of information, as in the budget codes
sonants) that follow the nucleus (e.g, [nts] is that are used in budget reporting to identify
the coda in the last syllable in com-ments). types of funds and functions of expenditures.
(smt) (jr)

code of conduct
codes for language analysis (See
Any set of rules or standards set forth by the
governing board of an institution designed
to balance the rights and needs of the indi-
vidual with the responsibility of the individ- codes for the human analysis of talk
ual to meet the needs of the institution. The (See CHILDES)
purpose of a code of conduct is to set forth
the standards of conduct expected of mem- coding
bers of a community in order to protect the The process of classifying and sorting re-
community and to maintain order and sta- search data, resulting in an organizational
bility. Ideally, a code of conduct is not an system to manage the data and facilitate
exhaustive list of punishable misconduct but analysis. The researcher reviews the obser-
rather standards to guide individual choices. vation notes or interview transcripts to iden-
A code of conduct may or may not include tify important or recurring concepts, ideas,
disciplinary consequences for violations but or themes in the data. The researcher marks
failure to follow the code of conduct is un- the relevant data and labels them with de-
derstood to imply possible removal from the scriptive names or categories. The data

cognitive measurement

within each category are then gathered to- education in the margins of general edu-
gether for further study, (mas) cation. With the advent of the electronic
computer in the 1950s and a consequent
coed (See coeducation) cognitive revolution in thought, art educa-
tion has been reconfigured by psychologists,
coeducation educators, and advocates as the education
Instruction of both males and females in the of cognition, of important thinking skills
same institution and usually in the same like critical thinking and interpretation and
classroom. In America, until the early nine- habits of learning appropriate to serious
teenth century, sexes were generally sepa- thought. This new approach has advanced
rated when feasible. The distance between the status of art education and spawned
schools, rural populace, and the democratiz- movements such as DBAE and ARTS PRO-
ing influences of early republicanhood con- PEL, (jd)
tributed to the admission of girls to primary
and then grammar and secondary schools cognitive development
with boys. In general it was not until after Cognition refers to mental processes such as
the Civil War that women were admitted to thinking, reasoning, and other abstract abil-
state universities with men. Young women ities and behaviors. Cognitive development
who attended formerly all-male institutions is the process an individual goes through to
were often called "coeds." (vmm) acquire these complex intellectual abilities.
Piagetian theories of cognitive development
cognition are reflected in stages of sensory-motor, pre-
Generally refers to a variety of higher level operational, concrete operational, and for-
mental processes such as comprehending, mal operational development. While not all
analyzing, reasoning, problem solving, and educators agree with these stages, they have
evaluating, (crl) had a strong effect on classroom practices,
cognitive See also concrete operational develop-
Term used to describe the process people use ment; formal operational development; pre-
perceiving, reasoning, understanding, and operational development; sensory-motor
judging their environment and the informa- development.
tion they receive. A cognitive disability refers
to difficulty in learning, (sr) cognitive disability (See cognitive)

cognitive apprenticeship cognitive disorder

Apprenticeship—as of a preservice or novice A category of mental disorders characterized
teacher to an experienced teacher—in an au- by disturbances in consciousness (e.g., delir-
thentic context, in which the experienced ium) and/or memory impairment (e.g., de-
practitioner gradually reduces the level of mentia, amnesia). Associated symptoms
coaching given to the apprentice. The expert often involve disruption in abstract mental
also models appropriate practice, advises, activities, such as attention, concentration,
and scaffolds new knowledge, while the ap- judgment and insight, visuospatial abilities,
prentice also learns from other apprentices, symbol representation, complex rule use,
(peb) and problem solving, (kab)

cognitive approach to art education cognitive measurement

In the 1940s art education was viewed as a This type of assessment measures what a stu-
means for children to express emotions and dent knows or is able to do mentally. Such
develop as "whole" people. This nonaca- assessments are usually in the form of stan-
demic approach is thought to have kept art dardized, norm referenced tests. These tests

cognitive reframe

are often used as a predictor of academic group of people that persists over time. In
success, (jtr) teacher education programs, a group of stu-
dents deliberately placed together to travel
cognitive reframe through the duration of the course of study
A therapeutic technique wherein a client's ir- and to share common pre-service experi-
rational, maladaptive, or negative thoughts ences such as academic and methods classes
are identified and challenged. The client is and field placements in classrooms, (jwg,
encouraged to restructure, or "reframe," reb)
these thoughts into rational, adaptive, and/
or positive thoughts, (sc)
Coleman Report (See Equality of
cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) Educational Opportunity)
A form of psychotherapy based on the idea
that emotional and behavioral reactions are colic
learned and caused by one's thoughts. Discomfort that often occurs in children be-
Therefore, modifying thoughts can change tween birth and four months of age. This
the way one feels and behaves. Rational discomfort is often attributed to stomach or
emotive behavior therapy, rational behavior gas pains but the term is also applied to
therapy, and dialectic behavior therapy are "fussy" children as an explanation for their
popular CBT approaches. Most CBT ther- behavior. Infants with colic seemingly cry
apies are time limited, structured and di-
constantly, causing stress to themselves and
rective, and assume that a collaborative,
their caregivers. Colicky infants will some-
trusting therapeutic relationship is necessary
times curl or arch, seeming to be in pain.
but not sufficient for therapeutic change to
Some common remedies include: infant mas-
occur. CBT therapists are active in session,
sage, changing formula or diet of the nursing
often teaching their clients how to think dif-
ferently by employing both cognitive and be- mother, holding, rocking, or walking the in-
havioral techniques, such as cognitive fant, or taking children for a ride in a car.
restructuring, disputing irrational beliefs, Pediatricians should be consulted for advice,
modeling, practice, and assigning home- (kdc)
work, (sdc)
collaborative betterment
Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) Process of collaboration in which initiative
A philosophy of teaching early mathematics and efforts are developed and controlled by
based on research done at the University of large institutions such as schools and uni-
Wisconsin-Madison since the 1980s. CGI versities and include advisory community-
teachers give children mathematical prob- based representation. Such leadership is
lems to solve using their own strategies and thought to limit long-term ownership,
invented algorithms, then use children's re- agency, and self-determination in the com-
sponses to plan and prepare subsequent munity, (hfs)
problem-solving lessons. As an approach to
teacher development it focuses on helping
teachers become reflective practitioners, (ey) collaborative empowerment
Process of collaboration in which initiatives
cohort and efforts begin in communities and later
A group of people who start and progress move to engage and include larger institu-
through a degree program together. The co- tions such as schools and universities in
hort is meant to provide students with a those efforts. Such leadership is thought to
sense of cohesiveness and identity with the produce long-term ownership, agency, and
program and with their classmates. Any self-determination in the community, (hfs)

college tech prep

collaborative group strategies tic composition, with possible application

Small groups of students pursue academic (as layered complex constructions) in lan-
objectives through a cooperative effort. guage arts, music, dance, or theater. "Col-
Group activities may include discussing in- lage" evolved out of "papiers colles," glued
formation, problem solving, planning, deci- pieces of colored paper that were widely
sion making, and questioning. A group used in the nineteenth century. The tech-
product or presentation often results from nique became central to modern art after Pi-
this collaboration. Collaborative group casso and Braque created Cubist paintings
work has been shown to enhance attitudes incorporating a wide variety of materials, in-
toward school and toward peers, (mje, jah) cluding newspaper clippings, pieces of wood
and glass, and straw cane, (lj)
collaborative inquiry
An interactive process of mutual exploration collected multiunits
of ideas and evidence. Collaborative inquiry Based on collections of objects (e.g., a ten-
provides an opportunity for group creativity unit is made by conceptually collecting 10
and the development of shared meanings single-unit items; a thousand-unit by a
and enhances a group's capacity to think collection of 1,000 single-unit items), (amr)
and act in a coordinated way. (jsj) See also sequence multiunits.

collaborative learning collection

A method of teaching and learning in which Many items brought together as a set; or an
students work together to explore a signifi- experientially bounded plurality, (dc)
cant question or create a meaningful project.
Collaborative learning is the umbrella term College Board (CEEB)
encompassing many forms of learning from Founded in 1900, this nonprofit member-
small group projects to the more specific ship's association is composed of more than
form of group work called cooperative 3,800 schools, colleges, universities, and
learning. A group of students discussing a other educational organizations. Each year
lecture, or students from different schools the College Board serves over three million
working together over the Internet on a students and their parents, 22,000 high
shared assignment are both examples of col- schools, and 3,500 colleges through major
laborative learning. Collaborative learning programs and services in college admission,
has its origins in higher education, (cf) guidance, assessment, financial aid, enroll-
See also cooperative learning. ment, and teaching and learning, (cf)

collaborative model College Entrance Examination Board

In teacher education, a design in which the (CEEB) (See College Board)
program is planned, managed, or run
through the participation of different enti- college preparation
ties. These organizations may include vari- A program of courses or curriculum at the
ous schools, districts, departments in a secondary level designed for students who
university, and other stakeholders in the ed- wish to enroll at institutions of higher learn-
ucational process, (peb) ing following graduation, (jw)

collage college tech prep

The gluing of paper, fabrics, and natural or Technical preparation (tech prep) programs
manufactured materials onto a flat surface, providing academic career preparation and
frequently also embellished with marks in vocational-technical courses of study that
pencil, pen, or paint. The technique of jux- ensure students are prepared to transition
taposing or overlapping elements in an artis- from the secondary to the postsecondary


level ready to pursue college-level studies. depiction of characters and/or description of

<db) action. What all genres, periods, and styles
See also technical preparation. of comedy share is a desire to make the spec-
tator or reader laugh. Characters of humble
collegiality origins and plots with happy endings framed
Collegiality describes the sense of commu- the basic structure of comedy in classical
nity and shared responsibility in a college or Greek theater. Later the structure expanded
university, or in specific departments and to include "low comedy" akin to burlesque
programs. Aspects of collegiality include or "slap stick," which uses visuals, gags, and
sharing information about teaching strate- physical blows as comic devices, and "high
gies and research projects, joining other comedy" like satire, that uses word play, al-
members of the university or college com- lusions, and witty situations for comic stag-
munity to attend university or community ing, (kbc)
events, and working together in team teach-
ing or co-authored research. Members of an Committee of Ten on Secondary
academic community, including faculty, School Studies
graduate students, undergraduate students, Refers to the 1893 recommendations of a
administrators, and other college or uni- subcommittee of the National Education As-
versity workers, benefit from a sense of in- sociation to standardize secondary school
tellectual community. Collegiality among programs and college entrance requirements.
individuals opens up communication and The Committee of Ten included Charles W.
makes this community possible, (cf) Eliot, chair and President of Harvard, and
nine educators. The curriculum recommen-
Collegiate Anti-Militarism League dations were traditional (including Latin,
A pacifist college organization founded in Greek, English, mathematics, physics, his-
1915 that fought against America's entry tory, civil government, and political econ-
into World War I, promoted a negotiated
omy, for example) but also included a place
peace and a world society free of militarism.
for modern laboratory sciences and foreign
Its members included the 1946 Nobel Peace
languages. Emphasis upon the college-bound
Prize recipient and Wellesley College social
student was evident in the proposed curric-
economist Emily Greene Balch. (aja)
ulum but members insisted the high school
color theory would become the "people's college" and
Color has three properties: hue or tint (e.g., should thus prepare students thoroughly for
red); intensity (e.g., bright or dull red); and life. (ks2)
value, the lightness or darkness of a color.
The Color Wheel describes the relationships Committee on Education Beyond the
between colors and is laid out so that any High School
two primary colors (red, yellow, blue) are Appointed by President Dwight D. Eisen-
separated by the secondary colors (orange, hower in 1956, this committee assessed the
violet, green). Primary colors are basic and impact of post-World War II demographic
cannot be mixed from other elements. One and economic changes on American higher
can mix two primaries to get a secondary education. According to the committee, ed-
color. Color has value and these values can ucational institutions were "ill-prepared" to
be divided into shades (relative darkness of meet the challenges created by the recent rise
color) and tints (relative lightness of color), in birth rates and the growing demands for
(kpb) trained college graduates in the workplace.
The committee's proposals, published in
comedy 1957, focused on teacher recruitment, which
A form of entertainment (e.g., film, play, or it referred to as the nation's "top priority,"
book) which is intentionally amusing in its as well as recommendations concerning stu-


dent financial aid, equal educational oppor- common sense

tunity, institutional funding, and the role of Judgment or intuition made by ordinary
the federal government in higher education. people situated within a culture and a his-
(ag) tory. This is a socially shaped meaning. A
set of ideas originating in Aristotle and the
commodification biblical Proverbs and developed in the eigh-
Process by which the logic of materialism teenth century in England and Scotland
and capitalism dominate culture and identity (Thomas Reid) and then in America (C. S.
to the extent that individuals and items are Pierce, G. E. Moore) as "common sense re-
simply reducible to their market value. In alism": reality is and continues to be what
such a process, people are schooled into un- our experience tells us it is; carefully exam-
ined conclusions of common sense bring
critical, unreflective consumers of a market-
with them an obligation to act according to
place, rather than educated toward freedom
the conclusions; the need to review critically
and thoughtfulness. (hfs)
the widespread beliefs of a culture because
our naive common sense can also be de-
common school ceived. A late-twentieth-century view called
Most effectively advocated by Horace Mann "pragmatic" or "internal" realism (Hilary
in America in the 1830s and 1840s, the com- Putnam, Alvin Plantinga), informed by lin-
mon school is based on the ideas that dem- guistic analysis, phenomenology, and prag-
ocratic citizenship requires a certain set of matism, that emphasizes the value of
civic virtues, including a sense of responsi- understanding common experience, (sc)
bility and loyalty to country and commu-
nity, and that it is the job of schools to instill communalism
them. Democracy requires social mobility to Belief system or orientation which empha-
prevent hereditary classes and the role of the sizes social interdependence rather than
common school is to identify and reward tal- object-oriented independence as a core
ented youth regardless of the social class of value, (hfs)
their parents, (jc)

Common School Movement The exchange of ideas, including hearing or
Refers to the surge of activities in the mid- receiving information, speaking or sending
nineteenth century (1830-1860) United information, and use of language, written,
States on behalf of the creation of tax- oral, and symbolic. Primarily the transmis-
supported public schools that would bring sion of something abstract or otherwise in-
all citizens together, hence the word "com- tangible as an outcome of a certain set of
mon." Predominantly a phenomenon found causal conditions. Familiar examples of
in the northern and western states, the shared matters in communication are
movement involved notable reformers such theories, beliefs, information, feelings, and
as Horace Mann, Henry Barnard, and Ca- entertainment. The instruments of commu-
tharine Beecher, as well as the work of ed- nication typically include speech, writing,
ucational associations, and private citizens. flags, icons, gestures, or some other system
The successful crusade resulted in longer of signs. Those who participate in commu-
school years, more teacher training, the cre- nication are often known as communicants,
ation of offices of state superintendents of and may transmit, receive, or alternate trans-
education, and most importantly, taxation mitting and receiving. Secondarily, commu-
to support schools. Common schools are nication may refer, as in the case of a letter,
typically considered the forerunners of the to a physical matter bearing a message. The
modern public school system, (vmm) term also may refer to a field of scholarly

communication disorder

study, a field of business, or the transmission communitarian

of disease, (rdh, sr) A philosophy or belief system which places
See also dialogue; intersubjectivity; rheto- priority on the community or on social val-
ric. ues. The central claim is that meaning in in-
dividual life and individual liberty are
communication disorder possible only within a strong and vital inter-
An inability to understand, hear, or use dependent community. Government policies
speech and language to communicate effec- and individual choices should be responsive
tively with others. This may include a de- to the development and maintenance of sup-
layed or disordered development of language porting social values, (hfs)
comprehension and/or expression, or the im-
pairment of the use of a spoken, written, or communitarianism
communicated system that affects adversely The view, as against Liberalism, that argues
an individual's ability to communicate, (jbb) that the proper unit for analysis in social and
political theory is not the individual, but the
communicative action member. Emphasizes the importance of
A type of discussion, described by Jurgen communal standards and membership, re-
Habermas in Theory of Communicative Ac- sponsibilities to each other as an equal con-
tion, in which people reach a common un- sideration with the rights of each member,
derstanding through dialogue that takes and the ties of affection and loyalty. Empha-
place under a set of specific rules, (jpc) sizes the importance of what is held in com-
mon as against what is individual belief.
communicative competence Emphasizes both the set of beliefs and prac-
The ability to convey meaning effectively us- tices that are seen to be held in common
ing linguistic means. Communicative com- across all communities and the beliefs and
petence entails knowledge that can be practices that set one community apart from
classified broadly as: knowledge of the lexi- another, (jc)
con and structure of a language, so that See also individualism; liberalism.
meaning is communicated as intended; and,
sociocultural knowledge that governs lan-
communities of practice
guage use (e.g., paralinguistics, proxemics,
A general term referring to groups or asso-
kinesics, tone of voice, forms of address) so
ciations of professionals or specialists ac-
that meaning is communicated appropri-
tively engaged in the practice of particular
ately. The ability, described by Jurgen Ha-
bermas in Theory of Communicative Action, skills or activities. Certain uses of the term
that all people possess to engage in com- imply that practitioners are the "final
municative action. This communication is judges" of innovative methods and tech-
not dependent on educational attainment, niques; other uses refer to a diverse group of
(jrk, jpc) individuals engaged in work over a signifi-
cant period of time during which they solve
See also pragmatics.
problems and learn collectively, (cf)

communicative learning
Education process which seeks the co- community
construction of meaning through interper- A grouping which can refer to specific geo-
sonal interaction, a critical assessment of graphic locales such as neighborhoods,
assumptions that support contested beliefs buildings, or cities. Can also be constituted
and values, and critical dialogue that results by assemblages of individuals based on in-
in a dialectically derived, tentative best judg- terest, history, language, or aspects of shared
ment and rationale upon which to act. (hfs) identity and experience, (hfs)

community-based organization (CBO)

community art center for people to pursue academic, social, phys-

A location (often a renovated church, ical, recreational, cultural, health, and vo-
school, or store front) at which arts educa- cational education programs, (ks)
tion is provided by artists beyond the para-
meters (though often in conjunction with) community-based art education
school art programs. Featuring adult as well Any form of art education that is negotiated
as children's educational programming, ur- beyond school walls in geographical neigh-
ban art centers are often thought to be "safe borhoods or in and of communities more
havens" at which youth who have been broadly defined. Emerged in the United
placed at risk can find arenas for success States at the turn of the twentieth century
and the development of life skills. The Man- when immigrant populations coming into
chester Craftsman's Guild in Pittsburgh, the the United States sought the acquisition of
Louis Abrams Center for the Arts at arts-based skills at local settlement houses.
the Henry Street Settlement in New York, Note as examples famous art centers like
SPARC in Los Angeles, and the Artists Col- Karamou House in Cleveland or the Louis
lective in Hartford are well-known exam- Abrams Art Center at the Henry Street Set-
ples, (jd) tlement. Beyond the notion of centers that
had a resurgence in the 1960s (when art ed-
community college ucation was diminishing in schools),
An institution that is accredited to award the community-based art education includes any
Associate in Arts (AA) or the Associate in of the many individual or group efforts of
Science (AS) as the highest degrees, (cf) artists either of or moving into the commu-
nity, sharing their skills with interested
community education adults and children, (jd)
Adult education programs designed to meet See also community art center.
the needs of communities rather than indi-
viduals and that have community input into community-based education
their design, (jpc) Education delivered outside the structure of
See also community-based education. traditional educational institutions, in the
community, focusing on local issues and
community learning center concerns. Such education may be sponsored
A place that houses a program designed to by social service agencies, governmental and
serve the residents of a community by offer- nongovernmental bodies, and private and
ing educational, job training, and job place- public organizations. It frequently has a rad-
ment services, (las) ical or social-action agenda that questions
accepted social structures. Also called pop-
community schools
ular education (especially in Latin America)
The idea or concept of community schools
or community education, (chb)
derives from the community education phi-
See also service learning.
losophy that a community school should
serve persons of all ages and that learning is community-based instruction
a lifelong process. All aspects of the com- Delivering education and instruction in the
munity are recognized as sources in the ed- community setting, in addition to, or rather
ucation of people. Community schools than, in a school-based setting, (sr)
provide opportunities for members of the
community to plan together and use all community-based organization (CBO)
available human and physical resources to Private, nonprofit organization that ad-
develop their full potential. The curriculum dresses the needs of a community or part of
and activities evolve from the basic wants a community, and often provides job train-
and needs of the people served. Community ing services or other adult education pro-
education programs provide opportunities grams, (kg)

Community-Control Movement

Community-Control Movement international or within-country compari-

Efforts during the 1970s in the United States sons, (las)
to grant power to parents and community
members over and above the power pro-
vided by parent-teacher associations, parent comparative analysis
school councils, or other types of partner- The processing of examining two or more
ships. Teacher selection and retention, the entities and articulating the pluses and mi-
selection of curricular and instructional ma- nuses of each. The goal of comparative anal-
terials, as well as budget development and ysis is to summarize strengths and weakness
resultant decision making were some of the without making a judgment that one entity
central concerns of these efforts, (hfs) is absolutely better than another, (jtr)

commutative justice (See justice) comparative testing

This type of assessment makes judgment of
commutative property (addition) one student's performance to that of another
The property stating that two numbers may student, or group of students. It may also
be added in any order to obtain the correct compare a student's performance to a de-
sum ( 1 + 2 = 2 + 1). (ps) fined standard, (jtr)

commutative property (multiplication)

compare problems
The property stating that two numbers may
Addition and subtraction problems that in-
be multiplied in any order to obtain the cor-
volve comparisons between two different
rect product ( 1 X 2 = 2 X 1 ) . (ps)
sets (e.g., Susan has 7 fish and Miguel has 9
fish. How many more fish has Miguel than
comorbidity Susan?), (amr)
Refers to the presence of two or more ill-
nesses in the same person, occurring either
simultaneously or sequentially. The illnesses compassion
can be psychiatric, medical, or drug-use dis- The feeling of sorrow or concern for the un-
orders. Comorbidity does not imply that one fortunate condition or circumstances of a
illness is the cause of the other, even if one person or a group. Compassion may or may
occurs first. Common examples of comor- not include the resonating emotion of sym-
bidity include alcoholism and depression, pathy and empathy (e.g., feeling what the
obesity and heart disease, attention-deficit sufferer feels). If it does, it is secondary to
disorder and learning disability, (sdc) the feelings of sorrow or concern, (sv)
See also empathy; sympathy.
In education, contractual agreements among
compensation strategy (See thinking
various community leaders in initiating and
sustaining local educational reform making
all parties accountable. Those whose inter-
ests are represented are often community compensatory education
decision makers, school superintendents, Educational programs that provide adults
college presidents, parents, unions, and oth- with an opportunity to acquire basic skills
ers, (jb) or a high school credential. This opportunity
compensates for the educational deficit
comparative adult education caused by poor schooling or the environ-
Field of study that focuses on organized mental barriers to success in school that exist
learning activities for adults and may include in poor communities, (jpc)

competitive market

compensatory methodology ing academic as well as skill-based strengths,

The process of developing instructional ob- to predict a student's potential for success at
jectives that circumvent areas of weakness or a higher institute of learning, (tp)
disability focusing on areas of strength, (sr)
competency-based assessment
competence/proficiency learning Assessment of knowledge, skills, and abili-
Learning, as seen in the development or mas- ties a person applies in an occupational set-
tery of complex skills (e.g., athletic skills, ting. Portable standard of a person's ability
interpersonal competence in dealing with to perform a specific task, (jb)
others, driving an automobile in traffic are
skills or competencies we observe every day), competency-based education
(cf) Education in which the curriculum is derived
from analysis of desirable practical skills,
competencies, specific job roles, or competences, and that certifies stu-
Concepts, skills, and attitudes that are highly dent progress on the basis of demonstrated
specialized and related directly to a single performance of those skills, roles, or com-
job classification and a student's educational petences, (chb)
program of study, (jm)
competency-based instruction
competencies, specific occupational An approach to teaching and learning where
Those concepts, skills, and attitudes essential standards for skills, knowledge, and atti-
to a broad occupational grouping. Those tudes are identified in advance for successful
competencies with common usefulness to a completion of a course. A method of instruc-
family of occupations, (jm) tion where students are evaluated based on
their mastery of required competencies for
competency established performance standards, (jb)
An identifiable behavior that is essential to
the adequate performance of a given task. competency-based teacher education
Competencies are the basis for competency- (CBTE)
based education and competency-based A popular movement in American universi-
teacher education, (peb) ties in the mid- to late 1970s, contemporary
with the K-12 competency-based education
competency-based (CBE) movement. It focused on accountabil-
Term used to describe educational programs ity by identifying discrete, context-free,
or assessment tests that are focused on spe- observable behaviors essential for good
cific skill outcomes. Emphasis is placed on teaching that pre-service teachers practiced
acquisition and demonstration of knowl- and on which they were assessed, (peb)
edge, skills and behaviors important for car-
rying out particular activities, tasks, or jobs, competitive market
(jpc, las) In education, a term referring to people
choosing the school and type of education
competency-based admissions that they think best meet their educational
A recent method of basing admissions to a needs. Proponents believe that these forces
higher institution of learning on a student's produce better educational services than do
attainment of an expanded base of compe- monopolized responses and unleash strong
tencies rather than the traditional utilization incentives for school reform. It is reasoned
of grade point average and SAT/ACT scores that parents and students will opt for the
for determining admissions eligibility. Being public or private schools they think are more
piloted in Wisconsin and Oregon, institu- efficient and effective. If not satisfied with
tions are using competency profiles, reflect- the outcomes, they can walk away and send

composite unit

clear signals to educators about the level of ient has to consider the total meaning of all
school performance. John Chubb and Terry the components as a whole, (jtr, smt)
Moe have recommended a new system of
public education built around parent-student Comprehensive Adult Student
choice. They promote school autonomy that Assessment System (CASAS)
would provide for genuine school improve- A norm-referenced test that measures read-
ment and student achievement, (mm) ing comprehension by asking adults to an-
swer multiple-choice questions about
composite unit reading passages provided in the test and by
Constructing a number as the number itself completing fill-in-the-blank items. The read-
or as separate entities (e.g., thinking of 6 as ing passages are focused on life tasks. The
one unit of six or as six units of one), (dc) system comprises over 100 standardized as-
sessments and supporting materials and is
based on 300 competencies deemed useful
composition for adults in workplace and societal con-
The arrangement of parts (e.g., words, mu- texts. Tests cover reading, math, and listen-
sical phrases, or elements of design) to form ing. All tests are scaled to a single proficiency
an artistic whole. The ensuing harmony or scale and allow instructors to construct in-
cohesion of an artistic piece is dependent dividual or class proficiency profiles. Scoring
upon the composition or relationship of its scales range from adults with special learn-
parts. Unity and balance are often thought ing needs to advanced adult secondary lev-
to be objectives of artistic composition. The els. A separate series of reading and listening
composition can also refer to the work itself. tests is available for testing English language
In visual arts, music, or writing, a composi- proficiency, (las)
tion refers to the entire artistic piece. Young
children have an innate sense of balance of Comprehensive Employment and
composition that is thought, with develop- Training Act (CETA)
ment, to dissipate as preoccupation with sep- United States federal legislation that pro-
arate parts obscures a sense of the whole, vides funds to create jobs and training for
(km) the unemployed. It was replaced by the Job
Training Partnership Act in 1983. (las)
The ability of an individual to perceive, comprehensive examinations
process, and understand information. The As increasing numbers graduate annually
ability to move from one level of abstraction from undergraduate programs, proficiency
to another. This term is frequently associ- and general knowledge may be examined to
ated with reading. The reconstruction of the assure that graduates maintain standards es-
intended meaning of a written or oral com- tablished by previous generations of stu-
munication, accurately understanding what dents. Whether administered at transition
is written or said. The construction of the from lower division to upper division or as
meaning of a written or oral communication "exit exams" for transferring or graduate
through a holistic and reciprocal interchange students, written exams continue to serve as
of ideas where it is assumed that the recipi- a gate-keeping function in many institutions
ent and the producer of the message share a and statewide systems, (cf)
common background knowledge and expe-
rience and the interchange is happening comprehensive high school
within a particular communicative context. As opposed to a specialized high school with
The meaning of an utterance or a sentence a program designed for a specific interest or
cannot be derived from simply summing the occupation, the comprehensive high school
meanings of individual words, but the recip- is a secondary school that has both general

computer-assisted testing

education courses and specialized areas of computer-adaptive testing

study in its program. Course areas would in- This is a form of adaptive testing that makes
clude general education, college preparation, use of computer delivery of the test items. A
and vocational education, (jw) computer program selects the test items from
a bank of predetermined difficulty values
comprehensive school guidance and, usually, makes use of Item Response
program Theory to determine the match between item
Service delivery structure in schools designed difficulty and the test taker's ability level.
to address social, emotional, academic, and The goal, as with all adaptive testing, is to
vocational needs of students through a de- tailor the test to the individual so that max-
velopmental sequence. Programs typically imal information is obtained from the min-
encompass remedial, preventative, and de- imum number of items necessary, (bkl)
velopmental interventions and activities for See also item analysis.
students within the school day. Interventions
are conducted by school counselors in both computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
traditional classrooms and in counseling of- The use of computers to present lessons,
fices and guidance areas. The four primary pose questions, assess student responses,
components of a comprehensive school guid- manage information about student perform-
ance program include: a guidance curricu- ance, and adjust the sequence and difficulty
lum, individual planning, responsive ser- of the lesson to correspond to the student's
vices, and system support, (mjs) current level of understanding. A program of
instruction presented by means of a com-
compression puter or system of computers. It often in-
One of researcher Alan Tom's principles of cludes skill and drill practice, tutorials, and
good teacher education, compression refers simulated activities used to supplement
to programs that are both short in length teacher-directed instruction, (bba, jtr)
and intense in involvement, and that accu-
rately model and involve students in actual
teaching from the beginning, (peb) computer-assisted learning
Interactive procedure by which a learner can
read, evaluate, and respond to educational
material through the use of a computer ter-
Using the mathematical operations of addi-
minal; the substantive content may be a da-
tion, subtraction, multiplication, and divi-
tabase, a computer program, or direct hu-
sion to solve problems and interpret data.
man communication via computer, (cf)
Computation may be done mentally, using
paper and pencil algorithms, or calculators
and computers. The act of using a series of computer-assisted testing
arithmetical, algebraic, or other operations Any delivery of tests that makes use of com-
to achieve a result to a problem, (jtr, gtm) puters can be termed computer-assisted test-
ing. The forms of this assisted delivery can
computational fluency vary from merely providing the stimulus or
A quality which allows a person to effort- prompt material, with the test takers re-
lessly and rapidly use operations to resolve sponding in a traditional pencil and paper
a problem; having and using efficient and ac- fashion, to having the test takers record their
curate methods for computing; being able to responses on the computer as well. Advan-
make smart choices about which tools to use tages of computer-assisted testing include
and when. The person having this quality being able to provide rich and authentic vi-
has mastered the operations and the use of sual and auditory material in the test items,
these operations, (gtm) as well as having the potential to efficiently

computer-based instruction (CBI)

record individual performances in spoken or conceptual framework

written mode, (bkl) Within teacher education, a conceptual
See also computer-adaptive testing. framework is the organizing principles
around teacher education programs at a
computer-based instruction (CBI) given institution that build a common vi-
Refers to virtually any kind of computer use sion. The vision then guides the development
in educational settings, including drill and of all curriculum and instruction, including
practice, tutorials, simulations, instructional field experiences, (rtc)
management, supplementary exercises, pro-
gramming, database development, writing
using word processors, and other applica- conceptual learning
tions. This term may refer either to stand- The comprehension of concepts and princi-
alone computer learning activities or to ples that provide an organized structure for
computer activities that reinforce material a field of knowledge; often referred to as ver-
introduced and taught by teachers, (cf) bal or symbolic learning with mastery of re-
lated information, topics, issues, in general,
computer-based training (CBT) technical, or specialized knowledge, (cf)
Any training that uses the computer as
the central instructional delivery device. concrete experiences
Computer-based training can range from Activities that provide a child engagement
simple drill and practice to sophisticated with real, three-dimensional, hands-on ma-
simulations, (chb)
terials, which stimulate a full spectrum of
sensory learning as a child tastes, hears, sees,
computer-managed instruction (CMI) smells, and touches in a real-life context.
The use of a computer system to test stu-
This parallels the cognitive development of
dents, monitor their progress, store and
a young child as he or she transitions
manage student records, and plan and pre-
through the sensorimotor (birth to two
scribe instructional materials, (bba)
years) and pre-operational (two to seven
years) phases identified by Piaget. (dbl)
concept analysis
The process of studying the nature of a con-
struct or logically formed idea. Putting concrete materials
related parts together forms a concept, Physical materials that may be used in math-
whereas concept analysis carefully scruti- ematics classrooms to assist students in
nizes the essential features of the concept in learning mathematics. These materials may
order to gain a more thorough understand- be commercial materials, such as pattern
ing of the relationship of those features, (ce) blocks, tangrams, centimeter cubes, dot pa-
per, or they may be noncommercial materi-
concept map als, such as buttons, bottle caps, straws, egg
A method of organizing ideas to enable cartons, (sdt)
learners to grasp and link abstract concepts
in a concrete way; a diagram or other sche-
matic device for organizing meanings and concrete operational development
ideas about a particular concept or propo- This third stage of cognitive development ac-
sition. A type of graphic organizer showing cording to Jean Piaget occurs from ages 7 to
concepts and their interrelationships. A key 12. During this period the child is able to
word is written in the center, related words implement logical analysis of situations, to
are written in categories around the key consider others and their feelings, but is still
word, and the categories are labeled, (chm, unable to perform complex, abstract reason-
bba) ing, (npo)


concurrent enrollment izations of the southern education move-

Secondary school students enrolled in a col- ment evolved from these conferences, the
lege and a high school course, simultane- General Education Board and Southern Ed-
ously, for college credit, with a principal's ucation Board, (vmm)
and parental approval, are said to be con-
currently enrolled. Concurrent students usu- confidentiality
ally pay the costs associated with the college Refers to the "keeping secret" of certain
course. Typically the class load of such a stu- types of knowledge or information. The
dent is not to exceed two college credit term is applied most typically to knowledge
courses per semester. Should a student ex- or information shared in a relationship
hibit exceptional academic abilities, how- where a mutual and legitimate expectation
ever, and be capable of college-level work, of trust exists between a professional (e.g.,
based upon such factors as grade-point av- psychologist, counselor, attorney, etc.) and
erage, ACT or SAT scores, and/or other his or her client. For many professionals,
assessment indicators, higher institution au- confidentiality is legitimized through ethical
thorities may grant exceptions to the two- codes of conduct and through legal statutes.
college-credit limit. Concurrent students (dd)
must maintain a "B" average in their high
school courses, be making progress toward
confirmatory bias
high school graduation, and make a " C " or
The tendency to attend to and seek out in-
better in the college course, (tp)
formation that supports previously held hy-
potheses and beliefs. Information that
conduct disorder refutes these hypotheses and beliefs is typi-
A chronic condition in which a child (under cally ignored and/or disregarded altogether.
age 10) or adolescent (age 10 to 18) engages (ktc)
in a variety of antisocial behaviors. These
behaviors typically include: physical aggres-
sion, damage to property, lying or deliberate conflict resolution
manipulation of others, and serious, repeti- The reduction of tension or confusion in
tive rule-breaking. To qualify for a diagnosis institutional purposes, policies, programs,
of conduct disorder, a child must have dis- services, activities and interpersonal work-
played behaviors in three out of these four ing relations; the resolving of conflicts of
categories during the previous 12-month pe- interests among staff members, students,
riod, and at least one of these behaviors colleagues, and campus constituencies.
must have been present in the last six A method of establishing open and honest
months. If age of onset is unknown, then the communication in the classroom in order to
subtype is "unspecified onset." This disorder help students resolve interpersonal conflicts.
is not diagnosed past 18 years of age. (lbl, (cf, bba)
conflict theory (See critical theory)
Conferences for Education in the South
A series of educational conferences begun in confrontation
1898 in Capon Springs, West Virginia with A counseling technique that involves point-
the intention of uniting northern business- ing out noticeable discrepancies between a
men and philanthropists with southern client's spoken words, expressed feelings,
white educational reformers behind the and/or observed behaviors. This technique is
cause of educational improvement in the useful for increasing a client's self-awareness
South for both races. The conferences met and for helping him or her to rationally re-
annually in the South at various locations assess information that may be personally
from 1901 to 1914. Two influential organ- unpalatable, previously avoided, unknown


or unacknowledged, in part, so that he or conscientization

she may become more congruent, (bmm) A term introduced by Paulo Freire in Peda-
gogy of the Oppressed to represent the con-
sciousness raising that takes place when
adults are involved in a process of praxis,
A relationship between two (or more) ob-
jects in which the component parts of one which involves critically discussing an issue,
object are equal in measure to the corre- acting on that discussion, and then reflecting
sponding component parts of the second ob- on that action before moving to act again.
ject. The term "equality" is used to denote In this process, adults can move from mag-
sameness in number or quantity. The term ical consciousness (the belief that unseen
"congruent" is used to denote sameness in forces are making the decisions that affect a
size and shape, (cmdv) person's life) to naive consciousness (the be-
lief that powerful people are making those
decisions) and, finally, to critical conscious-
conjecture ness (the belief that a person can participate
A mathematical statement which has neither in the decisions that affect his or her life),
been proved nor disproved; an educated (jpc)
guess or hypothesis; judgment made on in-
conclusive or incomplete evidence; guess-
work; to make an inference on slight evi- consensus building
dence; an hypothesis that has been formed Planning, developing, and appraising insti-
by speculation, (wja) tutional purposes, policies, programs, serv-
ices, and standards that serve constituencies
with conflicting values, perceptions, and ex-
connecting activities pectations; includes motivational, inspira-
Activities that help establish relationships tional efforts—and administrative leadership
between school-based learning and work-
in defining purpose, setting goals, developing
based learning as described in the School To
programs, and assessing institutional effect-
Work Opportunities Act of 1994. Activities
iveness, (cf)
may include encouraging business involve-
ment, evaluating program outcomes, provid-
ing technical assistance to teachers, and consequentialism
matching students with work-based learning A theory of morality holding that the Tight-
opportunities, (kg) ness of an act is solely a function of the con-
See also School-to-Career System. sequences of the act. Consequentialist
theories differ about which consequences are
conscience valued. Under one theory, a right act is one
The term "conscience" designates two that produces at least the same proportion
modes of moral cognition most clearly ap- of good over bad as any available alternative
parent in the terms valuing and evaluating act. Under another theory, a right act is one
and in their cognates prizing and appraising; that honors more rights than any available
the capacity to make judgments of right and alternative act. Consequentialist theories
wrong in the moral domain. The first or di- also differ about which people should be
rect conscience designates a habitual way of considered: ethical egotism determines the
valuing and is the result of nurture and prior rightness of an act based on the conse-
experiences. The technical name is synth- quences for the actor alone; utilitarianism
esis . The second or reflex conscience involves determines the rightness of an act based on
a reflective judgment, the application of the consequences for all people, (mhs)
principles to some thing or event. Its tech- See also deontological ethics; hedonism;
nical name is syneidesis. (ig) utilitarianism.


conservation constant
The preservation of the relationship between A quantity represented by a number, letter,
two quantities. For example, if two quanti- or other symbol whose value does not
ties are equal and a number of operations change or is considered fixed within a given
are performed on the quantities, but the context, such as in an expression, equation,
quantities remain equal, then there has been or sequence of mathematical operations; a
conservation. Piaget's clinical interviews variable that represents exactly one value,
with children highlighted the importance of (kgh)
the development of conservation with re-
spect to number and space, (smc) constituencies
The various but distinct partisans in an in-
stitution's different functions and activities:
conservation education
faculties, students, alumni, staffs, adminis-
A part of science and social studies educa-
trators, donors, sponsors, benefactors;
tion frequently integrated with other topics
groups with a clearly recognized vested in-
to develop an understanding of the relation-
terest in the institution's effectiveness, (cf)
ship among individuals, groups, society, and
natural resources and the use of these re-
sources. Topics studied include the manage-
In assessment the "construct" is the theoret-
ment and preservation of natural resources
ically or pedagogically defined skill or trait
as well as the use and development of the
(or set of skills or traits) which the test seeks
resource. Economic and environmental con-
to measure. However, the "construct" is in-
cerns both short and long term are also in-
effable and eventually unobservable. Much
cluded. A knowledgeable citizen with a
effort in testing is spent on written and/or
responsible, respectful attitude toward nat-
statistical determination or definition of the
ural resources is one main goal. Resources
construct, and its true nature is a never-
studied could include soil, water, forests,
ending goal of test development and analy-
wildlife, energy use and production, (tw)
sis, (fd)
See also validity.
A speech sound that is produced with a nar- constructive thinking
row or complete closure in the vocal tract. Thinking that is individual and social, is cre-
An alphabet letter that stands to represent ative and critical, that involves doubting and
the sounds described above, (smt) believing, that relies on the use of reason,
emotions, intuition, and imagination and in-
volves the ability to communicate and relate
consonant cluster (See blend)
to/with others. The thinking human beings
use to construct knowledge, (bt-b, js)
A group of institutions or educational units constructivism
that have a contractual arrangement to ac- A theory of learning that maintains that
complish a shared, common goal. In educa- learning is a process of constructing mean-
tion, a group of educational entities and ing, rather than receiving knowledge. There
sometimes other groups such as employers are several strands of constructivism; they all
and community-based organizations that affirm that knowledge is the meaning that
provide services and share information for people make out of their experience, and
the advancement of students. Groups may people construct meaning as they interact
share financial, material, or human resources with the world. A view that students actively
within and across educational sectors, (cf, construct meaning and knowledge based on
kg) their prior knowledge, previous experiences,

constructivist paradigm

and perspectives. A constructivist approach consumer education program can be to help

to instruction asserts that in order for stu- people save money, buy products and serv-
dents to gain deep understanding, they must ices that are safer or of a higher quality, and
actively come to know (or construct) con- make purchasing decisions consistent with
cepts for themselves. The teacher is seen not another goal, such as preserving the environ-
as a dispenser of knowledge, but a facilitator ment, (las)
and co-explorer in inquiry, problem solving,
and collaboration. Single, correct answers consumer protection
are deemphasized. Greater internalization of Protection of the interests of consumers,
knowledge is the aim. Constructivism rec- achieved via laws or regulations governing
ognizes the social nature of learning and em- the manufacturing or use of a product or
phasizes the need for active participation by service, (ewr)
the learner, (js, bba, reb, bt-b)
consumer science education (See
constructivist paradigm family and consumer science
Epistemology that underlies qualitative re- education)
search. The idea that human beings actively
construct their knowledge and do not simply consumerism
absorb or reproduce reality. In other words, An approach to schooling that emphasizes
an individual creates "the truth as I see it." market logic and business interests over crit-
Because of this, a major goal of qualitative ical investigation and questioning. Con-
research is to understand an individual's per- sumption is the driving feature of con-
spective on reality; that is, to see the world sumerism, thus making the purpose of
from the other's point of view. In addition, school to "get" information in the same way
since multiple perspectives on reality exist, it that one "gets" merchandise in stores. Shop-
is important to understand how the context pers rarely question what exists on shelves
influences the formation of different per- (including their placement, advertising, and
spectives and to portray the interplay of sales gimmicks). Similarly, students rarely
these different perspectives in the social critique what exists in their schools (includ-
world. Also known as the interpretive par- ing the curriculum, the purpose of schooling,
adigm of qualitative research, (mas) tracking, etc.). Consumerism reinforces
schools as training sites both for future
consultation workers and for future economic profit in
A service in which a trained professional the private sector, (drb)
with expertise in a certain area is requested
to assess, evaluate, and/or provide recom- contemporary art
mendations in order to aid a person or per- The style and ideology of art and/or music
sons requesting the service. Many types of produced in current times. According to art
people, or "clients," including schools, busi- historical texts, contemporary art refers to
nesses, community organizations, as well as visual art created after 1970. This distinction
individuals, families or other groups, may re- is in contrast with modern art, which usually
quest a consultation. Consultation does not refers to art created during the period dating
focus on personal issues; personal issues are from roughly the 1860s through the 1970s.
generally seen as more appropriate for indi- Contemporary art is no longer subject to the
vidual or group psychotherapy, (lbl, tvh) strident constraints of a universal definition
of art, as the end of the twentieth century
consumer education has produced an expanded definition of art.
Learning activities that are designed to build Some contemporary art aims to be a vital
awareness and skills related to the rights and social force that extends beyond the art
responsibilities of consumers. The goals of a world into the broader culture. Similarly,

continuing education

contemporary music breaks the paradigms takes place. Context helps determine inter-
and constraints of the traditional conserva- pretation by giving meaning to situational
tory model to speak across culture and class. events or circumstances. An additional
(kf) meaning of context may be explained as
clues that indicate the meaning of a word
contemporary dance (See modern from surrounding words, phrases, or sen-
dance) tences. In education, any of the diverse and
multiple environments, either physical or ed-
content analysis ucational, that form the basis of or intersect
Any form of organized and codified analysis with the work of teachers and teaching. The
of test items or tasks to determine what the physical, emotional, social, economic, and
tests measure. It may involve inductive re- other aspects of the social-psychological en-
verse engineering of the intention of the test vironment of students. Studies of the role of
developers or item writers if those people are these factors in education began in the 1940s
not part of the content analysis team. Con- but have greatly accelerated since the 1980s.
tent analysis is contrasted with statistical This is most clearly seen in the qualitative
analysis, (fd) studies attending to the effects of context on
the experience of schooling, (ce, reb, sc)
content area
The subject matter or topics covered by a contextual knowers
given teacher, department, or course. Euro- Students for whom uncertainty around ab-
pean History and Astronomy are both ex- solute correct and incorrect information,
amples of content areas, (jw) knowledge and perspective remain, yet also
continue to hold some knowledge claims su-
content knowledge (See subject matter perior to others. These students emphasize
knowledge) thinking through alternative ideas and the
integration of information for specific con-
content standards textual application, (hfs)
Written descriptions of what teachers are
supposed to teach and what students are ex- contextual teaching and learning
pected to learn within particular disciplines Instruction that is problem-based, self-
or subject matter areas, (bba) regulatory, offered in multiple settings and
contexts, sensitive to learners' diverse learn-
content standards in physical ing styles and preferences, facilitative of
education (See NASPE content teams and interdependent group structures,
standards in physical education) and supportive of authentic assessment and
multiple methods of assessing student
contest mobility achievement, (ss)
Process or system whereby elite status and
attendant power is a prize in an open and contextualized learning
fair competition, and is attained by individ- Learning that is focused on a context that is
ual effort, ability, and merit. Although rules meaningful to the learner, such as a work
govern the competition, varied avenues and task, parenting, or local politics, (jpc)
strategies exist for individual success, (hfs)
continuing education
context Education beyond the traditional period of
A set of circumstances, events, or facts in formal education. Organized instruction for
which an event occurs. Context may also in- part-time students. The term has also been
clude the physical, social, perceptual, or used synonymously with adult education;
emotional environment in which an event evening and weekend programs offered to

continuing education center

adults; continuing professional education; careers (medicine, law, architecture, ac-

extension; university outreach and public counting, etc.). Providers of CPE include in-
service programming; lifelong education; stitutions of higher education, employers,
and nontraditional study. Educational pro- professional associations, and independent
grams that take place after formal education consultants, (cf, aim)
has been completed, usually focused on im-
proving skills and knowledge for specific oc- continuous progress
cupations or professions. These programs An instructional approach in which students
sometimes provide evidence of successful progress through a hierarchically organized
completion, which participants can use to curriculum, such as mathematics or reading,
justify an improvement in salary or job clas- at their own pace, (bba)
sification, (chb, jpc)
continuous quantities
continuing education center Quantities that result from measuring
A facility at an institution of higher educa- length, area, volume, temperature, mass, or
tion where adults enroll for short courses of time. Such measurements are approxima-
study, conferences, or institutes. An exten- tions rather than an exact numeric value,
sion of opportunities for reading, study, and (amr)
training at the higher education level to See also approximation; discrete quanti-
young persons and adults following their ties.
completion of or withdrawal from full-time
school or college programs, (cf) contour
From the Latin contornare, meaning to
continuing education unit (CEU) round off or to turn around. The contour is
A nondegree credit awarded by an educa- the outline and other visible edges of a mass,
tional institution or organization in recog- figure, or object. In drawing, contour lines
nition of participation in seminars and are used to represent subject matter, giving
workshops, typically focused on professional a three-dimensional quality, which shows
development topics. The CEU is used by thickness as well as height and width of the
many organizations to document a mem- described forms. In music, contours describe
ber's participation in continuing professional the structure of the piece, as in the contours
education activities and may be used to de- of a melody, (kf)
termine salary increases or to meet certifi-
cation requirements. Typically, ten hours of contract (See learning contract)
formal continuing education is awarded one
CEU. (chm, jpc) contract training
Education and training programs offered
continuing professional education primarily by community and technical col-
(CPE) leges but sometimes also secondary schools
As a subset of continuing or adult education, and universities that are targeted toward en-
continuing professional education refers to hancing the skills and knowledge of incum-
instructional programs and courses intended bent workers, (db)
to keep professionals current in their prac-
tice or discipline. Such courses provide op- contrived collegiality
portunities to acquire, reinforce, or improve When administrators or leaders are asked to
professional skills or knowledge, and are of- slacken control because of increasing percep-
ten mandated by registration and certifica- tions that others can function independently
tion requirements. Any educational program and successfully, they may instead ease into
designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, or pseudo-facilitative leadership. This attempt
career development of adults in professional to mandate collaboration while retaining hi-

cooperative occupational training

erarchical methods is a contrived collegial- ment, and public policy. It is based at land-
ity. (reb) grant universities and is funded at federal,
state, and local levels, with offices in most
convergent questions (See closed counties of each state. The CES was created
questions; recitation) when President Woodrow Wilson signed the
Smith-Lever Act in 1914. (js)
convergent thinking
J. P. Guilford characterized thinking which cooperative inquiry
is rigid, stereotyped, and conventional as Self-directed group inquiry grounded in an
"convergent thinking." It was used to de- experience-based epistemology that focuses
scribe routine thinking and is contrasted on the lived experience of the participants
with divergent thinking, (vm) ideally centered on a fostering of trust,
vulnerability, and a sense of community.
co-op coordinator (See coordinator, Through cycles of action and reflection,
career) participants examine their own lived expe-
riences and resultant perspectives, assump-
cooperating teacher tions, insights, and understandings, (hfs)
A classroom teacher who is recruited by a
teacher preparation department to host a cooperative learning
preservice teacher in the field. The classroom A specific kind of collaborative learning. In
teacher takes on multiple duties as role cooperative learning, students work together
model, mentor, counselor, guide, sponsor in small groups on a structured activity.
teacher, friend, defender, confidant, and ev- They are individually accountable for their
aluator. (reb) work, and the work of the group as a whole
is also assessed. Cooperative groups work
cooperative course (See course, face-to-face and learn to work as a team.
cooperative) Cooperative learning has its origins in K-12
education. However, recent theorists have
cooperative education begun to focus on the similarities between
A structured method of instruction alternat- collaborative learning and cooperative learn-
ing in-school learning with employment un- ing, and the terms have begun to be
der the supervision of a school and em- used interchangeably. Cooperative learning
ployer. Learning experiences planned and stresses collaboration, student leadership,
supervised cooperatively by a school and and self-direction. Students in cooperative
employer where each contribute to the stu- learning groups share both individual and
dent's career development. Education con- group responsibility for their learning and
structed so that work periods and school are partially rewarded for both group and
attendance alternate by half-days, weeks, or individual success. Cooperative learning is
other periods of time. The work-study plan noncompetitive, active learning that takes
specifically applied to baccalaureate and place within heterogeneous groups of chil-
graduate education in which students alter- dren by age, diverse abilities, and diverse
nate between periods of full-time academic cultural backgrounds. Key elements include
study and full-time employment educative positive interdependence, team formation,
jobs, (jb, cf) individual accountability, social skill devel-
opment, interpersonal and small group
Cooperative Extension Service (CES) skills, and group processing, (cf, ba, pw, reb)
An organization providing educational pro-
grams and information to residents of a state cooperative occupational training
on various topics such as homemaking, ag- A plan which correlates actual work expe-
riculture, youth development, the environ- rience in the community with classroom in-

cooperative play

struction under the supervision of a axis and into right and left portions by the
coordinator or teacher-coordinator who is vertical axis (this plane is known as the Car-
occupationally qualified, (jm) tesian coordinate plane, the coordinate
plane, or the x-y plane). Many areas of
cooperative play mathematics, notably analytic geometry and
Cooperative play occurs when two or more calculus, use coordinate geometry exten-
children are engaged in some type of social sively in the solutions of many mathematical
play, where the children assume different problems, (dbc)
roles working on common goals. A leader
may emerge; the leader may direct the ori- coordinate graph
entation of play and assign roles to peers. A graph that is formed using two number
The complexity of the play varies and may lines. These number lines contain both pos-
last for quite a while. This type of play is itive and negative numbers. They become the
commonly seen in kindergarten and beyond. x-axis, which is displayed horizontally and
(yb) the y-axis, which is displayed vertically.
When put together, these axes form a coor-
cooperative program dinate system. Coordinates are the pairs of
An organizational pattern of instruction that numbers formed when one number from the
involves regularly scheduled part-time em- x-axis and one number from the y-axis co-
ployment giving students an opportunity to incide. Examples of a coordinate are dem-
apply classroom learning in practice. Ena- onstrated below in the graph. The dot
bles students to develop occupational com- indicates the ordered pair (2,1). (kr)
petencies through training on jobs related to
their career interests, (db)

cooperative student
A student who attends a vocational school
or class on a part-time basis and spends an
approximately equal amount of time work-
ing in an industry or business pursuing ca-
reer goals. The student usually receives
school credit and pay for work, (jb)

coordinate colleges
Separate women's institutions that are part-
ners to previously established male colleges
or universities. Often created out of resis-
tance to coeducation, coordinate colleges
share some combination of faculty, finances,
facilities, or governance with the original Coordinate graph.
school. Commonly founded before the twen-
tieth century, and most frequently in the coordinated curriculum
East and Midwest, many coordinate colleges A coordinated curriculum in vocational ed-
have since merged or forged more equitable ucation synthesizes educational course work
bonds with their partner schools, (le) in such a way that instructors in varying dis-
ciplines can teach related topics simultane-
coordinate geometry ously, using occupational themes as the
A branch of mathematics invented by Rene organizing principle for integrating academic
Descartes whereby a plane is divided into units, occupational concepts, and experi-
upper and lower portions by the horizontal ences, (ch)

correctional education

coordinating boards core curriculum

Officially authorized for limited responsibil- Generally refers to common academic con-
ities in such matters as budgeting and fi- tent or common graduation requirements in
nance; lacking the governance authority of a differentiated educational system or in a
governing boards they receive, consider, and system that allows for elective coursework.
recommend or disapprove proposed budg- During the mid-twentieth century, the term
ets, programs, services, and activities for one was also used to describe a problem-based,
or more institutions, (cf) interdisciplinary secondary school course of-
ten planned collaboratively by teachers and
coordinator, apprentice students. The discipline or subject matter
A person, usually a school employee, who is components of the curriculum that are con-
charged with maintaining close contact with sidered to be essential for students' educa-
industry and the work of employed appren- tion. Traditionally, these include reading,
tices for the purpose of securing proper language arts, mathematics, science, and so-
apprentice placement and training arrange- cial studies, (wgw, bba)
ments and assisting learners to link school-
based and work-based learning, (jb) core membership groups (See tight-knit
coordinator, career
A person employed by a school who is re-
sponsible for identifying student placements corporate planning models
with employers, administering the school Systematic and technical methods adapted
program, and resolving problems that arise for use in business, industry, and finance;
between the school and on-the-job activities includes PPBS (planning programming budg-
of the employed student, (db) eting systems), MBO (Management by Ob-
jectives), ZZB (zero-based budgeting), and
other technically sophisticated methods, (cf)
coping skills
Strategies involving adaptive behaviors and
self-regulation of emotional states that allow corporate university
an individual to assign meaning, make de- A training center or department that pro-
cisions, solve problems, and/or achieve iden- vides a broad range of educational programs
tified/specified goals. Strategies can fall for the employees of a corporation. A cor-
within several domains, including cognitive porate university is meant to ensure that
(e.g., self-talk), emotional (e.g., expressing training and education are aligned with cor-
feelings, social support), physical (e.g., ex- porate strategic objectives for organizational
ercise, nutrition, sleep), and spiritual (e.g., change, growth, and development. Some
meditation, praying), (llf, emm) corporate universities also provide educa-
tional programs for the corporation's sup-
core abilities pliers and/or customers; some have a
Transferable skills common across career campus-like facility, (mkr)
clusters essential to an individual's success
and lifelong learning, including critical correctional education
thinking skills, effective learning, good com- An organized program of vocational and ac-
munity skills, and cooperative work habits. ademic learning activities designed to pre-
(jb) pare adult offenders in the criminal justice
system for lives as responsible community
core competencies members. Education programs that take
In career education, core transferable skills place in prisons and jails or involve people
common across career clusters, (jb) who have been convicted of crimes and are

correspondence course

under some form of restriction outside of a Council for Higher Education

correctional facility, (chb, jpc) Accreditation (CHEA)
Established in 1997, CHEA is a private,
correspondence course nonprofit organization that coordinates ac-
Courses that are taught through texts, as- creditation activities for over 3,000 colleges
signments, and tests that are mailed to the and universities in the United States. CHEA
student. The student then mails back the an- does not accredit individual institutions, but
swers to tests or the results of instructional it serves to improve and coordinate the work
assignments, which are then graded. Feed- of national and regional accreditation bodies
back on assignments and tests is provided to such as the Southern Association of Colleges
the student through the mail, (jpc) and Schools, and the National Council for
Accreditation of Teacher Education. CHEA
is the most recent in a line of private coor-
correspondence study
dinating agencies for accreditation, including
A form of study in which the learner and the
the Commission on Recognition of Postse-
instructor have no face-to-face contact and
condary Accreditation (1993-1997), the
exchange syllabi, text, examinations, etc.,
Council on Postsecondary Accreditation
through the mail, (chb)
(1974-1993), and the National Commission
on Accreditation (1949-1974). (sw)
cost effectiveness
Cost effectiveness is realized when the
Council of Higher Education
lowest-cost option is utilized, while achiev-
Management Associations (CHEMA)
ing the greatest benefit/gain. Cost ef-
fectiveness, for example, is reflected when Started in 1968, CHEMA is an informal vol-
bulk purchases are made (which usually re- untary assembly of management-oriented
sult in significantly reduced costs) and then higher education associations in the United
utilized or applied to such an extent that States and Canada, (cf)
they produce a maximum benefit/gain for
the user(s). Employing comparative cost counseling
analyses to determine least cost, yet greatest An interpersonal process that occurs in the
output or outcome, is suggestive of a cost- context of a helping relationship. In coun-
effective approach, (tp) seling, a counselor helps a client to adapt op-
timally to developmental transitions and/or
costume to significant stressors. The types of transi-
The outfit worn by a performer in theater or tions or stressors most typically addressed in
dance pieces, communicating important in- counseling may include grief processes; ed-
formation about a character and/or about ucational or vocational decision making; ad-
the production (e.g., social class of the char- justment to illness, disability, or other life
acter or time period of the piece). Costume crisis; adaptation to social or cultural op-
design decisions may be guided by content, pression; and spiritual development. Profes-
available budget, and/or style concerns of sionally recognized "counselors" may rep-
the director and designer, and can play a resent any one of a wide variety of
larger or smaller role in the visual look of a disciplines, including school guidance, social
production—ranging from the prominent work, psychology, psychiatry, and clergy,
and even outlandish to the minimal or non- (jih)
descript. Costuming in school plays provides
an opportunity for students interested in de- counseling, pre-employment
sign or sewing to contribute to the academic The assistance given to students by coun-
production and/or for parents to get in- selors, involving information about oc-
volved, (em) cupations and occupational fields. Specific

Country Life Movement

methods of finding the type of work desired, allel lines (e.g., two stories that weave to-
and occupational ethics, (jm) gether even as they move quite separately)—
that meet and verge and in the verging con-
counseling psychology trast add clarity to each other. In visual art,
The branch of psychology that focuses on the use of contrasting formal elements that,
life transitions and adaptation to potentially by virtue of their dialectic with one another,
significant stressors in the context of com- make strong individual impressions, (jd)
paratively "normal" human growth and de-
velopment. Client strengths are emphasized.
Areas of research and mental health services
As with transference, clinicians bring a set of
addressed by counseling psychologists may
expectations, beliefs, and feelings toward
include, among others, prevention, voca-
their clients. Countertransference reactions
tional and educational development, deci-
may take the form of negative or positive
sion making, rehabilitation, issues related to
feelings that, when not fully understood and
individual and cultural diversity, and eco-
properly channeled, can significantly inter-
nomic and social issues, (jih)
fere with the client-therapist relationship.
These unconscious or unspoken reactions to
counselor clients by their therapists can include, among
A trained, license-sanctioned professional other behaviors, responding in a positive,
who practices counseling. The professional idealizing, or even eroticized manner, as well
may practice in a broad array of specialty as seeing their clients as unlikable, unbeat-
areas, including vocational counseling, men- able, or simply bad. (rnp)
tal health counseling, and rehabilitation
counseling, (dd)
See also counseling; counseling psychol- counting (See rational counting, rote
counselor, placement counting number (See cardinal number)
A member of a counseling staff who is as-
signed special responsibilities for assisting
Country Life Commission
students to find jobs, (jm)
Created in 1907 by President Theodore
counselor education Roosevelt to study rural problems, its 1909
Refers to an educational program designed report recommended that farmers become
to enable an individual to develop the req- more efficient producers and marketers and
uisite awareness, knowledge, and skills nec- that rural schools and churches be strength-
essary to practice counseling, (dd) ened. Schools would be consolidated where
See also counseling. possible and their curricula would be broad-
ened, (lr)
The artistic technique of counterpoint is Country Life Movement
achieved when the sense of dialogue (point, A broad reform group made up of educa-
counterpoint) is achieved through elements tors, business people, religious leaders, social
in a work of art. In music, two or more me- scientists, and agricultural scientists who la-
lodic lines may be introduced in parallel mented the decline of rural America in the
structure in such a way that the listener face of urban and industrial expansion. Its
hears a harmonic relationship (dialogue) efforts were reinforced by Theodore Roose-
even while experiencing the linear individu- velt's creation of a Country Life Commis-
ality of the two melodies (voices). In writing, sion, but the movement, being largely an
a composition that similarly introduces par- urban one, died out after World War I. (lr)

course, career-technical or vocational

course, career-technical or vocational exams, laboratory exercises, samples of stu-

A course consisting of instruction in an oc- dent work, mid-term assessment, student
cupational or career-technical subject, pre- evaluations of the course, peer evaluations
paring students for competent service in a (formal or informal), and a reflective state-
nonprofessional or semiprofessional occu- ment, (cf)
pation requiring less than a baccalaureate See also teaching portfolio.
degree. The term is sometimes used to dis-
tinguish such a course from academic or lib- course requirements
eral arts courses (such as English literature, What students must do to pass the course is
mathematics, music appreciation) and pro- usually stipulated in the college catalog and
fessional courses (such as medicine, educa- in the instructor's initial lectures; what the
tion, engineering, law), (jb) instructor expects students to learn becomes
more evident as the course continues, (cf)
course, cooperative
A course or program of study designed to courseware
form a basis of related academic and career- A suite of functions, usually Web-based,
technical knowledge to supplement the work used together for instruction in an online en-
experiences of students working on a part- vironment. Core elements of courseware
time basis, (jm) packages are asynchronous threaded discus-
sion, Web pages for presentation of course
course, short content, and e-mail functions. Courseware
A course in which instruction is scheduled may also include synchronous discussion
for a period considerably shorter than a reg- ("chat"), synchronous collaboration tools,
ular semester, quarter, term, or session. Typ- shared student workspace, upload functions
ically an abbreviation of a standard course, for submitting assignments, or other tools to
a presentation of very recent research, a brief meet specific instructional needs. For online
review of a broad area of practical knowl- courses, courseware is the primary instruc-
edge, a refresher course, (cf) tional environment. Courseware can also be
used as an adjunct to face-to-face instruc-
course, survey tion, (ac)
A course designed to give a general view of See also hybrid course.
an area of study, (cf)
CPE (See continuing professional
course, tutorial education)
A course designed to permit a qualified stu-
dent to do independent work under the di- craft
rection of a faculty member, (cf) The planning, making, or executing of hand-
See also independent study. made goods or works of art. Craft refers to
manual dexterity and artistic skill (e.g., the
course credit (See credit) carpenter's craft), and can be associated with
ingenuity or guile. Historically, craft has
course portfolio been separated from the loftier realms of
An organized collection of materials that aesthetics and fine arts. The arts and crafts
summarize teaching and management in a movement, influenced by William Morris
particular course. For many people, a course and John Ruskin in nineteenth-century Eng-
portfolio includes all of the materials used to land, reacted against industrialization and
teach a course, a list of "what worked" and called for a return to handicraft in the dec-
"what didn't work," and a reflective state- orative and applied arts. Today, arts and
ment. Suggested documents for a course crafts (e.g., weaving, carving, printmaking)
portfolio are: course syllabus, problem sets, are taught in schools, camps, and other in-

crisis counseling

stitutions as a form of art, recreation, or credit

therapy, (lj) Acknowledgement or certification that a stu-
dent has completed a specific course of
creative discovery area study. Also called course credit. Tradition-
An area that is open-ended, housing diverse ally, secondary students in the United States
implements, materials, and media. The area are required to acquire a predetermined
facilitates children to create, discover, and number of credits in defined curricular areas
experience new ways of doing things by before proceeding to the next grade level or
molding, changing, constructing, and ob- receiving a diploma. Credits are the unit of
serving outcomes. This area allows construc- measure or value for specific courses and are
tion of things by using different materials frequently expressed as credit hours, (jw)
such as sand, water, and clay; inspection of
interesting items such as insect and rock col- credit, dual
lections through microscopes and magnify- Academic or vocational-technical courses of-
ing glasses; and use and discovery of other fered at the high school level that provide
items that are developmentally appropriate college credit, (db)
for the age and interests of individual chil-
dren and groups, (pw) credit hour
The unit by which an institution may meas-
creative expression ure its course work. The number of credit
Those actions that reflect the highest levels hours assigned to a course is usually defined
of thinking about a particular concept, topic, by the number of hours per week in class
or event. Creativity is the energetic blending and the number of weeks in the session, (cf)
of two or more concepts, topics or events
that were heretofore disconnected in the credit-by-examination
mind of the child, (mcl) Procedure by which a student not formally
enrolled in a course may be awarded aca-
creative thinking demic credit for a course by passing an oral,
The analytic, synthetic, and evaluative think- written, or manipulative test, (cf)
ing that leads to creative expression, (mcl)
creativity A language, which started as a pidgin lan-
The ability or power to create with origi- guage, adopted by a community as its native
nality, innovation, self-expression, and tongue and learned by children as their first
imagination. Creativity is thought to involve language (e.g., Haitian Creole, based on
the breaking of boundaries and to be the ba- French; Krio, spoken in Sierra Leone and
sis for the artistic process, driving the syn- based on English; Cape Verdian Creole,
thesis of raw materials into a finished based on Portuguese), (smt)
product. Creativity, an ideal of the modern-
ist avant-garde, is viewed as having system- crisis counseling
atic steps of problem setting and solving, A brief form of counseling used with indi-
commonly referred to as the "creative proc- viduals who are experiencing an extreme re-
ess." Educational psychologists like Csik- action to life's events. Crisis counseling is
szentmihalyi and Gardner regard creativity often sought when an individual finds him-
as the work of veteran thinkers who fashion or herself unable to cope with a stressful
products that transform domains and are event. It typically involves creating realistic,
recognized as doing so across generations. wellness-enhancing, short-term goals for in-
But very young children have a natural sense dividuals in regard to their immediate pre-
of creativity that is reflected in their work senting crisis. The primary goal of crisis
across artistic media, (kf) counseling is to assist an individual in de-

criterion referencing

veloping effective coping methods in order critical incident technique

to regain an effective, or at least baseline, An approach to teaching that makes use of
level of functioning, (ay) short cases that highlight a critical incident
as a basis for analysis, discussion, and learn-
ing. An assessment method used in human
criterion referencing
resource development to determine an or-
This is both a form of test development and
ganization's performance gaps by reflecting
of score usage. Results from criterion-
on certain experiences in the workplace.
referenced tests are interpreted as the test
Analysis of behaviors involved in an incident
taker's ability to perform a task or set of
can uncover training, educational, and em-
tasks (sometimes called a "domain"). Typi-
ployee development needs, (dmv)
cally criterion-referenced results are not in-
See also critical incident.
terpreted as rank in a group of peers, (fd)
See also norm referencing.
critical listening
Thorough listening to a presentation with
critical consciousness the intent to analyze what is being heard, not
The ability to understand the political and to argue with it. (jw)
social forces that are acting to support and
constrain a person's options in life. A person critical literacy
with critical consciousness has the ability to Literacy that is taught in such a way that
take action to address those constraints, students use their literacy skills to critically
(jpc) reflect on the political and social forces that
affect their lives so that they can take action
to overcome the barriers those forces have
critical ethnography
put in place, (jpc)
A method of research and analysis that typ-
ically relies on fine-grained, long-term obser-
critical pedagogy
vation and interviewing to expose the way
An approach to teaching and learning that
that power relations in schools perpetuate
encourages the learner to reflect critically on
inequalities and injustices. This research ap-
issues of power and oppression in his/her so-
proach is typically informed by critical the-
ciety and on what might be done to change
ory; committed to the establishment of
the current situation. Critical pedagogy
equality and social justice through an anal-
helps learners to develop their own sense of
ysis of how domination operates; and en-
identity and power as an important com-
acted through a constantly reflexive, often
ponent of their learning experience. An ap-
collaborative approach to the practice of
proach to teaching that builds critical
gathering data and generating knowledge.
consciousness by helping students analyze
This method of research and analysis has be-
their lives and identify the political and so-
come very important in educational studies
cial forces that are acting upon them so that
since the 1980s, (baul)
they can take action to overcome the barri-
ers those forces have put in place, (chm, jpc)
critical incident See also transformative pedagogy.
Any significant experience in the workplace
that can be examined by human resource de- critical period
velopers to inform the design of training A time period particularly early in develop-
programs. Interviews are held with knowl- ment in which specific experiences or key de-
edgeable people in the organization to un- velopments must take place. A time of
cover situations that illustrate both positive unique sensitivity of the organism to a spe-
and negative behaviors on the job. (dmv) cific stimulus. If the time period is missed,
See also critical incident technique. then either normal development will not or

critical thinking

is less likely to occur or the key development value-neutral approach to the analysis of so-
will not or is less likely to occur. It is thought cial phenomena, especially when dealing
that a critical period has a fixed length in with issues of oppression and power. Under-
time and does not reoccur. In human behav- standing and critiquing human action and
ior, language development, mother/infant at- social life through an analysis of culture and
tachment, and visual perception have been ideology and how they form human con-
studied for critical periods, not always with sciousness. Critical theory inverts Karl
success. Also referred to as sensitive or op- Marx's social theory of base structure (the
timal periods, (vm) material basis for social life) and superstruc-
ture (culture and consciousness), arguing
critical poststructuralism that superstructure is not, as Marx had it,
Concept which commits itself to removing merely epiphenomenal to base structure but
all external claims of objectivity, validity, has an independent influence over social life
and authority from texts. Each text must be and can affect changes in material life. Crit-
evaluated on its own terms and by its own ical theory focuses upon how culture, ide-
claims. In this way, language and speech do ology, and social institutions (such as the
not mirror experience; they create experience media, the arts, and schools) maintain indi-
as transformational representations of mul- viduals and groups in states of unconscious
tiple, situational, fluid, and developing un- unfreedom and injustice within a society that
derstandings of given experiences. The privileges the ruling group through tacit con-
removal and rejection of validity, instead sensus of the ruled and unprivileged. Some
centers values, attitudes, perspectives, and central concepts are, domination, culture,
beliefs as governors of science, (hfs) ideology, hegemony, and resistance. Central
figures in critical theory are Theodor
critical relativism Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Max Horkhei-
Concept developed by Alain Locke which mer, Herbert Marcuse, and Jurgen Haber-
recognizes that while values are relative and mas. Critical theory has been adapted to
particular to cultures, they remain subject to educational thinking by, among others,
objective critique, inquiry, and analysis. The Henry Giroux, Peter McLaren, and Michael
objectivity is grounded in the functionality Apple, (chm, db-j)
of values and attitudes in the cultures in See also culture; hegemony; ideology; re-
which they emerge, function, and develop. sistance.
While their development and adaptations
are neither generalizable, nor universal, con- critical thinking
textual and cultural values can be investi- The ability to use higher-level thinking proc-
gated and qualified, (hfs) esses to search for meaning in an action or
event. Benjamin S. Bloom (1956) and his
critical subjectivity colleagues defined the "higher levels" of
A process of reflection that, when incongru- thinking to be application, analysis, synthe-
ence among ways of knowing or perceiving sis, and evaluation. Children are often seen
is detected, the awareness of such requires using critical thinking skills in their self-
returning to the experience of the felt en- selected play activities, and teachers who de-
counter for further inquiry and analysis. velop project-based curricula appeal to these
(hfs) higher-level cognitive processes. The kind of
thinking we use to question, doubt, compare
critical theory and contrast, and make judgments. We use
An analytical process that analyzes and chal- critical thinking to make assessments about
lenges the assumptions and values that un- the evidence we gather, the sources we find,
derlie the way a society functions. It rejects and the assumptions we make, in order to
the view that one can use a positivist or help us decide what to believe and do. We


use critical thinking to critique ideas and de- cross-cultural studies

termine which ones to accept and which Examines cultural phenomena from the po-
ones to reject. Critical thinking is associated sitions of several different cultures. By ex-
with rationality, reasonableness, reflective amining phenomena from different cultural
thinking, and the scientific inquiry process, points of view, a more fundamental under-
(ecr, bt-t) standing of human experiences can be con-
See also constructive thinking; creative structed, (hrm, ew, jkd)
thinking; indoctrination; logic; reason;
thinking. cross-curricular integration
A cross-curricular educational approach in-
tegrating information, knowledge, princi-
ples, and values of more than one academic
French, from the Greek kritik (tekhn), art of
discipline, (ch)
criticism. The practice of discussing a work
(e.g., of art or literature) critically, focusing
on strengths, weaknesses, and the extent to CTSOs (See career and technical
which the work conforms to or deviates student organizations)
from a set of disciplinary traditions and ex-
pectations. Recently associated with "criti- CTT (classical test theory) (See item
cal" as negative judgment, critique (or the analysis)
"crit" as it is often called in art school when
student work is critiqued by instructors and Cuban American Legal Defense and
peers) can positively affirm and redirect Education Act (CALDEF), 1980
works in progress. The self-critique of youth A nonprofit national organization estab-
in community art centers has been a source lished to assist Cuban Americans and mod-
of interest to educational researchers. Stu- eled after the Mexican American Legal
dents working collaboratively and indepen- Defense and Education Fund. The organi-
dently on a shared artistic project seem to zation's main function is to ensure fair treat-
find ways to support one another even as ment and opportunities for Cuban
they reflect critically on what needs to be Americans and to educate the American
done to make their work better, (jd) populous about the plight and culture of
Hispanic Americans, (rih)

cross-cultural counseling
cultural acquisition (See cultural
Counseling provided to a person who is transmission and acquisition)
from a culture that is different from that of
the counselor. Effective cross-cultural coun-
cultural anthropology (See
seling involves, among other skills, cultural
sensitivity and responsiveness, a belief in
multiculturalism, and an acknowledgement
of the sociocultural context of a client's life, cultural appropriateness
(llf, emm) The alignment of a teaching practice with
the expectations and practices of a cultural
group. According to Bredekamp and Copple
cross-cultural literacy (1997), Eurocentric educational beliefs and
The development of both a clear under- customs, characterized by high levels of in-
standing and knowledge of one's own val- dependence and competition, can create an
ues, perceptions, and beliefs, as well as an instructional mismatch for children who are
openness to engage in a process of learning raised in more interdependent and collabo-
about the values, perceptions, knowledge, rative cultures, such as African-American
and beliefs of others, (hfs) and Native American families, (ecr)

cultural enrichment

cultural awareness which is being learned, as well as the interest

The knowledge required to understand the and attention of the students and teachers.
values, behaviors, language, and customs of Culture gives meaning to this educational
one's own or another culture(s). (srs) moment, it shapes how we make sense of the
learning that is, or isn't, taking place, and
cultural capital specifies what the content of the learning
A concept articulated by French sociologist should be. (bt, b)
Pierre Bourdieu, cultural capital is com- See also Afrocentric education; ethnicity;
prised of cultural and linguistic knowledge, multicultural education.
skills, and dispositions transmitted from one
generation to another. Bourdieu's premise is cultural deprivation theory
that schools, while presenting a veneer of A theory that promoted the development of
fairness and equality, implicitly value the programs and, in schools, curriculum for
cultural capital of the dominant classes and low-income populations during the 1960s.
students who possess these most valued According to Bloom, certain groups re-
forms of cultural capital are able to translate mained culturally disadvantaged or deprived
these resources into academic success and because "the roots of their problem may in
credentials (institutionalized cultural capi- large part be traced to their experiences in
tal). These credentials are subsequently con- homes which do not transmit the cultural
vertible into economic capital in the labor patterns necessary for the types of learning
market, tacitly maintaining the social status characteristic of the schools and the larger
of middle-class and affluent students and im- society." (jqa, jwc)
peding students who are lacking in the cul-
tural capital of the dominant classes, (adj) cultural discontinuity theory
See also politics of knowledge. A theory based on the assumption that mi-
nority students are placed at a disadvantage
cultural context in schools where the majority culture is sig-
The totality of socially transmitted behavior nificantly different from the culture of the
patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all minority, (jqa, jwc)
other products of human work and thought.
Cultural context is therefore that which re- cultural diversity
lates to a specific culture. Cultural context A term relating to the many cultural, social,
varies widely among and between demo- ethnic, racial, religious, and otherwise dif-
graphic groups and geographic locations. ferent backgrounds of individuals and
Cultural context will differ among ethnic groups, (jqa, jwc)
groups, gender groups, income groups, and
so forth. Members of these types of groups cultural enrichment
will view similar events quite differently de- To strive to project a culture in ways that
pending on their own cultural foundation, portray that specific culture to be richer and
(jfb) more meaningful than previously consid-
ered. Cultural enrichment is often played out
cultural context of education in schools by focusing on the artistic, sci-
Education, as a teaching-studenting process, entific, and academic contributions of a
always takes place within a context, and that particular culture. Examples would be high-
context is cultural, specifying such things as lighting these elements of the Native Amer-
language, traditions, beliefs, standards of ican culture, European-American culture,
beauty, and forms of technology. Education Hispanic-American culture, and so forth.
is always specific to a certain time and place, Cultural enrichment may also be gender spe-
and it is affected by many factors, such as cific as in recognizing the contribution of fe-
the value and importance placed on that males in a male-dominated society, (jfb)

cultural imperialism

cultural imperialism through the cultural realm, by privileging

Process by which powerful countries, relig- certain kinds of cultural styles and knowl-
ions, ethnicities, and cultural groups main- edge over others, and thereby assigning
tain and exercise control over the identity, children from different class and ethnic
understandings, perspectives, and interpre- backgrounds to differential fates. Against
tations of the less powerful. This is accom- these rather deterministic theories, some au-
plished through the radiation and imposition thors (e.g., Willis, 1977) emphasized the
of extrinsic ideas, morals, attitudes, and be- agency of students to respond to the school
lief systems which present particular visions and shape their own destiny through a proc-
of the world that benefit the powerful and ess of cultural production, (baul)
legitimize their status, typically via the mass
media, (hfs) cultural relativism
A doctrine first articulated in the work of
cultural literacy Franz Boas, and later taken up by many of
The late-twentieth-century expression of his most important students (including Mar-
essentialism popularized by E. D. Hirsch. garet Mead, Ruth Benedict, and Melville
Hirsch argues that one is made literate as Herskovits), cultural relativism is a perspec-
one acquires a given body of knowledge tive for explaining and understanding cul-
shared within the culture, the "tradition." ture and cultural practices. It holds that each
The view is that acquisition of this knowl- culture and its cultural practices should be
edge happens in the family for many chil- understood in context, that is, in terms of
dren, but for immigrants and the poor, the institutions, ideas, values, and practices
schools are the places where this happens, that comprise the whole of the culture. It
which is necessary for social mobility to be further maintains that cultures and cultural
a possibility. Having a core, literate knowl- practices should not be judged through the
edge of the culture (i.e., the significant values and standards of another culture. The
traditions, ideas, values, people, places, essence of the doctrine of cultural relativism
events, language, literature, habits, attitudes, is that in order to make sense of culture and
history, etc.) of a given society that is req- cultural practices, it is essential to consider
uisite for competent functioning (Hirsch et the context in which they actually occur. In
al. 1987) and informed participation (Freire contrast to common interpretations of "rel-
and Macedo, 1987) in that society, (jc, ml) ativism" and "moral relativism," cultural
See also essentialism. relativism does not hold that judgments
about other cultures or their practices should
cultural production never or can never be made. Rather, it main-
A theoretical term that emphasizes the proc- tains that the clearest and most accurate as-
ess by which people actively produce knowl- sessments and understandings can occur
edge and meaning through a dynamic only when culture and cultural practices are
educational process. In anthropological interpreted in context. Cultural relativism is
studies, the term points to how, in the pro- one of the core concepts of the discipline of
cess of "acquiring" elements of cultural cultural anthropology, (jde)
knowledge "transmitted" through educa-
tion, individuals can modify, extend, or con- cultural responsiveness
test the knowledge, while producing and Awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of
adding new knowledge to the common different cultures. It includes sensitivity and
stock. Another use of the term is in relation receptivity to the sociocultural context of
to theories of social and cultural reproduc- other's lives, and the willingness to connect
tion, which became popular in the 1970s genuinely and collaboratively with others
and 1980s. Such theories suggested that regarding both cultural differences and
schools serve to reproduce social inequalities similarities. Awareness of and attention to


individuals' perceptions of individual, cul- knowledge of a society, bringing their own

tural, and institutional prejudice are also distinctive interests and traits to the process.
considered to be important elements of cul- Studies of cultural transmission tend to focus
tural responsiveness, (llf, emm) on how adults "teach" the young; studies of
cultural acquisition focus on how the young
cultural sensitivity "learn" from adults or peers, (baul)
A state of awareness heightened by physical,
emotional, or spiritual stimuli in social in- culturally deprived
teraction, (srs) A term commonly used in the 1960s and
1970s to describe individuals, particularly
cultural studies students of color, who came from low-
The study of culture from a sociological income families. The term promoted stereo-
rather than an aesthetic viewpoint, drawing typing of minorities and carried with it an
on the social sciences, for example, politics assumption that "culturally deprived" stu-
and semiotics, rather than traditional forms dents were not capable of achieving the lev-
of literary, artistic, or musical criticism; a els of success of white students, (jqa, jwc)
wide-ranging educational course, generally
at the college level, covering all aspects of culturally encapsulated counselor
culture, the arts, sciences, and social sci- Counselors who remain within a protective
ences, (mkg) "capsule" of their own experiences, perspec-
tives, and realities; assume everyone's per-
cultural styles spectives are (or should be) the same as their
The behaviors, ways, and methods in which own; and believe that their world (i.e., cul-
we all function are developed in relation to ture, subculture) will remain static and is the
ethnicity, socioeconomic status, race, gen- only reality. Cultural encapsulation can in-
der, sexual orientation, etc. Cultural styles terfere with the counseling process, in part,
affect the way individuals learn, (jqa, jwc) by disregarding or perhaps even embracing
one's cultural biases, engaging in stereotypic
cultural transmission thinking, and engaging in exclusionary be-
Something transmitted or passed on relating haviors. It can also interfere with ethical de-
to the arts, interests, and manners that a cision making in counseling, (llf, emm)
group of people favors; denoting or derived
from, or distinctive of the ways of living by culturally relevant pedagogy
a group of people, (mkg) A curriculum perspective that includes a
shared view of a classroom community
cultural transmission and acquisition whose curriculum is sensitive to all students,
Cultural transmission refers to the inculca- raising the question of cultural relevance,
tion of basic cultural knowledge across the and considering the cultural mismatch that
generations in a given society. Emphasis is often exists between the students, the
placed on how adult generations educate the teacher, and the curriculum, (mkg)
young through transmitting core values, dis-
positions, and skills. Early anthropological culture
work, grounded in theories of structural- The term "culture" has a long and illustrious
functionalism, focused on cultural transmis- history. It harks back to the Latin verb for
sion in order to understand how societies cultivation, or the tending of crops and an-
conserved essential features of their cultural imals. We see its first English use in the fif-
and technological repertoires. More recently, teenth century, whence it quickly developed
anthropologists have emphasized the process associations with European notions of pro-
of cultural acquisition, examining how rel- gress and evolution in civilization. For hun-
ative novices acquire the basic cultural dreds of years, to have culture was to

culture circle

"cultivate" the higher qualities of civiliza- institutions, and all other products of human
tion, to practice or appreciate the arts or sci- work and thought. Cultural context is
ences, to develop a refined language. Yet by therefore that which relates to a specific cul-
the late eighteenth century, the German Ro- ture. Cultural context varies widely among
mantic poets and philosophers were already and between demographic groups and geo-
giving culture a new cast. Anthropologists graphic locations. Cultural context will dif-
picked up and developed this sense of cul- fer between ethnic groups, gender groups,
ture as the lifeways that every human group income groups, and so forth. Members of
develops as part of its historical adaptation. these types of groups will view similar events
In modern anthropological usage, culture quite differently dependent upon their own
typically refers to the symbolic meanings ex- cultural foundation, (jfb)
pressed through language, gesture, dress,
and so forth, by which the members of a culture fair
given society communicate with and under- The lack of cultural bias in language and
stand themselves, each other, and the world construction of evaluation instruments,
around them. Within this definition, social texts, or expectations of behavior. Such
scientists have emphasized different aspects models may emphasize nonverbal problems
or qualities of culture as: publicly observable and questions that are common to all chil-
symbols (Geertz, 1973), shared knowledge dren regardless of their racial, social, or cul-
(Spradley and McCurdy, 1997), or cognitive tural background. The purpose of culture
models (Holland and Quinn, 1987). Sociol- fair evaluation is to identify and measure an
ogist Charles Lemert (1995, p. 174) calls individual's intelligence by filtering out both
culture the "code of practical instructions verbal and cultural influences. Culture fair
whereby members are given permission to tests allow for an improved analysis and pre-
talk meaningfully about some things while diction of individuals' potentialities, (hrm,
ignoring others." Many social scientists now ew, jkd)
agree that culture is a form of practice in-
formed by symbolic knowledge stored in the culture fair tests
brain; that is, culture is what people do in Those tests that are designed so as to elimi-
everyday life, informed by implicit and nate or reduce cultural bias in the context of
shared knowledge (Chaiklin and Lave, 1996; the test. The test is constructed so that the
Holland et al., 1998). Given the varieties of culture of the test author or the test taker
overlapping cultural membership in complex does not play a part in the final results of
modern societies, educators and educational the test. For example, the test content does
researchers attempt to understand how ed- not make the assumption that all students
ucational processes take place within and be- should be familiar with a particular phrase
tween different cultural frameworks, (baul) or illustration when, in fact, much of the lan-
guage used and the illustrations used may be
culture circle culturally biased. In reality, no test can be
An instructional technique, developed by made totally culture fair but it is important
Paulo Freire for adult literacy programs, in to strive toward that end. (jfb)
which students describe, discuss, and ana-
lyze a "generative theme," which is usually culture of contentment
represented by a picture and a word, that Concept used by John Kenneth Gailbraith to
describes an important issue in the lives of describe the attitudes and values of the 87
the students, (jpc) percent of Americans who do not live in
poverty. Absent poverty-based suffering in
culture context their own lives, they cannot be easily per-
May be defined as the totality of socially suaded or moved to act on the behalf, or in
transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, the interests of the poor absent a catastrophe

curriculum, integrated academic and vocational

such as war, riot, or a severe depression, ciplines together in an attempt to formulate

(hfs) the general objectives teachers are to teach
and students are to learn. J. Allen Queen, a
culture shock futurist, views curriculum as society's re-
The feelings of disorientation, anxiety, dis- quirement of the formal educational process
junction, isolation, loneliness, and despair to prepare the next generations for adapta-
that regularly accompany ethnographers bility, acceptance, diversity, and survival in
(and travelers) when visiting or living in an unknown world. Curriculum may also be
(studying) cultures not their own. Some eth- viewed as a collection of ongoing formal and
nographers report that for them culture informal processes and experiences that pre-
shock occurs when they return to their own pare students to achieve and adapt to per-
culture after an extended period of time sonal and societal needs. The courses of
away, (jde) study offered at an educational institution
represent the overt, intentional curriculum,
what we make public and announce we are
culture-bound syndrome teaching in school. The overt or explicit cur-
Maladaptive pattern(s) of behaviors or riculum is what we place in our course cat-
symptoms that are endemic to a specific so- alogues and on our course syllabi. There is
cial or cultural group. Indigenously consid- also a hidden curriculum to what we teach
ered to be "illnesses." Examples of these that we do not make public, and many times
types of syndromes, as listed in DSM-IV, in- are not even conscious we are teaching, yet
clude: Amok, Ghost Sickness, and Locura. the teaching still goes on. Curriculum in its
(js) broadest sense stands for what we teach.
(,fb, bt-b)
cum laude See also explicit curriculum; hidden cur-
Latin phrase meaning "with praise," used as riculum; null curriculum; operationalized
a designation for a college or university curriculum.
honor graduate, (cf)
curriculum, articulated
cumulative files (See cumulative A continuous curriculum in which there
record) is a close relationship between elementary
school, high school, and college curricula in
order to reduce needless repetition and bring
cumulative record
about coordination, (db)
A depository of information and documents
about individual students, beginning when
they start kindergarten and continuing until curriculum, experienced (See
they leave school or graduate. Cumulative experienced curriculum)
records contain a variety of information,
such as personal data, home and family in- curriculum, explicit (See explicit
formation, school attendance records, stan- curriculum)
dardized test scores, end-of-year academic
grades, teachers' anecdotal comments, and curriculum, hidden (See hidden
other miscellaneous information, (bba) curriculum)

curriculum curriculum, integrated academic and

Definitions of curriculum are as numerous as vocational
there are philosophers of education. Ralph Secondary and postsecondary curriculum
Tyler's curriculum model brings the needs of that encourages closer ties between or more
the child, the society, and the academic dis- extensive fusion of the academic disciplines

curriculum, null

and vocational-technical subject matter. Can curriculum enrichment

be associated with courses that are predom- Expanding upon a predetermined course of
inantly academic or vocational-technical, or study or set of content guides to meet the
may refer to entirely new hybrid courses needs, experiences, or interests of an individ-
combining academic and vocational-tech- ual or group of learners. Enrichment may
nical education, (db) extend to a differentiation of entire content
areas to accommodate exceptional learners
curriculum, null (See null curriculum) within a heterogeneous group, (jw)

curriculum, operationalized (See curriculum evaluation

operationalized curriculum) Curriculum is in a perpetual state of evalu-
ation. Curriculum planning and delivery de-
curriculum articulation cisions are made on the desired educational
The organization of classroom instruction, outcome. The effectiveness of curriculum is
co-curricular activities, and other interde- commonly measured on the success of stu-
pendent and interrelated services of the dents whose knowledge is tested when the
educational system so as to facilitate the curriculum is aligned with specific learning
continuous sequential and efficient educa- outcomes and the testing instrument used to
tional progression of students from grade to measure that outcome. Curriculum evalua-
grade, from school to school, or from level tion is both formative and summative. When
to level. Enables students to make a smooth it becomes evident that the curriculum does
transition from one level to another, (db) not have the content necessary for teachers
to teach the required objectives, the curric-
curriculum content ulum is abandoned and a new curriculum is
Curriculum content is directly related to the put in its place. The new curriculum be-
required outcomes educators want the stu- comes subject to the same perpetual evalu-
dents to achieve. Thus, curriculum content ation process, (jfb)
reflects the commonly understood mission of curriculum gatekeepers
the school and the educational philosophy Coined by Kurt Lewin (1943), the term
that drives that mission. Curriculum content "gatekeepers" refers to those who must ap-
responds to the needs of the society, the cul- prove of a proposed change before it can be
tural, the educational system, the program successfully implemented. Curriculum gate-
divisions, and the specific school's instruc- keepers are often viewed as those choosing
tional model. Curriculum content reflects the traditional methods and materials rather
needs of the students in the cognitive, psy- than innovative ones, (ks)
chomotor, and affective domains, (jfb)
curriculum guides
curriculum development Handbooks used by teachers and curriculum
Begins with an assessment of the educational leaders as a map for the systematic delivery
outcome desired. Curriculum development of specific knowledge leading to a specific
continues by determining the skills to be student outcome. Curriculum guides may be
mastered in order to achieve the desired out- prepared by publishers to aid the classroom
come. It is sequential in nature and builds teacher in the appropriate sequencing and
on the continuum of skills previously mas- pacing of the educational material being pre-
tered and skills yet to be introduced, devel- sented. They may also be prepared by local
oped, and eventually mastered. By first school districts as a tool for guiding teachers
establishing the goal, curriculum planners through a unique set of learning objectives
may develop a sequence of objectives that peculiar to that district as in local area his-
lead to the attainment of the final goal or tory, character education, sex education,
objective, (jfb) and so forth, (jfb)


curriculum of place customized training (See contract

A curriculum of place is one in which teach- training)
ers draw on their community as a curricular
resource at the same time that they produce
curriculum that strengthens the community. CVC words
They use their place as a lever to get at sub- Words that consist of the combination of a
ject matter meaningfully by examining its consonant—vowel—consonant, such as cap
histories, traditions, resource bases, chal- and pin. The vowel between the consonants
lenges, and sources of human capital, (lr) is a short vowel, (yu)
See also pedagogy of place.

curriculum standards CVCe words

A set of written guidelines established at the Words that consist of the combination of a
national, state, and/or local level of govern- consonant—vowel—consonant, followed by
ment defining what school-aged students e. The vowel in between the consonants be-
should be taught, how they will be taught, comes a long vowel. Examples include cape
and how student achievement will be eval- and pine, (yu)
uated in each recognized content area. Cur-
riculum standards specify what students
should know at the elementary, middle, and cyberarts
high school levels, (mkg) A wide spectrum of media arts, often in-
teractive, and including electronic and dig-
curriculum web ital technology as well as experimental
Also called curriculum webbing, this is a methods of programming and engineering.
method of visualizing and planning curricu- This category of art openly exploits new
lum used to guide the planning of classroom media, and its subjects include technology
activities so that they relate to each other itself as well as concerns that are central to
and usually to an important, central theme. art and humanity. The Web is, unsurpris-
Webbing is useful because a planner can list ingly, the primary repository and source of
best practices—such as addressing the cog- information for cyberart. Increasingly,
nitive, physical, and affective domains—on however, these arts are being exhibited in
the spokes of the web and then proceed to museums. In addition, many community
brainstorm activities that meet the needs of technology centers, schools, and youth or-
the group as well as of the individual chil- ganizations are designing art technology
dren, (ecr) programs, (lj)

daily living skills plines, dance is the least frequently taught in
Skills needed to independently accomplish American schools, (em)
the tasks of daily living, such as dressing,
bathing, eating, communicating, and moving dance education
about, (sr) As a field, dance education is usually re-
served for the training of professional danc-
dame school ers often beyond school walls in ballet or
A small private elementary school for young modern dance companies and community
children run by a woman, hence the term art centers. Historically and currently, dance
"dame." Found in both England and colo- is taught less frequently than any other art
nial America, they existed until the nine- form in schools. Reasons range from the re-
teenth century when they were replaced by gard of dance as being nonverbal and
public schools. Dame schools were typically therefore not academic, to the shortage of
held in the teacher's home and taught basic specialists in dance or teachers who can
skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic in teach dance along with their other academic
addition to knitting and sewing, (ck) duties, (jd)

dance dance notation

One of the performing arts, in which move- Recorded directions for the movement of
ment of the body—improvisational or care- dancers in a choreographed dance. Seven-
fully scripted, often accompanied by music— teenth-century recordings of floor pattern
is the central component. Dance encom- and footwork showed dance as a series of
passes a wide range of styles and forms, static positions, rather than a constantly
from the classical ballet to more recent cre- changing flow of movement. The pictures
ations such as tap, jazz, and modern dance. were drawn from the audience's perspective,
Styles are characterized and differentiated by meaning that dancers would have to reverse
variations in posture, rhythm, types of everything they read. Labanotation, a system
movement, degrees of freedom and restric- for recording and analyzing human move-
tiveness in movement, focus on distinct parts ment, was first published by Rudolf Laban
of the body through movement, and accom- in 1928. A single symbol on a staff indicates
panying music. Of all of the artistic disci- the direction of the movement, the part of

day nursery

the body involved, the level of the move- ful to humans. In schools, students are ex-
ment, and the length of time required. Tech- pected to acquire data from original sources,
nology is offering new formats for dance a textbook, a lecture, an electronic database,
notation, (kpb) or to search on their own as part of a re-
search project, (igb)
dance studio
A large open space required for dance classes
data analysis
and rehearsal, allowing for extension and
Data are facts or numbers that describe
traveling of movements and step combina-
something. To analyze data means to make
tions. The facilities of a dance studio should
a judgment, synopsis, or conclusion based
include a barre, a horizontal wooden rail
on the given data. Many times, data are or-
either attached to a wall or as a moveable
ganized in a table or graph, (kr)
apparatus, that dancers use to support them-
selves while doing exercises; a long mirror to
check correct positioning and steps; and a data display
dance floor that is smooth and firm for sup- The organized and graphic representation of
port yet is pliable, not like concrete, to pre- data in the form of maps, matrices, charts,
vent injury from jumps and repetition. One and flow diagrams, produced as a part of
of the reasons given for the lack of dance qualitative data analysis. Data displays al-
taught in American public schools is the cost low the researcher to organize and summa-
and lack of availability of studio space, (kbc) rize large amounts of raw data in a way that
facilitates further analysis, (rws)
Dartmouth College Case
Officially titled The Trustees of Dartmouth data reduction
College v. Woodward, 17 U.S. 518 (1819), The process in qualitative analysis of organ-
the 1819 Supreme Court case concerning the izing, clarifying, and metamorphosing raw
1816 New Hampshire Law that placed data from fieldnotes, interview transcripts,
Dartmouth College (a private school) under and archival sources. It is accomplished
state control. Daniel Webster, arguing for through various analytic procedures includ-
Dartmouth College, won the case in which ing coding the data, creating categories of
Chief Justice John Marshall's majority opin- coded data, identifying themes within the
ion decided that the contract clause to the data, writing memos about the data, creating
Constitution protected private corporation data displays, and summarizing the data.
charters. The case is considered the "magna (rws)
carta" of private colleges and universities to
be free from state control even if the state
has chartered their establishment, (ks) day care center
A facility that provides group care for chil-
data dren outside of a home environment, (jlj)
The collection of symbols used to represent
facts and ideas. Data are processed to pro- day nursery
duce information usable to human beings. In A childcare model, and movement, estab-
the context of computing, data refers to the lished in the United States in the 1830s. The
symbols that a computer uses to represent purpose of this movement was not the edu-
facts and ideas and are processed into infor- cation of young children; rather it served to
mation. The processing may include cate- meet the needs of poor immigrant mothers.
gorizing and counting. Data on computers This program emphasized custodial care
are organized into databases to make the characterized by inflexible routines, strict
data more accessible and thereby more use- hygiene, and overcrowding, (jlj)


DBAE (See discipline-based art informed and reasoned decisions for the
education) public good" (NCSS Curriculum Standards,
1994). As such it constitutes a perennial is-
deafness sue for reform within the social studies, (cf,
A profound hearing loss that impairs an in- tp, ksl)
dividual's ability to process linguistic infor-
mation through hearing, with or without decode
amplification, (sr) To extract the intended meanings of words
through a trial-and-error or a schematic an-
debate alytic process of: recognizing graphic or spo-
The formal rule-driven process of argumen- ken symbols or signals; matching these
tation that leads one to accept or deny a par- symbols or signals with familiar phonemic,
ticular point of view, (jfb) syntactic, and semantic components of
speech that they represent; and combining
DEC (See Division of Early Childhood) these components into words that bear ap-
propriate meanings. To translate an unfa-
decentralized school management (See miliar code of symbols or signals into a
site-based management) familiar one. (ml)

decision making decoding

As an administrative function, includes iden- The act of interpreting verbal input, either
tifying and constructing alternatives, select- auditory or visual, as meaningful informa-
ing or choosing appropriate lines of ad- tion. In reading, this involves viewing letters
ministrative action; ranges from routine as representative of phonemes and, in a
administrative decisions to major policy de- sense, translating the symbols on the paper
cisions requiring formulation and develop- into a mental representation of the word.
ment of administrative procedures, criteria, (jcp)
evaluation, and professional judgment. De-
decomposition method (See number
cision making typically includes the gather-
ing of relevant information to create a
hypothesis, which is then tested for the pur- deconstruction
pose of making a final conclusion or judg- Term used to describe a method of critical
ment. Decision making also involves goal analysis whereby conventional philosophies,
setting and the consideration of alternative ideas, theories, and foundations, etc., are re-
ways to achieve the goals. The choice of visited and critically reexamined, piece by
which alternative course of action is to be piece, in light of contemporary beliefs, un-
pursued is considered to be part of the derstandings, and political and social con-
decision-making process, as well. This "ra- texts. Popularized in the 1960s and 1970s
tional" model of decision making is often by French philosopher Jacques Derrida, de-
contrasted with "nonrational" models, such construction has, as a basis, the work of
as the so-called "Garbage Can Theory" of many twentieth-century philosophers includ-
decision making. In social studies education, ing Nietzsche and Heidegger and is basic to
decision making is a curricular component the tenets of critical and feminist theory,
which, in contrast to the traditional ap- (jqa, jwc)
proach, emphasizes the development of crit-
ical thinking skills as an integral part of the deduction (See deductive reasoning)
curriculum. This idea reflects a major goal
of social studies as stated by the National deductive reasoning
Council for the Social Studies: "to help The process of concluding that something
young people to develop the ability to make must be true because it is a special case of a

degree, doctor's

general principle that is known to be true. adults with low literacy skills are perceived
Propositions must be deduced from propo- as being fragile and afflicted with deficits re-
sitions already proved. Deductive reasoning quiring treatment, rehabilitation, and reme-
is logically valid and it is the fundamental diation in order to fit into mainstream
method in which mathematical facts are society. The model stems from a clash be-
shown to be true, (kr) tween the dominant middle-class culture and
subcultures among low literate poor popu-
defense mechanism lations, (las)
A specific psychological process that oper-
ates outside of conscious awareness. Defense deficit theories
mechanisms attempt to resolve intrapsychic Theories that postulate that some children
(i.e., between major internal parts of the self) are inferior to others and at a disadvantage
and extrapsychic (i.e., between a consciously due to the influence of biological, cultural,
recognized aspect of oneself and some de- or socioeconomic differences. Deficit theo-
mand of the external environment) conflicts. ries are generally regarded as attempts by the
These defensive operations occur within the
majority to demean and belittle the differ-
province of the ego and are employed to
ences in cultural experiences of minorities,
avoid psychic pain, tension, and discomfort,
(jqa, jwc)
and to avert or allay anxiety through the res-
olution of emotional conflicts. A number of
ego-based defense mechanisms have been degree, bachelor's
identified. Among the more familiar of these Any academic degree, earned or honorary,
are denial, repression, projection, displace- carrying the title of "bachelor"; as in B.A.
ment, rationalization, reaction formation, (Bachelor of Arts), B.S. (Bachelor of Sci-
isolation, intellectualization, identification, ence). In liberal arts and sciences, the degree
and sublimation, (rnp) is customarily granted upon completion of a
course of study normally requiring four ac-
deferred imitation ademic years of college work, (cf)
A child's duplication and use of an action,
or use of verbal or nonverbal communica- degree, doctor's
tion, at a later time or place after having ob- Any academic degree carrying the title of
served it. A child who combs her own hair "doctor"; as in Ph.D. (Doctor of Philoso-
two weeks later after watching the mother phy), M.D. (Doctor of Medicine), LL.D.
comb her own hair is an example, (at) (Doctor of Laws—honorary), etc. The high-
est academic degree in a given discipline or
deferred maintenance profession, based generally on three or more
For facilities, including buildings and infra- years of graduate work. The two principal
structure, refers to an identifiable backlog of doctor's degrees are the Ph.D. (applicable to
major maintenance projects which are be- any of the fields of knowledge recognized by
yond the scope of routine preventive main- four-year institutions) and the Ed.D. (re-
tenance programs, are unfunded in current stricted to Education). For the Ph.D. degree,
operating budgets, and deferred to a future the dissertation must reflect some original re-
budget cycle, (cf) search, usually with theoretical and/or ra-
See also capital renewal. tional implications. For the doctorate in
applied or professional fields (notably the
deficiency or deficit model Ed.D.), the dissertation-study is frequently
An approach to adult education that as- more practically oriented: toward technique,
sumes a norm for adults and then assesses toward an improvement in economy, toward
the skill and knowledge deficits of potential the collection and interpretation of statistics,
adult education students. In this model, etc. (cf)

degree, honorary

degree, honorary Western District of Texas, agreed and the

A distinction bestowed in recognition of out- practice was ordered eliminated by 1949.
standing achievement or merit, (cf) The court permitted separate classes on the
school campus for first graders who needed
degree, master's language enrichment, (vmm)
Awarded for completion of one or two years
of graduate education. The master's degree Delphi method
is intermediate to baccalaureate and doc- A process of group decision making, priority
toral degrees in a widely recognized aca- setting, or forecasting, using multiple itera-
demic discipline. Traditionally conferred as tions of written questionnaires and re-
master of the art degrees in the humanities sponses. Typically a group of people with
and later as master of science degrees in sci- expertise in a given area are asked to re-
entific or technological fields. A master's de- spond individually to a set of questions; in a
gree is conventionally required for first second iteration, each respondent learns the
appointments of college faculty members distribution of all the responses to the pre-
who teach undergraduate courses, (cf) vious set of questions and is given an op-
portunity to change or explain his/her
degree, professional original answers. The process continues until
A degree signifying the completion of an ac- sufficient consensus is reached. The method
ademic curriculum pertaining to a profes- has been used to achieve consensus on edu-
sional field; for example J.D., M.D. (cf) cational needs, (chb)

degree, specialist democracy

A degree intermediate between the advanced From the Greek word for "rule by the peo-
professional (usually the master's) degree ple." A contested term, basic to American
and the doctorate. Used principally in the political life and education. The most naive,
field of education, (cf) and perhaps most common, understanding is
that it is rule by majority. A more complex
delegated authority understanding adds to this that certain rights
General and specific duties, decisions, and are protected against the will of the major-
activities that are vested in positions ac- ity, most directly in the Bill of Rights. More
countable to a higher level of official control; complex still is that view articulated by John
the other half of the maxim that authority Dewey, that democracy is a mode of asso-
may be delegated to others, but responsibil- ciated living, not just a political form. On
ities must be assigned, (cf) this view, democracy is committed to the
See also assigned responsibilities. common pursuit of the common good,
rather than individual pursuit of individual
Delgado v. Bastrop Independent School good. Though the form of the U.S. govern-
District, 388 W.D. Texas (1948) ment is usually referred to as a democracy,
Lawsuit filed by the League of United Latin it is in reality a republic, that is, government
American Citizens (LULAC) on behalf of is representative, not direct, (jc)
Minerva Delgado and other Mexican- See also radical democracy.
American parents whose children were
placed in separate "Mexican" schools. The democracy, radical (See radical
plaintiffs charged that segregating Mexican democracy
children from other white races without spe-
cific state law was, among other things, de- democratic citizenship
priving children of equal facilities, services, Membership in a country with government
and educational instruction. Judge Ben H. in which the people hold the ruling power
Rice of the United States District Court, either directly or through elected represen-


tatives; a country, state, etc., with such gov- denouement

ernment; the principle of equality of rights, A French term meaning an untying (of
opportunity, etc., or the practice of this prin- knots) or an undoing, the part of a perform-
ciple, (mkg) ance or work of literature (including dra-
matic literature) in which the tensions,
conflicts, and complexities of plot are clari-
democratic classroom
fied and brought to resolution. Often this is
A democratic classroom treats students as the climax of the work, to which point the
equal members of a community, and allows plot builds and after which point the work
students to share political equality with their comes to a close. In the creation, teaching,
teachers. This community is flexible and and performance of literary and dramatic
adaptive to the needs of its individuals, and works, the denouement serves as an impor-
assures that all members are able to establish tant focal point and guide, (em)
shared interests, and have the chance to
contribute equally to the decisions and de- deontological ethics
velopment of the classroom community. Deontological ethics refers to ethical theories
Teachers and students are on equal terms in that emphasize duty and obligation and
a democratic classroom and share in the stress the primacy of the rightness of an ac-
decision-making process regarding class- tion itself rather than the goodness following
room rules and curriculum, for example. from an action. Deontological ethics gener-
A. S. Neill's Summerhill and some Montes- ally considers an act intrinsically right or
sori classrooms offer models of democratic wrong, and so a moral imperative exists re-
classrooms, (bt-b) gardless of the consequences of the act. His-
See also democracy; democratic educa- torically, the moral philosophy of Immanuel
tion. Kant (1724-1804) is deontological, and he
uses the concept of the moral imperative (his
"categorical imperative") to argue that one
democratic education must always act in a way that is consistent
An educational system in which all students with everyone acting that way. (psc)
are valued, and through which the principles See also ethic of care; hedonism.
of democracy are furthered through critical
thinking, access to information and ideas,
providing credible divergent views, and en- The basic organizational unit in an institu-
couraging active participation in public life, tion of higher learning responsible for the
(mkg) academic functions in a field of study, (cf)

democratic tradition depression

A body of long-established customs or be- In educational psychology, a category of
liefs characterized by free and equal partici- mental disorders characterized by a constel-
pation by all in government or in the lation of symptoms, such as feelings of dys-
decision-making process of an organization phoria (low mood), lack of motivation, low
or group, (mkg) energy, isolation or social impairment, loss
of enjoyment in activities, appetite change,
and sleep disturbance. Depression in its
demographics more serious/severe forms is associated with
Characteristics and statistics of the human suicide attempts. In children, irritability and
population, or part of it; especially pertain- acting-out behavior may be the most obvi-
ing to its size, growth, density, distribution, ous symptoms of depression. The term is
and statistics regarding birth, disease, and also used commonly, though incorrectly, to
death, (mkg) describe an individual's mood state (e.g., "I


feel depressed"). However, "despondent" in the problem are redistributed to become

would, in that case, be a more appropriate numbers whose sum or difference is already
descriptor. In economics, an extended pe- known; for example, a child might solve 6
riod—a decade or so—of restructuring and + 7 by thinking o f 6 + 6 = 1 2 ( a known
institutional change in an economy, often fact) and adding one more to 12 to obtain
marked by declining or stagnant growth in the answer to 6 + 7 (thinking of 7 as 6 and
which unemployment tends to be higher and one more), (amr)
inflation lower than in a regular recession. A See also thinking strategies.
depression usually lasts in the range of ten
years, often encompassing two or three sep- deschooling
arate shorter-run business cycles. The most Ivan Illich coined this term in his Deschool-
noted depression in the U.S. economy was ing Society, when he argued a neo-Marxist
the Great Depression of the 1930s, (fa, mkg) view describing schools as institutions of so-
ciety that are used to oppress people and
derivation limit their capabilities. Schools, through
A morphological process that forms a word their overt as well as covert curricula, teach
with a meaning and/or category distinct children to function in society in certain
from that of its base through the addition of ways, and not others. Deschooling is un-
an affix (e.g., the formation of the adjective learning what schools have taught us, so that
understand-able from the verb understand-, people are free to live consciously and func-
the change of the meaning of the verb acti- tion in a variety of ways. Deschooling draws
vate to the opposite meaning of the verb de- our awareness to the acculturation that goes
activate), (smt) on in schools, and insists on addressing the
political and ethical questions that schooling
raises, (bt-b)
derivational morpheme
Affixes added to base morphemes to form
new words that change the meaning, but
The act of eliminating separation by com-
may or may not change the syntactic cate-
mon characteristics. Desegregation in edu-
gory of the new word (e.g., the noun beauty
cation is generally referred to as the elim-
changes to the adjective beauti-ful, the verb
ination of the separation of opportunity by
to sing changes to the noun sing-er). (smt)
racial/ethnic background. The desegregation
movement in education brought majority
derivative and minority students together in a single
In mathematics, derivative gives the slope of school setting for the purpose of providing
a graph of a function at a particular point equal educational opportunity for all stu-
on that function. The derivative is the rate dents regardless of ethnic origin. The place-
of change of the function at a point on the ment and inclusion of all students, staff, and
function. If one has a function describing the faculty in public schools regardless of their
displacement of an object with respect to race with the goal of ensuring racial balance
time, for example, taking the derivative of in schools. Desegregation was placed into
that function at a particular instant would law in 1954 as a result of the U.S. Supreme
give the rate of change of the displacement Court rulings Brown v. Board of Education
at that instant. In other words, the derivative and the subsequent Brown II case of 1955
of the displacement function at an instant is eliminating racial segregation in public
the rate of change of displacement, or veloc- schools. Brown overturned the principles in
ity, (smc) Flessy v. Ferguson (1896) which had stated
that facilities for different races were per-
derived fact and known fact procedures missible under the constitution if "equal but
Calculating procedures where the numbers separate." (jfb, sr2)


design students can engage in desktop publishing to

The act of making plans for the creation of publish a class or school newspaper or to
something (a building, stage set, arrange- create multimedia materials that demon-
ment of a room, city) or the plan itself. A strate their knowledge of a subject. Teachers
design can also be a pattern, for example, and administrators may use desktop publish-
the geometric shapes on a tee shirt or piece ing to produce materials for sharing infor-
of pottery. In any art form the plan for the mation with faculty, parents, or students.
work, the sketch in visual art or the inven- (tH)
tion in music, the articulation of an imag-
ined objective. The field of design, often detention
associated with interior design, clothing, or Refers to the temporary isolation of a person
graphic design, is often thought to be on a or persons from their peer group. Detention
more practical, less aesthetic, level than fine in an educational setting normally means
arts—but all works of art involve the ele- that a student or group of students may be
ment of design and planning is an important separated from their peer group in an area
ingredient in the act of creation. Some cog- of relative isolation for a specific period of
nitivists, information processors, are inter- time. Detention may manifest itself as not
ested in children's drawings insofar as they allowing a student to eat lunch in the lunch-
reflect the child's ability to plan ahead, to room, or placing that student in an area of
design before doing, (jd) relative obscurity sometimes known as
See also aesthetic; fine arts; graphic design. "time-out." Detention is never permanent
and is usually used in a school setting as a
deskilling time for students to regain control of them-
Process by which the division of labor and selves before rejoining their classmates, (jfb)
technological development leads to a reduc-
tion of the scope of an individual's work and determinism
education to one, or a few, specialized tasks. Claims that freedom is an illusion, that sci-
As a result, both knowledge and skills are ence establishes that every mental state or
disjointed and fragmented, (hfs) action necessarily has some physical corre-
late. If, for example, beliefs are caused even
desktop computer in part by something physical, and if the
A computer designed to be stationary. The physical operates according to fixed scien-
monitor, keyboard, and central processing tific laws, these laws in effect determine or
unit are usually three separate components. at least shape what can be believed. In re-
Desktop computers are typically found on sponse to this line of thought, many philos-
tables or desks in fixed locations such as ophers have insisted the freedom does not
computer labs or classrooms, (kgl) require the absence of physical causes, but
See also laptop computer. only self-instigation, or the lack of external
coercion or constraint, (an)
desktop publishing See also freedom; volition.
Using computer tools to produce published
materials. Desktop publishing tools allow development
digital text and images to be easily manip- Development and learning are intertwined.
ulated, arranged, and printed. For example, Plato maintained that people develop by
newsletters, documents, posters, greeting learning the forms of knowledge that best
cards, and textbooks can all be assembled approximate the truth about reality. Rous-
using desktop publishing software. This seau, however, asserted that people develop
method of publishing has all but replaced less by learning and more by following their
the manual assembly and layout of pub- natural tendencies to grow. Piaget proposed
lications. In an educational environment, that children progress through distinct stages

development, moral

of development, in an invariant, normative developmental curriculum

sequence. Critics doubt whether such se- Curriculum that matches the level of devel-
quences are identical in all contexts, and opment of the student(s). (sr)
whether any stage theory can ever be com-
plete. Furthermore, they argue that to call developmental delay
any structure superior is to judge less com- A typical neurodevelopment characterized
plex structures as less valuable or inferior, by failure to achieve age-appropriate expec-
(rt) tations. A delay in the steps or stages of typ-
See also advancement; child development. ical growth and development before the age
of 18 years. Refers to the extent a child is
development, moral (See moral functioning below expected developmental
development) levels or range in areas such as communi-
cation, social, self-help, and physical skills,
or to children who are functioning below the
development education established developmental norms for an
Education aimed at increasing awareness of identified age group. In some states, the term
the situation of poor people in the Third is an acceptable diagnostic term for provid-
World and support for foreign aid. (las) ing early intervention or early childhood spe-
cial education services; however, different
developmental academic advising states may adopt different criteria for what
Developmental academic advising is an in- is considered below expected developmental
novative form of teaching that helps students levels or norms, (sr, at)
become involved in their own academic de-
cisions and future plans. The role of the ac- developmental disability
ademic adviser shifts as students and A term used to describe a range of disabili-
conditions in universities change over time. ties affecting brain development or brain in-
Instilling students with a sense of commit- jury, which began before birth, at birth, or
ment to their future plans and responsibility before the age of 22. This term refers to a
for their decisions is the cornerstone of the severe and chronic disability that limits three
academic adviser's work, (cf) or more areas of major life activity, includ-
See also advisement. ing self-care, language, learning, mobility,
self-direction, capacity for independent
living, and economic self-sufficiency, (sr)
developmental appropriateness
Phrase coined by the National Association
developmental education
for the Education of Young Children
Programs in community colleges that help
(Schickedanz, 1986; Bredekamp and Cop-
pie, 1997) to describe curriculum and prac- prepare students who do not have sufficient
tices which meet a child's developmental, academic skills to be successful in regular ac-
cultural, and individual needs. A child's de- ademic courses, (jpc)
velopmental needs are determined by age
and stage of development; for example, a developmental kinesiology
toddler is just learning to walk and talk and The study of how movement skills develop
needs an environment that supports his/her across the life span, (rf)
ability to practice walking and talking. A
child's cultural needs are largely determined developmental milestones
by his/her family of origin—its structure, its Behaviors which represent universal, species-
traditions, and its geographic location. A typical accomplishments and which are usu-
child's individual needs are linked to his/her ally linked to chronological age. Behaviors
temperament and personality, (ecr) such as age of rolling over, sitting up, walk-

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition

ing, talking, toilet training, menstruation, ductively. For example, with a set of nesting
and growth spurt are examples of behaviors cups, an infant might mouth the cups, a tod-
that mark milestones in development, (vm) dler might separate the stack of cups, a two-
year-old might stack the cups in a tower, and
developmental motor coordination a three-year-old might nest the cups. To
disorders (See motor skill disorder) teach an infant to nest the cups, or to teach
a three-year-old to mouth the cups, would
developmental-interaction approach be to deliver instruction out of developmen-
An early childhood curricular approach, tal sequence, (ecr)
made popular by the Bank Street College of
Education, in which thematic studies are Deweyian
provided for young children primarily Of or relating to the philosophies of John
through learning centers and informal group Dewey. Dewey is considered to be the most
work. Materials in the learning centers are significant education thinker of the twentieth
multidimensional and inspire different tasks century. His philosophical writings continue
for different young children, depending on to influence formal and informal education
their developmental age and stage, (ecr) today. Dewey's philosophy of education fo-
cuses on pragmatics, interaction, reflection,
developmentalist approach experience, community and democracy.
A teaching philosophy which places an em- (jwc)
phasis upon the capacity of teachers to apply
their knowledge of current student under- diagnosis
standing of content, student developmental The identification of a disease, disorder, syn-
readiness, and student interest in their prac- drome, or condition, usually based on estab-
tice (instructional decisions, pedagogy, cur- lished, predetermined criteria. A diagnosis
ricula, etc.). (hfs) has multiple purposes. It helps to define a
disorder, suggest prognosis, guide treatment,
developmentally appropriate practice indicate comorbid conditions, and facilitate
Educational concepts and practices that communication among professionals. In the
match the child's age and stage of develop- mental health field, criteria published in the
ment as well as his or her individual and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
cultural attributes (Schickedanz, 1986; Bre- Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) are the
dekamp and Copple, 1997). Practices are de- most widely used for diagnostic purposes.
velopmentally appropriate if they appeal to The World Health Organization also pub-
the children's natural abilities and interests lishes diagnostic criteria for a wide range of
and promote their physical, cognitive, social, disorders in their series of International
and emotional growth. Practices that de- Classification of Disease (ICD) manuals, (kc,
mean young children or disrespect their in- seme, bdj)
dividual or cultural understandings are
inappropriate and harmful to their develop- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
ment, (ecr) Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text
Revision (DSM-IV-TR)
developmentally sequenced activities The diagnostic manual used to classify and
A hierarchy of learning activities or skills, code specific psychiatric and psychological
ordered in terms of a typical child's acqui- disorders. While the diagnostic criteria pub-
sition or demonstration of them. Because lished in the DSM-IV-TR is identical to the
many different activities can proceed from a criteria found in the DSM-IV (APA, 1994),
single material, knowing the developmental the text revision updates sections related to
sequence of use of the materials can assist in Associated Features and Disorders; Specific
planning for and playing with a child pro- Cultural, Age, and Gender Features; Preva-

diagnostic teaching

lence; Course; Familial Pattern; and Differ- quire the skills of active learning or problem
ential Diagnosis sections of the text in order solving to work against oppression. Critics
to incorporate the findings from recent re- argue that the teacher-learner relationship is
search, (kc, seme, bdj) inherently unequal and that the Platonic or
Freirean educational practitioner, unaware
diagnostic teaching of existing imbalances of power, might
Use of observation and instruction to deter- abuse teaching authority, (an)
mine learning ability when formal diagnostic See also communication; Socratic method.
methods are ineffective or incomplete, (sr)
dialectic The geographic dispersion of a people with
In its simplest and oldest form this refers to a common origin and heritage, (jqa, jwc)
the process of coming to common under-
standing by means of conversation or de- Dienes blocks (See base-10 blocks)
bate. There have been some attempts to give
the term stricter meaning by Plato (question DIF (See Differential Item Functioning)
and response), Kant (resolution of antino-
mies by balancing thesis and antithesis), He- Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
gel (philosophical progress will be made as Refers to a psychometric difference in how
thesis and antithesis resolve into synthesis, a a test item functions for two groups of test
higher unity), and Marx (resolution of all is- takers, after those groups have been matched
sues of life and knowledge via dialectical with respect to ability or attribute that the
method but within a strict historical mate- item is purported to measure. DIF analyses
rialism). These four philosophers, using sim- determine whether an item performed differ-
ilar methods of investigation, came to ently for one group of test takers (focal
radically different conclusions about reality group) relative to the way it performed for
and ethics. Today the term is used in the another (reference group). There can be sev-
United States to refer to a method of inter- eral focal/reference pairs of groups in a DIF
action, showing opposite ideas or tendencies analysis. The term "DIF" is gradually re-
and seeking resolution through dialogue, (sc) placing "item bias," because "DIF" refers to
the fact that items can display varying sta-
dialogical education tistical characteristics with different groups
An approach to learning, introduced by of test takers. "Bias" can render an unnec-
Paulo Freire, in which teachers engage learn- essarily misleading or even pejorative flavor
ers in discussion to understand their percep- to analysis of test results. DIF (and "bias"
tions and experiences. Learners become before it) has been widely applied in the
teachers, and teachers and learners grow to- study of cultural differences on test perform-
gether through the learning process, (las) ance. With the increasing public concern
about cultural differences and test perform-
dialogue ance, measurement specialists have devel-
A conversation between two or more equal oped several methods for investigating DIF:
people; originally, a genre of philosophical the delta-plot method, the Mantel-Haenszel
writing in which conversations between per- statistic, and combinations of item response
sons are primary. Socratic dialogue is based theory with logistic regression, (sp)
on the belief that in discussion with a skilled
teacher the student will give birth to his or digital divide
her own knowledge. Similarly, Paulo Freire The gap created by inequities in access to
prefers dialogue, where all teachers are technology and the information it provides.
students and all students are teachers, to tra- In today's world, information, power, and
ditional education. Dialogue partners ac- wealth are inextricably linked. Although use

director of career or vocational guidance and placement

of technology helps to level the playing field direct code

among users, poverty, race, and level of ed- Early literacy instruction that highlights
ucation limit access to the extent that some formal teaching of written language con-
segments of the population are losing ventions, letter-sound correspondences, and
ground in their ability to fully participate ed- spelling, (jrk)
ucationally, politically, and culturally, (igb) See also indirect code; phonics.

digital portfolio direct instruction

An electronic collection of student work that A group of effective teacher behaviors
may be stored on a central file server or cop- having the goal of systematic teaching of
ied onto a CD-ROM. Like traditional port- content in small steps, pausing to check for
folios, digital portfolios can be used to assess student understanding, and aiming for suc-
students' growth over time and provide evi- cessful student participation. Six steps have
dence of their diverse abilities. A digital been identified: daily review; presenting new
portfolio can include static digital docu- material; graded practice; independent prac-
ments, audio recordings,, and movies. Paper- tice; weekly/monthly review; and feedback/
based products, such as worksheets, and 2- corrections. This technique is most appro-
D student artwork can be scanned to include priate for teaching well-structured explicit
in the portfolio. 3-D pieces can be included material such as reading decoding skills,
as digital photographs or movies, while oral mathematics procedures, grammatical rules,
presentations or other performances can be and science and social studies facts. A
stored as audio files or movies, (kgl) teacher-centered instructional approach in
See also portfolio. which the teacher's role is to disseminate in-
formation in the most direct way possible,
usually with explanations, demonstrations,
diglossia guided practice, provision of feedback and
A word, first used by Ferguson, to mean the correctives, opportunity for independent
use of two languages, or language varieties, practice, and regular reviews, (reb, bba)
within the same community, (gd-b)
Direct Instructional System for
digraph Teaching Arithmetic and Reading
A new sound created by combining two let- (DISTAR)
ters: gh (e.g., enough), ph (e.g., phone), sh Instruction that breaks learning down into
(e.g., friendship), and th (e.g., truth), (h-jk) its smallest steps; provides direct instruction
in phonics and emphasizes basic skills in iso-
lation, (bjl)
direct and inverse word problems
Direct word problems are ones that can be
solved using the operation suggested by the direct proof
semantics of the problem, say multiplication. A method of proving propositions by di-
However, there are problems that can more rectly applying axioms, definitions, and pre-
easily be solved by the inverse of the oper- viously proven propositions in hopes of
ation suggested by the problem statement; leaving no doubt that a conclusion is true.
that is, multiplication is suggested by the se- (wja)
mantics but the problem is more easily
solved by using a division strategy. Research director of career or vocational
indicates that, in situations not related to a guidance and placement
person's everyday life experiences, direct The school, college, or university adminis-
word problems are more easily solved than trator who heads and coordinates programs
inverse word problems, (cmdv) that assist students in choosing, preparing

director of career or vocational-technical education

for, entering upon, and progressing in an oc- discipline-based art education (DBAE)
cupation, (jm) Pioneered by the Getty Education Institute
for the Arts in 1983, DBAE was the largest
and most heavily funded arts educational in-
director of career or vocational-
itiative of the twentieth century. A pedagog-
technical education
ical approach designed to educate children
At the local level, this position is the second-
in the thoughtful appreciation of art, DBAE
ary school administrator appointed to
provides a framework for curriculum design
supervise the total career or vocational-
based on the disciplinary foundations of art
technical education program in a school or
making, art criticism, art history, and aes-
school district. At the state level, this title
thetics. Throughout the 1980s, the Getty
refers to the state official directly in charge supported implementation of DBAE in nu-
of the state program of career or vocational- merous American schools as well as related
technical education, especially in connection research carried out by educational research-
with educational programs subsidized by ers such as Eliot Eisner, Ralph Smith, and
federal funds under the authority of the Brent Wilson. Critics of the approach decry
United States Department of Education, Of- its lack of emphasis on artistic production.
fice of Vocational and Adult Education, (db, (kf)
jb) See also ARTS PROPEL.

disability discourse
A physical, cognitive, psychological, or sen- An extended, formal, written, or spoken
sory impairment that affects one's ability to exchange of presentations on a subject (e.g.,
develop, achieve, and/or function normally. a learned discourse on literacy). The content
Disability can occur as a result of injury or and modes of communication, thought, and
illness or can be congenital, (sr) behavior that are familiar to and indicative
of a specific social group. The next unit of
disability studies linguistic analysis longer than a sentence. An
A field of study focusing on issues affecting extended conversation, (ml)
people with disabilities. Contemporary ap-
plication of disability studies examines the discourse communities
capabilities of people and their efforts to ac- Groups of people which collectively provide
complish and achieve to the best of their the cognitive tools—ideas, theories, and con-
ability, (jqa, jwc) cepts—that individuals appropriate as their
own through their personal efforts to make
discipline sense of experiences through dialogue and
A system of positive guidance, affirmation, exposure to new ideas and perspectives. In
and redirection that encourages the child to such groups, the learning is not unidirec-
regulate his or her own behavior, minimizing tional. Groups also change through the
the occurrence of culturally unacceptable or ideas, ways of thinking, understandings,
harmful activities. In the classroom environ- analysis, and reflection new members bring
ment, the control the teacher has over stu- to the discussion, (hfs)
dents' behavior. A subject of study, such as
mathematics or history. Often conceived of discovery learning
as "classroom management" from a behav- An instructional approach that encourages
iorist point of view, discipline is conceived students to learn through their own explo-
of by John Dewey as the ability to control ration, experience, and inquiry. Learning
one's own actions in pursuit of one's own typically proceeds from identification of a
goals, (kdc, jc) problem, through development, and testing

disorienting dilemma

of hypotheses, to drawing a conclusion. tion (e.g., the symbol "5"). Discursive

(bba) symbols achieve a level of precision that
nondiscursive symbols could never achieve.
discrepancy model Some researchers argue that schools need to
Demonstration of a significant difference be- embrace the complexity of nondiscursive
tween ability and achievement. For example, systems even as they introduce children to
the discrepancy between IQ and educational the clarity of discursive systems, (kpb)
achievement, (sr)
discrete mathematics An instructional strategy involving the en-
A branch of mathematics that deals with de- couragement of student talk in order to pro-
termining, for any given problem, whether mote critical, or higher-order, thinking,
there is a solution or not. If so, how many (bba)
solutions are possible? If more than one so-
lution exists, what is the best solution?
Given the importance of discrete mathemat- discussion method
ics in today's business and industry and be- A learning format in which participants in a
cause it can easily be included in other class or other small group exchange ideas
"strands" of mathematics, recent curriculum face-to-face on a topic of shared interest.
documents advocate increased attention to Discussion method is popular in adult edu-
discrete mathematics throughout pre-K to cation, because it is highly participatory; it
grade 12 curriculums. (dbc) lends itself to problem solving, concept ex-
ploration, and attitude change; and it allows
discrete quantities participants to become resources for each
Objects that can be counted to find "how other's learning, (chb)
many" result in exact numeric values or dis-
crete quantities, (amr) disequilibrium (See equilibration)
See also continuous quantities.

discrimination diskette
Individual critical analysis to make distinc- A portable, magnetic device for storing com-
tions or discernment. Treatment or consid- puter data. Also called a floppy disk. One
eration based on class or category rather high density, 3.5-inch floppy disk can hold
than individual merit; partiality or prejudice 1.4 megabytes of data. Diskettes are useful
(e.g., racial discrimination and sexual dis- for storing and transporting files. Students
crimination). Many forms of discrimination and teachers can save a file onto a diskette
exist, such as attitudinal, structural, cultural. from their home computer and then work on
(kfl) it using a computer at school or the library
and vice versa, (kgl)
Symbols (for example, numbers and words), disorienting dilemma
that can be strung together in rational order Such dilemmas arise when unconscious as-
and have in themselves (by virtue of their sumptions about the world become at odds
own construction) no physical resemblance with experience through an individual trig-
to the subject to which they refer. Con- gering event, or series of triggering events.
trasted with nondiscursive or presentational They may manifest when an individual be-
symbols (like line or gesture) that embody comes aware of dissonance between es-
meaning in the form they present (e.g., a sad poused and practiced values or when
painting), discursive symbols rather arbitrar- familiar coping strategies cease to be effec-
ily stand for the object of their representa- tive, (hfs)


disposition the instruction occurs when student and in-

A property distinguishable from a so-called structor are not in the same place. Instruc-
categorical property by its relationship to tion may be synchronous or asynchronous.
certain subjunctive or counterfactual condi- Distance education may employ correspon-
tional statements. Fragility, for example, is a dence study, or audio, video, or computer
dispositional property or disposition because technologies, (jsj, cf)
it amounts to the fact that (subject to certain
qualifications) a fragile thing, although in- distance learning
tact, would shatter were it struck. Square- The type of learning that takes place in dis-
ness, by contrast, is a categorical property tance education programs or other situations
which is not conceptually related to any such in which teacher and learner have no face-
conditional proposition. The concept of a to-face contact. Refers to the reception of in-
disposition gained currency in educational struction at a distance, increasingly by
philosophy in the 1960s through the influ- means of technology such as television via
ence of Gilbert Ryle, whose logical behav- satellite transmission, e-mail, and the Inter-
iorism rested in an analysis of mental net. Students and community members in
attributes as behavioral dispositions, (re) small or isolated localities have benefited the
most from such arrangements, (jpc, lr)
dissociative disorder
A category of mental disorders characterized distance teaching
by a state of disrupted consciousness, iden- Refers to the provision of instruction at a
tity, or perception. These disorders typically distance using technology (television via sat-
occur as a defense against traumatic experi- ellite transmission, e-mail, the internet) as an
ence and are characterized by a notable lack increasing means of delivery. Distance teach-
of a unitary sense of identity. The defense, ing has been a particular benefit in rural ar-
which compartmentalizes inconsistent and eas by augmenting the course offerings of
often conflictual representations of the self, small and isolated school districts, (lr)
serves as a protective mechanism against
overwhelming thoughts, feelings, and be-
havior at the time of trauma, while simul- DISTAR (See Direct Instructional
taneously interfering with the necessary System for Teaching Arithmetic and
"working through" that would provide a Reading)
balanced sense of perspective. Dissociative
disorders include: dissociative amnesia, dis- distributed education
sociative fugue, dissociative identity disor- An approach to education and training that
der, and depersonalization disorder, (rnp) is intended to be learner-centered, enabling
both synchronous and asynchronous inter-
distance education action through the integration of pedagogi-
Any instruction characterized by the sepa- cally appropriate technologies. Distributed
ration of teacher and learner(s) in space and/ education is conducted when there is sepa-
or time; especially, instruction that makes ration of place and/or time between instruc-
use of technology to facilitate learning at a tor and learner, among learners, and/or
distance. A planned teaching/learning expe- between learners and learning resources, (cf)
rience that uses a wide spectrum of technol- See also distance education.
ogies to reach learners located remotely from
the instructor and is designed to encourage distributive justice (See justice)
learner interaction and certification of learn-
ing. Distance education is defined, for the distributive property
purposes of accreditation review, as a formal The property stating that when given some
educational process in which the majority of factor to be multiplied by a sum or a differ-


ence, the factor may be multiplied by each ment of children with nontypical develop-
term in the sum or difference first and that mental needs, (ecr)
result may be added or subtracted last or the
sum or difference may found first and this docent
result may be multiplied by the factor last. From the Latin doci, meaning to teach. A
For example, 2(3 + 4 ) = 2 x 3 + 2 x 4 = teacher or lecturer at a university who is not
6 + 8 = 14 or 2(3 + 4) = 2(7) = 14. (ps) necessarily a regular faculty member (often
a graduate student). A lecturer or tour guide
divergent questions (See open-ended in a museum, historic home, art gallery, ca-
question) thedral, or other cultural or educational in-
stitution. In art museums, docents are often
divergent thinking volunteers trained by museum educators to
J. P. Guilford saw creative thinking as re- provide tours for museum visitors. Docents
flected in fluid, flexible, original, and elabo- often have backgrounds or interest in art his-
rate thinking which he called "divergent tory that is cultivated and exercised through
thinking." It was contrasted with convergent their contributions, (kf)
thinking. Examples of divergent thinking are
reflected in responses and work products
doctor's degree (See degree, doctor's)
where information is changed so that new,
unusual aspects are included. Divergent
thinking might result in poor performance doctorate
on tests on which standard, conventional A word referring to such advanced degrees
thinking is the norm, (vm) as the Ph.D. or Ed.D., rather than to first-
professional degrees in the medical fields
diversity (M.D., D.D.S., etc.), or the J.D. in Law. (cf)
When applied to a population can refer to
group or individual differences. In reference document literacy
to group differences, diversity applied to Defined in the national adult literacy survey
school populations focuses most often on the as the knowledge and skills required to lo-
categorization of students according to race, cate and use information contained in ma-
ethnicity, gender, economic status, color, na- terials that include job applications, payroll
tional origin, sexual orientation, and relig- forms, transportation schedules, maps, ta-
ion. Multicultural educators attempt to bles, and graphs, (jpc)
address the educational inequities associated
most often with racial and ethnic diversity. documentary
In heterogeneous classrooms, diversity refers Generally referring to a genre of film, the
to a variety of individual differences and can documentary uses exclusively factual mate-
include ability, talent, interests, learning rial, real people (not actors or fictional char-
style, intelligence, achievement, background, acters), and historical records to tell a story,
experiences, and preferences, (igb) study a social condition, explore a political
issue or movement, or investigate historical
Division of Early Childhood (DEC) events. The documentary form continually
The early childhood branch of the Council evolves and expands, encompassing every-
for Exceptional Children which advocates thing from newsreels to educational films to
for individuals who work with or on behalf contemporary creative and artistic variations
of children with special needs, birth through on the form. While built on a foundation of
age eight, and their families. Founded in fact, documentaries are not meant to be de-
1973, the Division is a nonprofit agency that void of perspective, and are in fact often
promotes policies and practices that support guided by specific ideological concerns.
families and enhance the optimal develop- Many youth film centers encourage young

doubles plus one strategy

people to create documentaries of their lives drama-in-education/theater-in-education

and neighborhoods, (em) An emerging field in which drama is used for
the purpose of teaching and learning. Can
doubles plus one strategy (See include: in-class work in various subjects
thinking strategies) through dramatization, improvisation, pro-
cess drama; extracurricular learning and per-
formance activities, such as participation
Down Syndrome
in a school play or drama work in a peer
A common and readily identifiable chromo-
counseling/mediation/leadership group; and
somal condition associated with mental re-
learning through watching theatrical per-
tardation. It is caused by a chromosomal
formances. Some people distinguish between
abnormality that results in an extra, or 47th, drama-in-education as educational process,
chromosome, (sr) in which students and teachers are engaged
together in role playing and discovery, and
drafting theater-in-education as observation, in
Sometimes referred to as mechanical draw- which students watch performances as au-
ing, drafting refers to the process of system- dience members, though this semantic dis-
atic drawing (with specific tools such as a tinction is less prevalent than it once was.
compass, ruler, and size scales) that repre- (em)
sents and sets the stage for further work on
mechanical and architectural structures. But dramatization
drafting is a process of planning for any ar- Process or act of putting a story, situation,
tistic product. Drafted drawings can act as picture, or idea into a form for theatrical
references for larger paintings; drafts of sto- presentation or exploration—that is, using
ries set the stage for the revisions of final characters, spoken words, created (or re-
work. Nonetheless the drafting of profes- created) situations. A technique prevalent in
sional draftspersons is visual dimensional classrooms where teachers use drama, in
work usually associated with architecture which students and teachers explore social
and engineering. Many students acquire the issues, works of literature, academic dilem-
skills of drafting in technical drawing classes mas, decision making, conflict situations, or
offered in secondary schools, (ap) theatrical works by taking on roles and act-
See also editing. ing, either improvising or using pre-written
dialogue and action, (em)
One of the performing arts, the central focus dramaturgy
of which is storytelling through the depiction The art of writing plays and the craft of cre-
of people, characters, and situations. Can ating balanced dramatic compositions.
encompass elements of all of the other arts, Dramaturgy has come to involve the crea-
including music, movement, and visual im- tion of a bridge between the page and the
agery, though the central building block is stage—the realization of a play script as a
often (but not always) spoken words. Also theatrical production. Dramaturgs oversee
can be used to describe plays (as opposed to aspects of theatrical production that ensure
musical theater) or serious plays (as opposed a faithfulness to the intentions of the play-
to comedy). Some people make a distinction wright and to the interpretive needs of the
between drama and theater, defining theater audience. The dramaturg is often involved in
as performance (of dramatic works) and selecting and preparing scripts for produc-
drama as a participatory endeavor (as in ed- tion. With regard to art education, drama-
ucation), (em) turgs may establish relationships with local
See also drama-in-education/theater-in- educators, consider ways to use theater to
education; theater. enrich curriculum, prepare study guides and


relevant educational program materials, and withdrawing from school prior to gradua-
design and lead pre- and postperformance tion or completion of an equivalent degree.
educational experiences, (kc) (jw)

drawing DSM-IV-TR (See Diagnostic and

The activity of representing objects and/or Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
ideas through lines delineated on a surface. Fourth Edition, Text Revision)
Drawing, as a preparatory step or final ar-
ticulation, is essential to painting, architec- dual credit (See credit, dual)
ture, sculpture, calligraphy, and geometry.
Often done in pen, pencil, crayon, chalk, dual enrollment
charcoal, or other media emphasizing form An arrangement for the regular attendance
over color. Artists such as Leonardo da of a pupil at two schools concurrently, with
Vinci, Michelangelo, Diirer, Klee, Picasso, both schools sharing the direction and con-
and Matisse are famous for their drawing. trol of the student's studies. For example, a
Young children's drawing comprises much student may take some courses at a public
of their art making as well as the attention school and others at a community college or
of researchers like Arnheim, Piaget, Lowen- attend a public secondary school part time
feld, and Kellogg who see drawing as im- and an area vocational school part time.
printed with levels or stages of under- Dual enrollment may or may not generate
standing from pre-school scribbling to the credit in both institutions, (db)
cartoon-like illustrated narratives of pre-
adolescents. (ap) dual relationship
Refers to a situation that occurs when an in-
dress code dividual plays two or more roles, or serves
A requirement of a school or school district in a dual capacity, for another person. In
that students should follow specified guide- some instances, dual relationships may be
lines for dress when they are in school, (bba) benign in nature, such as in a relationship
that exists between a faculty member and a
drop-in program student, where the faculty member serves si-
An adult education center with an open en- multaneously as a course instructor and a
try and exit policy so that students can come program adviser. In other instances, they
at any time that they are able to learn in a may be potentially harmful, such as in a pro-
class, with a tutor, or by using self-learning fessional serving simultaneously as a thera-
resources, (jpc) pist and business partner of a client. The
latter type of dual relationship is prohibited
dropout explicitly by ethical principles and codes of
An individual who has withdrawn from the conduct, (dd)
school program prior to graduation or com-
pletion of an equivalent degree program. La- due process
bel is applied regardless of whether the Action taken to protect a person's rights.
individual leaves the school program while Due process is used in education settings to
school is in session or if he or she is beyond refer to actions taken to assure a students'
the age of compulsory attendance. Term is rights to special education services under the
not applied to students who are dropped Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
from attendance because of a transfer to an- (sr)
other academic institution, (jw)
dropout prevention A behavior observational technique in which
Programs intended to deter students from the measure of how long a specific behavior

duty to warn/protect

lasts is taken. For the technique to be effec- dyslexia

tive, the target behavior must be clearly de- A learning disability characterized by aver-
fined, especially the initiating and ending age to above average intelligence coupled
behaviors. The observer records the duration with a marked difficulty in learning to read
of the targeted behavior every time it occurs, and spell, despite adequate opportunity. Al-
usually during routines where the behavior though dyslexic children's mechanical arith-
is expected and within a set length of time metic, music, and foreign language skills are
each time, (xss, yb) sometimes impaired, these abilities are much
less severely affected than phonological
awareness and processing, which involve
duty to warn/protect discriminating, assigning meaning to, decod-
A counselor's legal and ethical obligation to ing, and remembering language sounds. By
warn identified potential victims of a client's way of strengths, dyslexic children often
expressed intent to harm them. Duty to show strong talent in visual-spatial and non-
warn/protect was first established by the verbal problem-solving skills, and can be
Tarasoff Decision, a legal case that ulti- very creative, innovative thinkers. Often un-
mately increased a counselor's responsibility fairly accused of laziness, dyslexics can have
to warn identifiable victims, notify police, difficulty concentrating, remembering, man-
and otherwise attempt to reasonably protect aging their time, and organizing their
potential victims, (weh) thoughts or belongings. Developmental dys-
lexia affects approximately 15 percent of
Americans, and is probably a family of neu-
ropsychological disorders involving sequenc-
A developmental learning disability resulting
ing of information (such as historical dates)
in an inability to develop math concepts and
and sounds, (mhi-y)
skills, (jcp)
See also acalculia.
The opposite of Utopian. Conditions that are
dyscoordination disorders (See motor horrible and bring out the worst in people
skill disorder) instead of the best, (jrw)

each one teach one around them, as well as practice, experi-
An approach to teaching literacy to adults ment, and test skills useful for everyday
developed by Frank Laubach in Third World functioning and survival, (jlj)
countries. In this approach, each literate
adult teaches an illiterate adult to read. That Early Childhood Environment Rating
newly literate adult then teaches another Scale (ECERS)
person to read and so on. (jpc) A nationally recognized and well-respected
standardized instrument for the evaluation
EAP (See employee assistance of preschool classrooms and centers devel-
program) oped by Thelma Harms, Richard M. Clif-
ford, and Debby Cryer in 1980 and revised
early childhood in 1998. The instrument contains 43 differ-
The period of childhood from birth through ent items to comprehensively evaluate the
age eight, including the years of infancy, tod- early childhood classroom using likert-type
dlerhood, preschool, and primary school scale. Terms such as "Inadequate," "Mini-
years (Schickedanz, 1986; Bredekamp and mal," "Good," and "Excellent" are identi-
Copple, 1997). During this time, important fied along the scale, with examples provided
and template-establishing growth takes under each term for each item, (kdc)
place. Healthy development during this pe-
riod is crucial to physical health, emotional Early Head Start
balance, and cognitive maturity in later life. One of the newer initiatives of the federal
(ecr) Head Start program, EHS serves pregnant
mothers and children from birth through age
early childhood education three. In addition to the basic Head Start
Planned instruction of children from birth to programs of nutrition, infant-toddler early
five years. Activities are geared to interest intervention and education, medical assis-
and challenge, but not frustrate young chil- tance, and parenting support, EHS also in-
dren as they build on past experiences and cludes services for specialized needs such as
learning. The curriculum provides children teen parenting, family literacy, occupational
with opportunities to discover new infor- skills development, and substance abuse
mation about themselves and the world treatment, (ecr)

early intervention

early intervention editing

May refer to a system, process, or delivery To assemble, prepare, modify, or condense
of services to children, ages zero to three, (written material, including the work of an-
who are diagnosed with an established risk other or others) for publication or public
condition or experiencing developmental de- presentation. An editor is someone with or-
lay in one or more developmental domains ganizational, managerial, and policy-making
as determined by a developmental evalua- responsibility for a publication or for aspects
tion. Each state sets the criteria for what of the work of a publishing house. As relates
constitutes developmental delay. Once eligi- to various artistic domains (dance, music,
ble for the services, early intervention ad- theater, and visual arts), editing means to
dresses priorities and needs of families as alter, adapt, or refine and it is as actively
well as in the care of the children, (kms, yb) pursued by artists in self-reflection as by di-
rectors in critical review. The arts in educa-
eating disorder tion offer students authentic opportunities to
A category of mental disorders characterized critique their own work and that of others
by serious disturbance in eating behaviors. with an eye to effective editing, (kpb)
Examples include: anorexia nervosa (marked
by stringent restriction of food intake and education
refusal to maintain minimally normal body A broadly inclusive term referring to a proc-
weight), bulimia nervosa (characterized by ess of fostering cognitive, physical, social,
repeated eating binges, followed by compen- emotional, or moral growth and develop-
satory behaviors such as vomiting, laxative ment in individuals or groups. It is goal di-
abuse, and/or excessive exercising), and pica rected, implies a values system, and may
(consuming nonfood items), (mkt) proceed informally or formally, as in school-
ing. Formal education typically aims for
Ebonics (See African-American
some balance between individual needs and
societal needs. In the United States, the dif-
ECERS (See Early Childhood ferential emphasis placed on individual
Environment Rating Scale) needs and social needs is exemplified in the
historical conflict between traditional edu-
eclecticism cation and progressive, or open, education.
Broadly, the common practice of using rel- (prg)
evant aspects from a variety of theories of See also civic education; moral education
behavior and behavior change. In psycholog-
ical terms, eclecticism refers to the applica- education, Afrocentric (See Afrocentric
tion of techniques and strategies drawn from education)
a wide range of theoretical orientations,
rather than from a single, unified theory, education, traditional (See traditional
(rem) education)
Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
education, vocational (See vocational
U.S. federal legislation that provided the first education)
substantial federal funding for adult literacy.
The act provided for assistance to the poor
Education Amendments of 1972 (Public
and educationally disadvantaged and estab-
Law 92-318)
lished the Job Corps, (las)
Passed by the 92nd Congress in order to
ECS (See Education Commission of the amend the Higher Education Act of 1965,
States) the Vocational Educational Act of 1963, the
General Education Provisions Act, the Ele-
ECW (See Civilian Conservation Corps) mentary and Secondary Education Act of

educational administration

1965, and related Acts. The law established capped children included provisions for an
the Education Division in the United States independent educational evaluation of the
Department of Health Education, and Wel- child, written prior notice of changes in the
fare, the National Institute of Education identification, evaluation or educational
(NIE), and a bureau-level Office of Indian placement, and procedures for filing com-
Education. The many councils and bureaus plaints, hearings, and judicial matters. Sev-
created under these amendments were cre- eral revisions to the act have been passed,
ated to strengthen links between states and including the 1990 amendment renaming the
strengthen occupational education. Further- law as IDEA or Individuals with Disabilities
more, the law prohibited sex discrimination Education Act, which included P.L. 99-457,
in admission to vocational, professional, and which had extended related services and el-
graduate schools, and public institutions of igibility to infants and toddlers with devel-
undergraduate higher education, (wg) opmental delays or disabilities and their
families, (wg, at, ckc)
Education Commission of the States
(ECS) education for liberation
This nonprofit commission was created in An approach to education in which learning
1966 by interstate compact to facilitate co- is viewed as freeing learners from the con-
operation between leaders in education and straints of their social and economic class.
government. The Commission includes 48 (las)
states, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and
the Virgin Islands. Each state appoints seven education theories
members, usually including the governor Theories of education offer coherent expla-
and two state legislators, to serve as an ad- nations and rationales upon which to base
visory organization, help draft legislation on educational practice. A robust theory of ed-
higher education, and aid its members in ucation will address the aims of education,
communicating with the federal government. instructional methods and materials, curric-
(cf) ulum, the nature of the learner, the role of
the teacher, and the sociocultural context of
Education for All education. Theories of education tend to be
A program that began as part of UNESCO's rooted in historical, social, and political
middle-term plan (1984-1989) that specified contexts, as well as theories of learning and
targets for early childhood, primary and philosophical schools of thought. As a con-
secondary school, and adult education. sequence, a variety of notions concerning
Each UNESCO member country was to en- goals, methods, content, and assessment ex-
act legislation that defined specific goals ist, (prg)
and provided resources to meet those goals.
International development organizations education to careers
agreed to help fund these plans, (las) Alternative terms applied to school-to-work
educational programs designed to enhance
Education for All Handicapped Children student transition from school to work or
Act of 1975 (Public Law 94-142) college as authorized under the federal
Signed into law on November 29, 1975, it School to Work Opportunities Act of 1994.
required states to provide a "free appropri- (db)
ate public education" in the least restrictive See also school-to-work.
environment to handicapped children. The
law includes parent or guardian participa- educational administration
tion with educators in the development of an A process that is charged with developing,
annual Individualized Education Program, identifying, categorizing, and allocating for-
or IEP. Procedural safeguards for handi- mal and informal interests and energies

educational choice

within a school-based environment. Recent pus for the purposes of meeting the instruc-
studies in educational administrative theory tional needs of students. The properties will
have tended to focus on open systems the- include all developed and nondeveloped real
ory. Such theory purports that schools have estate holdings. This is generally assumed to
unique problems and issues, but the basis for include all school buildings, classrooms, of-
many of the interactions within the organi- fices, athletic centers, computer networks,
zation is based on organizational theory buses, and maintenance facilities that are
common to many social groups. Some view necessary to ensure continued operation of
educational administration as an activity the school system. Facilities can also include
separate and apart from policy development. all equipment and materials used by the
Recent writings have tended to examine the school to continue instructional operations.
integration of policy development and edu- This can include books, furniture, instruc-
cational administration, (ly) tional supplies, general maintenance equip-
ment, and food service supplies and
educational choice equipment. Current research exists to estab-
A program whereby families may determine lish the connection between school facilities
where their children go to school. Implies and student outcomes. The size of the cam-
that factors other than geographic location pus, physical structure and layout of the
may influence where children attend school, building, and access issues are all points of
(jqa, jwc) study by educational facilities managers, (ly)

educational dance educational gymnastics

An approach to dance that utilizes Laban's An approach to gymnastics that utilizes La-
Movement Framework and affords students ban's Movement Framework for curriculum.
the opportunity to express their ideas It allows for a variety of end products within
through movement. Students are provided the framework focusing on broad skill areas
experiences that allow them to learn "how such as balancing, rolling, jumping and
to dance" using their natural ways, in con- landing, and weight transfer. Educational
trast to traditional dance where students per- gymnastics emphasizes skilled performance
form set dance steps, (rf) within each individual's capacity in contrast
See also Laban's Movement Framework. to "Olympic Gymnastics" which focus on
accuracy and perfection of specific skills, (rf)
educational equality
A sought after ideal in which all children,
regardless of their racial, ethnic, or socioec- educational management
onomic background, receive the same high A term often associated with the day-to-day
quality education. Can be described as equal organizational functions in an educational
educational opportunity for all. Most of the setting. These are often depicted as the struc-
current debate on the issues relating to ed- tures, roles, and communications networks
ucational equality focuses on the differences in a school. The focus of educational man-
between and within school systems and iden- agement has been directed at the operations
tifies wide disparities in school facilities, stu- of budgets, staffing, and facilities of a school
dent achievement, and financial support. or district, (ly)
educational personnel
educational equity (See educational A global term representing all employees
equality) involved in the educational system. This
grouping would include administrative per-
educational facilities sonnel, faculty, aides and office secretarial
All of the properties and equipment owned staff, maintenance, transportation and cafe-
and maintained by a school district or cam- teria workers, (tm)

Eight-Year Study

Educational Resources Information for student achievement; an emphasis on ba-

Center (ERIC) sic skills; an orderly environment; and fre-
A federally funded national information sys- quent, systematic evaluation of students, (ly)
tem that provides services and publications
on a broad range of education-related issues. EFL (See English as a foreign
The ERIC database is the world's largest language)
source of education information, with over
one million abstracts of education docu- egocentrism
ments and journal articles, (cf) Egocentrism is a narrow, self-centered form
of thinking, characteristic of children in Jean
educational stakeholder Piaget's preoperational stage of cognitive
An educational stakeholder is any person or development. Egocentric children have the
organization that is involved with, partici- false idea that others share similar thoughts
pates in, or is affected by the educational regarding concepts, beliefs, and experiences,
process. In a given community an educa- (mf)
tional stakeholder could be a parent, busi-
ness leader, community member, school ego-dystonic
board member or regent, student, or any A clinical descriptor applied to signs, symp-
member of the school district, college/uni- toms, or experiences that an individual finds
versity, or public or private educational uncomfortable or unacceptable. Symptoms
agency, (tm) of particular mental disorders, such as ob-
sessions in certain individuals diagnosed
Educational Testing Service (ETS) with obsessive-compulsive disorder, are of-
The world's largest private educational test- ten considered ego-dystonic. (bd)
ing and measurement organization, ETS is
also a national leader in educational re- ego-syntonic
search. As a nonprofit company, ETS is ded- A clinical descriptor applied to signs, symp-
icated to serving the needs of individuals, toms, or experiences that an individual finds
institutions, educational agencies, and gov- acceptable and consistent with his or her
ernmental bodies in 181 countries. ETS de- personality. Symptoms of particular mental
velops and administers annually more than disorders, such as delusions in certain indi-
11 million tests worldwide, (cf) viduals diagnosed with schizophrenia, are
often considered ego-syntonic. (bd)
edutainment (See entertainment)
Eight-Year Study
EFF (See equipped for the future) A landmark study (1932-1940) of the ef-
fectiveness of progressive education in the
effective schools research secondary school, this cooperative effort be-
A term in education that describes research tween the Progressive Education Association
efforts of scholars and policy makers to de- and 30 public and private high schools
termine the distinctive characteristics of explored alternatives to the conventional
schools with high levels of student learning college-preparatory curriculum. Participat-
and staff commitment. Such research has ing schools pioneered ideas such as
also been known as systems research, organ- integrated core curriculum, multiple forms
izational research, and process-product re- of assessment, and teacher workshops. A
search. It is generally agreed that effective follow-up study of graduates showed that
schools research has yielded five factors alumni of participating schools out-
common to all effective schools: strong lead- performed their college classmates on a va-
ership by the principal, especially in instruc- riety of measures, including academic
tional matters; high expectations by teachers achievement. Despite the fact that the study


suggested that there might be a variety of electronic discussion list

curricular approaches appropriate for col- An asynchronous online discussion for one-
lege preparation, the official report of the to-many communication. A message may be
study, released only months after the United posted to the list by one person, then re-
States entered World War II, has been ceived or viewed by all members of the
largely ignored, (wgw) group. Listservs accomplish this via an e-
mail mechanism; threaded discussions ac-
e-learning complish this within a Web environment.
A learning system that uses electronic me- Electronic discussion lists in either format
diums (e.g., cable TV, the Internet, or may be used as a class discussion mechanism
palm-held computers) for human learning. for online education, (ac)
Historically, the first learning system can be See also courseware; threaded discussion.
called S-learning, using speech as its primary
medium to promote learning. Its prominence Elementary and Secondary Education
was gradually replaced by P-learning, the Act (ESEA)
second learning system that uses paper as its One of the seminal measures passed as part
primary learning medium. However, e- of President Lyndon B. Johnson's "War on
learning became a pervasive and important Poverty," ESEA was enacted as Public Law
learning phenomenon in the 1990s. It has 89-10 on April 11, 1965, and authorized
various forms (e.g., virtual learning, online grants for elementary and secondary school
learning, distance learning, and Web-based programs for children of low-income fami-
learning) and involves various components lies; handicapped children; adult basic edu-
(e.g., e-book, e-library, e-test, and e-class- cation; school library resources, textbooks,
room). (zy) and other materials for school children; sup-
plementary educational centers and services;
Elderhostel and strengthening state departments of ed-
A nonprofit organization designed to serve ucation. ESEA continues to support these
the educational needs of older adults core programs, as well as programs in areas
through short-term, residential, noncredit such as basic skills instruction, drug educa-
programs, typically offered at college or uni- tion, bilingual education, special education,
versity campuses. Programs are both recre- Native American education, and educational
ational and academic. Elderhostel began in programs for the homeless and for immi-
New Hampshire in 1975 and grew to in- grant populations, (wg)
clude locations throughout the United States
and abroad, (js) elementary school
A school that is planned and organized for
elective children in grades K-6, or some combination
A course in the choosing of which a student of those grades, (bba)
has a degree of freedom, as opposed to a
required course. Students might choose to ELL (See English-language learner)
take an elective to pursue a personal interest,
to strengthen knowledge in an area, or to e-mail
develop a broader frame of knowledge. In Stands for electronic mail. An e-mail is a dig-
some cases, elective courses are ungraded, ital letter or note that one individual sends
and some are offered to nonuniversity stu- to another via the Internet. In addition, dig-
dents as well. Outside of the core curriculum ital files, such as documents or photographs,
or requirements for a student's major, elec- can be sent via e-mail. E-mail is a quick form
tives are important in helping a student to of asynchronous distance communication. In
develop a variety of interests and areas of educational settings, it can be used for com-
broad knowledge, (cf) munication between administrators and fac-

emotional disturbance

ulty, educators and students, or educators emic(s)

and parents, (kgl) The understandings and perceptions of cul-
See also key pal. tural reality held by members of a culture.
Emic includes descriptions, analyses, and
emancipatory education judgments of culture (beliefs, behavior, cus-
Education designed to help learners to ex- toms, values, etc.) that are consistent with
amine critically the assumptions and values what members of a social group or society
underlying their society, especially the power hold to be culturally meaningful and valid.
structures that shape their lives and their An emic perspective emphasizes the catego-
current place in society. The principle of ries, thought processes, and beliefs of na-
emancipatory education is that understand- tives, that is, it is a perspective on cultural
ing the working of society will lead to social phenomena that is generated from the point
action and transformation of the democratic of view of natives (even though it might be
process, (chm) recorded by an outsider). Emic constructions
of reality are epistemological, not ontologi-
Emergency Conservation Work (See cal, in nature. The ultimate arbiters and
Civilian Conservation Corps) judges of emic constructions are native in-
formants. The emic/etic distinction, analo-
emergent curriculum gous to the terms phonemic and phonetic,
Activity plans that follow the interests of the originates in the work of linguist Kenneth
young children in a particular learning Pike. In the social sciences, anthropologist
group. Caregivers have curricular goals in Marvin Harris has emphasized the signifi-
mind, but do not present them in a prede- cance of this distinction to theorizing cul-
termined sequence. Instead, they observe ture. Emic is synonymous with "culture
children's work closely, act as facilitators for specific." (jde, amm)
the child's own work, and present supports See also etic(s).
and challenges to advance the child's initi-
ated activities, (ecr) emotional abuse
An act, or failure to act, by a person respon-
emergent design sible for a child's welfare (e.g., parent, care-
A central characteristic of qualitative re- taker, teacher, employee of residential
search. The plans for implementing a quali- facility) or by a person who is in a position
tative research study are tentative and of power over a child and who has caused
cannot be rigidly designed in advance. Once or could cause serious behavioral, cognitive,
engaged in the field, the researcher adjusts emotional, or psychological harm to a child.
the procedures in order to be responsive to Examples of such abuse include habitual
the topic, participants, and setting. That is, blaming, rejecting, shaming, intimidation, or
the design emerges as the study progresses, ridiculing of a child; extreme or bizarre
(mas) forms of punishment; persistent lack of con-
cern for a child's welfare; or exposing a child
emergent literacy to domestic violence. Emotional abuse is
A stage of literacy development in which the generally present when other forms of abuse
young child shows understanding of the have been identified (e.g., sexual abuse,
processes of reading and writing but does physical abuse), (llf, emm)
not yet show precise skill in encoding or de-
coding print. During this period a child emotional disturbance
might identify signs, call out letters, scribble, A condition exhibiting one or more of the
draw pictures, retell stories, or write his or following characteristics over a long period
her name while actively working out the of time and to a marked degree: an inability
meanings of literacy symbols, (ecr) to learn that cannot be explained by intel-

emotional intelligence

lectual, sensory, or health factors; an inabil- whole likes X." Against moral realism (the
ity to build or maintain satisfactory in- thesis that moral qualities like "good" or
terpersonal relationships with peers and "right" are just as real and as independent
teachers; inappropriate types of behavior or of moral opinion as qualities such as "two
feelings under normal circumstances; a gen- feet long" or "rectangular"), the emotivist
eral pervasive mood of unhappiness or de- insists that these simply refer to various sub-
pression; a tendency to develop physical jective states of sentient beings, that without
symptoms or fears associated with personal human minds there would be no good or
or school problems, (sr) bad at all. (an)
See also intellectualism.
emotional intelligence
A theory of intelligence related to social in- empathy
telligence. Emotional intelligence refers to an The ability to share another person's way of
individual's ability to cultivate positive in- thinking or feeling. The action of under-
terpersonal relationships and monitor per- standing, being aware of, sensitive to, or vi-
sonal emotions. Individuals possessing a cariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts,
high degree of emotional intelligence are ca- and experiences of another in the past or
pable of using emotions to inform their present without having those feelings,
thoughts and actions. In schooling, emotions thoughts, and experiences explicitly com-
are perceived as a basis for learning, think- municated in an objective manner. The
ing, and socialization, (crl) power of projecting one's personality into
(and so comprehending) the object of con-
emotions templation. The root of empathy is pathos,
Our emotions are what we use to select what meaning "suffering." Em refers to "in" or
interests us about our qualitative experi- "within"; and so empathy literally means
ences. Emotions are intentional feelings, as "with-in-suffering." As with sympathy, an
opposed to physical sensations such as hun- empathizer experiences a resonating emo-
ger or pain. The term "affect" can also be tional response to another person's suffer-
used to describe emotions. Philosophers ing. The empathizer feels what the sufferer
have tended to focus on emotions in terms feels, (ewr, sv)
of the "feel," as behaviors, as concepts, and See also compassion; intersubjectivity,
as evaluative judgments. Each of these ap- sympathy.
proaches tends to reinforce the mind/body
split Western philosophy has historically em- empiricism
braced. Feminists describe emotions as col- Any view that bases the justification for our
laborative constructions greatly influenced knowledge on experience gained by our five
by our contexts as historically situated, senses. The view finds its contemporary
uniquely embodied, social beings, in contrast roots in the work of John Locke (1632-
to more traditional conceptions of emotions 1704). Most philosophers accept some form
as private, individualistic, natural, and uni- of empiricism; thus the view is one of de-
versal, (bt-b) grees. At the extreme, all knowledge is re-
stricted to an agent's immediate experience.
emotivism Moderate varieties of empiricism attempt to
Suggests that all judgments of moral value restrict the thesis to certain spheres of
are more or less complex expressions or de- knowledge, allowing problematic cases—
scriptions of emotion. Thus, "X is good" like propositions of mathematics—to be ex-
(according to the emotivist) means some- plained, roughly, by reducing them to tau-
thing like "Bravo, X!" or "I like X." In more tologies. An attack on the analytic/synthetic
complex versions of moral emotivism "X is distinction in the 1960s by the logician
good" might mean "the community as a W.V.O. Quine (1908-2000) was thought to


shatter all hopes of defending a moderate ways to make decisions affecting them and
form of empiricism; however, his argument their work. Power may be shared with par-
presupposes things about language that ents, teachers, and/or support staff members
modern linguistics rejects—a point recently through site-based decision-making commit-
made by the philosopher Paul Boghossian. tees, curriculum committees, or other special
(grw) interest groups who share a common interest
See also foundationalism; idealism; posi- or goal, (mm)
tivism; realism.
empty number line
employability skills A horizontal line without unit markings used
Refers to attitudes, values, and behaviors by children to solve addition and subtraction
that are associated with successful employ- problems with multidigit numbers. Example:
ment such as work ethic and behavior, 47 + 16 = ? Start mark at 47, jumps by 10
expectations of the workplace, and relation- to 57, jumps 3 ones to 60, jumps remaining
ships with others in the workplace, (db) 3 ones to arrive at answer 63. (ey)
See also Secretary's Commission on
Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS).
The process of cultural transmission
employee assistance program (EAP)
whereby already existing culture, accumu-
A service sponsored by a company or organ-
lated knowledge, cultural behaviors, values,
ization designed to help employees, and of-
and beliefs are handed down and learned
ten their dependents, find assistance for
from one generation to another. Almost syn-
personal problems that may affect job per-
onymous with the concept of socialization,
formance. EAPs typically include benefits
enculturation is significant in the process of
such as free counseling and health pro-
cultural maintenance and continuity, but it
motion seminars. Counseling is usually
cannot account for the creation, develop-
provided by licensed mental health profes-
ment, or evolution of new components of
sionals, involving private, confidential ser-
culture, (jde)
vices geared toward resolving problems
within a limited number of sessions. In
some cases, EAPs assist the employee in find- engaged learning (See active learning)
ing an appropriate referral. Suitable prob-
lems for EAPs include, among others, legal/ engagement
financial concerns, workplace adjustment is- State of being in which students are invested
sues, stress-related problems, and substance in their education. It is constructed in two
abuse, (sdc) parts, an emotional component (identifica-
tion) and a behavioral component (partici-
employment survey pation). Identification refers to students'
An investigation of the personnel require- internalized feelings of belonging in school
ments of local business and industrial estab- and that school is an important aspect of
lishments, often made by public schools or their identity and experience. Participation
government agencies in connection with the refers to the extent to which students partic-
organization of vocational classes, (db) ipate with some regularity in academic and
See also occupational survey; vocational social school-based activities. Within higher
education survey. education, engagement is the active exten-
sion of public service activities with the in-
empowerment tent of ameliorating societal problems and
A term used in education to describe the improving the quality of life of citizens. It is
process by which administrators share related to other terms such as investment, in-
power, teaching others to use it in beneficial volvement, outreach, and community serv-

Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962)

ices that benefit from institutional resources English for speakers of other
and capabilities, (hfs, cf) languages (ESOL)
This term replaces ESL with a more accurate
Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962) description of educational programs that
The Supreme Court case brought by parents teach English to people who speak at least
of students who were subjected to a prayer one other language, (jpc)
at the beginning of each school day in Union
Free School District of New York. This English for special purposes (ESP)
prayer was recommended by the State Board Area of English language teaching that em-
of Regents and read by the school principal. phasizes job-related language, knowledge,
The Court decided this practice was in direct and skills, (las)
violation of the Establishment Clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment, even when students English Language Proficiency Survey
were not compelled to join the prayer, A U.S. Department of Education study that
(dwm) tested adults over the age of 20 in 1982 and
found that 13 percent of the population was
illiterate, (jpc)
Application of scientific knowledge and the
English-language learner (ELL)
study of science, including properties of mat-
ter and sources of energy, to practical use An individual who participates in some type
such as planning, developing, designing or of instruction to develop a proficiency in
building things like machines, structures, English, (las)
electrical applications, or manufacturing
processes, (tw) English Only (See Official English)

English Plus (See Official English)

engineering education
Teaching methods used for engineering. Enlightenment
Teaching method that allows students to put
scientific knowledge to a practical use, prob- A period of time, the end of the Middle Ages
lem solving to design and build some type of and the beginning of modernity, in which a
project. Frequently collaborative in nature. large number of influential people came to
(tw) believe (and to act on the belief) that meth-
ods of the new sciences could be applied to
all areas of inquiry in order to free the hu-
English as a foreign language (EFL)
man race from ignorance and impotence.
An area of instruction in which English is
Characterized by a reliance on experience
taught to people who speak other languages.
and reason as the means to truth, and a re-
The term generally applies to instruction
jection of tradition and authority. A state of
that takes place outside of an English-
personal recognition which is central to hu-
speaking country, (las)
man fulfillment or flourishing. Thus, the
Buddha is said to have gained true freedom
English as a second language (ESL) and self-realization (i.e., enlightenment).
An area of instruction in which English is Less spectacularly, one might become en-
taught to people who speak another lan- lightened about another's state of mind or
guage. The term generally applies to instruc- what is occurring on Wall Street, (an)
tion that takes place within an En- See also modernism.
glish-speaking country and often includes
instruction in practical, "survival" English, enrichment
as well as language appropriate for academic Additional materials or programs not part of
and workplace contexts, (jpc) the standard curriculum, (sr)


enrichment activity organism is surrounded, how the surround-

Projects or games used in an educational set- ings affect the organism, and how the or-
ting to enhance understanding of an idea, ganism affects the surroundings. The study
concept, or behavior, (srs) may include the causes and effects of
changes to the system whether natural, like
enrollment, dual (See dual enrollment) climate or competition, or man-made, such
as population, pollution, energy, develop-
ensemble ment and use, and urbanization, and the as-
A group of individuals or parts that work sociated impacts. Subdivisions may include
together to produce an aesthetic or pleasing forestry, wildlife biology, fisheries game
whole from a performance piece to an ar- management, and water studies, (tw)
rangement of furniture. In the arts, ensemble
performers are musicians, singers, dancers, environmental print
or actors engaged as a group in a presenta- Print and other graphic symbols found in
tion or performance as for example of mu- daily life, such as on food packages (cereal,
sic. A work of art or performance, by virtue milk) and traffic signs. Children often start
of its being constructed by a group, may be to recognize letters and words from these
called an ensemble piece, (jbl) objects, (yu)
See also band; choir; orchestra.
environmental risk
entertainment Risks from the environment that affect the
Art performed or produced for the purpose well-being and development of individuals.
of an audience's amusement or pleasure. Such risks for children can cover a broad
Art-as-entertainment is often associated with range, including family structure, prenatal
light, superficial, or commercial work, con- events, air-born and water-born contami-
trasting such work with art that provokes or nants, diet, and even the economy of the
educates. Entertainment is also associated country in which the child lives, (jb)
with art that is viewed or observed, rather
than art that is experienced or created (e.g., environmental studies (See
fine art), causing controversy within the field environmental education)
of arts education over the purposes and uses
of art. In education, edutainment—teaching epilepsy
through forms of entertainment, such as A physical condition that occurs when there
computer games or television shows—has is sudden, brief disruption in the normal
become popular though controversial in re- functioning of the brain. Epilepsy is charac-
cent years, (em) terized by seizures, (sr)

entrance examinations epistemologies, standpoint (See

Many institutions require further testing standpoint epistemologies)
upon enrollment for academic placement,
advising, and counseling; entrance exami- epistemology
nations thus are used for more specific pur- Philosophers historically defined epistemol-
poses than admissions tests and may be ogy as the branch of philosophy that devel-
developed for institutional use only, (cf) ops theories concerning what counts as
knowledge, with "knowledge" defined as
environmental education that which is absolutely true. Epistemolo-
A blending of various sciences and social gists look at questions about the justification
studies topics that affect ecosystems, envi- of people's beliefs and concern themselves
ronmental education is the study of the cir- with the normative status of knowledge
cumstances and conditions by which an claims. They attempt to verify claims that

equal additions

are made, and to prove the validity of ar- dents the same chances for success in life,
guments. Epistemologists attempt to estab- (vdf, ewr, jc)
lish the criteria and standards necessary to See also equity.
prove validity and truth. Epistemologists are
concerned with what warrants the knowl-
Equality of Educational Opportunity
edge claims we make, therefore they ask nor-
mative questions such as what counts as
Also known as the "Coleman Report," after
good evidence, not causal questions concern-
its principal author. The Civil Rights Act of
ing how beliefs are developed. The branch
1964 required the Commissioner of Educa-
of philosophy that studies questions of
tion "to conduct a survey . . . concerning the
knowledge and truth, especially questions of
lack of availability of equal educational op-
justification around the questions of what is portunities." Authors James S. Coleman and
true, what we can know, and how we can Ernest Q. Campbell found that traditional
know whether we in fact know it. (bt-b, jc) measures such as per-student-expenditure
See also standpoint epistemologies. and student-to-teacher ratios did little to ex-
plain the academic performance of students.
equal additions The main finding was that the student's fam-
A method of subtraction taught in U.S. ily background (including parent socioeco-
schools until the mid-1900s when it was su- nomic status) was the best predictor of
perceded by the decomposition method. academic performance. The implications of
Equal additions method involves adding 10 the report's main finding stirred debate over
to the units digit in the minuend and com- the value of compensatory educational pro-
pensating by adding 10 to the 10's digit in grams for several decades and continues to
the subtrahend to keep the difference the exert an influence on public policy, (dwm)
same. It is still used in other school systems
internationally, (amr) equating
In testing, the act of matching one assess-
equal education (See educational ment to another. Many types of equating are
equality) possible: across test versions, across test ad-
ministrations, and across test scales (such as
expressing a test result as a "grade equiva-
equality lent"), (fd)
A statement or equation that has the same
value or is identical to another; an equiva-
lence relationship where congruence is pre- equation
served, namely a relationship between A statement indicating that two algebraic ex-
mathematical objects that is reflexive, sym- pressions are equal, (rdk)
metric, and transitive. The condition of
having equal dignity, rank, or privileges with equilibration
others. The fact of being on an equal footing The model used in Piaget's theory to de-
with each member of a group, class, or so- scribe the process of equilibrium which gov-
ciety (or between members of different erns cognitive development. Information
groups). In persons: fairness, impartiality, about the child's environment is assimilated
equity. In things: due proportion, propor- by the child and becomes accommodated
tionateness. The state of being equal; the into cognitive structures. The end result of
idea that all individuals should be treated the assimilation and accommodation is equilib-
same. In education, often connected to the rium. Disequilibrium occurs when the cog-
idea of opportunity, to the idea that schools nitive structures are unable to accommodate
should serve the function of giving all stu- assimilated information, (vm)

estimation (number)

equipped for the future (EFF) ESEA (See Elementary and Secondary
A standards movement in adult education Education Act)
established by the National Institute for Lit-
eracy that defines what adults need to know ESL (See English as a second
and be able to do in their roles as workers, language)
family members, and citizens, (jpc)
ESOL (See English for speakers of
equity other languages)
The state or condition of being fair, the idea
that all individuals should be treated accord- ESP (See English for special purposes)
ing to their needs and merits. In education,
often connected to the idea that students' essentialism
needs and abilities should be taken into ac- An educational theory that holds, against
count in devising educational programming. Progressivism, that the fundamental purpose
The term refers to the fairness of education of education (and function of schools) is to
and whether or not all participating stake- transmit a core of common knowledge and
holders—males, females, and various popu- skills that all students should learn. This set
lation groups—receive the same benefits, (jc, of knowledge and skills are practical and re-
jr) lated to the skill needs of the particular so-
See also equality. ciety (in this regard essentialism differs from
perennialism's belief in the permanence of
equivalence educational value). Education is also about
A key concept associated with fractions; the the development of character and good hab-
assigning of various names to the same frac- its. Schools should not dilute their effect by
tional quantity (e.g., 2A and Vi are equivalent teaching material unrelated to either practi-
fractions), (ps) cal skill or good character. The belief that
males and females differ in basic and essen-
tial ways according to nature, (jc)
equivalent forms of equations
See also cultural literacy; perennialism;
Have the exact same set of solutions; for ex-
progressivism; traditional education; voca-
ample, 2x = 10 and x — 1 = 4 are equiva-
tional education.
lent equations because the solution set for
both equations is the same, 5. (ps)
established risk condition
Refers to disabilities, illnesses, or conditions
ergonomic performance aids that compromise optimal development of
Workplace designs that are meant to en- young children. Each individual state's early
hance performance by considering simulta- intervention system is required to provide
neously the physical and psychological free and appropriate services to children
characteristics of workers. Often designed to with established risk conditions, but what
ease the stress of human-technology inter- qualifies as established risk conditions are
action, including issues of safety and fatigue; determined by the state's legislature, (kms,
areas of concern include illumination, yb)
temperature, noise, vibration, speech recog-
nition, and space arrangements, (mkr) estimation (number)
An approximate calculation; a useful, im-
ergonomics (See human factors portant skill for determining the reasonable-
engineering) ness of an answer, particularly with the
increased use of calculators for computation
ERIC (See Educational Resources purposes, (amr)
Information Center) See also rounding.

ethic of care

ethic of care ethics

Inspired by feminist scholars such as Carol The study of how one ought to live; the
Gilligan and Nel Noddings, care ethics is study of right and wrong action, how one
shaped by a relational approach to ethics, should act in particular situations; the study
rather than a principled, rule-governed ap- of reasons for actions being right or wrong;
proach. If ethics insists that moral judgments what is the basis for ethical judgment? The
must be universalizable, then caring is a major modern divisions today are between
moral orientation rather than an ethic, for it consequentialist ethical systems that judge
insists that we can only decide what is good actions by their consequences, deontological
and right within the context of the individ- ethical systems that judge actions by their
ual situation. Caring is founded in relation- accordance with moral laws, and feminist
ality, and the very act of human caring. ethical systems that judge actions by their ef-
Caring involves receptivity, a feeling with fects on our interpersonal relationships, (jc)
the other, and responsiveness to the other, See also deontological ethics; ethic of care;
the one cared for, prior to passing any judg- ethic of responsibility; moral education; vir-
ment on what is the right or good thing to tue ethics.
do. (bt-b)
See also deontological ethics; ethic of re- ethics, virtue (See virtue ethics)
sponsibility; ethics; virtue ethics.
ethnic awareness
ethic of responsibility The recognition of cultural and racial iden-
Carol Gilligan (1982) and Nel Noddings tity in individuals or groups. The ability to
(1984) promoted a feminist ethic based on a discern the ethnic origins of people through
Heideggerian assumption that Sorge or care visual cues and other indicators is a sign of
is a prerequisite to reasonableness. Erikson ethnic awareness, (jqa)
claimed that caring about what happens in
and to the world was a necessary prerequi- ethnic group
site of any ethical or serious inquiry. Kantian Individuals who share customs, traditions,
ethics focuses too much on logical justifica- and other cultural linkages due to their her-
tion, utilitarian ethics too much on conse- itage and communal experiences. Members
quences, to accommodate the situated ethic of ethnic groups have common bonds relat-
of responsibility which requires an empathic ing to social, religious, political, and eco-
and careful response to others. An ethic of nomic interests and often identify with each
responsibility is more often expressed other in many aspects of their daily life in-
through deeds and personal stories than by cluding language, recreation, and family life,
logical principle or hedonistic calculus, (fh) (jqa, jwc)
See also deontological ethics; ethic of care;
ethics; virtue ethics. ethnic identity
Maintaining cultural, familial, and tradi-
ethical principles and codes of conduct tional values and recognizing and celebrat-
An organized body of guidelines and rules ing individual heritage, (jqa, jwc)
that govern the practice of a professional
discipline or activity, such as counseling, ethnic identity theory
psychology, or medicine. They most often A social theory which postulates that indi-
serve as a profession's primary source for de- viduals develop their own sense of ethnic
termining acceptable/unacceptable practice identity at different stages and that these
and behavior. They sometimes contain as- stages are identifiable. The theory relates to
pirational principles, while also containing the individual process of attributing personal
codes of conduct that are more prescriptive significance and meaning to being part of an
and legally enforceable, (dd) ethnic group, (jqa, jwc)


ethnic studies pant observation and formal and informal

The study and examination of race, tradi- interviewing directed at uncovering the "na-
tion, custom, and language of a distinct cul- tive's point of view." Ethnography requires
tural group. Ethnic studies examine the a holistic approach and a focus on cultural
context of historically underrepresented eth- processes and may include the analysis of
nic groups to develop an appreciation and written and/or photographic records, (rws)
understanding of ethnically diverse subcul-
tures in the larger society culture. Typically, ethnology
college or university courses of study which The area of (scientific and humanistic) in-
focus on the sociological, scientific, and hu- quiry that studies, compares, and analyzes
manistic aspects of ethnicity, (jbo, jqa, jwc) cultures (ethnicities) and culture (social re-
lations, organization, and structures). Often
ethnicity thought of by anthropologists as the theoriz-
A socially constructed category, based on ing and historical side of ethnography, to-
identification of a person within a particular gether ethnology/ethnography make up the
social group. The social group can be subdiscipline called cultural anthropology.
formed based on many factors, including: re- (jde)
ligious beliefs, a common language, history,
geographic location, and even common ethnomathematics
physical appearances. A person's ethnicity is Concept which considers the ways in which
usually associated with her or his parents' different modes of thought or culture may
ancestry. Ethnicity refers to a person's social lead to different forms of mathematics, such
connections with others who share much in as culturally different ways of counting,
common, (bt-b) ordering, sorting, measuring, inferring, clas-
See also culture; multiculturalism; plural- sifying, and modeling. In this way, the aban-
ism; race. donment of notions of generality, which
often cover for Eurocentric particularities,
ethnocentrism can lead to the acquisition of an anthropo-
Placing one's ethnic group at the center of logical awareness of the ways in which dif-
thought; the belief that one's ethnic group is ferent cultures can produce mathematics.
the central group in society; sometimes used Can also be considered mathematical knowl-
to indicate a belief in the superiority of one's edge expressed in the language code of a
ethnic group over all others. Sometimes the given sociocultural group. Different cultural
terms race, nationality, or region are used expression of mathematical ideas, mani-
instead of ethnicity (e.g., Eurocentric or Af- fested in written or nonwritten form, oral or
rocentric). (jn) nonoral form. An everyday mathematics
See also multiculturalism; pluralism. which allows individuals to function effec-
tively in the world and, contrasted with ac-
ethnography ademic mathematics which are taught in
Though recently equated with qualitative re- schools, allow for elite management of a so-
search, ethnography is more appropriately ciety's ideas, insights, and knowledge sets.
defined as the description and analysis of the Architects, engineers, accountants, and chil-
culture of a definable human group or set- dren have distinct ways of reasoning, of
ting. Thus one may conduct an ethnographic measuring, of coding, and of classifying,
study of a particular group of at-risk teen- each accordingly has developed their own
agers or of the culture of a particular class- ethnomathematics. A conceptual category
room. Ethnography originally referred to the that has emerged from the dialectical dis-
long-term study of small homogeneous course between mathematics, education, pol-
groups by anthropologists and sociologists. itics, and culture. It includes and examines
The primary methods employed are partici- the interconnectedness of mathematics with


all other disciplines recognizing that while Eurocentric curriculum

mathematical ideas are expressed in all cul- A curriculum which emphasizes European
tures those ideas vary as they are expressed literature and history to the exclusion of
in the context of each culture, (hfs, sir) other cultural representations. Based on the
See also Eurocentrism. assumption that most of the world's greatest
scientific, cultural, and artistic developments
etic(s) have occurred in Europe. Proponents of this
Understandings and perceptions of cultural curriculum are often referred to as Western
reality that are formulated independently of traditionalists, (jqa, jwc)
the members of a culture. Etic includes de-
scriptions, analyses, and judgments of cul- Eurocentrism
ture that are produced from the point of A perspective that reflects historical domi-
view and conceptualizations of outsiders (of- nance in development and achievement from
ten social scientists). An etic perspective em- a European and Western position and ex-
phasizes the categories, analytical thought cludes contributions from non-European
processes, descriptions, and models consid- cultures to world civilization. This perspec-
ered meaningful to outside observers (even tive biases European historical development
when done by natives trained in such outside and deprecates the contributions of non-
schemata). Etic constructions of reality are European cultures to world civilization,
epistemological, not ontological, in nature. (jbo)
The ultimate arbiters and judges of etic con-
structions are social scientists guided by "sci- evaluation
entific" standards, (jde) The systematic investigation into the process
See also emic(s). or outcomes of the implementation of a par-
ticular educational program, also synony-
mous with "program evaluation": such
ETS (See Educational Testing Service)
investigations answer calls for accountabil-
ity, assist in decision making, aid program
euclidean space development and planning, and serve re-
N-dimensional space exhibiting zero curva- search. Current approaches to evaluation (in
ture; based on the four undefined terms and this programmatic sense) stress a compre-
five axioms proposed by Euclid. It uses the hensive, naturalistic methodology that goes
Pythagorean distance metric, and as a three- beyond sole reliance on quantitative analy-
dimensional space, it functionally models the sis. Testing or measurement: evaluation is
world around us. (ey) often used synonymously to refer to all
forms of general student testing. In early
eudaimonia childhood education, an identification pro-
In classical Greek, "happiness." The word cedure utilized to determine the current
eudaimonia derives etymologically from eu status of a child in each of the developmental
(good) and daimon (god, demigod), and thus areas: communication, social/emotional,
suggests a state of blessedness; literally, adaptive, and physical. In some of the pro-
having a good god within one. The gods fessional literature evaluation is used inter-
were thought to be supremely happy, and changeably with assessment, (sd, xss)
philosophers in the Socratic tradition held See also evaluation, program.
that human beings are happiest when they
devote their lives to the exercise of the most evaluation, program
divine element in themselves, namely their A process in which academic programs are
intellect, in accordance with the highest vir- appraised in terms of criteria chosen to judge
tue, namely sophia or contemplative wis- effectiveness or the rate of efficiency; often
dom, (re) called program review when doctoral pro-


grams are evaluated with procedures speci- examination, final

fied by governing or coordinating boards; The primary way of assigning course grades
some form of evaluation has been required in most undergraduate courses; in large in-
by funding agencies (private and public) stitutions end-of-course exams may be con-
since enactment of the Elementary and Sec- structed for departmental use across classes,
ondary Education Act of 1965. (cf) and systemwide exams may be used by mul-
ticampus institutions, (cf)

evaluation assessment
Screening to determine individual character- examination, final oral
istics and current level of functioning, (sr) An examination given to a candidate for a
graduate degree, usually a doctor's degree,
held under the auspices of the student's com-
Even Start program mittee. The candidate must defend his or her
A subsection of Title I of the ESEA, added thesis and otherwise satisfy the committee
in 1988, to assist children and adults from that he or she has met all requirements for
low-income families to achieve the revised a doctoral degree, (cf)
and more challenging state content stan-
dards and student performance standards of
Goals 2000. Even Start provides adult liter- examination, placement
acy training along with childhood education An examination given to decide placement,
to provide for a family learning experience. with or without college-level credit. It is usu-
It was designed to break intergenerational ally taken by prospective college students
cycles of poverty and illiteracy by funding prior to their first enrollment in college, (cf)
family literacy programs that provide early
childhood education, adult literacy, and par- examination, preliminary
enting education, (ecr, las) An examination given to determine the stu-
dent's eligibility to candidacy for a degree;
eligibility traditionally consists of a written
Everson v. Board of Education, Irving
and oral examination, (cf)
Township, 330 U.S. 1 (1947)
A U.S. Supreme Court case challenging a
New Jersey law permitting use of public examining-and-grading policies
money to bus students to school, including The stated or implied procedures followed in
schools run by the Catholic Church. In a 5-4 testing academic achievement in coursework
decision, with the majority employing a and the assignment of numerical or alpha-
"child-benefit theory," the Court ruled that betical grades to convey the student's accom-
the law did not violate the First Amendment plishment of course requirements; often
"wall of separation" between church and issued in the form of guidelines or sugges-
state. The case generated hostility toward tions, (cf)
Catholics for their use of public funds, and
complicated ongoing congressional efforts
towards federal aid to education, (le) exceptional
A term used to describe students who are
considerably different in their learning or be-
examination havorial styles from their peers. They may
Exercises used to assess knowledge or skills. be intellectually gifted or have cognitive,
Often a formal set of questions intended to physical, or emotional limitations. Excep-
test given information, although the term tional students may have unique needs that
may include any process of testing ability or require special educational interventions,
achievement, (jw) (jqa, jwc)

exchange programs

exchange programs for living with authentic recognition of one's

Agreements made between schools, colleges, freedom, (lkk)
or universities to allow students from one in-
stitution to attend another for a limited time exosystem
while still eligible to earn academic credit In an ecological model of child development
from the home institution. Exchange pro- (Bronfenbrenner, 1979), a community sys-
grams are also available to teachers and fac- tem which exists outside of the family
ulty to undertake research, study and/or ("exo" = outside of) but which, because of
teaching in another setting in order to im- its pervasiveness, has a major impact on the
prove skills and exchange ideas and prac- child's socialization. Typical exosystems in-
tices. Exchange programs are established clude school boards, city councils, and
under formal agreements by organizations churches, (ecr)
and governments, and those involving insti-
tutions outside of the United States in co- expanded notation
operation with U.S. institutions are subject Refers to the writing of numbers such that
to government regulations, (jw) the numeric value of each digit is high-
lighted; for example, 327 = 3 X 100 + 2 X
exercise physiology 10 + 7 X 1. During the new math move-
Also called exercise science, this is the study ment emphasis was placed on writing num-
of the physiological responses of the body bers in expanded form under the assumption
due to exercise, (rf) this would lead to increased understanding
of computational procedures, (amr)
exercise science (See exercise
physiology) expanding communities
A curriculum design in which children learn
existential intelligence about various aspects of life in the context
Described by Howard Gardner in his Theory of ever-widening realms of experience, usu-
of Multiple Intelligences as the ability of ally geographic realms. Sometimes called
some individuals to focus philosophical "expanding horizons," or "expanding envi-
thought on issues relating to life, death, and ronments," the curriculum approach was
other existential realities, (jwc) popularized by Paul R. Hanna through sev-
eral elementary social studies textbook series
existentialism published from the 1930s through the
Celebrates the uniqueness of the individual 1970s. Though widely criticized, expanding
in opposition to universal conceptions of hu- communities remains the pervasive design
mankind. It originated as existential thought for elementary social studies textbooks and
in the work of Soren Kierkegaard (1813- curriculum frameworks, (jrs)
1855) and Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900).
Later formulations were developed by Mar- expanding environments (See
tin Heidegger (1889-1976), Karl Jaspers expanding communities)
(1883-1969), Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980),
Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986), and Al- expanding horizons (See expanding
bert Camus (1913-1960). Existentialism communities)
identifies personal concerns and values as the
determinants of ethical action, rather than experienced curriculum
human nature and the application of ab- The course of study experienced by those
stract principles to ethical dilemmas. Rec- taught: including the explicit curriculum, the
ognition of responsibility for one's actions operationalized curriculum, the hidden cur-
causes angst (dread and anxiety), which ac- riculum, and the null curriculum; what is
cording to existentialism, is the motivation learned, what meaning is made from what is

expert system

learned, and how the experiences are sewn experiential therapy

together to construct a scheme of the world Metatheory applied to various forms of psy-
and the individual's place in it. This curric- chotherapy. Emphasis is placed on emo-
ulum differs from all the others in that the tional experiencing. Change is believed to
learner may accept, reject, and/or modify occur by accessing/enhancing deeper feelings
these other curricula and emerge with a during the emotional experiencing process.
learning quite different from the meanings of Interventions are designed and intended for
these other curricula. Thus, these other cur- immediate, concrete change in the client,
ricula do not, necessarily, mandate what the with less focus on insight or cognitive or be-
learner ultimately knows, learns, or believes, havioral change. Experiential therapy may
(db-j) be seen as a direct meeting of the whole self
See also explicit curriculum; hidden cur- of the client and the whole self of the ther-
riculum; null curriculum; operationalized apist, (med)
Experimental Schools Program
Established in 1970 by the U.S. Office of Ed-
experiential education
ucation under the provisions of the Coop-
Experiential education stems from a con-
erative Research Act of 1954, this was a
structivist philosophy in which humans cre-
six-year project aimed at testing the hypoth-
ate knowledge based on their life experience.
esis that lasting educational improvement is
The impact of learning from an experience
best facilitated by a comprehensive approach
is dependent on the level of meaningfulness
to educational change. The ESP provided
to the learner. It is characterized by differ-
federal support to 18 urban and rural school
ences in (a) relevancy to the learner, (b) emo-
districts across the country that aimed to
tional reaction to the experience, (c) physical
model systemic approaches to educational
activity involved in the experience, (d) inter-
reform for schools serving low-income stu-
action with others, and (e) level of critical
dents, including flagship programs in Berke-
thinking skills used. Experiential education
ley, California, Franklin Pierce (WA) School
is most commonly thought of as learning ex-
District, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, (sw)
periences that elicit higher levels of these
characteristics. Four types of formal learn-
ing situations are frequently termed experien- experimental theater
tial: vocational education, service-learning, Theater that breaks accepted conventions of
outdoor education (including adventure, form, content, or stage techniques. While
challenge, and environmental education), there is a wide range of theater forms that
and less commonly, specifically designed could be categorized as experimental, the
classroom activities. Prominent philosophers common thread through most experimental—
in this area include Herbert Spencer, John or avant-garde—theater is its contrast to,
and reaction against, theatrical naturalism
Dewey, and David Kolb. (sis)
and realism. For example, an experimental
theater piece might utilize unconventional
experiential learning forms of expression or abstract modes of ac-
Any learning process where experience (es- tion, creating work that is impossible to
pecially as distinguished from didactic trans- view from a purely logical or rational per-
mission of information) plays a key role. In spective, (em)
adult education, this can be learning that
takes place outside of the classroom (intern- expert system
ships, community-based activities); informal A computer program that simulates intelli-
learning (from hobbies, volunteer activities, gent problem-solving behavior in a given
travel, etc.); or simulations, games, outdoor area of expertise. The computer program
activities, etc. (aim) (the "expert") asks the user for information

explicit curriculum

about a problem, matches that information work to be re-experienced by their audience.

to a database containing rules to guide the Cognitivists like Nelson Goodman see ex-
decision process, arrives at a decision, and pression as an aesthetic achievement mas-
reports the solution to the user, (chb) tered by artists and recognized by viewers
without any necessary exchange of felt emo-
explicit curriculum tion. Nonetheless, young children's artistic
Also known as "formal curriculum." A writ- performances are thought to be highly ex-
ten plan of educational action for any kind pressive apart from any consideration
of learning community (children, adults, of their respective mastery of artistic skills,
mixed) and found in many venues (class- (jd)
rooms, schools, school districts, and private
organizations, e.g., Sunday schools, YMCAs expressionism
and YWCAs, and Outward Bound pro- An artistic movement in the late nineteenth
grams). Three examples of the explicit cur- and early twentieth centuries in which works
riculum: (1) district curriculum guides (most of art and literature focused more on the
typical explicit curriculum), which usually symbolic, often unconventional representa-
focus on content and performance standards tion of inner feeling than on imitative tech-
for particular grade levels, (2) university or niques. Works of visual art fall within the
college syllabi, which typically contain lists category of expressionism if they seek to
of materials (e.g., books and readings), con- evoke an emotion rather than an objective
tent, calendar of events, and assignments, representation of the subject. The artist can
and (3) nonschool program guides (e.g., abstract or distort the formal qualities of the
Outward Bound), which typically include work to create, for example, discomfort in
general statements of the knowledge and the viewer. Examples of expressionism can
skills intent of the program along with be found in paintings such as The Starry
course experiences, (db-j) Night by Vincent van Gogh and The Scream
See also experienced curriculum; hidden by Edvard Munch, (ap)
curriculum; null curriculum; operationalized
curriculum. expulsion
The permanent removal of a student from
exponential notation school for serious or continued infractions of
The method of representing the repeated school rules, (bba)
multiplication of a number or expression. A
shorter way of writing an expression times extended day kindergarten
itself a specific number of times. The number Educational program for five-year-olds that
that is repeatedly multiplied is called the lasts longer than the traditional half-day.
base, and the amount of times it is multiplied Extended day kindergarten can last a full
is called the exponent, (gtm) school day (equal to the school day of older
elementary children) or longer, including a
expression/expressivity full day of care for children who require it.
The manifestation and/or representation of (ecr)
inner experience or emotion. Expression in
the arts—performing, visual, or literary—is extension agent
achieved through resources such as gesture, An employee either of a county government
facial configuration, shape and direction of or a land grant university whose job it is to
lines and forms, and usage of metaphors and demonstrate innovative agricultural methods
other descriptive language. Leo Tolstoy de- to willing farmers. Extension programs have
scribed the artistic experience as one in been integral parts of land grant universities
which artists pour their emotions into their since passage of the Smith-Lever Act in


1914. One who designs and delivers services external representations (See
and programs through the Cooperative Ex- representation)
tension Service. A teacher within an exten-
sion education program, (lr, chb, jpc) externships
A student shadows one or more people in a
extension center specific occupation in order to gain under-
An off-campus facility where courses at un- standing of typical work responsibilities and
to connect information learned in the class-
dergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate level
room to specific occupations, (jb)
are offered on a relative, permanent basis.
extracurricular activities
Student organization pursuits which may be
extension education social, athletic, or avocational (e.g., sorori-
Adult education focused on the needs of ties, basketball teams, chess clubs, etc), (cf)
farmers and rural populations. In the United
States, this education is provided by local
cooperative extension services that help
Similar to the Internet in that it uses the
farmers learn from agricultural research. Ed-
same technology, but the accessibility is lim-
ucation offered by the Cooperative Exten-
ited. An extranet links an organization's
sion Service; university-based continuing
own intranet to its business partners' intra-
education, (jpc, chb)
net and provides secure access to the shared
part of a business' information or opera-
extensive quantities tions, (hh)
Numbers that arise through the act of count- See also Internet; intranet.
ing or measuring, (amr)
See also intensive quantities. extrinsic reward
Extrinsic rewards refer to any experience,
tangible or intangible, that comes from an
external degree program external source in the child's environment
A college-level program designed to reduce and that has the power of increasing the be-
or eliminate barriers of time or place for havior's occurrence. For the extrinsic reward
adult learners; in some instances, such a pro- to be effective it needs to be provided im-
gram awards degrees based on assessment of mediately after the occurrence of the behav-
learners' competence or ability to perform ior so the child will be able to make the
rather than on their having completed a se- connection between his/her behavior and the
quence of formal course work, (chb) reward received. For example, smiling by the
mother may be an extrinsic reward for a
external locus of control young child who is seeking her attention.
The perception that reinforcements are due The child who repeats making funny faces
to others or to other, outside forces; some- in order to see the smile in the mother's face
thing beyond one's control. Sometimes is likely to have been extrinsically rewarded
experienced as a sense of fate, luck, pre- by the mother's smile, (xss, yb)
determination, or chance. In the extreme,
an external locus of control may be accom- extroversion
panied by a sense of powerlessness, resig- A personality trait that describes an individ-
nation, or a lack of responsibility for one's ual's preference for interacting with others
life. Locus of control is conceptualized on a and the environment, or outside world. Of-
continuum from external to internal, (mgg) ten includes and/or overlaps with other per-


sonality characteristics, such as sociability, Jung described extroversion-introversion as

enthusiasm, and impulsivity. (med) a bimodal trait. There appears to be a
See also extroversion-introversion. strong hereditary component to this trait,
and there is evidence of physiological differ-
extroversion-introversion ences in the nervous system (e.g., low corti-
The most widely studied of the "Big Five" cal arousal with extroversion, higher resting
personality traits. Eysenck studied this "di- states of cortical arousal with introversion),
mension of personality" for many years. (med)

face-to-face testing covering information or finding solutions to
Tests given (often one-on-one) where the ex- a problem rather than simply providing in-
aminee and examiner can see one another formation or answers. A teacher or trainer
are generally called "face-to-face." Such tests who provides opportunities to learn rather
can replace or supplement paper-and-pencil than direct instruction. Facilitation is often
or computer-delivered group testing. Face- aimed at fostering adults' capacity for self-
to-face testing is common where the skills direction, (aim, jpc, las)
cannot be rendered in written form (e.g.,
musical peformances), when the test taker is facilities audit
not able to respond in written form (e.g., due A comprehensive evaluation of facilities, in-
to a disability), or when the test task itself cluding buildings and infrastructure, used to
requires response in oral form (e.g., when identify and prioritize deferred maintenance
testing spoken proficiency in a foreign lan- repair and rehabilitation projects, which are
guage). Face-to-face testing allows a combi- beyond the scope of routine preventive
nation of skills in a rich and productive maintenance programs. Results are often ex-
manner, but suffers disadvantages in strain pressed as a ratio of accumulated deferred
on personnel time and consequently on re- maintenance costs to current facilities re-
sources, (khl) placement value, (cf)

facilitative communication fact

For individuals with severe communicative A verifiable occurrence or existence, which
disabilities, a system in which an aide assists can include an event, statistic, name, date,
by physically helping an individual stabilize place, etc. Facts can serve as a basis of the-
or move his or her arm to type on or point ory or ideas and can suggest conclusions and
to a communication device, although the new hypotheses for further study. In schools,
content of the output is assumed to be un- factual learning lends itself to memorization
influenced by the aide's presence, (jcp) and often serves as the core of lessons.
Teachers are encouraged to link facts by
facilitator means of themes or questions that help make
Someone who provides support to a learner the facts more memorable and applicable,
or group of learners in their process of dis- (igb)

factitious disorder

factitious disorder cluded in decision-making processes and all

A category of mental disorders in which an aspects of their children's care, (kdc)
individual intentionally produces or feigns
physiological or psychological signs and family and consumer science education
symptoms. This may, for example, involve Educational programs focusing on empow-
fabricating health complaints, exaggerating ering individuals and families across the life
pre-existing medical conditions, or inflicting span to successfully manage the challenges
injuries on oneself. Individuals with facti- of living and working in a diverse, global
tious disorders are motivated by a need to environment. The mission of family and
assume the sick role, rather than by a desire consumer sciences education is to prepare
to benefit from any secondary gains or ex- students for family life, work life, and ca-
ternal reinforcers (as would be the case with reers in family and consumer sciences, (ch)
"malingering"), (ktc)
See also malingering. family day care
Care for small groups of children in the care-
factors giver's own home. Children learn in mixed
Two or more numbers or polynomials that age groups, in an environment that more
are multiplied together. Each of these is closely simulates being raised within a family
called a factor of the product, (rdk) than in a large-group, center-based setting,
Those responsible for the administration of Family Day Care Rating Scale (FDCRS)
and instruction in a given school, college, or A standardized instrument for the evaluation
university. The instructors of an academic of in-home childcare setting developed by
institution, (jw) Thelma Harms and Richard Clifford in
1989. The form utilizes 32 items to compre-
faculty development hensively evaluate the care provided to chil-
A general term for programs and activities dren in the homes of the nonparental
organized to improve the teaching effec- caregivers. (kdc)
tiveness and professional responsibilities of
college and university faculty members; in- family literacy
cludes on-campus programs and services as An educational program in which the liter-
well as statewide and regional efforts. Fac- acy needs of both parents and their children
ulty development activities may take the are addressed. Family literacy includes pro-
form of instructional development, profes- grams in which parents and children learn
sional development, and organizational de- together and those where they learn sepa-
velopment, (cf) rately but parents are given instruction in
how to support their children's learning.
family (jpc)
A traditional nuclear family consists of a
mother, a father, and any offspring while a family therapy
traditional extended family expands to in- Counseling and psychotherapy with mem-
clude grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cous- bers of a family that focuses on overall func-
ins. The definition of "family" is changing, tioning, adaptations to changes, and inter-
however, to include various other structures actions among family members. In most
such as single-parent homes, custodial cases, families are treated as a whole, even
grandparents, same-sex couples and their though initial clinical presentations may be
children, blended families, and stepfamilies. individual in nature, such as a child who
Families are integral to the health and well- presents with anorexia or an adolescent who
being of their children and should be in- is notably oppositional. Problems are ad-


dressed through attention to the organiza- course of action intended to influence and
tion and interaction of various components determine decisions, actions, and other mat-
of the family. Interventions may involve re- ters of public education. Federal education
alignment, construction of new realities for policy regulates many areas, notably, finan-
old situations, or introduction of differences/ cial aid to students of higher education, spe-
changes from typical family patterns, (mjs) cial education regulations, and civil rights
laws. Individual states have the option to
fantasy play follow federal education policy but risk los-
Imaginative, freely determined activities, ing federal funding if they decide not to
with some to no foundation in reality. Be- abide by it. (dm)
cause these activities are not restricted by
any parameters of reality, children are free Federal Indian Boarding Schools
to explore and be inventive without exter- Introduced in the late 1870s by the U.S. Bu-
nally enforced limitations or guidelines, also reau of Indian Affairs, boarding schools
implying without risk of failure, (dbl) were favored over reservation day schools
because boarding schools were thought to
farm residents be more effective at separating Indian chil-
People who live and work on farms. Farm dren from tribal ways of life. The curriculum
residents comprise a decreasing proportion consisted of a mixture of English and other
of the rural population given demographic academic subjects, vocational (farm or
factors such as the growth of corporate household) work, and religious or moral in-
farming and the net inflow of nonfarm peo- struction. Native Americans objected to the
ple to rural America in the 1990s, (lr) schools' strong assimilationist goals. By the
early 1900s the boarding schools fell into
Farrington v. Tokushige, 273 U.S. 284 disfavor and the 1928 Meriam Report influ-
enced the Bureau to emphasize day schools,
A decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that
upheld a Ninth Circuit Court decision af-
feeding skills
firming the constitutional right of parents to
Skills associated with eating and drinking
send their children to Japanese language
such as sucking, chewing, and swallowing,
schools. Beginning in 1920, the Hawaii ter-
and ability in using utensils to obtain nour-
ritorial legislature had enacted laws designed ishment, (kms)
to abolish privately owned Japanese lan-
guage schools, which enrolled over 20,000 Feinberg Law
students. The schools filed suit, and the case Law passed in 1949 in New York stating
eventually reached the Ninth Circuit Court. that any person who was an employee of the
Basing its decision on Supreme Court prec- New York public school system and a mem-
edents Meyer v. Nebraska, Bartels v. Iowa, ber of an organization which promoted or
and Fierce v. Society of Sisters, the Court advocated the overthrow of the U.S. govern-
declared that parents had the right to direct ment by unlawful means would be disqual-
the education of their children free of pro- ified and removed from their employment.
hibitive restrictions, (eht) This Cold War era law was upheld in 1952
in Adler v. Board of Education, 342 U.S.
FDCRS (See Family Day Care Rating 485, but later reversed in 1967 in Keyishian
Scale) v. Board of Regents, 385 U.S. 589. (ks2)

federal education policy fellow

Federal education policy is set forth by the The holder of a fellowship; a member of a
U.S. Department of Education as a plan or learned literary or scientific society; in some


universities, a member or trustee of the cor- tween gender, politics, empowerment, em-
poration, (cf) ployment, sex, race, class and every other as-
pect affecting women in society with the in-
fellowship tent of promoting equality and social justice,
A nontaxable gift of money to support in- (jqa, jwc)
quiry on the part of students in their field of
interest and to provide for their educational feminist therapy
expenses and for some or all of their living A theoretical orientation that emphasizes
expenses, (cf) recognition of the societal, cultural, and po-
litical contexts of individuals' lives and the
fellowship, research effect these contexts have on the issues that
A fellowship which requires that a portion bring people into counseling. It includes
of the fellow's time be spent in research. It awareness of individual and societal biases
differs from a research assistantship in that related to race, class, gender, and sexual ori-
the research is done not for remuneration entation. Foundational aspects of this ori-
but as a part of his or her educational pro- entation include, but are not limited to,
gram; therefore the income is not taxable. challenging the harmful effects of oppression
(cf) and privilege, establishing an equal power
base within the therapeutic relationship, en-
fellowship, teaching couraging sociopolitical activism to bring
A fellowship which requires that a certain about societal change, and emphasizing the
percentage of the fellow's time be spent in client's capacity for self-healing and self-
teaching. It differs from a teaching assistant- nurturing, (llf, emm)
ship in that the teaching is done not for re-
muneration but as a part of his or her field trip
educational program and therefore not tax- School-directed time outside of the class-
able, (cf) room setting, typically off-campus, when
students utilize resources found beyond the
feminism school or study a subject in its functional or
There are many different feminist perspec- natural setting. These trips are typically un-
tives, but for all the variety that exists there dertaken for educational purposes (to mu-
are still some basic concerns all feminists seums, laboratories, etc.), but may be for
share. These are concerns for the well-being entertainment purposes as well, (jw)
and equal treatment of women and girls, and
a valuation of the study of women and girls field-based teacher education
as an important, worthwhile research topic. Teacher training in which substantial parts
Feminists view gender as a socially con- of professional education occurs in pre-K-12
structed category in need of continual cri- schools. The aim is to gain skills and knowl-
tique. They argue that men in patriarchal edge different from those gathered from
societies have historically described them- campus-based courses. Real-life tasks and
selves in contrast to women and have placed experiences with public school students,
women in an inferior, secondary, "other" teachers, and school personnel are empha-
role, as the second sex (Simone de Beauvoir). sized. University faculty may teach educa-
(bt-b) tion classes in public school classrooms and
form teams to mentor teachers in the prep-
feminist theory aration of future educators, (reb)
A critical theory relating to the unique as-
pects of women in society. Generally applied fieldnotes
to issues of the oppression of women, femi- Broadly conceived, fieldnotes are the written
nist theorists examine the relationships be- record produced by qualitative researchers

fiscal year

doing fieldwork. Fieldnotes consist of re- Based Supplemental Educational Opportu-

searchers' observations of, personal reac- nity Grants (grants which students do not
tions to, reflections on, and preliminary have to repay), Federal Work-Study (federal
theorizing about, the people, behavior, and monies students can earn through work-
context they are studying. Fieldnotes usually study jobs that do not have to be repaid),
include the rough notes recorded during the and/or the Perkins Loans (low-interest loans
observation or interview and the more com- which students must repay), (tp)
prehensive account constructed with the aid
of the rough notes after the researcher has fine arts
left the scene. Fieldnotes are sometimes cat- From the French, beaux-arts. Fine art is re-
egorized into descriptive notes, personal garded as that which has stood the test of
notes, and theoretical notes, (rws) time and epitomizes artistic achievement,
as opposed to low art, often regarded as
fieldwork "mass" or "popular" culture. High art
Refers to research done by qualitative prac- consists of the meticulous expression in fine
titioners who travel to the "real-world" set- materials of refined or noble sentiment,
tings they wish to study. Though fieldwork appreciation of the former depending on
originally referred to ethnographic studies such things as intelligence, social standing,
conducted by anthropologists, it is now educated taste, and a willingness to be chal-
more broadly applied to any studies con- lenged. The fine arts include drawing, paint-
ducted in naturalistic settings that employ ing, sculpture, and fine printmaking. Pro-
participant observation and contextual in- viding an aesthetic experience is the primary
terviewing, (rws) purpose of the fine arts, (kpb)

final exam (See examination, final) fine motor skills

Movements that utilize the small muscles of
final oral examination (See the body, usually the hands and/or fingers,
examination, final oral) for performance, (rf)

financial aid finger play

Financial aid represents a monetary resource Hand movement routines typically associ-
for eligible students to gain an education ated with rhythm and/or rhyme that support
who otherwise would be unable to do so. fine motor development, a sense of rhythm,
Financial aid resources assist students who and the cognitive task of ordering narrative
do not have the financial means to meet the events in the context of having fun. (dbl)
full cost of attendance at an educational in-
stitution. Types of financial aid can be schol- finite
arships and/or grants, which students do not Numerically understood as a fixed amount
have to repay, or loans, which students do of objects which can be ascribed a specific
have to repay. Financial aid programs ad- whole number. Generally understood as a
ministered by the U.S. Department of Edu- quality of things which have boundary or
cation typically provide 70 percent of all limited capacity, (gtm)
postsecondary student financial assistance
(over $40 billion a year). The most common fiscal year
types of financial aid are Federal Pell Grants A period of one year, not necessarily corre-
(grants which students do not have to re- sponding with the school year or calendar
pay), subsidized or unsubsidized Federal year, for which the financial program is set
Stafford Loans (loans which students have up and at the end of which financial ac-
to repay), Federal Plus (Parent) Loans (loans counts are closed and reports made, usually
which parents have to repay), Campus- July first to June thirtieth, (cf)


fishbowl ical education, serving as an instrument in

A teaching or training technique in which a institutional standardization, (cm!)
small group of participants sit in the middle
of a larger group and discuss a question or floppy disk (See diskette)
issue while members of the larger group lis-
ten. Under rules agreed to in advance, par- flow
ticipants in the larger group can change The intense level of engagement experienced
places with those in the small group. At the by individuals deeply engaged in such pleas-
end of the fishbowl exercise, the whole urable activities as art making. Coined in the
group analyzes the discussion, (jpc) late twentieth century by the psychologist
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow has become a
fitness test familiar term among psychologists and ed-
Assessment used to obtain a measure of ucators in the arts. It is described as optimal
one's level of fitness. Test items may include experience in which self-consciousness,
the following: muscular strength, flexibility, worry, and any feelings of inadequacy dis-
endurance, aerobic capacity, and body com- appear. Children engaged in pretend play
position, (rf) exhibit flow in their apparent disregard for
anything around them even as they meet the
flannelboard expectations of their fluid and rule-bound
Instructional equipment often used in early systems of pretense. Flow can also be ob-
childhood group instruction, designed as a served in sports, rituals, pageantry, and chil-
flat surface covered with a felted fabric to dren's games, (jd)
give it a "gripping" quality that allows a
teacher to display images mounted on a sim- focus group
ilar felted fabric by adding and removing A group interview on a particular topic, led
them as desired. This is useful in allowing by a trained moderator. The group typically
children to re-create the sequence of events consists of 5 to 12 people who have an in-
such as those in a story, for focusing on a terest in or experience with the topic; the
number or letter, (dbl) goal of the focus group is to provide useful
insights on the topic, (mkr)
flexible scheduling
The scheduling of instruction and activities fold culture
that may vary from day to day, in contrast The result of blending a variety of cultures
to the traditional fixed schedule that does into new patterns, (jrw)
not vary from day to day. (bba)
folk art/music
Flexner Report Art or music created by ordinary people, of-
The official title of this 1910 report is Med- ten without the benefits or constraints of for-
ical Education in the United States and Can- malized or institutional art training. Folk art
ada, but is often referred to by its author's may involve craft processes (e.g., quilting)
last name, Abraham Flexner (1866-1959). and is closely tied to the artistic traditions of
The report is one of the first published sur- the local (often homogeneous) community in
veys of North American medical schools. It which it is produced. Much of American
was prepared for and published by the Car- folk painting is distinguished by repetitive
negie Foundation for the Advancement of designs, flat depictions of space and objects,
Teaching. It ranked medical schools (and and bold forms and colors (noted as primi-
hospitals) into three categories, ranging from tivism). Folk music, similarly tied to regional
best to worst, with a letter grade of an A, B, traditions, is often performed on traditional
or C. The Flexner Report is considered a cat- regional instruments. Historical narratives
alyst in the reform of North American med- told in accessible language and set to clearly

formal properties

punctuated tunes make folk music popular work of art out of its medium. Insofar as art
in music classrooms, (ap) is a language, the forms employed in an art
form are its vocabulary. The philosopher
folk high schools Gombrich talks of artists developing and
Nonformal adult schools, founded in Den- learning a vocabulary of forms. Children do
mark in the mid-1800s as a community ed- the same in their drawing, deciding, often by
ucation effort, now offering full-time copying from one another, that a particular
residential study in several northern Euro- schema (e.g., a thick brown vertical line with
pean countries. These schools are usually a green ball on top of it) is a satisfactory
publicly funded and offer a varied curricu- form. Form has to do with the elements em-
lum, ranging from civic education to voca- ployed, not the meaning conveyed, when
tional training and college preparation, artists, for example, face the challenge of
(dmv) representing three-dimensional reality in
two-dimensional space, (jd)
folk school
A term used in the United States to identify formal analysis
a nonformal residential school offering civic Critical writing on a work of art that attends
and cultural education to adults. Two well- to its form (rather than content or context),
known examples are the Highlander Center including qualities such as line, color, and
in Tennessee and the John C. Campbell Folk texture that cause an initial response. Strictly
School in North Carolina. Unlike the Euro- concerned with the work itself, it assumes no
pean model, these schools are not publicly prior knowledge of the artist, art history, or
funded, (dmv) stylistic counterparts. "Formal" here refers
See also folk high schools. to physical form, not aspects of correctness
(as in "formal—grammatically correct—lan-
folkways guage"). While formal analysis is specific to
Traditional behaviors and ways of life the visual arts, similar modes of inquiry—
within a culture that are passed on. This attending to details of form—are seen in
could include practice, custom, or belief other areas of interest to educators (e.g.,
shared by the members of a group as part of literary criticism, linguistics, archaeology,
their common culture. According to William mathematics), (lj)
Graham Sumner, the folkways of social sys-
tem are a set of norms governing commonly formal operational development
accepted practices, customs, and habits that Jean Piaget's fourth stage of cognitive devel-
make up the fabric of everyday life, (kfl) opment occurs from approximately age 12
to adulthood. The formal operational stage
follow-up, student includes the ability to use abstract, complex
In career education, an organized plan for reasoning, understand symbolism in an adult
ascertaining the employment and educa- context, and gain theoretical understanding.
tional status of graduates from career or These lifelong abilities include deductive and
vocational-technical programs in order to inductive reasoning, (npo)
establish the relationship between employ-
ment and the career or vocational-technical formal properties
education and training received, (db) The aspects of a work that reflect decisions
of the artist regarding medium, space, scale,
form color, line, shadow, rhythm, tune, timber,
The elements of construction of a work of tone, etc. In typical usage, the formal prop-
art (e.g., color, shape, arrangement of shapes erties of a painting or a piece of music are
into composition, medium of construction) the design features that are directly observ-
as well as the act of making or forming a able by the senses and distinguished from the

formal standard English

subject matter. For most art traditions, how- platforms, or hillsides are all examples of
ever, this separation between form and found spaces when used for performances.
meaning is merely semantic. The formal Using found objects and found spaces in arts
properties of a work often comprise its style classes challenges students creatively while
and contribute to its content, (lj) requiring very little in terms of budgetary re-
sources, (em)
formal standard English (See Standard
American English) foundationalism
A view in the theory of knowledge that as-
formative evaluation serts that all true or reasonable propositions
The systematic gathering and analysis of in- are either known for certain, known through
formation used to advise and improve the direct and indubitable connection with the
conceptualization, design, production, and/ facts, or derived in equally indubitable steps
or implementation of a wide array of prod- from such foundations. Knowledge is said to
ucts and programs. Formative evaluation be "built" like a perfect building in which a
takes place before a product or program has perfect foundation assures us that the floors
been finalized and is premised upon the con- above are perfectly reliable. Foundational-
siderations, patterns of usage, reactions, and ism has floundered since most philosophers
comments of intended learners, viewers, lis- have come to believe that no beliefs can be
teners, and/or end-users. The purpose of the directly and inherently tied to the world but
evaluation is to inform pending decisions are mediated through the senses and culture,
specific to the project in order to increase the (an)
likelihood that desired outcomes will be See also empiricism; idealism; realism.
reached, (ieh)

formula foundations
An equation containing more than one var- The term usually refers to institutions
iable that is used to model a physical situa- through which private wealth is contributed
tion or express the relationship between two and distributed for public purpose. Some of
or more quantities. For example, A = Vibh the best known foundations in the United
is the formula that relates the area of a tri- States include the Carnegie, Rockefeller,
angle, A, to the length of its base, b, and its Lilly, Ford, and Sloan foundations. In the
height, h. A formula may be evaluated by 1980s and 1990s the number of grantmak-
replacing all the variables, except one, with ing foundations increased significantly. Most
known values and then solving the equation notable were those developed by financier
for the remaining variable. In the example George Soros and Microsoft founder Bill
of the area of a triangle, b and h could be Gates. Foundation giving doubled between
replaced with given values and the area 1990 and 1998 to $19.5 billion. In 1997, the
computed, or any two variables could be re- largest recipients of grant dollars were edu-
placed to give the value of the third, (rdk) cation, health, and human services, (jr)

found object/found space foundations (educational finance)

A found object is an item, either synthetic or A term in educational finance that that refers
existing in nature, that is taken and used as to the financing of education through a part-
a piece of art or as part of an art project; nership between the local district and the
literally an object, not intended for artistic state as an attempt to achieve some degree
purposes, found and used as art. A found of equality of educational opportunity for
space is a physical space, not intended for children in public schools. Through the
performances, used for theater, dance, or years, it has served as an attempt to provide
performance art; street corners, parks, train a specified minimum educational program

Free Speech Movement (FSM)

within the states that have utilized this fi- a result of so doing, experience is created. In
nancial procedure, (jr) one dimension, frames are the meaning per-
spectives that serve as socio-linguistic, ethi-
fourth wall cal, psychological, or epistemic filters or
In theater, the imaginary separation between codes to shape, delimit, and distort experi-
the onstage world of the characters and the ence. The second dimension of a frame of
world of the audience, a device used by ac- reference is a meaning scheme composed of
tors to create an enclosed reality onstage. A the specific beliefs, feelings, judgments, in-
key concept in the development of theatrical tuitions, and attitudes that accompany and
realism and naturalistic theater, originated shape specific interpretation and understand-
from the notion that on a traditional stage, ing. More fully developed frames of refer-
in addition to the two sides of the stage and ence are more inclusive, differentiating, more
the back wall, a fourth wall existed at the integrative of an individual's experience and
front of the stage visible only to the char- perspective, and are lastly more open to al-
acters onstage—the audience watched the ternative perspectives, (hfs)
play through this invisible wall. Breaking the
fourth wall implies talking to the audience. free appropriate public education
(em) Special education and related services that
are provided at public expense, meet the
four-year institutions standards of the state educational agency,
Four-year institutions include universities, and are provided in conformity with the in-
liberal arts colleges, and independently or- dividualized education program, (sr)
ganized graduate or professional schools. In
addition to work of a type normally credit- free choice
able toward a bachelor's or higher degree, Learning experiences that allow children au-
four-year institutions may also offer other tonomy or the independence to select either
types of instruction (e.g., courses in gen- the activity itself or materials and direction
eral education and adult education, short to be taken within the context of a particular
courses, occupational curriculums leading to activity, (dbl)
an associate degree, etc.). (cf)
free drawing
four-year liberal arts colleges Like free writing, free drawing is the activity
A classification for 200 or more colleges that of drawing anything the student wishes. An
have enhanced their status as traditional and alternative to drawing sessions in which the
prestigious four-year institutions; publicly teacher or researcher assigns a drawing task
recognized for their excellence in the liberal (e.g., draw family scenes, or landscapes), free
arts, leaving graduate and professional edu- drawing activities are determined entirely by
cation to research/graduate universities, (cf) the intentions and inventions of the child or
other artist, (jd)
The division of two numbers A and B (A/B free morpheme (See morphology)
where B does not equal zero;); an expression
that indicates the quotient of this division. free schools (See pauper schools)
Fractions can be interpreted from several
perspectives: part-whole (area model), meas- Free Speech Movement (FSM)
ure, set, ratio, and division, (wja) A movement that characterized the rebel-
lious youth counterculture of the 1960s, the
frame of reference Free Speech Movement originated on the
The structure of assumptions within which campus of the University of California in
perceptions are analyzed and interpreted. As Berkeley, California, during the fall of 1964.


Starting as a localized movement staged by Americans secure their right to vote. An-
five students protesting the banning of the other component of Freedom Summer in-
distribution of political literature on that volved the establishment of 41 "Freedom
campus, the movement quickly spread to Schools" created to protest the segregated
college campuses in other parts of the coun- and unequal education black Mississippians
try. The events on the Berkeley campus in received in their schools. Freedom Summer
1964 are considered the first major student experienced a number of violent incidents,
revolt of the 1960s, (ah) including the Ku Klux Klan murder of three
civil rights workers and the fire-bombing of
freedom many black churches, (rih)
Liberty of action. There are two types of
freedom. Negative freedom is the absence of Freirian
coercion or interference from other people; Educational processes that follow the phi-
the quality or state of being able to act with- losophy and practice outlined by Paulo Fre-
out hindrance or restraint. Positive freedom ire, a Brazilian educator who began his work
consists in the power of self-determination, with adult literacy programs. Freirian edu-
being in charge of the fulfillment of one's as- cation is inherently political in nature and
pirations. Within the context of Western lib- supports an instructional approach that en-
eral political theory (e.g., Locke, Rousseau, courages students to reflect on their history
Hobbes, Mill), freedom is typically under- and the forces that affect their lives, use
stood as action free from external con- those reflections as a basis for action, and
straints. Yet critics of Western liberalism then reflect on the results of that action, (jpc)
(e.g., Gandhi) insisted that freedom has an
internal as well as an external component. A frequency count
free action must not only be caused by the A behavior-tracking observational technique
agents themselves. It must be caused by a self in which the number of times a behavior oc-
that is internally well regulated. For example, curs in a period of time is measured, (xss)
a person motivated improperly by fear or love
of money cannot act freely, no matter what fresco
the external political context, (ewr, an) A method of painting with water-based pig-
See also determinism; volition. ments on freshly spread lime plaster, either
dry (fresco secco) or wet (true fresco). In the
Freedom Schools latter method, the colors dry and set with the
A set of schools established in the summer plaster to become a permanent part of the
of 1964 by the Student Nonviolent Coordi- wall. Fresco painting is ideal for making mu-
nating Committee (SNCC) in the state of rals because it lends itself to a monumental
Mississippi. The schools were staffed by col- style, is durable, and has a matte surface.
lege students and other volunteers as a part Michelangelo's paintings in the Sistine
of the civil rights strategy of the organiza- Chapel are the most famous of all frescoes.
tion. The literacy and numeracy of the stu- The technique was briefly revived by artists
dents was developed using curricula and of interest to educators such as Diego Rivera
pedagogy designed to be culturally appro- and other Mexican Muralists in the first half
priate and developmental, (hfs) of the twentieth century, (kpb)
See also Freedom Summer.
freshman seminar
Freedom Summer Freshman seminars are small classes, usually
Term for the summer of 1964 when black taught by a professor or graduate student,
and white Civil Rights volunteers, many of that encourage freshmen to work on discus-
whom were college students on summer sion, writing, and analytical skills soon after
break, traveled to Mississippi to help African they arrive on campus. The seminars attempt

full-text databases

to provide all students with important skills tries by providing grants for scholars to ad-
for academic and social college challenges. vance their research and provide for the
Many colleges and universities now require exchange of students and teachers. Origi-
freshman seminars for all first-year students. nally enacted as an amendment to the Sur-
In some cases, a student might place out of plus Property Act of 1944, the Fulbright
this requirement because of an Advanced program was expanded with the passage of
Placement exam, but often the seminar is the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and the
key in helping all freshmen develop com- Fulbright-Hays Act of 1961 (also known as
munication and learning skills for the fol- the Mutual Educational and Cultural
lowing years of college and beyond, (cf) Exchange Act), (rih)

Froebelian kindergarten full-scale IQ

An early childhood program developed by IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. A num-
Freidrich Wilhelm Froebel (1782-1852) in ber derived from a weighted average of
which teachers and parents tend the "garden the verbal and performance IQ scores of
of children," acting as facilitators of healthy the Wechsler Scales of Intelligence. When the
conditions for growth. Instruction occurs difference between the verbal IQ and the
through carefully-designed "gifts," "occu- performance IQ is great, the full-scale IQ is
pations," songs and games, which were at- difficult to interpret, and may not be valid.
tractive play opportunities for the child. The full-scale IQ is perceived to be a nu-
During play, Froebel believed, children un- merical measurement of a person's "overall
fold their inner, spiritual lives and unique ca- intelligence," which is a psychological con-
pabilities, much as a flower naturally opens struct and can therefore never be proven.
to the sun, giving the adult a chance to ob- (aw)
serve the child's qualities and growth, (ecr)
full-service schools
frustration reading level Institutions which propose to unify the de-
The grade level at which the student can no livery of social and family services in a single
longer read the words or comprehend the school facility. The interagency connections
message in a passage, even with a great deal inherent in these institutions facilitate family
of support. Although there is some variation preservation and education via a focus on
in criteria, widely accepted standards are: family needs, as well as the needs of individ-
less than 90 percent accuracy in word rec- ual family members. Schools that make
ognition and 50 percent comprehension. available to students and their families a
(aw) broad range of human support services, such
See also independent reading level; infor- as immunizations, nutrition counseling,
mal reading inventory; instructional reading medical and dental screening, employment
level. and housing assistance, and legal and im-
migration advice, (hfs, bba)
FSM (See Free Speech Movement)
full-text databases
Fulbright Act Databases that contain not only citation in-
Federal legislation aimed at providing sup- formation, but also the complete text of the
port for educational exchange programs items cited. When the database is searched,
between the United States and foreign retrieved records contain or link to the entire
countries. Named for Senator J. William Ful- text of the document. Some full-text data-
bright, the Fulbright Act was signed by Pres- bases include replicas of printed pages, com-
ident Truman in 1946. The purpose of the plete with images and pagination. Others
legislation was to create an understanding include the text, but not accompanying im-
between the United States and other coun- ages, and do not preserve the layout of the


print version. Some full-text databases con- funding

tain material not available in print format; Funding is a means of obtaining financial re-
many knowledge bases have no print paral- sources for a specified or clearly articulated
lel. Researchers find full-text databases to be purpose. Taxes from the assessed value of
convenient, especially for work with journal property are the means by which most
articles. Such databases may contain articles schools obtain funding. However, in some
from thousands of publications. Some full- states, other local and state taxes that are
text databases focus on a particular subject, assessed are a means of funding also. In ad-
while others are general or news oriented. dition, funding for some schools may come
(ac) from other sources: the interest on property
or other assets, rental on facilities, the profits
function on enterprising operations, fund raising,
A rule that relates an independent variable grants, or foundations, (jr)
with a dependant variable. The independent
variable is chosen from a list of possible var-
iables and is used to determine the depend- fundraising
ant variable based on a rule. For the rule to Fundraising attempts are generally short-
constitute a function, there must be a unique term efforts to obtain monetary supplements
outcome (dependant variable) for each input for schools, universities, and other institu-
(independent variable). Often, functions are tions in order to support a wide range of
denoted as such: f(x) = y whereby the rule student activities. Private and parochial
is given by f(x) and the independent variable schools may rely heavily upon fundraising,
is x and the dependant variable is y. (dbc) since they lack the state funds that public
schools are able to obtain. Charter schools
may rely on fundraising to some extent,
functional assessment
since they are unable to subsist solely on the
Systematic observation of an individual's be-
basic state funds allotted them. Fundraising
havior and/or ability to perform specific ac-
tivities and tasks to measure capability and activities may include, but are not limited to,
develop a plan for training or for predicting ad hoc events, alumni association fundrais-
success in related activities, (sr) ing work, school-business partnerships, and
direct mailing request for contributions.
functional curriculum Other more long-term methods of fundrais-
Materials designed to teach skills of daily ing may be the establishment of development
living, for example, use of money or use of funds or writing grant proposals. The re-
public transportation, (sr) sponsibility of fundraising varies due to dif-
ferences in size and needs, (jr)
functional literacy See also advancement.
A minimal, or survival level of literacy for
one to meet basic personal and social needs, further education
such as writing one's name or reading signs. Education that takes place after leaving
People who are functionally illiterate expe- school and outside the formal higher edu-
rience difficulty in using reading and writing cation system. This can include basic skills
skills for purposes and activities in their courses, vocational or professional educa-
daily lives. The level of reading and writing tion, or a general liberal arts education, (jpc)
ability necessary to function competently
within a particular social context. The liter-
acy needed to engage effectively in all those further education college
activities in which literacy is normally as- In the United Kingdom, a public postsecon-
sumed in an individual's culture or group, dary institution offering a broad range of ac-
(h-jk, chb, jpc) ademic and especially vocational education

fused curriculum

to students over the age of 16. Further ed- fused curriculum

ucation colleges do not offer higher-level or The blending of several specific subjects into
degree-granting courses. Most students are one overlapping course of study. A unifica-
over the age of 19, enrolled on a part-time tion of several courses with connected con-
basis, (chb) tent drawn from each, (jw)


G.I. Bill gatekeepers (See curriculum

In response to the difficulties faced by vet- gatekeepers)
erans after World War II Congress passed
the "G.I. Bill of Rights" in 1944 to prepare gay
for the returning G.I.s. This bill guaranteed An identity label used to signify a person
unemployment insurance for one year, as who is attracted emotionally and/or sexually
well as guaranteed loans for building a home to members of the same sex. This term is
or starting a business. American higher ed- typically used to refer to men, and the term
ucation was greatly changed by another as- "lesbian" is typically used to refer to
pect of the Bill, which provided coverage of women. The term "homosexual" is disliked
tuition for veterans at the nation's colleges by people who self-identify as gay or lesbian,
and universities and dramatically increased in part, because it overemphasizes the sexual
university enrollment, (cf) aspect of sexual/affectional orientation and
See also Serviceman's Readjustment Act of disregards the multifaceted nature of it. (ti)
1944 (Public Law 78-346).
gay, lesbian, and bisexual studies
Gary Plan A focus of study, found predominantly in
School plan developed by Superintendent higher education, which examines the social,
William Wirt in Gary, Indiana, that relied political, scientific, and humanistic aspects
upon the reforms of John Dewey in creat- of homosexuality. Emerging in the 1970s,
ing a more diversified "work-study-play" along with many other new disciplines
school. In the Gary Plan, later termed the (black studies, feminist studies, ethnic stud-
Platoon School Plan, students were organ- ies, etc.) gay, lesbian, and bisexual studies
ized into two efficient platoons that switched have developed firm footing in the academy
facilities halfway through the day. The and developed a strong body of literature
schools included gymnasiums, workshops, a and research studies. Currently, there are les-
playground, and an auditorium as well as bian, gay, and bisexual studies programs in
classrooms for instruction. Although 202 most major colleges and universities, (jqa,
cities had adopted similar models by 1929, jwc)
the Gary Plan did not survive after the De-
pression, (dwm) GE (See grade equivalent)

gender issues

GEB (See General Education Board) some educational philosophers might rightly
mourn the ensuing lack of a strong sense of
GED (See General Educational ethical normation in schools, others might
Development Tests) point to the opportunity for schools to ex-
plore the differences between Gemeinschaft
Gemeinschaft/Gesellschaft and Gesellschaft in ways that better prepare
In Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft (1887), children to cross the threshold from spaces
German sociologist Ferdinand Tonnies con- of mutual understanding and acceptance to
trasts the forms of human association that the more tenuous spaces in which we are fre-
emerge from the organic bonds of commu- quently misunderstood, (nl)
nity (Gemeinschaft) with the looser, more
instrumental ties of society (Gesellschaft). gender
While Gemeinschaft relationships are older A complex set of characteristics and behav-
than Gesellschaft relationships, the two iors prescribed for a particular sex by society
forms of association coexist, complementing and learned through the socialization expe-
and undercutting one another in ways that rience. Whereas "sex" is a biological classi-
pose a challenge to educators. In Gemein- fication and is usually described in terms of
schaft (community), people rely on the mu- female and male, "gender" is socially con-
tual and tacit understandings that grow out structed and is usually described in terms of
of a shared context, common experiences, masculinity and femininity, (ti)
and a unity of purpose. In Gesellschaft (so-
ciety), relationships tend to take the form of gender bias
transactions, individuals have to work hard- Prejudicial attitudes toward people because
er to sustain connections, and relationships of their sex, including the conscious or un-
disintegrate once the parties are no longer conscious expression of these attitudes in
useful to one another. For many children, writing, speaking, etc. Gender bias may be
formal schooling, especially public school- experienced in different contexts. In educa-
ing, is a process of moving from Gemein- tion, for example, it may include differential
schaft experience to an introduction to expectations for academic achievement of
Gesellschaft values. Other children experi- boys and girls, greater encouragement for
ence more continuity between the culture of participation from male than female stu-
schools and that of the home. The educa- dents, limited availability of mentors for
tional challenge is twofold. On the one women graduate students, and evaluation of
hand, many students quickly learn that the faculty based on gender-stereotypic stan-
tacit understandings of home and commu- dards, (ti)
nity do not necessarily carry over into the
world of schooling. They also learn that gender identity (See sexual identity)
school culture has its own set of tacit un-
derstandings that they will have to learn to gender issues
navigate. Unless educators help these chil- Aspects of fundamental personal and social
dren come to terms with the differences be- sexual identity comprised of biological, psy-
tween the culture of home and that of chological, and cultural constructions about
school, schooling will be a bewildering and individuals and groups (such as males, fe-
potentially alienating experience for them. males, and gay and lesbian people). These
On the other hand, public schools need to basic human aspects are often a criterion for
find ways to strengthen the sense of Gemein- social stratification and different political
schaft within the school. In many ways, pub- treatment as well as a favored symbol for
lic school communities will be closer to expressing essential values and beliefs. Con-
Gesellschaft than to Gemeinschaft. While cerns often address such questions as the bi-

gender studies

ology of human reproduction, sex roles in also utilized in the southwestern states to aid
the family and society, the psychology of education for Mexican Americans and for all
gender identity, and images of men, women, levels of education including colleges and
bisexuals, gays, and lesbians in literature and universities. After 1940 programs other than
art. (hrm, ew, jkd) those in the South were closed. The last ap-
propriation was made in 1964. (vmm)
gender studies
The study of gender as a socially constructed
General Educational Development
category that varies in different historical
Tests (GED)
and cultural settings. Gender studies make
A set of five tests that assess writing skills,
the categories of male/female explicit, as well
reading skills, math skills, social studies
as assumptions of sexual orientation such as
knowledge, and science knowledge. Success-
the description of heterosexuality as the
ful performance on the tests leads to a high
norm, and homosexuality as what is deviant,
school equivalency certificate, which is
commonly referred to as a GED. In order
to qualify for the GED, candidates must
gender-role socialization
achieve a minimum score on each test, in ad-
The process by which individuals learn the
dition to a minimum average across the
characteristics and behaviors considered by
tests. While a national minimum score re-
their culture to be most appropriate/accept-
quirement is set by the American Council on
able for their sex. Sources of gender-role so-
Education, states are free to require higher
cialization include, among others, family,
peers, schools, and religious institutions. scores for receipt of the credential. Measures
Differential socialization based on gender the individual's general education as devel-
may occur through interaction with children oped by military service, employment, or
(e.g., being more gentle with girls than with other nonschool experiences; uses of the
boys), overt messages about gender-appro- GED have been highly successful in demon-
priate behavior (e.g., "boys don't cry"), ex- strating abilities and accomplishments of
pectations for academic achievement, peer adult learners and others who did not com-
sanctions for gender-inappropriate behavior plete high school; also used by colleges in
(e.g., teasing, social isolation), teachers' dif- credit-by-examination for World War II and
ferential responses to girls and boys, and Korean veterans, (jpc, cf)
role modeling, (ti)
generalizability theory (G-theory)
general education An approach to test analysis that seeks to
Those areas of learning which are deemed to decompose the variance in test scores. G-
be the common experience of all "educated" theory is used to study the various aspects
persons, (cf) of testing (e.g., items, persons, raters) that
might cause scores to differ, (sp)
General Education Board (GEB)
Philanthropic organization created by John
D. Rockefeller in 1902 and chartered by generalizations
Congress in 1903 to aid education in the Relationships between two or more concepts
United States "without distinction of race, expressed as declarative statements or sum-
sex or creed." The GEB was part of the marizing statements with wide applicability.
broader southern education movement of Examples of generalizations often found in
the early twentieth century which, in con- social studies include the idea that peoples
junction with the Southern Education Board, of the world are interdependent and that
raised money and promoted public educa- people live in a world of constant change,
tion in the southern states. GEB funds were (mje, jah)

geometric properties

generative themes genres such as children's fairy tales and mys-

The words that students learn to read in teries. The concept of genre has more re-
Freirian literacy programs. They describe cently included the social uses of language
important issues related to social problems or "speech genres" such as everyday social
in students' lives, and serve as a means exchanges, lectures, sermons, eulogies, for-
through which students learn to critically ex- mal invitations, letters of recommendation,
amine their lives and society while acquiring and scientific reports. Language styles (e.g.,
literacy skills, (jpc) formal versus informal), appropriate speech
See also Freirian. acts, and discourse may be involved in each
of these genres, (mc)
A branch of biology that studies how char-
acteristics and qualities are passed from gen- genuineness
eration to generation. The study could Carl Rogers proposed that three therapist
include heredity, genes, variation, and DNA attributes are essential to effective psycho-
studies, and how these traits may change therapy: congruence or genuineness, uncon-
over time, (tw) ditional positive regard, and accurate em-
pathic understanding. Genuineness refers to
genital phase a therapist's ability to be real and authentic
The fifth phase in Freud's theory of psycho- during psychotherapy and to express feelings
social development, the genital phase begins and attitudes about a client. This does not,
at age 12, around puberty. Individuals be- however, mean that every fleeting reaction
come more interested in the opposite gender, or thought is expressed, but that a therapist
according to the theory, (xss) can, and should, model the self-acceptance
and self-expression essential to honest and
genius real, or "genuine," relationships, (med)
Native intellectual power, associated with
the arts, and denoting a capacity for origi-
nality and imagination. Derived in the eigh- geometric progression
teenth century, from French genie and A list of numbers in which there is one com-
German genie, and from associations with mon ratio between any and all consecutive
classical genius (an attendant spirit associ- numbers in the list. For example, the list
ated with the family and carrying potential {100, 50, 25} is a geometric progression be-
for good and evil) as well as the Arabic jinn cause between 50 and 100 the ratio is Vi,
(a spirit of blue flame said to interfere in hu- between 25 and 50 the ratio is Vi, and thus
man affairs). As a result, while genius de- between all consecutive numbers in the list,
notes natural aptitude or mental prowess, it there is a single common ratio. Additionally,
also carries overtones of supernatural inspi- the common ratio can be negative or greater
ration. A distinction is often made between than one. (dbc)
genius and talent, the latter considered a
more accessible and less spontaneous phe-
nomenon, (lj) geometric properties
Measurable attributes of two- and three-
genre dimensional geometric figures, surfaces, and
Category for classifying literary and other solids. Geometric properties can be local or
artistic works, usually by form, technique, or global, and are not affected by transforma-
content. Historically, literary genres are tion, such as scaling and rotating. Examples
comedy, tragedy, and epic. Today they in- include congruence, similarity, parallelism,
clude novel, essay, short story, television perpendicularity, symmetry, and convexity.
play, and motion picture, and prototypical (ey)


geometry Gestalt therapy is a holistic approach that

From the Greek word geometria meaning emphasizes the importance of viewing an in-
"to measure the earth." The mathematical dividual within his or her environmental con-
field that describes and manipulates shape, text, as well as alerting an individual to his
size, pattern, and position. Euclidean (or or her present dominant needs and how to
plane) geometry is named after Euclid (365- achieve psychological equilibrium, (jbb)
300 B.C.E.), who wrote a 13-volume text
named "Elements." This geometry has been gesture drawing
joined by non-Euclidean geometries such as A quick drawing done usually in seconds or
spherical geometry, hyperbolic geometry, to- at most a couple of minutes, intended to cap-
rus geometry, and taxicab geometry, (ey) ture the movement, essence, or gesture of the
model or scene being drawn, rather than the
gerontology details of its form. As an encompassing, of-
A multidisciplinary field of inquiry that ad- ten scribble-like first drawing, gesture draw-
dresses issues related to human aging. Dis- ings can be used to explore what aspects of
ciplines within this field of study include the object of representation bear special at-
biology, psychology, sociology, history, phi- tention (perhaps in a more developed work)
losophy, humanities, and the social sciences. and what issues of composition should be
Human life is studied specifically through taken into consideration. Quick gesture
the changes that have occurred when an in- drawings often loosen art students up and
dividual has lived for a relatively long period require that they think beyond the schemas
of time, in terms of human life experience, they may have developed for representation.
(hrm, ew, jkd) Though often an activity of advanced art
students, gesture drawing provides a useful
Gesellschaft (See Gemeinschaft) educational experience for very young stu-
dents of art. (tkb)
German, meaning shape or form. A physical, gifted students
psychological, or symbolic arrangement of Students who possess outstanding abilities
parts so unified as a whole that its properties or potential in the areas of general intellec-
couldn't be derived from a simple summa- tual capacity, specific academic aptitude,
tion of its parts. Induced from observations leadership ability, creative thinking, visual
of visual perception, the theory's overriding or performing arts, and psychomotor ability,
theme is that stimulation is perceived in con- (bba)
figurational terms. Patterns take precedence
over separate elements and have properties gifted and talented students (See gifted
that are not inherent in the elements them- students)
selves, often captured by the phrase: "The
whole is more than the sum of its parts." A gifts
good configuration exhibits simplicity, sta- In the Froebelian kindergarten, gifts are ob-
bility, regularity, symmetry, continuity, and jects such as wooden balls and wooden
unity. Young children's drawings of human cubes of different size and color, that adults
beings are thought to have the gestalt of hu- share with the children in order that they
manness even though they lack particular might experience and learn color, shape,
identifiable human features, (kpb) size, counting, comparison, contrast, and
other concepts. Teachers present the gifts to
gestalt therapy the child with instructions and the child fol-
A form of psychotherapy that stresses lows the teacher's lead in using the materi-
awareness and integration, or interrelated- als, (ecr)
ness, of cognitions, behaviors, and emotions. See also Froebelian kindergarten.


global education but equal" educational facilities for white

This field of study emphasizes the interde- and minority students. Gong Lum, a Chinese
pendence of human beings rather than their American, challenged the classification of his
differences in a worldwide context. Complex daughter as "colored" and her placement in
issues facing humanity, such as environ- a Bolivar County, Mississippi, black school
mental concerns, natural resources, popu- which was located much farther away than
lation, migration, health, and so on are the white school in his district. The Court
addressed in a global context rather than held that the rights of children of Chinese
within regional or national boundaries. ancestry are not infringed by denying them
Global education encompasses areas such as the right to attend schools established for
international studies, which is more compar- whites, (gs)
ative in nature, (jqa, npo)

goal, vocational Good, The

The occupation for which the pupil or stu- Described in Book VI of Plato's (c. 429-347)
dent is seeking to qualify by means of train- Republic as the unknown intelligible source
ing, (jb) of truth and being (505a-509d). Knowledge
of The Good, which is acquired by complet-
goal setting ing the ideal educational program described
Goal setting is the term commonly given to in Republic VII, is essential to the comple-
the process of identifying specific goals tion of the philosophical character. Once
which should be accomplished in a certain wholly educated, philosophers will recognize
time frame through the implementation of their obligation to rule the polis and educate
strategies to aid in achieving the goals and
others. Philosophers must rule because their
are generally set in response to opportunities
knowledge of The Good allows them to un-
or problems. Instructional goals are usually
derstand how to make use of the polis' re-
focused on what learners should be able to
sources in the most beneficial and just way,
do when they complete the accompanying or
and they are the only ones who would rule
specified instruction, (bs)
out of a sense of obligation without regard
Goals 2000: Educate America Act for personal gain, (dl)
(1994) See also Right, The.
Law signed by President William Jefferson
Clinton as Public Law 103-227. The act pro- governance
vided funds for a variety of K-12 educa- The procedures followed in proposing,
tional programs and established a set of recommending, approving, and referring
eight educational goals to be achieved by the changes in institutional policies and prac-
year 2000 (e.g., "By the year 2000, the high tices to the appropriate level of authority for
school graduation rate will increase to at
consideration and referral to the next
least 90 percent"). The act provided support
(higher) authority; includes faculty promo-
for state and local efforts aimed at establish-
tion, tenure decisions, and salary increases as
ing goals and standards for academic
well as initial appointments of administra-
achievement. Several amendments to the act
tive and professional staffs, the admission of
were incorporated into the Omnibus Con-
students, the transfer of faculty and students
solidated Rescissions and Appropriations
to other academic units, and numerous other
Act of 1996, and the act was allowed to ex-
decisions that are relatively routine; involves
pire in 2001. (krk)
various standing committees as well as dif-
Gong Lum v. Rice, 275 U.S. 78 (1927) ferent ad hoc committees; often referred to
A 1927 Supreme Court decision which up- as shared governance when administrative
held the right of states to maintain "separate staff work well with faculty committees, (cf)

governing board

governing board Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

An officially authorized body given overall Tests developed and administered nationally
responsibility for the control and manage- by Educational Testing Services for the se-
ment of one or more institutions; also given lective admission of students to graduate
the authority to appoint administrators and programs at masters and doctoral programs;
professional staffs to manage and implement comparable to the SAT in the emphasis
board policies, (cf) placed on verbal reasoning and reading com-
prehension, (cf)
grade equivalent (GE)
graduate seminar
A measure of skills and knowledge applied
An organized series of meetings in which
to adults that is assumed to be equivalent to
participants observe, study, reflect, and re-
that of a child who has completed a specific
port on their learning experiences as related
K-12 grade, (jpc)
to future performance; involves at least three
crucial components: advance preparation,
grade school (See elementary school) active participation or engagement, and sys-
tematic follow-through, (cf)
graded school
graduate student
A school in which students are classified ac-
Though the term "graduate student" refers
cording to grade level or progress. Materials
to any student who is pursuing a degree be-
of instruction are organized according to
yond the bachelor of arts or sciences, the
level of difficulty and students progress from
phrase usually describes a master's or Ph.D.
one grade level to the next each year. One-
student. Most graduate students finish their
room schools could have a grading system
degree with a thesis or dissertation approved
within its classroom walls, but in modern
by a committee. Some teach as part of their
times teachers and students at different class-
graduate training and to help pay for their
room levels and chronological age are gen-
education. Many graduate students receive
erally separated into different classrooms,
fellowships, scholarships, and stipends from
the university, (cf)

grade-level chair graduation

A teacher with leadership responsibilities for The stage of academic progression in which
all teachers assigned to a given grade level; students receive formal recognition from a
typically, only larger elementary schools college or university; includes the conferral
have grade-level chairs, (bba) of a degree, for having completed a program
of study, (cf)
The act of evaluating and recording the
From the Italian graffito, an inscribed de-
achievement level of a student. Using a
sign. Graffiti consists of letters, slogans,
quantifiable symbol to indicate a student's
names, or pictures inscribed in public places
level of accomplishment or proficiency on a
(e.g., on building walls) usually without per-
given task or course, (jw)
mission. Indeed, the word traditionally
refers to illegal markings on walls or side-
graduate assistant walks. As a style of art, graffiti is often as-
Work position contingent upon enrollment sociated with urban culture, hip-hop artists,
as a postbaccalaureate student; may help a and the visual expression of a need to be
professor or administrator by performing re- heard. Famous artists like Keith Herring
search or office functions, (cf) have celebrated on canvas (and on walls) the

graphic symbolization

colorful and often geometric shapes that, order that the recipients of the grant con-
like the outlined spray-painted bubble let- tinue to receive the funds. However, many
ters, have become the trademark of graffiti. grants are given on a single-year basis, with
(ap) the request of a financial report and/or some
type of evaluation at the end of the year. For
grammar those grants that may continue beyond one
In broader linguistic terms, the mental sys- year, it is not uncommon to request audited
tem of rules and categories that allows hu- financial statements, copies of IRS forms,
mans to form and interpret the words and and annual reports, (jr)
sentences of their language. It traditionally
incorporates morphology, syntax, and graph
phonology. More specifically in education, A type of diagram used to represent data.
grammar comprises the rules for speaking There are several different types of graphs
and writing and a person's oral and/or writ- such as bar, circle, coordinate, scatter plot,
ten language is judged as good or bad ac- line, and stem-and-leaf. (kr)
cording to its conformity to these rules, (smt)
grammar school A written or printed representation of a pho-
Term initially used for a school that empha- neme. For example, in the word shoe, the
sized the teaching of Latin grammar. Gram- grapheme sh represents the phoneme /J/ and
mar schools were the first formal schools in oe for /u:/. In English, a grapheme may be a
England and were adopted in the American single letter or a group of letters. It includes
colonies. They began to disappear in the all the ways that a phoneme could be written
nineteenth century as secondary education or printed, (smt)
became more widely available. Today the See also phoneme.
term is used informally to refer to an ele-
mentary school, (ck)
graphic design
The process of arranging typography, im-
ages, and visual elements with design prin-
Grants are awards of financial assistance, in-
ciples and specifications for paper, ink colors,
cluding cooperative agreements, in the form
and printing processes that, when combined,
of money, or property in lieu of money.
convey visual information. Graphic design is
Grants may be from local education agen-
commonly used for commercial purposes—
cies, state educational agencies, or from fed-
for such things as packaging, advertise-
eral government entities, such as Title I or
ments, signage, books, and magazines. In-
grants for compensatory education. Grants
may also be from partnerships, foundations, dividuals who create this type of artwork,
or corporations. Grants are usually given either as a vocation or an avocation, are re-
voluntarily, typically without expectation of ferred to as graphic designers. Graphic de-
tangible compensation. However, most sign is an apt vehicle for school arts
grants require certain guidelines for those programs as it helps students construct and
applying. Normally a proposal is submitted, critique the graphic presentation of public
which specifies the scope of work or line of messages such as those found on posters and
inquiry, performance, targets, timeframe, other print media, (kf)
purpose, and amount of the request. This
work may contain the history of the organ- graphic symbolization
ization and projections of future programs. From a cognitive perspective, the represen-
It is not unusual for those granting funds to tation through graphic marks on paper of
request a projected budget from the pro- ideas, things, and events. Psychological re-
spective recipients. Certain criteria and time- searchers have long believed that children's
frames may need to be adhered to in drawing or graphic symbolization holds the


key to understanding both cognitive and/or selected on certain criteria, whether scholas-
emotional development. They focus on the tic or social. The oldest Greek organization
mental structures and the subsequent think- in America is the scholastic honor society
ing processes revealed in children's early de- Phi Beta Kappa, founded in 1776. Social
pictions or on the healthy or damaged Greek organizations were founded in the
psyche of the child as revealed in the pro- 1800s, as an outgrowth of literary debating
jected symbols of the drawings. Drawings societies with Greek names, (cf)
are seen as important vehicles for construct-
ing knowledge and as a reflection of the Green v. New Kent County Board, 391
natural, biological processes of mental de- U.S. 430(1968)
velopment, (kpb) This U.S. Supreme Court case examined
whether a "freedom-of-choice" plan that al-
GRE (See Graduate Record lowed students to choose their own public
Examination) schools represented compliance with Brown
v. Board of Education. Green alleged the
Great Books Program
New Kent County (VA) school board's ed-
A methodology rooted in the belief that the
ucational plan was divisive, ineffective, and
curriculum best suited to deliver a quality
supported the state's efforts to circumvent
education is one based on the literary clas-
federal regulation to integrate schools. In ef-
sics. Robert Maynard Hutchins, former
fect, the Court held that the board's plan
president of the University of Chicago and
was unacceptable and firmly stated that the
philosopher Mortimer Adler are usually
onus was on the board (not the public) to
given credit for its establishment between the
integrate the schools by providing a realistic,
two world wars. Other sources credit Co-
expedient, effective, and measurable plan to
lumbia University's John Erskine with its in-
integrate the schools, (cm!)
itial establishment on that campus in the
1920s. More broadly, the "Great Books
Curriculum" and "Great Books Concept" grief counseling
were also seen as a way to interest adults in A therapeutic approach used when a client
classic books through reading and discussing experiences a significant loss, such as the
the literature. It was a grassroots movement death of a close family member or pet; may
for continuing education outside classroom be time-limited and focus on one of many
stage models of the grieving process, (cag)
settings, (rih)

Greek chorus Griffin v. School Board of Prince

Functioning often as the voice of society and Edward County, 377 U.S. 218 (1964)
variously as narrator, commentator, inter- The Supreme Court case that ordered Prince
preter, sympathizer, and critic, the chorus Edward County, Virginia, to reopen its pub-
played a central role in Greek theater. The lic schools for both white and black children
Greek word for actor is hypokrites, meaning because the children were being denied
answerer; the actor's function originally was "their constitutional rights to an education."
to answer the chorus. In the theaters in an- The County Board of Supervisors suspended
cient Greece, the chorus sang, danced, and all public education in 1959 rather than in-
spoke from the orchestra (meaning dancing tegrate its schools, as was required following
place), the circular area on ground level in the conclusion of Brown v. Board of Edu-
front of the audience, (em) cation. This display of "massive resistance"
to desegregation made Prince Edward
Greek organization County the only county in the nation to
A collegiate organization whose name uses close its public schools entirely for an ex-
the Greek alphabet and whose members are tended period to avoid desegregation. (ks2)


gross motor activities one-third or half of an entire class; and

Activities that require the use of large muscle whole or large group, which implies all the
groups in the developing child. Large muscle children in the class, as opposed to individ-
groups include the muscles of head control, ual instruction, (dbl)
trunk movement, the arms, and legs. Such
activities include rolling, sitting, walking, groupware
running, standing, and hopping. As children Computer software that facilitates collabo-
develop their gross motor skills, they also ration by automating group processes such
develop their fine motor skills. Gross motor as information organization and sharing.
skills continue to develop as muscles grow Groupware products often provide an inte-
and strength and balance improve, (jb) grated user interface that allows access to
membership, document archives, asynchro-
group counseling nous discussion forums, and synchronous
A form of group work that, in its truest chat. This software resides on a network
form, is interpersonal and process focused. from which group members can access the
Counseling groups are either facilitated or information remotely. Groupware can be
co-facilitated by trained professionals. Ther- used by teams of educators or students
apeutic gains are derived largely from working on a group project, (til)
interactions among the group members. A
number of curative factors have been iden-
tified as contributing to the benefits of this growth, occupational (See occupational
treatment modality. The factors vary but growth)
many researchers and clinicians identify uni-
versality, provision of hope, interpersonal G-theory (See generalizability theory)
learning, modeling, altruism, working
through conflicts that developed in the pri- Guey Heung Lee v. Johnson, 404 U.S.
mary family group, development of social 1215(1971)
skills, catharsis, group cohesion, imparting The Supreme Court Case initiated by Chi-
information, and existential factors as com- nese Americans who were petitioning the
mon elements that lead to positive outcomes. High Court to stop a Federal District
Group counseling can be preventative, Court's order to reassign pupils of Chinese
growth engendering, or remedial, (fa) ancestry in San Francisco public schools in
an effort to integrate. Although Chinese
group dynamics Americans sought to maintain community
The forces and processes of interaction op- control over their schools, citing the unique
erating within a relatively small human bilingual and cultural education these
group. These interactions are addressed in schools provided their children, the Court
terms of dealing with individuals, other denied their petition and forced them to
groups, institutions and organizations, as comply with integration orders, (dwm)
well as the basis for the development of these
relationships, (jrw, npo)
GUI (graphical user interface) (See user
group size interface)
A cluster of children identified by the num-
ber of members, used to identify how many guidance
children for which a particular learning The supportive actions taken by more ex-
event is deemed appropriate. Example cate- perienced peers or adults to assist the devel-
gories include: small group, which might in- opment of socially acceptable emotional or
dicate anywhere from three children to other appropriate responses to events, (mcl)

guidance, career

guidance, career (See career guidance) districts use guidelines for curricula in order
to help educators carry out the district edu-
guidance, occupational (See cation plan for students, (mm)
occupational guidance)
guidance, vocational (See vocational
Self-referential affects. Guilt is a self-judg-
ment that one has acted wrongly. This con-
guidance counseling nection to actions is what differentiates guilt
Term sometimes applied to counseling activ- from shame, which attaches to identity. This
ities that occur in an educational setting. is a difficult distinction to sustain, as one's
These activities may involve problem solv- actions do, at some point, become defining.
ing, decision making, academic planning and Another way to differentiate guilt from
preparation, and/or career development ac- shame is that that guilt damages one's rela-
tivities, (mjs) tions with another, and requires one's expi-
ating or compensating for the wrong done,
guided practice or forgiveness of the one wronged. Shame,
A form of assisted performance in which stu- on the other hand, is the judgment that one
dents practice a new skill or strategy while fails to live up to one's own ideals, and re-
the teacher provides close monitoring, im- quires reform rather than expiation. Both
mediate feedback, and assistance as needed, affects have the potential to become pathol-
(bba) ogies when guilt comes from inappropriate
judgments of one's actions or when shame is
guidelines the result of unrealistic ideals or self-image.
A term used in education to describe a One of the tasks of education is to help chil-
framework or set of statements used to help dren develop an appropriate and healthy
determine a course of action. They are less sense of self-evaluation, (jc)
stipulative than codes. For example, school See also conscience.

habilitation tioning devices, cell phone connections, or
Training and specialized services to enhance environmental instruments and probes.
an individual's functioning ability, (sr) These accessories make handhelds useful for
students or researchers gathering data di-
Hampton-Tuskegee Model of Education rectly from the environment, (ac)
A type of industrial education curriculum
implemented at many African-American in-
stitutions during the late nineteenth and
This term refers to discriminatory behaviors
early twentieth centuries. Booker T. Wash-
and attitudes against people with disabilities.
ington, an alumnus of Hampton Institute,
Since handicap is an outdated term with neg-
founded Tuskegee Institute in 1881. Endors-
ing industrial training for blacks (versus a ative overtones, handicapism reinforces the
classical-liberal curriculum), the Model was bias against individuals with disabilities.
codified through a series of Conferences for Current usage prefers the phrase "people
Education in the South. The Model was with disabilities" since the emphasis is on
ideologically and financially supported by people rather than the disability, (jqa, npo)
northern white philanthropists and strongly
opposed by African-American intellectual hands-on curriculum/activities
W.E.B. Du Bois. The Hampton-Tuskegee A cornerstone of the constructivist ap-
model was also adapted for use in mission- proach, hands-on curriculum and activities
ary schools overseas and for Native Ameri- are those in which students touch, move,
cans and Mexican Americans, (jrb) and experiment with materials in the class-
room. As they manipulate objects, children
handheld computer think about the objects' properties and re-
A computing device small enough to be held lationships. After several such experiences,
in one hand and operated with the other. children develop "theories" about how
Some types utilize a small keyboard, and are things work that can be tested with further
referred to as palmtop computers. Others manipulation. Children's work with hands-
use a stylus to input on a touch sensitive on materials can be assessed and recorded as
screen, and are called personal digital assis- the children are working, and this data can
tants (PDAs). Handhelds may accept acces- be analyzed to realize the child's learning
sories such as digital cameras, global posi- progress, (yb)

hands-on learning

hands-on learning Head Start

Learning by doing, or learning in which stu- First authorized in 1964 by the federal Ec-
dents are actively engaged in an activity or onomic Opportunity Act, now governed by
process, (bba) the U. S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Administration for Children and
harmony Families, Head Start is the largest federally
A combination of elements (in visual art, funded program for assisting young children
color and form; in music, notes and chords) and their families. As part of President John-
in which the separate parts are perceived (ei- son's "War on Poverty," Head Start was de-
ther through vision or hearing) as working signed to help disadvantaged three- and
well together and being pleasing to the eye four-year-olds prepare for school by stimu-
or ear. Consonance and appealing disso- lating their cognitive, social, and psycholog-
nance seem to be the features of parallel ical development, providing health and
structures (e.g., musical passages/pitches or nutrition programs, and requiring parental
colors) working together harmoniously. involvement. Head Start benefits children
Harmonic analysis is the study of the struc- with both typical and special needs, provid-
ture and interaction of chords within a mu- ing a "head start" to children in poverty by
sical work, (jbl) supplying developmentally appropriate and
culturally sensitive educational, medical, and
Hatch Act social services to young children and their
Signed into law in March 1887, the act es- families, (ecr, ks2)
tablished experimental stations for agricul-
ture throughout the country in connection Head Start providers
with land grant universities. These stations The federal Head Start program operates
were federally funded for research into dif- through a system of grants to state and local
ferent farming techniques that would assist public and private agencies, called "provid-
in the various types of land found through- ers." All grantees and delegate agencies must
out the country and improvements that affirm and adhere to a set of program per-
would be beneficial to crops and farm ani- formance standards that include definitions,
mals. Often said to have bridged the 1862 timelines, and guidelines for their operation.
Morrill Act, which set up land grant univer- (ecr)
sities, and the 1914 Smith-Lever Act, which
put researchers directly into the farm fields, health literacy
(rih) A recent term that refers to the relationship
between health and literacy skills but some-
hate group times is used to mean the knowledge and
Organized groups that harass, demean, or skills needed to successfully use the modern
otherwise target for negative purposes cate- health care system, (jpc)
gories of people based on their ethnicity,
race, or sexual orientation are called hate health occupations education
groups. Although this is not an official term, One of the major program areas in career
it is commonly used. In the United States, and technical education which challenges
such groups range from the White Aryan Re- students to integrate mathematical, natural,
sistance to the Nation of Islam, a Black Mus- and social science concepts through class-
lim separatist group, (jqa, npo) room, laboratory, and clinical experiences
while preparing for careers in the health care
HBCUs (See Historically Black Colleges industry, (jb)
and Universities)
health psychology
HEAs (See higher education A subspecialty within the field of psychology
associations) devoted to understanding the effect of psy-


chological variables in the prevention, de- status quo or domesticate (remove the dan-
velopment, maintenance, and recovery of gerous elements and retain the remainder)
mental/physical conditions among indi- the challenge, in either case retaining its
viduals and communities. Coming from a power and privilege. Other possible re-
strength-based perspective, health psychol- sponses include ignoring the challenge or
ogy focuses mostly on how to maintain and marginalizing (portraying it is an idiosyn-
promote mental/physical health, as opposed cratic lifestyle) a challenge that does not
to focusing on how to treat and remediate pose a serious threat yet cannot be incor-
deficits, (kc, seme, bdj) porated or domesticated. Used only as a
means of last resort, force reveals the naked
health-related fitness power of the ruling group, (db-j)
The optimal functioning of the body free of See also critical theory; reproduction the-
the risk factors involving life-threatening dis- ory.
eases, (rf)
HEGIS (See Higher Education General
hearing impairment Information Survey)
A disability, whether permanent or fluctu-
ating, that adversely affects a person's ability Herbartian Movement
to receive spoken messages or sounds, (sr) A late-nineteenth-century curriculum move-
ment led by the American followers of
hedonism German philosopher Johann Friedrich Her-
A thesis in value theory (axiology). From the bart, widely considered the father of the sci-
Greek hedone (pleasure), holds that pleasure entific study of education. The movement
is the only thing valuable in itself, and that promoted a type of liberal-humanist curric-
all other goods (e.g., health, wealth, knowl- ulum primarily based on history and litera-
edge, virtue) are valuable only to the extent ture. It held that teaching and learning
that they lead to the experience of pleasure. occurred in five formal stages: preparation,
Important hedonists, including Epicurus presentation, association, generalization,
(341-270 B.C.E.) and John Stuart Mill and application. The theoretical basis of this
(1806-1873), have held that not all curriculum reflected the belief that education
pleasures are equally valuable; pleasures typ- should seek to provide education by linking
ically associated with the exercise of the in- new experiences with old ones, (dwm)
tellect are more valuable than those typically
associated with bodily experience, (dl) hermeneutics
See also consequentialism; deontological Hermeneutics was originally the art of inter-
ethics. pretation and included rules of interpreta-
tion for uncovering the truth in the Bible, the
hegemony laws, and the classics. Since Schleiermacher,
Antonio Gramsci's description of how one hermeneutics has been more concerned with
group or class dominates others. Two ave- the philosophical reflection on the condi-
nues are available: physical, violent control tions of understanding than on the devel-
through force (police, prisons) or through opment of a methodology, and the field of
shaping consciousness (hegemony). Con- hermeneutics has expanded in the sense that
sciousness is manipulated, primarily through not only texts have to be interpreted, but all
schools and the media, so that the interests, kinds of human affairs. Hermeneutics is,
dispositions, and ways of life of the ruling therefore, not only of interest for the text-
group are seen to represent the best way to based sciences, but also for the social sci-
live and those in power seem deserving of ences. Process of analysis which holds that
power. The ruling group may incorporate texts are understood only through the inter-
(adopt for different ends) challenges to the pretation of lived experience. Absent a pro-


cess of interpretation, the significance of tex- what matters in it. The centrality in text of
tual meanings is neither understandable nor white males, the relative invisibility of
evident, (jbl, hfs) women and people of color, and the near-
complete absence of gays and lesbians teach
heterogeneity about place within society. The rightness of
A mixture of individuals in a group in which capitalism, the value of individuality and
each person has different characteristics. In competition, and concepts of "fair play" are
education, students are often placed in het- among the things taught by the hidden cur-
erogeneous groups based on ability, inter- riculum. Its hiddenness, often even from the
ests, achievement, gender, race, or ethnicity. teacher, makes it difficult to analyze and
These mixed groups are encouraged in order confront its content, (bt-b)
to develop positive intergroup relationships See also curriculum; explicit curriculum;
and to reflect the more global makeup of so- operationalized curriculum; null curriculum.
ciety, (jqa, srs)
high arts (See fine arts)
heterogeneous grouping
A pattern of grouping students for instruc- high school (See senior high school)
tion that does not separate students into
groups based on their measured intelligence, high school, specialized
school achievement, or physical attributes, A secondary school of which the educational
(bba) program is designed especially for learners
studying related occupations or vocations
heterosexism (See homophobia) associated with a specific career area or var-
ious career areas. Specific vocations or fields
heuristics of specialized interest include, for example,
A method of individual problem solving. an agricultural high school or a commercial
The method includes systematic analysis high school, (db)
and evaluation of a task or problem, the
problem-solving process and the progress to- High School: A Report on Secondary
ward a solution that is discovered by the Education in America (1983)
student himself or herself. Problem-solving Report by Ernest Boyer of the excellence
strategies that can be applied in a variety of movement in the 1980s that questioned the
nonroutine problem-solving situations. Ex- ability of the American education system to
amples of heuristics include "guess and prepare students to face rising global eco-
check," where the student tries numbers ran- nomic competition. The report echoed the
domly to see which will solve the problem, concerns about maintaining technological su-
or "draw a picture," where the student in- periority over the Soviet Union raised during
corporates the information from the prob- the 1950s and 1960s. High School. . . shares
lem in some diagrammatic form to aid in prominence with Mortimer Adler's 1982 The
finding a solution, (elk, amr) Paideia Proposal: An Educational Manifesto,
and 1983's A Nation at Risk prepared by the
hidden curriculum National Commission on Excellence in Edu-
Lessons we teach in schools not explicitly cation and spurred the nation to begin a se-
stated in the curriculum. For example, call- ries of educational reforms, (dwm)
ing on boys more often than girls teaches the
relative importance of boys and girls. The high school equivalency
selection of content in literature and social A certificate or diploma that provides the
studies classes is the most obvious way the same certification as a high school diploma
hidden curriculum reflects and teaches subtly but which was earned outside of regular
and powerfully the way "the world is" and high school, (jpc)

high-stakes standards

Higher Education Act of 1965 (Public bers. Studied and reported separately from
Law 89-329) school law, which covers primary and sec-
Passed by Congress on November 8, 1965, ondary education, (cf)
it provided grants for university community
service programs, college library assistance, Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
library training and research, strengthening One of six regional institutional accrediting
developing institutions, teacher training pro- associations acknowledged by the Council
grams, undergraduate instruction equip- on Higher Education Accreditation. HLC
ment, and student assistance through accredits colleges and universities in 19
educational opportunity grants. The law es- states. Prior to November 2000, accredita-
tablished ensured student loans, extended tion in the North Central region was coor-
and amended the College Work Study Pro- dinated by the North Central Association
gram, amended the National Defense Edu- Commission on Institutions of Higher Edu-
cation Act of 1958 (NDEA), created the cation, (cf)
National Teacher Corps Program, provided
for graduate teacher training fellowships, higher-order questions
and amended the Higher Education Facilities Questions that promote complex and ab-
Act of 1963. (wg) stract thinking—deeper mental processing
than is required in simple recall or factual
higher education associations (HEAs) questions (lower-order questions), (bba)
Voluntary private organizations formed to
Highlander Center for Research and
represent individuals or institutions having a
common interest in one of the wide variety
Established in 1932 by Myles Horton in the
of issues affecting higher education. These
mountains of east Tennessee as the High-
groups provide information and expertise to
lander Folk School, the Highlander Center
their members through publications, educa-
brings adults together to learn strategies for
tion and training programs, and other net-
solving community problems, especially the
working formats. They often engage in
problems of poverty, bigotry, and economic
lobbying activities, develop professional
injustice in Appalachia and the South, (js)
guidelines, and furnish advice and services
which individuals or institutions are unable Highlander Folk School
to provide for themselves, (cf) A training and education institution in Ten-
nessee, founded by Myles Horton, that
Higher Education General Information trains civil rights workers and community
Survey (HEGIS) activists. The school employs a problem-
Started in 1966, the HEGIS was instituted oriented approach in which learners' needs
by the U.S. Department of Education to help determine curriculum and their experi-
compile data concerning higher education ences help derive solutions. Teachers and
institutions. As a result, financial accounting learners engage in a mutual learning process.
and reporting methods in the academy at- (las)
tained the uniformity needed to produce rev-
enue and expenditure categories consistent high-stakes standards
with appropriate accounting procedures. Re- High-stakes standards are created by policy
placed by Integrated Postsecondary Educa- makers with the intent to improve education
tion Data System (IPEDS). (cf) by raising the bar of achievement. High
stakes require that students pass a standard-
higher education law ized exam before they can be promoted or
The branch of legal studies and practice in- graduate. States are now mandating more
volving postsecondary education institutions rigorous academic standards and instituting
and their students, faculty, and staff mem- strict assessment in order to guarantee that stu-

high-stakes testing

dents are meeting those standards. Critics ar- status. Hip-hop is associated with giving
gue, however, that standards are so-called new form and venue for traditionally under-
"high stakes" because they often bring con- heard voices in society, (jd)
sequences for educators and students. School- See also graffiti; rap music; voice.
wide average scores are used to judge
schools, high scores can bring praise or fi- Hispanic Americans
nancial benefits, and low scores can bring This term refers to Americans who share a
sanctions and embarrassment. Critics also culture, heritage, and language that origi-
argue that curriculum and instruction can be nated in Spain, but may have descended
distorted if high test scores, rather than through Portugal or Latin America. At times
learning itself, become the goal of all class- the term "Latinos" is used alternatively. The
room instruction, (cl) largest groups of Hispanics in the United
States are Mexican Americans (Chicanos),
high-stakes testing Puerto Ricans, and Cubans, (jqa)
An approach to gathering information
through testing programs on student and Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI)
school performance at the state and/or local Federal legislative definition for an accred-
level. In high-stakes testing, test results are ited and degree-granting public or private
directly correlated with individual student nonprofit institution of higher education
achievement and school accountability. Im- with at least 25 percent or more total un-
portant decisions, such as school finance and dergraduate Hispanic full-time equivalent
student grade promotion, are made based on student enrollment. The federal government
test results, (elk) identified HSIs in Title V of the Higher Ed-
ucation Act of 1965, as amended. To qualify
High/Scope curriculum for Title V funds HSIs must also have low
An approach to learning and assessment educational and general expenditures, and
built on a routine where children are indi- 50 percent of the Hispanic students from
vidually assisted by an adult to help create lower-income households, (vmm)
intentionality for their actions in a "plan-do-
review sequence." First children plan what histogram
they choose to be involved with, followed by A bar chart or bar graph that shows how
the actual engagement with materials and the data are distributed throughout each in-
activities where they follow the plan. Finally terval, (kr)
children and adults reconnect to review and
reflect on what transpired during the en-
gagement period, (dbl)

Of or pertaining to contemporary urban
youth culture, including art forms developed
by African-American and Latino youth such
as rap music (used interchangeably/thought
of as synonymous with hip-hop), break-
dancing, and graffiti art. This genre is iden-
tified as originating in the 1970s by New
York City teens ("subculture" "hip-hop gen-
eration") but has been adopted/developed by
youth and commercial professional artists
throughout the United States across lines of
geographical location and socioeconomic Histogram.

home page

historical empathy ors, in part, are carried out to promote an

Empathy directed toward a historical figure appreciation of the value of the historical
as a result of inquiry into or study of the perspective in the formation of educational
past, (ewr) policy. A relatively new field, the History of
Education Society was founded in 1960 (as
Historically Black Colleges and the successor to the History of Education
Universities (HBCUs) Section of the National Society of College
The set of public and private postsecondary Teachers of Education) and is affiliated with
institutions established prior to 1954 whose the International Standing Conference for
primary mission has been the education of the History of Education, (vmm)
African Americans. In 1965, the U.S. Con-
gress passed the institutional aid program HLC (See Higher Learning
named "Strengthening Historically Black Commission)
Colleges and Universities" (20 USC 1060).
As of 1996, HBCUs numbered 103 and en-
rolled almost 16 percent of all black students
In a holistic system, individual elements are
in college. Comprising a diverse set of four-
both self-regulating and interdependent, in
year colleges, research universities, single-sex
that they are determined by their relation to
and coeducational schools mostly in the
all other elements of that system and cannot
American South, HBCUs today no longer
exist apart from it. A holistic therapeutic ap-
enroll only African Americans, but share a
proach involves an examination of the intra-
mission to serve disadvantaged, college-
personal, interpersonal, and systemic factors
bound students of all races, (dwm)
in an individual's life, as well as of spiritual
or transpersonal dimensions, (jbb)
The study and writing of history, or the
study of historical writing. Also refers to the home economics education
history and study of various interpretations Major program area in career and technical
historians have assigned to methods and the- education that prepares students for the
ories of historical investigations. The study workforce and for home life through teach-
of history dates back to Ancient Greece. ing nutrition and food preparation, parent-
Centuries of historical writing have resulted ing and child development, resource and
in numerous schools of thought in the anal- time management, consumer education,
ysis and evaluation of events and people. housing and home furnishings, personal
During the twentieth century, the introduc- clothing management, and human relation-
tion of quantitative methodology has con- ships and family development, (jb)
tributed to new schools of thought including
social history, which has greatly expanded home groups (See tight-knit groups)
the historiography of many fields, (cm!)
home page
history of education A Web page serving as the entry point or
The historical study of the educational en- initial access page for a Web site. If a Web
terprise, broadly defined. Historians of edu- site contains more than one Web page, hy-
cation examine the history of students, perlinks from the home page connect visitors
teachers, institutions, administrators, cur- to the additional Web pages. In an educa-
riculum, reform, and other aspects of the tional setting, school districts, schools,
educational experience. In recent years teachers, or students may all have home
historians have examined more closely the pages for presenting content on the Web.
link between class, race, gender, ethnicity, (kgl)
and educational opportunity. These endeav- See also hyperlink; Web page; Web site.

home visits

home visits schools and teachers can subvert their chil-

An appointment between parent or caregiver dren's school progress. Because parents are
and professional that occurs in the home of so influential in a child's early years, schools
the child. Home visits can consist of a vari- and teachers should find ways to include
ety of activities including parent education, parents in learning about early stimulation,
breast-feeding advice, midwifery, health child guidance, literacy, and nutrition, and
care, services for children with special needs, other topics as appropriate to the age of the
and counseling. The social service needs of child and the needs of the parent, (ecr)
the family are also often addressed as part
of home visits. Home visits are offered in homework
several types of programs, including those Work assigned by a teacher for students to
offered by the Health Department, Head complete outside of the classroom. Home-
Start, and parent education programs, (kdc) work typically involves either practice or re-
inforcement of concepts and skills learned in
home-based early intervention the classroom or preparation for upcoming
Early intervention services that are provided instruction, (bba)
in the homes of eligible children, including
service coordination (or case management), homogeneous grouping
evaluations, assessments, treatment plan- A pattern of grouping students for instruc-
ning, and ongoing developmental interven- tion that separates students into groups
tion, education, or therapy, (kms) based on their measured intelligence, school
achievement, or physical attributes, (bba)
home-based services
An alternative to office-based care, programs homonegativism (See homophobia)
are increasingly offering service provision in
the homes of families. Nursing care, parent
education, therapy for children with special homophobia
needs, and counseling can be delivered by An aversion to, and prejudice against, people
home visitors within the privacy and com- who self-identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual;
fort of the family home. Professionals have the traits that characterize them; and, their
an opportunity to observe a child in his or sexual practices, lifestyles, and beliefs. Ho-
her natural environment, and provide tips mophobia may be expressed in terms of per-
and activities that can be easily performed in sonal beliefs, discriminatory acts, and
the home or daycare. (kdc) institutional or cultural norms. Other terms
used to refer to such prejudice are "homo-
negativism" and "heterosexism." Such prej-
udice directed specifically toward bisexual
A classroom to which a group of students
individuals is known as "biphobia" or
reports every day. At the secondary level, re-
"monosexism." (ti)
porting may occur less frequently and is
done primarily for administrative purposes,
such as course selection, advising, and homosexual (See gay)
schoolwide activities, (jw)
honor code
home-school relations A proscribed standard of conduct accepted
The relationship between the teacher/school and enforced by members of an academic
and the parents/family. Positive and collab- community through the agreement to up-
orative relationships between parents and hold tenets of honesty and civility, (cf)
teachers are one of the strongest predictors
of academic success. However, some families honorary degree (See degree,
with a history of poor relationships to honorary)

human capital theory

honorary organizations synthesis among the different aspects of the

Groups whose members are selected because curriculum. This is opposite to vertical staff-
of their achievements in academic or service ing in which faculty members teach multiple
endeavors; may include students, staff or courses within a teacher education program.
faculty members, and alumni and may be lo- The goal of vertical staffing is to provide a
cal, national, or international in scope, (cf) more integrated educational experience for
pre-service teachers, (elk)
honors course
A course designed for students who are hornbook
gifted or unusually interested in a specific An early primer used by European and
topic that explores the content to a deeper American children from the sixteenth to the
extent and requires work that exceeds the eighteenth centuries. Hornbooks were usu-
requirements of a standard course in the ally small (averaging 2.5 inches by 5 inches),
same subject area. Honors courses typically made of wood, and shaped like a paddle. A
limit enrollment to students who meet pre- lesson printed on parchment paper and pro-
determined criteria, (jw) tected by a thin layer of transparent horn
was attached to the paddle and typically in-
HOPE cluded the alphabet, vowels, and the Lord's
Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally, Prayer. Hornbooks were considered inno-
Georgia's scholarship program that provides vative because they allowed children to han-
qualified students with financial assistance dle the text they were learning to read for
for degree, diploma, and certificate pro- the first time, (jlw)
grams at eligible Georgia public and private
colleges and public technical colleges. Since hostage theory of education
the HOPE Program began thousands of Belief or conviction in the earliest years of
Georgians have received financial assistance desegregation efforts that the mere presence
through the program, which is funded by the of white children (hostages) in a public
Georgia Lottery for Education, (cf) school or classroom would shield African-
American children from inadequate funding
Hopwood v. State of Texas, 78 F.3rd and educational opportunities simply be-
932, 5th Cir. (1996) cause any decrease in resources would neg-
A case brought in 1992 to the U.S. Court of atively affect white children as well, (hfs)
Appeals in which the white plaintiff (Cheryl
Hopwood) alleged she was the victim of re- HSI (See Hispanic-Serving Institution)
verse discrimination in the admissions proc-
ess for the University of Texas Law School. Hull House
The 5th Circuit Court decided in 1996 that University settlement founded by Jane Ad-
the practice of using race or national origin dams and Ellen Greta Starr in Chicago in
as a factor in the admissions decision was 1889 as part of an educational and social
illegal. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to outreach movement. In such houses, men
hear an appeal from the State of Texas, and women from universities went to live
(dwm) and work among the poor in large cities to
assist and educate them, (las)
horizontal articulation (See articulation,
horizontal) human capital theory
A theory that defines education as a highly
horizontal staffing profitable investment. It focuses on the in-
A practice of staffing teacher education pro- dividual's earning potential and affirms that
grams with professors teaching a single a society can foster growth and development
course in their area of expertise, with little by fostering individuals' skill levels, (jwg)

human factors engineering

human factors engineering improve individual, group, and organiza-

The study of the interaction between hu- tional effectiveness, (aim, jb)
mans and machines. Human factors engi-
neers focus on designing products that humanism
increase an individual's productivity while An intellectual orientation emphasizing the
reducing fatigue and discomfort. Products perspective, interests, and powers of human
can be as seemingly simple as a child's toy beings. Cicero claims Socrates was "the first
or as complicated as an airplane cockpit. to call philosophy down from the heavens
When focusing on computer user interface and set her in the cities of men." "Human-
design, this discipline is referred to as Hu- ism" is most often associated with an intel-
man Computer Interaction (HCI) or Inter- lectual movement that originated in Italy in
action Design. Also known as ergonomics. the fourteenth century and spread through-
(tii) out Europe over the next two centuries.
See also user interface. Renaissance humanists advocated an edu-
cational program devoted to the study of the
humanities based on Greek and Latin clas-
human growth and development
sics. "Humanism" acquired its association
Formerly sex education. In education, a
with atheism in the nineteenth century as
course to increase the understanding and
Darwin's work amplified the tension be-
knowledge of the structure, function, and
tween science and religion, (mbm)
behavioral aspects of human development
and sexual reproduction. Topics might in-
clude discussions about conception, the de- humanistic/existential therapy
velopment of the embryo and fetus, sexually Broadly, an approach to psychotherapy that
transmitted diseases, contraception, and the emphasizes phenomenology (subjectivity),
body changes experienced by the students as self-actualization, free will, and individual
they grow. Frequently includes the topics of responsibility. The relationship between cli-
alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to increase ent and therapist is, in its truest form, au-
student awareness and knowledge about thentic, collaborative, and egalitarian. A
how these substances affect the body, its basic goal of this approach is to help clients
growth, and development, (tw) live in more personally meaningful and gen-
uine ways—ways that lead to individual
growth and full realization of one's poten-
human performance technology tial, (mgg)
An engineering or systems approach to im-
proving human performance, involving the humanities
analysis of gaps in performance in the work- Humanities describes the disciplines that fo-
place and the design of empirically validated cus on literature, history, philosophy, clas-
interventions to close the gaps. It may be ap- sical studies, and religion. Most departments
plied to individuals, small groups, or large in humanities teach writing, communica-
organizations, (chb) tions, and critical thinking skills. In a liberal
arts college or university, undergraduates are
human resource development usually required to fulfill a humanities re-
The training, education, and development of quirement before graduation, (cf)
employees through learning experiences of-
fered by the employer. The purpose is to in- hundred languages of children
tegrate individual and organizational goals A descriptive phrase used by the Reggio
and to enhance workforce effectiveness. Use Emilia, Italy, constructivists for the many
of career development, organizational devel- graphic and symbolic ways that young chil-
opment, and training and development to dren can express what they know. Also the


name of an exhibit of examples of the Reg- hyperactive

gio curricular projects, original products of A label used to describe individuals who are
young children, photographs, and tran- more active and have shorter attention spans
scripts of children's conversations about than the typical person, (sr)
their work. In the Reggio approach, teachers
collect and use this data to reflect on the hyperlink
children's understandings, to assess their A connected reference from one digital doc-
own support, and to make plans for future ument to another. Also known as a link.
potential activities, (ecr) When users follow a hyperlink, they access
the referenced source. Hyperlinks provide a
mechanism for researchers to locate addi-
hurried child syndrome
tional information on their topic. For ex-
A condition in which children who are pres-
ample, on the World Wide Web, Web pages
sured to adopt adult roles, mannerisms, and
often contain links to additional sites that
appearances, develop stress responses such
contain information about the same topic. In
as avoidance, depression, and teenage preg-
a full-text database, citations contain links
nancy. According to Elkind (1988), parents,
to complete articles, (kgl)
schools, and the media participate in rushing
children to give up the innocence of child-
hood in order to pretend sophistication in hyphenated Americans
societal and academic skill, (ecr) A popular term used to describe individuals
having two different ethnicities and/or races.
This is a political form of naming which can
hybrid course be viewed as acknowledging and respecting
A course that is taught using both traditional one's heritage, or conversely labeling indi-
face-to-face and online instruction. Some viduals as having a stronger commitment to
course components, lectures, and demon- the first part of the hyphenated name, such
strations, for example, might be accom- as European, Asian, or Jamaican than to the
plished in a traditional manner, while other fact that one is American (e.g., Croatian-
components, such as class discussion or American), (srs)
group project work, might be mediated by a
courseware product. Hybrid course struc- hypothesis
tures allow the instructor to choose media An explanation for a phenomenon that is
based on effectiveness, and allow students to posited in such a way that it can be tested
interact both face-to-face and online, (ac) using either qualitative or quantitative data
See also courseware; threaded discussion. to demonstrate its validity, (jjc)

IALS (See International Adult Literacy representation). The study of representative
Survey) art in general. More broadly, the art of rep-
resentation by pictures or images, which
ice-breaker may or may not have a symbolic as well as
A training technique used to start a training an apparent or superficial meaning, (jd)
session or program. This technique can take See also icon.
many forms but always provides a way for
participants to "break the ice" and get to ICP (See individual career plan)
know each other, (jpc)

icon IDEA (See Individuals with Disabilities

From the Greek eikon, to resemble. An icon Education Act)
is distinguished as a symbol by virtue of its
resemblance to that which it represents or idealism
signifies. For example, images of Christ or Rejects the metaphysical claims of realism,
the Virgin Mary painted on wood are icons that is, that there exists a world independent
representing these religious figures. Indeed, of our language and subjectivity and that
in art history, the word icon generally refers this world can in principle be accurately and
to images of sacred personages in the Byz- objectively understood and described. Ide-
antine and Greek Orthodox traditions that alism counters that realists have failed in ex-
were worshipped for themselves, as if they plaining how the gap, postulated by realism,
were that which they represented. Iconology between minds and language on the one
is the study of icons. Onomatopoeia is an hand, and facts on the other, could be
example of a verbal icon, in that the words bridged. The idealist suggests that the world
resemble what they represent, (jd) is in some sense simply mind or "Mind."
See also symbol. Plato spoke of the material world as a
shadow or illusion of a world of forms (e.g.,
iconography "Beauty," "Triangularity," or "The Good");
From the Greek eikonographia, sketch, de- Berkeley as well as Emerson insisted that one
scription. The study of subject matter and Mind, operating through each individual
symbolism in the visual arts especially with mind, produces the entire environment non-
reference to visual dictionaries (techniques of philosophers take to be reality, (an)


See also empiricism; foundationalism; nat- weak ability to use reading, writing, and
uralism; realism. math in daily life, (jpc)

identity illiterate
The sense of self that develops from child- Usually describes a person who has no lit-
hood to adulthood. The development of eracy skills, which is rare in countries that
identity takes place as the child gradually have compulsory education, but is some-
differentiates from the immediate family and times used to describe people whose literacy
participates in society. As an individual's skills are extremely low. (jpc)
identity develops so do their occupational
roles, sexual preferences, ideological com- illocutionary force
mitments, personal values, and a variety of The effect of what has been done/said on the
other personal mannerisms. Identity is often hearer. For example, if Person A asks Person
considered the essential element of the per- B, Are you too warm?, Person B may inter-
sonality, (crl) pret the utterance as an indication that Per-
See also integrity; self. son A is indeed hot and is requesting Person
B to do something about it. (smt)
ideological hegemony
A situation where a particular dominant ide- illustration
ology, set of beliefs, values, or mores is per- From the Latin illustrare, to illuminate or
vasively reflected throughout a society in all make clear. An illustration is a visual artistic
principal social, political, and economic in- work created to accompany another work,
stitutions and thereby permeates the cultural usually a piece of literature. An illustration
ideas and social relationships of that society. usually explains, expands on, or accompa-
(hfs) nies a story told orally or through writing.
Types of illustrations range from medieval
illuminated manuscripts to comic books. Il-
Any system of beliefs, ways of thinking, and
lustrating a story that a student has written
social constructs that inform an individual's
is a common way to combine the study of
outlook on the world. Political, economic,
art making and writing exercises. Too often,
and social activities and decisions are bound
children cease to illustrate their stories when
to various ideologies as they are derived
they master the art of writing with visual de-
from particular views of human nature, ec-
tail. Careful introduction to the process
onomic relationships, social values, moral-
should include instruction on the messages
ity, and ethics. Ideology may serve to justify
that images convey that cannot be translated
the subordination of one group over an-
into words, (ap)
other. All educators have an "ideology" as
their pedagogical practice and educational
beliefs are founded upon personal views of
The representation or likeness (most fre-
society, economics, politics, and morality.
(crl) quently visual) either in physical space (e.g.,
a sculpture or drawing) or in the mind's eye
IEP (See Individualized Education usually of an object, person, or place. An
Program) image can also be a symbol or abstract em-
bodiment of the object, person, or place. A
IFSP (See Individual Family Service student in a visual arts class can have a men-
Plan) tal image of a project that he or she then
tries to represent in physical media. When a
illiteracy likeness is strong, one may say, for example,
Usually refers to a lack of the basic skills of "Oh that boy is the image of his father!"
reading but sometimes used to describe a (ap)

imaginary companion

imaginary companion immediacy

A fictional character invented by a child A means of direct, "here-and-now" thera-
(usually between the ages of 2 and 4) which peutic communication in which a counselor
is used as a playmate or someone to interact comments on an issue, event, or observation/
with. Imaginary friends can provide a child impression at the very moment it occurs. Im-
with someone to confide in as well as some- mediacy, if used and timed appropriately, is
one who can provide comfort for the child useful for increasing a client's self-under-
who may be experiencing distress, (at) standing and, in general, for improving in-
terpersonal skills/sensitivity, (bmm)
imaginary friend (See imaginary
companion) immersion education
Students are involved in a subject to the ex-
imagination clusion of nearly everything else during im-
The power of the mind to create images, mersion education. In the case of language
ideas, and invented worlds that never ex- arts, the student is provided intensive lan-
isted, no longer exist, or are not immediately guage exposure from the earliest age. When
present. Imagination, powerful though little learning a second language, the student is
understood, is the foundation of the work of taught and given instruction only in the sec-
the artist as well as of arts education, pre- ond language rather than the native lan-
ceding and driving creation. Some educators guage. (jqa,npo)
attribute the acquisition of the ability to
imagine things as if they were otherwise, to immigrant education
imagine possibilities, as one of the most em- Educational programs that teach language,
powering aspects of effective art education. customs, and citizenship requirements to im-
According to Maxine Greene, imagination is migrants, (jpc)
what makes empathy possible, for it is what
helps us understand alternative realities. immigrant minorities (See voluntary
Imagination helps us open up spaces and minorities)
make room to appreciate each other. It helps
us cultivate multiple ways of seeing, and stirs immigrants
us to wide-awakeness. Imagination helps us Individuals or groups that settle in a foreign
create new orders as it helps us bring parts country. Education has played a large role
that seem to be severed together, as it helps in socializing immigrant populations to the
us see patterns where there appeared to be United States. Being integrated into the so-
none. Imagination is a cognitive capacity cial norms, language and values of the
that explores alternatives and transforms United States occurs through classroom in-
our intuition into plans of action. It is a tool teractions and instruction. Current educa-
we use to help us see the world anew, (em, tional practices also recognize and respect
bt-b) the diversity brought by immigrant popula-
tions, (jqa, npo)
IMDL (See Internet-Mediated Distance
Learning) implicit curriculum (See hidden
Mimicry or modeling after something else. improvisation
The social learning theory purports that To invent, compose, or perform something
much learning occurs through observing and without preparation, extemporaneously. For
then imitating or modeling behaviors of oth- example, to play or sing music without re-
ers, gaining from both the context and the hearsal especially by inventing variations on
actual behavior itself, (db) a melody or creating new melodies in accor-

independent reading level

dance with a set progression of chords. Im- incidental learning

provisation in jazz involves two or more Unintentional learning that occurs through
musicians listening carefully to each other's life's activities and experiences, (las)
contributions to create together new music
or new variations on a given piece. To make inclusion
do with available materials or circumstance. The practice of ensuring that all students
For example, to do paper sculpture when with disabilities participate with other stu-
clay is suddenly unavailable or to change the dents in all aspects of school, to the maxi-
subject of a drawing when an accidental line mum extent appropriate. Support services
appears. In theatrical improvisation, actors are brought to the student in the regular ed-
react to the challenge of a designated situa- ucation classroom, rather than taking the
tion and improvise a scene of action. This student to the support services, (bba)
game-like activity is called "improv." (kbc)
Refers to a setting or activity in which in-
impulse-control disorder
dividuals with all levels of ability are ac-
A category of mental disorders characterized
cepted and included with accommodations
by intense impulses or urges to act in some
and adaptations or assistance as needed, (sr)
way that can cause harm to an individual or
to others. There is usually some feeling of
inclusive classroom
excitement or tension that builds until the
A regular education classroom in which
behavior is engaged in, at which time there
instruction is adapted (e.g., curriculum
may be a sense of relief or gratification.
content, materials, activities, instruction de-
These behaviors are repeated despite (real or
livery) to provide education to children, who
potential) negative consequences. Although
under the federal Individuals with Disabili-
there are many behaviors and disorders that
ties Education Act of 1997, require special
could fall into this category, such as alcohol
education services. The classroom arrange-
abuse and exhibitionism (flashing or expos-
ments are also modified in any possible and
ing oneself), these two are found under sub-
reasonable ways to support learning needs of
stance use disorders and sexual disorders,
the children, (xss, yb)
respectively. Impulse-control disorders are
separated into this category largely because
they are not classified under any other type incremental budgeting
of mental disorder. Examples of these The process of basing budgetary entries on
budgets from the previous year. The term
disorders include intermittent explosive
usually refers to annual increases that are an
disorder (recurrent aggressive outbursts),
acceptable percentage increase in salaries
kleptomania (impulsive stealing), pyromania
and operating funds. In a zero-based budget,
(fire setting), pathological gambling (com-
each activity to be funded must be justified
pulsive or maladaptive gambling), and tri-
every time a new budget is prepared, (cf)
chotillomania (hair pulling), (fa)
independent practice
in-basket exercise A classroom activity in which students prac-
A simulation used to assess an individual's tice newly learned content, skills, or strate-
approach to or performance of management gies on their own, with no direct teacher
tasks. The individual is presented with a va- assistance available, (bba)
riety of written documents (memoranda, re-
ports, letters, etc.) such as might be found in independent reading level
the in-basket on a manager's desk, and is The grade level at which a student can read
asked to decide to how to handle or respond a great percentage of the words in a passage
to each document, (chb) and can comprehend most or all of the mes-

independent school

sage contained in the passage or book with- non-Native American teachers, improved
out external support. Although there is some the Indian health care system, and allowed
variation in criteria, widely accepted stan- for limited tribal self-government and the
dards are: 99 percent accuracy in word rec- control of tribal funds, among other re-
ognition and 90 percent (or better) com- forms, (klj)
prehension, (aw)
See also frustration reading level; informal Indian Self-Determination and
reading inventory; instructional reading Education Assistance Act (Public Law
level. 93-638)
Passed by Congress on January 4, 1975,
independent school provided for increased participation of Na-
Independent schools are not supported by tive Americans in the establishment and con-
taxes as public schools are, but rather from duct of their education programs and
sources other than public monies. They are services. Title II, known as the Indian Edu-
characterized in three primary ways: they are cation Assistance Act, provides for the edu-
primarily supported by tuition, charitable cation of Indians in public schools and
contributions, and endowment income; they school construction in districts on or adja-
are governed by a board of trustees and ad- cent to Indian reservations that are respon-
ministrators based on the mission and phi- sible for the education of Indian children.
losophy of the school; and they are subject The law encourages local Indian school
to strict procedures for accreditation if they control, American Indian preferences and
wish to have that status. Other features in- opportunities for training and employment,
dependent schools may offer are smaller and preferences in the award of sub-
class sizes, personal attention, increased contracts and sub-grants to Indian organiza-
higher level or critical thinking, emphasis on tions and Indian-owned economic enter-
responsibility and values, and opportunity to prises, (wg)
participate in many activities, (bs)
A measurable outcome used as evidence that
independent study
an abstract standard or goal has been met.
A program of study with topics or problems
chosen by the student with the approval of
the department concerned and with the su- indigenous knowledge
pervision of an instructor; primarily de- Sets of accumulated information, under-
signed for students who will not attend standings, history, values, customs, and be-
classes but seek periodic advice and assign- liefs shared in a given locale or within a
ments from instructors, (cf) given community. It is most typically asso-
See also course, tutorial. ciated with colonial, postcolonial, and post-
modern analyses of knowledge production.
Indian Reorganization Act (1934) However, the term applies as well to analy-
Also known as the Wheeler-Howard Act, ses which seek to avoid re-centering Western
represented a dramatic shift in federal gov- epistemologies by focusing instead on the
ernment policy regarding Native Americans centrality and validity of these understand-
from a philosophy of assimilation to a policy ings in the cosmology and worldview of spe-
intending to restore Native lands and cul- cific communities, (hfs)
ture. Initiated by Bureau of Indian Affairs
Commissioner John Collier (1933-1945), indigenous peoples
the act ended the devastating policies of Often referred to in the United States as Na-
allotment and off-reservation boarding tive Americans or American Indians. They
schools, created bilingual teaching materials, are indigenous because their settlement pre-
expanded teacher training for Native and ceded that of European Americans in most

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

cases. Indigenous peoples tend to live in ru- this means that each individual should make
ral communities. When members of organ- economic decisions based on enlightened
ized tribal structures, they retain a significant self-interest, which would argue for laissez-
degree of sovereignty, (lr) faire economic policies. The philosophical
ramifications would be that from an ethical
indirect code viewpoint the consequences of an action for
Early literacy instruction in which meaning- the individual have priority over conse-
ful reading and writing activities, rather than quences for the common good. The impli-
explicit teaching of written language conven- cations of this discussion for education are
tions and letter-sound correspondences, are enormous. John Dewey maintained that the
highlighted, (jrk) goals of education should include the better-
See also direct code; whole language ap- ment of the individual and the common
proach. good. Communitarians (e.g., Bellah and Pal-
mer) continue to blend individual and social
indirect proof objectives together, (wl)
A method of proving a proposition by as- See also communitarianism; liberalism;
suming the hypothesis to be false and then person
proceeding by the use of axioms, definitions,
and previously proven propositions, in individuality
hopes of the assumption leading to a contra- The unique identity of a person determined
diction and therefore proving the original by cultural, social, economic, and political
proposition true, (wja) factors, (jjc)

individual career plan (ICP)

Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Program each student will complete previous
A written education plan for a preschool or
to entering the ninth grade to help students
school-aged child with disabilities developed
focus on information to enable them to es-
by a team of professionals, the child's par-
tablish appropriate goals. ICPs are based on
ents, and in some cases the child him/herself.
assessments of the student's interests and
A legally binding document aimed at devel-
achievements and are updated each year
oping an instructional plan that addresses a
throughout high school, (jb)
student's specific learning challenges. Also
called individualized educational plan, (sr,
Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)
A plan developed by a team that includes
parents, services providers, and anyone else
that the parents or family want to be in- individualized instruction
volved in the delivery of early intervention Adapting a curriculum so that an individual
services. The IFSP states parents' priorities, child's developmental or educational needs
resources, and concerns for their child; goals may be met. (kms, yb)
are written, along with activities and strate-
gies to meet those goals. Every six months, Individuals with Disabilities Education
the IFSP is reviewed and amended, as nec- Act (IDEA)
essary. Parents or families may, at any time, Originally the Education for All Handi-
also amend the IFSP. (kms, yb) capped Children Act of 1975. The name
IDEA came with the 1990 amendment. It is
individualism a statute that provides federal funding in the
A descriptive term used particularly in the form of grants to states from the Depart-
social sciences and philosophy. The common ment of Education and confers substantive
idea is the priority of individual over the and procedural rights to individuals eligible
larger society. In economics, for example, for services under IDEA, (sr)


indoctrination closely associated with this kind of educa-

Indoctrination is characterized as any teach- tion, (cm!)
ing that fails to respect the potential and ac- See also trade and industrial education;
tual rationality and autonomy of the learner. vocational education.
Indoctrination, it is said, uses "nonrational
methods of instruction" (e.g., hypnosis, sub- inequality
liminal suggestion, authority, tradition), or In mathematics, a statement that one ex-
operates upon subject matters immune to ra- pression is less than (or greater than) an-
tional explanation or adjudication (e.g., as- other, (amr)
trology). It either intends and/or results in
damage to the student's capacity for freedom inert knowledge
or reason. The interesting question today is Commonly understood to be information
whether religious, moral, and political edu- possessed by individuals but not used. First
cation are more than indoctrination, (an) defined by A. N. Whitehead in 1929, inert
See also critical thinking; reason. knowledge is information known and un-
derstood, but not in ways that make it ap-
induction (See inductive reasoning) plicable to effective problem solving. An
example of inert knowledge may be seen
induction programs when a student memorizes a list of facts for
Programs designed for beginning teachers at an examination and promptly forgets them
both the local and state level to facilitate the after the exam, (jwc)
transition between the university and life in
the classroom. Programs in some states and infant
districts require novice teacher participation. A child from birth to one year of age. (jlj)
The goal of teacher induction is to improve
teacher effectiveness and teacher retention, infant schools
(elk) Robert Owen, the Utopian reformer, estab-
lished the first infant school in New Lanark,
inductive reasoning Scotland in 1816. The infant school move-
Reasoning that involves exact or specific ex- ment spread throughout England to assist in
amples leading to broad examples, a chain the educational care of needy children aged
of evidence that begins with an observation eighteen months to six years of age. The in-
and then combines it with the strength of fant school idea spread to the rapidly indus-
previous observations in order to arrive at a trializing United States of the 1820s and was
conclusion. Unlike deductive reasoning, in- a charitable movement associated with Sun-
ductive reasoning is not designed to produce day Schools and pauper schools. The move-
mathematical certainty, (kr) ment declined by the late 1830s, but was the
forerunner of the kindergarten movement,
industrial education (hbv)
Term that generally refers to a form of ed-
ucation focusing on the development of man- Infant/Toddler Environment Rating
ual skills typically applied to late-nineteenth Scale (ITERS)
and early-twentieth-century occupations. Adapted from the Early Childhood Environ-
Historically reserved for post-Reconstruc- ment Rating Scale, a standardized instru-
tion era African Americans, Native Ameri- ment for the evaluation of infant and toddler
cans, and other minority students, industrial care developed by Thelma Harms, Richard
education was seen as the acceptable form M. Clifford, and Debby Cryer in 1990. The
of education for these populations. Booker form addresses 35 different items to com-
T. Washington, founder of the Tuskegee In- prehensively evaluate the infant/toddler
stitute, is the American educator most classroom using the terms "Inadequate,"


"Minimal," "Good," and "Excellent." Ex- available kits. The inventory includes graded
amples are provided for each term for each word lists, graded passages, and comprehen-
item, (kdc) sion questions, which can be used to deter-
mine a student's independent, instructional,
inferences or frustration level in reading, (aw)
Making inferences is deducing or concluding
from information known or assumed; the re-
sult is probable but not certain. In research, informal standard English (See
inferences must be strongly supported by Standard American English)
analysis of data. Students in schools in the
United States are tested on their ability to information technology
infer meaning from written material, to un- The branch of technology devoted to the
derstand what is hinted in addition to what study and application of data and the proc-
is directly stated. Late-twentieth-century essing thereof; that is, the automatic acqui-
cognition studies suggest that increased do- sition, storage, manipulation, management,
main knowledge improves the ability to movement, control, display, switching, inter-
draw appropriate inferences, (igb) change, transmission, or reception of data,
and the development and use of the hard-
infinite ware, software, firmware, and procedures
Becoming large beyond any fixed number; associated with this processing, (cf)
greater than any number; boundless; endless;
not finite; not countable. A set is countable
if it can be put into one-to-one correspon- informed consent
dence with the positive integers or if the set A legal and ethical obligation to obtain con-
is finite. {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} is a countable set be- sent from a potential client to participate in
cause it is finite. {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, . . . } is count- psychotherapy. It consists of, among other
able because it can be placed into one-to-one things, giving clear and full information
correspondence with the positive integers. about the psychotherapy process, including
The interval (0,1) is not countable, (kgh) potential risks, benefits, and viable treatment
alternatives. It must be made clear that par-
inflectional morpheme ticipation is, under ordinary circumstances,
Grammatical morphemes that can appear voluntary and that he or she is free to with-
only in words attached to other morphemes, draw at any time. Any consequences for re-
and are added to complete words according fusing or revoking consent must also be
to rules of syntax (e.g., past tense on regular discussed. Informed consent must be ob-
verbs: to play—play-ed; plural on nouns: a tained from all clients, research participants,
song—song-s). (smt) and supervisees, (mgg)
See also morpheme.

informal education innovation

Learning that takes place outside of struc- In education, innovation is a new way of
tured learning experiences, (jpc) teaching or learning which varies from a tra-
ditional approach and is typically in re-
informal reading inventory (IRI) sponse to a need for improved student
An individually administered assessment achievement. Examples of strategies that
tool designed to help determine a student's have been considered to be innovative are:
skills, strategies, strengths, and weaknesses ability grouping, clustering, block schedul-
in reading. An IRI can be compiled by the ing, project-based learning, reading instruc-
teacher using materials from the classroom, tion through a whole language approach,
or it can be one of a number of commercially and nongraded schools, (bs)


innumeracy instant message (See chat)

An inability to deal with and be comfortable
with the ideas of numbers, mathematics, and
Institute of Education Sciences
chance; marked by the inability to think and
Established with the signing of the Educa-
express one's own thoughts quantitatively; tion Sciences Reform Act of 2002, this In-
not possessing skill with numbers or math- stitute replaces the Office of Educational
ematics, (wja) Research and Improvement within the
United States Department of Education. The
inorganic chemistry Institute includes: the National Center for
The branch of chemistry that studies the Education Research, the National Center for
compounds other than the organic com- Education Statistics, and the National Cen-
pounds, (tw) ter for Evaluation and Regional Assistance.
See also organic chemistry. (jwc)

inquiry teaching institutional discrimination

A form of instruction in which teachers pro- Unfair practices and attitudes that are rooted
vide students with information, experiences, in a society and affect its overall policies to-
or problems that serve as the focus for the ward and treatment of certain classes. Or-
students' research activities. The students ganizational discrimination is similar in that
generate hypotheses or tentative solutions, at the organizational level, discriminatory
gather relevant data, and evaluate the data practices are reinforced by long-established
to arrive at a conclusion, (bba) practices, rules, and policies, (jqa, npo)

inquiry-oriented teacher education

A general approach to preparing teachers institutional history
that provides instruction and field experi- Examination of the foundations, growth,
ences that emphasize raising questions about and development of a college, university, or
university system. Its subject matter includes
existing educational practices and testing
all facets of institutional development such
ways to improve upon the status quo. (rtc)
as administration, architecture, student
body, athletics, etc. (cf)
in-service teacher education
Educational experiences that take place after
initial licensure is granted. The intent is to institutional memory
improve professional knowledge and skills The collectivity of an institution's wisdom,
that will contribute to the education of in- wit, and experience, as reflected in its accu-
dividual students, (elk) mulation of stories, folklore, jokes, images,
and symbols pertaining to its past; often the
memories or memoirs of older staff members
noted for the factual information they retain
Awareness, recognition, and understanding
and their storytelling ability, (cf)
clearly one's own attitudes, beliefs, and be-
haviors. Involves the ability to introspect; to
look inward dispassionately and accurately; institutional performance
to see, and perhaps voice truths about, one- A concept of effectiveness in achieving ex-
self; and to acknowledge one's own motives plicit goals or objectives (as viewed from an
and experiences. Insight may also involve institutional perspective); can be applied to
self-reflecting on contingencies that influ- particular institutions of higher education—
ence/shape one's behavior, and appreciating or to the sociocultural institutions of higher
the effect one's learning history has on cur- education as a whole; involves the use of
rent behaviors, (dho) multiple measures or indicators, (cf)

instructional technology

institutional racism instructional development

Institutions, including schools and colleges, The implementation of instructional design
employ institutional racism through regular- plans by analysis of the setting and learner
ized policies and practices that treat one needs, by devising of a set of specifications
class of people unfairly and negatively. Not for an effective, efficient, and relevant
only race, but gender, ethnicity, and other learner environment; the creation of learner
factors are included in institutional racism. and management materials, and evaluation
Institutional racism can have a broader of the results of the development both for-
impact than individual racism since it is re- matively and summatively. (cf)
inforced by an organization with some rec-
ognized standing, (jqa, npo) instructional materials
Items used to assist in imparting knowledge
or developing skills. Examples include text-
institutional research
books, audiovisual resources, computer pro-
The collection, analysis, and presentation of
grams, and laboratory supplies, (jw)
institutional data upon which informed ad-
ministrative and faculty decisions can be
based. Its primary concern is practical re- instructional objectives (See objective)
search for the solution of institutional prob-
lems through the accumulation and analysis instructional reading level
of data, (cf) The grade level at which a student can be
challenged, but not frustrated, during read-
ing instruction that assumes additional sup-
institutional self-study port. Although there is some variation in
An essential component of regional accredi- criteria, widely accepted standards are:
tation; an extended process in which insti- better than 95 percent accuracy in word
tutions study their internal programs, ser- recognition and 75 percent (or better) com-
vices, and activities by using standards as prehension, (aw)
established by regional accrediting associa- See also frustration reading level; inde-
tions; uses various indices, measures, crite- pendent reading level; informal reading in-
ria, (cf) ventory.

instruction instructional strategies

The guided exercises, lessons, and materials The overall planned procedures for imple-
used to teach a subject. The formal act of menting and achieving specific goals and ob-
imparting knowledge or developing skills: jectives in teaching. Instructional strategies
teaching, (jw) are ways the teacher can assist learners with
their study efforts for each performance ob-
jective. The purpose of strategies is to outline
instructional design how instructional activities will relate to the
The systematic process of translating general accomplishment of the objectives. Successful
principles of learning and instruction into strategies for method and material presen-
plans for instructional materials and learn- tation maximize the learning experience for
ing. Instructional design is also a field that all by planning and implementing an effec-
prescribes specific instructional actions to tive and efficient organization of methods,
achieve desired instructional outcomes; the techniques, and information, (ce)
process decides the best methods of instruc-
tion for enacting desired changes in knowl- instructional technology
edge and skills for a specific course content A field dedicated to the theory and practice
and learner population, (cf) of design, development, utilization, manage-


ment, and evaluation of processes and re- views range from highly structured to un-
sources for learning. The phrase also en- structured. Frequently during the intake
compasses the application of technology to interview, a client's history is collected.
administrative functions of an educational Questions related to factors such as a per-
institution. Technologies, primarily com- son's family, psychiatric, medical, academic/
puter-based, integrated in classroom instruc- work, military, social/marital, and legal his-
tion for the purpose of providing a learning tories are commonly asked, (kc, seme, bdj)
experience. Instructional technologies in
teacher education address, in part, state and/ INTASC (See Interstate New Teacher
or local guidelines for integrating technology Assessment and Support Consortium)
into the classroom setting, (cf, elk)
instrumentation Any positive or negative whole number or
The selection and combination of instru- zero; any number in the set { . . . , —3,
ments in composition or performance of a —2,-1,0,1,2,3, . . . }. The positive integers,
musical work. For example, the usual instru- which are greater than zero, are also known
mentation of a string quartet is two violins, as the natural numbers. The negative inte-
one viola, and one cello. Interchangeable gers, which are less than zero, are - 1 , - 2 ,
with orchestration in which music is written — 3, . . . . Addition, subtraction, and/or mul-
especially with an eye to the various instru- tiplication of integers produce an integer; di-
ments in the orchestra and/or the specific in- vision of integers does not necessarily
struments are chosen to play the music or produce an integer, (kgh)
comprise the orchestra. The skills of instru-
mentation or orchestration are usually re- integrated academic and vocational
served for conservatory-level education, (jbl) curriculum (See curriculum, integrated
academic and vocational)
Process by which new adult students provide integrated curriculum
information about their learning needs, A program of learning in which a topic or
goals, and skills. Such information is gener- theme is studied from different disciplinary
ally used for placement and evaluation of perspectives. In early childhood, this means
program participation, (las) that the theme of study is explored with ma-
terials that stimulate all the senses and ap-
intake interview peal to different learning styles, and includes
Involves gathering information and devel- cognitive, physical, and social/emotional
oping a therapeutic relationship with a client components. A model integrated curriculum
early in the treatment process, usually during for early childhood would explore the topic
the first session or two. The primary purpose of "trees," for example, by planting seeds
of an intake interview is to collect informa- and observing their growth, painting on
tion regarding the client's current presenting bark, pretending to grow like trees, reading
problem(s) or perceived difficulties. The in- books about trees, wearing gardening gear,
terview also helps the clinician to formulate collecting leaves, singing under the trees, and
an initial diagnostic impression regarding a adopting a tree to observe through the sea-
client's problem(s) or difficulties and to help sons. An organization of the curriculum in
ensure that the therapist is qualified to pro- which subject matters that are traditionally
vide the type of treatment deemed to be most taught separately are combined. Instruction
appropriate. Sometimes the person conduct- typically draws from two or more subject ar-
ing the interview will be different from the eas and focuses on a theme or concept, (ecr,
person who treats the client. Intake inter- bba)


integrated learning same classroom or program. Typically in-

The "horizontal" link across academic and cludes students with identified disabilities in
vocational areas of the curriculum that of- a classroom setting with their nondisabled
fers students contact with different content peers, (mm, sr)
areas and how to apply knowledge and skills
associated with the areas, (jb) integrity
Literally, wholeness or oneness. Often used
Integrated Postsecondary Education to mean "honesty"; entails a unity between
Data System (IPEDS) a person's actions and words. Beyond the
Started in 1986, IPEDS replaced HEGIS, and minimum of "honesty," the person with in-
became the core postsecondary education tegrity has a unity to his or her actions; there
data collection program for the National are some things that she or he must do, or
Center for Education Statistics, in the U.S. must not do, in order to be the person she
Department of Education. The system col- or he is. Integrity is thus more than honesty
lects institutional-level data that is used to and entails a unity of the person as a whole.
discover and track trends in higher educa- Some authors (e.g., Lynne McFall) claim
tion at the institutional, state, and national that the principles around which identity
levels, (cf) forms must not only be unified, they must be
worthwhile, for the person to possess integ-
rity, (jc)
integrated science See also identity; self.
A grouping of all branches of science studied
through a method that shows the interde- intellectual property
pendence, connections, and other relation- An idea or innovation that is created or dis-
ships among the varied branches of science. covered. This includes things that a person
For example, a study based on the sun could writes, designs, invents, sings, speaks, draws,
include concepts and processes from astron- discovers, etc. Such property would include
omy, biology, nuclear physics, the chemistry novels, sound recordings, software, trade se-
of photosynthesis and light, etc. (tw) crets, a new type of mousetrap, or a cure for
a disease. Intellectual property can be cre-
integration ated by a person (or a person can pay some-
In the educational context, integration has a one to create it for them). Intellectual
number of different meanings and can be im- property is protected by patents, trademarks
plied at different levels in education. It is the and copyright laws. Each of these laws
act or process of forming, coordinating, or covers a specific type of intellectual property.
blending into a functioning or unified whole. (cf)
Educational integration refers to the integra-
tion of educational leadership, management, intellectualism
curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Intellectualism is the view that all human ac-
Technology integration refers to technology tivities are governed by the intellect and thus
used in a seamless manner to support and can be influenced and studied by intellectual
extend curriculum objectives thus engaging means. This theory has been questioned by
students in meaningful learning. Social and researchers in the phenomenological tradi-
cultural integration involves the incorpora- tion who have maintained that we must
tion of disparate ethnic or religious elements make a distinction between predicative and
of the population into a unified society, pro- pre-predicative activities. Predications oc-
viding equality of opportunity for all mem- cupy only a small part of our life and are
bers of that society. Also, including students explicit, intellectual activities like judgments,
with various skill levels and abilities in the comparisons, inferences, attributions, etc.,


whereas the most part of our activities are nitive tasks. The concept of an intelligence
pre-predicative in the sense that they precede quotient, or IQ, has faced criticism because
all intellectual activities and are not them- the tests, while correlating to some extent
selves intellectual, but spontaneous and im- with factors such as academic performance
plicitly functioning, (jbl) and future success, are not measuring raw
See also emotivism. intelligence; they simply measure perform-
ance on one standardized test. In addition,
intelligence testing of this manner has been criticized as
For Deweyan pragmatists, intelligence is the having cultural value-laden items and for
abilty to act intelligently (i.e., to shape one's measuring only one type of intelligence, ig-
actions in accordance with one's long-term noring other strengths of the individual such
ends); a set of capacities observable within as musical or physical talents. Coined by
human behavior, such as the ability to learn William Stern in 1912, IQ is construed
from experience, to make plans for the fu- broadly as a measure of intelligence. It was
ture and enact them, learn and participate in originally defined as 100 times the mental
practices of which one has previously been age (determined by standardized tests) di-
ignorant. It has been argued that there are vided by the chronological age. It now rep-
many varieties of intelligence, of which stan- resents a person's performance relative to
dard academic forms (measured by tests peers. Both establish the average as 100,
such as the SAT, ACT, etc.) are merely a with the majority of people (approximately
subset. These include moral, aesthetic, and 68 percent) scoring between 85 and 115.
emotional intelligence. The critical view is (jcp, mkt)
that intelligence is less a feature of the indi- See also intelligence; multiple intelligences.
vidual than a social construction that reifies
certain socially desirable behaviors. A hy- intelligence test
pothetical mental force that is sometimes One of a class of assessment instruments, or
characterized as genetically inherited, unre- tests, that purport to measure intelligence.
lated to experience, and influencing an in- These tests assess cognitive abilities that are
dividual's level of achievement. Although associated with success in academic, or "real
there is little agreement about any single def- world," settings. Measures of verbal, math-
inition of intelligence, the term generally ematical, and perceptual skills are typically
refers to an individual's potential to success- included. Generally, such tests consist of a
fully comprehend mental abstractions. Cur- graded series of tasks in the various, afore-
rently, conceptions of intelligence are mentioned areas, each of which has been
influenced by broader notions, such as How- standardized with a large, representative
ard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelli- sample of individuals, (mkt)
gences. Historically, intelligence has been
measured by specifically constructed tests Intelligence Testing Movement
such as the Stanford-Binet. In the late twen- An early-twentieth-century development
tieth century, practitioners developed vari- that advocated the use of standardized tests
ous assessments for a broad range of in public schools as a way of measuring in-
intelligent behaviors, (an, crl) tellect and sorting students into the appro-
See also wisdom. priate curriculum. The World War I Army
Alpha and Beta tests had opened the possi-
intelligence quotient (IQ) bility of large-scale testing. Psychologists
A statistically derived measure of one's cog- and educators interested in linking scientific
nitive processing on a standardized test, such measurement to ideas of meritocracy viewed
as the Stanford-Binet. Such tests are designed the public schools as an excellent arena for
to measure one's percentile within an age- scientifically sorting students to be selected
based group based on an assessment of cog- and educated for their proper future roles in

intercultural communication

society. Critics of the intelligence testing ject: perception with the perceived, thinking
movement argued that minority and work- with the thought, feeling with the felt,
ing-class children were at an unfair disad- dreaming with the dreamt, wishing with the
vantage and often sorted disproportionately wished, etc. In other words, consciousness
into vocational and lower academic tracks. never exists alone as a pure state, but inte-
American psychologists Henry Herbert God- grates always subject and object in a unity.
dard (1866-1957), Edward Thorndike Intentionality should, however, not be con-
(1874-1949), and Lewis Terman (1877- fused with intentional, since not all kinds of
1956) are most closely associated with this consciousness are governed by intentions,
movement, (vmm) (jbl)

Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) interaction

A sophisticated implementation of com- An exchange between a person (child or
puter-aided instruction that contains a adult) and one or more others, or between a
knowledge of the domain to be taught, person and materials or the environment,
domain-specific pedagogical knowledge, and (dbl)
knowledge of the student to be taught. As
the student interacts with the software, it up- interactive activity
dates its model of the student in order to An instructional design where dialogue
select the most appropriate content and ped- among the participants, teacher and learn-
agogical style for that student, much as a hu- ers, forms the core of the learning experi-
man tutor would. The most sophisticated ence. It is a give-and-take of ideas where all
Intelligent Tutoring Systems provide features student contributions are accepted. In this
such as rich, configurable simulation envi- type of instructional/learning setting, the
ronments, context-sensitive help facilities, learners' ideas are as important as the
lessons that appeal to different learning teacher's. The instruction is created with
styles, and natural language interfaces. The the students. This type of instructional activ-
ultimate goal for Intelligent Tutoring Sys- ity is not top-down, but rather bottom-up.
tems is to provide active, scaffolded, highly The learners are at the center and their
contextualized learning with rapid feed- voices direct the activities, (jls)
back, which currently is available primarily
through one-on-one interaction with an intercultural
expert tutor, (eh) Dynamic process of positive interaction be-
tween various identity groups of a society. It
intensive quantities calls for an inherent interdependence beyond
Numbers that arise through particular math- static descriptions and recognition of differ-
ematical operations that cannot themselves ences that can often result in the isolation
be treated like extensive quantities; for ex- and marginalization of groups into static
ample, price per lb. or constant speed. These ethnocentric identities, (hfs)
numbers express a multiplicative relation-
ship between two other quantities, extensive intercultural communication
or intensive, (amr) Communication may be affected by the cul-
tural and social background of the individ-
intentionality uals involved. Intercultural communication
Intentionality is in the phenomenological occurs when individuals of differing back-
tradition a theory of consciousness. Accord- grounds interact. In the classroom, an
ing to this theory, consciousness is charac- awareness of cultural differences in com-
terised by its directedness against something munication can assist a teacher in providing
different than itself. Every kind of conscious- a supportive learning environment that
ness is correlated with its own particular ob- meets the needs of each student, (jqa, npo)

intercultural education

intercultural education interdisciplinary team

A movement that began in the 1920s as a An organizational pattern of two or more
way to address the issues of cultural plural- teachers of different subject areas, who share
ism as a counter to assimilation. Also called the same students, schedule, and areas of the
"intergroup relations," its goal was to pro- school to teach more than one subject, (bba)
mote understanding among different racial
and ethnic groups while it sought to value interest
the attributes of minority groups in main- The state of having one's attention drawn to
stream society. Under the leadership of Ra- something; the desire to study a subject. It is
chel Davis DuBois, the Service Bureau for at the root of motivation; students are more
Intercultural Education (SBIE) was founded likely to learn that in which they have an
in 1934 to develop and disseminate curric- interest. Something good for one is said to
ular materials for schools. In the ensuing be in one's interest. These meanings are in-
decades, intercultural education manifested dependent of each other; it is possible to take
itself through workshops, college courses, an interest in things that are not good for
and K-12 curricular materials. It is consid- one or to not take an interest in learning the
ered to be the precursor to multicultural ed- things that are in one's interest. The endur-
ucation, (caw) ing problem of teaching is to get children to
take an interest in that which it is in their
interdisciplinary interest to study, (jc)
In education, an approach to teaching which
invokes more than one academic discipline interest inventory
to address a single problem or question. This Associated with vocational or career guid-
practice of teaching promotes analysis of a ance, an instrument on which the individual
single topic from perspectives in multiple indicates a liking for or interest in various
subject areas, (elk) kinds of jobs, careers, or occupational activ-
ities, (db)
interdisciplinary art education
The comprehensive or multifaceted ap- intergenerational literacy
proach to art education in which students Literacy programs that involve two or more
experience and learn about art through mul- generations in the acquisition and improve-
tiple perspectives and disciplines. This ap- ment of literacy skills, (jpc)
proach was developed in reaction to the
understanding that art is a source of knowl- internal locus of control
edge, beliefs, and values and must be studied The perception that reinforcements are due
in a holistic way. (kf) to individual effort; something within one's
control. Sometimes experienced as a sense of
interdisciplinary curriculum power and responsibility for one's situation
An instructional model whereby multiple in life. In the extreme, an internal locus of
disciplines are used to promote and/or en- control may be accompanied by a sense of
hance learning about a particular topic or responsibility for events that are completely
skill. This supports the belief that students outside of one's control. Locus of control is
have greater focus and understanding when conceptualized on a continuum from exter-
content is experienced in a variety of con- nal to internal, (mgg)
texts. For example, learning shapes can be
addressed through reading a book with ex- International Adult Literacy Survey
amples of shapes in real life, playing with (IALS)
shape blocks, and walking along the perim- A survey of literacy skills, modeled on the
eter of a shape, (dbl) National Adult Literacy Survey, that took

interpersonal competence

place in several countries in the mid-1990s. other three sites could continue to commu-
(jpc) nicate and share data, (hh, kgl)
See also National Adult Literacy Survey. See also extranet; intranet.

international education Internet discussion lists

The study of all aspects of society in other Internet discussion lists are used by groups
countries, including social, cultural, eco- of people with a common interest who share
nomic, and political as they affect interna- information on a regular basis. These lists
tional relations. Such study often includes an appear in two forms. The first, an e-mail list
examination of socioeconomic and political used with a list-server, can be accessed by
influences on education as well as social and plain-text e-mail. Users sign up to be on a
political structures, (jw) list; if one member sends mail to the list,
every member receives it. There are also Web
services, often called bulletin boards, where
International Literacy Day
users can access messages online using a
Established by UNESCO as September 8 and
graphical user interface. There are both
celebrated around the world, (jpc)
moderated and unmoderated lists; some lists
are by invitation only while others can be
international literacy prizes joined by anyone, (til)
A set of four awards administered by
UNESCO and chosen by an international
Internet-Mediated Distance Learning
jury that recognize people, programs, and
countries that have achieved excellence in
A general term of reference to use of com-
adult literacy education. The awards are the
puter networks in various forms of extra-
International Reading Association Literacy
classroom instruction. The latter part of the
Award, the Iraq Literacy Prize, the Na-
term, distance learning, is increasingly used
dezhda K. Krupskaya Prize, and the Noma
for all forms of teaching-learning arrange-
Prize, (jpc)
ments in which instructors and students
communicate with each other from different
international phonetic alphabet locations, (cf)
A standardized, widely used set of graphic
symbols for transcribing speech sounds in internship
any language in the world, (smt) A period of supervised practice following the
completion of a specified program to facili-
Internet tate the application of theory to practice.
A global network connecting millions of in- The internship provides the intern sociali-
dependent computer networks to facilitate zation into the profession and an opportu-
data transmission and information commu- nity to develop his or her practice including
nication. It was originally constructed by the strategies such as classroom management.
U.S. Department of Defense's ARPANET (elk)
project in 1969, and has grown to become a
highly commercial and widely accepted me- internship coordinator (See
dium for a variety of online services. The coordinator, career)
initial ARPANET network connected com-
puters at UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, interpersonal competence
UC-Santa Barbara, and the University of A general term for the informed perceptions
Utah in Salt Lake City. The basic structure and expectations of others; often referred to
of the network, which continues in today's as social intelligence, understanding, and
Internet, was a distributed system. If any one communicating well with others; includes
site in the network malfunctioned, the sensitivity to and appreciation of the activi-

interpersonal feedback

ties, beliefs, and feelings expressed by others; concerning causes, effects, trends, or predic-
can be learned, acquired, improved through tions, (jjc)
self-directed learning and professional devel-
opment, (cf) Interstate New Teacher Assessment
and Support Consortium (INTASC)
interpersonal feedback A consortium of state education agencies,
Evaluative information given to an indi- higher education institutions, and national
vidual from an external source regarding a educational organizations dedicated to the
variety of behaviors; may include the reform of the education, licensing, and on-
feedback-giver's reactions to the behavior(s). going professional development of teachers.
Interpersonal feedback may be used to de- (elk)
velop, maintain, and/or change one's self-
concept, to strengthen interpersonal bonds,
and to develop empathy, (ktc)
Intersubjectivity is the state of opening the
possibility of understanding and exchange
interpersonal intelligence
between subjects. In this way intersubjectiv-
One of Howard Gardner's (1993) multiple
ity is a necessary but not sufficient condition
intelligences, the aptitude for social interac-
for teaching and education. Intersubjectivity
tion characterized by charisma and group
is also used in the sense of being available
membership. The interpersonal learner usu-
for or shared by several persons instead of
ally has many friends and likes to talk to
being subjective or private. In this sense in-
people. She or he learns best through coop-
tersubjectivity is not only relevant for every-
erating with and teaching others. Teachers
day reality, but is a common demand as well
and political leaders often demonstrate high
as claim in scientific research, (jbl)
levels of interpersonal intelligence, (ecr)
See also communication; empathy; sym-
interpersonal therapy
A nondirective and noninterpretive form of
short-term psychotherapy that emphasizes intervention
interpersonal relationships. Clients are en- A planned action or process facilitated by a
couraged to reflect critically on their inter- trained professional that is intended to alter
action patterns with others. They then learn the course of a potentially negative or sub-
adaptive behaviors to improve their inter- optimal situation, primarily to improve it
personal and communication skills, (jbb) or prevent it from getting worse. For exam-
ple, a special education teacher may use be-
interpretation havior modification with a student as an
Interpretation is in the hermeneutic tradition intervention to help the student stay on task
the work of explicating the meaning of hu- during a reading assignment. An interven-
man affairs in order to understand, (jbl) tion can include, among other things,
See also understanding. providing information/education, using ther-
apeutic techniques in a counseling session,
interpreters and/or providing medical attention, (sdc)
Hearing individuals who listen to a spoken
message and communicate it in some way to intranet
an individual with a hearing impairment, (sr) Similar to the Internet in that it uses the
same technology, but with limited accessi-
interpreting maps, charts, and graphs bility. An intranet is owned by an organi-
The ability to use graphic forms of infor- zation and is accessible only internally
mation to either identify specific data por- within that organization, (hh)
trayed or to draw conclusions from the data See also extranet; Internet.


intrapersonal intelligence intuition in mathematics

According to Howard Gardner (1993), an A way of thinking that is characterized by
aptitude for looking inside oneself for mean- self-evident statements which go beyond
ing. The intrapersonal learner usually fol- mere perception, or observable facts. Intui-
lows his or her own instincts and is an tive statements are accepted without the
original thinker. He or she learns best in sol- need for proof. An example of an intuitive
itary locations using individualized projects statement is that for any two numbers, the
or self-paced instruction. Experts in intra- numbers are either equal or one is larger and
personal intelligence might become, for ex- the other is smaller. An example of a non-
ample, spiritual leaders or psychotherapists. intuitive statement is that the square of the
(ecr) hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the
sum of the squares of the other two sides.
intrinsic reward (smc)
Refers to the psychological processes that
motivate individuals to behave in a certain invented procedures
way and not in others; these are internal Before children are taught traditional algo-
states that gratify the individual. For exam- rithms, they often will invent their own valid
ple, the personal gratification that comes procedures to solve computational prob-
with a job, although it does not pay well, is lems. Some of these procedures include ad-
considered an intrinsic reward powerful dition proceeding from left to right involving
enough for maintaining the job. (xss, yb) multiple partial sums (e.g., 32 + 69 = 30 +
60 + 2 + 9), or multiplication by distribu-
introversion tion (e.g., 4 X 28 = 4 X 20 + 4 X 8). (ey)
A personality trait that describes an individ-
ual's preference for time alone, with one's invented spelling
own thoughts and feelings, as opposed to in- The result of children's attempts to spell
teracting with others and the environment, words when they are learning how to write.
or outside world. Often includes and/or Often the spelling is systematic and rule-
overlaps with other personality characteris- governed. In the early stages, the spelling
tics, such as being withdrawn, reserved, and tends to be phonetic. For example, a child
deliberate, (med) may write littel for little, (smt)
See also extroversion-introversion.
inverse operation
intuition An operation that returns a result of an
Intuition helps us move through our operation to the original number or entity.
thoughts and experiences and make sense of Addition and subtraction are inverse op-
them. It is a source of insight, a direct re- erations, as are multiplication and division
sponsiveness that helps us choose our ideas (e.g., 3 + 5 = 8 and 8 - 5 = 3). (amr)
and pull them together. Historically, intui-
tion is associated with insights, enlighten- inverse word problems (See direct and
ment, artistic expressions, and visions. inverse word problems)
Intuition is described by many cultures as a
source of knowledge, although not necessar- invigilator (See proctor)
ily true. It is described as nonrational, a form
of nonreflective consciousness. Intuition invisibility
seems to be personal, and subjective in qual- In education, invisibility refers to the ab-
ity. Whitehead described intuition in terms sence of specific cultures and ethnicities in
of intrigue and romance. Kant described it teaching materials. This absence suggests
in terms of direct contact, and Croce in that these groups are not important enough
terms of looking inward, (bt-b) for inclusion, and therefore do not merit

invisible college

consideration in many socioeconomic areas, IRE (initiate, respond, evaluate) (See

(jqa, npo) recitation)

invisible college IRI (See informal reading inventory)

A term first used to identify the informal as-
sociation of gifted individuals with common
intellectual interests. More recently the term irrational number
refers to a group of scientists and/or scholars A real number that cannot be expressed as
who collectively possess the talents, capabil- a fraction, (kgh)
ities, and expertise of a college faculty but
have not formalized their common interests IRT (item response theory) (See item
and activities as an institution per se. (cf) analysis)

involuntary hospitalization isomorphism

A judicial process imposed on a noncon- A one-to-one correspondence between two
senting individual, primarily for the purpose sets A and B that is operation preserving.
of preventing harm to self or others, or of That is, the sets are structurally the same
stabilizing an individual who is unable to though their elements may be different. So,
care for him- or herself. An involuntary hos- the result of an operation on two elements
pitalization may involve holding a client of a first set corresponds to the result of the
temporarily in a hospital setting (e.g., 72- same operation on the corresponding ele-
hour hold) at the written order of a physi- ments of the second set. (cmdv)
cian, due to a bonafide, high-risk concern or
See also one-to-one correspondence.
an identified imminent danger to self or oth-
ers. This decision is often subject to admin-
istrative, judicial, and clinical review so that issues-centered education
the individual's rights are not restricted be- A popular pedagogical approach used in
yond what is deemed absolutely necessary, teaching social studies. The central focus of
(do) a unit of study in issues-centered education
is an enduring public controversy. Teachers
involuntary minorities plan learning activities that relate to the fo-
Concept develop by John Ogbu to describe cus of the unit, (cb)
individuals and groups of individuals who
have a single frame of reference in a society. item
The sole frame of reference is the dominant In any test or assessment procedure, the
group in their society. These individuals are smallest unit of analysis, in the sense of an-
resentful, hostile, and disillusioned by the alyzing a response from the test taker, can
perception that they do not receive equitable be called the test "item." This is the com-
or fair returns on their hard work in the bination of what is presented to the test
workplace or in schools. A conclusion is taker and their response format. In the tra-
drawn that putting faith, time, and effort ditional multiple-choice format, a test item
in the pursuit of hopes for and gains in the is the question or statement given to the test
future via education, or other sanctioned taker, along with the three or four options
means, may not constitute a rational choice, from which they are to select their response.
(hfs) The test, in this case, is made up of a set of
items. In the traditional essay test format, a
IPEDS (See Integrated Postsecondary test item is the topic, or prompt, given to the
Education Data System) test taker, along with any specific instruc-
tions for the format and nature of their con-
IQ (See intelligence quotient) structed response, (bkl)

Ivy League

item analysis in adding 10 to 37 to get 47. This is not

During test development and/or operational always evident when the child counts by 10s
use, results on individual items can be ana- as in 10, 20, 30, 40. Here the child might
lyzed and compared to results on other items merely be reciting a standard number-word
or to subscores or total scores. This kind of sequence he or she has learned to associate
analysis is very useful in deciding whether an with particular items to be counted, (dc)
item meets the objectives of the test devel-
oper. There are two major forms of item ITERS (See Infant/Toddler Environment
analysis: Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Rating Scale)
Item Response Theory (IRT). The former is
over 100 years old and involves analysis of Ivy League
item pass rates and agreement statistics be- A term used to describe a collection of elite
tween items and totals. The latter is about academic institutions, including Brown,
40 years old and involves analysis of item Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard,
response patterns using probabilistic models. Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale. Used in-
Most modern testing companies use soft- formally since the 1930s, this association
ware that performs both CTT and IRT si- was formally recognized in 1945 by univer-
multaneously, (fd) sity administrators seeking to reaffirm their
common practices regarding academic stan-
item response theory (IRT) (See item dards, athletic eligibility requirements, and
analysis) administration of financial aid for athletes.
The association between the Ivy League and
iterable unit high academic standards and achievement is
A term used particularly in reference to a so strong that the term "ivy" can be used to
child's construction of 10. When a child has denote high achievement among schools out-
constructed 10 as an iterable unit the child side the actual league (e.g., "public ivies").
can use a unit of 10 to measure out 10s, as (ks2)

Jackson State Tragedy to some incomprehensibility for the speakers
A college demonstration held on May 14, of the original languages, (h-jk)
1970 at Jackson State College, protesting the
U.S. invasion of Cambodia, turned violent jazz
when students clashed with city and state Often thought of as the one American con-
police and Mississippi National Guardsmen. tribution to the world of music, jazz is a
Tragedy occurred when police fired rounds twentieth-century musical genre developed
into a campus dormitory, killing two—a stu- by African Americans (often trained musi-
dent and a local nonparticipant. (rih) cians who were denied participation in clas-
sical venues) and featuring complex rhythms
jargon and artful improvisation done by solo or en-
Unique language forms that people in certain semble performers creating harmonic varia-
professions or fields (e.g., academia, law, tions on chords or melodies. Modern jazz is
medicine, technology) use for efficient com- jazz developed after the 1940s. While jazz
munication. Jargon is often incomprehensi- has for a long time featured largely in
ble to outsiders and is often referred to with community-based education, jazz groups
negative connotations. Jargon may also be and bands have only recently found their
unintelligible utterances, usually associated way into the musical offerings of those
with aphasia. Jargon can be either semantic American secondary schools that have mu-
or phonological; for example, a meaningless sical education programs, (jd)
sequence of words or unconventional sound
sequence. In language development of young Jeanes Fund
children, the unintelligible strings of bab- Also known as the Negro Rural School
bling with prosodic features that resemble Fund, founded in 1907 by Anna T. Jeanes,
adults' sentential intonations. Jargon ap- a wealthy Quaker philanthropist to improve
pears before young children start to utter African-American schooling in the southern
their first words in a more conventional way. states. The fund is best known for training
An initial stage of a pidgin language, char- and supervising men and women known as
acterized with a large individual variation, "Jeanes teachers" to teach industrial educa-
reduced sentence structure, limited set of vo- tion, promote home improvement work, es-
cabulary, and simplified sound system. The tablish clubs, improve health conditions, and
mixture of two or more languages may lead extend leadership to raise money for new

job task analysis

schoolhouses and materials. In 1937 the job readiness

Jeanes Fund merged into the Southern Edu- The knowledge, skills, and attitudes neces-
cation Board and the program finally ended sary for entering the workplace. This readi-
in 1968. (vmm) ness may include general workplace skills
and understanding (e.g., arriving on time,
understanding and carrying out responsibil-
jigsaw technique
ities, navigating the workplace, getting along
A specific procedure for cooperative learn-
with co-workers) as well as more specific
ing. According to E. Aronson, the originator
skills that apply to particular positions, (las)
of this term, jigsaw groups are made up of
three to six members, with each student re-
sponsible for becoming an expert on a sub- job redesign
topic or theme. Members of other teams in Revision of a specific duty, role, or function
the same classroom who are investigating of a worker in relation to the type or content
the same subtopic may meet in expert of the job. (jm)
groups to discuss what they are learning.
Upon completion of the research, each mem- job rotation
ber returns to the jigsaw group to present The procedure in cooperative vocational
information on the subtopic to the other programs of allowing students to work in
group members. This technique is especially several different jobs with a cooperating em-
helpful in preparation for unit examinations, ployer during the school year in order to give
(mje, jah) them a wide basis of experience and training
in the field, (jm)

job breakdown job satisfaction

The complete analysis of the skill and The quality, state, or level of satisfaction
knowledge components required in a specific which is a result of various interest and at-
job. (jm) titudes of a person toward a job. (jm)

job coach job seeker

A person working with an individual with a A person actively interested in finding em-
disability on the job to assist with learning ployment. Includes the unemployed and may
the skills needed to perform tasks, to identify also include a person already employed but
aspects of the assignment that may require who is searching for another or better job.
accommodations or adaptations, and to pro- (jm)
vide support and information to supervisors
and co-workers, (sr) job shadowing
Characteristically a part of career explora-
tion in late middle and early high school. A
Job Corps
student follows an employee at a business or
A national program, funded under the
industry for one or more days to learn about
Workforce Investment Act, that provides
an occupation or industry, (db)
residential education and training to disad-
vantaged youth, (jpc)
job task analysis
Process by which the task requirements of a
job development position are analyzed and outlined in order
Provisions of satisfactory work opportuni- to identify the skills and knowledge neces-
ties through opening jobs to more people by sary to perform that job effectively. This in-
removal of artificial barriers to employment formation can then be used to guide training
and by job redesign or job creation, (jm) and education activities, (las)

job training

job training the nation. Originally intended to serve as

Vocational or career-technical instruction feeder institutions for traditional colleges
for employed persons, (jm) and universities, junior colleges began to of-
fer terminal degrees (Associate of Arts) in the
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) 1920s and 1930s. Junior colleges offered in-
United States legislation enacted in 1982 to creased access to higher education and con-
provide job training to unemployed people tributed to the substantial expansion of
so they could obtain unsubsidized employ- higher education enrollments particularly in
ment. Among its most important elements the early to mid twentieth century. Today,
were training for economically disadvan- these institutions may also be referred to as
taged youth and adults, as well as summer "community colleges" or "technical col-
youth employment and training programs, leges." (aja)
junior high school
job-analysis technique
An organizational model that emerged in the
An approach to curriculum building based
early twentieth century creating a transi-
on the analysis of major and minor duties of
tional period (typically seventh, eighth, and
a particular occupation and the knowledge,
ninth grades) from the self-contained ele-
habits, and skills required for success in it,
mentary school classroom to the subject-
accompanied by the development of appro-
centered classrooms of the comprehensive
priate instructional units to train persons for
high school. The new six-three-three config-
the occupation in question, (jb)
uration replaced the traditional six-six pat-
tern and was designed to accommodate the
joint vocational school (See area
developmental needs of early adolescents by
vocational school)
providing students with opportunities to ex-
plore their interests and aptitudes. The jun-
Jones Survey (1917)
ior high school quickly took on many of the
The official title of this report is Negro Ed-
characteristics of the subject-centered high
ucation: A Study of the Private and Higher
school curriculum. Continued concern over
Schools for Colored People in the United
the developmental needs of early adolescents
States, but it is often referred to by the pro-
precipitated the movement to create middle
ject facilitator's last name, Thomas Jesse
schools in the late twentieth century, (wgw)
Jones (1873-1950). The report is one of the
first published surveys of schools serving ra-
cial groups in the United States, primarily junto
African Americans. It was prepared for the A group of friends, convened by Benjamin
U.S. Office of Education in cooperation with Franklin in 1727, for the purposes of in-
the Phelps-Stokes Fund and published by the quiry, debate, and personal improvement.
Government Printing Office, (cm!) Junto also is a term used for a discussion
club that debated politics, morals, and nat-
JTPA (See Job Training Partnership ural philosophy. The term was later applied
Act) to a nonprofit organization founded in Phil-
adelphia in 1941 to provide low-cost edu-
junior college cation to adults, combining learning and
Two-year postsecondary institution that social activities. Any group created by mem-
emerged in the early twentieth century as an bers of a community, workplace, etc., for
alternative to four-year undergraduate col- self-directed learning in civic and other
leges. Founded in 1901, Joliet Junior College matters and for self-improvement may be
(Illinois) was the first public junior college in called a junto, (chb)

just-in-time learning

justice there are two divisions of justice: distributive

The concept of justice is closely related to justice is the fair distribution of benefit and
the concepts of fairness, equity, and respect burdens across a society; commutative (or
for rights and legitimate procedures. Justice rectificatory) justice is that which is correc-
demands fairness and respect for rights, sub- tive in the transactions among people, main-
stantively speaking, but in legal political taining or restoring balance, (re, ewr)
contexts it also demands respect for legiti- See also rights.
mate rules of procedure. Political philoso-
phers commonly distinguish between several just-in-time learning
forms of justice, including corrective justice, Training, instruction, or information that is
criminal justice, and distributive justice or made available to the learner as close as pos-
justice in the distribution of fundamental sible to the time when the practical need for
rights, opportunities, and access to goods, the learning has been identified or the time
including education. According to Aristotle when the learning will be put into use. (chb)

kanji informants can be useful in planning edu-
The set or a member of the set of ideo- cational programs for adults, (chb)
graphic characters, usually of Chinese origin
and used predominantly for content words key pal
in standard Japanese script, (ml) The modern version of a pen pal. Instead of
writing letters with paper and pencil, stu-
Kellogg Foundation dents correspond with one another via e-
Founded in 1930 by W. K. Kellogg, the mail. (kgl)
Foundation has become one of the largest See also e-mail.
philanthropic organizations in the world,
and was an early proponent of the adult and Keyes v. School District No. 1, Denver,
continuing education movement after World 413 U.S. 189(1973)
War II. Continuing Education Kellogg Cen- The first Supreme Court ruling on school
ters have been constructed on 10 campuses segregation in the North and West and
in the United States, built in part with Foun- where no de jure segregation ruling had ex-
dation funds, (cf) isted. The Court found intentional segrega-
tion in a portion of the district through
Kent State Tragedy racially isolated neighborhoods and gerry-
A university demonstration held on May 4, mandered attendance zones, which resulted
1970 at Kent State University, protesting the in the entire school district presumed to be
presence of ROTC on campus, turned vio- illegally segregated. In a significant prece-
lent when nervous Ohio National Guards- dent this case recognized Latinos as a mi-
men began to shoot into the crowd. Four nority group that must be desegregated as
people died—two protesters and two non- well as African Americans. (ks2)
participating students, one of whom was an
ROTC cadet, (rih) kindergarten
A term originally used by Friedrich Froebel
key informant to name his school for young children. Froe-
A person who has valuable perceptions and bel believed that children were innately good
insights about a particular field or discipline, and that he could create an environment in
organization, or community, usually by vir- which their natural creativity would flourish.
tue of his/her membership or leadership. Key He used free play, singing, "gifts" and "oc-

KWL chart

cupations" as learning tools. Today, Amer- Kodaly method

ican schools use the term to describe any A method of teaching vocal music to young
curriculum that is designed to prepare chil- children in a school setting. The method was
dren for elementary grades, (jlj) named for Hungarian music educator Zol-
tan Kodaly (1882-1967) due to his support
kinesiology of daily teaching of singing and music in se-
The study of how muscles and bones work lect Hungarian elementary schools in the
together to move the human body, (rf) early 1950s. The method emphasized a se-
quential music curriculum for all children
kinesthesis and utilized folk song and dance, a capella
One's awareness of movement gathered singing, hand signs coordinated with the sol-
from the senses; the ability to feel move- fege (do-re-mi) system and careful attention
ments of the limbs and body and know the to both the physical and intellectual devel-
body's position in space, (rf) opmental stages of the children. The results
of this systemic practice of music education
kinesthetic learning were so dramatic that the system was repli-
Skills and abilities gained through the sense cated throughout Hungary and later the
of touch and the movement of self or ob- world. Currently the method is often taught
jects. Young children especially benefit from in combination with the Orff method as a
kinesthetic experiences such as building with means of integrating instrumental music ex-
large and small blocks, creative movement periences into the curriculum, (jbl)
with their bodies ("Let's make a train!"), See also Orff method.
and manipulating natural and/or fluid ma-
terials (e.g., sand, dried rice and beans, wa- KWL chart
ter), (ecr) A three-column chart, developed by Ogle
(1986), in which students organize infor-
knowledge mation about the topic of a reading. In the
As an intended educational outcome, knowl- "K" column, students list what they already
edge is a collective term for concepts, prin- know about the topic before reading,
ciples, and practices in a particular field or thereby activating their prior knowledge of
professional specialty (e.g., a student's major the topic. In the "W" column, students list
field)—and the general data, information, what they want to learn about the topic be-
and experience that are essential to effective fore reading, thereby setting a purpose for
performance in learning and applying what reading. In the "L" column, students list
has been taught, (cf) what they have learned about the topic after
completing the reading, thereby reflecting
known fact procedures (See derived upon and summarizing what they have
fact and known fact procedures) learned, (jk)

Laban's Movement Framework sons and certain others who are not actively
A systematic description that categorizes engaged in employment, (jb)
four aspects of movement: body, space, ef-
fort, and relationships. These aspects are fur- labor force participants
ther defined as what the body does, where Persons who are in the labor force, (jb)
the body moves in space, how the body per-
forms, and what relationships occur, (rf) labor force participation
Includes all of those who are either em-
ployed or who are unemployed and seeking
labeling employment, (jb)
A formalized process of designating an in-
dividual as having a condition or disability, labor market
such as mental retardation or learning dis- The buying and selling of labor services. The
ability, (sr) area from where a replacement worker for a
given job would generally originate, (jb)
labor education
A specialized branch of adult education that labor market area
attempts to meet the educational needs and An economically integrated geographic area
interests arising out of workers' participa- within which individuals can reside and find
tion in the union movement. These needs employment within a reasonable distance, or
may develop from the workers' membership can readily change employment without
and activity in the union or from their in- changing their place of residence. Labor
volvement as union members in the broader markets are classified as either metropolitan
society, (jsj) or nonmetropolitan (small labor market) ar-
eas, (jb)

labor force nonparticipants laboratory, career-technical education

Persons who are not in the labor force, that (See career-technical education
is, who are neither working nor looking for laboratory)
work. Includes primarily those who work in-
side the home, are still in school, or are un- laboratory schools
able to work because of long-term physical Schools affiliated with and operated by col-
or mental disabilities, and also retired per- leges and universities that are designed to

laptop computer

provide sites for research, development of izontal orientation of any page or surface.
exemplary practices of teaching, and oppor- dj)
tunities for teacher education students to ob-
serve and participate in teaching, (bba) language barrier
A gap or barrier to communication that re-
LAN (See local area network) sults from individuals speaking different lan-
guages. If a language barrier exists, it can
thwart one's ability to communicate and to
Land Grant Act (See Morrill Act of
express oneself and may limit, or deny com-
pletely, one's ability for self-expression, (jbb)
land use
language bias
Relates to a spectrum of choices concerning In education, students experience language
what ends the land will serve. These choices bias through exposure to teaching materials
frequently have been contested ones, espe- that use only masculine pronouns or Anglo
cially in rural areas, when the proponents of names, practices commonly seen in older
recreational use, environmental preserva- textbooks. The placement of non-native-
tion, and high-yield agriculture vie with de- speakers of English in special education clas-
cision makers for judgments in their favor. ses rather than in bilingual education or
(lr) language immersion programs is another
form of language bias, (jqa, npo)
land-grant institution
A college or university that has been desig- language development
nated by its state legislature or Congress to Refers to the development of a socially
receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of shared, systematic means of communication
1862 and 1890. The original mission of involving the representation of ideas, con-
these institutions was to teach agriculture, cepts, and feelings through the use of signs,
military tactics, and the mechanical arts as sounds, gestures, or marks. Language devel-
well as classical studies so that members of ops from unintentional signals (cries, smiles,
the working classes could obtain a liberal, vocalizations) in early infancy, through the
practical education. The Hatch Act of 1887 use of sounds, gestures, and expressions to
established the creation of the agricultural the use of words and word combinations to
experiment station program, a key compo- communicate meaningful intentions. Lan-
nent of the land-grant system, (ch) guage is dynamic and continues to develop
See also Morrill Act of 1862. throughout the life span, (vm)

landscape language minority

A painting, drawing, or other depiction of In the United States, individuals whose first
natural scenery; also, the background in a language is other than English are consid-
portrait or figure drawing. Often scenic vis- ered a language minority member. Students
tas viewed from a distance. Landscapes are whose native language or dialect is not stan-
traditionally depicted from a single point of dard English are often provided with inten-
view, and recede to a horizon. Schematic sive instruction in English as well as other
landscape details (e.g., rainbows, smiley standard education subjects, (jqa, npo)
suns, and a horizontal base line drawn as
ground and/or sky) frequent the drawings of laptop computer
school-aged children. Due to the popularity A small computer designed to be portable.
of landscape as a genre in the visual arts, the The monitor, keyboard, and central process-
term now applies to any tract of land with ing unit are combined into one machine the
distinguishing features, and also to the hor- size of a notebook. Laptop computers can be

large-group format

easily transported around a school for use in merely providing non-English-speaking stu-
various locations as needed, (kgl) dents similar facilities, textbooks, teachers,
See also desktop computer. or curricula, (gs)

large-group format Laubach approach

Any learning format in which ideas are pre- Reading instruction method developed by
sented to a full group (as distinguished from educator, sociologist, and minister Frank
small-group formats, in which the large Laubach. The method is based on phonics,
group is subdivided for different learning ac- using "key words" for consonant and vowel
tivities). Common formats include lectures sounds, and stresses decoding and structural
and panels and plenary sessions at confer- analysis in a bottom-up approach to reading
ences, (chb) instruction, (las)

latchkey kids Law School Admissions Tests (LSAT)

School-age children who do not have adult A nationally used measure of potential suc-
supervision after school hours, (bba) cess in professional schools of law; subject
matter focuses on legal issues. Format is sim-
latency period ilar to other Educational Testing Service
The latency period, the fourth phase in (ETS) measures for graduate admissions, (cf)
Freud's theory of psychosocial development,
begins at age six and lasts for about six law-related education
years. During this phase, children are de- An issues-centered social studies curriculum
scribed as not being very interested in sexu- that focuses on the rules and regulations es-
ality. Children's energy is focused on tablished by a government and applicable to
activities involving peers and opportunities a people. Support for teachers to establish
for mastering cognitive learning and physical law-related curricula in their classrooms is
skills, (xss) often connected to the state bar association
of individual states, (cb)
Latino studies
Latino studies is the interdisciplinary re- leadership by domination
search and study of those people living in the Leadership by domination occurs when a
United States whose origin is Latin America leader's desire for personal power overrides
or the Spanish-speaking Caribbean. Social, the organization's or group's collective
cultural, historical, and linguistic aspects are goals. Usually, this type of leader makes de-
just some of the areas included in Latino cisions that will benefit himself/herself rather
studies, (jqa, npo) than the organization and/or the group. Un-
der leadership by domination, a group typ-
Lau v. Nichols, 414 U.S. 563 (1974) ically does not cooperate fully with the
A Supreme Court decision which focused on leader because they feel they have been omit-
the educational rights of children with little ted during the decision-making process.
or no English-speaking ability. The plaintiffs Sometimes a group under leadership by
were non-English-speaking Chinese students domination refuses to cooperate at all. (tp)
who brought a class action suit against of-
ficials of the San Francisco (CA) Unified League of United Latin American
School District. Plaintiffs claimed unequal Citizens (LULAC)
educational opportunities under the Equal Formed in 1929 in Corpus Christi, Texas, to
Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amend- advance the economic conditions, educa-
ment and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of tional attainment, political influence, and the
1964. The Court ruled in their favor, stating health and civil rights of the Hispanic pop-
there was "no equality of treatment" by ulation of the United States. The aim of the

learning disability

organization is to use all constitutional content through instruction and/or introduc-

means available to foster well-being through tion to new material and experiences, (jw)
social action. One of the organization's ma-
jor efforts is to promote learning and fluent learning centers
use of the English language while maintain- Popularized in the 1970s, learning centers
ing Spanish and showing pride of heritage. are areas of the classroom devoted to specific
LULAC is one of the oldest, largest, and learning activities, for example, art, writing,
most influential organizations representing or mathematical calculations. These centers
Hispanics in the United States, (msb) usually contain directions and learning ma-
terials that students can use independently to
learner (See student) reinforce or practice curricular content. Typ-
ically, one or two students use a center at
learner-centered curriculum any one time, working at their own pace,
A curriculum orientation that emphasizes (bba)
the individual needs of students in planning,
organizing, and delivering instructional pro- learning communities
grams. This approach focuses on student The idea that school should be considered a
learning outcomes and gives learners the pri- community in which the teachers and stu-
mary responsibility for their own learning dents work and learn together. In higher ed-
choices. Learner-centered instruction is ucation, a learning community is a group of
based on the needs and learning style of the people sharing expertise, skills, knowledge,
student rather than on a prescribed curricu- ideas, labor, and experiences to reach an ac-
lum and instructional approach, (bba, chb, ademic or work-related goal. The group may
jpc) develop through common interests, for ex-
ample, faculty interested in integrating tech-
learning nology into their classes, or by specific
Learning is a psychological process in which design, for example, an established course or
lasting changes in an individual's knowledge residence hall experience, (bba, cf)
or behavior occurs as a result of experience.
Explanations of how learning proceeds are learning contract
influenced by philosophical, psychological, A written agreement between teacher and
and sociocultural views of the learner and student at the beginning of a unit of study
motivation. Such explanations typically em- that specifies the academic work the student
phasize the dynamics of either external be- is to accomplish at a particular level within
havioral changes or internal cognitive and a specified period of time. This contract sub-
emotional changes. Generally used to char- sequently serves as a reference for evaluating
acterize a long-lasting change in knowledge, progress and the effectiveness of the learner's
skills, attitude, or understanding of the educational activities. In higher education, a
world. Learning takes place as a result of in- learning contract is an agreement, usually
teraction with the environment. Learning one proposed by a learner and submitted for
may occur either formally, as in a school or approval to a faculty member, that describes
training course, or informally, as on the the learner's goals, means, and resources for
playground or at home, (prg, crl) study, the activities, duration, and output of
the learner's study, the amount of credit
learning activity centers (See learning sought, and the method of evaluation to be
centers) used, (bba, las, chb)

learning ability learning disability

The natural or acquired capacity to gain A disorder in one or more of the basic psy-
competency in a skill or understanding of chological processes involved in understand-

learning effectiveness

ing or in using spoken or written language, learning organization

which may manifest itself in an imperfect A term used in education when referring to
ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, a place where participants continually de-
spell, or to do mathematical calculations. A velop their capacities to create and achieve,
student who has a learning disability does where unique patterns of thinking are en-
not achieve at the expected age and ability couraged, where collective aspirations are
level in one of more academic areas and fostered, where participants learn how to
shows a severe discrepancy between achieve- work together, and where the organization
ment and intellectual ability. A learning expands its capacity for innovation and
problem that results from visual, hearing, or problem solving, (mm)
motor disturbance is not considered a learn-
ing disability, nor are those learning prob- learning strategies
lems associated with mental retardation or In higher education, these are methods, pro-
potential environmental, cultural, or eco- cedures, techniques adapted and/or devel-
nomic disadvantages, (sr, mc, med) oped by college students in their acquisition
of knowledge, competence, and understand-
learning effectiveness ing. In their development of learning strate-
The acquisition, assimilation, and applica- gies college students are influenced in
tion of knowledge, skills, or experiences varying ways by a college education's intan-
given in a systematic way to facilitate con- gible advantages and benefits, as well as its
structive changes in the conceptual abilities more explicit outcomes in the form of aca-
of students, trainees, or learners. Learning demic degrees, credits, grades, and honors.
effectiveness is demonstrated or inferred in (cf)
tests, exams, or other methods of controlled
observation by instructors, (cf) learning style
A person's typical or preferred mode(s) of
learning. The characteristic cognitive and af-
learning environment
fective behaviors that serve as relatively sta-
The characteristics related to providing a
ble indicators of how a learner perceives,
physical, intellectual, and sociopsychological
interacts with, and responds to the learning
environment that combine to either posi-
environment. Learning style can be influ-
tively or negatively affect the educational
enced by intellectual preferences (e.g., mul-
process of the learner, (ch)
tiple intelligences), family culture (e.g.,
interdependent vs. independent), psycholog-
Learning in Retirement Institute ical attributes (e.g., sensitivity to visual, au-
A continuing education program for adults ditory, or kinesthetic information), or
of retirement age, part of a national network sociological histories (the way the child has
of over 200 programs around the United been socialized to think and behave), (chb,
States. These are membership programs; ecr)
members decide on the topics and activities,
and programs are typically peer-led. Most learning-living community
are based at college or university campuses A conception of education as a formal ar-
and do not award credits or lead to degrees, rangement to integrate the learning experi-
(chb) ences of students with their personal
development and maturity. As loosely de-
learning objective fined, the term implies a social setting in
A statement of the desired outcome(s) of an which intellectual growth, personal devel-
educational activity, naming what learners opment, and socialization is achieved as a
can expect to gain or be able to do as a result unified effort. Specific disciplines, such as
of that activity, (chb) foreign languages may use these arrange-

lesson plan

ments to improve academic skills and pro- ments, the length of the school day and year,
mote cultural exchange, (cf) and whether there will be state community
colleges and adult and vocational schools,
learning-to-learn (mm)
The development and use of learning skills,
methods, tactics that can be used for transfer Lemon Grove Incident
to other learning situations (e.g., memory Common name for the California case Rob-
training, advanced learning skills, search- erto Alvarez v. The Lemon Grove School
and-find tactics, etc.) (cf) (1931), perhaps the first legal challenge to
the segregation of Latino students in the
least restrictive environment United States. In 1931 the principal of
An educational setting or program that pro- Lemon Grove School near San Diego forced
vides a student with disabilities the oppor- Mexican American students to attend a sep-
tunity to learn and work in the same setting arate and unequal school facility from their
as non-disabled peers by providing supports, Anglo peers. With the help of the Mexican
accommodations, and adaptations as needed Consul, the parents brought successful legal
to meet the student's special needs, (sr) action against the school district and the
children were allowed back into the school,
lecture (dwm)
A teaching format characterized by the pres-
entation of information by a teacher to a LEP (See limited English proficiency)
group of learners. The lecture is an efficient
way to distribute information to a large lesbian
group of learners, to present new informa- An identity label used to signify a person
tion, or to summarize information from who is attracted emotionally and/or sexually
many sources, (mkr) to members of the same sex. This term is
typically used to refer to women, and the
legal liability term "gay" is typically used to refer to men.
Being obligated or responsible according to The term "homosexual" is disliked by peo-
the law. This term is used to refer to a state ple who self-identify as lesbian or gay, in
of being held accountable, in part, through part because it overemphasizes the sexual as-
the application of legal statutes or sanctions pect of sexual/affectional orientation and
due to acting/not acting in accordance with disregards the multifaceted nature of it. (ti)
the law. (dd)
legislation A small segment of the curriculum, often fo-
A term used in education that applies to the cused on one topic or skill, that is normally
matter of business conducted or under the a part of a sequence designed to improve or
consideration of a legislative body. It in- inform knowledge, attitudes, disposition, or
cludes the act or process of legislating, which behaviors, (rtc)
may include making, passing, or enacting a
prepared law or group of laws through the lesson plan
exercise of power by an official organization The organization of instruction for a partic-
of a state or of another agency. In most ular lesson or period of time. Lesson plans
states, legislation establishes and maintains often specify the objectives of the lesson, the
the public schools, determines the responsi- instructional materials, and the procedures
bilities of state boards of education as well for teaching and assessing students. The
as the chief state officer and how they will plans may consist of a goal statement, learn-
be selected. Legislation also determines the ing objectives, preparation, introduction,
curriculum, compulsory education require- teaching/learning activities, closing, and


extension activities. Standards and assess- liberal education

ment techniques are often included. For From Locke and Pestalozzi to Dewey and
more efficient pacing of instruction, a con- Bennett, there is a consensus that education
tingency plan might also be stated. Basic les- should prepare the individual to live life
son types are exposition, inquiry, discovery, to its fullest. This includes preparation for
induction, deduction, and research, (bba, citizenship, work, and moral development.
mje, jah) Since there is no single set of personality at-
tributes, social abilities, or human interests,
lexicon nor is there agreement about what such
A dictionary that contains information preparation entails, there can be no one set
about syntactic properties and meaning. Any curriculum. Beyond the basics of reading,
phonological representation of the words in writing, and mathematical calculation, edu-
a given language, (smt) cation will take different forms in various
schools and cultures. Imposition of a single
liberal arts curriculum is a movement contrary to the di-
Comprising the basic disciplines in the nat- rection of liberal education. Liberal educa-
ural sciences, social sciences, and the hu- tion makes one free, liberates one. (sc)
manities, liberal arts are the integrating
forces in the total university community and
are traditionally provided with a central po- liberal teacher education
sition in the institution's structure, for they A course of study for future teachers that
are the undergraduate mission of a univer- emphasizes general, intellectual, and indirect
sity. Professional training, where these dis- thinking designed to produce self-reliance. A
ciplines are to be applied, is exclusively a program of study that expects use of general
graduate-level responsibility. The traditional intelligence to solve particular problems,
division of subjects into seven liberal arts (bjl)
goes back to Plato and Aristotle, and was
standardized by the middle of the first cen-
tury B.C.E. The schools of the Middle Ages
Classical Liberalism is the belief that some
codified the seven liberal arts into the three
literary arts of the Carolingian Trivium— scope of individual liberty should be pro-
grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic—and the tected against social and governmental con-
four mathematical branches of the Quadriv- straints. Liberal philosophers of the En-
ium, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and lightenment argued that citizens possess
theory of music. While this syllabus never natural rights (e.g., freedoms of religion,
claimed to embrace the totality of human speech, and private property) that limit the
knowledge, it did claim to provide an ideal authority of government; and that every cit-
of a general education suited to the whole izen is entitled to as much personal liberty
person, and not just the professional training as is consistent with the same amount for
of the specialist—an ideal which continues every other citizen. Often contrasted to
to the present, (pk, jbh) "conservatism," where conservative educa-
See also perennialism. tors emphasize education's role in socializing
successive generations with the community's
liberal arts college traditional beliefs and values, while liberal
An institution of higher education in which educators emphasize education's role in lib-
the principal emphasis is on a program of erating new generations from many kinds of
general undergraduate education leading to oppression, including some of the commu-
an B.A. or B.S. degree. Pre-professional and nity's traditions, (mg)
professional training may be offered, but not See also communitarianism; individual-
with primary emphasis, (cf) ism; person.

life history

liberationist teacher education and the needs of a civil society, the move-
An approach to preparing teachers that is ment sought to universalize attendance and
based on the classical idea of a liberal edu- decrease delinquency and the dropout rate
cation and proposes to develop teachers who among American high school students.
serve as liberators in that they are developers Though proponents never settled on an ex-
of well-rounded, knowledgeable, rational, act definition, "life adjustment" generally re-
and moral human beings, (rtc) ferred to school training in areas such as
domestic and civic life, mental and physical
library automation health, and use of leisure. Although popular
Traditionally, the bibliographic database with professional educators, "life adjust-
system that stores and maintains the li- ment" suffered a barrage of public attacks
brary's records about the material it owns. by critics who decried it as anti-intellectual.
The public utilizes this system for searching; In the face of such controversy, the move-
the library uses it to track materials, to man- ment effectively lost steam by the end of the
age purchases, and to keep patron records. 1950s, (ag, hfs)
Increasingly, other systems are being added
to library automation: citation linking mech-
life drawing
anisms, interlibrary loan functions, services
to search multiple databases at once, etc. The activity of drawing the human figure
These systems serve to support research and from a live model. Art classes often give stu-
scholarship, making it easier for students to dents the chance to draw from a live model,
find and use information, (ac) often nude, so that students may learn to
draw human features and form, and become
acquainted first hand with capturing con-
tour, gesture, and expression. Drawing from
A system to ensure stakeholders that the
life is a requisite skill for artists and is dem-
teachers granted a license have met state re-
onstrated at its height in the work of Leo-
quirements for teaching. The system pro-
nardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rubens,
vides the state authority to identify the
Hogarth, and Picasso, (ap)
minimum professional knowledge and skills
necessary to acquire a teaching license, (elk)
life history
Life Adjustment Movement As collaboration between an ethnographer
This movement grew out of a 1945 confer- and a chosen informant, life history is the
ence sponsored by the U.S. Office of Edu- mediated portrayal of an individual life that
cation that concluded that a majority of emphasizes cultural context. Life history em-
secondary students were not receiving the phasizes the voice, agency, and perspective
basic life skills training needed for citizen- of the subject, paying keen attention to the
ship and adulthood. The reform movement cultural and historical processes that make
designed by Charles Prosser in the late 1940s up the context of the life. Anthropologist
promised to increase the relevance of high Caroline Brettell has astutely suggested that
school to the everyday lives of students and the use of life history leads to an "informed
families via a focus on character education, intersubjectivity." Paul Radin was the first
the development of self esteem, and practical professional anthropologist to explicitly
social training. There was a particular em- champion the methodological significance of
phasis on serving the needs of the 60 percent life history and thus to advocate explicitly an
of students who could not be classified as "insider's view" of culture. Many other no-
either college preparatory students or voca- table anthropologists (including Elsie Clews
tional education students. By increasing the Parsons, Edward Sapir, Oscar Lewis, Sidney
pertinence and differentiation of school ac- Mintz, Barbara Myerhoff, and Marjorie
tivities and lessons to the lives of students Shostak) have followed suit, (jde)

life science

life science context and background in which commu-

A grouping of sciences, including genetics, nicative action takes place and is formed by
zoology, and botany, that studies the nature always unproblematic, taken for granted,
of living things. In education, a course in life convictions. Transformation in this back-
science will incorporate ideas from several ground knowledge and set of assumptions
science branches concentrating on general involves changes in interconnected cultural,
concepts and processes without the depth of social, or personality dimensions. As individ-
study found in a specific study of the science ual personality is linked to society and cul-
branch, (tw) ture as well as to the two differentiated
elements of the system world (state and
life skills economy), all individual transformations
Abilities and knowledge applicable to the have collective or social dimensions and im-
performance of roles commonly assumed by plications, (hfs)
adults in their lives, such as parent, worker,
community member, or citizen. These tools
help an adult to live and interact in a social
A key design element in performing and vi-
context, (las)
sual arts, lighting sets mood, creates atmos-
phere, enhances or communicates meaning,
lifelong learning
and serves to both illuminate and obscure
Learning throughout the lifespan, from in-
specific aspects of a work. Indoor perform-
fancy through old age; commonly used in
ances in theater, opera, and dance use hang-
the narrower sense of learning throughout
ing lights and spotlights for illumination; the
the adult lifespan. The principle that people
earliest Greek theaters were designed to gain
should have opportunities to learn, formally
maximum effect from the natural light of the
and informally, for personal growth and
sun at various times of day. Photographers
for acquisition of skills or competencies,
use artificial or natural light to create partic-
throughout their lives, (chb)
ular effects. Painters use shading and other
visual techniques to represent the effects of
Lifelong Learning Act of 1976
lighting, (em)
Legislation sponsored by Senator Walter
Mondale and passed by the U.S. Congress,
defining a broad scope of lifelong learning limit
programs and calling for a clearinghouse to As values for x get closer to a given number
generate research on the barriers that hin- c the function values of x get close to the
dered people's participation in learning. limit, a number L. For example, as x values
(Funding to implement this legislation was get close to a given number 2, x could take
never appropriated.) (chb) on the sequence of values 1.9, 1.99, 1.999,
and so on. These values for x are getting
lifetime activities close to 2. For a function f(x) = 2x + 1,
Sports or recreational activities that can be when x is replaced with this sequence of
participated in throughout one's life, (rf) numbers, the values of the function will get
close to the number 5. The closer that the x
lifeworld value gets to 2 the closer function value will
A concept developed by Jurgen Habermas to get to 5, which is the limit as x gets close to
explain the reservoir of implicitly known 2. Formally this means that for each positive
traditions, knowledge, or background and 8 there exists a positive 8 such that the dif-
basic assumptions that are embedded in lan- ference between L and the function of x is
guage and culture and are drawn upon by less than 8 whenever the difference between
individuals in everyday life. As such, it is the x and c is less than 8. (rdk)

listening comprehension level

limit setting power only; any equation whose graph is a

Restricting an environment or behaviors, ei- line, (rdk)
ther spatially or with materials/equipment or
by establishing rules to identify appropriate linearity
behaviors and restrict inappropriate behav- The property of being linear or well-behaved
iors, (dbl) with regard to addition and scalar multipli-
cation. Linearity is one-dimensional and is
limited English proficiency (LEP) exhibited when a change in one quantity
Term applied to adults and children who are produces a directly proportional change in
not fluent in spoken and written English. another quantity, (kva)
This term refers to discrimination based on
limited English proficiency (LEP)
native language. In the classroom, linguicism
may occur when non-native-speaking stu-
Students for whom English is a second lan-
dents are provided fewer opportunities due
guage and whose English is very limited,
to their lack of facility with the language of
the dominant culture, (jqa, npo)
LINCS (See Literacy Information and linguistic intelligence
Communications System) One of Howard Gardner's (1993) multiple
intelligences, an aptitude for using and un-
line graph derstanding words and the nuances of lan-
A graph that displays data using points or guage. The linguistic learner likes to listen to
dots that are connected together with lines stories read aloud and can repeat stories and
to indicate the amount of data, (kr) conversations from memory. (Often, young
children who exhibit large vocabularies and
the ability to carry on conversation with
adults are labeled "smart" by impressed
adults.) Expert performers of linguistic in-
telligence include poets, authors, and public
speakers, (ecr)

The study of language or language commu-
nication, including its nature and structure.
Subfields of linguistic inquiry include applied
linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguis-
tics, and structural linguistics, (mc)

listening comprehension level

The grade level at which a student can com-
Line graph. prehend at the 75 percent level when graded
passages are read aloud in a naturally flow-
linear equation ing manner. This level is usually higher than
Any equation that can be put in the form Ax the instructional reading level, and can be
+ By = C, where A, B, and C are real num- higher than the frustration reading level, as
bers with A and B not both zero; any equa- the oral vocabulary and discourse skills are
tion where all the variables are to the first typically stronger than the analogous read-

listening to children

ing vocabulary and comprehension skills. meaning of literacy includes prose literacy
(aw) (understanding literature, novels), document
literacy (location and comprehension of in-
listening to children formation, forms, timetables), and quanti-
In education the teacher makes a conscious tative literacy (discounts, bank balance). A
effort to hear and attend closely and respond higher level is critical literacy, when educa-
to all students instead of ignoring them. In tion is aimed not at rote memorization of the
a classroom, a teacher may not be able to contents of books, but at critical knowledge
listen when being spoken to by a child. In of the axis of culture, looking for its foun-
this situation, it is necessary for a teacher to dations and awakening a personal position
politely respond, "I can't listen right now. in the individual life and in activity as an
Can we talk later?" To take the time to lis- engaged citizen, (mc, ji-m)
ten to each and every child is fundamental See also cultural literacy.
to nurturing their self-esteem as well as pro-
viding a context where a teacher is able to literacy circle
learn from the student. In today's busy Also called a literature circle, this is a stu-
world, adults may overlook the importance dent centered, cooperative reading activity
of listening to a child speak. Often, there is designed to enhance and deepen students'
no one who will take the time to listen and reading of a text. Literacy circles begin with
respond to a child. The act of speaking pro- students' self-selection of a text from a va-
vides an opportunity for a child's oral lan- riety of choices. After reading a specified
guage development. Furthermore, if in an portion of the text independently, students
educational setting a teacher fails to listen to meet periodically in a small group with other
students it is highly likely students will fail students who have chosen this text. Within
to listen to the teacher. The art of listening these literacy circles students discuss, re-
is a primary learning modality. One way to spond to, and reflect upon what they have
teach listening is by teacher demonstration— read. Each member of the circle is assigned
taking the time to listen to all voices. This a role that helps guide the group's discus-
simple human courtesy shows children how sion. As a result of the cooperative nature of
to listen as well as the importance of listen- literacy circles, students are exposed to a va-
ing. When a teacher asks students to listen, riety of readers' interpretations of a text,
then he/she must also listen to children, (jls) which serves to broaden each students' per-
spective on the text, (jk)
Ability to read and write to a degree ac- literacy education
cepted by society, sometimes including the Any program designed to teach basic read-
ability to perform arithmetic operations, en- ing, writing, and social skills to adults. Lit-
abling an individual to engage in activities eracy education in the United States is
with and effectively function in his or her provided in settings ranging from informal
group and community. Many literacy ex- community-based initiatives to government-
perts posit that there is not one single defi- funded programs in technical institutions.
nition of literacy and because of the breadth These programs use a variety of instructional
of concepts involved in literacy some prefer methods to address areas as diverse as GED
the plural term "literacies." Recent applica- preparation, workplace skills training, and
tions include competency in a field of knowl- ESL education, (dmv)
edge (as in computer literacy or media
literacy). Types of literacy include functional Literacy Information and
literacy, such as skills in reading and writing, Communications System (LINCS)
which, with numeracy, has traditionally A Web-based resource for adult literacy sup-
been the essence of education. An extended ported by the National Institute for Literacy


that provides access to information useful to local area network (LAN)

practitioners, adult students, teachers, policy A group of computers within close proxim-
makers, and researchers, (jpc) ity, such as in the same room or building,
that are connected to one another. For ex-
literacy skills ample, machines in a computer cluster may
Identifiable competencies that support the be connected via a local area network so
making and sharing of meanings through users have access to a shared printer or file
varying symbolic systems, usually but not re- server. Also known as a LAN. (kgl)
stricted to print orthography, (mcl)
locomotor skills
literal stage Movement skills that require the body to
A period of artistic development in middle move from one place to another (traveling).
childhood (ages 8 to 11) in which children's It involves changing the base of support and
drawings appear to decline in terms of the possibly losing contact with the ground (i.e.,
expressivity found in the work of younger jumping, skipping, hopping, rolling, run-
children. Children at this stage seem preoc- ning), (rf)
cupied with the desire to translate visually
perceived images onto paper. Their drawings locutionary meaning
are often spatially constricted (i.e., older The literal meaning of an utterance. For ex-
children do not make use of an entire draw- ample, if Person A asks Person B who is in
ing space as most young children do) and the same room: "Are you too warm?" the
employ stereotypical, rather than personally locutionary meaning of the utterance is to
conceived, representations of individuals and question whether Person B is comfortable
objects. The frustrations of the literal stage with the current temperature in the room.
cause many individuals to cease art making (smt)
entirely. Some researchers defend the literal
stage as a time of expanding repertoire logarithm
rather than of the loss of early skills, (lw) A function that transforms multiplication
into addition: the log of a product equals the
sum of the logs. Using this definition, it turns
out that the logarithm is the integral of the
To be able to read and/or write in a partic-
function 1/x; this is called the natural loga-
ular language or field (as in computer liter-
rithm. The natural logarithm is also the in-
ate), (mc)
verse of the exponential function, (smc)

literate environment logic

A classroom in which literacy is valued and The normative study of valid, or correct,
in which reading and writing take place fre- reasoning, and the rules which govern it.
quently, routinely, and for a variety of pur- Logic concerns itself with whether an argu-
poses and audiences, (bba) ment is valid; with whether, if one accepts
the premises or assumptions made in the ar-
literature circle (See literacy circle) gument, one must accept its conclusion on
pain of irrationality. When an argument is
lived ideologies valid, its conclusion is said to follow logi-
Fragmented composites derived from intel- cally from, or to be a logical consequence of
lectual activities and knowledge that have the premises. The central aim of logic is to
been combined, integrated, and modified by accurately and systematically explain what
cultural and personal experience, ideologies, this relation of logical consequence amounts
and understandings manifested in the ac- to. (gu)
tions and behaviors of individuals, (hfs) See also critical thinking; reason.

logical thinking

logical thinking clude procuring any necessary test materials

Science of reasoning dealing with a criteria (test papers, audio or videotapes, pencils,
of valid thought, necessary or expected be- score cards, and so on) and organizing the
cause of what has gone before. In an instruc- details of test administration, from schedul-
tional setting, the process (sequential ing the test and arranging for testing rooms
reasoning) is as important as the product and proctors to hiring and training raters.
(possible answer). In other words, the step- Also included under the general rubric of lo-
by-step process a learner uses to arrive at an gistics is the consideration of diverse practi-
answer illuminates the thinking process and cal problems such as disseminating test
cognitive development. This insight allows a results, storing test records, and maintaining
teacher to adapt curricula to meet students' test security. Specifying in detail the logistics
developmental levels. One way a teacher of test administration is an essential aspect
may encourage a learner's logical thinking is of determining the practicality of a given
through the use of the terms such as first, testing method. For example, logistical con-
second, then, and finally. In a writing work- siderations may be important in deciding
shop, the learner is asked to write about a between multiple-choice or open-ended
personal experience. Within this context, the questions in testing reading comprehension.
teacher recommends to each learner to iden- (sew)
tify what happened first, what happened
next, then what happened, and the final hap- LOGO
pening of the personal experience, (jls) A programming language created by Sey-
mour Papert at MIT in 1967. Designed as a
logical-mathematical intelligence tool for learning, it features modularity, ex-
The ability to understand and use numbers, tensibility, interactivity, and flexibility. Since
mathematical concepts and create and fol- its inception, LOGO was intended to be part
low logical arguments. One of Howard of an environment in which a wide range of
Gardner's multiple intelligences, (jwc) users could constructively explore sophisti-
cated and complex problems and projects in
logicism mathematics as well as language, science,
The science of correct reasoning. Reasoning music, robotics, and others. While most
is best defined as the drawing of inferences LOGO environments originally included the
or conclusions from known or assumed robotic Turtle that could be directed to
facts, (kr) move about the floor by typing commands
into the computer, the Turtle has now
logico-mathematical knowledge evolved into a computer graphic which
Piaget proposed that mathematical learning moves on the computer screen, (sir)
could be divided into three types of knowl-
edge: physical knowledge from experience long vowel
with the physical world (the bead is hard Vowels with longer duration of vowel
and has a hole in it), social knowledge con- sound. The vowel sounds that are also the
structed by social environments (the bead is names of the alphabet letters a, e, i, o, u. For
red and inexpensive), and logico-mathemat- example, the a in cape and o in cold are long
ical knowledge of relationships of concepts vowels. They may also be denoted by two
and skills (this bead is larger and brighter vowels, such as ai in rain and ee in meet.
than another), (ey) (yu)

logistics looping
In testing, logistics are the various activities The practice of assigning the same teacher to
involved in planning and carrying out a test a group of students for two consecutive ac-
administration. The logistics of testing in- ademic years, or grade levels; in the third


year, the teacher begins teaching a new such students may be placed in an English
group of students at the lower grade level. as a second language program, (jqa, npo)
For example, a teacher might teach a group
of first graders in Year One, teach the same loyalty oath
group of students for second grade in Year During the post-World War I era, and then
Two, and then begin teaching a new group after World War II, nearly every state and
of first graders in Year Three, staying with the federal government required its employ-
them through second grade in Year Four. ees to take loyalty oaths affirming their loy-
The purpose of looping is to increase the ef- alty to the government and laws of the
ficiency and effectiveness of instruction by United States. While loyalty oaths had been
eliminating, in the second year, the period of a routine feature during wartime, and were
time required for teachers, students, and par- required of military and high-ranking gov-
ents to become familiar with each other, ernment personnel, Cold War loyalty oaths
(bba) were unique in both their scope (as many
civilians, most notably teachers and profes-
loose-knit groups sors had to take them); and the level of al-
Centers of social interaction characterized by legiance they demanded. Often educators
a great deal of permeability, fluid and de- refusing to take these oaths out of personal
veloping social expectations (behaviors, at- or political convictions faced termination,
titudes, obligations, etc.), as well as the nonemployment, and professional ostracism,
presence of acceptable boundary crossing, (ah)
LSAT (See Law School Admissions
low arts (See fine arts) Tests)

low-literate adult LULAC (See League of United Latin

A term used to describe adults whose liter- American Citizens)
acy skills are limited, (jpc)
lower division A community-based adult education organ-
The freshman and sophomore years of a ization in which the members, often working
baccalaureate degree program organized to people, are both learners and teachers. The
provide the general education portion of a lyceum focuses on the dissemination of
student's curriculum in the first two years of mainstream culture and values, typically
a four-year program, (cf) through lecture and/or discussion. The first
lyceum was created by Josiah Holbrook in
lower-order questions 1826 in Massachusetts. Lyceums spread
Questions requiring only the recall of spe- throughout New England, the South, the
cific information rather than engagement in Midwest, the Atlantic states, and even to
complex or abstract thinking, (bba) England. The Lyceum Movement was
named for the school formed by Aristotle in
low-incident population ancient Greece. Lyceums disseminated polit-
In bilingual education, this term is used to ical information, provided adult instruction
identify a group of speakers of a language and encouraged social reform through pub-
other than English too small to be entitled lic lectures and debates during the 1830s
to a bilingual program. In those situations, through the 1860s. (js, dwm)

MACOS (See Man: A Course of Study) ographical location. Magnet schools typi-
cally have special themes (e.g., art, music,
drama, technology) or curriculum areas
(e.g., science, mathematics) that attract stu-
The predominant culture of a society is
dents and their families to the school. Mag-
the macroculture. In the United States the
net schools are defined in Sec. 3005 of Title
macroculture has a white-Anglo-Saxon-
III of the Elementary and Secondary Educa-
Protestant tradition although there are influ-
tion Act (ESEA), as amended through De-
ences from many microcultures. (jqa, npo)
cember 31, 1990, as schools or education
centers that offer a specialized curriculum
macrosystem capable of attracting substantial numbers of
In an ecological model of child development students of different racial backgrounds.
(Bronfenbrenner, 1979), a macrosystem is Magnet schools were started as a means of
the largest context in which a child lives his achieving desegregation and are character-
or her society. Society is systematically cre- ized by student and parent choice, enroll-
ated by broad entities, such as government, ment beyond geographical bounds, and a
religion, and ethnicity, that influence the be- curriculum based on a special theme or
liefs, values, and actions of human beings. method of instruction (e.g., computer science
Children are socialized into the macrosystem or performing arts). Today, however, mag-
day-by-day as they live in the society, (ecr) net schools are being used to combat rising
absenteeism, dropout rates, and academic
failure in traditional schools. As a strategy
magna cum laude
for addressing these problems, magnet
Latin phrase meaning "with great praise,"
schools allow for the voluntary reassignment
used as a designation for a college or uni-
of children or faculty to reduce, eliminate,
versity honor graduate of higher attainment
or prevent these problems in one or more
than cum laude and less than summa cum
K-12 schools of a local education agency.
laude. (cf)
In the context of school-to-work, magnet
schools specialize in certain professions or
magnet school career centers that train students for entry-
A school that draws students from an entire level jobs in career and technical fields, (bba,
school district rather than from a specific ge- jb, wg, dm)

Management by Objectives (MBO)

magnitude maintenance bilingual approach

A property that can be quantitatively de- Using the student's native language as a ba-
scribed or measured. Thus, the length of a sis for instruction, the student is encouraged
vector—regardless of its position—is known to use and develop native-language skills
as its magnitude or the volume of a sphere while mastering a second language. Both na-
is its magnitude. Magnitude also refers to tive and second languages are used in the
the intensity of an earthquake, generally instructional process, (jqa, npo)
given in the Richter scale, (dbc)
MALDEF (See Mexican American Legal
maieutic (See Socratic method) Defense and Educational Fund)

mainstream Americans Deliberate and intentional feigning of phys-
A label for legal residents of the United ical or psychological symptoms, dysfunction,
States who have characteristics of the dom- and/or impairment (e.g., illness, disability, or
inant ethnic and cultural groups. Typically a incompetence). Involves attempting to paint
mainstream American is a white Anglo- a more negative clinical picture than actually
Saxon Protestant and has middle or higher exists, usually in an attempt to gain an ex-
social-class status, (jqa, npo) ternal goal or benefit of some sort, (kab)

Mainstream English Language Training malpractice

(MELT) A situation in which a person who is acting
A project designed to provide consistency in a professional capacity, including teach-
among English-language programs funded ing, engages in behaviors or practices that
by the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the are unethical, incompetent, and/or negligent.
United States Department of Health and Hu- While malpractice may or may not lead to
man Services. In addition, it sought to pro- legal action, incidents involving malpractice
vide continuity between domestic and are usually subject to investigation by the
overseas training programs and provide professional organization most closely rep-
guidance for curriculum development, estab- resenting the field, (lbl, tvh)
lishing instructional levels and assessment.
Among the products of the project are the Man: A Course of Study (MACOS)
widely used Basic English Skills Test (BEST) A curriculum project developed in the 1960s
and its Student Performance Levels (SPL). that was part of the "new social studies"
(las) movement. Based upon the work and ideas
of psychologist Jerome Bruner, MACOS was
a middle-grades curriculum project in which
mainstream-centric curriculum
the disciplines of anthropology and biology
A mainstream curriculum presents informa-
helped students discover the similarities and
tion and concepts from the point of view of differences between humans and animals. By
the dominant social class. Typically in the 1975, MACOS was used in over 1,700
United States, this is the perspective of white schools, but later its funding was cut se-
Anglo-Saxon Protestant males, (jqa, npo) verely after controversy erupted and conser-
vative groups charged MACOS with cultural
mainstreaming relativism and environmental determinism.
The process of providing opportunities for (cb)
students with disabilities, assigned to sepa-
rate settings, to participate in programs with Management by Objectives (MBO)
typical peers for a designated period of time. An administrative process that identifies and
(sr) accomplishes organizational purposes by

management of decentralization

joining superiors and subordinates in the manipulatives

pursuit of mutually agreed goals that are Items used by students to help them better
specific, measurable, time bound, and joined understand mathematics concepts by manip-
to an action plan. Management by Objec- ulating, grouping, or moving them to derive
tives is a system for motivating and inte- a desired outcome. Any object used by stu-
grating the efforts of school personnel dents that enable them to develop strategies
toward common objectives, (ly) for problem solving and/or promotes a bet-
ter understanding of the mathematics con-
cept under investigation, (vdf)
management of decentralization
Management of decentralization is a man- Manpower Development Training Acts
agement and organizational strategy where- A series of U.S. federal laws passed in 1962,
by decentralized, highly involved teams of 1963, and 1965 designed to provide funding
individuals provide products and/or services, for education and training for youth, (las)
such as in a school setting, and have
decision-making authority during the proc- manual training
ess. Typically, with management of decen- A course or training to develop skill by using
tralization, four key resources are necessary the hands in the practical arts (such as
for successful management: power, knowl- woodworking and metalworking). (jb)
edge and skills, information, and rewards,
(tp) marginalization
The treatment of some person, group of peo-
ple, or ideas as if they are insignificant and
management revolution
unimportant. To be marginalized is to be de-
The term used in referring to the adoption
valued and treated as inferior and inconse-
of business management concepts and prin-
quential, or even to be treated as invisible
ciples in the administration and governance
and not noticed at all. An example of mar-
of American colleges and universities in the ginalization is when policy is designed to
1960s and 1970s; sometimes dated from recognize certain minority groups, such as
the introduction of planning programming African Americans, but others, such as La-
budgeting systems during Lyndon B. John- tino Americans, are not included in the pol-
son's presidency, (cf) icy. When a person contributes an important
idea to scholarship but that contribution is
manipulative play not cited, and is thus forgotten, that person
Free choice activities engaging children with and the idea become marginalized, (bt-b)
hands-on materials that promote fine motor
development, often with creativity and ap- marketplace of ideas
plying problem solving techniques. Exam- Concept that a college campus community
ples of manipulative play are activities with may host forums for speakers who may hold
puzzles, various construction materials, controversial views on issues; that freedom
blocks, stringing beads, or lacing cards, of speech includes the consideration and re-
(dbl) jection of some positions or concepts, (cf)

manipulative skills Marxism is distinct from Marx's social the-
The ability to handle objects to send them ory. There is not one Marxism but multiple
away, gain possession, or maintain posses- interpretations of Marx's beliefs, such as
sion. These skills include throwing, striking, Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist, Sandanista, Cas-
catching, trapping, carrying, and dribbling. troist, and Feminist Marxism. All are appli-
(rf) cations of Marxist theory to particular local

mathematics anxiety

conditions that share basic Marxist theoret- mastery, which is typically set at 80 percent
ical perspectives, including his materialist on an objective test, (bba)
analysis of social life: the facts of social or-
ganization can be explained by the ways in MAT
which the needs of society are produced, and Master of Arts in Teaching degree, (elk)
the relationships individuals and groups
have to the means of production. Marxisms mathematical model
usually have both action components for so- The representation of phenomena through
cial change and theoretical components for mathematical relations and expressions.
creating policies and practices to bring about Mathematical models are typically created
such change, (db-j) and applied by interpreting abstract deduc-
tive theories and their connection with phe-
master schedule nomena of the physical world, (gtm)
The listing of the locations, meeting times,
and teachers of each section of a course or mathematical reasoning
class that is taught in a school. The master A type of reasoning that involves construct-
schedule is usually developed in a matrix ing the relationship between mathematical
format designed to focus on resource allo- ideas, being able to reason logically, to
cations. Depending on the school size and clearly express mathematical thoughts, and
number of course offerings, this process can to recognize and use patterns, generaliza-
be as simple as writing names on a class ros- tions, and abstractions, (smc)
ter to one requiring sophisticated computing
software. When the master schedule is com- mathematical symbol systems
plete a school should have the most efficient These systems are of two kinds: symbols that
use of personnel in creating sections of clas- stand for quantities and symbols that stand
ses to meet the interests and needs of stu- for relationships between quantities. An im-
dents. The process of developing a master portant goal in mathematics education is for
schedule is independent of the type of in- students to establish meaning for these sym-
structional structure that a school utilizes bol systems, to make connections between
(e.g., traditional schedule, block schedule, mathematical symbols and the mathematical
etc.). (ly) objects they reference, (amr)

master teacher mathematics

An instructor who is recognized as possess- The science dealing with quantities and
ing exceptional teaching ability. This recog- form, and their relationships, by use of num-
nition may be the result of professional bers and rigorously defined symbols; an ac-
preparation, experience, or superior skills. tivity of construction patterns and rela-
This label is sometimes used to distinguish tionships in number and form, (dc)
those educators qualified to assist new teach-
ers or interns, or to host student teachers. mathematics anxiety
(jw) A sense of apprehension and fear regarding
mathematics often characterized by one or
master's degree (See degree, master's) more of the following: an inability to ration-
ally evaluate one's mathematical knowledge
mastery learning or skill; actual difficulty learning or master-
An instructional strategy in which students ing mathematical content; physiological
are expected to reach a certain level of pro- signs such as sweating, increased pulse, ten-
ficiency. Students study material at their own sion, and loss of memory that develop while
pace, receiving the assistance they need in discussing or doing mathematics; an inabil-
order to meet the predetermined level of ity to perform according to one's abilities


during mathematical activity (e.g., quizzes, well as an introduction to middle-class social

tests, and oral discussion), (cmdv) and political values. For a country entering
the industrial age, the Readers provided mil-
MBO (See Management by Objectives) lions of American children with an introduc-
tion to modern values, work habits, and
MCAT (See Medical School Admissions social relations. It is estimated that 40 mil-
Tests) lion Readers were sold in the 1850s and
1860s alone, and that over 122 million were
McCarthy Era sold overall with the release of the final edi-
The name given to a period of time (1950- tion in 1901. (mkw)
1954) that represented one of America's
most politically repressive eras. The era is McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents,
best known for an anti-communist hysteria, 339 U.S. 637(1950)
and routinely featured government hearings A U.S. Supreme Court case decided the same
investigating alleged communist behavior year as Sweatt v. Painter in which the Court
and/or sympathizers. The academy and the ruled that racial segregation within an edu-
secondary classroom did not escape the rav- cational institution violated the equal pro-
ages of McCarthyism, and countless educa- tection clause of the Fourteenth Amend-
tors saw their careers and lives ruined by the ment. McLaurin had been admitted into the
often baseless claims alleging communist University of Oklahoma's Ph.D. program in
sympathies. The period came to an uncere- education, but was physically separated
monious end in December 1954, when the from his classmates by being required to sit,
U.S. Senate voted to censure Joseph McCar- study, and eat in "segregated facilities"
thy, the Wisconsin senator for whom the pe- within the university. While McLaurin, like
riod is named, (ah) Sweatt, did not overturn the doctrine of
"separate but equal," it was an important
McCollum v. Board of Education, step toward its demise, (alw)
School District 71, 333 U.S. 203 (1948)
A Supreme Court case that upheld the sep- MCT (See minimum competency
aration of church and state. In 1940 the testing)
Council on Religious Education in Cham-
paign, Illinois, offered religious classes dur- mean length of utterance (MLU)
ing the school day. Students were not forced A basic measure of a speaker's linguistic de-
to attend and permitted to go elsewhere dur- velopment and productive language ability.
ing the classes. Vashti McCollum, a parent MLU consists of the ratio of the average
and atheist, claimed the program violated number of morphemes in an utterance to the
the Establishment Clause of the First number of utterances in a corpus, (jrk)
Amendment. In a majority six-to-one opin- See also morphemes.
ion Justice Hugo Black argued that the clas-
ses were "utilization of a tax-established and meaning
tax-supported public school system to aid re- As a technical philosophical term, meaning
ligious groups to spread their faith." (vmm) refers to words and propositions that have
sense. We grasp the sense of a word or prop-
McGuffey Readers osition when we know what to do with it,
First developed by William Holmes Mc- know how to use it in the language we use,
Guffey (1800-1873) in 1836, McGuffey's more broadly in the practices we engage in.
Eclectic Readers were the most popular Some philosophers believe that meanings are
schoolbooks of the nineteenth century. Us- real objects, residing in a real domain (e.g.,
ing a mixture of moral and religious lessons, conceptual space), while others reduce
the Readers provided literacy instruction as meanings to modes of behavior that are rec-


ognized as signaling understanding. Thus, the use, for example, of dance as the "me-
meaning as discussed in metaphysics and the dium" of expression for a given emotion or
philosophy of language. In another sense, theme. While the term "medium" has other
philosophers use the term meaning as prac- uses in scientific and psychic realms, in art
tically synonymous with "purpose," as in education, it is generally used as described
"the meaning of life." (an) herein, (km)
See also media; mixed media.
In mathematics, measurement is the practice MELT (See Mainstream English
of quantifying. It involves identifying an at- Language Training)
tribute to be measured, choosing an appro-
priate unit of measure, and comparing that melting pot
unit to the object being measured. This can A term used for the assimilation of immi-
be done through direct means such as meas- grants to the United States into the main-
uring the length of an object using a meter stream culture. Immigrant groups were
ruler or through the use of derived formulas, expected to blend into the dominant culture
for example, calculating the area of a rectan- rather than retain strong aspects of their eth-
gle using the conventional formula, length nic or racial cultural heritage. Other meta-
times width, (amr) phors are currently used, such as the "salad
bowl" society in which each culture provides
measurement division (See quotitive its own unique, distinctive contribution,
division) making a diverse and better society. These
changing perspectives are reflected in teach-
mechanical drawing (See drafting) ing materials provided in classrooms, with
more sensitivity to diverse cultures apparent
media now than in previous decades, (npo)
The collection of methods used to deliver
mass communication: newspapers, televi- member check
sion, film, radio, the Internet, etc. Media can A technique to address the validity of a qual-
also be used to describe the materials and itative study. The researcher solicits feed-
methods used in an artistic endeavor. For ex- back from the research participants con-
ample, some artistic projects use "mixed me- cerning the accuracy and completeness of the
dia," which might include acrylic paint, researcher's analysis, interpretation, and un-
found objects, and collage, (ewr, npo) derstanding of the data. Also known as
"participant feedback." (mas)
Medical School Admissions Tests
(MCAT) memoing
The nationally administered test for admis- A technique used in qualitative data analysis,
sion to medical school with format and sub- memoing is a technique whereby researchers
ject matter directed to medical theory and record their reflections on some aspect of the
practice, (cf) analytic process. Memoing originated as a
means for researchers, who were developing
medium grounded theory, to reflect on the processes
The material, method, or form used in an of coding data. The process is now more
artistic endeavor. In painting, for example, generally applied to writing memos that may
the liquid material with which color pig- range from a single sentence to several pages
ments are mixed (e.g., acrylic, oil, water, and that record the researcher's thoughts
etc.) is the medium. As a method, the me- about any aspect of the analytic process.
dium is the specific use, for example, of li- Memos may address personal, methodolog-
thography in print making; and, as a form, ical, or theoretical issues, (rws)

Mendez et al. v. Westminster School District of Orange County, CA (1946)

Mendez et al. v. Westminster School other external devices. It involves the use of
District of Orange County, CA, 64 F. number sense, personal algorithms, and re-
Supp. 544(1946) grouping numbers into "friendly numbers."
Landmark desegregation case in which (vdf)
Judge Paul J. McCormick found that school See also mental arithmetic.
districts in the Ninth Federal District Court
of Los Angeles had denied Mexican children mental health
their constitutional rights by being forced to Commonly used to describe the well-being
attend separate schools. The court ruled that of individuals as conceived by themselves as
segregation of children based upon their members of a particular social environment.
"Latinized" appearance violated the Four- The concept of mental health is normative
teenth Amendment and the ratification of as it is a social concept influenced by cultural
the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which mores and societal rules, (crl)
had guaranteed Mexican Americans equal
rights in the United States, (vmm) mental modeling
Also called "think aloud," this is an instruc-
tional technique in which the teacher expli-
mental ability
cates the internal process involved in
Natural potential or capacity to acquire or
thinking through a problem or applying a
retain knowledge. The gauge of one's ability
strategy. Mental modeling reveals the inter-
to respond to intellectual stimulation in re-
nal metacognitive processes of skilled read-
lation to previously obtained information or
ers so that students may emulate these
skills, (jw)
processes, (jk)
mental age mental retardation
A performance level determined by aca- Significant subaverage general intellectual
demic, behavioral, or cognitive assessment. functioning existing concurrently with defi-
Usually used for those with developmental cits in adaptive behavior and manifested
delays or retardation, the level indicates at during the developmental period. IQ meas-
what relative age the individual's mind is urements are below 70, with several levels of
functioning, (jcp) retardation based on the severity of cognitive
impairment, (sr)
mental arithmetic
Involves solving mathematics tasks mentally. mental status exam
For example, a teacher may ask students to A brief assessment of an individual's current
calculate mentally an addition, subtraction, psychological state. Involves an interview, as
or multiplication task such as 28 + 32, well as systematic observation of his or her
50 — 12, or 12 X 25. Students are then behavior. Specifically, the mental status
asked to share their solution methods with exam (MSE) includes evaluation of orienta-
the class. The focus of mental arithmetic is tion to self, place, and time, as well as of the
upon development of meaningful and profi- individual's appearance, mood, motor func-
cient methods of computation rather than tioning, memory, and cognitive processes.
simply upon speed and memorization of The MSE ranges in depth from a brief, in-
facts that may not necessarily have meaning formal evaluation to a longer, more formal,
for students, (sdt) standardized assessment of each area men-
See also mental computation. tioned above and of other areas of potential
concern, (lbl, tvh)
mental computation
The intellectual execution of a problem by mentor
the use of cognitive reasoning and percep- An experienced guide who offers knowledge,
tions without the aid of pencil and paper or insights, support, and wisdom that is useful

metalinguistic awareness

to a protege over an extended period of time mesosystem

in order to teach necessary knowledge, skills, The interaction between the microsystems to
and abilities the protege needs to achieve life which a child belongs. A child's family in-
or career goals. In the context of teacher ed- teracts with his/her school, for example, and
ucation, a mentor may be an experienced with his church; the child's school has points
teacher who is an integral part of the teacher of intersection with his/her community. Ac-
induction process through his or her work cording to the ecological model of child de-
with beginning teachers, (jb, elk) velopment (Bronfenbrenner, 1979), how
these microsystems interact influences the
child's development, (ecr)
mentoring See also microsystem.
Mentoring, which in Greek means "endur-
ing," is typically defined as a nurturing re-
lationship between an instructor and a metacognition
learner, or, in other words, one person help- The act of thinking about thinking. For ex-
ing another. Typically, the instructor guides, ample, when a student is taking a test, meta-
assures, and assists the learner through the cognition refers to thinking about the
challenges of mastering a skill and/or en- process of responding, that is, thinking of
mnemonic devices or organizational strate-
hancing his/her knowledge base. Sometimes
gies, rather than the content of what is being
mentoring takes the form of peer mentoring,
tested. Metacognition has been shown to be
with one learner instructing another learner.
an effective tool for academic success as well
Educational mentoring helps mentored
as psychological well-being, as when it is
youth improve academic understanding and
used as a treatment for depression. Current
achievement. Career mentoring helps men-
models of metacognition encompass both
tored youth develop the essential skills to
the metacognitive knowledge that results
pursue a career pathway. Personal develop-
from thinking (i.e., knowledge of facts,
ment mentoring helps mentored youth dur-
tasks, and goals, and problem-solving strat-
ing times of personal and/or social stress to egies), and metacognitive activity (i.e., the
enhance their decision-making processes. use of self-monitoring to adapt and apply
The mentoring process can be formal or in- strategies to solving new problems). Both
formal and can occur in a variety of settings, metacognitive knowledge and activity are
including business, professional settings, and important components of current literacy-
academia. (tp, chm) learning strategies, (jcp, jrk)

meritocracy metaevaluation
A system of social, educational, or govern- The evaluation of an evaluation. Scholars
mental placement, advancement, and access have recently encouraged this practice to as-
to opportunity which putatively refers to in- sure quality and accurateness of evaluation
dividual human merit as opposed to char- of educational programs, (sd)
acteristics over which a given individual may See also evaluation, program.
have less or no control. The term often im-
plies a role for testing; that is, if a particular metalinguistic awareness
university makes extensive use of entry and The awareness and the ability to reflect on
placement testing in its admissions decision, one's language use and knowledge. It is usu-
it is said to be meritocratic. The term ally developed in the process of learning a
evolved to contrast with nepotism or legacy, second language, either simultaneously with
as when candidates are accepted to univer- one's native language (e.g, simultaneous bi-
sities solely or largely based on family mem- lingualism) or in succession (foreign lan-
bership, (fd) guage learning), (smt)


metaphor metonymy
In language (especially poetry), a word or Greek, meaning change of name. Figure of
expression ordinarily associated with one speech in which the name of an object or
meaning (e.g., "loud") used deliberately to concept is replaced with a word closely re-
explicate another (e.g., "face"), thus making lated to or suggested by the original, as
an implicit comparison (i.e., between verbal crown for king (e.g., the power of the crown
and visual expression) that crosses bounda- was mortally weakened). While metaphor
ries (here, those of sound and sight). Distin- unites unexpected terms to create meaning,
guished from simile (explicit comparison, metonymy uses associated terms to extend
e.g., "she looks like she sounds"), metaphor meaning. In journalism the White House
occurs in any art form when symbolic struc- may stand for the president of the United
tures (like bold lines in painting or exagger- States. In art, works may be referred to by
ated movements in dance) create new their artist (e.g., "The Tate has a collection
meaning through unexpected association. of Turners," rather than "The Tate has a
Young children frequently use metaphors collection of paintings by Turner"), (kpb)
("I'm melting") but are not expected to un-
derstand and consciously master the tech- metric system of measure
nique until adolescence, (kb) A system of measure based on powers of ten.
Whereas the customary system is more
widely used in the United States, the metric
metaphysics system is the standard or accepted system in-
The study of those questions that cannot, ternationally, (dbc)
even in principle, be resolved by the scientific
method, though increasingly the question is Mexican American Legal Defense and
whether there are any such questions. Ac- Educational Fund (MALDEF)
cording to Aristotle, metaphysics is both the Founded in 1968 by Pedro Tijerina in San
science of God and the science of Being. As Antonio, Texas, MALDEF is a national non-
a science of God, metaphysics for Aristotle profit organization whose mission is to pro-
amounted to what philosophers now de- tect and promote the civil rights of Latinos
scribe as "natural theology," the use of rea- in the United States. MALDEF was aided at
son to understand as much as we can about its founding with a $2.2 million grant from
divinity (e.g., the first, uncaused cause of the Ford Foundation for civil rights legal
things). As a science of Being, metaphysics, work. The organization has actively been
or ontology, studied in various ways what involved in educational civil rights cases
Dewey referred to in Experience and Nature including bilingual education through liti-
as "the generic traits of all existence." (an) gation, advocacy, community education,
collaboration with public and private agen-
cies, and scholarships, (vmm)
The application of principles, practices, and
procedures to a problem, project, course of Mexican-American studies
study, or given discipline. The theories and Programs of study, usually at the higher ed-
techniques used in teaching, (jw) ucation level, that promote understanding of
the history, culture, socioeconomic status,
and politics of Mexican Americans in the
methods class United States, and their contributions to
A course in the teacher education curricu- American culture, (jqa, npo)
lum. This course draws on the knowledge
base underpinning teaching practice to cover Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390 (1923)
instructional strategies and skills to meet the U.S. Supreme Court case that overturned
needs of individual students, (elk) lower-court decisions convicting Meyer of

migrant education

breaking a 1919 Nebraska state law banning (Emmanuel Schegloff, Harvey Sacks), the
foreign language instruction to students in ethnography of speaking (Dell Hymes), cul-
private schools and to those who had not yet ture as practice (Pierre Bourdieu), and cul-
completed the eighth grade. The Supreme ture as created by discursive actions (John
Court reasoned that the conviction of Meyer Gumperz). (sw)
detrimentally affected the instructional op-
portunities of citizens, and deprived the microsystem
plaintiff of his Fourteenth Amendment A small unit of society in which the child
rights. The case has also been interpreted as holds membership. In an ecological model of
setting limits to state control in regulating child development (Bronfenbrenner, 1979),
private schools, (dwm) the child belongs to several microsystems,
including its family, school, church, and
Ml (See motivational interviewing) community. The content and tone of the mi-
crosystem sets a template for the child to im-
microcounseling skills itate and thus socialize the child into its
A series of specific, relationship-building behavioral and attitudinal structures, (ecr)
techniques utilized by a mental health prac-
titioner. These skills include techniques that microteaching
focus on active listening, reflection of feel- A practice of teaching a lesson to a small
ings, paraphrasing, asking open-ended ques- group for a designated time period targeting
tions, and summarizing. These skills also a specific objective or practicing a skill for
include increasing culturally appropriate at- the purpose of developing teaching tech-
tending behaviors (e.g., eye contact, body nique. For example, a pre-service teacher
language), establishing rapport, and identi- would teach a short lesson to a group of
fying mutually agreed upon counseling peers or students and then analyze it. In
goals. Importantly, microcounseling skills some cases, video or audiotape is recorded
are rooted in awareness of the social and cul- to facilitate the process of analysis, (elk)
tural influences on behavior and are both
pragmatic and experiential, (lbl, tvh) middle school
An organizational model that emerged in the
microculture late twentieth century in response to dissat-
Cultural groups that have unique values and isfaction with the earlier junior high school
aspects that are distinctively different from model. Renewing the focus on providing an
the larger society are microcultures. (jqa, educational program appropriate to the de-
npo) velopmental needs of early adolescents, the
middle school typically provides a range of
microethnography organizational arrangements, including team
A postpositivist research tool to comprehend teaching and block scheduling, a compre-
how particular cultural events or goals are hensive program of academic, vocational,
accomplished on a daily basis. The meth- and guidance counseling, and a professional
odology asserts that cultural meaning must staff committed to meeting the unique emo-
be investigated through particular inter- tional, physical, social, and intellectual needs
changes and uses detailed transcripts of of early adolescents. Middle schools typi-
words and actions to ask the question, "In cally include grades six through eight, but
what moment is understanding created?" may range from grades five through nine in
Microethnography is linked to other meth- various combinations, (ljm)
ods that seek to understand process, as op-
posed to those explaining global or fixed migrant education
cultural systems or beliefs (e.g., macroeth- Educational programs and services for chil-
nography), including conversation analysis dren of migratory workers. Because migrant


children and their families do not have long- mimetic

standing ties to a community, opportunities Greek mmtikos, from mmsis, mimicry. Imi-
for education are often sporadic or limited tative, having to do with mimicking or imi-
in scope. Migrant education programs were tation. Imitation as a form or agent of the
developed to provide equitable educational arts as in a mimetic dance, work of art, or
opportunity, (jqa, npo) artistic performance where the form of rep-
resentation is actual imitation of the subject.
migration Mimes use mimetic techniques to deliver
The tendency of people to move from place their portrayals without words. Some edu-
to place in search of better employment, cators believe that children see the function
schooling, and quality of life. Migration has of art to be mimetic, to imitate rather than
long been a feature of American society. One interpret objects or events in life, (jd)
particular type of migration has been the
steady movement of people away from rural minds-on learning
areas to urban or suburban ones, (lr) Learning in which students are intellectually
engaged and actively thinking about what
milieu teaching strategies they are learning, (bba)
A group of language intervention procedures
that are arranged to teach functional lan- miniature
guage skills in social contexts. Children are A visual representation of something—an
taught these skills in conversation-based object, person, or sometimes place—that is
strategies within the context of everyday in- smaller than traditional representations of
teractions and routines, (xss) the same subject. Miniatures are often as-
sociated with book art and illuminated man-
milieu therapy uscripts, (ap)
Form of therapy used to change the environ-
ment in which the problem occurs. Less at- minimalism
tention is given to the individual. Treatment Refers to a twentieth-century school of art
within an inpatient setting is sometimes re- in which works of art, music, and language
ferred to as milieu therapy when, for exam- are spare, employing very few lines, shapes,
ple, attention is placed on establishing colors, textures, notes, or sounds. Mono-
routines, such as exercise, eating, sleep hy- chromatic palettes and anonymous styles are
giene, and taking medication, (mjs) the hallmarks of this movement that is im-
printed with similar simplicity of elements
Milliken v. Bradley, 418 U.S. 717 (1974) on music, literature, and design. Also called
U.S. Supreme Court decision that struck ABC art, minimal art, reductivism, and re-
down lower court order to integrate the sub- jective art. Traditional modes of reference
urban schools of Detroit, Michigan, with its and expression are ignored in pursuit of
inner-city schools. This was the first case in minimalist objectives, (jd)
which the majority of the Supreme Court
overturned a lower court that had sought minimum competency testing (MCT)
greater integration. The USC drew a distinc- Criterion referenced testing designed to as-
tion between de facto segregation, usually sess whether students have reached a pre-
unintended separation not maintained by determined level of competence. The
force of law, and de jure segregation, a sep- minimum competence is designed to identify
aration mandated and enforced by law. those individuals who did not reach a certain
Chief Justice Burger wrote in his opinion standard of achievement. Results communi-
that de facto segregation is beyond the juris- cate sufficient competence rather than excel-
diction of the courts, (dwm) lence, (elk)


minority group ern institutions. In this case Lloyd Gaines

Any subgroup of people having special char- sued the University of Missouri for admis-
acteristics within another group that is dom- sion to its law school. The court ruled that
inant politically, economically, ethnically, or awarding out-of-state scholarships violated
religiously. Such subgroups are often bound the Equal Protection Clause of the constitu-
together by special ties that distinguish them tion. The decision enabled the NAACP to
from the other group. Minority groups often undertake a full-scale assault on segregation
establish their own cultural or ethnic iden- in southern institutions of higher education,
tities and may have a sense of occupying a (jrb)
subordinate political or economic status,
(hrm, ew, jkd) mistakes (as learning opportunities)
As children make mistakes or behave in cul-
minuend turally inappropriate ways, teachers, par-
The number from which another number ents, and caregivers can use those behaviors
(the subtrahend) is to be subtracted, (amr) or instances as teachable moments. Mistakes
or behaviors that are viewed as "problems"
miscue will naturally occur as a part of growth and
An error made when reading orally. A mis- development and can be used to gently guide
cue can include repetitions, substitutions, the child toward more acceptable behaviors
insertions, omissions, or no responses. through explanation and redirection, (kdc)
Hesitations that hinder the flow of passage
reading can also be considered miscues. (aw) mixed age grouping (See multi-level
miscue analysis
The systematic analysis of the miscues a mixed media
student makes when reading orally to The use of more than one kind of method,
determine strengths and weaknesses in back- form, or substance in the creation of an ar-
ground knowledge and language proficiency. tistic piece. In visual arts, for example, the
(aw) use of paint and collage. In the performance
arena, for example, a piece that combines
miseducation theater, visual arts, and music. Mixed media
The introduction of formal academic and/or productions are often explored in schools in
physical training during the early childhood order to combine/integrate various disci-
period. According to David Elkind (1988), plines and to showcase/make use of different
the mind of the preschool child is not ready artistic talents, (km)
for formal instruction. If perpetually pres-
sured to overachieve, a child can develop MLU (See mean length of utterance)
neuroses and chronic stress responses such
as violence and teen pregnancy, (ecr) mnemonic
Any strategy used to help with memory. In
Missouri ex rel. Gaines v. Canada, 305 school, mnemonic devices can be taught as
U.S. 337(1938) a method of studying and retaining infor-
During the 1930s, the NAACP began to le- mation, (jcp)
gally challenge the doctrine of "separate but
equal" in regards to graduate and profes- mobility
sional education for blacks. In order to cir- Refers to the willingness to move from place
cumvent the enrollment of blacks at white to place in search of employment, schooling,
institutions, southern states adhered to the and an enhanced quality of life. This ten-
practice of awarding out-of-state scholar- dency has been accelerated in rural areas
ships to encourage blacks to enroll at north- since World War II, and has resulted in a

model minority

changing rural population marked by fewer the twentieth century contemporary dancers
agriculturally based families. The decade of have mixed impulsive gestures from folk and
the 1990s witnessed a significant increase in street dance while retaining the visual poetry
nonfarm rural dwellers, (lr) of classical dance, both European and Afri-
can, (kbc)
model minority
Stereotyped term for Asian-American stu-
modern math (See New Math
dents who are often portrayed as excelling
in school. While many Asian Americans per-
form well in the classroom, others do not,
and all may be subject to racist attitudes. modernism
The term "model minority" creates expec- Historical period dating from the European
tations that anyone of Asian heritage will be Enlightenment into the mid-twentieth cen-
successful and not subject to discriminatory tury. Modernism is the specific ideology un-
practices, thereby ignoring the reality of ra- dergirding Western society. Ideology of
cism, (jqa, npo) modernism includes: truth is absolute and
the same for everyone under all circum-
modeling stances; knowable order exists in both the
A teacher's demonstration, by words and ac- natural and social worlds; truth and order
tions, of the behaviors, skills, or competen- are based on eternal laws; truth and order
cies that students are to learn. Typically, the are attributes of a material reality composed
acting out of a desired behavior by a more of essential characteristics. This ideology
mature person provides a learner with an also states that science and/or science-like
opportunity to learn the desired behavior approaches are the prime avenues for uncov-
through observation. However, children ering truth, order, and essence; all inquiry
may also learn about inappropriate behav- should be scientific in character; the human
iors modeled by older peers or adults, usu- condition can be steadily improved and so-
ally unplanned by the older peers or adults. cial progress can be made by applying un-
In teacher education, modeling is used to fa- derstandings gained through scientific
cilitate the development of a pre-service practice to all things. In a literary context,
teacher's practice utilizing those techniques modernism refers to the use of language,
derived from theories of practice studied in themes, and styles characteristic of modern
the teacher education curriculum, (bba, kms, times, such as teen angst writings. Literary
yb, elk) modernism however, addresses a loss of be-
lief and faith in society and self, and the con-
modern art (See contemporary art) sequent search for meaning in more abstract,
symbolic, mystical sources. An art move-
modern dance ment of the twentieth century that departed
A uniquely American creation of dance pi- from those traditions of art and literature
oneered in the 1920s. Also called contem- that featured realistic representation. Often
porary dance, it replaced the old rules of the identified as abstractionism, the modernist
controlled movements and precision of bal- focus was on abstractions of reality that ex-
let with the barefooted dancers introducing pressed emotion and/or imagination with
spare, stark, angular movements, and blunt less obvious or no apparent reference to
gestures. Seminal choreographers and danc- physical reality. Where narrative painting,
ers Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham, for example, was easily "read" by the
Erik Hawkins, and many others worked in- viewer, modernist work sought to demand
dependently developing distinctive personal more from the viewer—the need to "figure"
styles that explored serious themes of mod- out the work. When children's early artistic
ern life. As the art form matured throughout productions are likened to the work of pro-

Montessori method

fessional artists, the comparison is often said superimposing several different elements.
to express a modernist view, (db-j, npo, jd) The term also applies to a pictorial tech-
See also enlightenment; postmodernism. nique in which cutout illustrations, or frag-
ments of them, are arranged together and
modules mounted, and to the picture so made.
Modules are intact, skills-based units of in- Ready-made images alone are used and they
struction within competency-based teacher are chosen for their subject and message. In
education. In general, modules refer to spe- both these respects montage is distinct from
cific instructional units with assessment in- collage and papier colle. Photomontage uses
corporated into the educational experience. photographs only. In cinematic usage, the
These units typically last for a limited du- term "montage" refers to the assembling of
ration of time, and may build upon one an- separate pieces of film into a sequence or a
other into an overall instructional program. superimposed image, (kpb)
(rtc, npo)
Montessori method
monochromatic A philosophy and strategy of teaching based
Consisting of only one or variations of one on Dr. Maria Montessori's belief that chil-
color. Artistic pieces are considered mono- dren learn best by doing things on their own.
chromatic if they employ tones of one color In a multi-age classroom, children at various
or are in black and white. In art education, stages of development actively learn from,
monochromaticism can be a useful way of and with, each other. Dr. Montessori, a for-
exploring lights and darks, contour, and mer engineer, physician, and educator in the
shading. In general education, monochro- nineteenth century, designed a learning en-
maticism can serve as a practical way of vironment in which children are supported
explaining the physics of wavelengths. to work according to their innate passion for
Something is monochromatic if it employs learning, engaging in spontaneous and pur-
light or radiation of a single wavelength or poseful activities guided by a trained adult,
frequency, (km) and progressing according to their individual
capabilities. Using developmentally appro-
priate materials developed by Dr. Montes-
A dramatic convention in which one char-
sori, teachers create dynamic, interactive
acter speaks at length, giving a speech or a
learning environments that encourage each
soliloquy either to other characters or to the
child to reason, negotiate, collaborate, co-
audience. In addition to advancing the plot,
operate, and understand, leading to the de-
the monologue is often used to communicate
velopment of an autonomous individual,
a character's inner thoughts. Stand-up com-
competent in all areas of life. The Montes-
ics use the monologue as their primary
sori method is built on the belief that chil-
means of entertaining audiences. Mono-
dren learn best through sensory explorations
logues from plays can usually stand alone
such as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting,
from the rest of the text, providing good
and kinesthetic experiences. The method
material for work in acting classes or for
memorization exercises in school literature supports the pursuit of many different ex-
courses. Often auditions—for plays or act- periences including physical, social, emo-
ing programs—require the preparation of a tional, and cognitive. Designed to enable
monologue, (em) students to maximize their full potential
through purposeful activity, the method is
monosexism (See homophobia) based on interactions between three elements
of learning: the student, the learning envi-
montage ronment, and the teacher. Students learn
A single pictorial, musical, or cinemato- through active engagement with a variety of
graphic composition made by juxtaposing or "self-correcting" materials guided by the

mood disorder

passive support of a teacher whose primary education is properly directed at this aspect
role is to organize a painstakingly "prepared of the child's development as well. The fam-
environment" and observe and direct stu- ily, religion, and public forums of politics,
dent development within that environment. law, the press, etc., are institutions, together
In recent years several modifications have with education, of moral formation.
been made to the Montessori method to con- Lawrence Kohlberg theorized that individu-
tinue to adapt to student needs. In the als went through a sequential series of stages
United States, children typically begin Mon- in developing moral consciousness. These
tessori at age three because the ages of three stages proceed from a basic level of doing
to six are considered to be the prime time what is socially correct because there are
for establishing the foundation for later ac- negative consequences, to good citizenship
ademic and social success, (mc, jc2, ba) behavior to maintain social norms, to the
higher levels of moral behavior based on
mood disorder personal principles and the greater welfare
A category of mental disorders characterized of humanity. Robert Coles developed a psy-
by an emotional disturbance that negatively chosocial theory of moral development that
affects psychological functioning. This dis- did not necessarily follow the same stages as
turbance may include a range of mood states cognitive development. Moral development
from dysphoria (low mood, as reported in has applications in educational settings as a
dysthymia or depression) to euphoria (ele- part of character and citizenship education.
vated mood, as reported in bipolar or cyclo- (sc, npo)
thymic disorders) and may be accompanied
by behavioral, somatic, cognitive, and inter- moral education
personal symptoms. Changes in mood must The process of teaching people to be good.
last for a set period of time to be diagnos- Moral education differs from moral philos-
able. Mood disorders often co-occur with in- ophy in that it is less concerned with the na-
terpersonal difficulties, decreased academic ture of good character than the question of
or occupational progress, and/or over- how anyone comes to have one. Some phi-
whelming situational stressors. Mood dis- losophers have argued that since morality is
orders are associated with decreased levels of subjective or "ideological," and education
certain neurotransmitters, and are suspected must be rooted in rationality, all moral ed-
to be at least in part heritable. Mood dis- ucation must really amount to indoctrina-
orders include: Major Depressive Episode, tion. On the other hand, there are many
Dysthymic Disorder, Bipolar I and II Disor- (e.g., Kohlberg) who would promise the
der, and Cylcothymic Disorder, (lbl, tvh) means by which students could be made to
act better, or at least to think more truly (or
moral development at least carefully) about ethics, (an)
Moral development refers generally to See also education.
growth in understanding of right and wrong
in individuals, but also metaphorically cul- morpheme
tures. Following Alfred North Whitehead The smallest unit of language that carries in-
and John Dewey, the term took on special- formation about meaning or function (e.g.,
ized meaning under the research of David the following words consist of two mor-
Krathwohl and Benjamin Bloom (taxonomy phemes: desks = desk + s; flying = fly +
of affective development) and Lawrence ing; worked = work + ed). Morphemes can
Kohlberg (stages of moral development). be free (can be a word by itself, e.g., plane,
These researchers, and those influenced by jump) or bound (must be attached to an-
them, believed that moral development oc- other element, e.g., the plural —s, past tense
curs, or can occur, in tandem with intellec- —ed). Morphemes are important units in lit-
tual and psychological development, and eracy, particularly in nonalphabetic writing

motor control

systems where morphemes are common amended to establish land-grant colleges in

building blocks. Finally, the order of acqui- U.S. territories and for Native American
sition of different morphemes reveals impor- tribal colleges, (ch, cf, mb)
tant milestones in the process of child
language development and foreign language motherese (See child-directed speech)
learning, (smt)
motion geometry (See transformation
morphology geometry)
The study of the structure of words. The
component of grammar that includes the motivation
rules of word formation and interpretation, Motivation is viewed generally as a powerful
such as derivation and inflection. The clas- force that drives learning, although its
sification, in linguistics, which deals with the source is debated. To some, action is im-
internal structure and forms of words. A pelled purely by stimulation and satisfaction
morpheme is a word or part of a word that of impulse. For many traditional educators,
conveys meaning. Morphemes may be free extrinsic motivation compels behavior with
or bound. A free morpheme denotes mean- the prospect of reward or punishment. Rous-
ing by itself while a bound morpheme de- seau asserted however that motivation to
notes meaning when attached to a free learn is inherent in the nature of humans,
morpheme. For example, the word "cat" is due to innate biological drives. Progressive
a free morpheme. The morpheme "cats" is educators have argued that education should
two morphemes: cat is a free morpheme therefore be tailored to the intrinsic interests
while the s is a bound morpheme, (smt, jls) and readiness of the learner. Others posit
that motivation is a result less of any
Morrill Act of 1862 "force," than of more or less conscious
The Morrill Act of 1862, also known as the choice and social agency, (rt)
Land Grant College Act, established insti-
tutions in each state with the purpose of motivational interviewing (Ml)
educating people in agriculture, home eco- A client-centered, yet directive, counseling
nomics, mechanical arts, and other practical style for eliciting behavior change by helping
professions. The land-grant act was intro- clients explore and resolve ambivalence.
duced by Justin Smith Morrill, a congress- Counselors who use this style act collabor-
man from Vermont who wanted to assure atively, express empathy, avoid arguing,
that education would be available to those manage resistance without confrontation,
in all social classes. The Morrill Act of 1862 and support the self-efficacy of the individ-
was passed by Congress and signed into law ual, using techniques such as open-ended
by President Lincoln legislating that each questioning, reflective listening, summariz-
state receive 30,000 acres of land for each ing, and affirming. Studies have supported
senator and representative. The land grants the efficacy of MI among problem and de-
were to be devoted to the establishment of pendent drinkers, for whom this approach
colleges concentrating on the study of agri- was first developed by William R. Miller and
culture and mechanical arts, but not con- Stephen Rollnick in the early 1990s. It has
fined to this curriculum. These grants made since been used with diverse clinical popu-
possible the establishment of new colleges lations and applied to a variety of problem
and the improvement of existing ones. A sec- behaviors, (sdc)
ond Morrill Act, passed in 1890, provided
further annual funding for the growing in- motor control
stitutions and also provided for the devel- The neural control associated with muscles
opment of several universities for black that allows for the development of motor
students. Since 1890, both acts have been skills, (rf)

motor development

motor development tempo. In painting and sculpture, movement

Development of motor skills are usually di- can refer to the representation or suggestion
vided into at least two general categories, of motion through the relation of artistic el-
gross motor skills and fine motor skills. ements. In literature or poetry, movement re-
Gross motor skills refer to activities that in- fers to the qualities of the piece which
volve the use of the large muscles of the engage and transport the reader from start
neck, trunk, arms, and legs. The develop- to finish, as in a moving poem. In class-
ment of some of these skills includes pro- rooms, movement activities offer students
gression in lifting of the head, rolling, sitting the opportunity to stretch and relax and ex-
up, crawling, creeping, and walking. Fine perience their own mattering space, (km)
motor skills involve movements of the small See also genre.
muscles, especially those of the eyes, speech
musculature, hands, fingers, feet, and toes. movement approach
The development of these skills include pro- An approach to curriculum based on La-
gression in grasping, writing, cutting, and ban's Movement Framework in which the
picking up small objects, (vm) curriculum is divided into Educational
Dance, Educational Games, and Educational
motor dyspraxia (See motor skill Gymnastics, (rf)
disorder) See also Laban's Movement Framework.

motor learning movement education

Changes that occur in motor skills as a result Learning experiences where children partic-
of practice, (rf) ipate in activities applying large or gross
muscles. This can be free and creative, some-
motor skill disorder times to music or rhythm, or directed by
A motor skill disorder occurs when an in- another in order to promote kinesthetic de-
dividual lacks the motor coordination nec- velopment, (dbl)
essary to perform tasks that, given normal
intellectual ability and the absence of other multi-age grouping
neurological or psychological disorders, are Multi-age grouping is an arrangement that
considered to be appropriate for his/her age. brings students from more than one age co-
Motor skill disorders are sometimes also hort together around a common educational
termed developmental motor coordination activity. This activity could be focused nar-
disorders, clumsiness, dyscoordination dis- rowly (such as grades one through three
orders, or motor dyspraxia. (jbb) grouped together) or broadly (such as in-
volvement by students of all ages in the op-
motor unit items (counting) eration of a school's food service), (lr)
Actual objects need not be present during
the counting activity. The touching or point- multi-age teaching (See multi-level
ing movement itself is the thing being teaching)
counted, (amr)
See also children's counting schemes. multicultural awareness
Refers to the processes through which an in-
movement dividual learns about people from other cul-
Primarily physical motion, the movement of tural backgrounds. Usually the processes
the body in the creation or performance of include exploration of other people's cul-
art. An obvious element of dance and thea- tural values and beliefs, parenting styles,
ter. In music, a movement refers to one part family structures, traditions, religious be-
of a whole musical composition, independ- liefs, historical past, or contemporary issues.
ent with respect to tone, structure, key, and Theoretically, multicultural awareness is

multimodal therapy

required in achieving multicultural compe- views, and vice versa. On the one hand, mul-
tence, (xss, yb) ticulturalism is criticized for insufficiently
centering the contributions of Western civi-
multicultural education lization; on the other hand, multiculturalism
Education that includes the goals of recog- has come under criticism for not offering a
nizing the strength and value of cultural critical enough perspective, for not being
diversity, developing respect for cultural di- more anti-racist in its approach to the study
versity, and promoting social justice and of cultures and ethnicities. This is an evolv-
equal opportunity for all. Broadly stated, the ing definition, with some experts defining
term "multicultural education" refers to pol- multiculturalism exclusively in terms of
icies and practices that recognize, accept, racial and ethnic diversity, and others ex-
and affirm human differences and similari- panding the definition to include gender,
ties related to gender, race, disability, class, socioeconomic class, sexual/affectional ori-
and increasingly, sexual preference. A cen- entation, ability and disability, and religious
tral goal of multicultural education is to pro- diversity, (bt-b, llf, emm)
mote equity in educational outcomes across See also cultural diversity; ethnicity; plu-
diverse populations of students, (bba, ja) ralism.

multicultural literacy multidigit

The development of capacities which allow A numeral that contains more than one
and promote multiple and diverse languages digit. For example, 746 and 91.27 are multi-
and understandings so that individuals can digit numbers, (kva)
communicate across borders of cultural dif-
ference, histories, perspectives, conceptions, multidisciplinary team
and experiences, (hfs) A group of professionals from various dis-
ciplines, such as educators, psychologists,
multicultural literature and physicians, (sr)
A category of literature that depicts individ-
uals from different cultures. Showing both multi-level teaching
the unique traditions and perspectives of di- The mixing or integration of students of dif-
verse cultures, and the similarities common ferent ages, working at different levels, in
to humanity, multicultural literature is par- one classroom or learning setting, (bba)
ticularly effective in raising awareness of the
diversity in society. Multicultural literature multilingualism
includes all genres. Educators use multicul- Ability to speak two or more languages in
tural literature to teach about different cul- addition to one's native language with some
tures and to encourage interactions among degree of proficiency, (mc)
students of dissimilar backgrounds, (jqa,
npo) multimedia
An item composed of several different forms
multiculturalism of media, such as text, images, audio, and
The study of various cultures and ethnic video. Some Web sites and educational soft-
groups of peoples, with an effort to under- ware programs use multimedia. Students can
stand and appreciate their diversity. There also create their own multimedia products,
are levels and degrees to this kind of study, such as slide show presentations, (kgl)
so that at a beginning level other cultures
besides one's own are recognized, later they multimodal therapy
are invited to participate and contribute, and A form of cognitive behavioral therapy that
at a more advanced level other cultures are rests on the assumption that most psycho-
allowed to transform one's own cultural logical problems are multifaceted, multi-


determined, and multilayered. A primary spectives, cultural diversity, and environ-

goal of this therapy is to assess the various mental education, (mje, jah)
dimensions in which individuals operate,
called "modalities," that exist in a state of
multiplicative conceptual field
reciprocal transaction and flux and are con-
Term used by Gerard Vergnaud to define sit-
nected by complex chains of behavior and
uations for which one usually needs to use
other pychophysiological processes, (jbb)
multiplicative reasoning: linear and n-linear
functions, vector spaces, dimensional analy-
multiple sis, fraction, ratio, rate, rational number,
A product of two factors, whether arithmetic and multiplication and division, (amr)
or algebraic, is a multiple of those factors.
For example, in 3 X 4 = 12, 12 is a multiple multiplicative inverse
of the factors 3 and 4. (kva) The number that when multiplied by the
original number creates a product of one; for
multiple causation example VA is the multiplicative inverse of 4
An empirical principle stating that for any because 4 X lA — 1. (ps)
observable event there are generally several
independent causes. In education, multiple multiplicative reasoning
causation states that any change in a child's Involves constructing the interrelationship
behavior, achievement, or attitude may be a between multiplication and division and de-
result of several distinct factors operating si- veloping appropriate multiplicative strate-
multaneously. For example, a change in a gies to use when solving problems involving
child's academic performance might be re- proportion, ratio, rational number, rate, and
lated to diet, stress, health, instructional other multiplicative settings. Students can
methods, social pressure, teacher expecta- use more primitive additive reasoning (e.g.,
tions, and a host of other factors, (crl) repeated addition) in some situations; how-
ever, there are other settings where additive
reasoning will not work (e.g., proportional
multiple intelligences
settings). The student must have developed
A theory, popularized by Howard Gardner,
multiplicative thinking to be successful in
proposing that intelligence is not a unitary
these settings, (smc)
trait, but rather a collection of several
quite different abilities. The multiple intelli-
gences—verbal-linguistic, logical-mathemat- multiply disabled
ical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, spatial, Having more than one impairment, the com-
naturalistic, existential, interpersonal, and bination of which adversely affect an indi-
intrapersonal—have neurological founda- vidual's ability to function, (sr)
tions. It is Gardner's claim that the nature
of schooling gives privileges to the linguistic
and logical-mathematical traditions and that multipotentiality
other intelligence goes largely unidentified The ability to choose and pursue a career in
and uneducated, (bba, ecr) a wide array of specialty fields. This ability
is most typically associated with intellectu-
ally gifted, or academically talented, high
multiple perspectives school or college students. These students
The ability to view a situation from a variety may experience difficulty choosing a college
of viewpoints. By presenting multiple per- major or an occupation, in part, because
spectives, teachers extend and broaden in- they have the potential to perform well in
terpretations of what is currently taught in multiple academic disciplines and career
schools. Examples may include global per- fields, (sc)

musical/rhythmic intelligence

multisensory began to do so only within the last decades

Involving more than one of the senses, (sr) of the twentieth century. A report by the
American Association of Museums, Excel-
mural lence and Equity: Education and the Public
From the Latin murus, wall. An image Dimension of Museums, in 1992 was pivotal
painted or applied either to an interior or an in this change, charging art museums to em-
exterior wall, often in a public space. De- brace education in their mission statements,
signed and executed by individual artists or (jd)
collaboratively created, murals often com- See also museum educator.
municate a social, historical, or political as-
pect of the community in which they are museum educator
placed. This is in the tradition of political Responsible for the oversight and program-
and historical Mexican murals by early- ming of educational activities in the mu-
twentieth-century artists such as Diego seum. Through visits for school-aged chil-
Rivera and Jose Clemente Orozco. In edu- dren to a variety of adult activities, the
cation, mural making provides authentic en- museum educator enhances the reach of the
counters with project-based collaborative museum by linking resources to educational
work whether in decorating the walls of the theory and practice, forging collaborations
school or out of school in arts initiatives that with schools, training museum docents and
serve community development and social classroom teachers, and assessing the edu-
reconciliation, (ap) cational effectiveness of all these opportu-
nities. The museum educator helps to de-
museum curator velop audiences by considering issues of
From the French "to care," the curator is the diversity and access in the production of ed-
guardian of the collection of a museum. In ucational materials. Museum educators can
an art museum, the curator is responsible for help classroom teachers plan visits to the art
the content and presentation of exhibits in museum that will be tailored to their curric-
the museum. Curators decide what works of ular needs, (yjl)
art will be presented, how they will be ar-
ranged (e.g., chronologically, by artist, and/ music
or theme), and what information will be in- Sound and silence intentionally ordered and
cluded in labels and other resources (cura- presented in such a manner as to evoke an
tors often write guides to exhibits) that aesthetic response in the listener. Derived
accompany a show. While curators are most from the Greek muse, it originally was inclu-
often associated with art museums, they sive of all art forms represented by the nine
have counterparts in all museum settings. muses, but eventually became associated pri-
(yji) marily with Polyhymnia, the muse of many
songs. Music is one of the art forms that is
museum education most frequently (after visual arts) taught in
The field of education within museums. schools. Its study has been associated with
While museums may be thought to be in- positive effects in nonarts subjects, (jbl)
herently educational by virtue of their culti-
vating and maintaining collections of im- musical/rhythmic intelligence
portant cultural artifacts and works of art, The special ability to find rhythmic and to-
the institution and development of educa- nal patterns in everyday life. According to
tional programming in the context of the Howard Gardner (1993), the musical learner
museum is what is designated as museum ed- likes to listen and respond to music and may
ucation. Children's and history museums sing well and/or play an instrument. Chil-
have traditionally focused on educational dren with musical intelligence may make up
programming, but art museums seriously their own tunes or like to perform music,


and learn best by singing and rhythmic indigenous music, commonly known as eth-
chanting, (ecr) nomusicology. (jbl)

musicology mutuality
The systemic study of music as a branch of Bi-directional gains made within a relation-
knowledge apart from those elements of mu-
ship. For instance, within group therapy,
sic related to composition or the actual phys-
members of the group benefit, in part,
ical/technical aspects of performance. The
field is often divided into two subgroups: through providing and receiving feedback.
primarily historical or theoretical studies of Both the giver and receiver of feedback may
Western classical and popular music, and make gains mutually through the experience,
comparative study of non-Western and/or (mjs)

NAAL (See National Assessment of dance, the "narrative" elements are those as-
Adult Literacy) pects of the work, play, or performance that
help tell the story. Narrative poetry and nar-
NACUBO (See National Association of rative art are distinguished by the ways in
College and University Business which they focus on the telling of stories
Officers) through the particular art form. School chil-
dren in the middle years (ages 8 to 12) fre-
NAEYC (See National Association for quently produce narrative art in drawings
the Education of Young Children) that tell stories or in comic book like depic-
tions of their daily lives and struggles. Some
NALD (See National Adult Literacy forms of educational and social science re-
Database) search, such as portraiture, use narrative as
an integral part of the presentation of the
NALS (See National Adult Literacy research, (em)
narrative research
naming A type of inquiry within qualitative research.
Names applied to ethnic and cultural groups A narrative is a story of an individual's first-
have a powerful impact, particularly based hand experience, often organized in a se-
on the source of the name. Names chosen by quence or chronology of events. Narrative
the group itself may empower while names research focuses on describing the personal
applied by the dominant group may demean experiences of one or more individuals re-
or belittle, even when the names are not lated to the phenomenon under investiga-
clearly offensive. When groups choose to tion. Narratives may be analyzed for content
rename themselves it offers the opportunity such as setting, characters, plot, problem,
to take control of how they are viewed in and resolution, or for function and purpose
the larger society and to demonstrate how such as moral tales, success stories, and story
they perceive themselves, (jqa, npo) as oral performance, (mas)

narrative narrative text

A story, the telling of a story, or the repre- Text that employs storytelling techniques
sentation of a story. In visual art, drama, or possibly including plot development, char-


acter development and literary style or tone. tested 26,091 adults (16 and older) and as-
Fictional texts are often referred to as nar- sessed literacy on three scales—prose, doc-
rative texts, as opposed to nonfictional texts ument, and quantitative—each of which had
such as news stories, critical essays and sci- scores of between 0 and 500. Based on these
ence reports, which might emphasize "facts" results, adults in the United States were as-
over literary style or tone, (za) signed to one of five NALS Levels. Level one
represents very limited literacy skills. Level
NASPE (See National Association for two represents limited literacy skills. Level
Sport and Physical Education) three represents sufficient literacy skills to
accomplish most literacy tasks that occur in
NASPE content standards in physical daily life and work. Level four represents
education strong literacy skills, and Level five repre-
Seven national content standards that help sents a high level of skills attained by only
define what a person should know and be about 5 percent of the U.S. population, (jpc)
able to do in terms of physical education, (rf)
national arts standards
NASULGC (See National Association of National standards for arts education were
State Universities and Land-Grant agreed upon and published in 1994, mark-
Colleges) ing the inclusion of the arts in the nine core
subjects officially recognized for a complete
Nation at Risk, A education for American children. Developed
Subtitled The Imperative for Educational by a consortium of national arts education
Reform. Report issued by the National associations, the standards outline what
Commission on Excellence in Education in every young American should know (both
1983. This report examined academic out- content and process based knowledge) in vi-
comes of U.S. education in comparison to sual arts, dance, theater, and music, organ-
that of other countries and concluded that ized on three levels (grades K-4, 5-8, and 9 -
American schools were contributing to a 12). The standards are voluntary and offer
"rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our frameworks—not curriculum content—for
very future as a nation and a people." The individual state design. The inclusion of
report's concerns and its recommendations standards for the arts as part of the core cur-
to improve academic standards in American riculum is considered by advocates a step in
public education significantly contributed to rewriting the wrong of the original Goals
the educational reform movement of the 2000: Educate America Act which omitted
1980s and 1990s. Recommendations from the arts in its Five New Basics, but finally
this report were eventually incorporated into included them in 1994. (jd)
the 1994 legislation, Goals 2000: Educate
America Act. (vmm)
National Assessment of Adult Literacy
National Adult Literacy Database
A 2002 assessment of the literacy skills of
the U.S. adult population that is modeled on
A Web site maintained by the Literacy Board
of Canada that provides access to informa- the National Adult Literacy Survey, (jpc)
tion, documents, curricula, and materials
useful to adult educators in Canada, (jpc) National Association for Sport and
Physical Education (NASPE)
National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) One of six associations within the American
A 1992 assessment of the literacy skills of Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
the United States adult population. NALS Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD). (rf)

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

National Association for the Education National Board Certification

of Young Children (NAEYC) A special certification given by the National
NAEYC is an advocacy organization pro- Board for Professional Teaching Standards
moting quality services for children through to experienced teachers who submit a port-
better training for professionals, improved folio which represents their actual classroom
public policies, and building a united net- practice and which passes the Board's rig-
work of stakeholders for voicing and dissem- orous standards, (peb)
inating information. Commensurate with its
advocacy goals, the organization publishes National Center for Education Statistics
position statements and sets guidelines for (NCES)
direct service and teacher preparation pro- Part of the U.S. Department of Education,
grams. NAEYC is perhaps best known for and the primary federal entity for collecting,
the establishment of standards for "devel- collating, analyzing, and reporting data that
opmentally appropriate practice" and "ac- are related to the condition of education in
the United States and other nations, (cf)
creditation," a voluntary system for the
evaluation of quality in early childcare set- National Center for Higher Education
tings, (jlj) Management Systems (NCHEMS)
The national center was originally founded
National Association of College and in 1969 to develop and disseminate infor-
University Business Officers (NACUBO) mation systems for use in reporting institu-
Founded in 1962, after evolving from a net- tions' data to federal and state governments.
work of regional associations started in Currently NCHEMS is a private nonprofit
1909, NACUBO is a national higher edu- organization whose mission is to assist col-
cation association, representing chief admin- leges and universities as they continue to
istrative and financial officers, formed to improve their management information ca-
pabilities, (cf)
promote sound management and financial
practices in colleges and universities, (cf) National Commission on Social Studies
A 33-member panel of teachers, scholars,
National Association of State and policy makers that met in 1989 and is-
Universities and Land-Grant Colleges sued a report, "Charting a Course: Social
(NASULGC) Studies for the 21st Century." The panel
Founded in 1887, NASULGC is the nation's called for reform of the social studies curric-
oldest higher education association. A vol- ulum and recommended that geography and
untary association of public universities, history be at the center of social studies
land-grant institutions, and public university instruction, but advised that concepts
systems, NASULGC campuses are located in from other social sciences should also be
all 50 states, the U.S. territories, and the integrated. The most unusual aspect of
District of Columbia. In October 2000 the the report was the recommendation that
U.S. history not be taught separately but
association's membership stood at 212 in-
integrated into a three-year world history
stitutions, including: 75 land-grant univer-
course, (cb)
sities (of which 17 are the historically black
public institutions created by the Second National Community Service Trust Act
Morrill Act of 1890) and 28 public higher (See AmeriCorps)
education systems. In 1994, tribal colleges
became land-grant institutions and are rep- National Council for Accreditation of
resented in NASULGC through the mem- Teacher Education (NCATE)
bership of the American Indian Higher The accreditation agency which has emerged
Education Consortium (AIHEC). (cf) as the primary accrediting agency for pro-

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)

fessional teacher education programs. ter the excellence, diversity, and vitality of
NCATE was established as an organization the visual, literary, and performing arts. The
following a 1951 Conference on Accrediting NEA augments access to and appreciation of
attended by representatives of the American the arts for all Americans and supports arts
Association of Colleges for Teacher Educa- activities of merit through grant making;
tion (AACTE), the National Association of leadership initiatives; partnerships with state
State Directors of Teacher Education and arts agencies, regional arts organizations,
Certification (NASDTEC), and the Council other federal agencies and the private sector;
of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). (ja) research; and public information. The NEA
seeks to increase nonfederal contributions to
National Council for the Social Studies the arts through both its funding and advo-
(NCSS) cacy. The agency serves as a catalyst and
Founded in 1921, NCSS is the largest organ- partner with those who support the arts and
ization in the United States devoted solely to does not direct the creative activities of art-
social studies education. NCSS supports and ists or arts organizations, (kf)
promotes the teaching and learning of social
studies through a variety of forums. Such
venues include the publication of several National Endowment for the Humanities
journals, particularly Social Education, the (NEH)
hosting of an annual conference, and NCSS' As part of the National Foundation on the
affiliation with state, local, and regional Arts and Humanities, a federal agency cre-
councils and associated groups, (cb) ated in 1965, NEH supports activities that
promote the humanities, making grants to
national curriculum institutions, groups, or individuals. The en-
Curriculum standards establishing what stu- dowments support both research and the de-
dents should know and be able to do that velopment of experimental projects to
are developed at the national level by a support and integrate the humanities in
board of political, business, and education many areas of American society, (cf)
leaders, (bba)
National Institute of Education (NIE)
National Education Association (NEA)
Established as part of the Education Amend-
Founded in 1857 in Philadelphia, the NEA
ments of 1972. Its purpose was to provide
is active on local, state, national, and inter-
federal support to basic and applied research
national levels. It is a volunteer organization
that assists with the betterment of education in education that would alleviate systemic
for students as well as teachers, faculty, ad- problems such as the lack of equality of ed-
ministrators, and others who are involved in ucational opportunity, as well as promote
the process. The association resides in Wash- new models of pedagogical practice. NIE
ington, DC, and is a large lobbying force for was established in the wake of earlier federal
public education. A political entity by de- efforts to support education research (e.g.,
sign, the NEA involves itself with many as- the Cooperative Research Act of 1954) and
pects of public education, including part- absorbed a number of programs formerly
nerships and campaigns to facilitate student administered by the U.S. Office of Education
safety and health, as well as education, (rih, Bureau of Research. NIE was absorbed into
tp) the U.S. Department of Education Office of
Educational Research and Improvement
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) (OERI) in 1985, and disbanded as part of
An independent agency of the federal gov- the Higher Education Amendments of 1986.
ernment created by Congress in 1965 to fos- (sw)

National Youth Administration (NYA)

National Literacy Act of 1991 National Student Federation of America

Federal legislation that amended the Adult (NSFA)
Education Act by shifting the focus of fed- A liberally oriented national organization of
eral funding to target the least educated stu- student governments in the United States
dents, rather than GED-level students, (las) which grew out of a concern for the League
of Nations, the World Court, and other
National Reporting System (NRS) questions of foreign policy in 1925. The or-
A system for states to report statistics about ganization survived until 1946 and served as
their adult basic education program funded the model for the National Student Associ-
under the Workforce Investment Act. The ation. The NSFA officially formed out of the
NRS requires states to report data on the union of two separate efforts, the Intercol-
number of adults served, average hours of legiate World Court Conference held at
instruction for each participant, learning Princeton in December 1925, and students
gains as measured by objective tests, and im- from seven Western universities who had
pact of participation on employment, (jpc) come together in January 1925 to form a
"National Student Federation of America."
Delegates from the two groups met in Ann
National Research Council (NRC) Arbor on December 2-4, 1926, to officially
The National Academy of Sciences founded form the National Student Federation of
NRC in 1916 as a means of fostering col- America (NSFA). The NSFA was not a mass-
laboration between academic and industrial membership organization, but rather a fed-
elites to enhance scientific military efforts eration of student governments. During the
and advise the federal government. During late 1920s and early 1930s, the NSFA was
World War I the NRC aided in the devel- considered by most university administrators
opment and production of optical glass, ni- and others as the legitimate voice of the
trates, poison gas, and other materials. American student community, (nt)
Today the NRC is the principal operating
agency of the National Academy of Sciences National Teacher Corps (See Teacher
and the National Academy of Engineering. Corps)
It provides services to the government, the
public, and the scientific and engineering National Youth Administration (NYA)
communities, (vmm)
A federal program established in 1935 de-
signed to provide funds for part-time em-
National Science Foundation Act, 1950 ployment of students between the ages of 16
Legislation signed into law by President and 24 and employment opportunities in
Harry S. Truman, that established the Na- community projects for other youth not en-
tional Science Foundation, an independent rolled in school. The program was estab-
federal agency responsible for the initiation lished by an executive order of President
and support of basic research in all scientific Franklin D. Roosevelt and was heavily influ-
disciplines in the United States. An impor- enced by the involvement of Eleanor Roo-
tant part of its charter was the promotion sevelt, Harry Hopkins, then head of the
and support of science education as a key Work Progress Administration (WPA), and
means of enhancing the research potential of Aubrey Willis Williams, Hopkins' deputy
the country as a vital national resource. This administrator and later head of the NYA.
was accomplished through the provision of Originally an agency within the WPA, it was
grants, loans, and other forms of assistance moved to fall under the Federal Security
for, among other things, graduate fellow- Agency (FSA) during a major governmental
ships, teacher training institutes, and course reorganization in 1939. Mary McLeod Be-
content improvement projects, (jlr) thune, director of NYA's Division of Negro


Affairs, was responsible for developing spe- natural numbers (See integer)
cial programs for African-American youth
and for enlarging the numbers of African naturalism
Americans in master's and doctoral pro- A philosophical doctrine centered upon two
grams. By 1940 the NYA had provided part- ideas: the metaphysical idea that only the
time work for more than 2 million students things studied by the natural sciences exist;
and employment for an additional 2.6 mil- and the epistemological idea that the meth-
lion nonstudent youths. NYA was termi- odology used in the "natural" sciences must
nated by Congress in 1943 during wartime be used to examine all objects. While some
budget restrictions and a shrinking unem- philosophers believe that the metaphysical
ployment problem; however, it served as a idea is primary and the epistemological idea
forerunner for similar federal programs such is a consequence of it, others claim that the
as the National Youth Corps and the college converse is the case. Naturalism can be seen
Work-Study Program, (nt) as setting the boundaries of education by
limiting the types of things that exist and re-
stricting the things that can be known, (rk)
nationalism/patriotism See also empiricism; foundationalism; ide-
Devoted and faithful love, support, and de- alism; positivism; realism.
fense of one's nation, country, or political
entity, (cb)
The intention in literature and visual art to
Native American Studies (See American represent things in their natural state, as
Indian Studies) things realistically exist in nature. Artists
who create in a naturalistic style seek to rep-
resent their subject as closely to its actual
native language literacy
existence as possible as it has been observed
Literacy instruction in which learners de-
in a natural setting. Naturalistic landscape
velop literacy in their first language prior to
paintings, for example, are often depictions
learning to read in a second language. The
of a scene at a particular time of day so that
approach is based on the assumption that
the light, shade, plants, clouds, and colors
literacy acquisition proceeds more smoothly
appear similar to the way they appear in na-
in a first language and that skills from the
ture, (ap)
native language literacy can be transferred to
literacy acquisition in the second language,
naturalistic inquiry
A holistic approach to the study of social
behavior in the settings in which the behav-
Native Schools ior naturally occurs. Naturalistic inquiry
A set of common schools established chiefly holds that social behavior is time and con-
in the Reconstruction period following the text bound and therefore is best studied in
Civil War, although many schools were es- natural rather than contrived settings. Nat-
tablished earlier in the 1800s. The schools uralistic inquiry is distinguished from natu-
were funded, constructed, staffed, and main- ralism that posits that the social sciences can
tained solely by African Americans in order be studied in the same manner as the natural
to increase numeracy and literacy among the sciences, (rws)
formerly enslaved Africans. As they were
supported entirely by African Americans, naturalistic intelligence
they are distinct from government supported According to Howard Gardner (in Checkly,
Freedmen's Bureau schools of that era which 1997), a sensitivity to the patterns in the nat-
served similar communities in the South, ural world. Naturalists are quick to identify
(hfs) and discriminate (e.g., classify) among living

Nelson Amendment (1907)

things. Children with naturalistic intelligence negative space

learn by working directly with living things The space not occupied by (surrounding) the
and by making connections between the subject of a composition. Negative space is
world of nature and the world of artifice. defined by both the positive space (the sub-
Expert naturalists include botanists, taxon- ject) and the frame (the outside border) of a
omists, and veterinarians, (ecr) composition. In art education, negative
space, and the shapes created in its relation
NCA (See North Central Association) to the positive space, are generally taught as
simultaneously defining and defined by the
NCATE (See National Council for positive space of a piece. For example, a
Accreditation of Teacher Education) composition may be created by drawing the
negative space only, thereby defining the
NCES (See National Center for positive. In teaching writing, notions of neg-
Education Statistics) ative and positive space may inform the
importance of backdrop or context as a pos-
itive force on what is featured, (km)
NCHEMS (See National Center for
Higher Education Management
Systems) neglect
Generally, this terms means to under serve,
NCSS (See National Council for the give insufficient attention to, or leave unat-
Social Studies) tended a person who has a legitimate claim
or right to such attention. In professional or
NEA (See National Education educational contexts, this refers to providing
Association) inadequate attention or service to a client or
student. Such inattention may imply a lack
NEA (See National Endowment for the of respect, (dd)
neglected majority
needs assessment A term coined by Dale Parnell, past presi-
Any process through which the learning dent of the American Association of Com-
needs of a group are analyzed. This infor- munity Colleges, to describe secondary
mation is generally ascertained through students in the two middle quartiles on ac-
observation, interviews, surveys, and/or doc- ademic ability whom are often overlooked
umentation reviews. Conducted prior to the by educational reforms focused on the
development of an instructional program, a highest- or lowest-performing students, (db)
needs assessment allows the program to be
designed based on identified needs, (mkr, ch)
NEH (See National Endowment for the
negative freedom (See freedom) Humanities)

negative peace Nelson Amendment (1907)

A concept which emphasizes the elimination This amendment to the Morrill Act of 1862
or absence of overt violence, (hfs) increased the federal appropriations for each
land-grant school. The amendment also stip-
negative recognition ulated that a portion of the increased appro-
Rejection of anyone based on appearance, priations be used to offer teacher education
including dress, physical characteristics, lan- courses in agriculture and the mechanical
guage, and socioeconomic status, (jqa, npo) arts/engineering, (klj)


neuroleptic jor new social studies curriculum projects

A category of psychotropic medication. were developed. Despite these efforts the leg-
From the Greek "stopping of the neurons," acy of the new social studies is that the
this term is synonymous with antipsychotic scope, sequence, and content of the social
drugs. Neuroleptics are prescribed with the studies curricula across the United States did
intent of ameliorating cognitive and behav- not change substantially, (cb)
ioral symptoms of psychoses, such as con-
fusion, psychomotor agitation, delusions, NFE (See nonformal education)
and hallucinations, (cap)
NGO (See nongovernmental
New England Primer organization)
Second only to the Bible in colonial New
England, the Primer was the most prevalent NIE (See National Institute of
textbook in America during the seventeenth Education)
and eighteenth centuries. The small textbook
(usually 3.5 by 4.5 inches) blended reading nihilism
instruction with religion, and two to three The belief that there is no meaning in or pur-
million copies of its more than 360 editions pose to life. With the success of modern as-
were sold while it was in print (1685/90- tronomy, physics, and Darwinian biology,
1886). Perhaps most famous for its verse "In purpose (teleology) was slowly read out of
Adam's Fall/We Sinned All," the Primer typ- nature. Nihilism is simply the name for the
ically included an illustrated alphabet, spell- constellation of views that take Nietzsche's
ing and syllable lessons, moral stories, and claim that any meaning we find for our lives
prayers, verses, and portions of the Bible to in the universe is merely the projection of
be learned by heart. The Westminster or our own wishes, fantasies, and self-images
John Cotton Catechisms were generally re- onto the objective world, (an)
printed as part of the Primer, (jlw)
NLD (See nonverbal learning disorder)
New Math Movement
Also known as modern math, this method nominal group process
of teaching mathematics in the 1960s and A process designed to help a group establish
1970s dealt with a greater emphasis on mas- priorities. This technique is often used in
tering mathematical concepts, such as set adult education whereby individuals are
theory, number bases, and laws of arith- asked to respond to a question in writing.
metic, such as the distributive law, associa- Responses are then read and discussed by
tive law, and the commutative law, and less the group. A facilitator helps to classify, or-
emphasis on practicing computation skills, der, and synthesize the final conclusions of
(kgh) the group. Also called nominal group tech-
nique, (chb, las)
new social studies
The Cold War era and the launching of nominal numbers
Sputnik in 1957 ushered in a wave of reform Numbers used to name objects as in house
in the American educational system. The numbers or postal codes, (amr)
federal government sponsored much of the
reform and by the mid-1960s an unprece- noncredit course
dented period of curriculum innovation A course offered by an academic institution
developed. Curriculum projects, which in- for which that institution does not offer ac-
cluded the "new social studies," focused on ademic credit. Noncredit courses are typi-
inquiry methods and the structure of the dis- cally offered by continuing education or
ciplines. During this time period, 50 ma- extension units in colleges and universities;

nonroutine problems

these courses are often job or career-related, nonlinear equation

or are focused on recreational rather than Any equation in which the terms contain
academic learning, (chb) more than one variable or the variables have
a power other than one; any equation whose
graph is not a line; any equation that is not
non-Euclidean space
linear, (rdk)
N-dimensional spaces exhibiting constant
nonzero curvature. Non-Euclidean spaces
are analogous to Euclidean space except for nonlocomotor skills
the existence of parallel lines; the fifth axiom Movements that are performed in one space
(the parallel postulate) is negated by two that don't require a change in the base of
cases. Elliptical (spherical) space contains no support or traveling (e.g., bending, stretch-
parallel lines, has constant positive curva- ing, twisting, pushing, pulling), (rf)
ture, and can be modeled in three dimen-
sions by a globe. Hyperbolic space contains
multiple parallel lines, has constant negative
Person who is unable to read at all or who
curvature, and is used as the basis for cur- has a reading level corresponding to first or
rent theories of the universe, (ey) second grade, (las)

nonfarm residents nonrepresentational

Nonfarm rural residents make up an increas- A work of art is nonrepresentational if it has
ing proportion of the rural population. no identifiable references to an object, per-
The growth of this group is a product of sev- son, or place in the natural world. Nonrep-
eral forces, including increased industrial re- resentational art may more fully represent
location, the emergence of the kind of feelings and concepts in lieu of recognizable
home-based employment made possible by objects of representation. Much of contem-
technology, the availability of cheaper hous- porary art is nonrepresentational including
ing, and the flight from urban crime, pollu- the work of Mark Rothko and Jackson
tion, and deteriorating schools, (lr) Pollock. Educational researchers question
whether the nonrepresentational drawing of
nonformal education (NFE) young children results from a different aes-
A term used to describe educational pro- thetic or understanding of the functions of
grams in the Third World that are organized graphic symbolization or merely a lack of
educational activities that happen outside representational skills, (ap)
the formal education system, (jpc)
nonroutine problems
nongovernmental organization (NGO) Mathematical tasks that do not simply in-
An organization that is not entirely funded volve a student mechanically repeating a
by the federal government of a country and known procedure or method. A nonroutine
the mission of which usually involves a so- problem may involve students finding the
cial or community-oriented task, (las) height of a person given a footprint or fig-
uring out the number of buses needed for a
field trip for their class. If methods and pro-
nongraded instruction cedures for a task are specifically prescribed
An instructional approach in which students and students simply mimic these, then a non-
proceed through a sequence of content and routine task may become a routine problem
skills in a subject area at their own pace or exercise. Nonroutine problem solving
rather than moving through traditional provides opportunities for students to un-
grade levels at an established pace, (bba) derstand and learn mathematics, (sdt)

nonsexist education

nonsexist education time sequence of daytime courses. With the

Instruction that incorporates recognition of increasing numbers of adult students on U.S.
the achievements of women and men alike is campuses and an increasing variety of de-
considered nonsexist. In addition, such in- livery formats for learners of all ages, the
struction addresses the needs of female and distinction between traditional and nontrad-
male students, avoids use of sexist language itional education began to blur by the 1990s,
and pronouns in educational materials, en- (chb)
courages equal aspirations in both sexes, and
promotes equality of educational experi- nontraditional students
ences, (jqa, npo) Individuals who enter or return to university
or college beyond the typical age (mid-
nonstandard English twenties). The term also applies to ethnic mi-
If it is assumed that there is a single standard norities, women with dependent children,
dialect of English, then all the other speech underprepared students, and other groups
varieties of English are labeled as nonstan- less commonly represented in postsecondary
dard. Modern linguistics takes special care educational institutions, (las, ch)
in describing these variations as equal in
status to the standard dialect. Most com- nonverbal communication
monly, speech varieties of English are cate- Refers to a form of communication that is
gorized based on the region in which the expressed through behaviors and actions
speakers live, namely regional dialects (e.g., rather than through words. It is considered
Southern American dialect, Philadelphian di- by many to be an important, clinically mean-
alect, Boston dialect, etc.) or on the social ingful form of communication. Parsons
status of the speakers, namely sociolects (1975) referred to it as "leakage," and be-
(e.g., jargon, slang) which are usually deter- lieves that it provides insight into how a cli-
mined by the speakers' socioeconomic ent is really feeling. Because clients are
status, gender, ethnicity, age, occupation, frequently more aware/cognizant of their
etc. (smt) words than they are of their behaviors and
actions, nonverbal communications may be
nonstandard/standard measure useful for assessing congruence between ver-
Standard measure is a type of measurement bal and nonverbal communications (e.g., cli-
established by authority, custom, or general ent says he or she is happy, however, he or
consent as a model or example. Examples she is sitting slumped over, is noticeably
are rulers, scales, thermometers. Nonstan- tearful, and is staring blankly at the floor).
dard measure is nonconforming to what is (ksp)
commonly used to measure a specific math-
ematical situation, (jdk) nonverbal learning disorder (NLD)
A learning disability affecting approximately
nontraditional 6 percent of American children, character-
In career education, a reference to an indi- ized by poor numerical, spatial, and concep-
vidual pursuing occupations not customary tual performance, poor social perception,
for members of their gender, race, or other and the inability to adapt appropriately to
category. Also used to refer to older students novel situations and information. In contrast
enrolled in programs, (jb) to their mathematical difficulties, these chil-
dren read and spell accurately, due to their
nontraditional education excellent rote verbal memory skills and ad-
Any education designed to be delivered to vanced phonemic awareness. However,
learners other than "traditional" postsecon- while their decoding skills are proficient,
dary learners (18 to 23 years old), especially NLD children have trouble with reading
in formats other than the traditional full- comprehension. NLD is associated with in-

North Central Association (NCA)

creased risk of clinical depression. These leges or universities and the term has fallen
children are socially and physically clumsy into general disuse, (sn)
and have difficulty modulating their voices
as well as interpreting facial expressions,
negative social feedback, and linguistic tone,
A process of integrating individuals with
developmental disabilities into the general
community, (sr)
A term used to describe practical arts activ-
ities valued for their contribution to general normation
education rather than designed to train per- Normation is the process by which social
sons for wage-earning occupations, (jm) norms become standards in judging one's
own performance as well as the performance
norm of others. It differs from what is often called
As a scientific concept, norm is the concep- "socialization," because it affords a contrast
tual equivalent of average and represents between the existing social community and
statistical frequency. As a philosophical the community as it would be if it were all
concept, norm is defined as a standard, or that its members think it ought to be. Hence,
rule, used for judging and guiding conduct. normation includes the acquisition of ideals
As a philosophical concept, norm is irreduc- and thus provides room for the social criti-
ible to objective measurements obtained cism of social norms. Normation is the cen-
through scientific methods. However, a tral educational concept in Green's Voices:
norm identified through statistical methods The Educational Formation of Conscience.
can become a norm for judging and guiding (tfg)
conduct when it is accepted as a norm for See also norm.
social practice, (lkk)
See also normation.
Acceptable behavior, beliefs, and values by
norm referencing most of the members of the society. A cul-
This is both a form of test development tural unwritten rule with social conse-
and of score usage. Results from norm- quences, but not a law. Many members of
referenced tests are interpreted as the test society conform and follow the accepted be-
taker's rank among peers. The group on haviors in hopes of fitting into society. They
whom the test is developed is often called the assist in defining and maintaining the para-
"norm group," and the published rankings, meters of being an insider, compared to an
by which the score is interpreted, are often outsider. These behaviors vary from culture
called the "norms." (fd)
to culture but they are not fixed; they change
See also criterion referencing.
and adapt according to fluctuations in soci-
ety, (kfl)
normal school
Refers to institutions dating back to 1838 in
the United States that were established to North Central Association (NCA)
prepare teachers for the nation's common Founded in 1895 as a membership organi-
schools. The generally accepted explanation zation of educators for the accreditation of
for the origin of the term "normal" is that schools and colleges in 19 states. In Novem-
it comes from France where ecole normale ber 2000 accreditation of higher education
was the name given to schools that were cre- institutions was moved to the Higher Learn-
ated to train teachers for the Republic. After ing Commission, a newly incorporated or-
1900, most normal schools evolved into col- ganization, (cf)

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (skill), or the absence of presenting contro-

The principle concern of the Ordinance of versies in science (disposition), (db-j)
1787 was the establishment of a process for See also explicit curriculum; hidden
carving new states out of the Northwest Ter- curriculum; operationalized curriculum.
ritory. For the first time, Congress stated
that education was foundational to the gov- number concepts
ernment of the new states. "Religion, mo- The realization and cognitive understanding
rality, and knowledge being necessary to of what numbers mean. It involves the de-
good government and the happiness of man- velopment of number relationships, namely
kind, schools and the means of education one-to-one correspondence, more, less, and
shall be forever encouraged." Building on same, (vdf)
the Ordinance of 1785, which required that
the sixteenth lot of every township be set
number decomposition/recomposition
aside to support public schools, the Ordi-
Decomposition refers to the ability to sepa-
nance of 1787 was an important first step
rate numbers into component parts in order
toward federal support for education, (lg)
to perform some operation on those num-
bers. For example, a person might think of
notation 27 + 35 as (20 + 7) + (30 + 5). These parts
The system of symbols used to represent are then recombined as (20 + 30) + (7 +
numbers, objects, and operations, (rdk) 5) which in turn is recombined as 50 + 12
or 62. Research has highlighted the impor-
novice teacher tance of these abilities for fluency in esti-
An untenured teacher who is just beginning mation and mental arithmetic, (cmdv)
to work in a classroom, often having just
completed a teacher preparation program. number learning
(rtc) Number learning is the act or experience of
one who is attaining knowledge of numbers,
NRC (See National Research Council) or learning a skill related to numbers. Num-
ber learning is knowing what numbers are
NRS (See National Reporting System) and how they relate to one another in a
mathematical sense, (jdk)
A voiced element (usually a vowel) that number line
forms the core of a syllable (e.g., the vowel A line of infinite extent whose points corre-
"a" is the nucleus in the first syllable of nap- spond to the real numbers according to their
kin), (smt) distance in a positive or negative direction
from a point (usually zero). Number lines
null curriculum are used primarily for addition and subtrac-
Content, skills, and/or dispositions entirely tion of positive and negative numbers. They
absent from the explicit curriculum, opera- can determine distance, continuum, and rel-
tionalized curriculum, and the hidden curric- ative position, (jdk)
ulum. Examples include the absence of
women composers in a music program (con- number sense
tent), the absence of mentioning Jews in the An intuitive feeling for numbers and their
U.S. Revolutionary War (content), the ab- various uses and interpretations; an appre-
sence of discussing Arabic contributions to ciation for various levels of accuracy when
mathematics (content), the lack of opportu- figuring; an ability to detect arithmetical
nities to create rap music or hip-hop music errors; a commonsense approach to using

numerical data

numbers; having an awareness of multiple numerate

relationships among numbers, (dc) Term to describe someone who can use
numbers and apply math processes to solve
work and daily life problems, (jpc)
number systems
Our base 10 number system is built on place numeration
values of increasing powers of 10. Other The symbol systems and rules used for re-
number systems exist based on increasing cording numbers in a particular number sys-
powers of 2 (computer binary) or 12 (clock) tem, (dc)
or 20 (Mayan), (ey)
numerical composite
Used in explaining the child's construction
numeracy of 10 as a unit. At this level the meaning
The ability to use numbers and apply math given to the set of 10 is as 10 ones or a single
processes to solve work and daily life prob- entity but it is not both simultaneously.
lems. Numeracy is marked by the ability to (amr)
think and express one's own thoughts quan-
titatively. Skills a child uses in counting, numerical data
performing number operations, comparing Information in the form of real numbers or
numbers, and sensing the size of numbers. constants, such as 2 or IT, that are used as a
Numeracy skills developing in the preschool basis to interpret, calculate, discuss, or rea-
period include counting, cardinality, and son about the event from which the data
conservation of number, (wja, jpc, vm) were drawn, (gtm)


obedience drives. Rather, the focus is on interpersonal

Compliance with the expressed wishes or or- relatedness, as reflected in one's mental rep-
ders of those in authority regardless of one's resentations of the self and other. The object
own judgment or wishes; a virtue in insti- through which gratification is sought is usu-
tutions that are unabashedly hierarchical, ally a person, some aspect of a person, or a
but of questionable value in democratic in- symbolic representation of a person. It is to-
stitutions committed to the principles of ward these "objects" that an individual di-
individual autonomy, social and political rects her or his desires or behavior, (rnp)
equality, and shared responsibility. The cen-
tral educational problem in a democracy is object teaching
how to make the transition from being ruled An approach to educating children popular
by others to ruling over oneself while re- in the mid-nineteenth century rooted in the
maining within the expectations and need of theories of Johann Pestalozzi and popular-
a social order, (nl) ized in the United States through the teacher
education provided in normal schools, es-
object method (See Oswego Movement) pecially the Oswego (NY) State Normal and
Training School. Object teaching focused on
object permanence building lessons around objects familiar to
The concept that an object is in existence the child (e.g., plants, animals) as a means
even when it cannot be perceived through of stimulating his or her interest in learning.
use of the senses. For example, children who Object teaching represented an early effort
continue to search for the object after it is to define a systematic approach to pedagogy
hidden are thought to possess object per- and represented a move away from complete
manence. This is a component of Jean Pia- reliance on textbooks for classroom content
get's developmental theory and is thought to and conduct and toward an appreciation for
be mastered during the sensory-motor stage the child as an active participant in the ed-
of cognitive development, (mf) ucational process, (sw)

object relations theory objective

A contemporary variant of psychoanalysis A clear statement of what students are sup-
that minimizes the focus on the individual as posed to know or be able to do as a conse-
isolated and at the mercy of instinctual quence of instruction (usually a lesson or a

occupational literacy

series of related lessons). The objective may dreams, memories, and aesthetic properties,
be a specified cognitive, affective, behav- which are associated with subjectivity, (lkk)
ioral, or expressive outcome, (bba, ja)
objective test A social science methodology for gathering
Objective refers to any scoring procedure in information about a subject by watching,
which the scorer does not need to use any noting, and describing the interaction of an
personal judgment about the quality of the individual or group within a given social
response. For example, multiple-choice and context, (jjc)
true-false items are scored objectively (i.e.,
correct/incorrect rather than on a graded
occupational adjustment (See
scale of quality). The purpose of objective
adjustment, occupational)
tests is to eliminate potential examiner or
scorer biases, as well as any subjective vari-
ables that may affect the results. This type occupational analysis
of test allows norms to be established; indi- Process by which the task requirements of an
vidual results may then be compared with occupation are analyzed and outlined in
these norms. It should be noted that the order to identify the skills and knowledge
objective-subjective distinction is a contin- necessary to perform effectively in that
uum rather than a dichotomy, as grading occupation. This information can then be
certain item types (e.g., short answer ques- used to guide training and education activi-
tions) may involve a certain amount of judg- ties, (las)
ment on the part of the scorer even with a
well-articulated answer key. It is also impor- occupational growth
tant to note that objectivity is a property of Growth of learners in maturity of vocational
the scoring procedure, not of the test itself, understanding and in development of atti-
and that a so-called "objective" test is not tudes in harmony with the changing de-
necessarily a more accurate measurement of mands of modern social and economic life,
the ability or interest than a so-called "sub- (jm)
jective" test, (sew, lbl, tvh)
See also subjective test. occupational guidance
A function of a vocational or career guid-
objectivity ance program which supplies individuals
Stresses impartial judgment and the exis- with an inventory of their abilities, apti-
tence of a world independent of conscious- tudes, and interests as they relate to occu-
ness. It assumes a distinction between ap- pations of interest to them. Presents facts
pearance and reality can be made, which is about jobs and occupational fields, require-
fundamental to its opposition to subjectivity ments of various occupations, and employ-
and mind-dependent judgment. Objectivity ment possibilities. This activity may include
is defined both epistemologically and onto- arranged experiences in order to help stu-
logically. Epistemologically, objectivity oc- dents select a vocation more intelligently.
curs with interpersonal, impartial judgment, (jm)
in contrast to the intrapersonal, biased judg-
ment of subjectivity. Ontologically, objective occupational literacy
entities are the propositional truths and em- Ability to read materials required in the
pirical facts identified as existing indepen- workplace. Recently, the term has been ex-
dently of consciousness. Objective entities panded to comprise the capacity to listen,
are distinguished from consciousness- speak, and write as necessary in a workplace
dependent phenomena such as sensations, context, (las)

occupational mobility

occupational mobility his "child's garden" included, among others,

The pattern of changes in occupation taking sewing boards, clay work, bead stringing,
place in society. These include changes be- and working with paper, (ecr)
tween the occupation of parent and child,
movement in and out of an occupational po- off-campus programs
sition, changes from one job to another Educational programs affiliated with a par-
within a community, from one job to an- ticular college or university, but held in a lo-
other between communities, and from one cation remote from the main campus. Often
type of job to another within or between these programs are part of an institution's
communities, (jm) goal to attract new students or to meet com-
munity needs. Off-campus programs can of-
occupational skill standards fer full degrees or can offer specific courses
Performance-based statements that specify to fulfill the education requirements of the
the knowledge, skills, and abilities a worker community in which they are located. For
must possess to be competent and successful accreditation purposes, an institution must
in an occupation, (jb) demonstrate that they have sufficient re-
sources to adequately maintain the program.
occupational standard (cf)
An established measure for judging the qual-
ity of work performed in a trade or occu- Office of Educational Research and
pation, (jb) Improvement (OERI)
An agency of the U.S. Department of Edu-
occupational study cation that provides national leadership for
A term applied to study by students of an educational research and statistics. In its
occupation or occupations in connection stated mission to promote excellence and eq-
with a program of vocational guidance or in uity in American education, the agency
a regular class, (jb) funds grants to help improve education, col-
lects statistics on the status and progress of
occupational survey schools, and provides technical assistance to
An investigation and evaluation to gather those working to improve education. With
pertinent information about industries or oc- the signing of the Education Sciences Reform
cupations in an area, to determine the need Act of 2002, OERI ceased to exist and was
for training, etc., for the purpose of improv- replaced by the Institute of Education Sci-
ing or developing a vocational program, (db) ences, (cf)
See also employment survey; vocational
education survey. Official English
A movement to make English the official
occupational therapy language of the United States. Two key
A therapy or treatment provided by an oc- groups promoting this movement are U.S.
cupational therapist focused on sensory in- English, and English First. These groups
tegration, coordination, and fine motor claim that the English language is being lost
skills, (sr) due to bilingual education programs and in-
creased immigration. Another group, Eng-
occupations lish Plus, believes that the United States will
In the context of early childhood education, be better served if individuals are not only
occupations are materials designed by the proficient in English but have skills in other
"Father of Kindergarten," Frederich Froebel, languages. This opposing point of view re-
to develop children's psychomotor skills and flects the increasing globalization of society
to be intrinsically appealing and therefore and the skills needed to flourish in a multi-
engaging to the children. The occupations in cultural world community, (jqa, npo)


oil painting one-room schools

The product or process of using an oil-based Once the norm throughout the United
medium—a paint created from ground pig- States, these small, one-teacher schools were
ments are suspended in oil and then applied found primarily in the rural areas until the
to a prepared surface. The use of oil paint mid-twentieth century. Rural school consol-
became widespread in the Italian Renais- idation, centralized state control, and the
sance and remains the preferred type of decrease in rural populations caused the
paint for many contemporary artists. Oil number of one-room schools to decrease
paintings are durable and lend themselves to through the late nineteenth and twentieth
the creation of a range of interesting surface centuries. Peer tutoring, small class size, lo-
texture. The process takes a long time to dry, cal control and ownership are positive
requires technique to master, and involves attributes of one-room schooling, while iso-
messy substances for brush cleaning and lation, poorly trained teachers, and widely
mixing; as a result, oil painting is almost disparate funding and quality were reasons
never introduced in art programs for very cited for its demise. In 1997, there were
young children, (ap) fewer than 500 one-teacher schools in the
United States, down from a peak of 119,001
in 1937. (jv)
OJT (See on-the-job training)

one-stop career centers

Old Deluder Law Centers funded through the U.S. Department
A law enacted by the Massachusetts General of Labor aimed at consolidating programs,
Court in 1647 which required towns with 50 resources, and services that link employers
households or more to appoint a person to with job seekers. Services available at the
teach reading and writing. All towns with centers include Internet access and work-
100 households or more were required to set shops related to the job search process, a va-
up a grammar school to prepare students for riety of job-related training, and referral to
university. The law levied a fine on towns adult basic skills programs. Although they
who failed to meet these requirements, the were initially implemented earlier, these cen-
first law of its kind. The name comes from ters are part of a one-stop system mandated
the preamble, which states "it being one by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to (las)
keep men from the knowledge of the Scrip-
tures." (clp)
one-to-one correspondence
A pairing of the elements in a set A with the
old field school elements in a set B such that every element
A type of school typically found in the in set A is paired with exactly one element
American South in the antebellum period. in set B, every element in set B is included in
Old field schools were built by neighboring a pair, and no two elements from set B are
farmers on land (old or fallow fields) do- paired to the same element in set A. (cmdv)
nated by the landowner, for the purpose of See also isomorphism.
providing schooling to the neighborhood
children. Teachers were hired by the parents onset
on a per term contract basis and parents Within a syllable, the longest sequence of
paid a subscription to send their children. consonants to the left of each nucleus that
Parents provided additional support to the does not violate the pronunciation con-
school by often building the schoolhouse straints of the language in question (e.g., [st]
and providing firewood. Textbooks were of- forms the onset of the second syllable in lob-
ten whatever the pupils had at home, (jg) ster), (smt)

on-the-job training (OJT)

on-the-job training (OJT) vor policy reforms and increased support for
A form of workplace training designed to al- public schools to improve student prepara-
low the individual to receive training, ac- tion, (nc)
quire knowledge, and/or develop required
skills while doing his/her work. Such train- open campus
ing usually involves acquisition of skills and A school policy that allows students to leave
knowledge about a task, opportunities to school grounds when not engaged in a struc-
practice applying those skills and knowledge tured school activity. Policies differ from
until a standard is met, and recognition of school to school. In some, students are al-
achievement of each standard, (jsj, las) lowed to leave school property whenever not
assigned to a class; others permit leaving the
ontology school site only during lunch, (jw)
In metaphysics, the study of being and ex-
istence, an attempt to accurately and syste- open classroom
matically explain what there is and what An instructional approach that emphasizes
there is not. The term "ontology" is some- more student choice, individual and small-
times used to refer to the range of entities group work, curriculum integration, and
whose existence is acknowledged by a phi- flexible use of space, (bba)
losopher or presupposed by a theory. Thus
one speaks of the ontology of a theory, and
open enrollment plan
a philosopher is sometimes said to be com-
A system for enrolling students in schools
mitted to such-and-such an ontology; for ex-
based on the choice of parents or guardians.
ample, an ontology of material objects and
Most open enrollment plans allow students
sets, (gu)
to enroll at any schools within a district, al-
though some plans allow students to attend
schools in another district, (bba)
From the Latin opacus, meaning shaded or
dark. The quality or state of being impervi-
ous to rays of light. One cannot see through open entry-open exit
something that is opaque, as there is no light Policy often applied in adult education pro-
to see through to the other side. In painting, grams whereby learners may enter or stop
opacity refers to the power of a pigment to attending a class at any time, (las)
cover or obscure the surface to which it is
applied. Opaque is the opposite of transpar- open house
ent. The term is sometimes used across do- An opportunity, usually in the early fall, for
mains. For example, one might say, "That parents to visit their children's classrooms
poem is opaque," and mean it was impos- and meet the teachers. Typically, teachers
sible to "see through," or literally, to under- describe their goals and plans for the year
stand, (kf) and give an overall picture of the curriculum
they will follow, (bba)
open admissions
College or university policy that admits all open number sentence
students on a first come, first served basis An equation where one number is not pro-
with minimal or no entry requirements. Crit- vided and is usually replaced by " ," e.g.,
ics argue that the original goal of providing 3 + — 1. Usually used with students in
postsecondary education to the talented dis- the early years before the use of standard al-
advantaged has been subverted and the pol- gebraic symbolism. This permits students to
icy is now abused by many students and has use the numbers that they comprehend the
resulted in lowered academic standards. Pro- meaning of while they are engaged in a par-
ponents cite success rate of graduates and fa- ticular mathematical operation, (vdf)

operationalized curriculum

Open School Movement answer/response the teacher wants. An

Refers to a period of elementary education open-ended approach to instructional prac-
reform that flourished in the 1960s and tice and instruction encourages learners to
1970s. Inspired by practices in England and consider multiple possibilities, (jls)
Great Britain, the movement championed a
system of education that responded to stu- open-ended materials
dents' individual achievement levels, char- Teaching resources that allow for multiple
acteristics, and behaviors. In the United uses and/or individual interpretations, en-
States, Charles E. Silberman was a leader couraging creative exploration and divergent
through his 1970 classic Crisis in the Class- experiences and expression, (dbl)
room. While proponents adhered to no
standard curriculum, common practices fol- open-ended question
lowed the principles of open education, in Questions for which there are many correct
which students select activities and learn at or acceptable responses. In counseling, this
their own initiative. Teachers employed in- is a specific type of question that allows a
formal styles of instruction, moving freely counselor, or therapist, to influence the
about the classroom, guiding student work quantity and quality of a client's response.
and recording progress, (ljl) Typically requires/encourages a longer, more
detailed answer. "In what way was that
open skill hurtful?" is an example of an open-ended
A motor skill that is performed in an envi- question. If used appropriately, these types
of questions can help a counselor focus a
ronment that changes, (rf)
conversation, explore a client's thoughts and
feelings in-depth, and clarify any misunder-
Open University
standings. They can be particularly helpful
A distance education institution in the
with clients who are reluctant to disclose
United Kingdom providing university and
personal information, (ksp, bba)
professional education to adult students in
the United Kingdom and throughout the
world since 1969. Curriculum is delivered
A mathematical action on one or more mem-
through radio and television broadcasts, au-
bers of a given collection that results in a
dio and videotapes, and computer software,
member of the given collection. Operations
supported by personal contact with locally
can be performed on real numbers, imagi-
based tutors and a network of regional study
nary numbers, sets, vectors, polynomials,
centers. Originally conceived to democratize and functions. Operations can be designated
higher education, the program features an by written notation. Examples: absolute
open admissions policy, (dmv) value and square root are operations that
can be performed on real numbers. Binary
open-ended operations such as addition and multiplica-
Not closed to possibility, free from restric- tion combine two real numbers to yield a
tions; free to argument, not settled; open to single real number, (ey)
new ideas. In education, a type of question-
ing to encourage divergent thinking. When a operationalized curriculum
teacher asks a question, is there only one The explicit curriculum as presented, with
right answer or more than one? A teacher changes made consciously and uncon-
supports his or her students' cognitive de- sciously. These may include (but are not
velopment/problem solving by considering a restricted to) leaving out portions of, rear-
range of possible answers/responses. Chil- ranging content sequences in, utilizing ma-
dren in a learning setting where there is usu- terials other than those stipulated in the
ally only one answer tend to guess what explicit curriculum, and/or communicating

oppositional ethnic behavior

attitudes about the explicit curriculum. optics

These alterations are made based upon, The branch of physics that studies the phys-
among other things, personal dispositions ical properties of light, its behavior, propa-
toward the curriculum and/or subject area, gation, and interactions with matter. Optics
notions of teaching and/or knowledge which can be considered as a subdivision of elec-
differ from those instantiated in the explicit tromagnetism as light is a form of electro-
curriculum, or selecting ways of teaching magnetic radiation. The quantum nature of
and knowledge which become available in light also makes it part of the study of quan-
the teaching setting but are not accounted tum mechanics or modern physics, (tw)
for in the explicit curriculum. Also known
as taught curriculum, (db-j) optimal period (See critical period)
See also explicit curriculum; hidden cur-
riculum; null curriculum. oral examinations
A general term for the efforts of universities
oppositional ethnic behavior to review or appraise student achievement
A set of demeanors and attitudes which rep- prior to certification or graduation; at the
resent attempts from subdominant ethnic doctoral level, a typical "orals" would be a
minority groups to distinguish themselves two- or three-hour session in which students
from the controlling majority mainstream are questioned by senior faculty who repre-
culture, and in doing so, to resist the domi- sent their various disciplines, (cf)
nance of that culture. These differences can
be constituted in language, dress, comport- oral history
ment, walk, and carriage, among other A method of preserving and recording per-
manifestations of identity. Relatedly, as sonal accounts, past experiences, and events
autonomous cultural identities they repre- by interviewing subjects in order to record
sent challenges to the power and authority information that would not ordinarily ap-
of the dominant culture. Such behaviors are pear on official documents. Oral history is
considered representations of a culture that the oldest form of recording history, predat-
has arguably been ignored and rendered in- ing the written word, and emerged into an
visible in schools and the larger society, (hfs) entire movement in 1948, when interviews
were first recorded by use of tape recorders
oppositional frame of reference and transcribed for historical use. The mod-
A strategy used by minorities to protect their ern form of oral history is a discipline in the
cultural identity and to establish and main- field of history, (jrm)
tain boundaries from the dominant social
group. The division of social groups in oral phase
school cafeterias may be seen as an instance First phase in Freud's theory of psychosocial
of oppositional frame of reference, (jqa, npo) development, the oral phase begins at birth
and lasts about 12 months. During this
oppression phase, the infant seeks gratification through
Systematic, institutionalized mistreatment of oral stimulation and engages in such activi-
one group of people by another. The op- ties as sucking, biting, and swallowing, (xss)
pressing group is viewed as having resources
that enable them to impose their beliefs and orals (See oral examinations)
values on others. The oppressed, not having
similar resources, are subject to unfair treat- orchestra
ment, ridicule, and potential internalized From the Latin orchstra, the space in front
feelings of worthlessness. Bullying in schools of the stage in Greek theaters where the cho-
can be viewed as one type of oppression, rus performed. The area in a theater or con-
(jqa, npo) cert hall where musicians sit (and just

organizational behavior

behind) is still called the orchestra, but the ence, rather than researcher analysis, per-
term more usually refers to a large ensemble spective, and understanding, (hfs)
including a full complement of string instru-
ments (violin, viola, cello, bass, and occa-
organic intellectuals
sionally harp) along with woodwinds, brass,
Individuals who are the clerisy and organ-
and percussion instruments. The number of
izing element of a given sociopolitical class.
instruments included in each section can be
Their functionality is central to their identity
used to identify a type of orchestra, (sym-
as intellectuals. While all individuals are in-
phony, philharmonic, or chamber); however,
tellectuals, not all individuals serve in that
other than the chamber orchestra as the
capacity in either a sociopolitical class or in
smallest group, there are no standardized
a larger society. Their function is to direct,
rules regarding the use of such designations,
develop, and articulate the modes of thought
(political, philosophical) and aspirations of
their distinct class, and in this way particu-
ordinal number
larize their class, (hfs)
This is the result of imposing an ordering on
a group of objects; for example, the months
of the year are ordered from the first month, organizational behavior
January, through the twelfth month, Decem- How people as individuals and groups act
ber, (amr) within an organization. Organizational be-
havior in the context of a school is the cul-
Orff method ture, policies, and traditions that make up an
"Orff Schulwerk." A method of teaching educational enterprise. The key elements in
music and movement developed by German organizational behavior are people, struc-
composer and music educator Carl Orff ture, and technology and the environment in
(1895-1982). The foundation of the method which it operates. The behavior of an organ-
is the combination of music and movement ization is often evaluated and analyzed in
into a play-like atmosphere that emphasizes terms of four models: human resources, con-
learning music by hearing and making music tingency, productivity, and systems. The hu-
first, through rhythmic movement and im- man resources model looks at how employee
provisation. This is followed by learning to growth and development is nurtured and
use traditional notation to compose original supported. The contingency model examines
music. Special child-sized xylophones with how different behaviors are required by dif-
removable bars are used to facilitate impro- ferent environments for effectiveness. The
visation and limit the opportunities to play productivity model focuses on how organi-
wrong notes. Currently it is often taught in zational behaviors are assessed in terms of
combination with the Kodaly method to en- their efficiency. The systems model describes
sure proper vocal training, (jbl) how all parts of an organization interact in
See also Kodaly method. a complex relationship. Leadership roles,
communication, and decision-making proc-
organic chemistry esses are frequently mentioned facets of or-
The branch of chemistry that studies com- ganizational behavior that determine the
pounds containing the element carbon, (tw) ability of an organization to learn and im-
prove. Three organizational behaviors that
organic inquiry are thought to lead to and foster learning
A qualitative methodology that places the within an organization are openness to new
stories of participants and researchers at the experiences, encouragement of responsible
focal point of study. Participants give voice risk-taking, and a willingness to acknowl-
to the content and meaning of their experi- edge failure and to learn from failure, (ly)

organizational discrimination

organizational discrimination (See In adult education programs, orientation

institutional discrimination) generally addresses program and teacher ex-
pectations, clarification of learner goals, and
organizational intelligence identification of strengths and needs, (las)
The factual data, information, and knowl-
edge that are selected and stored for use in orthography
appraising trends, developments, crises, and A set of standard accepted conventions for
related events reflecting an organization's the usage of written or printed symbols to
past and providing counsel and advice for represent the sound or meaning units of a
planning in the future, (cf) language within a given writing system. The
study of the established usage conventions of
organizational politics writing systems. The art of using the sym-
A term used in education when referring to bols of a writing system according to estab-
the realities of organizational life that often lished conventions, (ml)
undermine rationality. Coalitions of individ-
uals and groups bargain to determine the Oswego Movement
distribution of power in organizations. They Educational movement based on the princi-
can be destructive or constructive. Ingrati- ples of Johann Pestalozzi's "object method."
ating, networking, information manage- Edward A. Sheldon of Oswego, New York,
ment, impression management, coalition and Margaret Jones of England created a
building, and scapegoating are common po- training school in 1861, which became the
litical tactics used by members to gain ad- Oswego State Normal and Training School
vantage. Political games are played to resist in New York (1865). The method focused
on the acquisition of knowledge through
authority, to counter the resistance to au-
interaction with natural objects, observa-
thority, to build power bases, to defeat ri-
tion, inquiry, and use of the five senses. The
vals, and to produce organizational change.
movement was most prominent between the
Organizational politics can be successfully
years 1861 and 1886. Teacher training
managed through collaboration, accommo-
through the Oswego program helped to
dation, or compromise, (mm) popularize the practice by taking the meth-
odology across the country and through ad-
organizing data or information aptation at other normal schools, (ljl)
Organizing information for future use re- See also object teaching.
quires knowledge and decision making in
the determination of meaningful classifica- othering
tions for easy retrieval and application. The A process which distinguishes, marks, and
computerized database allows for quick re- names those thought to be different from
trieval of only the information that meets one's identity, particular collective, or com-
particular criteria by enabling the user to de- munity, often through comparative devalu-
lete, combine, broaden, or narrow a cate- ation and judgment. In this way, one's
gory of data at will. Databases are useful to identity is affirmed as normal, (hfs)
educators in teaching logical thinking, prob-
lem solving, and information handling while outdoor education
students are taught to build their own da- Broadly refers to all aspects of education
tabases or use the ones provided, (igb) about, for, and in the natural environment.
The term may also refer to a distinct field of
orientation education that assumes that the best way to
Activities that take place at the start of a learn about the environment is through di-
course of study designed to help students be- rect contact with nature. Direct experiences
come familiar with the learning institution. in the outdoors provide for both the identi-


fication and resolving of "real-life" prob- outreach

lems. Other related terms include adventure The extension of university resources and
learning and environmental education, (hrm, services in the form of professional knowl-
ew, jkd) edge and expertise to the general public and
its constituencies, and to assist in the ame-
lioration of societal problems, (cf)
outdoor play
Refers to opportunities to play outside of the
classroom or home. Usually scheduled as outsourcing
part of daily routines in the classroom set- Obtaining resources or contracting work
ting, outdoor play can help children develop from sources outside an institution or area.
gross motor skills, social skills, and vivid (ja)
imaginations. Special precautions, such as
fencing, padded surfaces under structures overachievement
where children fall, close supervision, and Accomplishment beyond the level expected.
careful maintenance of equipment must be Performance that exceeds the level predicted
observed, (jlj) by previous assessments of potential, (jw)

papier-mache sons for doing research, the types of ques-
An artistic process whereby paper strips (of- tions asked in research, the methodology
ten newspaper) are soaked in a mixture of used to conduct the research, the relation-
flour and water (flour paste) and layered on ship of the researcher to participant, as well
to a base (e.g., a balloon, an imprint of a as the final form of reporting the research.
face for a mask) to create a firm hard sub- Identifying a particular paradigm requires
stance. A frequent and popular school art that a person address issues of ontology,
medium, papier-mache seems to children as epistemology, methodology, and axiology.
the process of turning paper back into wood, The term "paradigm" is often coupled with
(jd) words like qualitative, quantitative, positiv-
ist, post-positivist, interpretivist, and con-
paradigm structivist. Each term when paired with the
A set of beliefs accepted without question word paradigm reflects a particular way of
and used as a frame for seeing the world. viewing the world that includes what one be-
Originally applied to scientific work (see lieves about reality, knowledge, inquiry,
Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolu- truth, and relationships, (grw, als)
tions), the term now is applied more gener- See also philosophy of science.
ally. Kuhn proposed that "paradigm shifts"
occur when one way of looking at the world paradigm pioneer
is replaced rapidly by another, a decision A paradigm pioneer is one who realizes the
made outside the bounds of evidence. This importance of the opportunity at hand, vi-
revolutionary replacing of one scientific the- sualizes its far-reaching potential, and ac-
ory with another is in contrast to what he cepts the challenge of taking the new
called "normal science." Kuhn's thesis di- paradigm, or mind-set, from concept to ap-
rectly challenged a central assumption of plication. Paradigm pioneers typically share
logical positivism, which considered such three characteristics: intuition, courage, and
changes rational and, therefore susceptible long-term commitment to change, (tp)
to mathematical modeling. Paradigm is used
in educational research to refer to the com- paradoxical intention/technique
plex set of fundamental beliefs that contrib- Process of prescribing symptoms to gain co-
ute to decision making about research. operation from clients. For instance, a coun-
Specifically a paradigm dictates one's rea- selor may instruct a client not to get over his

parent involvement

or her depression too quickly, explaining dence that the counselor is, indeed, hearing
that the depression may be serving an im- accurately what he or she is saying, (bmm)
portant purpose for the client. By delivering See also restatement.
this message, the counselor constructs a sit-
uation in which it is virtually impossible for paraprofessional
the client to resist. By getting over the de- In education, paraprofessional refers to
pression, the client addresses a relevant those who do not have a teaching certificate
counseling goal, or, by not getting over the but who work with children in the class-
depression too quickly, the client cooperates room with and under the supervision of a
with the counselor's original directive, (mjs) certified teacher as teacher aides, instruc-
tional aides, or assistants. They work in the
paraeducator (See paraprofessional) educational setting to assist teachers in
making instruction more effective and more
parallel curriculum efficient. Several areas in which paraprofes-
Curriculum models offered at several levels sionals may work include: preparation of
for teaching in heterogeneous classrooms by classroom materials, tutoring students, su-
offering alternative tracks to enable students pervision of small groups or individual
to acquire the basic and more advanced students, clerical duties, operation of equip-
skills, (sr) ment (audio-visual, computers). Job require-
ments and training vary by state and by duty
parallel instruction (See parallel assigned with some states requiring special
curriculum) licensing or certification for paraprofession-
als. (bba, bs)
parallel postulate
The fifth axiom of Euclidean geometry. It parent education
can be stated: given a line and a point not A structured program that teaches the skills,
on the line, exactly one line can be drawn knowledge, and attitudes assumed to be im-
through the given point parallel to the given portant in the raising of children. These pro-
line. When challenged, alternate postulates grams often utilize curriculum to teach
can be constructed that define internally con- parents how to care for their child including
sistent non-Euclidean geometries such as feeding and diapering, child development,
spherical geometry (no parallel lines exist) discipline, meaningful activities, health/med-
and hyperbolic geometry (many parallel ical care, bonding, and a variety of special-
lines exist), (ey) ized topics requested by the parents or
deemed necessary by the professional. Parent
parallel thinking education programs are as varied as parents
A process of thinking in which both sides of are themselves. Some are voluntary while the
an argument are considered at the same courts or child protective agencies mandate
time. In contrast to the Socratic method of others. Some are center/office-based while
analysis, argument, and judgment, parallel others are home-based. The goal of parent
thinking allows for the nonjudgmental con- education programs, however, is universal in
sideration of both, or more, sides of an issue that parent education is designed to teach,
or dilemma, leading to resolution, (jwc) inform, and guide parents in their role as
caregiver. (kdc, jpc)
A specific type of listening response that in- parent involvement
volves summarizing or restating the content, The involvement and support of parents or
or "essence," of a client's comments, so as guardians in the schooling and care of their
to verify the accuracy of a counselor's per- children. Parent involvement entails honest,
ceptions and/or to bolster a client's confi- open, and frequent communication and co-

Parent Teacher Association (PTA); Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

operation between parents and teacher. Ex- in the late 1800s. By 1954, the National Par-
tensive parent involvement facilitates in- ent Teacher Association had grown to 7.5
formation exchange that can better meet the million members. By the mid-1980s, it had
individual needs of children and families. declined considerably. Early names for this
Examples of parent involvement activities organization were Home-and-School Asso-
include parents as classroom volunteers, spe- ciations, Parent-Teacher Associations, The
cial events such as holiday parties, luncheons National Congress of Mothers, and The Na-
or picnics, parents as field trip chaperones, tional Congress of Parents and Teachers, (jr)
and parent inclusion in management groups, See also Parent Teacher Association.
(bba, jlj)

Parent Teacher Association (PTA); parent-teacher conference

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) A meeting between a teacher and a student's
An organization, at the school or district parent(s) or guardian(s) for the purpose of
level, of parents or guardians of children en- discussing the student's performance and
rolled in the school or district. These organ- progress in areas such as academic achieve-
izations have regularly scheduled meetings ment, social and emotional issues, atten-
and annual fundraising events to serve the dance, attitude, work habits, special apti-
needs of the school or district. The parents tudes, or other characteristics or activities.
typically do the greatest amount of work on Usually lasting 15 to 30 minutes, parent-
the committees, although teachers are usu- teacher conferences may be scheduled at reg-
ally represented as well, (bba) ular times during the school year or can be
See also parents' organizations. initiated by school personnel or the parent.
Set of relationships whereby an individual
participant feedback (See member
child's education becomes increasingly de-
pendent upon the economic characteristics
and ambitions of parents, rather than intrin-
sic student ability or effort. In addition, such participant observation
an arrangement reflects a change in educa- The hallmark of ethnographic field-
tional decision making and parental involve- work, participant observation is the stan-
ment from a collective sensibility to a more dard methodological technique employed,
individual consumerist, or free market, sen- whereby to the extent welcomed by inform-
sibility, (hfs) ants and made practical by circumstances,
an ethnographer lives in and experiences di-
parents' organizations rectly the life and culture being studied. By
Generally, a volunteer group of parents or- engaging in participant observation, the eth-
ganized to improve education by strength- nographer hopes to understand in greater
ening communication and collaboration depth what it feels like and means to be a
between the home and school. Activities of native. It provides what Clifford Geertz has
parent organizations may include fundrais- called the ethnographic authority of "being
ing, community service projects, parent ed- there." (jde)
ucation programs, or support of school
activities. Usually parents join together not
only to exercise some control over the busi- participatory education
ness of the school, but also to meet one an- An approach to instruction that involves stu-
other. The most common parent orga- dents as active partners in the design and im-
nization in the United States is the Parent plementation of their own learning and
Teacher Association, which was formed where teachers act as facilitators, (las)


participatory research relationships. In teacher education, a collab-

A type of research in which the researcher is oration among different institutions, includ-
part of the process being studied. Research- ing but not limited to schools, social service
ers identify the research question through a agencies, cultural institutions, businesses, in-
problem or issue that arises in their work. dustries, and institutions of higher educa-
This research strategy includes a variety of tion, for the purpose of improving teacher
methods focused on developing challenges education and student outcomes. This ap-
to social, political, and economic power proach allows different organizations to
through the shared, reciprocal, and inten- pool resources to address institutional and
tional breaking of traditional paradigms of community needs, (jb, elk)
objective researcher/researched roles and the
development of new investigative paradigms.
The researched assume responsibility for part-whole
shaping the research agenda, tools of in- The fractional portion or ratio of a selected
quiry, analysis, and dissemination of find- amount in comparison to the total amount.
ings along with the researcher. Any such How the portion of the whole relates to the
process should consist of three conjoined whole. The relationship between the whole
features: research, education, and action. amount and the part. The part-whole inter-
The intent is to co-construct knowledge that pretation of fractions is the one highlighted
could facilitate change and transform cir- in many elementary mathematics programs,
cumstance, (las, hfs) (vdf)

particularist passport, career (See career passport)

An approach to social diversity which holds
that basic differences exist among individu-
als across various ideologies, social loca- patriotism (See nationalism)
tions, and aspects of identity. In certain
cases, these perceptions and constructions of patron
difference could be used to subordinate oth- A patron is someone who pays for the pro-
ers, while in other cases the differences could duction or performance of a piece of art or
be used as instruments of liberation, (hfs) writing. An art patron may also commission,
or request the production of a specific and
partitive division completely new work of art. Patrons may
A form of intuitive division in which objects also support art institutions rather than spe-
or a collection of objects is separated into a cific works or artists. Because they lend vital
number of equal groups or smaller collec- support to art making, patrons may also
tions. The divisor should be a whole number have some control over what kind of art is
and smaller than the dividend; the quotient made or performed, although usually this
must also be smaller than the dividend. This control is demonstrated through preferences
model of division is often termed sharing di- rather than actual censorship or dictation of
vision, (sir) exactly what an artist does or makes, (ap)

In education, joint ventures created by pattern
school system staff to promote school- A form, shape, or figure proposed for imi-
community cooperation, provide incentives tation. Patterns can be chance or natural
for students, supplement curriculum and configurations and have observable charac-
staff, and obtain equipment. Business and teristics. Patterns can be units of units, a se-
industry achieve improved public relations quence, or grouping that can be repeated.
and enhanced community image from these (jdk>

pauper schools

pauper schools national Studies, Global Education, and Ed-

Also called "charity" or in the northern ucation for World Citizenship. Peace
states, "free" schools. Pauper schools were education implies drawing out of people
made available to orphaned, poor, or home- their desires to live in peace and emphasizes
less children during the last of the eighteenth peaceful values upon which society should
and first part of the nineteenth centuries. be based. Peace educators warn about the
Usually supported by charitable contribu- hazards of violence broadly construed—
tions, but sometimes with state or local wars, civil strife, domestic conflict, and en-
funds, the schools taught basic literacy, nu- vironmental destruction. Peace education
meracy, and Christian beliefs, often using has three stages: identification of the prob-
the Lancastrian or monitorial method. The lems of violence; instruction about alterna-
association of pauper schools with the new tives to violence; and a commitment to take
public schools of the mid-nineteenth century action to address some of problems identi-
often delayed the common school move- fied in stage one. It fits within the tradition
ment, particularly in the southern states, of education for social responsibility where
(crsg) teachers ask their students to address urgent
problems, (cd, ih)
PDA (See handheld computer)

PDS (See professional development pedagogical content knowledge

school) A term introduced by L. S. Shulman (1986)
to denote teachers' knowledge about the na-
Peabody Education Fund ture of children's minds, how those minds
Named for its benefactor, George Peabody work when learning takes place, and the role
(1795-1869), who originally donated $1 instruction plays in fostering learning. It also
million to the southern states in 1867 "for includes the teacher's knowledge of subject
the promotion and encouragement of intel- matter and the most effective way to intro-
lectual, moral or industrial education." The duce it to the student, (ja)
fund was administered by Barnas Sears, for-
mer president of Brown University, from pedagogy
1867 until his death in 1881, and by an ad- Refers to the art and profession of teaching.
visory board of 15 members. The Peabody It stands for how a teacher teaches, the
Fund created matching grants for public methodology one uses as a teacher, the style
school systems in the southern states, and of teaching a teacher chooses. It also refers
provided extensive funds first for teacher to the preparatory training or instruction
training institutes and later normal schools would-be teachers acquire in teacher educa-
throughout the South. At the end of the fund tion programs, (bt-b)
in 1914, it had distributed $3.4 million to See also teaching.
aid schooling and had established the
George Peabody College for teachers at Van-
derbilt University, (vmm) pedagogy of place
Pedagogy of place refers to knowledge and
Peace Corps (See AmeriCorps) practice about the art of teaching that sup-
ports the creation of a curriculum of place.
peace education This knowledge is based on a recognition of
Education for peace is based on a commit- the need to connect instruction to the day-
ment to nonviolence as a political and social to-day lives of young people and to contex-
tool to solve conflicts. Its primary aim is to tualize instructional goals in the places in
reduce structural violence and create social which students live, (lr)
justice. Other overlapping topics are Inter- See also curriculum of place.


pedagogy of poverty dents tutor other students within the same

Teaching practices identified by Haberman, class; and, two students help each other as
which are responsible for maintaining low equals in the learning situation, (bba, sr)
levels of academic achievement among poor
students. There are 14 of these practices in- Pensionado Act of 1903
cluding, but not limited to, giving informa- Legislation enacted by the Second Philippine
tion, giving tests, punishing noncompliance, Commission under the direction of William
and giving grades. It is both the combination Howard Taft during his term as the first ci-
and preponderance of these activities to the vilian American Governor-General of the
exclusion of all other practices that is partic- Philippines. The act created a program,
ularly devastating and troubling. Students known as the Pensionado program, which
are locked into traditional pedagogies and financed the studies of selected Filipino stu-
curricula that do not allow for creativity or dents in the United States. The program ran
alternate modes of learning, (hfs) from 1903 to 1928 and it was commonly
viewed as a method to foster goodwill be-
peer coaching tween Filipinos and Americans after the an-
An instructional setting in which teachers nexation of the Philippines by the United
work together to develop and improve States in 1899. Many in the U.S. government
teaching practice, often including collabo- also felt the program would contribute to
the eventual independence of the Philippine
rative goal setting, observations of one an-
islands, which came in 1946. The first 100
other's teaching, and formative feedback on
pensionados were selected from approxi-
progress toward meeting goals, (rtc)
mately 20,000 applications from 37 prov-
inces within the Philippines. Pensionado
peer debriefing
students came from the top Philippine elite
A technique to address the validity of a qual- families and many later became national
itative study. The researcher meets with one leaders in government, education, and busi-
or more external reviewers or colleagues for ness upon their return to the Philippines. Be-
the purpose of reflecting on the process of ing selected for the Pensionado program was
the research, in particular, the researcher's very prestigious, as the original criteria in-
effect on the research. The peer debriefer cluded moral and physical qualifications as
acts as devil's advocate and provides feed- well as high social status, (nt)
back concerning the accuracy and complete-
ness of the researcher's design, data col- people of color
lection, and analysis procedures, (mas) A term used to refer to individuals identifi-
able because of physical characteristics, of-
peer teaching ten including skin color. People of color
A method wherein prospective teachers often face discrimination in various forms
practice lessons or teaching strategies using and are easily targeted. Historically, educa-
other prospective teachers as both a surro- tional institutions routinely segregated or
gate class and a source of feedback, (rtc) provided inequitable learning opportunities
to people of color, (jqa, npo)
peer tutoring
The assignment of students to assist one an- perception
other in learning tasks either on a one-to-one An awareness of the elements of the envi-
basis or in small groups. Such assistance is ronment and self through sight, sound, taste,
provided by a fellow student competent in smell, or touch. This information is used to
the curriculum. Three types of peer tutoring acquaint one with the world and it is an im-
models exist: older students tutor students in portant source of ideas. Empiricists hold that
lower grades, usually outside of class; stu- these ideas are the building blocks of lan-

perceptual learning

guage and give meaning to words. Others percussion

argue that perception, since it is mediated by The family of instruments that produce
the senses, is undependable as a source of sound by being shaken or struck in some
knowledge. Meaningful objects, such as manner. Instruments may be divided into
trees, faces, books, tables, and dogs, are nor- two categories: membranophones, instru-
mally seen rather than separately perceived ments with a natural or synthetic skin which
as the dots, lines, colors, and other elements vibrates to produce sound, generically
of which they are composed. In the language known as drums; and idiophones, instru-
of Gestalt psychologists immediate human ments of solid construction that produce
experience is of organized wholes, not of sound when hit, shaken, or rubbed, such as
collections of elements. Behavioral psychol- gongs, bells, wood blocks, maracas, etc. A
ogists tend to dehumanize perceptual theory second manner of categorizing percussion
and research. When attention is limited to instruments is that of fixed pitch (e.g., xy-
objective stimuli and responses, parallels can lophone, piano, tubular bells) or indefinite
readily be drawn between perceiving (by liv- pitch (e.g., gong, cymbal, snare drum). Mod-
ing organisms) and information processing ern composers have expanded the definition
(by such devices as electronic computers), of percussion to include such found instru-
(kpb, rk) ments as metal garbage cans and lids, brake
drums, basketballs, and children's toys, (jbl)
perceptual learning
A type of learning that involves interactions perennialism
with the environment that lead to a change The view that truth is permanent and lasting
in perception. Perceptual learning may also and that education should pass on those
be an improvement in perceptual under- truths that human experience has already
standing of some activity or object with proved and proved to be worth knowing.
practice and repetition. An example of per- Like essentialism, perennialism argues for a
ceptual learning might be developing an ap- curriculum that should be taught to every-
preciation that was previously lacking for a one, but in contrast to essentialists, peren-
style of music, (npo) nialists argue that there are things worth
knowing for their own sake. In strong con-
trast to progressives, perennialists oppose all
perceptual unit items (counting) forms of vocational education, (jc)
Things that can be seen and touched as they See also essentialism; progressivism.
are being counted, such as beads or fingers.
These items have to be in the child's percep- perennialist curriculum
tual field, (amr) Program of study which assumes the possi-
See also children's counting schemes. bility and existence of universal and absolute
truths. It is based on the assertion that all
percipience students must accept the same cultural prem-
The power of perceiving especially keenly ises and perspectives as objective truths de-
and attentively. Associated by art philoso- spite any differences in either individual or
phers like Ralph Smith and Harold Osborne collective cultural identity, (hfs)
with perception of objects and experiences
in the world of art. Smith sees percipience as performance
the goal of arts education—to imbue stu- A public presentation in front of an audience
dents with the heightened capacities of in- of, for example, a play, dance piece, musical
tellect and sensitivity required to make and composition, or opera; also, the work of any
find understanding in the worlds of art and individual in that presentation. Performance
culture, (jd) can be seen as a craft unto itself, with a set
See also aesthetic education; perception. of skills—including, for example, awareness

performing arts

of self on stage, understanding of relation- behaviors; may include the feedback-giver's

ship to audience, and use of body and voice perceptions of the effects of those tasks or
(or musical instrument)—applicable to pres- behaviors, (ktc)
entational work across arts dimensions. In
nonarts education, performance-based as- performance IQ
sessment is judged on this sense of a dem- Derives from a weighted average of a sub-
onstration of skills in action, (em) ject's raw scores on five of the performance
subtests that are part of the battery of sub-
performance art tests that constitute the Wechsler Scales of
A hybrid art form, making use of a variety Intelligence. A performance IQ is heavily in-
of arts and media (including dramatic mon- fluenced by a person's immediate problem-
ologues, comedy, dance, music, film and solving skills, and correlates with most
video, painting, found objects), with the cen- activities that are more valued in our society
tral element being presentation for an audi- as "spatial perceptual." The performance IQ
ence. Artistically close to experimental is perceived to be a numerical measurement
theater, contemporary performance art is of a person's "performance and visual dis-
rooted in the spontaneous happenings pop- crimination intelligence," which are psycho-
ular in the mid-twentieth century and the use logical constructs and can therefore never be
of real events as artistic performance. More proven, (aw)
recent performance art pieces are often
rehearsed and scripted. Performance art in-
performance simulation
cludes interpretive, abstract, nonrepresenta-
An artificially created activity that invites an
tional pieces, and often is underpinned by
individual to perform certain tasks or roles
sociopolitical critique, commentary, or de-
in a lifelike situation and lends itself to the
construction of convention, (em)
establishment of standards for assessing that
performance. Techniques include structured
performance assessment
interviews, in-basket exercises, case studies,
Analysis of an individual's or group's per-
and live interactions, (chb)
formance in order to identify discrepancies
that can be addressed through education. A
measure of academic achievement that offers performance-based education
an alternative to standardized tests. Such as- A form of teaching and learning that em-
sessments measure how well students apply phasizes the performance of skills and
knowledge to the real world. Performance knowledge as evidence of learning, (las)
assessments are best known in the form of
portfolios or projects which allow children performing arts
to demonstrate their skills by completing a Artistic domains that are based on presen-
certain task or activity. An important advan- tation in front of an audience (e.g., drama,
tage of performance assessments is that they dance, and music). Distinguished from other
allow teachers to measure student growth art forms (e.g., literature, visual arts includ-
over time. Within teacher education, per- ing painting, photography, and sculpture) by
formance assessment is an analytical and virtue of the action in time of the perform-
judgmental analysis of teaching practice ance (as opposed to a work that can be re-
based on observations of actual classroom visited numerous times) and the relationship
behavior, (aw, chb, rtc) with a live audience (as opposed to encoun-
ters with readers or viewers who are un-
performance feedback known to the artist). Performance in front of
Evaluative information given to an individ- a live audience has traditionally provided a
ual from an external source regarding how powerful and memorable experience for
well a person is performing specific tasks or school children developing a sense of them-

Perkins Act

selves and their relation to/impact on others. who are capable of rights and duties, or to
(em) entities, such as corporations, created by law
and given certain legal rights and duties of a
Perkins Act (See Carl D. Perkins human being. Person has a particular im-
Vocational and Applied Technology portance in moral philosophy. Person can be
Education Act Amendments of 1990 distinguished from such related terms as hu-
and 1998; Carl Perkins Vocational man being, individual, homo sapiens, man,
Education Act of 1985) self, and so forth. The locus of the distinc-
tion is that person connotes reason and in-
perlocutionary act telligence, (pk)
The response (usually an action) of the See also individualism; liberalism; self.
hearer to the utterance. For example, if Per-
son A asks Person B: "Are you too warm?" personalism
and in response Person B stands up and An approach in philosophy many centuries
opens a window, the perlocutionary act of old holding that the cosmos is ultimately
the utterance is the physical act of opening personal. For some this entailed a god, or
the window. Person B's action is a direct re- God. For others it meant that, since the na-
sult of the illocutionary force of Person A's ture of all things is ultimately personal, our
utterance, (smt) human systems (e.g., government, education,
social systems) need to take into account
permeability persons and aspects of humanity to be effec-
Refers to school-to-work transition systems tive and holistic. A more formal system
and the ability of students to easily move called personalism was developed by Walt
from one location in the system or program Whitman and Borden Parker Bowne, among
to another and change direction at any time, others, at the end of the nineteenth and be-
(hfs) ginning of the twentieth centuries, (sc)

permissive discipline personality disorder

A plan of discipline in which the adult con- A category of mental disorders characterized
sistently permits the child to make his or her by pervasive and persistent patterns of mal-
own choices, intervening little in the child's adaptive interpersonal behavior that deviate
development. This method is child-centered, markedly from the expectations of an indi-
but because the adult is nondemanding and vidual's culture. The enduring behavior pat-
accepts the child's impulses, children fre- tern is inflexible and pervasive across a
quently learn to be impulsive and aggressive, broad range of personal and social situa-
and in addition less self-reliant and explor- tions, and invariably leads to clinically sig-
ative than their peers, (ecr) nificant distress or impairment in important
areas of functioning (e.g., school, work).
per-pupil cost Considered to be an aberration of "normal"
Accounting for expenses by dividing costs by personality development, often involving
number of pupils being served, (sr) early, fixed, and maladaptive ways of relat-
ing to self and others, (do)
To repeat persistently for no apparent rea- personality test
son, (sr) One of a class of assessment instruments de-
signed to evaluate an individual's personal
person traits or characteristics. These instruments
A term with various technical and semi- may be theoretically based or atheoretical,
technical usages in philosophy and law. In may utilize objective or projective tech-
law, person refers either to human beings niques, and may range from assessing nor-

Phelps-Stokes Fund

mal interpersonal functioning to psycho- founded on the idea that children learn best
pathology. A variety of personality tests are by observing and analyzing the objects in
used in mental health, medical, vocational, their world under the guidance of profes-
and educational settings. Uses for personal- sionally trained teachers. Pestalozzianism
ity tests include assessing strengths and also holds that children require an emotion-
weaknesses, assisting with diagnosis, pre- ally secure school/home environment in or-
dicting response to treatment, and/or en- der to develop intellectually, morally, and
hancing self-understanding, (cap) physically. Pestalozzianism was introduced
to the United States in the early nineteenth
person-environment fit (P-E Fit) century and gradually gained in acceptance,
According to Holland, P-E Fit is the match particularly through the Oswego Movement,
between an individual's personality traits (nc)
(i.e., person) and work-setting characteristics See also Oswego Movement.
(i.e., environment). Personality traits and
work settings are classified as Realistic, In- phallic phase
vestigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and The third phase in Freud's theory of psycho-
Conventional (RIASEC). Others such as social development is the phallic phase that
Rene Dawis define P-E Fit slightly differ- begins at age three and lasts for about 24 to
ently, that is, as the interaction between an 36 months. During this phase, children aim
individual's needs (reinforcers) and work- to resolve their sexual identities and seek
setting requirements (skills), (sc) gratification through their sex organs. Freud
theorized that children develop conflicting
perspective feelings and become sexually interested in
Linear perspective is a system of drawing or the parent of the opposite sex in this phase.
painting in which the artist attempts to cre- (xss)
ate the illusion of depth on a flat surface.
The lines of objects in a picture are slanted phase theories of adult learning
inward making them appear to extend back Theories that emphasize the skills and roles
into space. If lengthened, these lines will to be learned at certain age-related phases of
meet at a point along an imaginary horizon- an adult's development. The theories center
tal line representing eye level. Each such on the content and essence of the task at
imaginary line is called an orthogonal. The hand rather than on the changing nature of
point at which such lines meet is called a the individual's capabilities or psychological
vanishing point. This system will work only structures; no phase is judged to be better or
if one is parallel and perpendicular (90- more mature than any other phase, (jwg)
degree angles) to the objects that one is See also stage theories of adult learning.
drawing, (kpb)
Ph.D. (See degree, doctor's)
perspective transformation
A term introduced by Jack Mezirow that de- Phelps-Stokes Fund
scribes an impact of adult education in A nonprofit foundation founded in 1911,
which the student develops a more inclusive whose mission is to improve educational op-
way of interpreting experience, (jpc) portunities of African Americans, Native
Americans, Africans, and the rural and ur-
Pestalozzianism ban poor. It was established by the will of
Educational philosophy of Swiss teacher Jo- Caroline Phelps Stokes (1854-1909), a New
hann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) that York philanthropist. The Fund's early poli-
rejected traditional eighteenth-century teach- cies emphasized agricultural and industrial
ing methods based on rote memorization education for southern blacks and was ex-
and corporal punishment. Pestalozzianism is ported to British colonies. The Fund also


sponsored landmark reports on African- philosophy of education

American education (1916), education in Af- Most obviously, philosophical reflection
rica (1922 and 1924), and Native American upon the practice of teaching and learning,
education (1928). Today the Fund continues both in and outside of schools. During the
its mission with several centers and collab- latter half of the twentieth century, when
oration with public and private agencies, philosophy was thought to be the study of
(clp) concepts, philosophy of education was sup-
posedly concerned with concepts such as
"teaching," "education," "indoctrination,"
and "curriculum." Since philosophers gen-
A form of British empiricist philosophy. A
erally stopped dichotomizing concepts and
philosophic method developed by Edmund
facts, philosophy of education is more in-
Husserl. In educational research circles, a
volved with the matter than simply the form
form of educational inquiry devoted to ex-
of things. For example, in the philosophy of
plicating the "lived experience" of people
education, political philosophy studies the
in learning situations (not restricted to
nature and possibility of truly democratic
schools). A descriptive practice, the phenom-
education; epistemology studies the ways in
enologist's interest is in understanding both
which teaching transmits or makes possible
the essential characteristics of experience
that transcends local conditions and the the acquisition of knowledge; ethics, the pos-
structures of consciousness whereby experi- sibility of properly educating as opposed to
ence is possible, (db-j) brainwashing, (an)

philosophy of science
Phi Beta Kappa Broadly concerns two kinds of questions:
Phi Beta Kappa, with the initials PBK of the whether we are justified in accepting scien-
Greek motto Philosophia Biouy Kubernetes tific theories or the methods deployed in sci-
(Love of wisdom, the guide of life), is an entific reasoning, and, if so, just how to
honor society with a purpose to recognize resolve ontologically puzzling features of sci-
and foster excellence in the undergraduate entific theories (e.g., Quantum Indetermi-
liberal arts and sciences. Founded on Decem- nacy) or concepts fundamental to the entire
ber 5, 1776, at the College of William and enterprise (e.g., causality, probability). Re-
Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, its insignia markable advances in mathematical logic
of a golden key became recognized as a sym-
and physics at the turn of the twentieth cen-
bol for the highest academic achievement.
tury gave rise to logical positivism, a philo-
sophical movement committed to empiricism
and formal logic, which dominated the field
philosophy until the mid-1960s. Key projects begun un-
From the Greek philosophia, "the love of der the positivists, such as mathematical
wisdom." According to legend, philosophy modeling of scientific inference, have ma-
was first practiced and promulgated by tured into research areas within philosophy,
Plato's teacher Socrates. In Plato's Apology, logic, and artificial intelligence, (grw)
Socrates says the healthy soul thrives espe- See also logic; paradigm.
cially on moral truths, truths about things
like "justice" and "virtue," "goodness" and phoneme
"beauty." Knowledge of these "forms" The smallest unit of sound in language. It
brings wisdom and a good life. Today the does not carry meaning on its own, but dif-
content of philosophy includes the nature of ferent phonemes alter the meaning of a
the world and the way we understand it word. For example, if we change the final
(e.g., mind and matter, reason, the nature of phoneme in the word bat from Itl to /d/, the
truth and reality itself), (an) meaning of the word, as well as its part of


speech change completely. The word bat is speech production; auditory phonetics,
a noun and means a type of flying rodent, which studies the structures and mechanisms
or an instrument used in baseball to hit the of speech perception, and acoustic phonet-
ball, while bad is an adjective and means the ics, which concerns the measurement and
opposite of good. In writing, phonemes are analysis of the physical properties of the
represented with phonetic symbols, and the sound waves produced when a person
most commonly used system for phoneme speaks, (smt)
representation is the International Phonetic
Alphabet, (smt) phonics
The association of letters with the sound sys-
phoneme-grapheme correspondence tem of a language. Phonics is part of the
The relationship between a grapheme and phonology of the language. Phonics is the
the phoneme(s) it represents; letter-sound basis for one method of teaching early read-
correspondence, as the grapheme/letter c ing skills where letters and letter combina-
represents the phoneme/sound /k/ in the tions are associated with speech sounds and
word cat and the phoneme/sound I si in the used to decode the meaning of written
word cent. Technically, grapheme-phoneme words. Instructional practices for early lit-
correspondence refers to how letters corre- eracy that focus on breaking the ortho-
spond to sounds, not vice versa. Phonics as graphic code by stressing the systematic
a teaching technique in reading instruction relationship between the sounds of speech
utilizes grapheme-phoneme correspon- and spelling, (vm, jrk)
dences—that is, how to pronounce words
See also direct code; whole language ap-
seen in print. Grapheme-phoneme corre-
spondence is a particularly useful teaching
tool in reading instruction in languages that
have shallow orthography, that is, there is phonological awareness
one-to-one mapping of letter to sound (e.g., The conscious knowledge of all levels of the
Spanish, Russian, Hungarian, Bulgarian). It speech sound system (word boundaries,
is a less useful tool in languages with deep stress patterns, syllables, phonemes, etc.). It
orthography, where one letter could repre- is usually developed in the process of learn-
sent multiple sounds (e.g., English, French), ing to read, when the typically unconscious
(smt) phonological knowledge becomes conscious
and the person is aware of it. Phonological
phonemic awareness awareness allows a speaker to, for example,
The conscious awareness that words are intentionally produce sounds that form
made up of segments of speech (phonemes) meaningful utterances, make up new words,
that are represented with letters in an alpha- add the appropriate phonetics segments to
betic orthography (i.e., a vowel sound or form plural and past tense, and know what
vowel-consonant pair), (smt) is or is not a sound in one's language, (smt)

phonetics phonology
The branch of linguistics that studies the The component of a grammar made up of
content and structure of the sounds of all the elements and principles that determine
human languages. It aims at analyzing and how sounds vary and pattern in a specific
describing all possible human sounds and language. The study of the smallest units of
utilizes the International Phonetic Alphabet sounds (phonemes) which reflect a difference
to uniformly represent these sounds. It con- in meaning in a language. Rules pertaining
sists of three main branches: articulatory to the structure, distribution, and sequencing
phonetics, which studies the anatomical of speech sounds within a language are in-
structures and physiological mechanism of cluded in phonology, (smt, rl)

phonosyntactic disorder

phonosyntactic disorder (See specific of any other genuine virtue. Aristotle (384-
language impairment) 322 B.C.E.) regarded phronesis as both pre-
supposing and completing moral virtue, and
photography as involving both a "universal" component
Process of recording the image of an object consisting of systematic knowledge of hu-
by exposure to light or other related radia- man affairs, and a perceptual component
tion on a sensitive material (such as film) that enables one to discern with subtlety the
usually, but not necessarily, through a lens particulars of the situation at hand, (re)
in a camera. Derived from the Greek photos See also practical wisdom.
(light) and graphein (to draw), photography
was first used by the scientist Sir John Her- physical abuse
schel in 1839. Widely regarded as art, it is Any nonaccidental physical injury to a child
also challenged as mechanical reproduction— by a person responsible for a child's welfare
a passive record of reality—because of its (e.g., parent, caretaker, teacher) or by a per-
dependence on technology. Cameras are of- son who is in a position of power over a
ten used in art education as tools with which child. It is not necessary for the individual
students can place aesthetic frames around to intend to injure the child (e.g., injury re-
their lived worlds and learn formal proper- sulting from unusual or extreme discipline;
ties such as composition through the framed physical punishment not appropriate to age
view of the camera lens, (yjl) or developmental level). Although a physical
indicator is usually present, the injury may
photorealism have occurred in the past or not be readily
Art of extreme verisimilitude, associated detected, as in an internal injury, a bruise
principally with the United States in the covered by hair or clothing, or evidence of a
1970s, but also with Western Europe, where healed wound, (llf, emm)
it is known as superrealism. In painting,
photorealism is usually based on the direct physical play
copying and the production of the effect of Free choice activities where gross motor abil-
photographs; in sculpture it makes much use ities are utilized and developed, (dbl)
of direct casts from the human figure. Pho-
torealist art involves thorough reproduction physical science
of detail. In painting the results are nearly A grouping of sciences, including physics
photographic—in fact made from photo- and chemistry, that studies the nature of
graphs (although painters had been working nonliving matter and energy. In education, a
from photographs since the early days of course in physical science will incorporate
photography). Among the most highly re- ideas from several science branches concen-
garded American photorealist painters are trating on general concepts and processes
Richard Estes, Chuck Close, and Audrey without the depth of study found in a spe-
Flack, (kpb) cific study of the science branch, (tw)

phronesis physical therapy

In classical Greek, signifies practical wisdom, Treatment of physical disabilities provided
good judgment, or practical intelligence, a by a trained therapist focused on gross mo-
dominant aim of higher education in the tor skills, movement, and posture. A physi-
Greek and early modern European tra- cian often prescribes physical therapy, (sr)
ditions. It was identified as both a "cardi-
nal" virtue, a capacity and disposition to physics
judge and choose well in disparate circum- The branch of science that studies matter
stances, in matters both domestic and civic, and energy and the interactions between
and as an element essential to the possession matter and energy. Divisions include sub-

placement service

jects such as motion studies, electricity and parents to send their children only to public
magnetism, optics, thermodynamics, and schools "unreasonably interferes with the
modern physics, (tw) liberty of parents and guardians" to direct
the upbringing of their children if they
physiology choose private education. It further argued
The branch of biology that studies the proc- that the state may not compel students to
esses, functions, and activities of life or living receive education only at public, state-
matter, (tw) supported schools, as to do so would endan-
ger the business rights of private schools.
Piagetian theory of cognitive (djr)
Jean Piaget developed theories related to the
place value
stages of cognitive development in children.
The value given to a digit due to its location
These included four stages: sensory-motor,
in a numeral with respect to the units place.
pre-operational, concrete operational, and
The place value of each location is deter-
formal operational development. His theo-
mined as a power of the numeral base sys-
ries have greatly affected instructional prac-
tem. For example, using the numeral 214,
tices in the classroom. In each stage of
the 4 represents the units place (4 X 10°),
development, the child exhibits specific char-
the 1 represents 1 X 101, and the 2 repre-
acteristics and learning stages that can be
sents 2 X 102 in the base 10 numeral system.
utilized by a teacher to maximize learning,
In base 8, the 4 represents the units place (4
X 8°), the 1 represents 1 X 81 and the 2
See also concrete operational develop-
represents 2 X 82. (kva)
ment; formal operational development; pre-
operational development; sensory-motor
development. placement
The decision to place a student in the appro-
PIC (See private industry councils) priate course or section on the basis of his
or her proficiency in the subject matter. Cri-
pidgin teria for placement include scores on insti-
A simple (very limited lexically) but rule- tutional placement tests, scores on stan-
governed speech variety developed for com- dardized aptitude or achievement tests, and,
munication among speakers of mutually in higher education, years and content of
unintelligible languages who come into con- high school instruction in the subject, (cf)
tact to conduct business, usually trade. See also examination, placement.
Pidgin is often based on one of those lan-
guages. There are a number of such speech placement counselor (See counselor,
varieties in the world today, including a placement)
large number of English-based pidgins (e.g.,
Tok Pisin—in Papua New Guinea; Chinook
Jargon—in the North West of the USA; Ha- placement service
waiian Pidgin—in Hawaii; etc.). (smt) An essential element of the guidance pro-
gram concerned with assisting students to
pie chart (See circle graph) progress in employment or further educa-
tion. Occupational placement involves both
pie graph (See circle graph) part-time placement for those still in school
and full-time placement for those who leave
Pierce vs. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. school. Educational placement has to do
510(1925) with specialized and technical training op-
This landmark U.S. Supreme Court case portunities as well as with academic insti-
ruled that a 1922 law in Oregon requiring tutions. The service is offered both in

planned variations

secondary schools and in institutions of exist independently of particular, sensible

higher education, (jm) objects, (ec)

planned variations
Platoon School Plan (See Gary Plan)
Intentional extensions for learning activities
that facilitate individualization, leading ex-
periences to branch into intentional learning play
most appropriate for each individual child, A written work for the theater. Play is also
relative to differing abilities and/or interests, what actors (who play roles) or musicians
(db) (who play instruments) do in performance.
Play can also be a broad term encompassing
planning games, activities, and actions that children
Process of consciously formulating public, and artists engage in to explore, experiment,
corporate, or institutional policy and the and stimulate the imagination. It is critical
specification of means by which policy can in its many forms (dramatic, improvisa-
be implemented. Planning is often advocated tional, pretend, group) for the development
as an effective means of adopting/changing of children cognitively, socially, and crea-
environmental and/or cultural conditions. tively. For artists, play can be experimenta-
(cf) tion with ideas, improvisation with char-
acters or musical instruments, or exploration
planning programming budgeting of new techniques, all serving the creative
systems (PPBS) process. From Old English, plegian—to ex-
Business management concepts and princi- ercise oneself. Play refers to physical, intel-
ples initiated in industry and the Department
lectual, or creative exercise, (em)
of Defense. This system is advocated in col-
leges and universities as a systematic struc-
ture for making decisions on policy, strategy, play group
and the development of capabilities to ac- An adult-supervised social cluster of children
complish stated missions. It is regarded by whose members are gathered for the purpose
its advocates as a cyclical process containing of fun, entertainment, and pleasure, (dbl)
three distinct, but interrelated phases of
planning, programming, and budgeting in-
stitutional operations, (cf) Play Movement
Refers to efforts beginning in the late nine-
planning time teenth century to provide opportunities for
A regularly scheduled time during the school creative and educational play for children
day when teachers can plan lessons, evaluate under the aegis of institutions such as public
student work, or engage in other activities to schools or civic organizations. Playgrounds
support their instruction, (bba) established both in parks and schoolyards
were designed to protect children from ur-
Platonism ban cultural influences and to provide a res-
Originally, Plato's (427-348 B.C.E.) position pite for children growing up in an in-
that reality is different from the sensible creasingly complex Industrial Age. Reflects
world. For Plato there are eternal, perfect, the increasing responsibility taken by the
unchanging, nonphysical objects (the Forms) school and allied social institutions for the
which are the true objects of knowledge. extracurricular education of children during
Sensible objects are poor copies of the real the Progressive Era of the late nineteenth
objects. In contemporary metaphysics, Pla- and early twentieth centuries, and the per-
tonism is the position that there are univer- ceived association between physical educa-
sal concepts, properties, or objects which tion and fitness and moral training, (sw)


play therapy mented immigrant children the right to a

A treatment approach that is used widely free public education. The Court ruled that
with children. It incorporates therapeutic the law was a violation of the Equal Protec-
interventions within the context of play. tion clause. As a result, schools are pro-
Through play, therapists are able to establish hibited from: denying admission based
a therapeutic relationship with the child, as- on undocumented status, treating undocu-
sess the nature of the child's difficulties, per- mented students differently from others to
mit the child to reenact anxiety provoking determine residency, requiring disclosure of
experiences, help the child find meaning in documentation status, making inquiries de-
those experiences, provide the child with al- signed to expose documentation status, re-
ternative coping strategies, and facilitate quiring Social Security numbers, and taking
the development of preventative strategies. actions designed to "chill" school access.
There are many theoretical approaches to "Chilling" was defined as taking actions de-
doing play therapy. Some of the more com- signed to create fear among undocumented
mon approaches include psychoanalytic, persons, (mgl)
humanistic, cognitive-behavioral, Adlerian,
and filial therapy, (kc, seme, bdj) poetry
A piece of writing or the art of writing that
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896) has aesthetic or artistic features that tran-
The U.S. Supreme Court case that solidified scend and deliver the meaning of the words.
the "separate but equal" standard by which Poetry has been compared to music because
it was permissible to provide separate facil- of the rhythm and meter of lines (even when
ities for whites and African Americans if rhyme is not a feature) and the harmonious
these accommodations were of equal qual- arrangement of sounds. Poets select their
ity. The case grew out of a railway car in- words like painters select their images; in-
cident in which a black man insisted upon deed some poems are shaped like objects one
remaining in the white car. Plessy was even- can see in the world. A particular attention
tually used throughout the South as the basis to the sound and form of language is the
to justify separate schools for black and work of a poet, as is the expression of emo-
white children and was not overturned until tion beyond the content of the literal mean-
Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. ing. Young children love poetic language
(dwm) and especially enjoy creating rhymes of their
own design, (jd)
The rejection of the idea that there is one point
best way of life or one path to truth, or even The value awarded for successful completion
that there is a unitary truth to be found. Plu- of a test item or task. Points are typically
ralists accept the incommensurability of dif- summed to create a total score on a test, (fd)
ferent systems of values and beliefs, different
ways of life. The root of pluralism may be policy
that there is no way to adjudicate between A general conception in academic adminis-
the value of different ways of life or, more tration and governance pertaining to insti-
strongly relativistic, that no way of life is tutions and organizations in all phases of
better than any other, (jc) their operation; a broader, more inclusive
See also ethnicity; ethnocentrism, multi- concept than law, rules, regulations, deci-
culturalism; tolerance. sions, procedures, and operations (as being
more specific or routine). Policies are often
Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982) stated succinctly as "the reasons for" general
This U.S. Supreme Court decision stemmed characteristics, operations, and procedures,
from a Texas law that excluded undocu- (cf)

policy analysis

policy analysis can nonetheless mask many true feelings and

The intensive study of alternatives in policy inner hostilities of people, (hrm, ew, jkd)
decisions and their various consequences; of-
ten mistaken for policy research in which political parties
control is more likely and predicted conse- Distinctive social organizations whose prin-
quences may be confirmed or refuted. Such cipal objective is to place their avowed lead-
analysis is sometimes regarded as rational ers into the offices of government. Political
rather than empirical, (cf) party systems are almost always in some in-
terlocking relationships with other political
policy research institutions: as managers of election systems,
The study of policy antecedents, alternatives, as controllers of military and other national
and expected consequences under conditions bureaucracies, as coalition builders among
permitting a more systematic analysis of ex- organized interest groups, as communicators
pected outcomes or results. On many oc- with and through the media, and as civic ed-
casions the better control of extraneous ucators, (cd)
variables permits an explanation of out-
comes in terms of their antecedents or deter- political socialization
minants, (cf) A process of learning political attitudes and
behaviors through social interaction. Family,
policy studies education, media, peers, groups, and organ-
The systematic analysis and interpretation of izations facilitate the acquisition of this
national, state, or institutional policies in knowledge, (cd)
terms of their antecedents, consequences, de-
terminants, and effects. Policy studies are the political theory
investigation of policy as guidance or direc- The analysis of the normative, empirical,
tion of administrative decisions and actions. and conceptual aspects of political life. This
These studies may include comprehensive analysis involves the examination and inter-
overview of laws, rules, and regulations as pretation of ideas such as justice, freedom,
they affect institutional administration and authority, obligation, etc., and applying
governance, (cf) these ideas to institutions. Matters such as
the justification for the state and other insti-
policy-related research tutions, the role of conceptions of the good
The study of antecedents, process, and con- in politics, and the place of education in a
sequences with expectations of identifying just society are typically addressed by polit-
more effective policies. In this effort, the ob- ical theories, (rk)
ject of research is policy itself and the desir-
ability of change or modifications, (cf) politically relevant teaching
See also theory-based research. Educational philosophy whereby teachers
are mindful and aware of the cultural iden-
political correctness tities, norms, values, and practices of stu-
An attitude reflecting broad social, political, dents, as well as of the political realities of
and educational change, especially to redress inequality, power, and disfranchisement in
historical injustices in matters such as race, the lives of students. This knowledge and
class, culture, gender, and sexual orienta- awareness can serve as elements of personal
tion. Such attitudes often require a rigid af- and professional agency as well as guide ed-
filiation to progressive compliance and de- ucational decision making concerning peda-
velop a coded language that seeks not to gogy, curricula, and the relationships formed
offend certain ethnic, racial, cultural, and with students. Centered upon a belief in
gender groups. "Politically correct" attitudes schools and the process of education as en-


gines of social justice, uplift, and change, popular education

(hfs) A form of adult education that is developed
by and for disadvantaged people, usually
politics of knowledge with a political element to the curriculum. It
This is the notion of understanding knowl- is often characterized by horizontal relation-
edge as "cultural capital," that is, as knowl- ships between facilitators and participants,
edge, values, and attitudes which accrue to the involvement of community groups in
individuals as members of groups based on identifying and finding solutions to local is-
social class, race, ethnicity, and gender. As a sues, and acknowledgement of the commu-
basic operating component of the hidden nity itself as a source of knowledge, (las)
curriculum, cultural capital effectively deter- See also community-based education.
mines the experience of any given individual
within the educational system, and, ulti- Port Huron Statement
mately, serves to reinforce and continue ex- A political and social treatise written in
isting inequalities of opportunity within the 1962 that can be considered the seminal in-
larger society, (ksl) tellectual document of the New Left move-
ment. The Port Huron Statement was an
polyglot incisive analysis of the state of American cul-
A person who knows several languages. ture in the early 1960s, and the alienation
Usually the term is used to refer to a person that some younger Americans felt from it at
who knows how to speak, write and under- that time. Drafted by Tom Hayden, the
stand several languages. Derived from the eventual leader of Students for a Democratic
Greek words poly = many, and glotta = Society (SDS), the Port Huron Statement ad-
tongue, (smt) vocated the search for a meaningful life be-
yond the pursuit of material wealth, and
polynomial democracy by individual participation, (ah)
The sum, or difference, of one or more terms
made up of numbers, variables, or the prod- portfolio
uct of numbers and variables possibly raised In education, portfolios are purposeful, col-
to some power. The following are examples laborative, self-reflective collections of work,
of polynomials: 2x + 1, 3x5, x2 — 2x + 5. which are one way to provide a more com-
(rdk) plete, situated view of teacher or student
skills, knowledge, and commitments. A port-
popular culture folio is a thematic collection of artifacts to
Low, as opposed to high, culture. With the demonstrate the growth and accomplish-
increasing economic power of the middle- ment of an individual over an extended pe-
and lower-income populace in Europe and riod of time, including (but not limited to)
the United States since the beginning of the work samples, projects, performance pieces,
Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth cen- reflective journals, and peer review notes.
tury, artists have created works with the aes- Multiple sources allow association and jux-
thetics of this population in mind. Comic taposition of related tasks. Unlike traditional
books, film, television, advertising, and col- testing instruments, portfolios capture indi-
lectibles are just a few of the artistic medi- viduals' authentic learning performance,
ums often placed in the realm of popular keep track of individuals' development, and
culture. The splatter-painted canvases by ab- provide longitudinal evidence for feedback
stract expressionist Jackson Pollock and the on learning. Essential portfolio design con-
silk-screened paintings by Andy Warhol of cerns include content, organizing principles,
soup cans and celebrities signaled unprece- time frame, and involvement of the individ-
dented fusions between high and low art and uals around whom the portfolios are cen-
the transition to the postmodern age. (kf) tered. In art education a portfolio is a folder

portfolio assessment

or flat suitcase that contains a compilation (e.g., Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a
of samplings of the general work or repre- Young Man). There is even a research meth-
sentations of the best work of an artist. Port- odology called portraiture that tries to cap-
folios are used for evaluation purposes and ture the aesthetic aspects of portrait making.
students applying to art schools are regularly (ap)
asked to submit a portfolio of their work for
review in the admissions process. The notion
position paper
of portfolio assessment, making judgments
A position paper is an instrument for policy
across a representative sampling rather than
formation. The purpose of a position paper
on the basis of one piece of work, has be-
is to present a stance as a means of providing
come a standard evaluative process in many
information for administrators. The com-
schools. It is an example of pedagogy that is
ponents of a position paper include an intro-
based on the practices of professional artists,
duction of the issue, a presentation of logical
(ja, tc, ap)
reasons and/or evidence to support the po-
sition, as well as a conclusion. In educational
portfolio assessment
arenas, position papers are typically associ-
Assessment of a learner's knowledge or com-
ated with policy development, (tp)
petence based upon evidence (records, ex-
aminations, papers, videotapes, transcripts,
reviews of performances, etc.) gathered and positionality
submitted by the learner. This organized col- This concept issued from feminist scholar-
lection of representative samples of student ship that states that an individual's gender,
work is designed to illustrate a student's ac- class, and race fix the relational position
complishment and represent progress made within society and influence any work or
toward reaching specified goals and objec- ideas produced. Knowing the role of both
tives, (chb, bba) the source of ideas and the person discussing
them aids in understanding the relative con-
portmanteau word text. Because of the multiple roles that each
A word originating from Lewis Carroll's individual has, positionality is a fluid con-
Through the Looking Glass (ch. 6): "you see cept, (jqa, npo)
it's like a portmanteau—there are two mean-
ings packed up into one word." Such words
positive freedom
take form and meaning from blending two
A process whereby individuals develop an
or more distinct words or parts of words.
awareness of, as well as name, obstacles in
Typical examples include the word "smog"
their everyday lives. These obstacles can be
which is derived from smoke and fog or the
personal, institutional, or societal. Individu-
word "brunch" which is formed from break-
als become aware and awake to possibilities,
fast and lunch, (h-jk)
including the malleability of circumstance.
The concept also involves an element of
praxis, or active work, toward the realiza-
Most often associated with visual art, a por-
tion of envisioned alternatives, (hfs)
trait is a representation of a person or group
See also freedom.
of people, usually created as a painting or
sculpture. The features of the person or
group that are represented usually concern positive peace
physical appearance, but a portrait can also A concept which emphasizes the dialectical
include or consist of an object or abstraction relationship between the twin and interde-
that symbolizes or encapsulates some essen- pendent aims of peace and social justice,
tial aspect of the subject/s. Portraits are cre- whereby peace cannot be achieved without
ated in other art forms such as literature social justice, (hfs)


positive psychology positivism in educational

The branch of psychological inquiry that fo- administration
cuses on human growth and optimal human A dominant paradigm which influences ed-
functioning, including such areas as creativ- ucational organizations, positivism rein-
ity, wisdom, giftedness, talent, responsibil- forces the notion of education being run as
ity, spirituality, and general well-being. a machine or in assembly-line fashion. Pos-
Positive psychology can be differentiated itivism is characterized by: top-down man-
from other branches of psychology in that it agement; linear, sequential curriculum; strict
does not focus on psychopathological proc- time schedules; and departmentalization.
esses. It is related to humanistic theories of (bs)
personality that emphasize growth and self-
actualization, such as Carl Rogers' phenom- postmodernism
enological approach and A. H. Maslow's An intellectual and cultural movement that
hierarchy of needs, (jih) challenges norms of rationality, knowledge,
justice, beauty, etc., that Enlightenment-era
or "modernist" thinkers believed to be ob-
positivism jective and universal. Postmodernists take
A philosophical movement that began in the such norms to be the beliefs and values of
mid nineteenth century. It identified science powerful ethnic, class, and gender groups.
as the sole kind of genuine knowledge and Postmodernist critiques of hierarchical
advocated employing it to improve social power structures (oppression) focus more on
life. In the early twentieth-century, logical cultural arenas like language, sexuality, and
positivism emerged. It preserved the com- consumerism than on military and economic
mitment to the centrality of science but sig- affairs. A common form of postmodernist
nificantly shifted the focal point of inquiry. criticism is a "genealogy" or "archaeology"
The task that logical positivists set for them- of the historical and cultural factors that led
selves was elucidating and improving the to the construction of a traditional norm, in
explanatory and predictive machinery of order to discredit its objectivity and/or uni-
science in terms of mathematical logic. Their versality. A positive form of postmodernist
primary focus was physics, which, embrac- work is to explain and defend the perspec-
ing the thesis of the unity of science, they tives of marginalized groups, as occurs in the
believed could serve as the model for all sci- new academic disciplines of women's stud-
ence. The foremost principle of logical pos- ies, African studies, and queer theory. Post-
itivism was verificationism: in order for a modernist educational theorists advocate
claim to be meaningful—cognitively signifi- multicultural curricula, local standards, and
cant—its truth (or falsity) must be capable critical or liberationist pedagogy. In art, lit-
of determination either by (a) specifying the erature, or architecture postmodernism re-
relevant observational test, of (b) deriving its acts against earlier modernist principles
truth (or falsity) from definitions or logic. (characterized by the deliberate departure
Logical positivism jettisoned metaphysical from tradition) by reintroducing classical el-
claims (e.g., God exists) and value claims ements of style or exaggerating modernist
(e.g., abortion is morally wrong) from the preoccupations. Postmodernism decon-
domain of things that could be established structs (delves below the surface to find de-
(or refuted) because they could not be ren- bilitating contradictions) the authoritative
dered cognitively significant. Although pos- voice and single path of modernism. The im-
itivism in its various forms has been under portance of creative originality, paramount
intense criticism since the mid-twentieth cen- in modernism, is supplanted by issues of
tury, it still exerts a quite powerful influence, identity, incorporating feminist, racial, sex-
particularly in the social sciences, (kh) ual, and environmental concerns. In post-
See also empiricism; naturalism. modernism, reality and its representation

postsecondary career education

overlap and are characterized by pastiche, called a kiln. In its raw form, clay is malle-
irony, and intertextuality. Collage/montage, able and offers a delightful tactile experience
installation, performance, and earth and for students of art education. Upon exposure
body art are examples of postmodern dis- to heat, the clay hardens and becomes inert.
course, (mg, kpb) A potter's wheel is a machine with a hori-
zontal spinning disc on which clay is shaped
postsecondary career education into decorative or useful objects. The term
Educational programs offered after high "ceramics" is derived from the Greek kera-
school graduation, usually at the thirteenth mikos, of pottery, and, in spite of certain
and fourteenth grade levels, provided in oc- technical differences, is used interchangeably
cupational and/or technical fields by com- with the term "pottery." (kf)
munity and technical colleges and other
postsecondary institutions offering adult and power
post-high school instruction and credentials, Power is the ability to produce an effect,
(db) maintain a structure, or to institute change.
In education, power implies having the nec-
postsecondary education essary consensus, resources, leadership,
Learning activities that take place beyond a participation, and authority to maintain
high school level. In the United States, post- existing educational structures or to enforce
secondary education takes place in two- and change and modification of those structures.
four-year colleges and universities, as well as Some forms of power include: legislative,
training institutions that require at least a founded in legal or governmental guidelines;
high school diploma or equivalent for en- expert or referent, founded on the knowl-
trance, (las) edge base of a particular person or organi-
zation; and symbolic, founded in cultural
postsecondary occupational education traditions. Power can be exerted through po-
(See postsecondary career education) litical action, public discourse, or modifica-
tion of social structures, (tm)
postsecondary technical education
(See postsecondary career education)
PPBS (See planning programming
postsecondary vocational education budgeting systems)
(See postsecondary career education)
practical wisdom
posttest In recent educational theory this term refers,
Any assessment designed to provide infor- often with explicit reference to the Greek
mation on the skills or abilities of test takers term phronesis, to good judgment or prac-
following instruction or an experimental tical rationality, considered as a dominant
procedure, often compared with pretest re- aim of teacher education and pedagogical
sults, (sew) and curricular inquiry. The appearance of
See also pretest. the term in these contexts is often associated
with a resistance to conceiving of teaching
potential and teacher education simply in terms of the
Predicted peak level of capacity, (sr) acquisition and deployment of discrete skills,
or in terms of the formulation, assimilation,
pottery and application of theories, on the grounds
The activity, skill, or result of making ob- that the deployment of skills and theories
jects by hand out of clay that are then baked must be guided by good judgment, (re)
at various temperatures in a kind of oven See also phronesis.


practicality (See logistics) corporate findings of their research into their

work. This type of inquiry may be under-
practice taken individually or in conjunction with a
Practice is originally a Greek term with the group of practitioners pursuing related re-
meaning of doing, performance, action, and search questions, (las)
it has been in theoretical use since Aristotle,
who regarded practice as one of the basic pragmatics
activities of human beings. The other two A branch of linguistics concerned with the
were theoria (theory) and poiesis (skillful use of language as distinguished from its
making). The relation between theory and meaning or formal properties. Subtopics in
practice has in modern Western thought re- pragmatics address the effective and appro-
sulted in opposed positions, giving either pri- priate use of language in daily life and
ority to theory or practice. Two examples include but are not limited to: culturally
are Marxism and pragmatism. In Marxism determined rules for using speech (e.g., po-
practice is the primal force in society and the liteness); the genre-specific organization of
vehicle for changing it. Pragmatism has discourse; the appropriate and effective
stressed the importance of activating the pu- linguistic expression of communicative in-
pils in order to learn. Practice can also take tent (see speech act theory); and, the rules
the form of habitualized and institutional- that govern conversational appropriateness
ized ways of doing something. This applies and skill, (jrk)
to all professional activities (e.g., teaching),
(jbl) pragmatism
Pragmatism is a form of philosophy that
practice effect "takes the continuity of experience and na-
The influence of any type of practice on test ture as revealed through the outcome of di-
performance (positive or negative) on sub- rected action as the starting point for
sequent performance, (yu) reflection" (Seigfried, 1996). Pragmatists re-
ject the central problems of modern philos-
practicum ophy as presupposing false dichotomies
A course of instruction aimed at closely re- (e.g., mind/body, reason/will, thought/pur-
lating theoretical based study to practice pose, reason/emotions, self/others, belief/
through a supervised practical experience. In action, theory/practice). They favor a
teacher education, this is typically an on-the- description that emphasizes a primal, inte-
job experience for students studying to be- gral, relational unity. Pragmatists believe
come teachers and/or clinicians. A practicum that human action can improve the human
involves the practical application of the the- condition and that the results of inquiry are
ory studied in the classroom. Student teach- the measure of the theory. Pragmatists deny
ing experiences are considered practicums. the possibility of attaining knowledge that is
(cf, ja) certain or universal, (bt-b)

practitioner praxis
In teacher education, one engaged in the An active, continuous process of critical ac-
practice of the teaching profession for the tion and reflection upon accepted knowl-
sake of acquiring or retaining skills, (ja) edge, experiences, and perceptions of reality
in order to transform reality. A cyclical ac-
practitioner inquiry knowledgement that human beings shape,
A process in which practitioners identify create, and maintain both the conditions of
questions or issues of concern in their work, the world, and the world itself, it requires
conduct research around these issues, and in- that human beings similarly work to change

pre-employment counseling

the world. Paulo Freire used the term prelims (See examination, preliminary)
"praxis" to describe a process by which a
group of adult literacy students begin to act prenatal development
upon the forces that control their lives. The Consists of three periods: germinal (first two
process involves a cycle of reflection and ac- weeks, characterized by rapid cell division),
tion based on that reflection, followed by embryonic (weeks three to eight, character-
further reflection, (hfs, jpc) ized by development of several major or-
gans; embryo grows to about one inch long),
pre-employment counseling (See and fetal (week nine to nine months, char-
counseling, pre-employment) acterized by reflexive and voluntary move-
ments, and brain activity), (xss)
pre-employment education
Educational activities that seek to prepare
prenatal stage
unemployed individuals for the workplace.
It refers to the ontological (human being)
This type of education may include devel-
stage of development before the child is
opment of basic skills, job search skills, and
born. Begins at the time of conception to
other skills and knowledge needed to func-
right before delivery, (xss)
tion in a workplace context, (las)

preferred knowledge pre-operational development

Those attitudes, norms, and information In Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive devel-
which students and teachers construct and opment, the pre-operational stage occurs
for which each is subsequently rewarded. during the second stage of a child's devel-
Absent the presence of any alternative un- opment from approximately two through
derstandings in classrooms, it legitimizes ex- seven years of age. During this stage a child
isting social and power relationships in rapidly develops language ability as well as
schools and society, (hfs) an understanding of symbolism. The child is
also able to represent things symbolically,
but from an egocentric perspective. Behav-
iors that are considered "pre-operational"
Any opinion or attitude that is formed with- are those which rely less on the application
out regard to factual information. Prejudice of consistent problem solving strategies and
is usually a preconceived opinion or bias more on intuition. The use and manipula-
against a person or group of people. Preju- tion of symbols in language, simple problem
dice is characterized by stereotypical or even solving, and play situations are some of the
ignorant beliefs that are not critically ex-
amined, but rather are formed as a result of behaviors shown by preoperational children,
(npo, vm)
prior assumptions, opinions, values, and be-
liefs. Such assumptions, opinions, beliefs,
and values are usually negative and can be pre-referral intervention
used to justify political, economic, and social Provision of special services before comple-
policies. Nonetheless, it is possible to have a tion of the eligibility for special education
positive, but prejudiced, attitude or belief, services, (sr)
prejudice reduction (See anti-racist Academic course or class or experience re-
education) quiring successful completion prior to the
enrollment in a subsequent, more advanced
preliminary examination (See academic course or class; implies a linear ac-
examination, preliminary) quisition of knowledge, (cf)


preschool Jackson State University. The Commission

Care and curriculum designed to meet the reviewed various outbreaks of violence
needs of children ages three to five years. throughout the nation on college campuses,
Ideally, preschool learning is carefully particularly in response to the U.S. invasion
planned and coordinated to prepare children of Cambodia and the Kent State and Jackson
for the transition to kindergarten. Curricu- State shootings. The report contained rec-
lum may include block play, science, arith- ommendations for governmental and univer-
metic, pretend play, arts and crafts, sity officials, as well as the public at large,
constructing with manipulatives, and gross on how to defuse campus outbursts before
motor activities, (jlj) turning violent, (rih)

The manner in which something is pre- pretend play
sented. The way in which a symbol or image A specific form of play that children engage
represents something or the way in which in, in which children take on roles and im-
something is set forth for the attention of the provise situations by themselves or with oth-
mind. An immediate object is presentational ers, sometimes using dolls or stuffed animals
inasmuch as it evokes a perception, cogni- as well, or in which children take objects and
tion, or memory. In experimental work, the imagine they are other things (a towel is a
act of placing a stimulus before a subject is magic carpet, a bandanna is a leash to walk
presentational. In social interactions, the an imaginary dog). Many educators and the-
manner in which a person expresses oneself orists believe that pretend play is a crucial
is a presentational ritual. In symbol system aspect of children's development intellectu-
theory presentational symbols are those that ally and socially. It is through pretend play
require interpretation in terms of their own that children try on, experience, and come
presentation (e.g., downward lines repre- to understand the roles and relationships of
senting sorrow) as opposed to notational the adult world that they are preparing to
symbols that somewhat arbitrarily represent enter, (em)
that to which they refer (like the notation
"2"). (kpb)
Any assessment designed to provide infor-
pre-service teacher
Someone who has the stated goal of being a mation on the skills or abilities of test takers
PK-12 teacher in the future and is actively before instruction or an experimental pro-
engaged in a teacher education program or cedure. Pretest results are frequently com-
alternative certification program. This des- pared with posttest results to investigate the
ignation covers those who are just beginning effects of instruction or experimental proce-
a program through those who are student dures. Used as a verb, pretest means to ad-
teaching but are not yet employed as teach- minister test items on a trial basis to a
ers, (peb) sample of test takers before the test is ad-
ministered operationally. Pretesting is con-
president (See chancellor) ducted to provide a check on the quality of
test items and clarity and suitability of ad-
President's Commission on Campus ministrative procedures. Quantitative data
Unrest from pretesting (e.g., item facility and dis-
Republican Governor William Scranton crimination indices) can be used to deter-
(Scranton Commission) undertook this re- mine whether items are functioning as
port which President Nixon commissioned intended, while qualitative data (e.g., test-
in June 1970 in response to the violent taker interviews) can provide insights into
catastrophes at Kent State University and test takers' affective reactions to the test


items, whether they found them difficult, primary sources

confusing, and so on. (sew) The "raw materials" of research such as
See also posttest. artifacts, maps, pictures, original texts of
books, plays, diaries, people, letters, jour-
prevention nals, school records, oral testimony by an
Preventive actions taken to reduce or control eyewitness, etc. These sources are firsthand,
for the occurrence of negative experiences independent, original, and form the foun-
upon children's growth and development. dation upon which historical research is con-
These may be organized into three levels: structed. From exposure to primary sources,
primary, secondary, or tertiary, (xss, yb) students are provided with the opportunity
See also primary prevention; secondary to experience the past more directly than
prevention; tertiary prevention. otherwise possible, (igb)

prevocational education
An educational program, usually in middle prime
or junior high school, providing general in- A natural number greater than one (i.e., an
troductory instruction about technologies element from the set {2, 3, 4, 5, . . . }) whose
for career exploratory and guidance pur- only positive divisors are one and the num-
poses rather than preparation for a specific ber itself. The integer 1 is not considered
occupation. Prevocational education is in- prime. It is considered a unit, (cmdv)
tended to lay a foundation for future voca-
tional career choice. The first phase of a
prime factorization
work-study program that offers students the
When a number is written as a product of
opportunity to evaluate their abilities as
its prime factors, (ps)
workers and to become familiar with job re-
quirements, (db)
primitive reflexes
primary prevention Reflexes stimulated by touch, present at
This level focuses on avoiding negative ex- birth, and that gradually disappear during
periences that impact children's lives from the first years of life. Early neurological
ever occurring. At this level physical envi- problems are suspected if these reflexes are
ronmental alterations may be made, as may abnormal, absent, or persist for an extended
discussions of potential harmful causes and period of time. Examples of the primitive re-
experiences, raising community awareness flexes are grasping, swimming, sucking,
about these potential causes, and providing rooting, and stepping reflex. (mc2)
training or other supports to counterbalance
the possible negative effects. Community
values are addressed at this level of preven- principal
tion, (xss, yb) The principal is the instructional leader,
manager, director, and chief executive offi-
primary school cer of the school. The duties of the principal
Historical term which denotes schools that include, but are not limited to, approving the
provide basic education for a child in kin- appointments of teachers and campus staff;
dergarten through grade three. The school setting specific educational objectives for the
must be licensed or certified and provide ap- campus; developing campus budgets; and as-
propriate instructional programs including signing, evaluating and promoting campus
literacy, basic skills acquisition, and prepar- personnel. Principals are also charged with
ing children for adulthood. Currently the assuming the administrative responsibility
term "elementary school," meaning grades and instructional leadership for campus dis-
K-5, is more commonly utilized, (lew) cipline, (ly)


printmaking philosophies and practices to be used in the

The creation of multiple impressions on pa- classroom, (npo)
per from greasy pigment applied (sometimes See also public education.
with the help of a press) repeatedly to the
same plate, block, stone, screen, transfer pa- private industry councils (PIC)
per, or film negative. Main processes in- Advisory groups, created through the Job
clude: relief, where nonprinting areas are Training Partnership Act, that bring together
etched away (e.g., woodcuts, photoengrav- representatives from business and industry
ing); intaglio, where printing areas are re- to oversee local efforts in the areas of oc-
cessed (e.g., etching, engraving, drypoint); cupational training and adult literacy devel-
and planographic, involving a flat surface opment, (las)
(e.g., lithography). Educators often employ
simple techniques requiring minimal equip-
ment such as wood cutting, using a spoon private schools (See private education)
to press on the paper, and potato printing in
which potato halves are carved, dipped in private space
paint, and pressed onto paper, (lj) Refers to area or areas in the home, school,
or familiar place where a child may relax
and feel comfortable. The area or space may
prior learning assessment
be visible by others, but there is an explicit
Assessment of learning gained prior to ma-
understanding that others in the larger set-
triculation in a postsecondary institution,
ting should not interrupt the child's activities
usually with the goal of awarding credit in
in the space. This area may house quiet ac-
recognition of that learning. The learning
tivities such as reading books, playing with
may have been gained through training
toys, resting, or other individual or very
courses, work experience, voluntary activi-
small group activities, (at)
ties, reading, etc. Assessment may be done
through examination, review of products or
a portfolio, interviews, etc. (chb) private university
Unlike state-funded universities, private uni-
versities depend on student tuition as well as
prison art programs income from endowments and contributions
Collaborations between prisons and individ- from individuals and companies for funding.
ual artists in which practicing visual artists, Consequently, private universities are usu-
dramatic artists, or poets spend time work- ally more costly than state universities for
ing with incarcerated individuals. Such pro- students who attend college in their state of
grams are designed for both inmate artists residence. Students with few financial re-
and nonartists, allowing artistically inclined sources who want to attend private univer-
inmates to hone existing artistic skills and sities often apply for scholarships, financial
allowing all inmates an opportunity for self- aid, work study, or student loans, (cf)
reflection, self-expression, and the growth of
self-esteem, (lw)
A special advantage or benefit enjoyed by an
private education individual or socioeconomic class. Privilege
Educational institutions and programs sup- can be consciously used, or can be assumed
ported primarily by nonpublic funds are as a right by the privileged group or individ-
considered private. These schools and col- ual. In common usage, privilege is often ex-
leges are administered by the private sector pressed as an advantage based on status or
with limited or no governmental oversight, rank that is used to maintain the social
allowing for specific types of educational status quo. (jqa, npo)

privileged communication

privileged communication the dual roles of learner and educator. The

Any document, statement, or other form of shared and individual knowledge and per-
communication that is not open for public ceptions subsequently become the focus of
examination or scrutiny. Within traditional study through inquiry designed and rede-
psychotherapy settings, this refers to mate- signed to facilitate action in, with, and upon
rial that is produced or disclosed within a the social reality of the world, (jpc, hfs)
bona fide therapeutic relationship. Privilege
enables mental health professionals to pro- problem solving
tect clients' confidentiality in a legal setting, A strategy used to apply all previously ac-
though specific laws regarding privilege vary quired knowledge and experience to new
from state to state, (mkt) situations and challenges. Education increas-
ingly focuses on the teaching and reinforce-
probability ment of individual problem-solving skills as
The branch of mathematics concerned with a priority area separate from the imparting
analyzing the possibility of a particular event of accumulated knowledge. In educational
occurring. Probability is computed on the psychology, this is a counseling strategy to
basis of observing the number of actual out- resolve a situation or question that is causing
comes and dividing that number by the num- client distress. Five phases are involved in
ber of possible outcomes, (kr) problem solving: defining the problem, iden-
tifying possible solutions, choosing an effec-
probes (See probing questions) tive solution, implementing the solution, and
evaluating the outcome. In mathematics ed-
probing questions ucation, problem solving is a mathematics
Teacher questions or statements immediately task in which the solution is not known.
following a student's response that are de- Problem solving is not applying a known
signed to encourage the student to think procedure to a task that would simply be an
more deeply and respond more thoroughly, exercise (or routine problem). The focus of
usually by clarifying, elaborating, or extend- problem solving is for students to under-
ing the initial response, (bba) stand and learn mathematics. Many re-
searchers equate mathematics with problem
problem posing solving. The determination of a problem is
Problem posing involves students taking a particular to an individual. For example, to
mathematics problem or task and generating a young student, 28 + 56 may be a problem,
their own set of questions or tasks. Nonrou- if she/he has no algorithm to apply. George
tine problems or problems that have more Polya (1887-1985) was known for a four-
than one solution provide more opportuni- step linear method for problem solving, but
ties for students to become engaged in prob- current research shows that problem solving
lem posing, (sdt) is a more complicated recursive process. In
educational administration problem solving
problem posing education involves identifying, constructing, and de-
A term used by Paulo Freire to describe and veloping solutions to conceptual, organiza-
discuss a problem that is important to their tional, and technical problems that influence
lives. This active and continuous process of administrative effectiveness in various situa-
education allows teachers and students to tions and under particular conditions, (cd,
critically identify contradictions, questions, sc, sdt, cf)
circumstance, and issues that arise in social
reality. The development of a critical con- problem-based learning
sciousness in both student and teacher is An instructional approach that organizes the
central to the process. The roles of teachers curriculum around loosely structured prob-
and learners meld as all participants take on lems that students attempt to solve by using


knowledge and skills from several disciplines formation by taking roles as necessary
or subject areas. In higher education this in- within the classroom drama. A lesson on
structional method or curricular framework fossils might have students playing archae-
uses complex and compelling problems as ologists, historians, politicians, and biolo-
the context and stimulus for learning. Fac- gists, while the teacher-in-role guides both
ulty members work as facilitators, guides, the drama and the learning that emerges
and coaches, and students take some own- from it. (em)
ership of the learning process as they work
to seek viable solutions to the problem, (bba, process reflection
cf) An examination of how individuals perform
the functions of perceiving, thinking, feeling,
problem-centered learning or acting. It also includes an assessment of
An instructional approach for mathematics efficacy in performing each in isolation and
classrooms described by Wheatley that has in totality, (hfs)
three components: tasks, groups, and shar-
ing. The teacher is first responsible for process writing
choosing tasks that will likely be problem- A top-down, student-centered approach to
atic. After choosing potentially problematic writing in which writing instruction focuses
tasks students then work in pairs or groups on the process of creating writing rather
(collaboratively) to solve the task. The third than on the end product, and in which con-
component involves students sharing with tent and self-expression are emphasized over
the class their thinking and ideas about the grammatical and lexical accuracy. The proc-
mathematical tasks. Problem-centered learn- ess writing approach views writing as a re-
ing focuses upon students understanding and cursive endeavor which incorporates stages
making sense of mathematics and is in direct of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and
contrast with a teacher directed classroom publishing, (jk)
which focuses primarily upon students re-
peating prescribed procedures that are dic- proctor
tated by the teacher, (sdt) A person whose duty is to watch over ex-
aminees during a test. Responsibilities of a
process approach proctor may include seating examinees, dis-
A method of teaching that focuses on pro- tributing and collecting test materials, check-
cedures rather than the final product. Skills ing identification, and monitoring examinees
obtained, although learned through study of to prevent cheating. Proctors may also be
a specific subject, are often transferable to called upon to certify the identity of exam-
other topics and situations. Processes taught inees, for example, if a test is administered
include communication, inference, measure- via the Internet rather than at a central test-
ment, observation, etc. (jw) ing site. As a verb, to supervise a test ("to
proctor"), (sew)
process drama
Developed and advanced by drama educa- prodigy
tors such as Cecily O'Neill and Dorothy A person with special, extraordinary, or un-
Heathcote, process drama, designed specifi- usual artistic ability well beyond what might
cally for work in classrooms, is a structured be gained by training—usually refers to a
method of using improvisation within cur- child. Like genius, the label "prodigy" can
ricular lessons in order for students to dis- suffer from overuse and misuse, applied
cover knowledge as they proceed. Students widely to anyone demonstrating ability and
engage by playing roles pertinent to the les- used for promotional purposes rather than
son and improvising within the situation; the description and understanding. Derived
teacher guides, questions, and adds new in- from the Middle English word for portent


(prodige) and the Latin word for omen or education, professional development encom-
monster (prodigium), prodigy originates as a passes the intentional, ongoing, and systemic
word signifying a sign of things to come, an processes and activities designed to enhance
indication of the future. Educational re- the professional knowledge, skills, and atti-
searchers have noted that prodigiousness tudes of educators so that they might, in
seems to fall in one area (e.g., chess) rather turn, improve the learning of students. While
than being global, (em) there is not total agreement on the major
models of professional development, there
production is some agreement on the following: train-
The creation, presentation, and/or perform- ing, observation/assessment, involvement in
ance of a work of art (e.g., visual art, liter- a development/improvement process, study
ature, drama, music, opera, dance, or film). groups, inquiry/action research, individually
A theatrical production refers to both the guided activities, mentoring. In higher edu-
performance itself as well as the whole proc- cation professional development activities
ess of creating the final presentation. In film, foster faculty members' increasing sophisti-
production refers to the stage during which cation in their academic discipline, and they
the primary shooting of scenes takes place usually take the form of sabbaticals for
(preceded by the planning and writing dur- scholarship, research grants, or support for
ing pre-production and followed by the ed- travel to conferences in the discipline, (chb,
iting and finishing work of postproduction). bs, cf)
Often, production is used to indicate the
whole artistic project, as in "That was a
professional development school (PDS)
beautiful production of Swan Lake." From
A school that has formed a partnership with
a cognitive perspective, production (the
a college or university in order to contribute
making of a work) is often distinguished
to the improvement of both the school and
from perception (the perceiving of a work)
the college's or university's teacher educa-
even though both processes require meaning
tion programs. The mission of these schools
making through an artistic medium, (em)
includes the development of novice profes-
sionals, the continuing development of ex-
productive noise
perienced professionals, and research and
The sounds (e.g., speech, manipulation of
development of the teaching profession. The
equipment) made by students who are ac-
ultimate goals are to prepare all teachers to
tively engaged in a cooperative or collabo-
teach all students for understanding; to meet
rative learning activity. Productive noise is
the diverse needs of children and families; to
considered to be a natural, positive by-
enact shared governance within the school
product of active learning rather than the
community and in relations between schools
sign of a poorly managed classroom in
and universities; to redesign schools and
which noise interferes with effective instruc-
schools of education for constructivist, per-
tion, (bba)
sonalized, and collegial learning; and to
function as communities of learners. Their
professional degree (See degree,
aim is to transform the entire educational
enterprise by changing teaching, schooling,
and teacher education simultaneously, (bba,
professional development
Any activity designed to help an adult, es-
pecially a professional, to become current or
remain current in his/her field; to develop professional knowledge
and enhance skills and knowledge; or to in- Empirically grounded reflective process re-
crease the breadth and depth of understand- lated to one's expertise. In education, pro-
ing that can lead to improved practice. In fessional knowledge refers to application of

progressive adult education

theory and practice in the classroom by the program articulation

teacher, (bjl) The process of arranging the instructional
programs of the successive grades and divi-
sions of the educational system so that a
professional practice
closely interlocking, continuous, and consis-
In education, the integration of theory and
tent learning environment is provided as
practice to create an individual pre-service
learners progress through the system. It is
and in-service teacher's approach to dissem-
also the degree of continuity, consistency,
ination of information in the classroom, (bjl)
and interdependence in the offerings of the
successive grades and divisions of the edu-
professional semester cational system, (db)
In a teacher education program, usually the
final 16 weeks of study in which a pre- program design
service teacher is placed in a supervised prac- The arrangement of educational or other ac-
tice arrangement in order to develop ex- tivities with specific objectives related to cur-
pertise as a teacher under the guidance of an riculum and instruction. The design of a
in-service teacher and a teacher education program will affect its implementation and
supervisor, (bjl) the outcomes, (npo)

professional sequence program evaluation (See evaluation;

In education, a step-by-step procedure in evaluation, program)
which one level is built upon another in turn
until the ultimate goal is reached (i.e., certi- program review (See evaluation,
fication, licensure, higher education degree, program)
etc.). (bjl)
programmed instruction
professionalism A method of instruction that presents subject
The conduct, aims, or qualities that charac- matter to a student in a sequence of small,
terize or mark an occupation or a person controlled steps through which a student
working in a particular occupation, (bjl) proceeds at his or her own pace. Using a
computer or workbook, the student is asked
professoriate one or more questions at each step and is
A collective term for the thousands of schol- provided answers upon completion of each.
ars, scientists, professionals, and specialists In addition to the correct answer, additional
who hold faculty rank in American colleges information may be provided at the conclu-
and universities, (cf) sion of each step, (jw)

progressive adult education

proficiency-based education
An educational philosophy that values learn-
An approach to education that emphasizes
ing derived from observation and experience
the demonstration of skills and knowledge rather than from tradition and authority.
as evidence of learning, (las) The progressive philosophy of adult educa-
tion emphasizes democracy and creativity in
program approval the classroom. It focuses on the learner's
In teacher education this is the process by experience and practical problem-solving
which an accrediting agency evaluates the methods. Educators facilitate learning rather
scope, sequence, and quality of a teacher ed- than teach so that the relationship between
ucation program in order to award accredi- educators and learners is codependent and
tation or license to prepare educators, (rtc) collaborative, (jwg)

progressive education

progressive education "Progressive Era") based on the conviction

An educational reform movement of the late that the underprivileged status of groups
nineteenth and early twenieth centuries that such as blacks, immigrants, and women was
gathered momentum with the formation of attributable to social and political oppres-
the Progressive Education Association in sion rather than to a lack of intelligence or
1919. The philosophy emphasizes learning ambition. Thus, progressive psychologists,
by doing, adaptation of the curriculum and philosophers, and social scientists worked
instruction to student needs and interests, for the reform of social institutions, includ-
cooperative learning, the introduction of real ing education, to make them serve the pur-
life issues into the curriculum, and the use pose of improving the lives of individuals
of the school to address social, political, and from all segments of society, (mg)
economic problems. Progressive education See also essentialism; perennialism; pro-
is typically contrasted with traditional edu- gressive education; vocational education.
cation, which emphasizes teacher- and
discipline-centered instruction. While the Project Adventure
first two decades of the twentieth century An experiential program that utilizes physi-
were the heyday of progressive education, its cal activity, risk, trust, adventure, problem
influence is evident in the work of modern solving, and hands-on learning. Project Ad-
educators and educational theorists as well. venture is a registered trademark. The cor-
Individuals closely associated with this poration is a leader in adventure education.
movement included John Dewey and Francis It offers training and consulting for busi-
W. Parker. Begun as a reaction to the indus- nesses, human service organizations and ed-
trial, assembly-line model of teaching and ucational groups, publications, equipment,
learning which lifted up the values of effi- and design and installation of challenge
ciency, compliance, and standardization, ropes courses, (rf)
progressive education emphasized individual See also adventure education.
differences and the learner's overall devel-
opment in the social-emotional realm as well project approach (See project-based
as the physical and intellectual ones. Pro- learning)
gressive educators have sought to reform
education to make it a vehicle for the project method
empowerment of students from all back- Popularized in the United States by William
grounds, rather than an instrument of their Kilpatrick in 1918, the project method is
social control and stratification. Progressive teaching and learning in which students en-
education is generally student-centered, fa- gage in activities or carry out projects that
voring, for example, critical thinking over they themselves regard as purposeful and in-
rote learning, student-teacher dialogue over teresting. Kilpatrick proposed several pro-
lecture, immediate over delayed relevance of jects, each with a different type of purpose:
curriculum, learning by doing over reading in Type I, the purpose is to embody some
text books, and the strengthening of moral idea in external form (to produce a play, for
judgment over conformity to dominant eth- example); Type II, to enjoy an aesthetic ex-
ical norms, (cd, hv, ecr, mg) perience (for example, to listen to music);
See also progressivism; traditional educa- Type III, to solve some problem; and Type
tion. IV, to gain some particular knowledge or
skill (to learn French irregular verbs, for ex-
progressivism ample), (hv)
Progress means improvement of some kind.
Progressivism was a pluralistic reform move- project training
ment in the United States in the late nine- A participative experience that combines ca-
teenth and early twentieth centuries (the reer or vocational-technical instruction in

proscenium arch

the classroom with supervised and coordi- proof

nated laboratory activities, (jm) The logical step-by-step arguing of a prop-
osition from axioms, assumptions, or previ-
ously proved propositions by direct or
Project Zero
indirect methods. Evidence or argument that
A research center founded in 1967 at the
persuades the mind to accept the asserted
Harvard Graduate School of Education by
idea or thought as true. Also, a proof may
Nelson Goodman. Initially intended to focus
be a convincing or persuasive demonstra-
its efforts on the improvement of arts edu-
tion, (wja)
cation, the project was co-directed by How-
ard Gardner and David Perkins from 1972
to 2000. Project Zero now conducts research propaganda
in the areas of human cognitive develop- Any association or concerted movement
ment, creativity, thinking and other disci- whose aim is the spreading of ideas, infor-
plines related to learning. In 2000, Steve mation, or misinformation for the purpose
Seidel was appointed director and the pro- of helping or injuring an institution, cause,
ject continues to be at the forefront of re- doctrine, practice, or person. Through the
search in the field of education, (jwc) mass media, the primary target of propa-
ganda is the political class (or social man-
agers), that is, the minority of population
project-based learning that is educated, articulate, and expected to
An instructional approach in which students play some role in decision making, (ewr)
are engaged in a project involving sustained,
in-depth exploration of a central question or PROPEL (See ARTS PROPEL)
problem. The projects usually link several
disciplines, require diverse skills to solve, al- proportional reasoning
low for multiple solutions, are of extended Proportions are equivalent ratios (see ratio).
duration, involve small group collaboration, Multiplicative thinking is needed in order to
and draw upon the teacher as coach. Project- be able to solve proportional tasks meaning-
based learning is purported to promote stu- fully. Piaget's clinical interviews, reaffirmed
dents' intrinsic motivation and engagement in later studies, highlighted the difficulty
through studies of real-world topics, (bba, many adolescents and adults have in suc-
bjl) cessfully reasoning in proportional situa-
tions, (amr)
projective test
One of a class of personality assessment proprietary schools
techniques that involves a relatively unstruc- For-profit institutions such as business
tured verbal-response task. Only brief and schools, trade and technical schools, cos-
general instructions are provided so as to metology and correspondence schools. As an
maximize the free play of fantasy. Consistent alternative to college, they provide oppor-
with this aim, the test stimuli are usually tunities for adults to improve their skills or
vague and ambiguous. The underlying "pro- change careers, especially among adults
jective hypothesis" is that the structure that without a high school diploma, (las)
the subject imposes on the ambiguous task
and the perceptions and interpretations of proscenium arch
the stimuli will reveal fundamental aspects The arch that frames the stage in a tradi-
of psychological functioning. Representative tional theater, marking the separation of the
instruments include the Rorschach Inkblot often elevated performing area from the
Test, the Thematic Apperception Test audience. Viewed as a way of making thea-
(TAT), and the various incomplete sentences trical performances stylistically similar to
blanks, among others, (rnp) paintings (i.e., providing something to look

prose literacy

at within a frame). The proscenium arch psychoactive drug

highlights the distance between actors and Term used for medications that affect people
audience both physically and dramatically, psychologically by altering mood, anxiety,
separating the unreal (action on stage) from cognitive processes, or behavior. They are
the real (lives of the audience). An extension often useful in treating, among other prob-
of the stage, called an apron or thrust, in lems, depression, anxiety, insomnia, psycho-
front of the proscenium arch, brings dra- sis, or mania. Psychoactive drugs do not
matic action closer to the audience, (em) necessarily affect the underlying causes of
these problems, but can provide sympto-
prose literacy matic relief, (sdc)
Defined in the National Adult Literacy Sur-
vey as the knowledge and skills needed to psychoanalytic therapy
understand and use information from texts An insight-oriented therapeutic approach
that include editorials, news stories, poems, that relies principally on introspection and
and fiction, (jpc) that was modified conceptually and techni-
cally from Freud's original formulations on
psychoanalysis. This approach relies upon
pro-social skills
two fundamental hypotheses: the principle
Teaching children social competency and
of psychic determinism, or causality, and the
fostering peer acceptance by developing
proposition that unconscious mental proc-
skills in such areas as friendship, problem
esses exert a frequent and significant impact
solving, anger management, and overall self-
on normal and abnormal mental function-
esteem, (sr)
ing. Commonly employed interventions in-
clude interpretation, but, in contrast to
Prosser Resolution formal psychoanalysis, there is less system-
Popular name for Vitalizing Secondary Ed- atic analysis of the transference and of un-
ucation: Education for Life Adjustment derlying dynamics, and sessions are con-
(1951), the final report of a conference of ducted face-to-face, (rnp)
educators that had been held in 1945 to dis-
cuss a U.S. Office of Education study on vo- psychodrama
cational education. Made famous by author Developed by Jacob Levy Moreno, psycho-
Charles Prosser's assertion that 60 percent of drama is a form of improvisational role-
high school students were not having their playing used in therapeutic situations to help
needs for "life adjustment education" met by individuals work actively through specific
existing academic and vocational education events, incidents, and situations in their lives
programs, this report provided the spark by enacting difficult situations as well as try-
that ignited the life adjustment education ing to find pathways to resolution. The focus
movement. This movement later became the of psychodrama is the individual's emotions,
target of savage criticism by supporters of inner thoughts, choices, and conflicts. A type
rigorous intellectual standards in education, of psychotherapy, psychodrama is necessar-
such as Arthur Bestor. (sw) ily used most commonly by therapists, coun-
selors, and other trained professionals, with
proxemics children and adults, and is often employed
The study of personal and cultural spatial in group situations in which other partici-
needs and consequent influences on interac- pants can act out roles in the individual's
tion and communication with others. A typ- life, (em)
ical example is an individual's comfort zone
in his or her proximity to another speaker, psychological assessment
and how that affects the ensuing dialogue, Involves measurement of specific areas of
(jqa, npo) psychological functioning using a variety of

psychotic disorder

evaluation methods. A basic psychological psychosis

assessment will include an interview with the Traditionally understood to refer to a loss of
client, specifically targeted psychological reality testing and impairment of mental
measurements of behavior, and systematic functioning. It is characterized by halluci-
observation of client behavior and function- nations, delusions, confusion, and/or im-
ing. The data from the assessment are inte- paired memory. Gross impairment of reality
grated with corroborating data and used for testing interferes with the ability of an indi-
several purposes, including: gaining a better vidual who is actively psychotic to accu-
understanding of client characteristics, di- rately perceive and draw inferences from
agnosing specific mental disorders, and/or external reality, as well as to evaluate one's
making recommendations to help the client own thoughts and perceptions. Recently,
function more effectively. Common areas for this term has come to be conceptualized
psychological assessment include evaluation more globally as a severe impairment of so-
of learning disabilities, personality charac- cial and personal functioning, (rnp)
teristics, and attentional and behavioral
problems, (lbl, tvh) psychosocial development
Describes an individual's process of matu-
ration in psychological and social areas. This
psychological test
process usually evolves from an infant's fo-
A device or method used to measure, assess,
cus on self to awareness of others as individ-
and interpret human behavior. These tests
uals. The development process changes as
involve gathering data from a specific sample
the individual begins to interact more fully
of behavior, ideally under standardized con-
with others until such interactions incorpo-
ditions. Responses are then coded or scored,
rate complex relationships in adolescent and
and interpreted using established rules, sys-
adult years. Various theorists have proposed
tems, or interpretive frameworks. If possible, different models of psychosocial develop-
individual data from psychological tests is ment. Freud identified several stages of psy-
compared with established norms gathered chosocial development with a psychosexual
from samples that match the client on simi- focus; Erik Erikson emphasized interactions
lar characteristics, such as age, grade level, between the physical and social environment
or level of psychological functioning. Psy- with the individual; and L. Kohlberg focused
chological tests are used to evaluate many on aspects of moral development, (npo)
areas of functioning, including achievement,
personality characteristics, intelligence, neu-
rological functioning, behavioral character- psychosomatic illness
Any mental disorder with somatic or bodily
istics, or adaptive functioning, (lbl, tvh)
manifestations that is assumed to arise, at
least in part, from cognitive and/or affective
psychomotor stimulant processes. Stated differently, any mental dis-
Considered to be any stimulant that has a order with accompanying physical symp-
mental effect that encourages a bodily motor toms that arise from psychological causes.
response. Such stimulants include substances (kab)
ranging from caffeine to cocaine. The well- See also somatoform disorder.
known drug Ritalin, a psychotropic medi-
cation, is an example of a psychomotor psychotic disorder
stimulant. Touches and sensations that elicit A category of mental disorders that have as
reflexive responses (e.g., the sucking reflex in their primary feature gross impairment in re-
infants in response to a touch on the cheek) ality testing, typically characterized by
are also considered psychomotor stimulants, symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions,
(mkt) disorganized or disordered thought or


speech, disorganized behavior, or catatonic Public Law 89-329 (See Higher

behavior, (jih) Education Act of 1965)

psychotropic Public Law 92-318 (See Education

Mind altering. Usually in reference to drugs Amendments of 1972)
affecting behavior or perception, (jwc)
Public Law 93-638 (See Indian Self-
PTA (See Parent Teacher Association) Determination and Education
Assistance Act)
PTO (See Parent Teacher Association)
Public Law 94-142 (See Education for
All Handicapped Children Act of 1975)
public art
Any art work made for and located in a
Public Law 96-88 (See United States
place of access to a public audience. Graffiti
Department of Education)
or murals on the sides of building walls (of-
ten depicting historical elements or commu-
Public Law 101-542 (See Student Right-
nity aspirations), sculptures (from statues
to-Know and Campus Security Act)
memorializing famous figures to works of
abstract art), and aesthetic displays of land-
Public Law 103-227 (See Goals 2000:
scape architecture are all regarded as public
Educate America Act)
art. Public art ranges from art that is simply
placed in a public space to art that is in-
public schools (See public education)
tended to provoke public conversation about
a controversial issue. In community arts ed-
public service
ucation, the collective enterprise of creating
Concepts and principles identifying the var-
public art is thought to promote community
ious ways in which colleges and universities
development, (ap)
meet their responsibilities to community,
state, society, and nation as well as their nu-
public education merous constituencies. This service ranges in
In the United States public education is form and fashion from traditional extension
available "free" to the children of American programs to more recent outreach and en-
citizens who are eligible to attend kindergar- gagement activities and efforts, (cf)
ten through twelfth grade. There is no tui-
tion charged directly to students attending; public sphere
the cost is paid through local school, city, Public spaces where because of their poten-
state, and federal taxes. However, there can tial for equality, critique, accessibility, reflex-
be hidden costs such as instructional mate- ivity, and problematizing the unquestioned,
rials. Public schools are often referred to as people can discuss matters of mutual con-
"state schools," for they must follow federal cern as peers, and learn about facts, events,
and state guidelines, such as not discrimi- and the opinions, interests, and perspectives
nating against students based on gender, of others in an atmosphere free of coercion
race, or physical disability, (bt-b) and of inequalities that would incline indi-
See also private education. viduals to acquiesce or remain silent. The
ideal of a public sphere asserts itself as a
Public Law 78-346 (See Serviceman's safeguard against the systematizing and heg-
Readjustment Act of 1944) emonic effects of the state. Such spaces may
also promote full and dynamic participation
Public Law 89-10 (See Elementary and by citizens, ensuring movement toward a
Secondary Education Act) participatory democracy, (hfs)

Pygmalion effect

public values (See values) purposive (or purposeful) sampling

Sampling in which particular settings, per-
sons, or events are selected deliberately in or-
pull-out programs
der to provide information that can't be
A way of providing additional services to ex-
gotten as well from other choices. This is an
ceptional students by removing them from
alternative to both probability sampling and
their regular classroom and placing them in
convenience sampling, and is the most com-
a special class with a special education or
mon form of sampling in qualitative re-
resource teacher, (bba)
search, (jam)

pupil (See student) Pygmalion effect

Usually regarded as synonymous with self-
fulfilling prophecy. The Pygmalion effect
puppetry suggests a strong link between expectation
The making and/or manipulation of puppets and outcome; in particular, the influence of
for use in some kind of theatrical show. A teacher expectation on student achievement.
puppet is a fabricated doll-like representa- For instance, if teachers have high expecta-
tion of an animal or human usually with a tions of students, they in turn yield high per-
hollow cloth body in which the puppeteer's formance (as exemplified by George Bernard
hand is inserted and a wooden or papier- Shaw's Pygmalion) and the reverse is true.
mache head. In Europe, China, India, Java, The Pygmalion effect came from an ancient
and elsewhere in Asia, there are ancient myth. The sculptor Pygmalion, a prince of
traditions of puppet theater. It is assumed Cyprus, wanted to create an ivory statue of
that puppet theater has everywhere ante- the ideal woman. He did so and named her
dated written drama and, indeed, writing of Galatea. She was so beautiful that Pygma-
any kind. A popular activity in kindergarten lion fell desperately in love with her and
classes, puppetry is historically one of the prayed to the goddess Aphrodite to bring her
earliest of art forms, (kf) to life, and so she did. (mc)


quadrivium attention to context and to the meanings

Four (quad) subjects or "ways" (via) to participants attach to social behavior. Qual-
truth; the second level of coursework offered itative research tends to be inductive and ho-
in the twelfth-century European cathedral listic, and analysis is interpretive rather than
schools and later, in altered form, in Euro- statistical, (rws)
pean medieval universities: arithmetic, ge-
ometry, music, astronomy, (bgr)
quantitative history
See also trivium.
An approach to historical research in which
one makes use of information technology to
qualitative research
collect, manipulate, and analyze large sets of
The term "qualitative research" became
data. Unlike social history, which is a term
widely used in the late 1980s to describe a
used to describe an approach to the choice
range of research methods and techniques,
of topic for historical inquiry, quantitative
which were central to anthropology and
history is a term that simply implies that the
qualitative sociology, and that had been cov-
historian has chosen to base his or her ar-
ered by the more specific term ethnography.
guments in whole or in part on an analysis
Since that time there has been a dramatic ex-
of quantitative (i.e., numeric) data. Quanti-
pansion of qualitative inquiry into other re-
tative analysis of historical information such
search domains including education. This
as census data, racial and ethnic represen-
expansion has brought with it considerable
tation in a community, or the percentage of
controversy about the extent and meaning of
children in a school eligible for free lunches
qualitative research in terms of both its epis-
can be used to bolster an argument regard-
temological foundations and its methods
ing the experience of schooling at a specific
and strategies. Despite the controversy over
time and place, (sw)
the proper application of the term, qualita-
tive research can best be defined as a form
of social inquiry that takes reality as socially quantitative literacy
constructed rather than given and where the Defined in the National Adult Literacy Sur-
data are primarily textual rather than nu- vey as the knowledge and skills required to
merical. Qualitative research is conducted in apply arithmetic operations, either alone or
naturalistic settings where the researcher, sequentially, using numbers embedded in
who is the instrument of research, pays close printed materials, (jpc)

quotitive division

quantitive reasoning designs, which are often geometrically com-

Having an understanding about quantities plex and highly decorative. Once one of the
and relationships between quantities. Re- few avenues for women to express political
search indicates the importance of the de- or religious views, quilting continues to be a
velopment of quantitive reasoning to the form of artistic expression, and because of
study of algebra, (dc) its patchwork quality, lends itself well to col-
laborative work (e.g., the AIDS quilt). It is
questioning techniques popular in schools, where students use the
Employed by teachers to assess students' quilt to create individual squares or patches
knowledge, direct a discussion, stimulate in- around a common theme, (lj)
quiry, and challenge ideas, assumptions, or
biases when discussing controversial issues. Quincy Plan
The quantity and quality of learning is im- School design developed in Boston's Quincy
pacted by the frequency, type, and level of Grammar School in the mid-nineteenth cen-
questioning that takes place between a tury in which students were divided into
teacher and students in a classroom. A va- grades, promotions were based on a system
riety of category systems are available for as- of requirements, and the facilities consisted
sessing the levels of questions and responses. of a square, four-story building with each
Among these are Benjamin Bloom's "Tax- grade occupying a separate floor, an audi-
onomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive torium on the fourth floor, and the admin-
and Affective Domains," J. B. Guilford's istration occupying the basement. The
"Structure of Intellect" model, and Kohl- Quincy Plan aided in the standardization of
berg's "Developmental Stages of Moral Rea- design and administration of schools from
soning." (igb) coast to coast in the late nineteenth century,
quiet area
Area that is physically and psychologically quiz
comfortable and inviting for children who An exercise used to assess knowledge or
prefer to be away from the group to gather skills. Often a relatively short or informal set
their thoughts. Rules for behavior may be of questions intended to test given informa-
established for proper use of the area. For tion, such as a completed chapter or recently
example, rules may be developed together completed unit of study, (jw)
with children concerning the number of chil-
dren who may use the area at any one time quotitive division
and the type of activities that are permissi- A form of intuitive division in which one at-
ble, (at) tempts to determine how many times a
smaller quantity is contained within a larger
quilting quantity. The divisor must be smaller than
The making of quilts or coverlets, in which the dividend. This model, often termed
two layers of cloth are filled with padding "measurement division," may be seen as re-
and held in place by ties or stitched designs. peated subtraction in cases where the quo-
Quilts are distinguished by their patchwork tient is a whole number, (sir)

race expressed at an individual level, when a per-
A socially constructed category classifying son expresses hatred or fear against others
groups of people according to selected phys- who are perceived as differently "raced"; at
ical and inherited characteristics. Skin color a cultural level, when a group of people of
and hair texture, but not eye or hair color, common heritage hold racist views such as
are used in the assignment of race. The con- the Nazis held against Jewish people; at a
cept of race has become questionable, as sci- political level, when a society creates laws
ence has demonstrated that all humans share that are racist, such as that it is illegal for
about 97 percent of their genes, (jc) blacks to own property; and at an institu-
See also culture; ethnicity. tional level, when seemingly neutral criteria
favor members of one race over another, (cd,
race-based admission bt-b)
The practice of acceptance and entrance to
a school or university of an individual who radical adult education
belongs to a distinct ethnic group. Although Education based on the premise that, in or-
other requirements such as standardized test der for people to exercise their power and
scores, academic records acceptable to the participate in the political process, knowl-
school or university, class ranking, and writ- edge and learning must come first. It as-
ing instruments that assess one's knowledge sumes that members of a community can
are considered in the admission process, race learn both to understand the problems of
can be the determining factor that permits their communities and to find the best so-
entry, (jt) lutions. Social action and transformation of
communities are seen as the direct result of
racism actively considering issues of power and op-
A type of destructive prejudice that involves pression as root causes of community prob-
the unequal treatment of a particular group lems, (chm)
of individuals because of social/physical/
economic/linguistic or other characteristics radical democracy
that socially define a particular race. Racism "Radical" democracy insists that all people
involves a belief system whereby one racial need to live in a society where decisions are
category (or several) is considered to be su- really made by the people. The position is
perior or inferior to another. Racism can be that a society where these conditions do not

reader response theory

exist requires the need to replace, transform, words, derivatives can be used to find rates
and rebuild social institutions so that all of change, (smc)
people can decide their destinies. This belief
in the need for critique and transformation ratio
of society, rather than simple amelioration, The comparison of two quantities. This
is what makes the democratic ideal "radi- comparison can be a part-whole compari-
cal." Radical democratic theory is nonfoun- son, expressed as a fraction, a/b or a part-
dational, fallibilistic, and contingent; it is part comparison expressed in the form a:b.
historically situated, rooted in particular (ps)
times and settings. It relies on a qualified rel-
ativistic view of truths, (bt-b) rational counting
See also democracy. Counting discrete objects with meaning.
This involves being able to organize the ob-
radical sign jects in some way so that a one-to-one match
The symbol, V? used to name roots, (ps) can be made between the objects counted
and the standard number word sequence.
Also, there is a realization that the last num-
rap/rap music ber named represents the total number of
Rap (1960s slang for conversation) has de- objects in the set. (dc)
veloped into a contemporary musical genre,
often called hip-hop, consisting of rhythmi- rational emotive behavioral therapy
cally chanted, often improvised poetry sung/ (REBT)
spoken on its own or along with selections A present-focused, action-oriented approach
from popular music. Often critical of main- to coping with problems and enhancing per-
stream culture, rap reflects a social and po- sonal growth. A primary goal of REBT is to
litical awareness that appeals to and gives assist an individual in uncovering his or her
voice to youth who, for a myriad of reasons, attitudes, beliefs, expectations, and personal
may have been placed at risk. Feared by rules that may be leading to emotional dis-
some as promoting violence and misogyny, tress, and to provide the individual with a
rap represents a range of voices that resist set of techniques to help identify and refor-
categorization. Rap has been embraced by mulate dysfunctional beliefs into more real-
popular culture, incorporated into the rep- istic and helpful ones, (jbb)
ertoire of many performing artists, and fre-
quently used or featured in movies. Some rational number
educators see the rhythm and appeal to A real number that is in the form alb where
youth of rap music as a vehicle for teaching a and b are integers and b ¥= 0; a real num
and learning, (jd) ber that can be expressed as a fraction, for
See also hip-hop. example, all is a rational number and is
written as a; a real number that is a repeat-
rate of change ing or terminating decimal. Another nota-
A measure of how quickly a quantity is tion used to express alb is (a, b). (kgh)
changing with respect to another quantity.
An example is the behavior of an object un- readability
der gravity. For each second that the object The quality and clarity of a piece of written
is falling, the distance it travels every second work. Writing that can be understood by
changes. So the distance the object is falling those for whom it is written, (jw)
changes with respect to time. The instanta-
neous rate of change of an object can be reader response theory
found by calculating the slope of the tangent A teaching approach that emphasizes the
line of the trajectory of the object; in other reader's experience interacting with a text as


opposed to the intention of the author or the given context-based problems, which may be
text itself. Thus, teachers using this ap- based in real life but may also be based on
proach are concerned with the student's sub- problem situations that students can imag-
jective thoughts on the text, and not with ine. By solving context-based problems, stu-
any particular objective interpretation of the dents are able to develop mathematical tools
text, (za) and understanding, creating models that
may help solve other related problems, (kgh)
The construction of personal meanings from reality
the use of available language systems Most simply, that which exists. Ever since
(grapho-phonemics, syntax, semantics, and Plato, reality has been understood as the op-
pragmatics), (mcl) posite of "mere" appearance. Hence, for
Plato (and for some twentieth-century phys-
reading readiness icists) the world ordinarily grasped by the
The conceptual and affective preparedness five senses is merely the reflection of some-
for formal instruction in reading (and usu- thing more permanent, more substantial.
ally writing), (mcl) The attempt has been made to replace the
illusion of appearances with knowledge of
reading recovery true causes and entities that embody them,
A program of individualized support for which would constitute reality. Kant, among
struggling beginning readers based upon the others, thought this search for reality per-
work of New Zealander Marie Clay, (mcl) fectly hopeless insofar as it involved the use
of terms such as "cause" well beyond their
reading strategies appropriate bounds, (an)
The conscious, purposeful evocation and ap-
plication of reading behaviors that, when reality therapy
used automatically and unconsciously, are An active, directive, and didactic approach
considered skills. Reading strategies are val- to psychotherapy that focuses on teaching
uable in particular situations in which skills individuals how to direct their own lives and
cannot be automatically invoked, such as make more effective choices. A primary goal
during initial learning, when unexpected of reality therapy is to inform clients of their
breakdowns in comprehension occur, and in ability to choose behaviors that will help
situations in which a task is too difficult to them meet their future needs more effec-
be processed adequately by the reader's pres- tively, in part, by highlighting what the cli-
ent skills, (jk) ent is doing currently and by getting him or
her to evaluate its (in)effectiveness, (jbb)
The philosophical position that the world reason
exists independently of our perceptions or The ability to assess and consider a situation
theories of it. Although realism is a promi- in its various aspects. Reason can also be the
nent position in current philosophy of sci- explanation for a particular choice or behav-
ence, it has had little influence on qualitative ior, (npo)
research, which is usually seen as based on
some form of constructivism, (jam) reasonableness
The quality of rationally determining
realistic mathematics whether your thinking and the answer to a
Based on Hans Freudenthal's view of math- problem is able to be justified to yourself or
ematics, which is that mathematics is a hu- to another person. Using estimation strate-
man activity and should be connected to gies to assess whether a result of computa-
reality. In realistic mathematics, students are tion is appropriate, (vdf)


reasoning teacher is certified; the agreement recognizes

Typically considered problem solving, rea- the teaching certificate earned and with
soning can involve either inductive or de- proof and optional testing, will issue a teach-
ductive thinking. Using logic, reasoning is ing certificate in the states who have signed
part of the cognitive process that uses avail- the agreement, (bjl)
able information to develop new ideas or in-
formation, (npo)
Question and answer discourse in which the
REBs (See regional employment boards) teacher asks questions and students respond.
Recitation follows a pattern known as IRE
REBT (See rational emotive behavioral (Initiate, Respond, Evaluate): The teacher
therapy) asks a question; the student responds; the
teacher evaluates the response. Recitation is
recertification typically used to review and assess student
In education, renewing a credential in the understanding and recall after a reading as-
area of competence in which a state depart- signment or lecture. Teachers usually ask
ment of education endorses the teacher to be convergent questions (questions having spe-
qualified to teach. The credential or teaching cific predetermined answers) focusing on
certificate authorizes an agency to hire a literal-level understanding and recall, (ba)
teacher in accordance with state standards at
the professional level, (bjl) recomposition method (See number
The common term used for the contraction
phase of the business cycle; a general period rectificatory justice (See justice)
of declining economic activity during which
the real gross domestic product declines by recursive problem solving
approximately 10 percent, the unemploy- Involves finding a solution to a mathemati-
ment rate rises, and inflation tends to be low cal task by returning or turning back to steps
or nonexistent. Recessions generally last already taken. For example, when problem
from six to eighteen months, with one year solving one may initially attempt various
most common, (mkg) strategies for finding a feasible solution.
Then, one will step back to reflect upon the
reciprocal teaching task and strategies applied. This process may
A form of collaborative teaching in which continue through several iterations, before a
teacher and students share the teaching re- solution may be found, (sdt)
sponsibility by taking turns as leaders in dis-
cussing a reading selection. As they discuss redirection
the reading, the students, as well as the Using positive, nonpunitive guidance to re-
teacher, engage in four reading comprehen- focus a child's interest before or after an un-
sion strategies—asking questions, clarifying desirable behavior occurs. The use of this
areas of confusion, predicting upcoming technique requires keen observation by the
content, and summarizing reading material, teacher or caregiver to anticipate a child's
(bba) actions and emotions, or quick response
from the teacher or caregiver to resolve con-
reciprocity flicts without reinforcing the use of the un-
In teacher education, an interstate certifica- desirable behavior. The teacher or caregiver
tion agreement with other states signed by acts calmly in order not to create a distur-
the state board of education in which a bance in the environment or setting, (at)


reductivism (See minimalism) rary discussion of professional competence

and vocational education, reflection has
reentry courses played a prominent role. In counseling, re-
Courses designed to allow adults to enter flection is a specific type of listening response
higher education programs without needing that involves commenting on/identifying the
to pass through lower levels of the educa- affect (i.e., feelings) associated with a client's
tional system, (las) comments. This method is used to increase
a client's self-awareness, to encourage him
reentry student or her to experience his or her feelings more
Individuals who return to an educational deeply, and to bolster his or her confidence
program after a prolonged absence. Typi- that the counselor is, indeed, understanding
cally these are students who, after enrolling accurately what he or she is experiencing
in a postsecondary institution and then emotionally, (bjl, jbl, bmm)
abandoning their studies, matriculate again
in a postsecondary institution, (las, chb) reflective decision making
The process of examining the merits and
referral problems of the situation under consider-
A recommendation from a counselor or a ation in a deliberate and careful way, con-
consultant to a client to receive services in a sidering both the past and future while
different capacity than what is currently in assessing potential outcomes, (cd)
place. Purposes may include medication
evaluations, psychological or educational as- reflective inquiry
sessments, or different or alternative forms A process that calls for careful description of
of psychotherapy. A counselor may also re- a problem with all its contributory elements,
fer a client to another, possibly more suita- including self-evaluation and examination of
ble, counselor. A referral requires not only the participant's own contributions to the
identifying the need for a referral and finding problem. A consideration of the "why" as
an appropriate referral source, but also in- well as the "what" of a problem. Often
cludes preparing the client for the experience traced back to John Dewey's (1910) concep-
of being referred, (mjs) tualization of "active, persistent and careful
consideration of any belief or supposed form
reflection of knowledge in the light of the grounds that
According to John Dewey (1910), reflection support it and the further conclusions to
is "the active, persistent, and careful consid- which it tends" (p. 9). Reflective inquiry is a
eration of any belief or supposed form of cornerstone of a constructivist approach to
knowledge in the light of the grounds that the teaching of social studies, as opposed to
support it and the further conclusions to the traditional "knowledge transmission"
which it tends." Reflection is in its literal approach. Historically, U.S. schools have
sense self-reflection, a bending back on itself, undertaken democratic education as a social
but it is also used in the sense of thinking in studies focus; as democracy is predicated
general. In philosophy reflection has always upon critical analysis of accessible informa-
had a central place in this double sense. First tion, this perspective advocates the teaching
of all, philosophy can to a large extent be of social studies as an exercise in reflective
determined as reflection in the sense of inquiry, (cd, ksl)
thinking. Second, self-reflection has played a
decisive role in modern philosophy (i.e., reflective practice
from the renaissance, as a means for finding A philosophical and practice-oriented posi-
an absolute foundation of knowledge), but tion in which a teacher/practitioner engages
also as a way of differentiating conscious- in continual assessment of the improvement
ness from the material world. In contempo- of practice by examining and analyzing ac-

regional school district

tions, motives, student outcomes, and edu- regent (See trustee)

cation policies, (rtc)
Regents of the University of California
reflective teacher education v. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265 (1978)
An approach to teacher education that em- U.S. Supreme Court decision which consid-
phasizes the development of deliberative and ered the case of a white applicant (Allan
analytical thinking about and improving Bakke) who was denied admission to the
upon one's teaching based on student out- University of California at Davis Medical
come data, on desirable teaching practices, School. Several minority applicants with
or on moral principles in teaching, (rtc) lower scores were admitted to the same pro-
gram and a divided Court ruled against us-
ing only racial quotas as the basis in the
reflective teaching admissions process. However, the Court did
Teachers' continuous self-monitoring and allow that race could be used as a factor, as
thoughtful deliberation about the effective- long as it was not the only factor. (mc3)
ness of their teaching in an attempt to im-
prove learning in their classrooms, (bba) Reggio Emilia
A city of 130,000 people in the Emilia Ro-
reflexivity magna region of northern Italy in which
The idea that the researcher is an involved the municipal early childhood system has
participant in and cannot be detached from evolved a distinctive and innovative set of
the social world that one is studying. There philosophical assumptions, curriculum and
is a mutual influence process occurring pedagogy, method of school organization,
among the researcher, the research partici- and design of environments. This approach
pants, and the research setting. Also, in- fosters children's intellectual development
cludes the practice of becoming aware of, through a systematic focus on symbolic rep-
monitoring, and understanding this mutual resentation, (bjl)
influence process and its effects upon the re-
search. Similar to the concept of "researcher regional educational laboratories
subjectivity." (mas) Regional educational laboratories are 10
federally created nonprofit agencies that link
reform educational practitioners with relevant re-
In education, may be a legislative act, a proc- search, information resources, technical as-
ess and/or a social movement to bring about sistance, development opportunities, and
change, (bjl) evaluation services, (lr)

regional employment boards (REBs)

refresher course Regional entities that provided coordination
A course that helps adults relearn and/or up- and oversight to ensure access to training
date skills and knowledge which they have opportunities for workers as well as the
acquired previously but which they no availability of a trained workforce able to
longer possess, (jpc) meet employer needs. The REBs were cre-
ated under the Job Training Partnership Act
refugee resettlement programs and became Local Workforce Investment
Programs geared toward preparing refugees Boards under the Workforce Investment Act.
for resettlement in a new country. Compo- (las)
nents of these programs include instruction
in the new country's language and customs, regional school district
immigration information, and employment A form of public school organization used
skills, (las) in some geographic areas marked by low

registered apprenticeship

populations and great distances. Such a dis- hedra have congruent regular polygons as
trict includes schools (normally a number of faces, with congruent edges and congruent
them) from more than one community in an solid angles. Three-dimensional regular pol-
attempt to achieve critical mass with regard yhedra are limited to the five Platonic solids
to resources and programs, (lr) (tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, hex-
ahedron, and dodecahedron). Irregular
registered apprenticeship shapes include at least one side, edge, or an-
Programs that meet specific federally ap- gle that is not congruent to another, (ey)
proved standards designed to safeguard the
welfare of apprentices. Programs are regis- rehabilitation
tered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and The process of restoring an individual to a
Training (BAT), U.S. Department of Labor, designated level of capacity, typically as part
or a State Apprenticeship Agency or Council of treatment for an injury or illness, (sr)
approved by BAT. (jm)
See also apprenticeship. rehabilitation therapy
Treatments aimed at facilitating recovery
registrar from injury or disease, encompassing a
The official responsible for maintaining and broad spectrum of domains, such as physi-
overseeing admissions and other student re- cal, occupational, speech, vocational, recre-
cords in a school or university. Registrars ational, and psychological therapies. Re-
maintain vital statistics on students, deter- habilitation therapy entails improving an
mine eligibility for enrollment, and maintain individual's physical, sensory, and/or cogni-
cumulative data records from prior school tive abilities that have declined from previ-
years. The registrar is the chief custodian of ous baseline levels. Treatment is designed to
student grade information, and often is re- restore as much functioning as possible, to
sponsible for overseeing and distributing stu- compensate for deficits that cannot be re-
dent extracurricular eligibility information. versed, and to assist individuals to achieve
Additionally, the registrar is responsible for optimum levels of independence in their
handling student withdrawal from school daily lives, (cap)
procedures and communicating and trans-
ferring necessary student information be- rehearsal
tween districts or colleges, (tm) In the performing arts, sessions in which di-
rector, cast, and crew practice and prepare
registrar, office of the for the public performance of a work. The
An office supporting the educational process rehearsal period is a process in which every
by recordkeeping. The official student's ed- aspect of the production is worked on: the
ucational record or transcript is maintained abstract (coming to an understanding of the
in this office, (cf) meaning of a work), the concrete (creating
the look of the production), the physical
registration (staging the work), and the technical (lights,
The procedure by which students are as- sets, and costumes), and, finally, the putting
signed to class. It includes approval of together of all the pieces. Rehearsals provide
courses to be taken by the student, organi- wonderful opportunities for teaching and
zation of sections, and assessment and col- learning about the art of performance, the
lection of fees, (cf) collaborative dimension, and the artistic
process, (em)
regular/irregular shapes
Regular polygons have congruent sides and reification
congruent angles, for example, the equilat- In mathematics, reification refers to the abil-
eral triangle and the square. Regular poly- ity to conceive of the result of a process as


a permanent entity, or as an object. The for those with hearing impairments, medical
same mathematical concepts can be inter- services for diagnostic and evaluation pur-
preted at times as objects and at other times poses, and assistive technology devices and
as a process. For example, V-1 can be seen services, (sr)
as an abstract object, i, or as the result of
the process of taking the square root of neg- relation
ative 1. Similarly, 2x can be seen as an ob- In mathematics, relation is a pairing that
ject, 2x, or it can be seen as the process of matches each element of the domain with at
doubling a number, (smc) least one element in the range. A relation is
a set of ordered pairs where every x corre-
reinforcement sponds to some y. (ps)
Refers to the "schedule" that delivers a re-
inforcer in order to increase or decrease the relational/instrumental understanding
probability of occurrence of a target behav- Terms first used by Richard Skemp in ex-
ior. Reinforcers may be delivered on a fixed- plaining two contrasting views of mathe-
ratio or variable-interval schedule, depend- matics learning. Instrumental understanding
ing on the target behavior, (xss, yb) focuses upon students following prescribed
See also reinforcer; target behavior. rules and procedures or rules without rea-
son. By contrast, relational understanding
reinforcer focuses on making sense of the problem and
Any event or experience that follows a be- procedures for solving a mathematics prob-
havior and results in the desired behavior. lem. Some researchers question whether
(xss, yb) instrumental understanding is truly under-
standing while recognizing relational under-
rejected children standing as "understanding." (sdt)
A category of student with extremely poor
peer relationships, including those students relatively prime
who are actively and explicitly disliked or A relationship between two integers in
forsaken by their peer group. Even as these which the only divisor common to both in-
students enter into new social relationships tegers is 1; in other words, two integers are
and peer groups where they are unknown, relatively prime if their greatest common di-
they often quickly reestablish their prior visor is 1. (cmdv)
status as socially undesirable. Such students
often have increased rates of delinquency relativism
and criminality when compared with other The belief that truth is subject to the influ-
students. Their status often remains stable at ence of human beings, that truth is personal
home and in school settings over time, al- and subjective. Such a view of truth implies
though this is not necessarily a permanent that there can be no means for us to deter-
condition or state, (hfs) mine what is right or wrong, for there are
no objective, neutral, universal standards we
rejective art (See minimalism) can rely on to help us make sound judg-
ments. Some philosophers argue that such a
related services description of relativism is naive and sim-
Transportation and developmental, correc- plistic. They argue that relativism can be
tive, and other support services that a child qualified to allow for the possibility of solv-
with disabilities requires in order to benefit ing our problems to our satisfaction and
from education, including speech/language warranting our assertions to the best of our
pathology and audiology, psychological abilities without having to rely of a concept
services, physical and occupational therapy, of absolute Truth, (bt-b)
recreation, counseling services, interpreters See also truth.


reliability cently, the term has been replaced with "de-

In testing, reliability is the extent to which a velopmental education." (las)
test is or is not consistent. Consistency of
testing is an act of skeptical detective work: remedial education (See developmental
where might the test be inconsistent? For ex- education)
ample, if the test is a face-to-face measure
involving a human rater, one logical place of remedial instruction
inconsistency is a given rater within himself Teaching designed to help a student or
or herself (e.g., due to fatigue). Similarly, it group of students overcome a learning defi-
is logical that raters may disagree with each ciency in a given subject. Instruction de-
other. In multi-item, paper-and-pencil tests, signed to improve skills found deficient
a logical locus of inconsistency is disagree- through formal assessment, (jw)
ment between items. The outcome of a reli-
ability analysis is typically some sort of repertoire
index of agreement between the particular The collection of skills, techniques, or spe-
likely loci of inconsistency (e.g., statistical cific works that an artist is ready to use or
correlation between raters, or summed inter- perform—for example, a singer's repertoire
item consistency indices). Development of consists of the songs she/he has rehearsed
highly reliable tests and testing systems al- and can sing in performance, as well as the
lows great control of the statistical charac- styles in which she/he performs. Also can ap-
teristics of resultant distribution of total ply to the works that an organization has
scores. However, alternative decision philos- worked on and can perform—for example,
ophies—notably hermaneutics—may serve a theater company's repertoire includes the
as philosophical alternatives to strong or plays that it performs. Some researchers take
even compulsory high reliability, (fd) a repertoire approach to children's acquisi-
tions of artistic skills, envisioning each stage
religious education in development as an opportunity to acquire
This term refers to the teaching-learning new modes of expression, (em)
process centrally concerned with develop-
ment of religious faith and commitment. repertory
Thus, it focuses on the understanding and The operational mode of a performance
belief in religious doctrines and practice. In company (theater, dance, opera, music), in
Schempp v. Abingdon (1963), the Supreme which a number of works are in production,
Court distinguished between religious edu- alternating performances, while new works
cation and teaching about religion, ruling are simultaneously in rehearsal. For exam-
that teaching religion ("religious education") ple, a repertory theater might have one show
is constitutionally not permissible while in rehearsal, two others rotating in perform-
teaching about religion is not only permis- ance, and another in the planning stages.
sible, but a necessary component of a worth- The same company of actors performs in all
while general education, (wl) productions. The advantage for actors is the
range of roles they get to perform simulta-
remedial adult education neously; the advantage for the theater is the
Education offered to adults with academic broad audience base that such production
skill insufficient to be successful in postse- variety can attract, (em)
condary education. In community college
settings, this type of education refers to clas- replete
ses and other instruction aimed at strength- A symbol or work of art is thought to be
ening learners' skills in reading, writing, and replete when it is complex and dense in con-
math, as well as study skills, to prepare them struction and meaning. The philosopher
for participation in regular classes. More re- Nelson Goodman, in his historic work Lan-

reproduction theory

guages of Art, describes relative repleteness representational

as the situation in which aspects of the con- A work of art is representational if it has
struction of a work (like the thickness, thin- identifiable references to an object, person,
ness, or direction of lines) are intricately tied place, or event in the physical world. Rep-
to its meaning. Relative repleteness is one of resentational art is thought to look like what
Goodman's symptoms of the aesthetics. Re- it depicts as opposed to nonrepresentational
jecting the question "what is art?" for a or abstract art which often has little about
more transient view of "when is art?" Good- it that is recognizable as depicted form. Rep-
man posited various criteria for conditions resentational art has traditionally been so
that hold when something is considered to valued in schools and society, that young
be art. (jd) children frequently grow impatient with
their developing graphic skills because they
cannot realistically draw what they see.
Many arts educators advocate introducing
An image, likeness, or reproduction of a per- children to other aesthetic qualities (like ex-
son, object, place, or event. The act of one pression, composition, etc.) that they may
thing standing in for and referring to an- more easily achieve in their artistic produc-
other. For example, a story can be repre- tions and of which they can rightly be
sented by a play; a person by a character, a
proud, (jd)
painting, or a sculpture; and an event by a
dance or piece of music. While ideas and
reproduction theory
emotions can of course also be represented
A theoretical construct attempting to explain
in works of art (as in other venues), we tend
how schools, through curricular and peda-
to designate that type of representation (be-
gogical practices, reproduce learners into
yond the representation of tangible entities
their social classes. It has been developed by
in the physical world) as expression or sym-
Marxist theorists (such as Herbert Gintis,
bolism. In mathematics, representation con-
Samuel Bowles, and Jean Anyon), ethnog-
veys mathematical ideas in ways that others
raphers (Paul Willis), and others (Pierre
will understand. According to the National
Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron, Basil
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, it
Bernstein). Examples include: (1) Working-
refers to process and product: the act of cap-
class students receive teaching and curricula
turing a mathematical concept or relation-
which are purposefully rote, dedicated to de-
ship in some form and to the form itself.
veloping learners who a) are willing to do
Some forms of representation are graphs,
boring, meaningless work, (b) are prepared
symbols, and diagrams, (tkb, dc)
to accept external authority's demands, and
See also expression; symbol.
(c) see culture as something they don't have
but which belongs to other classes who thus
re-presentation deserve their higher status in society. (2)
Re-creating mentally an experience or math- Upper-middle-class students receive educa-
ematical idea; a mental act that brings a tion dedicated to (a) being creative, (b)
prior experience to an individual's con- aspiring to professional life (lawyers, artists,
sciousness; to re-play one's mental thoughts teachers, doctors, engineers), and (c) adding
(including senses) about a particular experi- to the culture without challenging the cul-
ence; revisiting mentally. This re-creation is tural prerogatives of the social hierarchy.
never exactly as it was when previously ex- Reproduction theory is closely associated
perienced, having been changed and influ- with the hidden curriculum, as both refer-
enced by other experiences in the intervening ence the ways in which schools reproduce in
time. The term is used particularly in radical students dispositions toward conventional
constructivism to distinguish this mental ac- notions of social life, gender, sexuality, and
tivity from "representation." (dc) so forth, (db-j)

Republic, The

See also critical theory; resistance; resis- uate and undergraduate programs; includes
tance theory. the top 50 or 100 institutions depending
upon how they are assessed. This term is ap-
Republic, The plied to universities that typically include a
The title of Plato's most famous book, and wide range of undergraduate programs but
one of the most famous books to be found are committed to graduate education and re-
in the history of philosophy. Alfred North search. Faculty at these institutions are ex-
Whitehead once said that all subsequent phi- pected to create and produce scholarly
losophy is a footnote to Plato, and most of works with the university supporting their
Plato's best-known beliefs and problematics research by providing space, extensive li-
are to be found in The Republic. Most ob- braries, laboratories, support facilities, stu-
viously the book is a discussion of the nature dios, museums, schools, hospitals, equip-
of the just government, but it also is deeply ment, support staff, and other amenities, (cf,
concerned with the nature of the human lew)
person, morality, epistemology and meta-
physics, etc., essentially the nature of human researcher subjectivity
good. The Republic is still perhaps the best The influence of the researcher on the re-
introduction to philosophy for the literate search. The influences may include the re-
person, (an) searcher's personal characteristics, values,
beliefs, knowledge, and/or experiences.
research These influences may affect the research in
Study or investigation, in an organized and positive or negative ways. This is similar to
thorough manner, to establish concepts, the concept of reflexivity. (mas)
principles, and facts. Basic research is de-
signed to test a theory, but may have no im- researcher-as-instrument
mediate application. Applied research, on A central characteristic of qualitative re-
the other hand, is designed to solve problems search. This idea highlights the personal role
rather than deal with theoretical assump- of the researcher in ensuring the quality of
tions. Pure research addresses the theoretical all aspects of the research. Implies the need
issues and is not expected to have any im- for disciplined training and practice in the
mediate benefit to society. The systematic skills of qualitative data collection and anal-
study of a problem or issue may be under- ysis. Also, suggests the need for the re-
taken in a variety of methods. For example, searcher to adapt to circumstances of the
scientific methods include observation and research and, in this sense, is related to the
experimentation while market research in- concept of emergent design. Also, connotes
cludes surveys, opinion polls, and focus the need for the researcher to be aware of
groups. Research is an active part of the how one's characteristics may affect the re-
learning process, and so critical to educa- search, and, in this sense, is related to the
tion, (npo) concept of researcher subjectivity, (mas)

research assistant (See graduate resegregation

assistant) Despite desegregation efforts, some schools
have reverted to segregated schools due to
research fellowship (See fellowship, urban flight, poor implementation of deseg-
research) regation plans, and local housing issues.
Because of funding formulas, segregated/
research university resegregated schools suffer from fewer re-
Institutions nationally recognized for their sources than schools in wealthier communi-
extensive research and scholarship in the arts ties. Resegregation may occur through
and sciences and the excellence of their grad- tracking of students into special programs,


as well as through population changes, (jqa, ciety that promotes existing power relations
npo) of white male dominance. Three central
themes in the theory are: all people have the
residency requirement capacity to create and produce meaning in
Policy of some educational institutions that their lives and to resist forces of oppression;
a certain number of academic credits be forms of resistance are influenced by factors
earned at and be granted by the degree of oppression, which include race, class, gen-
granting institution. Residency requirements der, ethnicity, age, and sexual orientation;
at some institutions mandate that a student and, the forms of resistance may sometimes
be present in on-campus classrooms for a lead to other forms of oppression or domi-
stated number of academic terms or a period nation of those involved in resistance of oth-
of time, (cf) ers, (las)

resilience reskilling
Refers to the ability of a child to recover Learning opportunities for adults through
from stressful or harmful experiences. While which they may acquire new skills for their
there is a biological component to the de- current job or gain skills for a new occupa-
velopment of resilience, supportive family tion, (las)
and caregivers are crucial to the develop-
ment of resilience in children. Families and
resource person
caregivers help children build resilience by
A knowledgeable person who is available to
providing consistent, nurturing caregiving
be consulted during a training program, (jpc)
and guidance that promote positive prob-
lem-solving skills, responsibility, and a
bright outlook of the future for the children. resource teachers
(kdc) Professionals who have received some type
of specialized training that prepares them to
resistance work with specific types of exceptional stu-
The process and means by which learners in dents. For example, resource teachers may
schools work against the effects of the hid- provide assistance in materials, planning,
den curriculum and social reproduction (as and instruction for students who have emo-
understood through reproduction theory). tional and physical handicaps, students who
Resistance is distinguished from opposi- are gifted and talented learners, or students
tional behavior. Oppositional behavior ref- who have difficulty reading, (bba)
erences behavior that only opposes a
situation but without a conscious social, po- respect
litical, cultural, and/or economic critique. The act and attitude of treating another hu-
Resistance behavior is critically aware op- man being with behavior and communica-
positional behavior in which the individual tion that conveys acknowledgement that the
works to change the underlying conditions other person has worth, value, and dignity
and assumptions that structure the present and is deserving of nonjudgmental, courte-
situation, (db-j) ous, and responsive interaction. In working
See also critical theory; hidden curricu- with a child, a professional must treat the
lum; reproduction theory; resistance theory; family and the child, as well as other pro-
social reproduction. fessionals, with respect. Respect may also
represent the courtesy to refrain from in-
resistance theory truding upon or interfering with, which has
Theory that focuses on the resistance that a two-directional meaning in the classroom:
women and minorities adopt in order to cre- respect of teacher by students, and respect of
ate meaning in an education system and so- students by the teacher, (kdc, ce)


responsibility revolution
An action or expectation that is presumed to A term with multiple meanings in a social
accompany a person's social, political, or ec- studies context. In geography, it pertains
onomic status such as a citizen's responsi- to the orbit of the celestial bodies. In gov-
bility to pay taxes, (jjc) ernment or history classes, the definition
provided by the 2001 Oxford English
responsive teaching Dictionary, "A complete overthrow of the
Sensitive interpersonal adaptations between established government in any country or
teacher and pupil; a large web of intercon- state by those who were previously subject
nections among individuals, cultures, lan- to it; a forcible substitution of a new ruler
guages, and schooling, (bjl) or form of government," is most appropri-
ate, (cd)
Repeating, either verbatim or in concise own
words, information that a client has just rezoning
conveyed to a counselor. Restatements are Rezoning involves making a change in an ex-
useful for demonstrating that a counselor is isting zone or section for a specific purpose.
listening attentively, for anchoring a client's When rezoning is discussed with regard to
comments, and/or for encouraging the client public schools, it is typically because atten-
to elaborate/consider the topic area further, dance zones must be redrawn. Generally, at-
(bmm) tendance zones have to be restructured when
there is a major population shift in a partic-
retraining ular area or when new schools are built to
The learning of new skills when the skill de- ease overcrowding in existing schools. Many
mands of work change, (jpc) times the rezoning efforts involve shifting the
attendance of several schools in order to
retrenchment achieve the needed balance. Rarely is rezon-
A term referring to the termination of ten- ing without controversy because most peo-
ured faculty members for financial or pro- ple do not want to change from their current
grammatic reasons. In determining whether school to another, (bs)
retrenchment is necessary, and in selecting
the areas where terminations will occur, con-
sideration shall be given to the university's rhetoric
responsibility for offering an appropriate One of the seven liberal arts. Defined as the
range of courses and programs and main- "art of persuasion," rhetoric can be traced
taining a balanced institutional effort that is to the Sophists of ancient Greece, who grad-
responsive to the needs of the students and ually codified general rules which could
state, (ks) serve as a basis for a systematic training in
the art of public speaking, a crucial skill for
reverse discrimination taking part in the political life of ancient de-
When a dominant group loses privileges due mocracies. The perfect Sophist had to dem-
to the implementation of affirmative action onstrate a universal competence, and be able
and other policies to encourage diversity, it to hold his own on any subject whatsoever.
is labeled reverse discrimination. This con- Rhetoric was the core of advanced education
troversial issue arises because some view di- in the ancient and medieval world. While
versity policies as discriminating against the classical rhetoricians were primarily con-
formerly privileged group, while others view cerned with formal speech rather than ordi-
them as redressing inequities and providing nary talking or writing, modern rhetoricians
opportunities to all. (jqa, npo) stress that the development of both speech


and writing are central to a liberal arts ed- of any determinate conception of The Good,
ucation, (pk) is seen as morally overriding, (pk)
See also communication. See also Good, The.

rhyme rights
The nucleus and the coda of a syllable taken That which is due to anyone by just claim,
as a whole, (e.g., [_uts] is the rhyme of the legal guarantees, or moral principles. Teach-
syllable nuts). Its name is derived from the ing about rights is a common aspect of the
fact that in poems and children's rhymes, in social studies curriculum. In the United
order to create the rhyme, the nucleus and States the Bill of Rights and subsequent
coda of the final syllable are identical (e.g, amendments guarantee fundamental rights
Moses supposes his toeses are roses), (smt) under the Constitution. These rights include
freedoms, securities, and guarantees of equal
rhythm treatment before the law. For example, free-
The means by which time is organized and dom of speech is protected by the First
expressed in music. Standard music notation Amendment. One account of rights relates
includes symbols that signify either fractions them to claims that are, or at least can be,
or extensions of beats, which communicate upheld and justified by the law. Another ac-
to the performer when each sound should count specifically relates rights to concurrent
occur relative to those around it. In drama, duties that the law obliges us to perform.
rhythm may be used as a synonym for tim- The concepts of natural rights and natural
ing or the speed and manner with which law, however, refer to moral rights, duties,
lines are spoken, or, in the case of plays, and obligations, rather than legal claims.
when events occur on stage. Rhythm may be Natural rights arose from ancient and me-
expressed in the visual arts by the use of re- dieval conceptions of what is reasonable and
peating pattern or form or in poetry by the fair, and they have evolved into the modern
pattern of regularity of beats in a line, (jbl) notion of human rights, such as those of lib-
erty, equality, due process, and self-
Right, The determination. This notion of human rights
Ethical theories may be divided into two as inalienable and universal has gained cur-
kinds: those which posit the priority of The rency and, in 1948, the Universal Declara-
Good, and those which posit the priority of tion of Human Rights was adopted by the
The Right. Unlike theories which advance United Nations General Assembly, (cb, psc)
the idea that ethical conduct consists in pro- See also justice.
moting some good or another, theories of
The Right do not depend on the furtherance
of any particular value or end. Instead, they risk
posit as the political ideal a set of regulative Within the field of education, particularly
principles which, in themselves, do not pre- experiential education, a primary catalyst in
suppose advancing any determinate theory the journey between ignorance and knowl-
of The Good. Such regulative principles edge is the duality of hazard and adventure.
must conform to a concept of right, a moral The potential for this event to have a neg-
category given prior to and independent of ative, neutral, or positive outcome is de-
The Good. Theories of The Right thus seek termined by the context, motivation, and
to affirm the primacy of justice and the sanc- agency of the learner. This multidimensional
tity of individual rights. Hence the concept process can occur physically, psychologi-
of justice, understood as a neutral, proce- cally, emotionally, intellectually, and spiri-
dural framework, and derived independently tually, (pbc)

risk management

risk management space) to try on and come to understand bet-

Risk management is the practice of handling ter the roles and responsibilities of the adult
and controlling factors that could cause suf- world. The process allows students to ex-
fering, harm, loss, or danger. In education perience issues both affectively and cogni-
this can be applied to activities that occur on tively and serves as the basis for subsequent
institutional premises during extracurricular analysis and discussion. Role play enables
events as well as regular programs, (jt) participants to engage in higher-order rea-
soning and judging activities through inter-
Ritalin action that encourages choice. Elements
A psychomotor stimulant often used to treat often provided are jobs and roles, character
those with hyperactivity disorders. There is specifications, scripts, and directions. Partic-
controversy surrounding the use of Ritalin ipants are given the opportunity to gain a
with students, particularly young children. sense of perspective as they work from inside
Ritalin may be prescribed for treatment of a character or problem and can be given var-
Attention Deficit Disorder whether or not ying degrees of latitude in defining charac-
hyperactivity is associated with ADD. (npo) ters and/or scripts. Role play is intended to
See also psychomotor stimulant. stimulate creative and critical thinking in
students. Variations on traditional role-play
Roberts v. City of Boston, 59 Mass. 198 techniques include role reversal, multiple
(1849) role play, and self-confrontation, (em, las,
An early racial segregation case in which an igb, mkr)
African-American child, Sarah Roberts, sued
Boston's Primary School Committee for romancing
forcing her attendance at a black-only The term used for those occasions when
school, although several white schools were young children are asked what their scrib-
nearer her home. A passionate defense by bles represent. As they come to understand
Charles Sumner raised the issues of "equality that adults expect drawings to be something
before the law," separate but equal schools, or tell a story, they respond appropriately.
and principles of local control. In a climate Pointing at a tangle of lines, they may say,
of increasing nativism, the Massachusetts "That's me and Daddy taking a walk." Re-
Supreme Judicial Court ruled against Rob- searchers doubt the intention of children
erts. However, in 1855, the state created the when making the drawings, and call the
first nondiscriminatory school law. (le) after-the-fact naming of the image, romanc-
ing, (jd)
role play
The taking on of a character, the assumption romanticism
of a part, or the representation of a type in A cluster of ideas and attitudes exhibited in
a pretend situation—the foundation for all works of philosophy, literature, history, art,
dramatic work. Educational drama work and music from the late eighteenth to mid-
frequently involves improvisational role nineteenth centuries. Romantics repudiated
play, in which both teacher and students many of the ideas and attitudes characteris-
take on roles to explore an issue or topic. tic of the Enlightenment, exalting passion
Though the word "role" is based in theater over reason, imagination over intellect, the
(evolved from the original French word for subjective over the objective, individual cre-
a roll of parchment, on which an actor's part ativity over adherence to formal rules, the
was written), role plays are now used in a organic over the mechanical, nature over
variety of settings for purposes ranging from culture, and provincialism over cosmopoli-
job training to conflict resolution. Young tanism. Rousseau applied romanticism to
children play roles (note the authentic per- education, celebrating nature and passion
formances in the kindergarten pretend play rather than culture and intellect. As a gen-


eral philosophical movement, "romanti- inside the object, on the object, or outside
cism" is most often associated with the the object. The object itself is not distorted
initial phase of German Idealism, (mbm) by the rotation, (jdk)

root (See square root) rote counting

The reciting of the standard number word
rooted curriculum sequence in proper order: "one, two, three,
Rooted curriculum is a variant of curriculum four, five. . . . " This is done in isolation
of place. When teachers design a curriculum without actually counting any objects.
that is rooted, it means that they relate cur- Young children can often recite the sequence
riculum closely to the places in which their of numbers without actually being able to
students live. They use the community as a count rationally, (dc)
resource and the curriculum that it informs See also rational counting.
as a way of strengthening the community.
(lr) rough and tumble play
Refers to active, physical play that appears
ropes course aggressive but is not mean-spirited or con-
A series of low-to-the-ground or high-in-the- frontational. Children typically do not use
air elements constructed from rope, metal their full strength or try to hurt one another.
cable, wood, trees, and other materials de- Examples include play fighting and wres-
signed to physically, mentally, and emotion- tling, (at)
ally challenge individuals. The challenges
may involve risk-taking, problem solving, or rounding
cooperative learning in order to complete the To give an approximation of a number to a
task, (rf) specified decimal place. Simple rounding
rules are as follows: if the digit in the spec-
Rosenwald Fund ified place has a value of five or greater, in-
Philanthropic fund established by Julius Ro- crease that digit by one and replace all digits
senwald, president of Sears, Roebuck and to the right of that digit with zeros; if the
Company in 1917 for "the well-being of digit in the specified place has a value of less
mankind." Influenced by Booker T. Wash- than five, replace the digits to the right of
ington's philosophy of self-help, Rosenwald this digit by zeros. Rounding skills are used
concentrated much of the Fund's activities frequently in determining estimates for com-
toward blacks in the southern United States. putations, (amr)
Between 1928 and 1948 (when the Fund
closed), the Fund's resources were dispersed routine problems
through initiatives in education, health, fel- Sets of mathematics tasks or exercises used
lowships, and race relations. The hallmark as vehicles of instruction or as means of
of the Fund, however, was the rural school- practice. Often these problem sets do not fit
building program. From 1914 to 1932, a to- the definition of problem solving as it is un-
tal of 4,977 schools were built throughout derstood in recent research in mathematics
15 southern states. The fund required that education, (sdt)
white and black communities match the See also nonroutine problems; problem
amount provided by Rosenwald and that solving.
schools be incorporated into the public
school system, (jrb) rubric
A set of guidelines for scoring a subjective
rotation assessment. The instructional component of
The action of moving an object on its axis an exam as opposed to the actual test items
or center. The axis, or turning point may be or tasks (e.g., the printed advisory at the bot-

rural development

torn of a test booklet that states: "Do not of the number of school districts in 1998
turn the page until told to do so"), (fd) than there were 60 years before. The de-
pression of the 1890s and the concerns of
rural development the Progressive movement were precipitants
Rural development is an example of a mul- of consolidation, seen as a means to lessen
tivalued social goal, one that contains sev- the disparities between rural and urban ed-
eral dimensions of value, all of which are ucation, in addition to being more econom-
important, none of which are dominant. The ical due to larger tax bases and economies
improvement of rural communities is based of scale. Consolidation of schools occurred
on economic growth, the fulfillment of basic most rapidly at the turn of the twentieth cen-
social needs, the achievement of equity, and tury, and again from the 1940s to the 1960s.
the creation of a fuller participation in de- (jv)
cision making. Increasingly, rural develop-
ment is not merely an economic goal, (lr) rural schools
Schools that are found in rural communities.
rural extension Use of the term rural is complicated by the
Rural extension is the collective name for a breadth and diversity of rural America. No
range of outreach activities of county gov- single definition of rural suffices, though sta-
ernments and land grant universities that tistics for student population are used to
aim at disseminating knowledge and lead- apportion state funding formulae just as stu-
ership techniques to improve agriculture and dent population statistics are used to define
strengthen rural communities and families. metropolitan or nonmetropolitan status, (lr)
Extension agents, specialists, and educators,
working with county agents, provide rural rural sociology
people with nonformal learning opportuni- Can be best understood as the systematic
ties based on the latest research, (lr) study of people within groups that operate
in rural settings. Many of the groups studied
Rural School Consolidation Movement (churches, schools, businesses) are similar at
Spurred by social and economic changes in first glance to those in urban settings, but
the late nineteenth and early twentieth cen- function in ways that are interestingly dif-
turies, the closure of rural schools to con- ferent given their relatively greater impor-
solidate them into bigger district or town- tance due to the scarcity of social capital in
ship schools, resulted in there being a tenth rural settings, (lr)


SACS (See Southern Association of and Korean students to join their Chinese
Colleges and Schools) counterparts in a segregated school in Chi-
natown. Strong protests from Japan, a rising
SAE (See Standard American English) international power recently victorious in
the Russo-Japanese war, forced President
SAIR (See Southern Association for Theodore Roosevelt to intervene. The school
Institutional Research) board rescinded its order after Roosevelt
promised to end Japanese immigration. As a
San Antonio Independent School result of this compromise, the United States
District v. Rodriguez, 411 U.S. 1 (1973) and Japan negotiated the Gentlemen's
After a walkout by Mexican American stu- Agreement of 1907-1908, which ended the
dents at Edgewood High School in 1968 flow of Japanese male laborers to the United
over a lack of supplies and qualified teach- States, (eht)
ers, parents started a class action suit in-
voking the U.S. Constitution's Fourteenth
Amendment equal protection clause. They San Francisco State College Strike of
hoped to force the reallocation of supple- 1968-1969
mental property taxes and equalize public On November 6, 1968, a coalition of mi-
school funding across Texas. The U.S. Su- nority student groups at San Francisco State
preme Court rejected the suit, 5-4. Justice College declared a campus-wide strike. They
Powell's majority opinion rejected the presented the administration with a list of
"poor" as definable class appellees and demands, mainly concerned with creating or
stated that "despite . . . inherent and some- enlarging ethnic studies programs and in-
what obvious imperfections," Texas' school creasing minority student admissions. San
funding system "did not impinge on any fun- Francisco State faculty members also began
damental right," thus excluding education as their own strike in early 1969 to address ad-
such a right, (salb) ministrative and personnel issues and de-
mand a resolution to the student strike. The
San Francisco School Board faculty strike was resolved February 24,
Segregation Order 1969. The student strike was settled on
In 1906, anti-Japanese agitation in San Fran- March 21, 1969, with many student de-
cisco led its school board to order Japanese mands met completely or in part, (nc)


SAT (See Scholatic Assessment Test) groups often experience this phenomenon.
While this is a common behavior, it can
satire cause great damage. Within the school set-
The use of sarcasm, irony, parody, or wit, ting, blaming the weaker student rather than
primarily in literature (including dramatic a bully for aggressive behavior would be an
literature), to ridicule, critique, or harshly example of scapegoating. Schools themselves
criticize social conditions, human behavior, can be scapegoats when deemed responsible
and/or moral beliefs. Distinguished from for social problems such as violence and
burlesque by its harsh rather than loving/ other disruptive behaviors, (jqa, npo)
playful intonation. The intention of satire is
to provoke audiences/readers to both laugh
scatter plot
and think; satire uses humor purposefully to
A graph that displays data using dots or
confront the audience/reader with important
points to indicate the amount of data. De-
ideas in an entertaining way. Educational
pending on the amount of points, the data
researchers note that the ability to use or
can look scattered, which indicates the name
understand irony or satire comes with de-
"scatter plot." (kr)
velopment and experience, (em)

Based on Vygotsky's (1978) zone of proxi-
mal development, this concept emphasizes
the importance of supportive activities by an
adult (e.g., a teacher), in which such assis-
tance may be kept or removed during the
learning process, based on the learner's po-
tential level of development. The gradual
withdrawal of adult support is generated
through instruction, questioning, modeling,
feedback, etc., which leads to a more auton-
omous learner/child. A distinction is often
made between scaffolds and supports, the
latter referring to environmental aids such as
graphic organizers and technological tools
Scatter plot.
(cf., Fischer and Bidell, 1998). (mc)

scaling scene
The process of applying a specific ratio or A unit of dramatic action, usually occurring
scale factor to an object in order to expand within one setting and over a continuous
or reduce its dimensions in proportion. For time, that contains a beginning, middle, and
example, a scale factor would be used in end. Most often, scenes are the building
scaling an architectural design to fit the di- blocks of a larger play (though they can also
mensions of blueprint paper, (kva) be performed alone). For analytic and dra-
matic purposes, scenes can be subdivided
SCANS (See Secretary's Commission into smaller units, beats, which function
on Achieving Necessary Skills) much like bars in music notation and per-
formance. Scene may also refer to the setting
scapegoat of a play—including time and place—as de-
Displaced blame and anger are directed to a picted through scenery and lighting, or to
more vulnerable but innocent person or images (e.g., landscape) in the visual arts.
group in the scapegoating process. Minority (em)

school choice

scholarly research reached its apogee with Thomas Aquinas'

The systematic and objective search for evi- Summa Theologica, a reconciliation and
dence that will substantiate, verify, or refute synthesis of theology and philosophy, (pk)
previous findings, interpretations, or expla-
nations within a specified academic disci- school
pline. Recognized by scholars by its The root of the word "school," and its
particular emphasis on style, method, and equivalent terms in many languages, derives
purpose—as in historiography or literary from the Greek schole which means "lei-
analysis. Scholarly research is often referred sure." This informs the traditional concep-
to as disciplined inquiry as opposed to sub- tion of the school as a place of liberal
jective or impressionistic analyses and inter- education within which there is freedom
pretations that do not reflect scholarly from considerations concerning the world of
traditions, (cf) work and earning a living. There are two
critical responses to this view of the school.
scholarship One is the instrumentalist response that en-
The quality of a student's achievement in his visages the school as an arena in which
or her studies. A scholarship may also be a young people are prepared for work and for
financial grant which does not involve re- life in society. The other is the radical re-
payment, (cf) sponse that perceives the learning promoted
in school as a means of socioeconomic dom-
scholastic achievement ination by the rich and powerful, (kw)
The degree of success attained by a student
in academic endeavor, based on past aca- school art
demic performance or on tests designed to The kind of art work that children are asked,
determine mastery of subject matter, (cf) encouraged, and/or taught to do in school.
Educational researchers like Brent Wilson
Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) have studied the phenomenon of school art,
Formerly called the College Board Scholastic which is often quite disparate from the sort
Aptitude Test, the SAT is promoted as an of art work that children and older youth do
assessment instrument and used with other on their own. For example the narrative
data and information to select applicants comic book drawing so important to many
who are well suited for academic achieve- American pre-adolescents (and also the
ment, (cf) Manga drawings of Japanese youth) are of-
ten very personal, self-directed, and quite
scholasticism removed from the traditional drawing
The philosophy practiced in Medieval uni- exercises that students are assigned in art
versities. Although scholasticism represents a classes, (jd)
heterogeneous admixture of concerns and
antecedents (significant contributions were school choice
made by both Greco-Roman as well as Arab A somewhat controversial educational re-
and Jewish scholars), the center of its in- form strategy that has gained popularity
quiries might be broadly interpreted as an since the late 1980s. Proponents believe that
attempt to reconcile philosophy (which allowing parents to choose a school for their
Aquinas maintained supplied premises from child promotes greater parental involvement
nature) with Christian revelation. It is the in education. They also argue that the com-
juxtaposition of reason and faith that pro- petition for students forces schools to im-
vided scholasticism with both its driving prove to retain their current students and to
force and distinctive voice. Scholasticism has attract new students. Choice opponents ar-
come to be identified with the central phase gue that less desirable schools will neither
of Western Latin medieval thought, and improve nor close due to lack of resources,

school climate

but that students in those schools will have school counselors

access to fewer resources than before, (ks) A school counselor is an individual charged
with various student-centered responsibili-
school climate ties in a school environment. Among many
A broad term that refers to perceptions of duties, school counselors are responsible for
the general environment of the school; the preparing and managing student schedules,
formal organization, informal organization, overseeing student fulfillment of graduation
personalities of participants, and organiza- requirements, dispersing college and career
tional leadership. The set of internal char- information to students, certifying tran-
acteristics that distinguish one school from scripts, and assisting with college admis-
another and influence the behavior of each sions. In many cases counselors also serve as
school's members is the organizational cli- therapists, assess and diagnose students for
mate of the school, (jt) placement, manage programs, provide guid-
ance, or administer standardized tests, (tm)
school community relations
Unlike public relations, which is a one-way school culture
process, effective school community rela- The beliefs, attitudes, and values held by the
tions seeks to establish effective two-way members of a school, (bba)
communication channels between school
and community in order to achieve consen- school district
sus with respect to the role of the school. A school district is a legal entity charged
School community relations may involve with the task of providing and managing
school to community, school to parent, or public education within a prescribed geo-
community to school involvement programs. graphic boundary. School districts can be of
It may also involve partnerships of school various sizes and may spread across county
and community working together coopera- and municipal borders. A school district is
tively and financially. An example of this normally supervised locally by a school
could be in the school receiving funds from board of publicly elected trustees, but in
organizations/businesses in the community, some cases a school district may be directly
or in the community benefiting from the use managed by a state board of education, (tm)
of school facilities. Programs that are created
as a result of school community relations school improvement plan
might be tutoring or after-school programs, A plan, often mandated by state departments
parent education programs, adult education of education and local school districts, de-
or literacy programs, learning service pro- signed to improve how a school functions
grams in the school, or community educa- and operates in order to enhance teaching
tion programs, (jr) and learning, (bba)

school consolidation school nurses

The process of merging small schools into The primary caregiver of first aid and med-
larger organizations. The number of school ical screening on most school campuses. The
districts in the United States has decreased school nurse can be employed by the school
from a peak of 150,000 in 1900 to less than district or by a local agency contracted by
15,000 today. Their average size has in- the local education agency (LEA). Trained
creased by 15 to 20 times since 1930. There nurses can provide immediate first aid and
is significant disagreement about the effects health care services. School nurses are often
of consolidation. It has been supported be- involved with health education issues with
cause of its fiscal advantages and opposed students and provide screening for vision,
because of its social and economic effects on hearing, spinal curvature problems, and
rural communities, (lr) pregnancy-related concerns. Trained staff

School-to-Career System

are involved with the administering of stu- aims and one significant consequential fea-
dent medications and analysis of possible ture. First, schooling aims to develop under-
conflicts and behavior concerns. Qualifica- standing and other human capacities, and
tions and duties ascribed to school nurses this is its peculiarly educational dimension.
vary in almost all LEAs. Some require nurses Second, it aims to provide socialization, that
to hold a degreed registered nurse license, is, preparation to live in, and contribute to,
others require only a licensed vocational society. But the institution has a third fea-
nurse status, and some LEAs do not provide ture, that seems an unavoidable consequence
for a formally trained medical staff person. of schooling in almost any society. This is its
(ly) facilitation of positional advantage (i.e., the
labor market advantage conferred by the
school restructuring exchange value of education), (kw)
In research, schools are said to have both
structures and cultures. A school's culture is school-linked services
usually defined as the taken-for-granted be- A system of social programs focused on pov-
liefs about what is important in the school erty alleviation developed first in 1960s
and how things are done. Because it has to America. These programs sought to center
do mainly with beliefs and values, school the schools as an institution of change and
culture is said to be mainly in people's development in the lives of families and
minds. School structure, on the other hand, communities. Programs such as free break-
is considered to be less of a mental phenom- fast for students, health clinics, and others
enon and more of an objective reality or re- were based in school facilities and paid for
alities. Generally, a school structure is a set by compensatory education funds until the
of rules for how time, people, and space will middle of the 1980s, (hfs)
be apportioned. The school schedule, for ex-
ample, is considered an aspect of structure schools of choice (See open enrollment
because it divides the day into various per- plan)
iods and these, in turn, determine who will
be where at any given moment. Grades and School-to-Career System
grade levels are another important aspect of The School-to-Career System comprises
structure because children are divided ac- three components—school-based learning,
cording to their ages into learning groups. work-based learning, and connecting activi-
The architectural plan and design is a struc- ties—that are designed to better prepare
ture because it determines the spaces in students with various academic abilities and
which children will work. School restructur- employability skills for the demands of the
ing is changing the rules for how time, peo- workplace. School-based learning is sup-
ple, and space should be divided (e.g., posed to involve classroom instruction util-
changing such things as the school schedule; izing high academic standards, as well as
going from a 6-period day to a block sched- occupational skill standards as developed,
ule). School restructuring always holds im- jointly, by educators and employers via var-
plications for school culture and vice versa. ious state departments of education and la-
Sometimes, school cultures undermine or bor. Work-based learning consists of
make difficult attempts to restructure, (cl) mentoring, training, and working opportu-
nities for students so they can develop a
school-based management (See site- range of skills in a given industry. Connect-
based management) ing activities are those activities that students
participate in that help connect the class-
schooling room experience to the work experience,
In its most usual sense of age-specific, organ- such as being matched with jobs, having
ized learning, schooling has two principal training supervisors, and/or worksite men-


tors. With these opportunities, students' dents. Science fairs are frequently judged as
work-based learning can be integrated into to the outstanding project(s) according to es-
the school curriculum. Overall, the School- tablished criterion, (tw)
to-Career System's purpose is designed to
improve the workplace readiness of all stu- science laboratory
dents entering employment, (tp) A room or building equipped for performing
scientific experiments or investigative pro-
school-to-careers (See education to cedures or for teaching science using the
careers; school-to-work) equipment and procedures. An academic
time period set aside for laboratory work.
school-to-employment (See education (tw)
to careers; school-to-work)
science, technology, and society strand
school-to-work The impact of science and technology on so-
A system for youth to advance easily from ciety. This thematic strand was introduced
school to work by creating relations between widely by the National Council for Social
education and career. The system links ele- Studies in Expectations of Excellence: Cur-
mentary and secondary education, voca- riculum Standards for Social Studies (1994).
tional-technical education, and higher edu- The theme calls for examination of social is-
cation to engage all youth in the lifelong sues resulting from advances in science and
learning of knowledge, skills, and attitudes technology, (cd)
essential to pursue career pathways into col-
lege and high-skill, high-wage jobs, (jb) scientific notation
See also education to careers. A way of expressing any finite decimal num-
ber as a product of a decimal number be-
SCI (See student centered instruction) tween 1 and 10, and a power of 10. (wja)

science score
A method or process of evolving or devel- The numerical value that results from the as-
oping an explanation of a phenomena or sessment of an assignment or examination.
idea based on observation, identification, de- The act of grading, (jw)
scription, and experimental investigation us-
ing the best and most currently available Scranton Commission (See President's
information. A series or system of investi- Commission on Campus Unrest)
gative activities designed to lead to an ex-
planation or to further knowledge of a screening
subject. In teaching, a set of information In early childhood education, screening is a
concepts and the study of the processes used brief procedure for identifying children who
to develop and understand these concepts. may be at-risk for developmental delays.
(tw) Screening procedures and results do not pro-
vide comprehensive information about the
science club developmental status of a child, but they
A group of students or other interested peo- play a critical role in identifying children
ple who gather to study, explore, explain, who need additional evaluation, (xss, yb)
and take part in activities that relate to sci-
ence, (tw) screening test
One of a class of assessment instruments de-
science fair signed to measure and identify a subset of
A gathering of displays showing various sci- characteristics from a larger group of char-
ence projects completed by groups of stu- acteristics, primarily for the purpose of dif-

Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS)

ferentiating individuals according to, for seating chart

example, their aptitudes, skills, personality, A diagram of the classroom showing the lo-
or psychological symptoms, (kab) cation of student desks or seats and the
name of the student who regularly occupies
scribbling that seat, (bba)
Originally from the Latin scribere, to write.
Writing or drawing that is hastily and often seatwork
illegibly executed. Loose or exploratory Academic work that students complete in-
marks such as words dashed off on a sticky dividually and independently at their desks
note or marks made on a dinner napkin or seats in the classroom. Typically, seat-
while pondering an idea. Distinguished from work involves practice of newly learned con-
rapid sketching which deliberately captures tent, skills, or strategies, (bba)
a subject's characteristic lines and feeling,
scribbling need not be representational, or secondary education
lead to any final product; however, it often The years of education that follow elemen-
articulates an early stage of invention. Scrib- tary school, typically for students ages 11 or
bling has been studied by educational re- 12 through 17 or 18. Secondary schools may
searchers as an early stage of children's include middle schools, junior high schools,
drawing in which media, mark-making, and and senior high schools. The instructional
symbolic function are explored, (lj) focus moves from the mastery of basic skills
to the use of these skills in exploring and
sculpture developing complex ideas. Secondary edu-
A sculpture is a work or the discipline con- cation may be either terminal or preparatory
cerned with works of visual art crafted in to further education, (jw)
three dimensions. The process of shaping fig-
secondary prevention
ures or designs in the round or in relief, as
The identification of negative causes and ex-
by chiseling marble, modeling clay, or cast-
periences that impact children's lives. Iden-
ing in metal. Sculptures may be crafted out
tification occurs through activities such as
of fragile materials like paper. The activity
developmental, mental health, and physi-
of making sculpture helps children grasp an
cal health screenings in communities and
understanding of three dimensions as repre-
schools. Referrals to appropriate agencies
sented in life and in art. (ap)
providing services may also be considered
secondary prevention, (xss, yb)
SDS (See Students for a Democratic
Society) secondary school (See secondary
search engine
A Web-based computer program that en- secondary sources
ables users to locate information on the In- Books and articles written by someone who
ternet. Some search engines ask users to reports information or findings based on pri-
input a query in the form of keywords or mary sources in the form of a quotation
phrases. The search engine then returns a list from or reference to the primary source.
of Web sites that contain the specified key- These written documents or oral reports are
words. Other search engines organize Web removed from the original fact or event by
sites into categories enabling users to browse at least one level, (igb)
by subject area for Web sites that contain
their desired information. Using a search en- Secretary's Commission on Achieving
gine to locate information on the Internet Necessary Skills (SCANS)
can be a powerful way for students to con- Commission formed in 1990 by the U.S.
duct research online, (kgl) Secretary of Labor to examine how well


America's youth are prepared to meet the and, working toward a feeling of wholeness
demands of the workplace. The 1991 report by integrating physical, emotional, intellec-
released by the Commission indicated that tual, spiritual, and social needs, (mgg)
job performance requires five competencies
(identifying, organizing, planning, and allo- self-concept
cating resources; working with others; An individual's view of him- or herself. This
acquiring and using information; under- view can be positive or negative, singular or
standing complex interrelationships; and multifaceted, can change over time, and is
working with a variety of technologies). In dependent on context. Examples of this con-
addition, a three-part foundation of basic struct in relation to specific settings include
skills (reading, writing, math, listening, and academic self-concept, athletic self-concept,
speaking), thinking skills (including thinking and social self-concept. This personal view
creatively, making decisions, solving prob- or evaluation of one's self is based on the
lems, visualizing, knowing how to learn and individual's possessions, interaction with
reasoning) and personal qualities (responsi- others, and how the individual would like to
bility, self-esteem, sociability, self-man- change. Self-concept is continuously chang-
agement, and integrity and honesty) are re- ing and altering based on cultural, societal
quired competencies, (las) and personal interactions. In addition, the
image which one perceives of him or herself
segregation influences the interaction that one has with
Isolation or separation of one group from society. Self-concept can be divided into two
another group. Often this separation is components. The "me" is the aspect of the
based on race, ethnicity, or gender, but may self that is framed by looking at oneself
also be based on socioeconomic class, abil- through the eyes of others. The "I" is the self
ity, or language proficiency. Within educa- as experienced from the inside, (fa, kfl)
tion, segregation in schools led to unequal
learning opportunities. Federal legislation self-contained
currently prohibits racial segregation, (jqa, In special education, a homogeneous setting
npo) in which individuals with like disabilities are
separated from their nondisabled peers, (sr)
Most generally the self can be thought of as self-contained classroom
whatever marks the center of human person- An organizational plan commonly used in
ality, the locus of human freedom, reason, elementary schools in which one teacher
and individual identity. In the philosophy of teaches all or most subjects to the same
Descartes, the self, or ego, is a purely mental group of children in a single classroom,
substance, a thinking thing. This modern (bba)
conception of the self is at odds with the pre-
vailing medieval view, in which self is inher- self-control
ently mental and physical (i.e., embodied Refers to the ability of a child who, when
form). The idea of a unitary self is chal- faced with a frustrating situation and feels
lenged by some who claim that we inhabit out of control, can display the appropriate
multiple, or "fractured," identities, (an) reaction or engagement in problem-solving
techniques related to the frustrating situa-
self-actualization tion, (at)
Motivation toward personal growth and
development believed to be inherent in self-directed learning
human life. Popularized by A. Maslow, self- Learning that is initiated and carried out by
actualization includes realizing one's poten- the learner, independent of formal academic
tial; developing greater self-understanding; structures. The student designs and imple-

self-fulfilling prophecy

ments the curriculum and instructional pro- varying views on the importance this plays
cess, with or without the assistance of a in learning, but many feel that children with
trained adult educator. Some theorists treat positive self-esteem are freer to explore and
self-directed learning as a desirable goal of take risks in learning. Low self-esteem is
adult learning (i.e., the ability to learn with- generally considered maladaptive and is of-
out support or direction from traditional ed- ten related to a number of negative psycho-
ucational institutions), (las, chb) logical attributes and outcomes, such as
propensity for depression, low academic
self-disclosure achievement, and behavior problems in
Act of revealing personal information about school. High self-esteem, in contrast, is often
oneself to another person. Investigated as related to success and a number of positive
both an intrapersonal and interpersonal psychological attributes and outcomes, (dbl,
process, it is believed to be important in self- fa)
understanding and in creating relationships
necessary for healthy functioning. The pur-
pose, or function, of self-disclosure has been
A process where an individual is able to
studied frequently in psychotherapy. It has
communicate one's own personality/way of
been suggested that mutual self-disclosure in
being through varying media. Howard
relationships is optimal. Norms of self-
Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences
disclosure have also been developed (e.g.,
identifies different ways to learn and to rep-
too little or too much self-disclosure, for ex-
resent thinking/learning. Each individual has
ample, tends to inhibit relationship devel-
contrasting life experiences influencing how
opment), (med)
they may interpret an event. In an instruc-
tional setting, for example, the teacher may
read a storybook to a group of children. In
A cognitive construct. It is the belief that an
follow-up discussion she encourages/allows
individual has about himself/herself that
students to think of a variety of ways to
his/her abilities will produce a desired result
demonstrate their interpretations, rather
in a potentially demanding situation. Self-
than requiring only one way to respond to
efficacy is developed through four primary
the plot line. Divergent thinking/questioning
sources of information: direct performance
is promoted and individual differences are
accomplishments or mastery experiences, vi-
valued. This type of learning environment
carious learning, physiological and affective
fosters each learner's cognitive, social, and
states, and verbal persuasion and social in-
emotional development. A fundamental
fluences. Self-efficacy beliefs are reflected in
characteristic of encouraging individual self-
one's skills, attitudes, and personal disposi-
expression is acceptance. This acceptance
tion. In teacher education, self-efficacy is a
creates a learning situation where differences
positive self-view as a competent profes-
are valued, (jls)
sional including self-confidence in the au-
thentic professional mastery of educational
material, (mlp, reb) self-fulfilling prophecy
Term used to indicate that a belief that
self-esteem something will happen actually causes it to
The confidence a person has in himself or happen. In education, a teacher with precon-
herself; how a person perceives and is ceptions about a student's ability may cause
satisfied with him or herself. This sense of that student to live up or down to those ex-
self is developed through various input, in- pectations. When students are labeled as
cluding experiences of successes and failures, slow or troublesome, the teacher treats them
opinions and messages of others, as well as accordingly based on this theory, leading the
an individual's temperament. There are student to fulfill the expectations, (jqa, npo)


self-portrait ciency is limited to simple reading and writ-

When an artist or writer creates a portrait ing tasks, (las)
of him or herself, it is called a self-portrait.
The activity of making self-portraits through seminar
literary or visual artistic modes is popular A group of limited size gathered for the pur-
with students of all ages and an apt vehicle pose of advanced study under the direction
for exploring self-expression through vari- of an instructor. A class of graduate-level or
ous artistic media, (ap) college students focused on intense study of
See also portrait. a particular subject or engaged in focused re-
search. A meeting for the presentation and
self-study exchange of content and ideas, (jw)
Learning activities that individuals pursue
on their own, outside the context of an or- seminary (See academy)
ganized educational setting. This type of
study comprises a variety of activities, in- semiskilled trade (See trade,
cluding reading, listening to audiotapes, semiskilled)
working with workbooks, watching educa-
tional television programs, or working with senior high school
computerized educational materials, (las) A school that typically ranges from grade 9
or 10 through grade 12. A secondary school
that follows a junior high or middle school
and offers those courses through those re-
A branch of linguistics concerned with the
quired for graduation, (jw)
meaning and interpretability of language.
Broadly, meaning is encoded in two different
sensitive period (See critical period)
but related levels of language. At the lexical
level, meaning is represented in the denota-
sensory-motor development
tions and associations of individual words,
and by the conceptual contrasts, similarities, The period in infancy before the acquisition
or fine distinctions evident among words of language when information about the sur-
(e.g., synonymy, antonymy, polysemy). At rounding environment is gained through the
the phrase or sentence level, meaning and in- use of senses and motor actions. Mental rep-
terpretability are governed by syntax, and by resentations of objects in the environment
the relationship among the grammatical el- are gained through behaviors which include
ements of the phrase or sentence, (jrk) grasping, mouthing, gazing, banging, and
reaching. In this first stage of a child's de-
velopment according to Jean Piaget, the
semester child responds to and is strongly influenced
A period of time that is approximately one- by external stimulation. This stage occurs
half of a 9-to-10 month academic year. during the first two years of life, (npo, vm)
From the Latin semestris, meaning "half
yearly." Also refers to an academic calendar separation anxiety
of two terms, starting in August and ending Anxiety or disturbing feelings a child ex-
in May to comprise an academic year. This presses when a familiar adult leaves the
calendar is commonly used by American col- child's field of vision, temporarily or for an
leges and universities, (cf) extended period of time, (kms)

semi-literate sequence
Term referring to individuals who possess In mathematics, a sequence is an orderly
rudimentary literacy skills but whose profi- progression, a set of quantities that are ar-

severe disabilities

bitrarily ordered in some way. Alternately it number of service hours. Rooted in the com-
can be a function whose domain is the pos- munity schools movement of the 1920s and
itive integers (i.e., the infinite sequence). In 1930s, service learning's goal is to develop
teacher education, the connected series of democratic mind-sets, a sense of community,
courses a pre-service teacher takes to satisfy enhance self-esteem, and connect learning to
the academic requirements dictated by the life experiences for students. Sometimes
institution in which a culminating degree is called "community-based education," the
being sought is a sequence, (kva, bjl) practice has been unsuccessfully challenged
in the courts as involuntary servitude, (cf,
sequence multiunits jrs)
Multiunit chunks within the number se-
quence, involving the skill of skip counting Serviceman's Readjustment Act of 1944
by tens, hundreds, etc. For example, being (Public Law 78-346)
able to count 10, 20, 30, . . . or 13, 23, 33, More commonly known as the "G.I. Bill,"
. . . Initially the child might be simply recit- this act provided all veterans of World War
ing a pattern word sequence. For it to be II, regardless of gender or race, an oppor-
useful in developing multiunit addition and tunity to study at higher education institu-
subtraction strategies these counting activi- tions by providing governmental stipends for
ties must be associated with the mathemati- tuition, books, and housing. Over two mil-
cal objects being counted, (amr) lion veterans embraced this chance to attend
See also collected multiunits higher education, swelling college and uni-
versity enrollment. Although the federal gov-
series ernment had provided support to higher
A sequence of numbers which are added/ education through the Morrill Acts of 1862
summed which is often denoted by the cap- and 1890, the G.I. Bill established the prec-
ital Greek letter sigma (Z). The series may or edent of federal aid directly to students, a
may not be infinite. The finite sequence (1, role which it expanded greatly during the
3, 8, 13, 20) is the series (1 + 3 + 8 + 13 late twentieth century, (rih)
+ 20) and the infinite sequence (1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, . . . ,oo) is the series ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
5 + 6 + . . . ). (dbc) Seven Sister Colleges
A group of East Coast colleges originally
service learning created for women, but now encompassing
A teaching method that encourages service a range of single-sex, coeducational, and re-
as an educational experience, in which stu- ciprocal campus arrangements. The seven
dents learn and develop through active par- are Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke,
ticipation in thoughtful organized expe- Radcliffe, Smith, Vassar, and Wellesley col-
riences that meet actual community needs leges. All were founded in the nineteenth
and that are coordinated in collaboration century to provide classical education op-
with school and community. Service learning portunities for women, and each bears a his-
is based on a reciprocal relationship in tory of strong philanthropy on behalf of
which community service reinforces and women's education. The colleges' presidents
strengthens learning, and learning reinforces created the term "Seven College Confer-
and strengthens the service. It provides time ence" in 1926 to enhance their networking
for reflection on service and learning expe- opportunities, (le)
riences through a mix of writing, reading,
speaking, listening, and creating in small and severe disabilities
large groups and individual work. Credit is Disabling conditions that require ongoing
awarded for learning, not for a requisite support in one or more major life activities,

sex education

such as mobility, communication, self-care, sexual harassment

and learning, (sr) Sexually harassing behaviors encompass a
broad range of actions, including, for ex-
sex education (See human growth and ample, unwelcome sexual advances or re-
development) quests for sexual favors when the acceptance
or rejection of such actions serves as a basis
sex or gender bias for academic or employment decisions. Sex-
The act of ascribing roles, behaviors, expec- ual harassment behavior also includes con-
tations, and aspirations to individuals or duct that interferes with a student's or
groups primarily on the basis of gender, (ch) employee's performance by allowing the ex-
istence of a hostile working or learning en-
sexism vironment, (ti)
The belief that one "sex" is superior to an-
other. In most cultures throughout time sex- sexual identity
ism has favored men over women, boys over This term has two meanings. It may be used
girls. Examples of sexism can be found in the to signify sexual/affectional orientation (e.g.,
desire to have male children over female and gay, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual), or it
giving males an education better than girls, may refer to a person's sense of belonging to
or denying females an education altogether. a particular sex category (e.g., male, female,
As part of the hidden curriculum, sexism transgender). To avoid confusion, the for-
teaches that girls are not as important as mer is sometimes referred to as "sexual ori-
boys by centering men over women in texts entation identity" and the later is sometimes
and by giving more attention to boys than referred to as "gender identity." (ti)
girls in class. Paying one sex less for equiv-
alent work, or denying personal or political sexual orientation
rights based on sex is sexism, (bt-b) The direction of one's emotional and/or sex-
ual attractions toward members of the same
sex-role conflict sex, the other sex, or both sexes. This con-
A conflict that occurs when an individual struct is comprised of many dimensions (e.g.,
holds attitudes or engages in behaviors that sexual attraction, emotional preference, self-
are perceived to be incompatible with so- identification, sexual behavior) and may be
cially proscribed sex-role norms. Tradi- described along a continuum. In other
tional, stereotypic examples include: a man words, someone does not have to be exclu-
who may cry or a woman who may express sively attracted to women or men, but may
an interest in auto mechanics. Such conflicts feel varying degrees of attraction to both
may be internal, due to personal sex-role be- sexes. Sexual/affectional orientation devel-
liefs, or external/interpersonal, due to atti- ops across a person's lifetime—different
tudes or beliefs held by others, (dd) people realize at different points in their lives
that they are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or
sexual abuse bisexual, (ti)
This term typically refers to the abuse of a
child by an adult who derives sexual grati- sexual orientation identity (See sexual
fication through physical contact with pre- identity)
pubescent children, though adults can also
become victims of sexual abusers. At the shadow drama
core, sexual abuse is the sexual mistreatment Originating in Asia, specifically Bali, Thai-
of another person. Such abuse includes any land, and China, and traced as far back as
act of sexual exposure or sexual contact, and the twelfth century, a performance art in
can range from inappropriate touching and which flat, cut-out puppets (made of mate-
fondling to rape, (mkt) rials like leather or paper) are manipulated


behind a screen (either rice paper or a white sight word

sheet). Lighting from behind the puppets A word that children recognize as a whole,
projects the silhouettes on to the screen, so, rather than decoding it and/or sounding it
to the audience, the puppets appear as shad- out. Often sight words are frequently used
ows. Shows using shadow puppets may fo- words and do not follow phonetic rules. For
cus on contemporary society, religion, or example, the, are, eight, and because are
local issues, and may be serious or comedic. sight words (from the Dolch Sight Word
Shadow drama provides wonderful class- List), (yu)
room theater opportunities to children of all
ages, (em) sign
From the Latin signum; a mark, token, sign,
shame (See guilt) or image. Any item that stands for some-
thing other than itself. An act or a gesture
used to convey an idea, a desire, informa-
shared governance
tion, or a command (e.g., a thumb up to in-
A term used to denote cooperation between
dicate success). A conventional figure or
administrators and faculty members in meet-
device that stands for a word, a phrase, or
ing their respective responsibilities in insti-
an operation (e.g., a red light signifying
tutional governance, (cf)
stop). The nature of the sign itself as well as
its relationship to its referent (the object to
shared vision which the sign refers) and to its interpreter
In education this term refers to a set of goals (the individual finding meaning) determine
or aspirations arrived from a collective im- whether the sign is an icon, index, or sym-
age of the future. The development of a bol. Sign also means to use the hands in an
shared vision is usually the primary task of intentional, conventional, verbal manner to
leadership through the participation of many express linguistic meaning analogous to that
individuals. It fosters a genuine commitment conveyed by speech. Signs are described by
and enrollment that permeates the organi- hand configuration, location with respect to
zation with a sense of commonality, giving the body, and action. Signs are unlike ges-
coherence to diverse activities, (mm) tures in that gestures are ad hoc, ungram-
matical, and comparatively limited in num-
sharing division (See partitive division) ber and meaning, (kpb, mhi-y)

SHEEO (See State Higher Education sign language

Executive Officers) A form of communication primarily used by
deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals using
the fingers and hands to form symbols and
sheltered English
gestures to represent letters, words, and con-
A method of instructing English language
cepts. The most prominent sign language in
learners in which teachers use simplified
the United States is American Sign Language
English vocabulary to teach subject matter.
(ASL), although there are many natural and
(yu) mutually unintelligible sign languages in the
world, (sr, mhi-y)
short course (See course, short)
short vowel The property of being similar (i.e., one ob-
Vowels with shorter duration of vowel ject exhibits similarity to another if it can be
sound. The vowel sounds of the alphabet let- scaled to match). More specifically, a trans-
ters a (as in cat), e (as in met), i (as in sit), formation of Euclidean space where any two
o (as in pot), and u (as in cut), (yu) points, A and B, and their transforms, A'


and B', are related by a factor, k. IA, Bl = decisions should participate in making them.
I k A', k B'l. (kva) Site-based management provides teachers an
opportunity to assume leadership roles in
simile (See metaphor) decision-making processes that impact their
educational organization, curriculum devel-
simulation opment, discipline, professional develop-
Any imitation or representation of real-life ment, and student learning, as well as many
interpersonal or other dynamics, including other educational issues. The scope of the
artifacts, rules, consequences, etc., designed local empowerment varies across school
to help participants understand the dynam- districts. One characteristic that sharply
ics of a complex situation. Common simu- distinguishes a school district's degree of im-
lation formats are in-basket exercises, plementation of site-based management is
games, role plays, and computer simula- the extent to which parents and community
tions. For classroom use of simulations, lim- members are involved as true partners in
itations must be imposed due to factors such school decision making, (bba, tp)
as safety, age appropriateness, time, and re-
sources. Some of the most powerful simula- site-based teacher education
tions are computerized versions such as That portion of the pre-service teacher edu-
"The Oregon Trail" and "Where in the cation program that occurs on a public or
World Is Carmen Sandiego?" (chb, mje, jah) private school campus, often associated with
instruction in professional development
Sipuel v. Board of Regents of the schools, (rtc)
University of Oklahoma, 332 U.S. 631
(1948) situated cognition
A U.S. Supreme Court case which ruled, fol- Theory that learning is influenced by con-
lowing Missouri v. Gaines, that the State of text. Cognition exists in the relations among
Oklahoma must provide opportunities for people. Learning and knowing do not exist
graduate and professional education within independently but are structured by inter-
its borders equally to both black and white personal interactions and attempts to solve
students. The Court rejected the state's hasty real-life problems in everyday settings. The
establishment of a "law school" for blacks physical and social experiences, as well as
that consisted of three rooms in the state situations in which learners find themselves
capitol, three faculty members, and access and the tools they use in that experience are
to the state law library. Facing the choice viewed as integral to the learning process,
of admitting Sipuel or ceasing enrollment (las, chb)
of white students in the University of
Oklahoma Law School until the new pro- situated learning
gram met the legal test of "separate but An approach to learning that incorporates
equal," the state chose to grant her admis- realistic tasks found in everyday situations
sion, (alw) rather than focusing on abstract concepts.
This approach also addresses how knowl-
site-based management edge is acquired in the real world to resolve
An approach to school management that problems. In everyday life, situated learning
shifts responsibility for the governance and is generally unintentional rather than delib-
control of schools from the central school erate, (npo)
district authorities into the hands of teach-
ers, administrators, community members, situational teaching
and others at the level of the individual Curriculum-based instruction using applied,
school. The rationale for this approach is real-life circumstantial knowledge con-
that those most affected by school-related structed by the individual student, (bjl)


skepticism skill training

Originally a school of philosophy in ancient Vocational courses or portions of courses
times claiming that no beliefs could be that have as their principal objective the de-
known to be true, though some could be velopment in the student of certain specific
seen as more probable or rational than oth- abilities that have marketable value in busi-
ers. A stronger view held that no belief could ness and industry, (jm)
be shown even to be more or less probable
than others. Modern skepticism stems from skilled trade (See trade, skilled)
the writings of Descartes, in which the ar-
guments of the ancient schools clear away all skills
that could be doubted so that knowledge be "Skills talk" is ubiquitous in education, and
built upon a sound foundation. Philosophers there is a widespread tendency to indiscrim-
such as Hume adopted more or less skeptical inately identify every type of human ability
doctrines once it was decided that Descartes' and competence with a corresponding skill.
technique of raising doubts through skepti- Thus while some insist that "skills" imply
cal argument was more effective than his repetitive and mechanical tasks unconnected
positive attempts to refute doubt, (an) with knowledge and understanding (e.g.,
typing skills, fine motor skills), others are
sketch equally insistent that we can identify and
A preliminary drawing, model, performance, teach those very general skills which are in-
etc. A sketch is often coarsely executed, and tegral to any enterprise (e.g., the skills of
captures the essential elements of the work, teaching, the skills of critical thinking, the
neglecting details. In the visual arts, a sketch skills of successful parenting). Because of
may be a rapid note, done from life or na- such wide-ranging and wholesale use,
ture; an embodiment of the artist's ideas, "skills" has effectively become little more
useful for apprentices in the workshop; or an than a synonym for "ability." (pk)
early stage of work, such as an under draw- See also skill.
ing. In literature, a sketch is a short com-
position that is discursive in style and skills certification
familiar in tone. In drama it is a slight the- Certification of an individual's knowledge
atrical scene such as a comic variety act; and and skills in a specified occupation or oc-
in music, a brief instrumental composition, cupational specialty, usually for a specified
frequently for the piano, (lj) period of time. Can be classified into two
areas: certifications issued by industry that
are product-related; and certifications issued
skill by organizations or professional associa-
Something one knows how to do. In edu- tions, (jac)
cation, skill is often related to reading, ad-
dition, driving, accounting, and plugging in skip counting
formulas. Skill is attained by practice and Refers to counting by multiples of a partic-
can have many components, (bjl) ular number (e.g., counting by twos or by
See also skills. fives), (amr)

skill standards skit

Industry-validated skill standards make up a A short dramatic scene, most often written
work-oriented component focusing on the or performed as comedy (e.g., in the style of
requirements of the work and a worker- satire, slapstick, or burlesque). Skits may
oriented component describing the knowl- also be called sketches, as in sketch comedy,
edge and skills an individual needs to possess the style employed by many comedy troupes
to do the work competently, (sf) and on American television shows such as

sleep disorder

Saturday Night Live. The brevity of skits legislation helped legitimize the idea that
makes them an ideal vehicle for student ed- schools should help prepare students to enter
ucation in writing and performing dramatic the job market, and has been cited as one of
scenarios, (em) the first important instances of direct federal
support for local educational programs. This
sleep disorder act was the first vocational education act to
A category of mental disorders characterized be passed in this country and is considered
by a significant departure from the normal to be the foundation for the promotion of
sleep-waking cycle. Four main types of sleep vocational education in the United States.
disorders have been identified: Sleep Disor- The requirements of the bill, however, are
der Related to Another Medical Disorder thought to have provided the basis for iso-
(often related to a mood or anxiety disor- lation of vocational education from the re-
der), Sleep Disorder Related to a General mainder of the curriculum in many schools.
Medical Condition (due to direct physio- Some of those requirements are: establish-
logical effects of a medical condition), ment of a separate state Vocational Educa-
Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder (as a re- tion Board, salaries for teachers, restrictions
sult of the use or disuse of a substance, in- placed upon students, and curriculum seg-
cluding a medication), and Primary Sleep regation, (bs, mkw)
Disorders, which are caused by none of the
aforementioned etiologies. Subcategories of
Smith-Lever Act (1914)
primary sleep disorders include dyssomnias
Federal law creating the Cooperative Exten-
(disorders involved with initiating or main-
sion Service, the agency of the U.S. Depart-
taining sleep, or with excessive sleepiness;
ment of Agriculture that, in cooperation
sleep disturbed in amount, quality, or tim-
with state and local agencies, educates peo-
ing) and parasomnias (characterized by ab-
ple about research generated by the land-
normal behavioral or psychological events
grant colleges. Located in every county in
occurring with sleep, specific sleep stages or
the United States and its territories, Co-
sleep-wake transitions, including nightmares
operative Extension has grown beyond its
and sleepwalking), (mkt)
original emphasis on farming and home ec-
onomics to assist urban and rural people
SLI (See specific language impairment)
with practical application of land-grant
college-generated research. The legislation
small-group format
also created the Federal Board for Voca-
Any learning format in which a large group
tional Education, (mb, las)
of learners is divided, temporarily, into
smaller sections, often with some shared
background or interest. Small groups com- SMS (See status mobility system)
monly focus on discussion and analysis of
ideas, (chb)
SNCC (See Student Non-Violent
Coordinating Committee)
Smith-Hughes Act (1917)
The Smith-Hughes Act was intended to pro-
vide funds for training people who had en- snowball technique
tered or who were about to enter the Teaching technique whereby a question or
workforce on the farm. The legislative intent problem is addressed individually, then dis-
was to support programs that provide stu- cussed in pairs, then in groups of fours, and
dents 14 and older with the skills necessary continuing on in ever larger groups. The
to gain employment in industry, agriculture, process may be used as an ice-breaker, for
commerce, skilled trades, or in home eco- problem solving, or for consensus building,
nomics. Widely supported at passage, the (las)

social justice

social capital imal Development—a place where social in-

Social capital refers to treating human re- teraction and learning occurs. This theory
sources (e.g., social knowledge, networks of has profound implications for schools as
social relationships, civic involvement) as a places of social interaction and learning
form of capital for the purposes of economic and for teachers as facilitators of learning
growth. The term was proposed by James through their creation of collaborative learn-
Coleman in 1988 as a way of reconciling so- ing environments, (jwc)
ciology's focus on understanding how social
relationships shape action with economics' social efficiency (See social
assumptions about rational decision making reproduction)
and objective predictors of action. Social sci-
entists have utilized the construct of social social efficiency approach
capital to describe intangible resources ex- A teaching philosophy which places an
isting between individuals and groups. The emphasis upon the capacity of a teacher
core idea behind social capital theory is that to apply an established, research-driven
social networks have value. In the realm of knowledge base in their practice (instruc-
education, networks of mutual obligation tional decisions, pedagogy, curricula, etc.).
and trust nurture the intellectual and inter- (hfs)
personal development of individuals and
gain them access to material and social re- social facting
sources. Within an invisible economy of The theory developed by Emile Durkheim of
social exchanges, social capital supplies im- the process by which a society, or its social
portant resources (information, knowledge institutions, exerts and places influence, con-
and skills) related to the academic advance- straints, and expectations upon individuals
ment of individuals and groups, (lr, adj) in order to encourage or forbid certain be-
haviors and activities, (hfs)
social change
Transformation or restructuring of the po- social history
litical, economic, and social relations and An approach to historical research that be-
dynamics in a given community or society at came popular in the latter half of the twen-
the institutional level, (hfs) tieth century. Whereas older traditions in
historical research focused on the study of
elite groups such as politicians and eminent
social construction of knowledge citizens, social history became characterized
The idea that children learn through inter- by a focus on the history of "everyday life,"
action with more competent adults or peers, on the historical experience of marginalized
using feedback to help develop new ways of groups (e.g., women, children, racial minor-
thinking about their worlds. For example, ities), and on topics related to broader issues
followers of Piaget believe that one way in the social sciences (e.g., social mobility).
learning occurs is through discordant epi- A social history of education might focus,
sodes, in which two actors disagree on the
for example, on the relationship between
content being shared, (aw)
race, ethnicity, or class, and access to public
schooling. Because of its focus on chroni-
social development theory cling the history of marginalized groups, this
Constructed and popularized by Lev Vygot- has also been referred to as "history from
sky (1978), social development theory as- the bottom up." (sw)
serts that social interaction influences cog-
nitive development in powerful ways and social justice
takes place continually throughout one's life. A civic duty to address the needs of all mem-
Vygotsky's theory describes a Zone of Prox- bers of a society. Social justice requires that

social learning orientation

equality and fair treatment of all individuals sequent book Dare the Schools Build a New
occurs in social, economic, educational, and Society, and Harold Rugg's and others' so-
other situations, (jqa, npo) cial studies curriculum entitled "Man and
His Changing Society." Social Reconstruc-
social learning orientation tion was a thread in Progressivism and de-
A focus on the individual's ability to learn veloped through the Progressive Education
vicariously by watching others. Derived Association, (db-j)
from Bandura's Social Learning Theory, See also social reproduction.
which emphasizes individuals' ability to
learn by observing other people's behavior social reconstructionist
and its consequences and then making deci- A teaching philosophy which places an em-
sions about their own behavior, (mkr) phasis upon the capacity of teachers to apply
their knowledge of the sociopolitical impli-
social mobility cations of their practice. Additionally, they
The ability of members of a society to must understand both the social context of
change and alter their social strata of classes. their practice and the contributions their
This movement can be in either direction, teaching make toward justice, equality, and
moving up the class ladder or down. How the establishment of more humane condi-
social class position is measured varies from tions in schools and the larger society, (hfs)
culture to culture. Typically two types of
mobility occur: structural mobility, caused social reconstructionist teacher
by a change in occupation, and circulation education
mobility, any other change resulting in class An approach to teacher education that em-
movement, (kfl) phasizes and develops teachers abilities to
see the social and political forces upon and
social oganization implications of their actions and to asses the
Institutions and structures created and or- importance of changing policies, teaching
ganized within society that enforce norms, practices, or both, (rtc)
such as schools and churches. Social organ-
ization can also be thought of as groups of social reproduction
individuals coming together for common in- A curriculum movement in the early twen-
terest, with no monetary incentive, (kfl) tieth century dedicated to differentiating the
curriculum in accord with various learners'
social protest likely social destinies (tracking and guidance
Movements that use or create events to ex- counselor practice developed out of this
press political ideas about social issues. No- movement). The general notion that the job
table social protest movements include stu- of schools is to reproduce the social, politi-
dent protests about the Vietnam War in the cal, and economic status quo of society. This
1960s, (jqa, npo) theory is also known as social efficiency. So-
cial reproduction theories elaborate upon
social reconstruction the premise that schools are key sites for the
A curriculum movement from the 1930s and maintenance of social, cultural, and eco-
1940s developed by, among others, George nomic inequality. Reproductionists claim the
Counts and Harold Rugg. Politically left- role of schools is to sort individuals and
leaning, social reconstructionists prescribed groups according to the hierarchical division
that schools should be institutions for social of labor in society via social, cultural, and
change and reformation, building a new so- economic processes, which largely go unnot-
ciety defined by increased social justice. Two iced and play powerful roles in shaping the
examples are George Count's essay and sub- behavior of individuals and their educational

social studies teachers—as curriculum theorizers

trajectories. Reproduction theories have social studies education—as

been categorized by Aronowitz and Giroux disciplinary study vs. integrated field of
(1993) into three models which explore the study
maintenance of inequality in the following This issue is at the crux of the debate con-
spheres: the economic reproductive model cerning the definition of the social studies.
(Bowles and Gintis), the cultural reproduc- On one side of the debate are advocates who
tive model (Bourdieu), and the hegemonic- support the teaching of individual disciplines
state reproductive model (Antonio Gramsci). of study that parallel college course subjects
(db-j, adj) (e.g., history, geography, economics). On the
See also critical theory; reproduction the- other side are advocates of a unified field of
ory; social reconstruction. social studies consisting of knowledge and
skills drawn from the various disciplines
social roles while ignoring disciplinary boundaries, the
A set of behaviors, attitudes, and actions by focus of which is a systematic study of the
individuals within a society. This triad of at- needs of students and society, especially civic
titudes, beliefs, and actions is usually defined needs, (ks)
by a series of factors all bearing down on
the individual in creating his or her position social studies education—as social
in a society. These factors consist of per- critique
ceived norms of the society, interactions A perspective which contrasts with the view
with others, one's self-esteem, and one's of social studies education as a conserving
status. Income and level of education influ- force. This view, with its basis in critical the-
ence the status one assumes in his/her im- ory, advocates the role of social studies in
mediate environment. In addition, this critically examining existing social and po-
position in society is determined by how in- litical structures toward the goal of social ac-
dividuals perceive themselves based on ac- tion and reform, (ksl)
ceptance by those already admitted into the
social position, (kfl) social studies teacher education
Traditionally, elementary teachers are certi-
social stratification fied as elementary generalists, often with lit-
The classification of people based on in- tle or no specific coursework in social
come, education, occupation, inherited studies. Secondary teachers have typically
wealth, and power in society. May also be been specialists in a particular discipline; if
called social class, (jqa, npo) certified as composite social studies, course-
work is still normally in distinct and often
social studies education—as a unconnected fields of study. Both ap-
conserving force proaches face criticism for inadequately pre-
A perspective that emphasizes the role of ed- paring teachers who are interested in and
ucation, particularly social studies educa- capable of teaching dynamic, integrated, and
tion, in maintaining the status quo in essential social studies courses for K-12 stu-
society. This view of the social studies holds dents, (ksl)
that through the operation of both the for-
mal and the hidden curriculum, existing so- social studies teachers—as curriculum
ciopolitical roles and expectations for the theorizers
various groups (social, economic, gender, The loose structure and wide-ranging goals
political, etc.) within a society are main- of social studies as a field of study encour-
tained and perpetuated, (ksl) ages teachers to take ownership in deciding
See also three traditions of social studies the organization and purposes of their cur-
education. riculum. Hilda Taba and others advocated

social studies teachers—disciplinary knowledge

teachers' involvement in curriculum devel- nants of both the substance and process of
opment. Collaboration between classroom education and knowledge construction.
teachers and university faculty in the devel- Knowledge, understanding, perspective,
opment of social studies curriculum is a and the resultant expression of ideas are
growing trend in the field, (jrs) therefore relational, and not solely individ-
ual, as they are the by-products of the inter-
social studies teachers—disciplinary actions of groups of people across time, (hfs)
Drawing from such diverse fields of study as sociodrama
anthropology, archeology, economics, ge- A form of improvisational role-playing de-
ography, history, law, philosophy, political veloped by Jacob Levy Moreno used to ex-
science, psychology, religion, and sociology, plore how people interact in social situations
social studies instruction requires a broad and solve conflict within groups and organ-
range of disciplinary knowledge. This diver- izations. In a classroom, sociodrama might
sity is most pronounced in elementary school help examine how students of different ra-
social studies, which seeks to integrate many cial backgrounds interact with each other.
fields of study in thematic units or into an Employing specific techniques, including role
'expanding communities' design, while sec- reversal (participants switch roles to gain
ondary social studies is organized according new perspective and understanding) and so-
to discrete social science disciplines. Teach- liloquy (action freezes and one participant
ers generally major or concentrate in only speaks her/his inner thoughts), sociodrama
one social science field, (jrs) can be either enacted by participants work-
See also expanding communities. ing through a particular issue or performed
for a group that then uses the sociodrama as
the basis for work on an issue, (em)
Any system of social organization in which
the means of production and the distribution
socioeconomic status
of wealth are subject to social control, or
A category developed in the combination of
any political movement advocating the insti-
the position, or score, of persons on criteria
tution of such a system. Socialists may dis-
such as income, amount of education, oc-
agree about the extent to which the means
cupation, or neighborhood type. Scores are
of production should be socialized, the prin-
then divided so as to create divisions such as
ciple whereby wealth should be distributed,
upper class, middle class, and lower class
and the nature of the social control that
which are articulations of life chances and
should be exercised, (mbm)
opportunity, (hfs)
The process of acquiring the knowledge, socio-mathematical norms
skills, attitudes, customs, and values of a cul- Classroom norms that involve the evaluation
ture. In the United States, the schools are in- of insightful solutions or mathematically
creasingly involved in the socialization of elegant explanations and argumentations;
children. Schools are charged with helping identifying what counts as a mathematical
students acquire democratic values and prac- explanation and what counts as a mathe-
tices, work-related skills, the ability to work matically different strategy. The constituted
cooperatively in groups, and other cultural norms depend on the students' understand-
elements, (jrs) ing, attitudes, willingness, and mathematical
development, (dc)
sociocentric view of knowledge and
learning Socratic method
Theory which holds that an individual's in- A method of teaching that explores topics or
teractions with others are major determi- seeks to enhance understanding through


question-asking and dialogue, rather than solution-focused therapy

through didactic presentation. These educa- Originating in brief therapy in the 1980s and
tional practices are based on the belief that proposed by de Shazer and others, solution-
all humans, particularly children, hold focused therapy was developed using
knowledge and/or truth within them. This methods stimulated by Milton Erickson.
method is attributed to the Greek philoso- Solution-focused therapists believe that iden-
pher Socrates by his student Plato. The So- tifying and initiating a possible solution is
cratic method is also sometimes called more effective than focusing on stopping a
"maieutic" because the teacher works "like problem. They also believe that it is impor-
a midwife." Proponents of dialogical peda- tant to help a client develop a vision of a
gogy have found different techniques used more satisfying future. For example, the
by Socrates for different purposes, including "miracle question," a popular solution-
the following three: to induce puzzlement in focused technique, requires a client to de-
students (by challenging the adequacy of scribe specific differences that would be
their beliefs) that will turn into a humble noticed if the problem was suddenly and
willingness to learn; to prompt students to mysteriously solved overnight. Focus is
figure out for themselves answers the teacher placed on exceptions to his or her problem
has in mind, by asking them a series of lead- and on what he or she is already doing that
ing questions; to engage with students in is successful, (med)
open-ended inquiry on a topic with the
expectation that the beliefs of the teacher somatoform disorder
and the students will likely be changed in the A category of mental disorders in which
process, (aim, bgr, mg) there are physical symptoms suggestive of a
See also dialogue. medical condition. However, these physical
symptoms cannot be explained by a general
soft skills (See employability skills) medical condition, by the effects of any sub-
stance, or by another mental condition.
solfege There is typically a strong presumption on
A method of singing and/or teaching music the part of medical professionals that the
(the production of music and the reading of symptoms are linked to mental and emo-
notational music) that employs syllables (do, tional factors, and that they serve psycho-
re, mi, fa, so, la, ti) to represent pitches with logical purposes. Symptoms of such a
a single syllable (from so-fa) corresponding disorder can range from a preoccupation
to a single note. Taught in schools of music with the idea of having an illness, resulting
with young children and at the conservatory from the misinterpretation of bodily symp-
level, (jd) toms, to severe pain that has no physical
cause, (mkt)
Solipsism (from Latin solus, alone, and ipse, sophistry
self) exists in two main forms: ontological Subtly deceptive argumentation. Sophistry is
and epistemological. The ontological solip- a way of making a rhetorical point by pan-
sism maintains that I and my own states of dering to the desire of those who seek infor-
consciousness are all that exist. The episte- mation but who do not have any knowledge
mological solipsism expresses a belief that it of the topic under consideration. In this way,
is only possible to have knowledge of myself the ignorant wish to become informed, but
and my states of consciousness. Solipsism they are also easily led to conclusions that
does not need to be an explicitly formulated are misleading because of their ignorance.
theory, but can also be the consequence of a Advertisements are sometimes examples of
more general ontology or epistemology. sophistry. Schools promote sophistry, too,
(jbl) when teachers act as sophists rather than


seekers of wisdom and regard students as Southern Association of Colleges and

"customers" rather than as learners and also Schools (SACS)
seekers of wisdom, (drb) This association accredits more than 12,000
See also sophists. public and private educational institutions,
from pre-kindergarten through the univer-
sity level, in 11 southeastern states and Latin
America. Member institutions regularly per-
Fee-charging itinerant teachers from around form comprehensive self-evaluations to as-
the fifth century B.C.E. Contemporaries of sist them in planning for improvement and
Socrates, sophists were generally regarded to assure the public of their overall quality.
by philosophers (e.g., Plato) as charlatans (cf)
because their goal was to earn money teach-
ing people to speak well. Rhetoric at the
spatial awareness
time was valuable, as Athens was becoming
Demonstrated when the child becomes
increasingly litigious. As dispensers of infor- aware of his/her own body as a physical ob-
mation, especially in the area of ethics and ject, knows to look for people and objects
in the relationship between customs (nomos) out of immediate sight, and begins to learn
and nature (phusis), sophists like Protagoras how to find other places in the physical en-
(c. 490-C.420 B.C.E.) and Gorgias (c. 4 8 3 - vironment, (vm)
376 B.C.E.) emphasized the idea that differ-
ent people have different virtues. Since soph-
spatial intelligence (See visual-spatial
ists recognized that opinion was more intelligence)
action-guiding than truth, they argued that
those who could change opinions had ulti-
specific knowledge
mate power, (drb)
Information used to interpret, explain and
See also sophistry.
participate in repetitious situations. Specific
knowledge gives the individual the ability to
sound quality (See timbre) process information faster and make deci-
sions when involved in similar situations,
(jqa, npo)
In philosophical logic, soundness is a quality
spatial reasoning
or property of arguments that are not only
Relates to the properties of space. The un-
valid, but also have true premises. Since the derstanding of space and what can or cannot
premises of a sound argument are true, and occupy a given amount. The ability to make
the steps upon which the conclusion is in- inferences, conclusions, and judgments in re-
ferred are logically acceptable, the conclu- gard to the concept of space, (vdf)
sion will be true also, (an)
See also validity.
spatial sense (See spatial reasoning)

Southern Association for Institutional spatial visualization

Research (SAIR) The ability to imagine, manipulate, measure,
This professional organization supports in- and compare geometric shapes or situations,
stitutional research programs at colleges and mentally or with a drawn figure, (ey)
universities in the South. The professional
activities, publications, and collegial net- special education
work provided by SAIR are designed to sup- Educational help designed for students who
port the successful and effective practice of have been identified with specific disabling
higher education throughout the region, (cf) conditions, (sr)

spell check

specialist degree (See degree, those tasks should be written. In many test
specialist) development systems, specifications are not
written down, but rather exist in the shared
specialized high school (See high consciousness of the team of people who
school, specialized) work (often over many years) to develop
those tests. That phenomenon, coupled with
specialty teachers (See resource a natural desire for reduction in cost and sta-
teachers) bility of test development, often makes it dif-
ficult to change test specifications—and
specific job competencies (See hence difficult to change the actual tests
competencies, specific job) which they generate, (fd)

specific knowledge speech act theory

Information used to interpret, explain, and A sociolinguistic theory concerning the com-
participate in repetitious situations. Specific municative function of interpersonal speech.
knowledge gives the individual the ability to Broadly, speech is seen as a system of con-
process information faster and make deci- ventionalized expressions that are meaning-
sions when involved in similar situations, ful within a given speech community and
(jqa, npo) that accomplish social acts (e.g., greeting, re-
questing, promising, warning). Central to
specific language impairment (SLI) this view of communication is the dynamic
Also called phonosyntactic disorder, SLI is relationship between a speaker's intent and
the most common childhood language dis- an interlocutor's understanding of an utter-
order, indicated by difficulties with inflec- ance, given the sociocultural context of their
tional morphology (e.g., word endings that interaction, (jrk)
specify number and tense) and syntax. SLI See also illocutionary force; locutionary
children usually begin to talk at the same age meaning; perlocutionary act.
as nonimpaired children, but progress more
slowly. Such children have difficulty learning speech and language disorder
new words from context clues and often Problems in communication and related ar-
struggle in learning to read and write. How- eas, including delays and disorders in the ar-
ever, SLI children are typically not cogni- eas of articulation, voice, fluency, form,
tively impaired or autistic, (aw) content, and effective use of language, (sr)

specific occupational competencies speech code

(See competencies, specific A rule or policy designed to protect individ-
occupational) uals from speech that could embarrass, hu-
miliate, ridicule, or somehow victimize or
specification stigmatize based on an individual's race,
A generative blueprint or plan for a test; the ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
word is often used in the plural, as when creed, national origin, ancestry, age, marital
referring to "the specifications for" a partic- status, handicap, and/or veteran's status.
ular test. A "table of specifications" is a ta- The courts have created a fine line between
ble, chart, or some other organizational permissible speech codes and those that in-
graphic that shows the various content areas fringe on individual's free speech rights, (cf)
to be covered in tests and the number of
items or tasks associated with each area. At spell check
a lower level of specificity, particular test A computer utility that verifies the spelling
tasks can be further specified (often in doc- in a digital text document. Spell check pro-
uments separate from the table) as to how grams generally identify misspellings and

Spencer Foundation

suggest possible correct spellings. Students spirituality

can use spell check programs to verify and An individual's means of construing self, ex-
correct spelling in their written work, (kgl) istence, and personal meaning as integrated
with universal forces, universal meanings, or
Spencer Foundation "higher powers." It is an individual pursuit
Established in 1968 by Lyle M. Spencer, of of meaning, which differs from religiosity in
Science Research Associates, to "investigate that it does not necessarily include affiliation
ways in which education can be improved with a religious reference group, and it may
around the world." The foundation, with to- or may not include a higher power con-
tal assets of nearly $600 million provided struct. Individual spiritualities may or may
approximately $26 million in grants in not subsume or overlap with individual re-
2000. (cf) ligious beliefs or affiliations. Like religion,
spirituality is considered by many to be an
important individual difference variable to
spina bifida
be considered in the counseling and/or re-
Cleft spine, in which there is an opening in
search process, (jih)
the spinal column. There are three general
types of spina bifida: Spina Bifida Occulta—
an opening in one or more of the vertebrae SPL (See student performance level)
without apparent damage to the spinal cord;
Meningocele—the meninges, or protective splitting conjecture
covering around the spinal cord, has pushed Related to the development of multiplicative
out through the opening in the vertebrae; thinking. A term used by Jere Confrey to ex-
Myelomeningocele—the most severe form of plain students' intuitive and primitive ac-
spina bifida in which a portion of the spinal tions that are not reliant on counting and
cord itself protrudes through the back, (sr) repeated addition, actions such as sharing,
folding, dividing symmetrically, and magni-
fying, (amr)
spiral curriculum
A school or district's sequence of courses
and content that includes the same topics of sponsor teacher (See cooperating
study at several different grade levels. At teacher)
each new interaction with the topic, the level
of depth and sophistication increases, (jw) sponsored mobility
Process or system of sorting whereby elite
spiritual education status and attendant power is controlled by
Education attentive to the nonrational, non- the established elites or their agents and can
physical part of human nature. Spiritual ed- be granted by only those parties. A recog-
ucation is an attempt to address some of the nition of certain desirable and shared quali-
concerns traditionally addressed by sectarian ties in the recruits presages selection and
religions in a nonsectarian way. Those inter- induction into the privileged. Elite status can
ested in returning religious values to the never be attained or earned without their as-
public schools often try to avoid church- sent, (hfs)
state conflicts through the enactment of pro-
grams of spiritual education. However, a sport pedagogist
number of philosophers have insisted that A person who specializes in the art and sci-
spirituality is best understood as located ence of teaching and coaching, (rf)
within some religious practice or another
and that the idea of spirituality dislocated sports medicine
from a religious context is essentially prob- A field of knowledge dealing with the care,
lematic, (an) prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of

standardized test

people who participate in sport and fitness consider the dialect used by political leaders
activities, (rf) and the upper socioeconomic classes, the di-
alect used for literature and in formal writ-
Sputnik ing, the dialect taught in schools and used
Soviet satellite launched on October 4,1957, by national news broadcasters to be the cor-
which marked the beginning of the Soviet- rect form of language. However, today on
American Space Race, an aspect of the Cold all of these levels regional/ethnic dialects
War in which each side tried to show supe- tend to prevail and the notion of SAE is
riority in space related technologies. The ef- slowly becoming obscure, (smt)
fect upon American education was passage
of P.L. 85-864, also called the 1958 Na- standard measure (See nonstandard/
tional Defense Education Act, which funded standard measure)
increased use of math and science in curric-
ula across grade levels and the National De- standardized test
fense Student Loan Program (1958) designed An assessment instrument that utilizes fixed,
to increase enrollment in science and engi- unchanging procedures for administration
neering programs in higher education, and scoring. The results, or test scores, have
(dwm) been shown to be reliable and valid through
empirical study. Using consistent, set proce-
square root dures eliminates variables affecting test per-
The reverse process of squaring. The square formance, including variations in instruc-
root of a number is a number, that when tions, scoring procedures, time limits or
squared, is equivalent to the number under procedural order. Results obtained may then
the radical sign, (ps) be compared to other scores from the same
test. Because the standardization procedures
stage theories of adult learning help eliminate possible confounding influ-
Theories that stress an established sequence ences, any differences in scores may, at least
of developmental change over time, typically theoretically, be attributed to true differ-
hierarchical, from lower to higher stages of ences in performance. Standardized tests
functioning. Development is characterized may be used in areas such as intellectual,
by increasing complexity and flexibility; at cognitive, or personality assessment, behav-
each new stage of development, the individ- ioral observations, or interviews. Standard-
ual displays patterns or capabilities of which ized tests are published or issued by testing
he/she would not have been capable previ- companies or agencies (sometimes govern-
ously. The application of stage theories in mental) and are intended to provide com-
adult education implies that adults may re- parable information about test takers'
visit earlier stages to resolve conflicts from abilities across a range of settings or geo-
earlier periods in different ways, (jwg) graphical areas. Standardized tests are writ-
See also phase theories of adult learning. ten by trained test writers according to
explicit specifications, and information
staging (See blocking) about their reliability, validity, and compar-
ative norms are usually published in a tech-
standard, occupational (See nical manual that accompanies the test.
occupational standard) Standardized tests generally (though not al-
ways) consist of multiple-choice questions.
Standard American English (SAE) Tests are usually administered on a large
An idealized dialect of English that is con- scale by an education agency to measure stu-
sidered by some language "purists" to be the dent achievement in a well-defined curricular
proper dialect. SAE is not defined precisely domain mainly for accountability purposes.
and thus, in real life, no one speaks it. Some Standardized tests are often viewed as objec-

standards in testing

tive, efficient, and cost-effective. However, information to review and appraise the ef-
standardized tests are also seen as having fectiveness of institutions of higher educa-
some flaws. First, standardized tests often re- tion in using state or public resources, (cf)
veal little about student thinking processes
and problem-solving techniques. Second, the state board for vocational or career-
norming process, content selection, and technical education
types of items raise accusations of linguistic A board created by a state legislature to co-
and cultural bias against low socioeconomic operate with federal authorities in adminis-
or bilingual students. Third, standardized tering provisions of the federal and sup-
test scores often reshape curricula and cause plementary laws in regard to vocational
teachers to teach to the test, (lbl, tvh, sew, education, (jm)

standards in testing state education agency

Codes of ethical or good practice as, for ex- State education agencies are charged with
ample, the published standards of conduct promoting leadership for learning in order to
issued by a given testing company or gov- improve student achievement. Most state
ernmental agency. Expected levels of per- education agencies today seek to establish
formance or skill mastery as, for example, challenging standards, assessments, and ac-
state, national, or international standards countability systems through using new
against which test items and tasks are devel- technologies to provide resources to those
oped. Statistical norms are also used as a students who are least likely to succeed, to
form of standards in testing, (fd) strengthen efficient and effective administra-
tion and to improve community involve-
standing committee ment. They are in charge of early childhood,
Committees written into institutional by- elementary, secondary, and higher education
laws to assure continuity in their specific at the state level, (cl)
commitments. Members are elected annually
for various lengths of service, (cf) State Higher Education Executive
Officers (SHEEO)
standpoint epistemologies
This nonprofit, nationwide association of
Standpoint epistemologies do not claim to
chief executive officers serves statewide co-
know what is absolutely true for all people
ordinating boards and governing boards of
and all times. It is possible to find feminist,
postsecondary education. Its objectives in-
Africana, and Native American epistemolo-
clude the interests of states in quality higher
gies, for example, that present theories of
education, and in promoting the importance
knowing from within the context of partic-
of state planning and coordination as the
ular worldviews. To further illustrate, femi-
most effective means of gaining public con-
nist standpoint epistemologies emphasize
fidence in higher education. Forty-nine states
that individual knowers are limited, situated,
and Puerto Rico are SHEEO members, (cf)
partial knowers. They emphasize the falli-
bility of criteria and standards and insist on
the need to include others, especially outsid- state literacy resource centers
ers, into the discussion of what are truths in Federally funded centers established to en-
order to help us enlarge our views and com- courage the coordination of literacy services,
pensate for our own limitations, (bt-b) enhance the capacity of state and local or-
See also epistemology. ganizations to provide literacy services, and
serve as a link between literacy educators
state accountability systems and the National Institute for Literacy for
Organized efforts at the state level to de- the sharing of information, expertise, and re-
velop useful measures, indicators, and other sources related to literacy, (las)


state mandate summarize or describe the whole popula-

A term used in education that refers to an tion, (wja)
authoritative command, order, or commis-
sion from a state official or agency whose
power has been granted by the state. It may
Social position in a society or organization
be given in the form of a formal order or
that affects relationships, power, and iden-
authorization to act given by a state court or
tity, (jqa, npo)
official to a less powerful body or individual.
An example would be the legislature of a
state mandating a specified amount of staff status mobility system (SMS)
development for personnel each year, (mm) Strategies for achieving success that are cul-
turally and socially acceptable. In the United
state plan States education is viewed as one such sys-
In vocational education, a state plan is an tem for achieving success, (jqa, npo)
agreement between a state board of voca-
tional or career-technical education and the stereotypes
U.S. Department of Education describing the Fixed or general patterns, such as mental
vocational education program developed by pictures or representations, held by an indi-
the state to meet its own purposes and con- vidual or by members of a group. These
ditions and the conditions under which the thought patterns represent an oversimplified
state will use federal vocational education opinion, attitude, or uncritical judgment.
funds. Such conditions must conform to the Stereotypic misinformation exists concern-
federal acts and the official policies of the ing ethnicity, religion, race, and gender,
U.S. Department of Education before pro- (mje, jah)
grams may be reimbursed from federal
funds, (jm)
still life
state university A pictorial representation of objects that are
An institution under state control and offer- inanimate (not alive) or animate only in the
ing courses, programs, and continuing edu- sense of vegetative life. The term derives
cation opportunities with a strong emphasis from the seventeenth-century Dutch still-
on practical or applied subjects, (cf) leven, meaning a motionless natural object
(dead pheasants or fowls are sometimes in-
cluded in still life paintings as are fruit or
statewide planning
vegetables) or objects (containers like bowls
Refers to interinstitutional studies and rec-
that hold the fruit or tables with cloths on
ommendations of governing boards, coor-
them). Exercises in still life painting or draw-
dinating boards, commissions, task forces,
ing are particularly instructive for art stu-
or other agencies authorized by state gover-
nors or legislatures, (cf) dents mastering techniques of light and
shadow as necessary for replicating, for ex-
ample, the folds in a tablecloth because the
statistics object of representation does not move or
Application of the theories of probability to change and can be revisited on numerous oc-
problems involving sets of data and other re- casions, (jd)
lated questions. The discipline that provides
methods to help make sense of data. Also,
the analysis of characteristics of a popula- stochastics
tion by observing characteristics of a smaller A term used to include related branches of
random sample of the population. These mathematics, namely statistics and probabil-
characteristics of the sample are then used to ity, (amr)


stop-out equal in a society, structural assimilation has

Term applied to adult learners who, because occurred, (jqa, npo)
of life circumstances, stop attending classes
with the intention of returning at some later structured activities
point in time. Often during such a hiatus Activities that have been planned to enhance
from organized learning, stop-outs may en- children's practice and use of specific skills.
gage in self-study or other forms of informal These activities usually require children to
learning, (las) follow specific directions or instructions to
complete task(s); teachers may also provide
verbal guidance, modeling, or physical help
strategic planning as the children complete the task(s). Struc-
Strategic planning is a process that people tured activities can be implemented in large
engage in to define an achievable and sus- groups, small groups, or on an individual
tainable future for the institution or organi-
basis, (at)
zation. School leaders are occupied with
planning for a shared vision of the future in student
light of societal changes and the internal is- An individual to whom instruction is being
sues of the school (financial stability, de- delivered. The student may be any age, and
manding parents, children with special instruction may be delivered in a variety of
needs, gender equity, diversity, new technol- settings, using different methods and tech-
ogy, etc.) In order to successfully plan stra- nologies. Instruction may even be self-
tegically, institutions and organizations are directed. Typically students in the United
now shifting toward a more participatory States have a mandated number of years of
planning process and to creating a school cli- school attendance in recognized educational
mate that is open to consider innovation. institutions. Mandatory schooling terms
Some aspects that should be considered vary among states. The term "pupil" is cor-
when creating a strategic plan are: exami- rectly applied to students at the elementary
nation and analysis of internal data, building level, but is commonly used at all levels.
consensus, developing recommendations for Current use of the term "learner" reflects the
guiding policy goals, specific sequential im- increased interest in lifelong learning. In the
plementation supported by financial projec- broadest sense, a student is someone who
tions, and broad participation and com- seeks knowledge and understanding in any
munication, (cl) setting, (npo, jwc)

student blowouts
stress management training
A term used to describe massive student
A combination of techniques and strategies,
demonstrations associated with the Mexi-
usually cognitive, behavioral, and educa-
can-American (or Chicano) civil rights
tional, that is implemented to reduce and
movement of the 1960s. Blowouts, also
prevent negative stress (also called "dis-
called walkouts, in Los Angeles, Denver, San
tress"). Stress management training is often
Antonio, and elsewhere during 1968-1969
conducted in psychoeducational groups.
demonstrated student unhappiness with dis-
Strategies range from teaching healthy eating
criminatory practices in the schools and ex-
and exercise regimens to examining and
pressed support for programs such as
modifying faulty dysfunctional beliefs. Re-
bilingual education and Mexican-American
laxation and time management are fre-
cultural programming in the schools such as
quently employed, as well, (fa)
Chicano Studies, (sw)

structural assimilation student centered instruction (SCI)

When dominant and subordinate groups be- An instructional approach in which students
gin to interact, intermarry, and become influence the content, the activities, the ma-

student portfolio

terials, and the pace of learning. This learn- the NSL combined to form the American
ing model places the student (learner) in the Student Union, (aja)
center of the learning process. The instructor
provides students with opportunities to learn student learning center
independently and from one another and As recent additions to institutions of higher
coaches them in the skills they need to do so learning, these campus facilities advance stu-
effectively. The SCI approach includes such dent learning in a technological era and en-
techniques as substituting active learning ex- hance the quality of learning in many ways
periences for lectures, assigning open-ended using the various concepts, principles, and
problems and problems requiring critical or methods of assessment. These centers typi-
creative thinking that cannot be solved by cally provide academic support services to
following text examples, involving students students needing assistance with coursework
in simulations and role plays, and using or the transition to college-level require-
self-paced and/or cooperative (team-based) ments, (cf)
learning. Properly implemented SCI can lead
to increased motivation to learn, greater re-
tention of knowledge, deeper understanding, Student Non-Violent Coordinating
and more positive attitudes toward the sub- Committee (SNCC)
ject being taught, (cf, bba) Black student organization founded in Ra-
leigh, North Carolina in 1960 for the pur-
pose of ending segregation through non-
student exchange programs (See
violent action. Founders included Ella Baker
exchange programs)
of the Southern Christian Leadership Con-
ference and divinity student James Lawson.
student follow-up (See follow-up,
During the early 1960s SNCC engaged in
many nonviolent actions throughout the
south, including sit-ins, Freedom Rides, and
student government
voter registration drives. In 1966, SNCC
An organization of representatives from the shifted to a militant, confrontational ap-
student body charged with responsibilities, proach under the leadership of Stokely Car-
as authorized by school administration, michael. By the late 1960s membership
ranging from the creation of student conduct
rapidly declined, (nc)
regulations to overseeing student organiza-
tions and activities, (jw)
student performance level (SPL)
Student League for Industrial Provides a description of an adult learner's
Democracy (SLID) language abilities along a scale of 0 to 10.
College student section of the socialist- This level is correlated to score ranges on the
inspired League for Industrial Democracy Basic English Skills Test (BEST), (las)
(LID). LID was established in 1921 as the
successor to the Intercollegiate Socialist So- student portfolio
ciety (founded in 1905). In 1933, the LID A tool for personal development. An evolu-
student section renamed itself the Student tionary collection of student goals, action
League for Industrial Democracy in order to plans, reflections, and work samples that
emphasize its place within a broader student document and direct the student's progress
protest movement. The economic crisis of in achieving increasing levels of competence
the Great Depression contributed to SLID's in certain critical areas. It is not merely a
expanded membership along with similar or- binder of random documents; it is a capsule
ganizations such as the Young People's So- that represents the whole of a student's col-
cialist League (YPSL) and the National lege experience. It is a documentation of cur-
Student League (NSL). In 1935, SLID and ricular and extracurricular learning, (cf)

Student Protest Movement of the 1960s

Student Protest Movement of the 1960s Students for a Democratic Society

Phrase used to describe college and univer- (SDS)
sity student activism directed at a broad Organization focused on political and social
range of issues, most notably Civil Rights change generally thought of as being the cor-
and the Vietnam War. Groups involved in- nerstone of the student protest movement of
clude the Student Nonviolent Coordinating the 1960s. In 1962 students from several
Committee (SNCC), Students for a Demo- universities met in Port Huron, Michigan,
cratic Society (SDS), and the Weather Un- and drafted the famous political manifesto,
derground. The movement's legacies include: the Port Huron Statement. SDS chapters
greater diversity in faculty and student sprung up on campuses throughout the
bodies; creation of Chicano, Black, and United States with an estimated 30,000 to
Women's Studies departments; and a relax- 100,000 student members. SDS was in-
ation of student regulations, (egh) volved in a range of civil rights and anti-
Vietnam war activities. It finally dissolved in
1969, but some of its work was continued
Student Right-to-Know and Campus through splinter groups such as the Weather
Security Act (Public Law 101-542) Underground, (egh)
Passed in 1990 by Congress to increase dis-
closure of information by institutions of student-teacher ratio
higher education. This legislation required The relationship between the number of stu-
that the graduation rates of athletic schol- dents in a given institution or district and the
arship recipients be disclosed, and that cam- number of teachers. A school with 300 stu-
pus crime statistics be reported and made dents and 10 teachers would have a student-
available to students and parents. The Cam- teacher ratio of 30 to 1. Written as 30:1. (jw)
pus Security Act is now named for a former
victim, the "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of study abroad
Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Programs designed to acquaint college stu-
Statistics Act." Current amendments to the dents with the cultures, histories, and lan-
"Clery Act" require broad reporting obli- guages of other countries. Once traditionally
gations from campus and community per- European, study abroad programs are now
sonnel, and have extended the area to widespread throughout almost all continents
include property surrounding the campus, and geographical areas, (cf)
study circle
A learning process in which a group of
student teacher adults meet to learn something together in a
An apprentice elementary or secondary democratic process that encourages partici-
school teacher who, as a college or univer- pants to be both teachers and learners. Study
sity student, is fulfilling experiential degree circles were first organized in Sweden in the
requirements, (cf) early twentieth century, (jpc)

student trainee style

A regularly enrolled secondary school stu- From the Latin stylus, an instrument for en-
dent participating in a cooperative program graving. Style is the imprint of the artist as
of training in an occupation with related if engraved on the work of art. It is a co-
herence of aesthetic properties indicative of
classroom instruction, (jm)
the hand and/or mind of the artist. In visual
arts and literature, it is the constant form—
student-centered curriculum (See and sometimes the constant elements, qual-
learner-centered curriculum) ities, and expression—in the art of an indi-

substance-related disorder

vidual or group. Style is the product of scale to judge oral or written responses to
artistic devices, and may involve modulation test items. While subjective scoring is gen-
of line, voice, rhythm, tone, and structure; erally less reliable than objective scoring, the
or use of cliche, allusion, metaphor, irony, use of clearly articulated scoring rubrics and
etc. An area of debate in aesthetics, it can rater training have been shown to bring sub-
also be synonymous with fashion, original- jective scoring procedures up to acceptable
ity, loftiness, or attractiveness. Very young levels of reliability, (sew)
children are sensitive to (can recognize) the See also objective test.
artistic style of other children in their class-
rooms, (lj) submersion bilingual education
Sometimes called "sink or swim," this form
subemployment of education places a bilingual student in an
A summary measure of the total problem of English-speaking-only classroom with no
unemployment and low earnings, designed special assistance or guidance. Such pro-
to represent its compound impact on disad- grams are considered illegal based on the
vantaged groups and its effects in preventing court case decision of Lau v. Nichols, (jqa,
several million workers and their families npo)
from sharing in the nation's economic pros-
perity. Subemployment can be expressed in subsistence level
absolute numbers or as a rate, (jm) The economic level at which only the mini-
mum necessities of life (such as food and
subitizing shelter) can be provided. The amount of
The skill to recognize a quantity in a group money a person must earn in order to sus-
without counting, (amr) tain a minimal standard of living, (ewr)

subject matter substance abuse

A course or area of studying a particular The misuse of mind and/or mood-altering
branch of knowledge. The subject represents substances, whether legal or illegal, culmi-
the core or substance of that which is being nating in negative effects on oneself and/or
examined or discussed. A subject-centered others, and impairing one's ability to suc-
curriculum is organized with subject matter cessfully adapt to and meet role require-
as the center, and surrounded by activities ments at, for example, home, school, or
and content that reinforces the learning of work. Substance abuse may involve contin-
subject matter, (ce) ued use when it is physically hazardous, or
when an individual has already developed le-
subject matter (content) knowledge gal, social, or interpersonal problems as a re-
Typically the knowledge of the content, sult of past persistent and hazardous use of
methods of inquiry, syntax, and structure of a substance, (do)
an academic discipline such as biology, his-
tory, music, or literature, (rtc) substance-related disorder
A category of mental disorders that is etio-
subject-centered curriculum (See logically related to the misuse of legal or il-
subject matter) legal substances (e.g., drugs, medications,
toxins, etc.). Substance-related disorders in-
subjective test clude substance-use disorders (e.g., sub-
Subjective refers to any scoring procedure in stance dependence and substance abuse)
which the scorer must use his or her own and substance-induced disorders (e.g., sub-
judgment to determine the acceptability of a stance intoxication, substance withdrawal,
response to an item. The most common use substance-induced delirium, substance-
of subjective scoring is the use of a rating induced mood disorder), (do)

subtractive schooling

subtractive schooling superrealism (See photorealism)

A concept advanced by Chicana sociologist
Angela Valenzuela, subtractive schooling de- supervision
scribes the structural and cultural processes Supervision is a process of validation, em-
by which U.S. public schools divest immi- powerment, providing visible presence and
grant and U.S.-born Latino youth of impor- coaching strategies, and professionalism. It
tant social and cultural resources, leaving entails providing direction, regulation, and
them progressively vulnerable to academic management but not full control of situa-
failure and reproducing them as a monolin- tions. Commitment to goals and high stan-
gual, English-speaking, ethnic minority, nei- dards are better supported when using
ther identified with Mexico nor equipped to shared professional norms instead of bu-
function competently in America's main- reaucratic controls. Supervision is a key ad-
stream. Building upon the concept of sub- ministrative function and it can be done
tractive assimilation, Valenzuela developed positively or negatively, depending on the
the term "subtractive schooling" to bring the type of administrative structure the institu-
school more clearly into focus in the broader tion follows. Supervision should entail a va-
Americanization project. She suggests that riety of activities, including everything from
schools may be subtractive in ways that ex- group discussion and peer suggestions to
tend beyond the concept of subtractive cul- processes that enable teachers to work in-
tural assimilation to include the content and dependently and supervise themselves. In
organization of the curriculum, (adj) counseling, supervision is typically an inten-
sive one-to-one or group relationship that re-
subtrahend lies heavily upon the interpersonal process of
The number being subtracted from another the participants, where one person is desig-
number (the minuend), (amr) nated to facilitate the development of ther-
apeutic competence in another person (or
summa cum laude other persons). Supervision may also be em-
Latin phrase meaning "with highest praise," ployed in the facilitation of skills in other
used as a designation for a college or uni- areas, such as consultation, psychoeduca-
versity honor graduate and their academic tion, and career counseling. The supervisory
attainment, (cf) relationship has the multiple purposes of en-
hancing professional functioning in the su-
superintendent pervisee, monitoring client welfare, and, in
In education, the superintendent is the edu- the case of a novice or more junior member
cational leader and the chief executive officer being supervised by a more senior member
of the school district. The superintendent is of the profession, serving as a gatekeeper to
charged with assuming administrative re- the profession, (cl, rnp)
sponsibility and leadership for the planning,
operation, supervision, and evaluation of the supervisor
education programs, services, and facilities In education, one who supervises a school
of the school district. Superintendents are unit or operation working to improve in-
also charged with preparing and submitting struction. Supervisors may develop and eval-
the district budget to the board of trustees. uate objectives related to existing programs
They must prepare recommendations for or develop and manage new programs. They
policies to be adopted by the board of trus- may have roles that are either assistive
tees and oversee the implementation of (providing direct or indirect services) or ad-
adopted policies. The political nature of the ministrative (providing administrative or
role of the superintendent has resulted in an evaluative services). Assistive supervisors
increase in the turnover rate among super- may assist teachers by establishing commu-
intendents, (ly) nication, aiding and supporting them, and

Sweatt v. Painter, 339 U.S. 629 (1950)

offering expertise in specific areas, providing that student. It is in the district's financial
both direct and indirect services. Adminis- interest, therefore, not to let suspensions be-
trative supervisors may manage and control come excessive. Normally, after a predeter-
instructional programs as well as evaluate mined number of suspensions, a student is
teachers for personnel decisions, (bs) given further sanctions and/or may be ex-
pelled. In some states, notably Texas, special
support group education students may be suspended for a
A group typically composed of individuals period not exceeding three school days,
with common life issues or problems. Group (mm, bba)
members help each other reduce psycholog-
ical stress and make desired life changes. Suzuki method
They share their experiences, make sugges- Approach to teaching music to very young
tions, and encourage each other. Support children developed in Japan by Shinichi Su-
groups are often led by individuals strug- zuki. Emphasizes learning based initially on
gling with similar or identical issues, rather rote and consistently on repeated listening,
than by a counseling professional, although for example, to recordings of folk songs for
counseling professionals may be used as con- beginners and baroque and classical music
sultants. Support groups may be organized for older students. The Suzuki method has
informally or more formally through an or- gained a worldwide following and been ex-
ganization. Individuals meeting to support panded to include instruments that can be
each other through divorce, or through writ- scaled down to an appropriate size for a
ing a thesis are examples of support groups. child, including viola, cello, bass, harp, flute,
(sdc) guitar, and piano. It has been credited for
producing child prodigies, and criticized for
survey course (See course, survey) appearing to produce mechanical performers
who lack music theory and sight-reading
survey, employment (See employment skills, (jbl)
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board
survey, occupational (See occupational of Education, 402 U.S. 1 (1971)
survey) Landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in
North Carolina which held that school au-
survey, vocational education (See thorities are responsible under the Four-
vocational education survey) teenth Amendment for developing a plan for
racial integration. The Court upheld the
suspension district court's county-wide busing order.
The temporary removal of a student from Swann became a hallmark of school deseg-
school for an infraction of school rules. regation, requiring court-ordered busing
School suspension policies vary from state to programs throughout the urban United
state, but some general rules usually apply. States and subsequently triggering protests
The suspended student may be removed to to busing measures to achieve racial integra-
an alternative setting or sent home for a pe- tion. (mc3)
riod of time, typically one to three days.
There is generally no limit on the accumu- Sweatt v. Painter, 339 U.S. 629 (1950)
lation of days of suspension but in most A U.S. Supreme Court case which ruled that
states funding is directly tied to attendance. the University of Texas' separate law school
Suspended students in most cases are re- for blacks was unequal to its law school for
ported to the state as "absent" on the days whites. Looking at tangible resources such as
they are suspended, thus costing the school faculty and libraries, as well as intangibles
system the amount it receives each day for such as academic reputation and prestige,

Sweezy v. New Hampshire, 354 U.S. 234 (1957)

the Court decided that the State of Texas arts) and noted that development with one
had not met its obligations to provide a sep- set of symbols does not predict proficiency
arate but equal education for black law in another, (kpb)
school students in the state. Sweatt built
on the success of Missouri ex rel Gaines v. symbolic manipulation
Canada (1938) to challenge the notion of Changing the form of a symbolization with-
"separate but equal" in professional and out affecting its meaning. For example, 0.5b
graduate education, (alw) = b/2, t3 - t X t X t, or 1G = 9.8m/s2. (kva)

Sweezy v. New Hampshire, 354 U.S.

symbolic play
234 (1957)
Symbols used by children to represent dif-
U.S. Supreme Court decision which over-
ferent objects or materials in their play. In
turned the contempt of court conviction of
the child's mind, a verbal description usually
University of New Hampshire professor Paul
accompanies the symbol used in play. The
Sweezy. In this Cold War era academic free-
younger the child, the more closely related
dom case, Sweezy was interrogated in the
the symbol would be to the real object. For
New Hampshire state legislative hearings on
example, a younger child may use a toy
subversive activities and refused to answer
truck to represent the family car. As children
questions regarding the Progressive Party
get older, the verbal descriptions become
and his lectures. The Court ruled that the
more complex. Older children may use a
university is protected under the Fourteenth
wooden block as the family car or a spoon
Amendment to decide who may teach, what
as an airplane, (at)
may be taught, how it shall be taught, and
who may be admitted to study. (mc3)
symbolic violence
syllable The covert, or hidden, ways in which the
A unit of linguistic structure composed of powerful assert their domination over the
one or more phonemes, (smt) less powerful in the development of norms,
See also coda; nucleus; onset; rhyme. attitudes, values, and behaviors. The phe-
nomenon occurs where one group is pre-
syllabus sumed to have the legitimate power and
A brief statement or outline of the objectives authority to enforce norms and to covertly
and/or schedule of a course of study, lec- punish transgressions, (hfs)
tures, (jw)
symbol The use of symbols in art, literature, films,
A form, image, object, act, sound, or other etc., to represent ideas. A type of art and
entity that stands for or represents some- literature that originated in France and Bel-
thing other than itself. Symbols are usually gium in the late nineteenth century that fa-
associated with their referents (that which vored the expression of states of mind over
they represent) by reason of relationship, the representation of reality. Influenced by
convention, or accidental resemblance (e.g., Romanticism and the Pre-Raphaelite Broth-
a horse running wild symbolizing freedom). erhood, its symbols were meant to be mys-
Symbols are sometimes studied in terms of terious, ambiguous suggestions of meanings.
their cultural significance or connection to Many Symbolists dealt with the macabre,
something repressed in the unconscious the mysterious, and the morbid. Adolescent
mind. Educational psychologists have stud- artists seem ready to consciously employ
ied children's developing expertise in using symbols in their own art work and writing
and understanding different systems of sym- and to appreciate Symbolism in works of
bols (e.g., language, music, gesture, visual art. (kpb)

system of measurement

symmetry—line/rotational synaesthesia
Also called axial symmetry. Line or rota- From the Greek syn-, union, and aisthesis,
tional symmetry refers to symmetry with re- sensation. The ability or tendency to trans-
spect to a specific line or axis. To exhibit late experience perceived in one sense almost
symmetry, each point on one side of the line automatically into another (e.g., the sound
is balanced by a point in an identical mir- of a musical note makes a particular color
rored position on the other side of the line appear). The condition has been linked with
(i.e., the image on one side can be rotated particular artists and with artistry in general,
180 degrees about the line to exactly match but it affects just as many nonartists as art-
the image on the other side of the line), (kva) ists (though more women than men). Syn-
aesthesia also includes the description of one
sympathy kind of sense impression through vocabulary
Sympathy is a phenomenon in which the of another (e.g., harmony or brilliance both
emotion of one person induces the same of musical sounds and colors) and is thereby
emotion in another merely by its presence. linked to metaphor. Howard Gardner has
The word "sympathy" comes from the noted that many preschool children (perhaps
Greek pathos, meaning suffering, and sym, because of their less differentiated develop-
with or together. Like the sympathetic vibra- mental stage) seem to have synaesthesia. At
tion that a plucked guitar string draws from four or five, "the age of Synaesthesia," chil-
adjacent strings, human emotions also vi- dren associate freely across, rather than ex-
brate with those of others. Contagious press confusion about, boundaries between
laughter is an example of a sympathetic re- sensory domains, (tkb)
sponse, (sv)
See also compassion; empathy; intersub-
synchronous learning
A learning process in which instructor and
students interact simultaneously via an on-
symposium line program. It takes place in a virtual class-
An educational format in which two or more room through video conferencing or Web-
speakers are utilized, to present differing based real time broadcasting, (hh)
information or points of view on a given See also asynchronous learning.
subject. Speakers are introduced by a mod-
erator, who (after the individual speaks)
summarizes and opens the program to ques- syntax
tions from the audience, (cf) The study of the structure of phrases and
sentences; the component of the grammar
that includes the rules of sentence formation,
symptom-based test
One of a class of assessment instruments de-
signed to measure cognitive, emotional, and/
or behavioral manifestations of a specific synthesis
psychological disorder or a specific aspect of The process by which one draws data from
psychopathology. Symptom-based tests are a variety of sources and is able to use it in
typically administered using a client self- producing a new explanation or description
report format, with clients endorsing items of an event, trend, or phenomenon, (jjc)
they deem to be consistent with their expe-
riences. Such tests may assess symptoms re-
lated to a particular disorder, such as system of measurement
depression (e.g., Beck Depression Inventory) A set of reference samples used to compare
or symptoms related to multiple disorders length, time, mass, volume, and tempera-
(e.g., Symptom Checklist-90-Revised). (cap) ture. Two of the most commonly used sys-

systematic instruction

terns are the Metric and English systems. volved in areas such as literacy and numer-
(kva) acy, (kms)

systematic instruction systematic observation

Defined by Katz and Chard (1989) as in- Refers to collecting data in the form of
struction of an individual or a small group observation on a consistent basis to use
of children who require adult assistance in in program development and evaluation,
learning a specific skill and subskills in- (kms)

TABE (See Test of Adult Basic may be easier to recognize in music than in
Education) other artistic domains, (em)

table top art talented students (See gifted students)

A term describing art that is done in the non-
arts classroom and is constrained by the lim- tap dance
its of size of student desktops and the A form of dance, with African origins, in
constraints of classroom tidiness. Table top which the rhythm is tapped out by metal
art is most often the sort of activity done taps attached to the heels and toes of the
with precut paper shapes glued and colored dancer's shoes. Tap dance can be done with
at holiday time or "color within the lines" or without accompaniment (the tapping
assignments done on photocopied work makes the music to and through which the
sheets. By contrast, artwork done in studios dancer dances). While tap is a very appealing
and art classrooms is often large in scale and art form to young children, it is primarily
dependent on rich and messy media of ex- taught in out of school settings, notably in
pression, (jd) urban community centers, (jd)

talent Tape v. Hurley, 66 Cal. 473 (1885)

Ability, skill, capability, or aptitude in the A case in which the California Supreme
arts or other fields. Usually describes ability Court affirmed the right of an American
or skill that a person possesses naturally, child of Chinese descent to attend public
rather than the result of study or training, school. A principal had refused to admit
though talent may be enhanced or discov- eight-year-old Mamie Tape, an action sup-
ered through training. Though possible to ported by the San Francisco superintendent
recognize talent to some degree, talent is not and the school board. When the Supreme
clearly and specifically defined. It is virtually Court upheld a lower court's decision to al-
impossible to measure, and conceptions of low Tape to attend the school, the California
what constitutes talent can differ from per- legislature passed a law that permitted local
son to person. Considering the work of chil- school boards to establish segregated
dren across various artistic domains, talent schools. The San Francisco school board re-

Tarasoff Decision

sponded by establishing the Chinese Primary Teach for America

School, in which Tape was enrolled, (eht) This program was developed in 1989 by
Wendy Kopp, a Princeton University student
Tarasoff Decision (See duty to warn/ concerned about inequities in education for
protect) disadvantaged children. Graduating college
students are offered an opportunity to make
target behavior a civic contribution by committing to teach
Typically a desired behavior for a child to for two years in rural and urban public
initiate, engage in, or master that furthers schools. Using grant funding, the first year
growth and development. The behavior is of the program selected 500 graduates from
described in detail and an intervention plan 2,500 applicants and provided eight weeks
developed to increase the behavior. May also of training by teacher educators. By 2002,
refer to a behavior deemed inappropriate, 9,000 individuals had participated in the
with an accompanying intervention plan de- program. The focus continues to be on pro-
signed to reduce it. (kms, yb) viding quality education for underserved
populations by supplying trained and dedi-
task analysis cated teachers, (npo)
The process of breaking down a skill or ac-
tivity into its component parts to teach it in teachable moments
smaller increments, (sr) A spontaneous discovery, question, or won-
derment on the part of the child that allows
taught curriculum (See operationalized for instruction and guidance by the teacher
curriculum) to introduce new concepts or reinforce those
concepts already explored. The teacher may
tax abatement make comments, ask questions, and provide
A term used in education in reference to a additional opportunities to expand on the
decrease or reduction in the amount of tax- children's inquiries or interests, (kdc)
ation assessed against a corporation by a
school district, city, or county. This is a pop-
ular method of attracting corporations to an teach-back
area with a promise of no ad valorem taxes An interactive form of learning in which
for a period of time (ad valorem means "ac- learners "teach-back" to others what they
cording to value," a phrase that is used have learned. Specific applications of this
when a duty or tax on an item is levied as a technique vary depending on the educational
percentage of the value of the item, rather setting in which it takes place. In some sit-
than at a flat rate). However, the property uations, students are asked to instruct fellow
remains on the tax rolls of the school dis- students on what they themselves have just
trict, (mm) learned. Teach-back supports the notion
that the best way to learn anything is to
teach it. (jwc)
From the field of biology, the term "taxon-
omy" refers to an orderly classification of teacher
information. Examples of educational tax- One whose occupation is to instruct. To-
onomies include the cognitive domain, the day's expectations for an "effective teacher"
affective domain, and the psychomotor do- typically involve command of subject matter
main. Well-known taxonomies in the field of and the ability to teach it to diverse students.
education include Benjamin Bloom's for the Other expectations may include managing
cognitive domain, David R. Krathwohl's for and monitoring student learning, under-
the affective domain, and T. C. Barrett's for standing how students develop and learn,
levels of questioning, (mje, jah) thinking systematically about what is prac-

teacher-centered instruction

ticed, and working collegially to enhance teacher institute

learning, (ks) An early form of teacher education, teacher
institutes were popular in the antebellum
Teacher Corps United States as a means of bringing new
Modeled on the Peace Corps and created un- teachers into the profession and as a means
der Title III of the Higher Education Act of of providing intensive instruction in peda-
1965, this federally funded domestic pro- gogical techniques. The first teacher institute
gram specifically recruited and trained teach- was organized by Henry Barnard in Hart-
ers, frequently attracting underrepresented ford, Connecticut, in 1839, but the model
minorities to the field to address educational quickly spread across the United States by
deficits in underserved minority and low- building on the popular model of the evan-
income communities. Teacher education gelical revival. Although teacher institutes
programs in universities were enlarged, were largely replaced by normal schools as
teacher interns employed, and communities the preferred means of formal pre-service
involved in decision making at the school. teacher education, they remained popular as
Working with a master teacher, interns were an in-service educational model into the
recruited to work for two years in the inner twentieth century, (sw)
city, rural Appalachia, Indian reservations,
and other underserved areas. At the conclu-
sion of two years of study and community teacher power movement
service, the intern received a teaching certif- Refers to the period during the 1960s and
icate and Bachelor's Degree in Education. 1970s when teacher unions such as the
The program evolved during subsequent American Federation of Teachers became in-
reauthorization to include troubled youth, creasingly militant in their demands for
and students with disabilities. By the year teacher rights in areas such as salary nego-
1980, 13,000 interns had been trained. In tiations, classroom size, and professional
1981, President Reagan removed funding to counseling and supervision. Not strictly re-
end the program in his effort to decentralize lated to union membership or activities, the
education, (reb, djr) teacher power movement represented a
broad-based effort by teachers to assert their
teacher education rights as professionals and to gain greater in-
The intentional and unintentional curricula, fluence over educational policies and prac-
instructional settings, and experiences that tice, (sw)
enable teachers to promote learning and
change in others, (rtc) teacher preparation
A specified program of curricular and co-
teacher educator curricular experiences designed to prepare
An individual involved in the pre-service people to become teachers, (rtc)
preparation and the continued in-service
training of educators, (jw)
teacher unions (See unions)

teacher empowerment
Concept which holds that the reform efforts teacher-centered instruction
and initiatives of teachers can and will revi- An instructional approach in which the
talize educational institutions. Furthermore, teacher controls the content, the activities,
a freeing of teacher capacity, agency, inter- the materials, and the pace of learning. This
ests, and ability can substantially improve traditional learning model generally is asso-
education from within, when compared with ciated with passive rather than active learn-
solutions imposed on teachers, (hfs) ing, (bba, cf)


teacher-coordinator teaching methods

In fields such as business and office educa- The exercises, lessons, and materials used to
tion and distributive education, a member of teach. The techniques used to impart knowl-
a school staff who teaches the related and edge or develop skills. The tools and strate-
technical subject matter involved in work ex- gies of instruction, (jw)
perience programs and coordinates class-
room instruction with on-the-job training. In teaching objectives
cooperative office education, this position is Statements of learning outcomes for stu-
responsible for administering the program dents. These goals may be formulated as
and may or may not be responsible for the broad, general statements or in terms of spe-
adult program in distributive education, (jb) cific, observable learner behaviors (i.e., be-
havioral objectives). Objectives may be
teacher's aide (See paraprofessional) classified according to cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor domains, (mje, jah)
Teaching can be defined as actions by which teaching portfolio
one person intends that another person learn In higher education, a collection of work
a certain content of knowledge. Teaching oc- produced by a faculty member designed to
curs in everyday situations in the family or document, over an extended period of time,
in the street, but most teaching occurs in the faculty member's strengths and accom-
institutionalized settings with a predefined plishments as a teacher. Typically, the teach-
curriculum. The most common teaching in- ing portfolio is relatively short (6-8 pages)
stitution is the school, but teaching is also and contains some standardized material,
an institutionalized activity in hospitals and such as student evaluations of teaching. It
companies. In English, the study of teaching also commonly contains distinguishing in-
is called pedagogy; in many languages it is formation such as teaching responsibilities,
called didactics, and this discipline includes philosophy, goals, and accomplishments as
empirical as well as philosophical investiga- a teacher. This collection of documents not
tions, (jbl) only represents the best teaching but also
See also pedagogy. provides the occasion to reflect on teaching.

teaching assistant
teaching styles
Work position generally contingent upon
Methods, procedures, and strategies in in-
enrollment as a postbaccalaureate student.
struction and interpersonal relations that
Typically a teaching assistant assists a pro-
have developed and matured through years
fessor by teaching classes, grading, and other
of personal and professional experience.
activities related to instruction, (cf, npo)
Teaching style should not be confused with
instructional strategies with explicit objec-
teaching effectiveness tives, supervised practices, and behavioral
The presentation, dissemination, and ap- expectations that are better suited for indus-
praisal of subject matter to be learned in trial or military training, (cf)
training, teaching, educating, or developing
knowledge, competence, or understanding;
teaching team
the guidance and directions given learners
A cross-disciplinary faculty group in which
under conditions of supervised practice, (cf)
teachers with separate areas of expertise
agree to work together to design and imple-
teaching fellowship (See fellowship, ment instruction. This method is used fre-
teaching) quently when special education faculty work


with subject-matter-oriented or grade-level- technical skills

oriented faculty, (rtc) Reviewing, reporting, and interpreting pro-
cedure, outcomes, and results in situations
teach-ins where style and technique may be crucial.
A nonviolent type of demonstration created Pertains to assessment, evaluation, and rec-
during the early years of the Student Move- ognition of the productivity of personnel,
ment of the 1960s at the University of Mich- programs, institutions, faculty, and staff.
igan. This forum-type protest was comprised Technical skills can be learned, developed,
mostly of students and faculty members and improved with practice and experience.
spread rapidly across college campuses. The They also can be used as one measure or
teach-ins assisted in getting people's opin- indicant of administrative performance, (cf)
ions on various subjects related to the move-
ment out into society. The teach-in form technical teacher education
gained national attention when a nationwide An approach to teacher education that em-
teach-in was televised in 1966. (rih) phasizes the acquisition and application of
specified teaching behaviors or strategies.
team planning (rtc)
Planning by a group organized to work to-
gether in a collaborative manner. Team technical theater
planning may refer to student teams (group The areas of theater production that focus
projects) or teacher teams (interdisciplinary on stagecraft: sets, lighting, sound, props,
unit of study). Either type of team must first special effects, stage management. Though
determine objectives and the means (activi- the spotlight in dramatic performance is gen-
ties, methods, and techniques) for attaining erally on the performer, the technical side is
the objectives, (ce) crucial to the overall success of a produc-
tion. The importance of this expertise is ev-
team teaching idenced by the number of degree-granting
Two or more teachers, typically at the same programs (undergraduate and graduate) in
grade level, who collaborate to provide in- technical theater. "Techies" is the affec-
struction to a group of students, (bba) tionate name for backstage technicians. In
school productions, invisible to the audi-
tech prep (See technical preparation) ence, techies enjoy backstage camaraderie as
they gain important knowledge and shoulder
technical colleges great responsibility, often with little public
Institutions concentrating on technical and/ acknowledgment for their work, (em)
or vocational education and offering an as-
sociate degree in arts (AA); formerly known technique
as technical/vocational schools, (cf) Derived from the Greek tekhne (art, craft,
skill) and tekhnikos (of art). Describes a
technical education (See vocational method (e.g., syncopation in music), the me-
education) dium (e.g., documentary film), or the skill
(e.g., ballet dancing) used to create a work
technical preparation (tech prep) of art. Can be taught, learned, observed,
Educational programs originating through practiced, studied. Despite the strong link,
the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied based in the Greek roots of technique, be-
Technology Act of 1990 creating articulated tween art and skill, the question across all
and integrated academic and career-tech- arts domains is: what constitutes proper
nical curriculum linking the last two years technique? In the visual arts, realistic repre-
of high school with the first two years of sentation or abstract expression? In music,
college, (db) playing notes precisely or expressing the


mood of a piece? In theater, Stanislavski's cators and students use teleconferencing,

method or classical acting? Some artists and Internet communications, e-mail, instant
critics suggest that technique must be ac- messaging, and other means to work coop-
quired if only to be overcome. Picasso is eratively from geographically separate loca-
known for saying, "I painted all my life like tions. The Internet was developed for this
Raphael so that one day I could paint again type of information sharing, (jrs)
like a child." (em)
technology Tenure, in education, is a guarantee of po-
The practical apparatus, methods, and sys- sition permanence, after successful comple-
tems with which a material enterprise or tion of a probationary period of service, in
purpose is carried out. The term "technol- a school, college, or university. Proponents
ogy" comes from the Greek word techne, of tenure assert that tenure protects a
which is essentially similar in meaning to the teacher's/professor's academic flexibility
Latin word ars. Both designate practical ac- and/or freedom of instruction, as well as
tivities involving knowledge as well as ma- longevity of employment, while critics argue
nipulation of some sort. Thus medicine is that tenure either shields or prolongs the re-
techne as much as painting and oratory and lease or dismissal of an inept, unqualified, or
teaching. The construction and use of ma- incompetent teacher/professor. In most ten-
chinery of any sort, such as armaments, ure cases, an educational institution may re-
computers, and automobiles, represents sim- lease or dismiss a tenured teacher/professor
ilar forms of techne and make up modern for just cause after due process or as a result
technology. In education, the term is often of financial exigencies, (tp)
synonymous with computer applications in
teaching and learning. Technological liter- termination
acy, or the acquisition of computer skills is In counseling, termination is the end of a
an increasingly common curriculum com- therapeutic relationship between a coun-
ponent, (jrs, ig) selor, or mental-health professional, and a
client. Termination may be planned or un-
technology education planned (i.e., the client drops out of treat-
The application of scientific principles to ment). Unplanned termination is typically
designing and implementing instructional called "premature termination." Planned
systems with emphasis on precise and termination anticipates the end of the rela-
measurable educational objectives, learner- tionship, and allows the counselor and client
centered rather than subject-centered orien- to discuss issues surrounding termination
tation, strong reliance on educational theory fully prior to its occurrence, (mkt)
to guide educational practice, validation of
educational practices through empirical tertiary education
analysis, and extensive use of audiovisual The third level of education following pri-
equipment media in instruction. Also used in mary education and secondary education.
a more limited sense to describe a reliance Tertiary education also is called higher or
on equipment or technology-oriented in- postsecondary education, (cf)
structional technique strategies such as
computer-assisted instruction, simulators, tertiary prevention
multimedia presentation, and media-based This level of prevention focuses on reducing
self-instruction, (jb) or eliminating negative experiences for chil-
dren for whom developmental harm already
telecollaboration exists. Direct services to those identified are
Sharing academic tasks across distances us- provided through intervention and compen-
ing electronic communications media. Edu- sation programs, where the focus is on

Test of Spoken English (TSE)

enabling and optimizing the children's de- results, presenting the results and their im-
velopmental and educational progress, (xss, plications to a client, and collaborating with
yb) a client to construct meaning/new self-
understanding based on the results, (kab)
An exercise used to assess knowledge or Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
skills. Often a formal set of questions or A norm-referenced test that measures read-
tasks intended to generate a quantitative rep- ing comprehension by asking students to an-
resentation used to determine if a student swer multiple-choice questions about what
possesses certain abilities or comprehends they have read. The reading passages are
given information. Tests can be used to com- both literary and related to daily life and em-
pare individuals to groups or populations or ployment situations. The TABE is the most
can be used to gauge individual develop- commonly used test of achievement in adult
ment, (jw) basic education programs, (jpc)

test bias Test of English as a Foreign Language

Systematic and persistent alteration of test (TOEFL)
results due to factors other than the con- An international examination that assesses
structs) being assessed. Social or cultural the ability to understand spoken and written
(typically) negative perception of a test's re- English. This test is used to evaluate English
sults as being differentially fair to a partic- proficiency of international students plan-
ular group of test takers. The differences in ning to study in countries where English is
test scores are systematic and not due to the language of instruction. The test is de-
chance. Test bias may result in inappropriate signed primarily for students entering col-
or unwarranted interpretation of the mean- leges and universities or pursuing graduate
ing of a given individual's test score(s). (fd, studies, who are not native English speakers.
mgg) Initially developed for use in Canada and the
See also differential item functioning United States, this test is now used world-
(DIF). wide by institutions and organizations con-
cerned with assessing English proficiency,
test coaching (jpc, npo)
Test coaching refers to the various ways in
which people can be instructed on how to Test of Functional Health Literacy in
take tests. This can take the form of teaching Adults (TOFHLA)
general test taking skills and strategies, or An assessment designed to measure literacy
can be focused on a particular test instru- related specifically to health. The TOFHLA
ment. There is some controversy over tests match ability and reading comprehen-
whether test coaching can actually improve sion using actual health care materials, such
individual scores on particular tests. A more as consent forms and prescription vials, and
benign view of this practice, perhaps, would is available in English and Spanish, (las)
be that it allows test takers to become more
familiar with test format and process and, Test of Spoken English (TSE)
thus, reduce the effect of test method on the Test that measures the oral communication
estimation of test-taker ability, (bkl) skills of non-native-speakers of English.
During the 20-minute test, test takers re-
test interpretation feedback spond orally on tape to a range of printed
A multistep, interpersonally based process and recorded information. The test is used
that involves, among other things, synthe- by many U.S. colleges and universities in se-
sizing and making sense of a client's test lecting international students and teaching

Test of Written English (TWE)

assistants and by other institutions to certify building, designated room, or outdoor space
English-language ability, (las) dedicated to the presentation of plays, films,
or other dramatic performances. Also used
Test of Written English (TWE) to refer to theatrical performances, or
Test given to non-native-speakers of English drama, as to the action that is put up in
to assess their ability to perform writing showcases entitled theaters. The most basic
tasks comparable to those required of stu- interdisciplinary arts curriculum can be
dents in universities in North America. Skills found in the painting of sets to be used in a
tested include the ability to generate and or- school theatrical production, (em)
ganize ideas, support ideas with evidence or See also drama.
examples, and respond to an essay question.
The test is a requirement for individuals who
take the paper format of the TOEFL exam, theater games
though a separate TWE score is recorded, Originated by Viola Spolin, theater games
(las) are short, structured improvisational activi-
ties that have been used in environments
textbook ranging from classrooms to acting work-
A book used in a particular branch of study. shops to theater rehearsals. In the classroom,
Textbooks are most often used to assist the games are designed to tap into a student's
teacher in content area subjects, including sense of creativity, imagination, and spon-
social studies, science, language arts, and taneity, pushing students to: explore their
mathematics. Effective textbooks assist stu- environment, their interactions with others,
dents through the use of text organizers, pat- and the world around them; learn to com-
tern guides, and glossaries, (ce) municate, concentrate, and solve problems;
and take an active part in their own learn-
text-to-speech ing. By using games that are documented or
A utility program that speaks digital text inventing new ones, teachers can use theater
aloud. Students with visual impairments or games as building blocks for lessons or pro-
reading disabilities can use text-to-speech to jects in their classes, (em)
access digital text. In addition, students can
use text-to-speech utilities to verify text they
theater of the absurd
have written by hearing it read aloud, (kgl)
A form of theater that envisions human ex-
texture perience as absurd, isolated, and/or mean-
The actual or simulated surface quality ingless and captures that perspective in
(imagined feel) of an art object such as its nontraditional incoherent dramatic presen-
roughness or smoothness. Actual textures tation employing nonsensical and repetitive
such as the surface of a smooth marble dialogue, ludicrous and puzzling situations,
sculpture can be touched and felt by the fin- purposeless plots, and meaningless conclu-
gers. Simulated textures are those found in sions with purposeful disregard for tradi-
paintings where the viewer does not actually tional narrative and theatrical coherence.
touch the surface, but can visually perceive Educators often cite Eugene Ionesco and
its texture as a physical sensation suggested Samuel Beckett as representative writers and
by the way the artist has painted certain ar- Beckett's play Waiting for Godot (1953) as
eas of a picture, such as the lushness of fab- a prime example of theater of the absurd.
rics depicted in Renaissance paintings, (kf) Though it has never been a formal theater
movement, with the style originating from
theater post-World War II French writers, most
From the Greek theatron, a place for seeing, nonrealistic drama is tagged as theater of the
especially for dramatic representation. A absurd, (kc)

theory-based research

theater of the oppressed stage), absurd and avant-garde theater (re-

Developed in the 1960s by Augusto Boal, actions against society and convention),
then director of the Arena Theatre in Sao and theater of the oppressed (sociopolitical
Paulo, Brazil. In this theatrical genre, the au- consciousness-raising and activism through
dience takes an active role in the creation of theater), (em)
the onstage drama, turning from "specta-
tors" into "spect-actors." In a version, often thematic planning
used in classrooms, actors dramatize a social The organization of subject matter around
problem or oppression and audience mem- unifying topics or themes. This teaching
bers then freeze the action, step in for one strategy organizes classroom instruction by
of the actors, and, in character, offer ways relating textbooks, class activities, and ex-
to deal with the issue. Boal intended to use periences together by a topic. Thematic plan-
theater for social, political, and educational ning can include a set of lessons around a
purposes by breaking down its dominant hi- particular theme, or different subjects can be
erarchical traditions into accessible partici- planned and connected by the theme, (ce)
patory forms, (em)
theater-in-education (See drama-in- The resulting statement of a formal proof,
an assertion that can be formally proved.
A style of theater driven by the shape of the
performance space, in which the audience theory
surrounds the stage entirely or almost en- An account of a domain which identifies or
tirely. A reaction against the reliance on pro- clarifies the nature of the objects in that do-
scenium stages, in which the audience and main and their relationships to one another,
actors are often separated by physical and formulated and justified through reasoning
and evidence, generally with the primary aim
dramatic distance, theater-in-the-round al-
of expressing the truth or providing under-
lows for more intimacy and a reduction in
standing of the domain, but sometimes in or-
distance between actor and audience.
der to guide practice. Among the former
Though true in all performance spaces, the
sorts of theories are number theory and sci-
director and performers in theater-in-the-
entific theories. Among the latter are moral
round must be acutely aware of staging and
theories, which are concerned with the na-
the actors' positions in relation to the audi-
ture of moral concepts and judgments and
ence because of conflicting and overlapping
the relationships among them, and educa-
sightlines, and the omnipresence of the au-
tional theories, which have both descriptive
dience, (em)
and normative components and are intended
to guide educational practice, (re)
theatrical genres
Continuously evolving forms in which the-
ater is performed and presented, driven by theory, critical (See critical theory)
style, time period, societal values, conscious-
ness of audience, economics, performance theory-based research
space, the need to create new forms, and The testing or investigation of hypotheses
other factors. Some (e.g., tragedy, comedy) that explain observed outcomes in theoreti-
have existed since the beginning of theater. cal or cause-and-effect terms. Quite often
Others emerged at particular points in time: this form of research leads to further re-
for example, melodrama (carried through search that explicitly affirms or refutes the
in contemporary soap operas), naturalism theory as presently stated, (cf)
and realism (efforts to depict real life on See also policy-related research.

thick description

thick description Three commonly used strategies are: double

This term was originally coined by the phi- ± 1, e.g., figuring 6 + 7 by using a known
losopher Gilbert Ryle, in his book The Con- combination, say 6 + 6 and adding 1 to that
cept of Mind (1949), and was applied to result; making 10, e.g., figuring 7 + 5 by
ethnographic research by Clifford Geertz in thinking of 5 as 2 and 3, thus 7 + 3 = 10,
a classic essay, "Thick Description: Toward 2 more gives 12; compensation, e.g., in solv-
an Interpretive Theory of Culture" (1973). ing 9 + 7 moving 1 from the 9 and adding
Thick description, for Geertz, is meaningful it to the 7 to form a known double, 8 + 8.
description, description that incorporates the (amr)
intentions of the actors and the codes of sig-
nification that give their actions meaning for think-pair-share
them, what anthropologists call an emic ac- A method of informal cooperative learning
count. However, the term is widely misused in which the teacher poses a topic, question,
to refer to "rich" or detailed description, issue, or problem; allows time for students
(jam) to think individually; has students pair off
and discuss their ideas with their partners;
think aloud (See modeling) and has students share their thoughts with
the whole class. In a variation, a student pair
think tank may share with another student pair before
Independently standing organized body of sharing with the rest of the class, (bba)
scholars who investigate topics and create
reports to inform the public about issues of third age learning
the day. Examples of think tanks include the Educational activities geared toward people
American Heritage Foundation and the who have retired, (jpc)
Brookings Institution, (cf)
threaded discussion
thinking A Web-based asynchronous discussion in
For Descartes, thinking is a purely mental which participants' contributions are organ-
event (i.e., an event that occurs outside of ized as statements and responses. Each mes-
any spatial location, solely within the mind). sage and its associated responses forms a
In contrast, Wittgenstein points out in his thread. Software for threaded discussion
later philosophy that thinking is more public normally gives the reader visual cues about
than Descartes allows, though more than the relationships between messages, and al-
merely behavioral capacities, dispositions or lows the reader control over how threads are
habits. (For example, thoughtfulness is more displayed. Threaded discussion is a common
than the ability or disposition or habit to act component of courseware products. Stu-
in such and such a way, in such and such a dents may use threaded discussion to partic-
situation). Current efforts are to avoid defin- ipate in an extended conversation. Because
ing it as totally private or totally public, (an) messages are organized by threads, students
See also constructive thinking; critical need not contribute sequentially; discussion
thinking. can move forward on multiple topics simul-
taneously, (ac)
thinking, critical (See critical thinking)
three traditions of social studies
thinking strategies education
In mathematics, children use thinking strat- The core subjects of social studies instruc-
egies to figure unknown number combina- tion in the schools: history, geography, and
tions through the use of known com- civics (political science). The vast majority of
binations, through the development of social studies concepts taught in schools
number sense and number relationships. come from these three fields, in part because

Title IX

of widespread consensus that schools should definition. For some, time has been equated
help children understand their heritage, the with duration; for others time is a form of
world around them, and their rights and re- consciousness the mind projects onto a thing
sponsibilities as citizens in a democratic re- that is timeless in itself. Metaphysicians have
public, (jrs) long argued about the reality or unreality of
time, a debate that may take on new signif-
tiered assignment icance in light of recent developments in
A planning strategy used in mixed-ability physics. For many, knowledge of time is ac-
classrooms. Different tasks are assigned tually no more or less than the ability to par-
within the same lesson or unit according to ticipate in certain human practices such as
student interest or readiness. Its multilayered the intelligent use of clocks and calendars.
nature (struggling students, at-grade-level (an)
students, and high-ability students) and its
use of multiple avenues to content goals time out
make it highly effective, (lr) A management technique providing a period
of time for an individual to be alone or away
tight-knit groups from a social setting. In an educational set-
Centers of social interaction characterized by ting the procedure is used as a method of
a great deal of permanence, fixed social ex- classroom management. A teacher may re-
pectations (behaviors, attitudes, obligations, move a disruptive child from a group activ-
etc.), and stable group boundaries. These ity to provide the child with time to focus
centers and sets of relationships are also and gain perspective. When a teacher uses
known as home groups or core membership time out as a management strategy, it is im-
groups, (hfs) portant she/he talks with the child to maxi-
mize the potential of modifying inappro-
tiling priate behaviors, (jls)
A covering of a flat region with repetitions
of a particular shape with no overlapping. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent
Tiling activities require the coordination of Community School District, 393 U.S.
a covering and a patterning activity and as 503(1969)
such can lead to the development of many A U.S. Supreme Court case which held that
geometric ideas and support students' unit- students are considered "persons" under the
izing activity, (amr) constitution and are entitled to freedom of
expression of their views unless doing so
timbre would substantially interfere with the oper-
A distinctive tone, identified with a particu- ation of the school and the rights of other
lar musical instrument or individual voice, students. The case involved three public
produced by musical overtones (i.e., the har- school students suspended for wearing black
monic tones surrounding a core note). Each armbands to class in order to protest U.S.
musical instrument or human voice produces policy in the Vietnam War. The Supreme
a unique and distinctive resonance, such that Court reversed the decision of the lower
a listener can distinguish among instrument courts stating that "it can hardly be argued
groups and individual artists. Often referred that either students or teachers shed their
to as "sound quality." (lw) constitutional rights to freedom of speech or
expression at the schoolhouse gate." (gs)
For Augustine, time was some essential qual- Title IX
ity or property of things, which belongs to Part of the Education Amendments ap-
some specific genus and species and proved by Congress in 1972, this clause pro-
therefore should be open to philosophical hibits the discrimination, based on sex, of


anyone wishing to participate in an institu- tone

tion or program which receives federal A vocal or musical sound of a specific qual-
funds. Title IX extends to educational insti- ity (i.e., high, low, etc.), manner of expres-
tutions, both public and private, and in- sion, or pitch. In music, the interval of a
cludes participation in athletics. The regu- definite pitch or vibration, generally a major
lations contained in Title IX were signed by second (e.g., C-D). In the dramatic arts, a
President Ford in May of 1975 and sent to vocal sound which indicates meaning, ex-
Congress for review prior to official adop- pression, or mood. A style or manner of ex-
tion of the legislation, (aku) pression in writing. In the visual arts, tone
refers to the value or color quality of a piece
toddlers as determined by light, shade, and color,
Young children who have recently begun to (km)
walk. Usually considered between the ages
of one and three years. Toddlers are discov- topology
ering new independence and are typically The study of the properties of geometric fig-
egocentric, (jlj) ures that remain unchanged when the figure
is stretched, bent, or twisted; the family of
TOEFL (See Test of English as a subsets of a given set which contains the set
Foreign Language) itself as well as the empty set and all open
subsets of the given set. The union of any
TOFHLA (See Test of Fuctional Health two sets in this family is in the family and
Literacy in Adults) the intersection of any sets in the family is
also in the family, (rdk)
Tolerance, the willingness not to use force tort
against people whose beliefs or actions we The term is derived from the Latin word tor-
abhor, is the chief virtue of liberal commu- tus, meaning "wrong." Tort refers to
nities, or those committed to protecting in- that body of the law which will allow an
dividual freedom of conscience. Tolerance injured person to obtain compensation from
does not imply acceptance or promotion of the person who caused the injury. Every per-
the belief or behavior tolerated, as is often son is expected to conduct themselves with-
misunderstood when governments protect out injuring others. When they do so, either
hate speech and religious expression. The intentionally or by negligence, they can be
principle of tolerance is incoherent (requir- required by a court to pay money to the in-
ing tolerance of intolerance) without the jured party ("damages") so that, ultimately,
"harm principle": all expressions and ac- they will suffer the pain caused by their ac-
tions must be tolerated except those which tion. Tort also serves as a deterrent by send-
harm others. In liberal democracies public ing a message to the community as to what
schools are legally bound to accommodate is unacceptable conduct. There are three ma-
students and teachers with religious and cul- jor categories of torts including intentional
tural differences. Beyond that, tolerance is interference, strict liability, and negligence.
often promoted in schools as a civic virtue, School districts and personnel may be faced
which leads to two difficulties. First is the with a tort if inadequate supervision or
controversy of what "harmful" speech or maintenance of equipment causes injury to a
acts will not be tolerated in the school. Sec- student. Relief may be obtained in the form
ond is that tolerance is sometimes taught as of damages or an injunction. Cases of inten-
the avoidance of criticizing certain points of tional interference and strict liability are
view, which is incompatible with criticism rare. A legal cause for action in tort can be
and inquiry as educational objectives, (mg) established if four essential elements are
See also pluralism. present. An individual has the duty to pro-

trade secrets

tect others against unreasonable risks; the in- trade

dividual fails to exercise an appropriate A central topic in the social studies curricu-
standard of care; the negligent act is the lum involving concepts such as exchange
proximate cause of an injury; and a physical transaction, comparative and absolute ad-
or mental injury, resulting in actual loss or vantage, international tariffs and trade bar-
damage to the person, exists, (mm) riers, cultural differences, and others.
Normally embedded in the elementary social
TOT (See training of trainers) studies curriculum and in secondary school
history courses, trade is taught formally in
the secondary economics course. In career
total quality management (TQM) education, trade is an occupation requiring
Focuses upon an organized process to con- specific manual or mechanical skills and
tinuously innovate and improve systems, training. A craft in which only skilled work-
products, and/or services, while capitalizing ers are employed, (jrs, jb)
upon stakeholder empowerment, via teamed
efforts, to exceed customer expectations.
trade, semiskilled
W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993), Ameri-
An industrial occupation requiring skill in a
can statistician and quality-control expert,
limited range of activities, (jm)
greatly influenced the development of the ba-
sic philosophy and principles of total quality
management. The practice of total quality trade, skilled
management within an organizational cul- An occupation requiring a high degree of
ture supports the constant goal of attaining skill, usually in a wide range of related ac-
customer satisfaction through an integrated tivities, and secured through a combination
management approach of empowerment, of job instruction, trade instruction, and
teamwork, continuous improvement, and work experience, such as apprenticeship or
customer satisfaction. This process is cycli- a cooperative industrial program, (jm)
cally adopted by educational institutions, of-
ten in response to external criticism, (tp) trade and industrial education
Instruction which is planned to develop
basic manipulative skills, safety judgment,
total village technical knowledge, and related occupa-
A term derived from the African proverb, "It tional information for the purpose of fitting
takes a whole village to raise a child." It re- persons for initial employment in industrial
fers to the network of relationships that sup- occupations and upgrading or retraining
port and affect the lives of children, and workers employed in industry, (jb)
implies that such relationships should be
considered more thoughtfully so that they
can reinforce one another, (lr) trade school
A public or private vocational school that
trains youth and adults in skills, technical
TQM (See total quality management) knowledge, related industrial information,
and career decisions necessary for success in
tracking one or more skilled trades, (jm)
The voluntary or involuntary practice of
placing students in different programs or trade secrets
courses according to their ability and prior This intellectual property involves keeping
academic performance. In elementary secret a certain formula, recipe, design, etc.
schools, lower-performing, average, and The secret can be kept by persons signing
higher-performing students are typically papers agreeing to keep the secret or by ad-
placed in separate classrooms, (bba) mitting that this is a trade secret. An exam-

traditional education

pie would be the recipe for a food product. trainee

(cf) A person being trained, (jpc)

traditional education
A person directing or teaching in a training
The underlying idea of traditional education
program, (jpc)
originated with Plato. Formulated broadly,
its central tenet is that there is a reality
which is knowable through the use of rea-
Instruction that is planned and focused on
son. Students study a curriculum arranged in
the acquisition of skills and knowledge for a
a series of stages by which they gain a ra-
specific task or purpose. The establishment
tional, privileged, view of reality. By im-
of routines and habits (e.g., Aristotle's view
mersing the mind in increasingly abstract
that virtues arise from habitual behavior).
subject matter, the student learns to distin- Providing an individual with the know-how
guish between social convention and what is to perform a particular task. In the latter
ultimately real and true. Traditional educa- sense, training commonly suggests voca-
tors emphasize the relevance of eternal and tional preparation lacking theoretical knowl-
lasting truths, rather than content relevant to edge (e.g., cooking, plumbing, mechanics),
particular times and places. The teacher ide- but we also speak of training doctors, law-
ally embodies those moral and intellectual yers, and historians. In contrast to educa-
virtues that the subject matter is intended to tion, training is undertaken for extrinsic
impart, (pk) purposes and practical ends (e.g., career
See also essentialism; perennialism; pro- preparation), while education is intrinsically
gressive education; vocational education. valuable and is lifelong and continuous.
Moreover, while education is about the de-
traditional patterns of social studies velopment of mind, training frequently in-
instruction volves the imparting of routine, mechanized
Instructional approaches to the teaching of skills, a distinction highlighted by contrast-
social studies consisting primarily of meth- ing the implications of "sex education" and
ods of information transmission, emphasiz- "sex training." (jpc, pk)
ing breadth over depth of coverage. These
approaches emphasize teachers, texts, and training and development
assessment as the key elements, (ks) Learning opportunities that enhance the
skills and knowledge of employees for the
purpose of improving work performance as
tragedy well as for individual growth, (aim)
A theatrical or literary format concerning
human pain, demise, and death. In classical training cycle
Greek theater, tragedy relies on a character Cyclical process surrounding the develop-
held in high regard who, because of a tragic ment of training programs. It consists of
flaw (often hubris or willful resistance or four stages: needs assessment, planning, im-
fate), falls into despair and destruction. It plementation, and evaluation, (las)
was thought that the identification with the
tragic hero both elevated the self-esteem of training of trainers (TOT)
the audience and allowed for a catharsis or The process of training people who will, in
release of deep emotion. Western art forms turn, provide training to others, (jpc)
may draw on Greek tragedy, but the tragic
in art is more broadly based on human suf- training program
fering and differs across time, culture, and A detailed set of directions covering the pro-
circumstance, (kbc) cedures for organizing and conducting an

transformation geometry

occupational course of training. Includes transfer student

statements covering location of classes, se- A student who has withdrawn from one in-
lection and number of trainees, description stitution or program and has been enrolled
and length of courses, instructor selection, in another, (jw)
physical facilities and supplies, and supervi-
sory duties. The responsibility of coordina-
transferable skills
tion for program training between business,
Skills acquired in one context that can be
industry, and educational institutions is
applied in another, (jpc)
clearly defined, (db)

transactional analysis In general psychotherapeutic usage, a loose
A form of psychotherapy developed by Eric designation for all aspects of the client's ex-
Berne. Drawing from a specific body of the- pectations, beliefs, and feelings toward the
ory and techniques, it is practiced in a rela- treating therapist. It includes rational and
tively straightforward manner, in both adaptive aspects, as well as those irrational
individual and group settings. Its primary distortions that arise from unconscious striv-
goal is for clients to develop a realistic, ma- ings. This involves a reproduction, or reliv-
ture approach to life. As stated by Berne, it ing, of emotions, especially those experi-
is to "have the adult ego state maintain pre- enced in childhood, toward a person other
dominate influence or authority over the im- than those with whom they were originally
pulsive child state." (dd) experienced. This repetition in the transfer-
ence always involves elements of both the
past and the present and tends to reflect per-
transcendental numbers (See irrational
sistent experiences with other important au-
thority figures, (rnp)

transformation, graph
The process of making a written record of
Transformations of graphs occur as two ba-
data obtained from audiotaped or video-
sic types. Rigid transformations are those
taped interviews or observations. The usual
where the shape of a graph is not changed
practice is a verbatim transcription, that is, but only its position. These include moving
an exact, word-for-word record. This is aug- the graph horizontally or vertically or reflec-
mented by descriptions of paralingual ex- tion about an axis. Nonrigid transforma-
pression such as dialect, pauses, tone of tions are those where the shape of the graph
voice, word stress, pitch, etc., and nonverbal is changed. These include stretching or
behavior such as gestures, facial expressions, shrinking the graph, (rdk)
body language, who is talking to whom, etc.
transformation geometry
Three types of rigid transformations of a
transfer of learning shape are possible: rotation, or a turning of
The effective application of knowledge and a shape around a point that may be on, in-
skills gained in one context in a new and side, or outside the shape; translation, or a
different context. Learning or problem solv- sliding of the shape from one position to an-
ing experiences derived from one setting or other without rotating the shape; and reflec-
event influence learning or problem solving tion, or flip of the shape about (a) a line on
in a subsequent setting or event. Transfer the figure, (b) a line not on the figure, (c) a
may be to a similar situation or to new and line intersecting with a vertex of the shape,
different situations, (aim, vm) (amr)

transformational leadership

transformational leadership transformative pedagogy

Transformational leaders build commitment A critical orientation toward teaching/cur-
to the organization's (school's or district's) riculum committed to social equality and
objectives and empower followers (teachers justice; a continuation of the social re-
and administrators) to achieve these objec- construction tradition. Its main exponents
tives. These leaders are expected to: define include Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux, bell
the need for change; create new visions and hooks, Peter McClaren, and Ira Shor. Ap-
commitment to the visions; concentrate on proaches include: joining phenomenological
long-term goals; inspire followers to pursue and existentialist philosophy with leftist pol-
higher order goals; change the organization itics to promote a critically reflexive exami-
to accommodate their vision rather than nation of individuals' social lives (Freire);
work within the existing one; and mentor applying concepts of hegemony and resis-
followers to take greater responsibility. As a tance to curriculum analysis, developing the
result, followers become leaders, leaders be- notion of "teacher as intellectual," and using
come change agents, and ultimately trans- culture studies to examine the concept of
form the school or district, (jt) "border identities" (Giroux); applying fem-
inist theory to transformative pedagogy
transformational learning (See (e.g., bell hooks); mixing critical theory with
transformative learning) cultural studies (McClaren); and promoting
transformative classroom practices (Shor).
transformative intellectuals Also called critical pedagogy, (db-j)
Critical thinkers who are simultaneously en- See also critical theory; hegemony; phe-
gaged in the processes of inquiring about, nomenology; reproduction theory; resis-
reflecting upon, and changing the world in tance; resistance theory.
which they live, (hfs)
transformative learning Refers to individuals who do not fit neatly
Learning characterized by self-reflection and into either the male or female sex category,
self-examination; especially learning de- or their behavior is not entirely congruent
signed to lead to a clearer understanding of with the rules and expectations for their sex
oneself through the identification of assump- in the society in which they live. This is an
tions, acquired earlier in life, that affect umbrella term that includes, among others,
functioning in adulthood. A learning theory transsexuals, transvestites, and people who
first developed by Jack Mezirow that results do not identify with a singular gendered la-
in deep change or a transformation of tacitly bel, (ti)
acquired frames of reference—composed of
sets of assumptions and expectations—that transition programs (See bridge
determine, filter, and often distort thought, programs)
emotion, decision making, and action. As-
sumptions are beliefs about reality that are transition services
taken for granted and not usually reflected Programs or courses designed to assist stu-
upon or questioned. The concept also in- dents with disabling conditions to move
volves reflective and cyclical processes of en- from school to adult life, jobs, or additional
gagement in, and disposition for, discourse education, (sr)
and dialogue in order to arrive at tentative
best judgments upon which to act until new transitional bilingual approach
perspectives, evidence, or arguments are en- Programs that assist students in moving
countered that are found to be more justified from instruction in their native language to
and reasonable. Also called transformational classes that are taught entirely in English are
learning, (chb, hfs) called transitional language programs. They


may be directed to bilingual students or impairment, or both. The term applies to

those learning English as a second language, open or closed head injuries, (sr)
(jqa, npo)

transitional education (See bridge triangulation

A process used to support the validity of a
study. Data are collected using a variety (not
necessarily three as the name implies) of
transitional knowers
Students who accept that some knowledge is techniques. Findings are enhanced by using
uncertain, and recognize that learning is data gathered from a variety of techniques
more complex than the simple acquisition of such as: multiple human sources (e.g., roles/
knowledge. These students prefer to collect positions of people related to the issue), mul-
the ideas of others and use them to under- tiple methods (e.g., observations, focus
stand, as well as clarify their ideas through groups), multiple investigators, archival re-
debate, (hfs) cords (e.g., student records, written policy),
and/or multiple theoretical perspectives, (jrj)
Referring to school-to-work transition sys- trigger event
tems and the ability of students to plot a Moments and occurrences when previously
course from their present location and cir- held views must be discarded in light of new
cumstance to a distant future goal, (hfs) information or experience, and as a result
new perspectives, understandings, and as-
transportation sumptions emerge. These events may pro-
Transportation can be defined as the busi- voke learning activities. For example, the
ness of moving passengers, goods, or mate- loss of a job may be the motivation ("trig-
rials. The state board of education and the ger") for a person to enroll in a program in
local school district provide the opportunity order to learn a skill and be able to find a
for safe and efficient transportation to all el- new job. (hfs, jwg)
igible students. Rules and regulations con-
cerning eligibility vary from each state and
local school district, (jt) trigonometry
The study of the properties of trigonometric
transtheoretical model of change functions (i.e., the function of an angle ex-
An empirically derived, multistage, sequen- pressed as a ratio between two sides of a
tial model of general change proposed by right triangle), (amr)
Prochaska and others in the 1980s. It de-
scribes both the stages (precontemplation, trimester
contemplation, preparation, action, and An academic calendar whereby the 12-
maintenance) and the processes of personal month calendar year is divided into 3 aca-
change. Interventions, according to this demic terms of about 15 weeks each, (cf)
model, may be tailored to a client's stage of
change to increase desirable therapeutic out-
comes, especially in the treatment of addic- trivium
tions. However, research has yielded mixed First level of coursework offered in twelfth-
results, (med) century European cathedral schools: gram-
mar, dialectic, and rhetoric. These three (tri)
traumatic brain injury "ways" (via) were believed to create paths in
An acquired injury to the brain caused by an the mind to attain truth. The trivium and
external physical force, resulting in total or quadrivium nominally formed the Faculty of
partial functional disability or psychosocial Arts (general or core) curriculum of medie-


val (thirteenth-century) European universi- James, at least, perhaps the point is better
ties, (bgr) put in the following way: The correspon-
See also quadrivium. dence view is at best trivial, for it never tells
us what kind of property correspondence is;
truancy "it is raining" might picture, or refer to, or
Being absent without permission. Deliberate be directly caused by the fact that it is rain-
absence of a student from school without the ing. But what of "2 + 2 = 4," "murder is
consent of parents, guardians, or school au- wrong," and "the South lost the Civil War?"
thorities, (jw) (an)
See also relativism.
One who is absent without permission. A TSE (See Test of Spoken English)
student who is absent from school without
the consent of parents, guardians, or school
authorities. In some states, the label of tru- tuition
ant is placed on a student following a legally Payments charged by an educational insti-
set number of days absent without permis- tution for academic instruction, not includ-
sion, (jw) ing materials, books, or laboratory fees.
Historically tuition was charged only by pri-
trustee vate educational institutions but, with the
The word most commonly used to identify advent of current school reform programs
a member of a governing board. This term and programs such as the school-choice
is more often used by private institutions movement or voucher system, it has come to
than public institutions where the term re- refer to public school costs as well. More
gent may be used for the same purpose, (cf) specifically, tuition is the cost associated
with educating one student, (dm)
Term was coined by E. Guba (1981) as an tutor
alternative to "validity," which he saw as in- In Britain, most colleges and universities as-
trinsically positivist in its implications, for sign students a staff member who takes re-
naturalistic research. Trustworthiness refers sponsibility for the students' welfare by
to the credibility or persuasiveness of an ac- guiding them through their academic pro-
count, and Lincoln and Guba (1985) devel- gram. This tutor is expected to facilitate the
oped alternative criteria for establishing students' personal development, monitor
trustworthiness in naturalistic research. their academic progress, and serve as a liai-
However, Guba and Lincoln (1989) later son between the students and the higher ed-
stated that these criteria were themselves too ucation administration. In the American
positivist, and proposed an additional set of South well-to-do rural families during the
authenticity criteria, which they felt were nineteenth century antebellum era often
fully compatible with constructivism, (jam) hired tutors to teach their children academ-
ics and manners, (lew)
Truth has been understood as a "correspon-
dence" between some proposition and some tutorial course (See course, tutorial)
fact or facts in the real world. Thus a per-
son's claim that "it is raining in my back- tutoring
yard" is true if and only if, in fact it is A form of individualized instruction in
raining in his backyard. Philosophers such as which a teacher, another adult, or a fellow
Nietzsche and William James have been said student provides special assistance to a stu-
to reject the correspondence theory. But for dent or small group of students, (bba)

two-year college

TWE (See Test of Written English) greater understanding of each other's cul-
tures, (jqa, npo)

two-way bilingual education two-year college

A program in which students learning Eng- An institution providing two years of in-
lish are placed with students learning a struction beyond the secondary level. The
different second language. Students are ex- two-year college takes several forms,
pected to learn one another's native lan- including the junior college, the community
guage, develop proficiency, and gain a college, and the technical college, (cf)


u-curve in artistic development apist may have or express. The caring is not,
The nonlinear developmental trajectory however, possessive, and it does not imply
identified by cognitive developmental psy- that all behavior is necessarily acceptable. Of
chologists that places early artistry (drawing/ note, Rogers believed that unconditional
graphic symbolization) at one end of the u, positive regard by parents contributes to bet-
balanced at the other by the mature state of ter psychosocial outcomes and makes indi-
professional artists. The trough of the u is vidual self-actualization more likely, (med)
occupied by children between the ages of
eight and eleven (in the literal stage) whose unconscious
drawings have been viewed as less expressive The part of the mind containing the psychic
than those of five-year-olds, artist adoles- material of which the ego is unaware. These
cents, and adults. U-shaped development is mental processes and properties are unavail-
noted in other cognitive processes, but is able to conscious recall, but nevertheless are
usually resolved by the reclaiming of early believed to have a profound effect on
skills. In drawing, children more often aban- thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in everyday
don the activity by adolescence. Some edu- life, (rnp)
cators believe that consistent arts training
throughout early schooling would reverse underachievement
the downward curve, (lw) Accomplishment below the level expected.
Performance that falls below the level pre-
Ul (See user interface) dicted by previous assessments of potential.
unconditional positive regard
Carl Rogers proposed that three therapist understanding
attributes are essential to effective psycho- Understanding is the spontaneous grasp of
therapy: congruence or genuineness, uncon- the meaning of human affairs (for instance,
ditional positive regard, and accurate the meaning of language, music, and pic-
empathic understanding. Unconditional pos- tures), of human behavior, or of human ar-
itive regard refers to a therapist's attitude of tifacts. Understanding is a key concept in
deep acceptance and caring for the client. In hermeneutics, but there are different theories
short, a client is accepted regardless of any of what it takes to understand. As an in-
feelings, negative or otherwise, that a ther- tended educational outcome, understanding

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

is the modifications that reflect the individ- and subfolders. This organization structure
ual's comprehension of knowledge and de- is called a path. Here the path is "/house/".
velopment of competence. Understanding The final element of the URL is the name of
implies a difference in appreciation as the re- the document itself: "MemberWWW.html".
sult of comprehension, development, and ex- (ac)
perience, (jbl, cf)
See also interpretation. unions
In education, political organizations com-
UNESCO posed of teachers or other employees. Many
The designated mission of the United of the efforts of such organizations are fo-
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural cused on workplace issues of salaries, bene-
Organization, which has 188 member states, fits, and physical settings and conditions.
is to contribute to peace and security in Unions are found in all states of the United
the world. Adopting its constitution in No- States with the primary distinguishing fea-
vember 1945 at the London Conference, ture among them being the right to conduct
UNESCO has as its purpose the advance- legal strikes or work stoppages. The activi-
ment of universal respect for justice, for the ties of unions are also directed to political
rule of law and human rights, as well as re- issues that members determine to be impor-
spect for fundamental freedoms, without tant to the teaching profession. The issues
distinction of race, sex, language, or relig- often involve federal and state decisions af-
ion. Five principal functions claimed by fecting funding (e.g., vouchers and charter
UNESCO are the exchange of specialized in- schools). Many unions are also active in cur-
formation, the transfer of knowledge, the de- riculum and instructional issues that the or-
velopment of policy, the preparation of ganizations deem to be important to stu-
international instruments and statutory rec- dents and to teachers, (ly)
ommendations, as well as prospective stud-
ies relative to tomorrow's world, (tp) unit
A single item or a group counted as a single
UNICEF (See United Nations Children's entity, (dc)
Fund) See also units.

uniform resource locator (URL) unit, vocational

An address for specifying the location and A financial unit and program of study ap-
name of a document accessible via the Inter- proved by the state department of education
net. Also known as a URL. URLs consist of in accordance with the state's plan for career
several pieces of structured information: the and vocational-technical education, (jm)
protocol, the domain, any necessary path in-
formation, and the document name. The United Nations Children's Fund
U.S. House of Representatives member list (UNICEF)
can serve as an example: A nonprofit organization founded by the
.gov/house/MemberWWW.html. The proto- United Nations in 1946 to be responsible for
col is the first element; the URLs for Web improving the welfare of European children
pages usually use the protocol "http:", who were victimized by World War II.
which tells the browser to utilize the hyper- Since 1950, UNICEF has provided food,
text protocol. The second element is the do- clothing, and rehabilitative programs to en-
main, which indicates which server stores sure that the nutritional, health, and educa-
the document. For example, " tional needs of children in more than 140
.gov" indicates the server for the House of nations are met, as well as to promote their
Representatives Web site. On complex Web developing potential. Globally, UNICEF
sites, documents are organized into folders community-based educational services teach

United States Department of Education (ED)

community leaders how to improve sanitary units of measure

living conditions and how to become better These quantities determine the outcome of
parental caregivers and providers by means measurement. They may be length, time,
of area-specific job skill enhancement pro- heat, or value. The measurement or amount
grams. In the United States, UNICEF has of something is determined through a partic-
targeted inner-city children as its focus for ular unit of measure, (jdk)
assistance. In 1965, UNICEF received the
Nobel Prize for International Peace, (tp) unity
The condition of being one in number, or
the harmonious combination of parts into
United States Department of Education
one whole. One of three principles of the Ar-
(ED) istotelian canon of dramatic composition,
The United States Department of Education interpreted by French classical dramatists in
was established on May 4, 1980, by Con- the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,
gress in the Department of Education Organ- which says that a play must represent a sin-
ization Act (Public Law 96-88 of October gle action occurring in a single setting during
1979). ED is responsible for coordinating the course of a single day. In the visual arts,
federal programs related to education, for unity is seen as an artistic quality character-
collecting and disseminating information on ized by balanced composition. Interestingly,
American schools, and for sponsoring and young children create unified compositions
disseminating the results of research into the that are visually pleasing, and their work
nature, quality, and conduct of American tends to become more differentiated with de-
education. ED was created to replace the velopment, (lj)
United States Office of Education (USOE),
originally established in 1867, and the Na- universalist
tional Institute of Education (NIE), estab- An approach to social diversity which holds
lished in 1972. ED has been responsible for that a basic similarity exists among individ-
distributing monies attached to federal pro- uals regardless of group affiliation or that
grams such as the National Defense Educa- people are initially quite different but are ca-
tion Act (NDEA) and the Elementary and pable of developing similarities if properly
Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as well as instructed as a central tenet, (hfs)
for spearheading debate over educational re-
form through the publication of reports such university
as A Nation at Risk (1983). (sw, dm) An institution of higher learning with bac-
calaureate programs in general education,
United States Office of Education (See the liberal arts, behavioral and social sci-
United States Department of Education) ences, the physical and biological sciences;
graduate programs in advanced or special-
ized fields of study; and, professional pro-
units grams in traditional fields of knowledge
Collections of related lessons organized (e.g., law, medicine, engineering, journalism,
around a topic or theme. The learning activ- education, business, etc.). (cf)
ities may include content, information,
skills, and concepts. In addition, assessment university extension
strategies are necessary in a unit plan. Term used to describe nonagricultural adult
Length of units may range from one week to education activities based at universities. In
one semester, (mje, jah) more recent usage, the term has been re-
See also unit. placed by "continuing education." (las)


University of Maryland v. Murray, 169 equal protection clause and Title VI to elim-
Md. 478(1936) inate aspects of a dual system. If policies re-
African-American applicant Donald Murray lated to the prior dual system were still in
sued the University of Maryland Law School place and have discriminatory implications,
after being denied admission to the all white they must be changed to create equal edu-
school. With the help of the NAACP and cational opportunity. Although the Supreme
lawyer Thurgood Marshall, Murray won ad- Court did not mandate that Mississippi pro-
mission by arguing under the equal protec- vide resources to improve its three histori-
tion clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. cally black universities, it did state that the
The order was upheld in the Maryland dual system being practiced had to be ad-
Court of Appeals one year later, (dwm) dressed, (jqa, npo)

urban usability
Characteristic of the city, city life, and/or The ease with which the target user of a prod-
distribution of people living in the city. Ur- uct can successfully complete appropriate
ban schools in the United States of the late tasks with that product. Tools should be de-
twentieth century were often characterized signed to integrate seamlessly with a user's
as enclaves for low-income, often minority, task such that the person can focus on solving
students, (kfl, msb) the problem at hand rather than how to work
the tool. In order to be usable, products must
URL (See uniform resource locator) be designed with the users' goals in mind and
with minimal room for error, (til)
U.S. v. Fordice, 505 U.S. 717 (1992)
A lawsuit filed by a group of African Amer- user interface (Ul)
icans against the State of Mississippi in fed- The part of a product or piece of software
eral court in 1975. The suit's intent was to with which a human interacts. This is an
create a more equitable system of higher ed- umbrella term that can include the graphical
ucation by requesting increased funding for interface to an electronic book, the control
the state's three historically black colleges. panel on a copy machine, or the buttons on
Twelve years later when the case went to a TV remote control. Two common com-
trial the court found a number of discrimi- puter user interfaces are command line (text
natory practices in colleges admissions and only) and graphical user interfaces (images,
funding but concluded that the state's deseg- buttons and toolbars). Some corporations
regation policies were intended to assure and other organizations offer user interface
that race-neutral policies were practiced. As guidelines to assist in the production of
long as those policies did not contribute to- effective user interfaces. Also known as
ward the racial identification of specific graphical user interface (GUI) when it incor-
schools, there was no violation of federal porates icons, images, etc. (til)
law according to the district court. This de- See also human factors engineering.
cision was upheld by the U.S. Court of Ap-
peals for the Fifth Circuit. However, the
Supreme Court found that the lower courts utilitarianism
had not applied the correct legal standard to A form of consequentialism. Act utilitarian-
Mississippi's higher education system. The ism asserts that an act is right if it produces
majority opinion written by Justice White at least the same proportion of good over
held that the adoption and implementation bad as any available alternative act for all
of race-neutral policies is not sufficient to in- people affected by the act. Rule utilitarian-
dicate the state has met its duty under the ism asserts that an act is right if it follows a


rule that generally produces at least the same bring about more pleasure than pain for as
proportion of good over bad as any alter- many people as possible. Some utilitarians
native rule for all people affected. Classical recognize a plurality of goods, such as pleas-
utilitarians consider pleasure to be the ure, knowledge, and virtue, (mhs)
greatest good, and right acts are those that See also consequentialism.

validity thesis is reasonable, plausible, true, etc. (i.e.,
In testing, validity represents claims to the to be commended), (bkl, an)
trustworthiness or credibility of qualitative See also soundness.
or quantitative date gathered for the pur-
poses of making decisions or drawing infer- value
ences. The evidence needed to establish As a noun, value means worth. As a verb,
validity has been associated with typological value means to consider something as im-
distinctions such as content (the match be- portant. Questions regarding matters of val-
tween the actual content of the test instru- uation have much to do with the source of
ment and what it intends to measure), the worth of the quality, attribute, or con-
criterion-related (the match between scores sideration valued. Some hold that value is
on the test and other measures), and con- subjective, that a thing is of worth because
struct (the match between the test and the someone values it. Others hold that there are
underlying construct or trait being meas- things that are of intrinsic value and worth
ured). Currently, construct validity is seen as valuing, whether or not one sees the worth.
the unifying concept for test validity. New In art, value is the degree of light or dark in
approaches to establishing validity are being a scale of grays. In the visual arts, that is the
considered as assessment has expanded be- relative tone of color in each distinct section
yond strictly quantitative approaches to of a picture (e.g., if the artist uses two grades
gathering information, embracing forms of dark, the white of the page may furnish
such as portfolio assessment where results a third value). In music, similarly, it is the
are reported as qualitative profiles. In logic, relative length of duration of a tone signified
validity refers to a quality or property of ar- by a note. The value of art, a subject of in-
guments. A valid argument is one that meets terest and debate in art education, refers to
the following criterion: if the premises are its real or perceived worth in society, (jc, lj)
true, so is the conclusion. In other words, in See also values; values clarification, virtue.
a valid argument the conclusion (whether
true or false), follows by legitimate logical values
steps, from the premises (again, indepen- Values are qualities based on normative
dently of their truth value). Sometimes the judgments of good and bad, and in which
term "valid" is applied to theses, as in the there is an emotional investment. They may
claim "you have a valid point," that is, your be moral or nonmoral in nature and may be

values clarification

judged on instrumental or intrinsic grounds. relativistic, secularistic, and individualistic.

Values may be held consciously or uncon- Nonetheless, some of the strategies and vo-
sciously by groups or individuals, and they cabulary of values clarification are incorpo-
tend to influence behavior. Private values are rated in much educational practice, (wl, jjc)
internal principles, which one establishes in See also value; values.
order to evaluate and critique the actions,
ideas, and practices of one's self and others. van Hiele levels
These standards are not fixed, but are in flux These describe discrete levels of geometric
and changeable. Values are acquired or thinking as proposed by Pierre M. van Hiele.
learned through a complex set of influences, The levels are characterized by an absence of
usually over a long period of time. Public memorization, sequential progress through
values are necessary for the common good the levels (i.e., no conceptual level may be
in a pluralistic society, allowing for diversity omitted), the levels are context independent,
and individualism to exist and influencing learners do benefit from being taught at a
how people interact with each other. Public higher conceptual level, and progression is
values are a set of overarching beliefs that mainly due to teaching and learning experi-
all groups within a society or nation endorse ences rather than maturation. Initially, five
to maintain societal cohesion. The acquisi- levels were proposed, although some authors
tion of values and value systems is a signif- conflate levels three through five, (kva)
icant goal of educational practice, and a
variety of theories concerning the acquisi- variable
tion of values exist. These include values A symbol, usually a letter of the alphabet,
clarification, character education, cognitive that represents one or more numbers. A
developmentalism, and Robert Coles' psy- placeholder for a specific unknown number,
chosocial theory of moral development, e.g., as in n + 5 = 12; a representative of
(prg, kfl) values, as in 3t + 6; to state properties or
See also cognitive development; moral de- generalizations, e.g., a + 0 = a; used in for-
velopment. mulas to express relationships, as in A =
LW; and, to describe functions or sequences,
values clarification (kgh)
A pedagogical strategy by which an educator
leads a student to a greater and deeper per- verbal IQ
sonal understanding of his/her beliefs by en- Derives from a weighted average of a sub-
gaging the student in a series of activities ject's raw scores on five of the verbal sub-
designed to focus on a particular moral or tests that are part of the battery of subtests
ethical value. Values clarification is one of that constitute the Wechsler Scales of Intel-
several theoretical and methodological ligence. A verbal IQ is heavily influenced by
frameworks for developing thoughtfulness a person's experiences, and correlates with
about and awareness of values. Sidney B. most activities that are more valued in soci-
Simon and Louis E. Raths, in particular, de- ety as "academic" and therefore very impor-
veloped "values clarification" as a specific tant to our culture's school-aged population.
strategy for the development of this aware- The verbal IQ is perceived to be a numerical
ness. They contended that public schools measurement of a person's "verbal intelli-
were not justified in inculcating specific vir- gence," which is a psychological construct
tues or ethical commitments in children. and can therefore never be proven, (aw)
Schools should help students develop a set
of personally meaningful values. Values clar- verbal-linguistic intelligence
ification was popular for several years but One of Howard Gardner's multiple intel-
fell into disfavor, criticized as subjectivistic, ligences in which an individual exhibits


exceptional ability to use and understand It is usually taken to refer to a computer-

words and language, (jwc) mediated simulation that is three dimen-
sional, multisensory, and interactive, so that
verbal unit items (counting) the user's experience is "as if" inhabiting
Items counted are not present in the child's and acting within an external environment.
perceptual world. The act of counting in- There are at least two deeper issues obscured
volves the coordination of the utterance of a by this definition, however: first, it tends to
number word and the mental production of focus on the technology of VR, and not on
a unit item, (amr) VR as a subjective experience of immersion
See also children's counting schemes. (reading a novel or watching a film and be-
coming engrossed in them are also VR ex-
verisimilitude periences); second, the "virtual" is often
The closeness in nature and/or presentation opposed to the "real," whereas in fact VR is
of a work of art, literature, or theater to re- a hybrid or medial concept between the
ality; the representation of truth, real life, or imaginary and the real—it challenges that
commonly recognizable scenes and events sharp distinction. The most promising ap-
through art. Verisimilitude is often described plications of VR technologies for education
in terms of degrees (e.g., how realistic or life- include: exploratory simulations or models
like a work of art is), (em) with which learners can interact and study
change over time; collaborative spaces in
vertical articulation (See articulation, which social co-construction of knowledge is
vertical) mediated by a shared virtual space; and mul-
tidimensional and multisensory representa-
vertical staffing (See horizontal tions of data that allow learners to observe,
staffing) analyze, and manipulate the data in various
ways, (nb)
VESL (See vocational English as a
second language)
virtual university
The electronic counterpart of the invisible
virtual learning environment (VLE)
college that signified intellectual communi-
A computer-generated interactive learning
cation among scholars, scientists, and other
space that allows for a wide variety of in-
intellectuals without their location on uni-
novative teaching and learning activities
versity campuses. In a virtual university,
(e.g., conducting a virtual fieldtrip through a
or as Internet-Mediated Distance Learning
highly interactive learning Web site or run-
(IMDL), the electronic transmission of data,
ning a chemical experiment through an im- information, and knowledge is altering rap-
mersing three-dimensional simulation). A idly and radically faculty roles and respon-
VLE can exist on multiple platforms, includ- sibilities of the past, (cf)
ing microcomputers, handheld computers, See also invisible college.
game consoles, interactive television, and
proprietary systems. Its common features are
interactive environments sustained through virtue
electronic communication, computer simu- Sometimes translated from the Greek arete
lation, and file sharing between individual as "excellence," virtues are traits of charac-
learners, (jh) ter thought indispensable to human well-
being. The whole constellation of virtues
virtual reality (VR) (and vices) a person possesses constitutes
A term reputedly coined by Jaron Lanier, that person's character. Aristotle defined vir-
head of Virtual Programming Language, Inc. tue as the predisposition to do the right

virtue ethics

thing, in the right way, at the right time, for specialists, visiting artists, and classroom
the right reasons, (srl) teachers, (lj)
See also value; values.
visual impairment
virtue ethics
Used to describe individuals who are par-
An Aristotelian approach to ethics that gives
tially sighted, low vision, legally blind, or to-
primacy to the practice and development of
tally blind. Partially sighted indicates some
virtue(s) rather than to the commitment to
type of visual problem; low vision generally
the good or to duty. The key question for
refers to a severe visual impairment, such as
virtue ethicists is how one recognizes the
individuals who are unable to read a news-
practice of a virtue apart from reference to
paper at a normal viewing distance even
some concept of the good or of duty, (jc)
with the aid of glasses or contact lenses; le-
See also deontological ethics; ethic of care;
gally blind refers to a person with less than
ethic of responsibility; ethics.
20/200 vision in the better eye; and, totally
blind refers to absence of light perception.
visiting lecturer
A faculty member who has been invited to
deliver a lecture of a particular topic of gen-
eral interest in the academic community. visual learner
Visiting lecturers may also be asked to de- An individual who attends most closely to
liver a series of lectures over a varying period the visual in any experiential realm and
of time, (cf) therefore is thought to learn most effectively
through modes of observation and response
visiting scholar to what is seen rather than heard or read.
The temporary or short-term appointment While visual perception and processing of vi-
of a well-known faculty member to discuss sual stimuli is part of everyone's mode of
specific topics, issues, concepts, or research and repertoire for learning, visual learners
findings. Visiting scholar appointments are are those who favor and find most success
frequently used as a means of stimulating or in this realm. While an obvious vehicle for
renewing interest (student and faculty) but visual learning would be heavily illustrated
also used to examine without commitment a texts, the study of works of art as agents of
colleague for permanent appointment, (cf) history, philosophy, psychology, etc., is an
ideal venue, (jd)
VISTA (See AmeriCorps)

visual art visual thinking strategies (VTS)

The imitation or invention of objects and/or Based on the work of educational researcher
ideas in visible form. While it can be a com- Abigail Housen and museum educator Philip
ponent of other art forms, such as choreog- Yenawine, Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)
raphy or furniture making, the term is is an approach to looking at art usually in
usually associated with traditional arts such the context of museums or galleries in which
as painting, engraving, sculpture, and archi- the viewer is asked to respond to the ques-
tecture. In colloquial speech it is common to tion "What do you see?" and defend re-
use art and visual art interchangeably; how- sponses by referring to the work at hand
ever, this is misleading. It is increasingly im- ("Why do you say that?"). This inquiry-
portant to specify the range of artistic forms, based approach has been useful to art mu-
including music, dance, theater, literature, seums attempting to transform learning in
and visual art, that are captured under the the museum from an information/empty-
heading of art. In schools today, visual art vessel-based approach, to one more interac-
is most commonly taught to children by art tive and empowering for the viewer, (ap)

vocational education

visual-spatial intelligence vocational advisor (See advisor,

Described by Howard Gardner in his Theory vocational)
of Multiple Intelligences as the ability to
think using mental images and pictures. The vocational aptitude
ability to understand visually represented Innate or acquired capacity for a vocation or
images, (jwc) occupation, indicated by the ability to de-
velop specific skills and to acquire knowl-
Vitalizing Secondary Education: edge and information that enable the learner
Education for Life Adjustment (1951) to prepare for or to be more proficient in a
(See Prosser Resolution) chosen trade, occupation, or profession, (jm)

vocabulary vocational center (See area career

The words used in a language or a particular center)
book or branch of science, etc., or by a par-
ticular author. The range of words known vocational choice
to an individual. Vocabulary size is an im- A decision-making process in which an in-
portant measure of a person's literacy level; dividual chooses a skill or a vocation to be
it generally reflects the amount of reading a pursued as a career. The end result of vo-
person has done and is commonly used in cational planning, (jm)
standardized measures of intelligence. In ed-
ucational research, it is used as a measure of vocational clinic
the level of a child's language development, A conference of a counselor and other spe-
degree of bilingualism, and level of second- cialists (such as psychologists) to consider
language learning, (smt) the case data and problems of a person re-
lating to the selection of an occupation and
vocalization adjustment to it. (jm)
The process of articulating a consonant as a
vowel sound. The process of using vowel in- vocational course (See course, career-
dicators in writing systems that do not use technical or vocational)
vowels, as in Hebrew. The utterance and
formation of vocal sounds. Sound made vocational curriculum guidance
through vocal fold vibrations and modified Guidance through the systematic arrange-
by the resonance of the vocal tract, (mc) ment of courses and learning experiences
which are designed to help students as they
vocation make choices of occupations, work activi-
A calling, as to a particular occupation, busi- ties, and training that are suitable to their
ness, or profession, (db) abilities, interests, and needs, (jm)

vocational vocational education

Pertaining to a vocation or occupation in- The development and enhancement of the
cluding all gainful occupations and home- human capacities necessary for work and
making, (jm) earning a living, and most accurately under-
stood as one aspect or subset of education
vocational adjustment (See adjustment, in its general sense. Sometimes a very sharp
vocational) distinction is made between vocational edu-
cation, with its applied and instrumental ori-
vocational adult education entation, and liberal education, with its
Education aimed at training or retraining exclusive focus on the pursuit of knowledge
adults to aid them in obtaining employment for its own sake (i.e., for pure or noninstru-
or advancing in their careers, (las) mental reasons). Yet vocational purposes fall

Vocational Education Act of 1963

legitimately within the domain of education vocational English as a second

because of work's potential contribution to language (VESL)
human flourishing and the complex and in- Type of instruction in English for speakers
tellectually challenging character of higher- of other languages that is focused on lan-
level vocational skills. More narrowly, vo- guage used in occupational contexts, (las)
cational education is a form of education
that provides training for a specific occupa- vocational goal (See goal, vocational)
tion, particularly in agriculture, trade, or
industry. Originally carried out through ap- vocational guidance
prenticeship and the home, and evolving The process by which persons are assisted in
into the nineteenth-century manual training selection of a vocation and of adequate vo-
movement, vocational students were trained cational training or retraining that is realistic
for jobs in separate schools and as part of in light of actual or anticipated opportunities
the secondary school curriculum in courses for gainful employment. In each case this
like metalworking and clerical skills. The guidance is situated to the counselee's inter-
federal Smith-Hughes Act (1917) provided ests, needs, and ability to benefit from such
states with funds for agricultural, industrial, training, (jm)
and home economics education. In the last
See also occupational guidance; voca-
half of the twentieth century the U.S. Con-
tional curriculum guidance.
gress continued to authorize work force
training acts. Currently, vocational educa-
tion is used to indicate an organized educa- vocational high school (See high
tional program, or series of programs, school, specialized)
directly related to the preparation of an in-
dividual for paid or unpaid employment, or vocational school
for additional preparation for a career that A school which is organized separately un-
may or may not require an advanced/college der a principal or director for the purpose of
degree, (kw, lh, sc, jb) offering training in one or more skilled or
semiskilled trades or occupations, (jb)
See also civic education; essentialism; per-
See also area vocational school.
ennialism; progressive education; traditional
vocational subject
Any school subject designed to develop spe-
Vocational Education Act of 1963 cific skills, knowledge, and information that
(Perkins Act) Federal legislation designed to enable the learner to prepare for or to be
extend present programs and develop new more efficient in his or her chosen trade or
programs of vocational education; encour- occupation, (jm)
age research and experimentation; and pro-
vide work-study programs to enable youth vocational teacher education
to continue vocational education. This was Programs that prepare individuals to teach
the first federal legislation allowing funding occupational skills in high schools, trade
for vocational education beyond high schools, community colleges, agricultural
school, (jb) and technical colleges, adult continuing ed-
ucation programs, armed forces training,
vocational education survey and industry, (jb)
A study to obtain necessary information as
a basis for the proper development of pro- vocational training
grams of vocational education, (db) Sometimes used to designate short-term
See also employment survey; occupational courses dealing with entry-level skills only.
survey. On-the-job training and experiences which


contribute to the student's preparation for prudence, temperance, courage, and justice)
occupational adjustment, (jm) are conditions for effecting good volitions.
See also vocational education. Defective deliberation and the vices influence
acts of bad volition, (dv-1)
vocational unit (See unit, vocational) See also determinism; freedom.

vocational-technical education program voluntary minorities

(See career education program) Concept developed by John Ogbu to de-
scribe individuals and groups of individuals
voice who voluntarily immigrate to a host society,
The sound produced by the vocal chords, in providing them with a dual frame of refer-
speaking, singing, or other utterances. It is a ence. This frame comprises a sense of the
form of expression and medium of art, usu- conditions of those in their society of origin,
ally referring to individuals, but also to in- as well as the conditions, perspectives, and
animate objects like musical instruments, experiences of other group members in the
invisible or guiding spirits, political parties, host society. The duality of their identity can
etc. To have voice is to have the privilege of generate optimism concerning their future
speaking, and more broadly, to have agency opportunities despite real barriers to their
or power. In language, voice is the form of success. Contrasted with involuntary minor-
a verb in which the relation of subject to ac- ities, (hfs)
tion is indicated (i.e., active, passive, or mid-
dle voice). It is also the disposition that volunteerism
infuses a piece of writing with idiosyncratic One of the three basic forms of collective ac-
style (e.g., the voice of Faulkner) or the state tion. It involves the formation of voluntary
of knowledge, perspective, or preoccupa- associations to provide social services and
tions of an educational researcher docu- support mechanisms such as education or
menting pedagogy. Voice may mean the housing that other forms of collective action
presence of the narrator as speaker, writer, (governments and markets) are unable or
or researcher in a piece of work. In addition unwilling to provide, (lr)
to aspects of culture, race, class, and gender,
voice typically reveals the personality or per- voucher
sonality characteristics of the researcher and A document usually issued by a state or fed-
his/her subjects and gives flavor to the re- eral government that can be used by parents
search report. Qualitative researchers often to pay tuition at an out-of-district public
discover their own voices while listening to school, a private school, and/or a religious
the voices of those they are interviewing. school. The term is also used more broadly
The term is often associated with silence due to describe school-choice proposals in which
to the power of a voice that may be with- states would help pay tuition for children at-
held, (lj, baw) tending private or religious schools. Some
critics of public schools believe tuition
volition vouchers that could be used for private
An act of will that displays rational incli- schools or that allow parents to choose
nation when performing a perceived good. which public school their child could attend,
Seeking the good, happiness, is the formal would bring the free market system to edu-
objective of volition besides an ineluctable cation, forcing public schools to improve in
human characteristic. Good volition is facil- order to stay competitive. Critics of voucher
itated with intact practical reasoning of re- systems argue that vouchers would subsidize
spective merits of particulars (i.e., aim, the wealthy while siphoning money away
circumstance, values, premises, evidence, from the public schools. Critics suspect that
imagination). Virtuous habits of will (e.g., vouchers would produce a large underclass

voucher plan

of students, including many of those with erally voiced (vocal cords are closed and vi-
special education requirements, trapped in a brating during the sound production). A
system without enough resources to meet letter that stands to represent the sounds de-
their needs. Important questions about ac- scribed above, (smt)
countability to the public for expenditure of
public money, the constitutionality of using
public money for religious schools, regula-
VTS (See visual thinking strategies)
tion of the schools both private and public,
adequate transportation, and equitable ac-
cess are still causes for debate, (dm)
vulnerable adult
voucher plan A person 18 years old or older who is unable
A plan for funding education in which par- to care for him/herself or to fully protect his/
ents or guardians receive a voucher, or tax her rights and interests due to physical, cog-
money, which they can use to pay for the nitive, mental, and/or emotional impair-
education of their child at a school of their ment. This would encompass, for example,
choice. The selected school then uses the adults with developmental disabilities or
voucher to pay for educational services de- with legal guardians, elderly adults who
livered to the child, (bba) have become incapacitated, or those living in
extended-care facilities or receiving services
vowel from an agency or individual provider due
A speech sound that is produced with little to an inability to care for themselves, (llf,
obstruction in the vocal tract and that is gen- emm)


wait time many cultures that have played an active

A pause or period of silence between a role in American development are included
teacher's question and a student's response in teaching materials, (jqa, jrw)
(Wait Time one) and between a response
and the teacher's feedback or follow-up Weather Underground
question (Wait Time two). Average teacher A radical, militant student protest organi-
wait times are about one second, but re- zation that formed following the demise of
search has shown several beneficial effects Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in
on student responses when teachers increase 1969 with the overriding purpose of defeat-
wait time to three to five seconds, (bba) ing U.S. imperialism. The Weather Under-
ground took its name from a Bob Dylan
War on Poverty song and was alternately known as the
American movement triggered by the civil "Weathermen" and the "Weather People."
rights era of the 1960s and promoted by The organization began a clandestine guer-
Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. rilla war campaign in 1970. Tactics included
Johnson. The War on Poverty aimed to erad- violent confrontation and the deployment of
icate the inequity in social and economic time bombs. The organization declined by
conditions. Under programs of the War on the 1970s but continued to operate in se-
Poverty initiative, job training and education crecy, (egh)
programs flourished. The Head Start pro-
gram was created as part of the War on Pov- Web address (See uniform resource
erty, (jlj) locator [URL])

WASP Web page

An acronym for White Anglo-Saxon Prot- A digital document composed of some com-
estant. Typically this designation is used for bination of text, graphics, sound, video, and
the group that is considered to be the main hyperlinks. A Web page can be a public doc-
contributor and dominant culture in the ument accessible via the World Wide Web,
United States. Historically, White Anglo- a semiprivate document accessible via an In-
Saxon Protestant figures and achievements tranet, or a private document on a local ma-
were included in standard classroom mate- chine. For instance, a teacher can create a
rials. Currently, contributions from the Web page about a particular topic and post

Web site

it on the World Wide Web, making it acces- CHE thus is an interstate compact created
sible to her students and other students via by formal legislative action of 15 states and
their home computers. Or, the teacher can the U.S. Congress to facilitate resource shar-
store the Web page as a local file on her ing among the higher education systems of
classroom computer where only her students the West, (cf)
can access it while in her classroom, (kgl)
Wheeler-Howard Act (See Indian
Web site
Reorganization Act [1934])
A Web site is an integrated collection of Web
pages created by a person or organization.
Within the site, Web pages are organized hi- whistle blower
erarchically, with a home page serving as the In education this term refers to a person us-
initial access point at the top of the hierarchy ing a strategy designed to use inside infor-
and additional Web pages forming branches. mation about a particular behavior that is
Hyperlinks connect related Web pages believed to violate an important norm or
within the site. In an educational setting, law. An external authority is informed of the
school districts, schools, teachers, or stu- violation. The person attempts to keep the
dents may all have Web sites for displaying contact secret due to circumventing the le-
information, (kgl) gitimate channels of control and fear of re-
See also home page; hyperlink; Web page. prisal. A person may employ this tactic if
they believe that a deliberate attempt has
Web-based course been made to "cover up" a violation of the
A course that is delivered mainly through a law. (mm)
connection to the World Wide Web. The
course may reside on a server and be ac-
cessed by students through a Web browser, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (See
or may be downloaded onto student com- WASP)
puters, (cf)
White Citizens' Councils
WEEA (See Women's Educational
Founded in rural Mississippi in 1954 in re-
Equity Act)
sponse to federal school integration man-
welfare-to-work dates, White Citizens' Councils rapidly
Term applied to programs that are designed spread beyond Mississippi into other parts
to prepare welfare recipients to enter for the of Dixie. Typically, local membership rosters
first time, or to re-enter, the workforce. Such comprised a veritable who's who list of a
programs may provide basic skill instruction community's civic and businesses leaders
as well as training in how to obtain and hold whose opinions strongly influenced their
a job. (las) white, pro-segregation constituencies. The
Councils' preferred methods of defying fed-
wellness eral will to integrate local schools varied
A positive approach to health that promotes from locale to locale, but generally included
a healthy lifestyle by maintaining proper petitioning and devising harsh and targeted
diet, exercise, and health habits, (rf) economic reprisals against local civil rights
activists. Despite their routine outward de-
Western Interstate Commission for nunciation of Klan violence, many Councils
Higher Education (WICHE) fostered clandestine relationships with Klan
This regional organization was created in the members. Such support helped to sustain the
1950s by the Western Regional Educational South's efforts to resist school integration,
Compact, adopted by Western states. WI- (ah)

Wisconsin Idea

white flight measuring progress. Whole language is usu-

A term used to describe the departure of ally taught to lower grades even though
white families from housing and schools in whole language advocates recommend it for
areas that are becoming desegregated, or all levels. Different interpretations of whole
from programs that will require their chil- language instruction lead to considerable
dren to be bused into a school formerly variation in the range of practices that are
associated with minority group children. identified as whole language. Whole lan-
Historically associated with changes that guage instructional methods tend to provide
came about following Brown v. Board of learners with an immersion in language
Education, white flight results in a situation learning—listening, speaking, reading, and
where schools that have been desegregated writing—learning by doing. The whole
become re-segregated as minority families language approach to teaching respects the
become the majority of those willing to live ability of learners to set and determine their
in a neighborhood or send their children own purposes. The wholeness in whole lan-
to neighborhood public schools. Voluntary guage instruction typically refers to working
desegregation programs such as magnet with the whole child's needs: cognitive, emo-
schooling have been seen as a solution to the tional, physical, and spiritual. The language
problem of white flight, (sw) of whole language focuses on an indirect ap-
proach to teaching specific skills as they are
whiteness theory needed by a learner, (jrk, mc, jls)
The study of "race" as a socially constructed See also indirect code; phonics.
category that varies in different historical
and cultural settings. Whiteness theory WIA (See Workforce Investment Act)
makes "race" an explicit category that no
longer assumes whiteness as the norm WIBs (See workforce investment
against which all other "races" are judged. boards)
Whiteness theory calls on the majority cul-
ture, whites, to critique their positions of WICHE (See Western Interstate
privilege and power, and attempt to refuse Commission for Higher Education)
such positions, as a means of problematizing
and actively seeking to remove such privilege Winnetka Plan (1919)
and power. At the same time, it is important An early example of individualized instruc-
for whites to acknowledge the privileges they tion. Instituted in 1919 in Winnetka, Illinois,
are awarded, even against their wills, by liv- by Carleton Washburne, it allowed students
ing in racist societies, (bt-b) to progress at their own pace using self-
instructional materials. Instead of letter
whole language approach/instruction grades, dates of successful mastery were re-
A set of instructional practices for early corded on "goal cards." Equally important
reading and writing which emphasizes the as the mastery of common learning objec-
importance of children's construction of tives was the time devoted to creative and
meaning. It is both a theoretical perspective group activities, activities that Washburne
and a professional movement. The three believed nurtured individuality and respon-
characteristics of the whole language ap- sible citizenship, (af)
proach grow from this ideology: phonics in-
struction is embedded in meaningful reading Wisconsin Idea
and writing activities; teachers are viewed as The concept that the public university
facilitators of learning rather than directors; should provide practical adult education
and, portfolios and other performance-based programs, focusing on industrial and agri-
assessments, as opposed to skill-based as- cultural training, on a nondegree basis,
sessments, are the preferred methods of thereby connecting the university to all con-

Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972)

stituent groups and areas in the state. De- womanist/womanism

veloped in 1911, it was the precursor to the Coined by Alice Walker, this term is used to
Cooperative Extension Service. The concept refer to a black feminist or feminist of color.
that the university serves the educational Feeling alienated from the feminist move-
needs of the public by sharing the intellec- ment that focused on white female perspec-
tual wealth of the university across the entire tives of discrimination, those who describe
state, not just among students and faculty of themselves as a womanist incorporate the
the university, is attributed to John Bascom many aspects of black womanhood's re-
(university of Wisconsin president, 1874- sponse to racism and sexism. A womanist is
1887), Charles McCarthy, (Wisconsin Idea, a strong, outspoken woman who cares
1912), Charles R. Van Hise (university pres- about other women of color, their philoso-
ident), and Robert M. La Follette (Wisconsin phies, and the way they are treated. In higher
governor). Direct results were the nation's education, feminists of color often form al-
first educational extension program, shaping liances because they feel left out of the pre-
of legislation by university faculty, and for- dominantly white feminist movement, (jqa,
mation of commissions active in state gov- npo)
ernment and private enterprise. These efforts
continue today and are augmented by pro- Women's Educational Equity Act
grams that continue the tradition of the Wis- (WEEA)
consin Idea, (chm, srd) First enacted in 1974, promotes educational
equity for women and girls who suffer dis-
crimination based on gender. The law pro-
Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972) vides financial assistance to enable educa-
Addressed the conflict between compulsory tional agencies and institutions to meet the
education laws and the First Amendment requirements of Title IX. The Women's Ed-
right to free exercise of religion. In Yoder the ucational Equity Act was reauthorized and
U.S. Supreme Court held that members of passed within the Improving America's
the Amish religion could withdraw their Schools Act of 1994 as Public Law 103-382.
children from the final two years of com- The program's scope was expanded and in-
pulsory schooling. Claiming that the Amish cludes support for implementation activities
"way of life and religion were inseparable," and funds for research. The 2001 reauthor-
the Court found that additional schooling ization of the Elementary and Secondary Ed-
would endanger Amish religious beliefs, (sw) ucation Act contains the same provisions for
research and implementation in WEEA. (wg)
wisdom women's studies
A combination of intelligence, knowledge, Typically a course of study in higher edu-
and practical wisdom; awareness or knowl- cation, women's studies have also trickled
edge of what life is really about, what our into the secondary curriculum. These
purpose (or purposes) as sentient creatures courses address the academic, cultural, and
is, as well as the liberation that comes not economic contributions made by women to
merely from understanding but from enact- society. In higher education, entire depart-
ing our accumulated understanding. Philos- ments may be focused on women's studies,
ophy, as the love of wisdom, is not merely with degrees offered. At the secondary level,
a science, like physics, which seeks in a de- a unit or series of lessons on women's con-
tached methodical way objective theories of tributions is more common. At both levels,
its proper objects of study; it is the search not only the contributions but the develop-
for theoretical knowledge of God, the soul, ment, achievements, and discrimination ex-
and the meaning of life, (an) perienced by women at various times is
See also intelligence. addressed. Current elementary level instruc-

workforce investment boards (WIBs)

tional materials increasingly include infor- and manage human capital effectively in or-
mation about the contributions of women to ganizations. Training programs are aligned
the United States, (jqa, npo) with organizational goals to improve both
worker and organizational performance,
word problem (las, dmv)
A mathematical question posed in written
form which requires the reader to determine workforce education
pertinent relationships and decide on appro- Workforce education is that form of peda-
priate procedures to employ in order to ar- gogy that is provided at the pre-bacca-
rive at a solution, (kva) laureate level by education institutions,
by private business and industry, or by
work experience government-sponsored, community-based
Employment undertaken as part of the re- organizations where the objective is to in-
quirements of a school course, designed to crease individual opportunity in the labor
provide experiences in the chosen occupa- market or to solve human performance
tion which may or may not be supervised by problems in the workforce, (kg)
a teacher, coordinator, or an employer, (db)

Work Study Program Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

In higher education, this program was begun Federal legislation enacted in 1998 that re-
under the Higher Education Act of 1965 placed the Adult Education Act and included
providing federal funds for part-time work a focus on employment. The WIA consoli-
opportunities for college students needing fi- dated employment, training and literacy pro-
nancial aid to begin or continue their edu- grams into state block grants for adult
cation. Usually these programs are aimed at education and family literacy, disadvantaged
the postsecondary-level student who has youth, and adult employment and training
demonstrated financial need to assist in pay- services. Intended to encourage greater
ing for tuition and room and board, (lew) collaboration and coordination among em-
ployment and training agencies and adult
education programs, the act created an in-
work-based learning
tegrated "one-stop" system of workforce in-
Learning activities that take place in a work
setting, (las) vestment and education activities for adults
See also School-to-Career System. and youth. Title II of the WIA established an
accountability system to measure state per-
workbooks formance in adult basic education, (las)
Commercially published materials accom- See also Adult Education and Family Lit-
panying textbooks that are designed to pro- eracy Act.
vide students with additional practice and
application of content and skills taught in workforce investment boards (WIBs)
the textbook. Students typically complete Regional boards established within states
workbooks independently in the classroom, and certified by governors to set policy for
(bba) local workforce investment systems. WIBs
are composed of representatives from busi-
workforce development ness, local educational institutions, labor,
System of efforts designed to enhance the ca- community-based organizations, economic
pacity of workers to fill the range of labor development agencies and representatives
market needs. Workforce development is the from one-stop career systems. With the ad-
educational aspect of human resource and vent of the Workforce Investment Act in
organizational development that designs 1998, WIBs were created to replace private
programs to improve work environments industry councils, (las)

working alliance

working alliance complete worksheets independently in the

A multidimensional, relationship- and pro- classroom, (bba)
cess-oriented construct that involves the de-
gree to which a client and a counselor, or workshop
therapist, are able to connect emotionally, to An educational program designed to bring
develop mutually agreed-upon treatment together persons interested in a specific field,
goals, and to work together purposefully in for cooperative participation in educational
a therapeutic setting, (ktc) experiences, to provide new knowledge and
skills, develop plans and programs, and reas-
Workingmen's Education Movement sess attitudes. The major work in developing
During the 1820s and 1830s workingmen's learning experience is provided by the par-
political parties advocated tax-supported ticipants themselves, (cf)
common schools. Workingmen, such as
skilled journeyman, artisans, and mechanics, work-study program
felt that public education would help level At the secondary or postsecondary level, ed-
divisions between social and economic clas- ucational experience in which the student
ses and enable the children of working spends a certain number of hours a day in
families to protect their own interests, par- classes, acquiring basic learning, and a spec-
ticularly economic and political exploitation, ified number of hours working for an em-
and exercise democratic political power, ployer, generally on a salary basis. The
(crsg) actual work experience is administered
jointly by the educational institution and the
employer, (jm)
workplace education
Educational activities that are offered to in-
World Bank
cumbent workers. These learning opportu-
The World Bank was founded in 1944 and
nities range from basic skills instruction to
is the largest development-assistance source,
job-related training, and may be provided by
providing loans to developing countries. Its
internal and/or external staff, (las)
objective is to help those countries develop
into a path of stability, sustainability, and
workplace educator equitable growth in order to diminish pov-
Individual involved in the organization and erty. This institution offers different services
delivery of workplace education programs. to implement its poverty-reduction activities
The term applies to instructors, curriculum in its member countries. Some of the services
developers, program coordinators, as well as are financial, analytic and advisory, and ca-
those who serve as liaisons between business pacity building. Poverty reduction is the
and educational programs, (las) most urgent task for the World Bank.
Through sustainable growth and investment
workplace literacy in people, including education and training
Literacy instruction that takes place at a activities, this institution has the mission to
work site and that emphasizes literacy skill reduce poverty and improve living stan-
development for application in the work- dards, (cl)
place, (las)
worksheets In general, it is the lens through which an
Commercially- or teacher-prepared materi- individual perceives, interprets, and makes
als, one to a few pages in length, that are sense of the world. It is moderated by the
designed to provide students with additional attitudes, beliefs, values, and learned as-
practice and application of content and skills sumptions that have developed over time,
learned in the classroom. Students typically through an individual's personal experience


of culture and cultural identification. World- organizations and individuals. Students can
view is multidimensional. Common dimen- use the Web as a source for retrieving infor-
sions include: beliefs about human nature mation or publishing their work, (kgl)
(e.g., good, bad), preferred relations with na- See also hyperlink; Web page.
ture (e.g., scientific, harmonized), activity
orientation (e.g., doing, being), time orien- writing center
tation (e.g., past, present), and preferred That part of an instructional setting that of-
ways of relating to one another (e.g., indi- fers a wide range of supplies for the creation
vidualistic, collectivistic). (cag) and composition of written materials. The
supplies are likely to include many kinds,
sizes, and colors of paper and stationery, all
World Wide Web manner of writing and drawing implements,
One component of the Internet consisting of and a range of equipment like staplers, hole
a series of publicly accessible Web pages punches, and string that can be used to bind
connected by hyperlinks. The World Wide or display that which is written, (mcl)
Web, also known as the Web, contains var-
ied and diverse information "published" by www (See World Wide Web)

xenophobia ucation, xenophobia creates resistance to
Fear and hatred of strangers and foreigners multicultural policies and cooperation and
is known as xenophobia. This may be di- collaboration between different cultural
rected to entire cultures and countries, or to groups, (jqa, npo)
immigrants with different traditions. In ed-

year-round schools mier's The Chocolate War, Anne Frank's Di-
Schools that are in session through the sum- ary of a Young Girl, and Maya Angelou's I
mer months as well as during the traditional Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, (za)
academic year. Students attend school the
same total number of days in year-round
Young Americans for Freedom (YAF)
and traditional schools; however, rather
than one long summer break, year-round A politically conservative organization for
schools have shorter breaks regularly sched- university students and youth founded in
uled throughout the year. A major purpose 1960 from the union of members of the
of year-round schools is to reduce the Youth for Goldwater for Vice-President
amount of reteaching that needs to be done Committee and some members of the Young
each fall as a result of students' forgetting, Republicans. The organization officially be-
over the long summer break, some of what gan at a conference held at the family estate
they have learned the previous year, (bba) of William F. Buckley, Jr. in Sharon, Con-
necticut, September 10-11, 1960. The con-
ference, attended by approximately 100
Young Adult Literacy Survey delegates from 44 colleges, drafted the
The first national survey of adult literacy, Sharon Statement to articulate the group's
conducted by the National Center for Edu- principles which included beliefs in a free-
cation Statistics in 1985. The survey assessed market economy and the importance of an
the literacy skills of young adults ages 16 to American victory over communism. The or-
25 along a continuum of skills used to proc-
ganization began publishing the magazine
ess written materials encountered by adults
New Guard later that year. In congruence
in a variety of contexts, (las)
with the organization's founding, YAF was
heavily involved with the 1964 presidential
young adult literature campaign of Barry Goldwater. YAF contin-
Texts in which the story lines, characters, ues to exist on various college campuses in
and reading levels are appropriate for teen- some form. In 2000, Erik Johnson of Yale
age readers. Classic young adult novels in- University assumed National Chairmanship
clude S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders, Harper of YAF and opened a new YAF headquarter
Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Robert Cor- office in Wilmington, Delaware, (nt)

Young People's Socialist League

Young People's Socialist League agreement with the school and an employer
Also known as "YPSL," socialist organiza- under which the employer provides an op-
tion officially founded in 1915 for youth be- portunity for the apprentice to learn a skilled
tween the ages of 15 and 30. The active trade or occupation as part of a formal
membership before World War I (estimated school-to-work learning opportunity, (db)
between 5,000 to 10,000) was decreased due See also apprentice.
to government repression. In the early 1920s
it was reorganized under Harvard student youth apprenticeship program
Albert Weisbord. During the Great Depres- Normally a multiyear program that merges
sion of the 1930s its activities engaged labor work- and school-based learning in a partic-
and unemployment movements. YPSL en- ular occupational area or career cluster and
countered competition from Communist
is intended to directly lead into either an as-
Party youth movements but is credited with
sociated postsecondary program, entry-level
being a key predecessor of the student move-
job, or apprenticeship program, (jb)
ment of the 1960s. By 1972 it had virtually
stopped all activities and in 1977 was offi-
cially disbanded, (vmm) Youth Leadership Development
programs (See ASPIRA)
youth apprentice
A young person who, with approval from a YPSL (See Young People's Socialist
parent or guardian, has entered into an League)

zero-based budgeting with more capable peers. A child's actual de-
A budgeting process that begins each year's velopmental level refers to functions that
budget at zero and requires the budgeting have already matured and are therefore the
unit to justify its entire budget each year. In- end products of development. On the con-
itiated by Texas Instruments, Inc., the term trary, the zone of proximal development re-
was often associated with the federal gov- fers to functions of the child that have not
ernment during Jimmy Carter's presidency. yet matured but are in the process of matu-
(cf) ration under adult guidance, in collabora-
tion, and/or in groups. The concept of zone
zone of proximal development of proximal development is a major com-
Proposed by Lev Vygotsky (1978), it is the ponent of social-constructivist theories of
distance between a child's actual develop- human development and learning, (mc)
mental level which is determined by inde- See also social development theory.
pendent problem solving (e.g., tests), and the
level of potential development by the same zoology
child determined through problem solving The branch of biology that studies animals.
and guided by an adult or in collaboration (tw)

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Contributing Editors


William E. Hanson
John P. Comings Assistant Professor, Department of Educational
Senior Research Associate, Lecturer on Educa- Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
tion, Director, NCSALL, Harvard Graduate
School of Education

Yash Bhagwanji
Jessica Hoffmann Davis Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and
Director of the Arts in Education Program; The Learning, College of Education and Human
Patricia Bauman and John Lundrum Bryant Development, University of Louisville
Senior Lecturer in Arts in Education,
Harvard Graduate School of Education

CAREER A N D V O C A T I O N A L Victoria-Maria MacDonald
EDUCATION Associate Professor, Department of Educational
James E. Bartlett Leadership and Policy Studies, Florida State
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Hu- University
man Resource Education, University of Illinois
at Urbana Champaign Scott Walter
Interim Assistant Director for Public Service and
Debra D. Bragg Outreach Librarian, Washington State Univer-
Professor and Director, Office of Community sity
College Research and Leadership, University of
Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign

Robert O. Slater
Clifford Baden Professor, Department of Educational Adminis-
Harvard Graduate School of Education tration, Texas A&M University

Contributing Editors


John Covaleskie Anne Reynolds
Professor of Education, Northern Michigan Uni- Associate Professor, Department of Instructional
versity Leadership and Academic Curriculum (ILAC),
Mathematics Education, University of Okla-
Richard Schmertzing ASSESSMENT
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Frederick G. Davidson
Department of Educational Leadership, Val- Associate Professor, Division of English as an In-
dosta State University ternational Language (DEIL), University of Il-
linois at Urb ana-Champaign

Kathleen Guinee
Harvard Graduate School of Education J. Q. Adams
Professor, Multicultural Education, Educational
and Interdisciplinary Studies, Western Illinois
Bonnie Betts Armbruster
Professor, Department of Curriculum and In-
struction, University of Illinois at Urbana- Robert E. Frederick
Champaign Professor, Movement Arts, Health Promotion,
and Leisure Studies, School of Education and
Allied Studies, Bridgewater State College
Librarian, Monroe C. Gutman Library, Harvard
Lawrence E. Rogers
Graduate School of Education
Associate Professor of Teacher Education, Col-
Nancy Patricia O'Brien lege of Education and Counseling, South Da-
Head, Education & Social Science Library, Uni- kota State University
versity of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign

HIGHER EDUCATION George A. Churukian

Professor Emeritus, Illinois Wesleyan University
Cameron Fincher
Regents Professor of Higher Education and Psy- Corey R. Lock
chology, Institute of Higher Education, Uni- Professor, Department of Middle, Secondary and
versity of Georgia K12 Education, University of North Carolina-


Julie Marie Wood Mary S. Black
Lecturer on Education, Human Development Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum
and Psychology, Harvard Graduate School of and Instruction, College of Education, Univer-
Education sity of Texas at Austin

Contributing Editors

SOCIOLOGY OF E D U C A T I O N al Information Center for Children and Youth

with Disabilities, Washington, DC
Hal F. Smith
Assistant Professor, School of Education, City
College of New York
Renee T. Clift
Professor, Department of Curriculum and In-
Suzanne Ripley struction, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Vice President and Director (NICHCY), Nation- Champaign

This page intentionally left blank

Note: A list of the contributor initials used throughLout the Dictionary can be found at the
end of this chapter.

ADULT A N D ALTERNATIVE Laura Wayth, Harvard Graduate School of Ed-


John P. Comings, Harvard Graduate School of

Lisa Soricone, Harvard Graduate School of Ed- EDUCATION
ucation Debra D. Bragg, University of Illinois at Urbana-
ART E D U C A T I O N James E. Bartlett, University of Illinois at Ur-
Jessica Hoffmann Davis, Harvard Graduate b ana-Champaign
School of Education Jeffrey A. Cantor, Norwalk Community College
K. Page Boyer, Harvard Business School Susan Faulkner, Educational Consultant
Karin B. Cooper, Harvard Graduate School of Howard R. D. Gordon, Marshall University
Education Kenneth Gray, Pennsylvania State University
Kim Frumin, Harvard Graduate School of Edu- Chadwick Higgens, Louisiana State University
cation Sandra Kerka, Ohio State University
Lama Jarudi, Harvard Graduate School of Edu- Jennifer Morales, Ascot Avenue Elementary
cation School, Los Angeles
Tyler Kemp-Benedict, Harvard Graduate School Susan Sears, Ohio State University
of Education
Yujie Julia Li, Harvard Graduate School of Ed-
Jane B. Lindamood, Harvard Graduate School of PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Clifford Baden, Harvard Graduate School of Ed-
Katie McCarthy, Harvard Graduate School of
Ethan Mintz, Harvard Graduate School of Edu- Joan M. Burke, University of Georgia
cation Jannette Gutierrez, University of Georgia
Anne Proctor, Harvard Graduate School of Ed- JuSung Jun, University of Georgia
ucation Amelia Maness, University of Georgia


Catherine Monaghan, University of Georgia Michael J. Scheel, University of Nebraska-Lin-

Mary Kathryn Robinson, University of Georgia coln
Janice Saturday, University of Georgia Jenjee Sengkhammee, University of Wisconsin-
Diane Vreeland, University of Georgia Madison
Meredith K. Taylor, Virginia Commonwealth
Tammi Vacha-Haase, Colorado State University
COUNSELING A N D GUIDANCE Angela Byars Winston, University of Wisconsin-
William E. Hanson, University of Nebraska-Lin- A. Yang, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Felito Aldarondo, Purdue University

Kate A. Barrett, University of Nebraska-Lincoln EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION
Jennifer Bruning Brown, Stanford University Yash Bhagwanji, University of Louisville
Laura Burlingame-Lee, Colorado State University
Patricia Cerda, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Donna Bell, National Center for Family Literacy
Kathleen Condon, University of Northern Colo- Jeffrey Berg, University of Louisville
rado Todd Brown, University of Louisville
Susan C. M. Crane, University of Northern Col- Melissa Carpenter, University of Louisville
orado Cybil Cheek, University of Louisville
Kyle T. Curry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Kristina Christensen, University of Louisville
Suzanne Cutler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Mark Condon, University of Louisville
Don Daughtry, University of North Dakota Amanda Davis, University of Louisville
Mary E. Dawes, Arizona State University Elizabeth Everett, University of Louisville
Maria de la Luz Perez, University of Wisconsin- Melissa Ferguson, University of Louisville
Madison Jill Jacobi-Vessels, University of Louisville
Brett Deacon, Minneapolis VA Medical Center Rich Luekenga, University of Louisville
Melissa Ferguson, University of Louisville Kelly McPerson-Shuff, University of Louisville
Lisa L. Frey, University of Oklahoma Victoria Molfese, University of Louisville
Christine A. Gibbon, University of Nebraska- Jamie Morgenstern, University of Louisville
Lincoln Jessica Neamon, University of Louisville
Michael G. Gottfried, Valparaiso University Elizabeth Rightmyer, University of Louisville
J. Irene Harris, Texas Tech University J. Lea Smith, University of Louisville
Tania Israel, University of California-Santa Bar- Ximena P. Suarez-Sousa, University of Louisville
bara Shona Terrell, University of Louisville
Brian D. Johnson, University of Northern Colo- Anna Twyman, University of Louisville
rado Phoebe Williamson, University of Louisville
Robin E. Macdonald, University of Wisconsin-
Melissa C. Magreta, University of Wisconsin- E D U C A T I O N HISTORY
Victoria-Maria MacDonald, Florida State Uni-
Elissa M. McElrath, University of Oklahoma
Laura-Renee Mendoza, University of Wisconsin- versity
Madison Scott Walter, Washington State University
Brad M. Merker, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Asa M. Miura, University of Wisconsin-Madison Alex J. Angulo, Harvard Graduate School of Ed-
Allison Olson, University of Wisconsin-Madison ucation
Douglas H. Olson, Minneapolis VA Medical Mark Bay, Cumberland College
Center Scott Beck, University of Georgia
Carey A. Pawlowski, University of Nebraska- Jayne Beilke, Ball State University
Lincoln Mary S. Black, University of Texas at Austin
Kelly S. Petska, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Brent Blanton, University of Southern California
Robert N. Portnoy, University of Nebraska-Lin- Ronald Butchart, University of Georgia
coln Timothy Reese Cain, University of Michigan


Janell Carter, Wilkens University Linda Weber, University of Southern California

Melissa Cast, University of Nebraska-Omaha M. Keith Whitescarver, College of William and
Nadine Cohen, University of Georgia Mary
Jackie Cossentino, University of Maryland Andrea Williams, Midwestern State University,
Stephanie Davis-Kahl, University of California- Kansas
Irvine Christine Woyshner, Temple University
Laura Dewhirst, Florida State University William Wraga, University of Georgia
Linda Eisenmann, University of Massachusetts,
Anne Fields, Ohio State University EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION,
Wanda Gill, United States Department of Edu- M A N A G E M E N T , A N D POLICY
Robert O. Slater, Texas A&M University
Adam Golub, University of Texas at Austin
Lisa Gonzalez, Christian College Carolina Leal, Texas A&M University
Millie Gore, Midwestern State University, Kansas Marilyn Martin, Texas A&M University
Jan Price Greenough, University of California- Billy Duane McFadden, Texas A&M University
Berkeley Troy Mooney, Texas A&M University
Cheryl Grossman, Ohio State University Teresa Parish, Texas A&M University
Laurel Haycock, University of Minnesota Jerri B. Roemer, Texas A&M University
Rita Herron, Florida State University Betty Sanders, Texas A&M University
Elaine Gass Hirsch, Lewis & Clark College Jill K. Steward-Trier, Texas A&M University
Andrea Howard, Florida State University Kathy Stewart, Texas A&M University
Karen L. Janke, Indiana University Lee Yeager, Texas A&M University
Christine King, Purdue University
Kevin Kosar, New York University
Lee LaFleur, Cornell University EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY
Jeneen LaSee-Willemssen, The Conserve School John Covaleskie, Northern Michigan University
Keith Leitich, Seattle, WA
Marlow Matherne, Florida State University Jan Bengtsson, Goteborg University
Douglas Mikutel, Florida State University Donald Bloomenfeld-Jones, Arizona State Univer-
Jenna Montgomery, Florida State University sity
Patricia Moran, Florida State University Deron R. Boyles, Georgia State University
Laurie Mullen, Ball State University Nicholas C. Burbules, University of Illinois at Ur-
Sharon Naylor, Illinois State University bana-Champaign
CM! Palacio, Florida State University Eva Maria Cadavid, University of Rochester
Connie Phelps, University of New Orleans Stephen Clinton, The Orlando Institute
Beth Rapps, Independent Scholar Paul S. Collins, University of Rochester
Stephanie Robinson, Ball State University Randall Curren, University of Rochester
Denise Rosenblatt, National Library of Educa- Peggy Ruth Geren, Augusta State University
tion Ignacio Gotz, New School of Hofstra University
John Rudolph, University of Wisconsin-Madison Thomas F. Green, Syracuse University
Shennika Rutledge, Florida State University Maughn Gregory, Montclair State University
Ian Harris, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Kimberley Schlussel, Arlington, VA Public
Felicity Haynes, The University of Western Aus-
Schools tralia
Gregory Spano, University of New Orleans Robert D. Heslep, University of Georgia
Eileen Tamura, University of Hawaii Ken Howe, University of Colorado
Natalia Taylor, Georgia State University Jose A. Ibanez-Martin, University Complutense
Kim Tolley, Independent Scholar of Madrid
Aleta Underwood, Florida State University Patrick Keeney, Okanagan University College
Jennie Ver Steeg, Northern Illinois University Laura Kerr, Stanford University
Helga Visscher, University of Alabama Rodman King, University of Rochester
Heather Voke, Association for Supervision and Natasha Levinson, Kent State University
Curriculum Development David Levy, University of Rochester


William Losito, University of Dayton GENERAL EDUCATION

Michael B. Mathias, Union College
Alven Nieman, Notre Dame University John W. Collins III, Harvard Graduate School of
Jana Noel, California State University, Sacra- Education
mento Nancy Patricia O'Brien, University of Illinois at
Suzanne Rice, University of Kansas Urb ana-Champaign
Emily Robertson, Syracuse University
Marjorie Hodges Shaw, Cornell University Preston B. Cline, Harvard Graduate School of
Barbara Thayer-Bacon, Bowling Green State Uni- Education
versity Thomas Hehir, Harvard Graduate School of Ed-
Roben Torosyan, Pace University ucation
Gabriel Uzquiano, University of Rochester Stephanie L. Standerfer, University of Virginia
Susan Verducci, Stanford University Jeffrey M. Wright, Harvard Graduate School of
Gregory R. Wheeler, University of Rochester Education
Kevin Williams, Dublin City University Tim Wright, Stevens Point Area Public Schools,
Stevens Point, WI

Richard Schmertzing, Valdosta State University Cameron Fincher, University of Georgia
Jeffrey David Ehrenreich, University of New Or-
Paul S. Baker, Hampden-Sydney College
Randall V. Bass, Valdosta State University
Janice Janz, Tulane University
Jenny W. Best, University of Georgia
Bradley A.U. Levinson, Indiana University
John M. Casey, University of Georgia
Joseph A. Maxwell, George Mason University
James Eck, Rollins College
A. Lorraine Schmertzing, Valdosta State Univer-
Elizabeth Farokhi, Georgia State University
Catherine Finnegan, University of Georgia
Marydee A. Spillett, University of New Orleans
John Fleischmann, Georgia State University
Shana Walton, Tulane University
Susan H. Frost, Emory University
Barbara Wand, Tulane University
Marc Galvin, University of Georgia School of
EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY A N D Timothy Letzring, University of Mississippi
MEDIA Claire Major, University of Alabama
Doug Mann, University of Georgia
Kathleen Guinee, Harvard Graduate School of Tom Redmon, Southern Association of Indepen-
Education dent Schools
Ann Crawford, Trinity College Randy L. Swing, Brevard College
Heping Hao, SUNY at Albany
Jon Hobbs, SUNY at Albany
Ilona E. Holland, Harvard Graduate School of LANGUAGE ARTS A N D READING
Julie Marie Wood, Harvard Graduate School of
Elias Holman, Harvard Graduate School of Ed-
Trudilyne Leone Lord, Harvard Graduate School Zoe Agnew, Harvard Graduate School of Edu-
of Education cation
Pamela L. Whitehouse, Harvard Graduate School Marianne Castao, Harvard Graduate School of
of Education Education
Zheng Yan, SUNY at Albany Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Harvard Gradu-
ate School of Education
Jane Katz, Harvard Graduate School of Educa-
Bonnie Betts Armbruster, University of Illinois at Hyun-Jung Kim, Harvard Graduate School of
Urb ana-Champaign Education


Mark Langager, Harvard Graduate School of Ed- MULTICULTURAL A N D

Stefka Masinova-Todd, Harvard Graduate
School of Education J. Q. Adams, Western Illinois University
Jill Korey O'Sullivan, Harvard Graduate School Gloria Delaney-Barmann, Western Illinois Uni-
of Education versity
Yuuko Uchikoshi, Harvard Graduate School of Sharon R. Stevens, Western Illinois University
Education Janice R. Welsch, Western Illinois University
Amy Warren, Harvard Graduate School of Edu-
Robert E. Frederick, Bridgewater State College
Anne Reynolds, University of Oklahoma
Keith V. Adolphson, University of Oklahoma Lawrence E. Rogers, South Dakota State Univer-
William Arbuckle, University of Oklahoma sity
Donald B. Cagle, University of Oklahoma
Darlinda Cassell, University of Oklahoma
S. Megan Che, University of Oklahoma SECONDARY EDUCATION
Cathy DeVaughan, Southwestern Oklahoma
State University Corey R. Lock, University of North Carolina-
Vicki Darlene Flournoy, University of Oklahoma Charlotte
Karen Hemmerling, University of Oklahoma
George A. Churukian, Illinois Wesleyan Univer-
Jaime Keel, University of Oklahoma
Gabriel Matney, University of Oklahoma
Stacy Reeder, University of Oklahoma James F. Burnham, University of North Carolina-
Kerri Richardson, University of Oklahoma Charlotte
Ron Koehn, Southwestern Oklahoma State Uni- Patricia J. Gibson, University of North Carolina-
versity Charlotte
Paula Schornick, Oklahoma Baptist University Darlene Guerrero, Charlotte, North Carolina
Sandra Davis Trowell, Valdosta State University Debra S. Morris, West Lincoln High School,
Elaine Young, University of Oklahoma North Carolina
Janice T. Ritter, University of North Carolina-

Frederick G. Davidson, University of Illinois at Mary S. Black, University of Texas at Austin
Urb ana-Champaign
Irma Garcia Bakenhaus, University of Texas at
Teresa Chen, California State University at Long Austin
Beach Chara Haeussler Bohan, Baylor University
Yeonsuk Cho, University of Illinois at Urbana- James J. Carpenter, University of Texas at Austin
Champaign Jamel K. Donnor, University of Texas at Austin
Silva Dushku, University of Illinois at Urbana- Cynthia Duda DuBois, University of Texas at
Champaign Austin
Kate Hahn, University of Illinois at Urbana- Marilyn Eisenwine, University of Texas at Austin
Champaign Connie Elam, University of Texas at Austin
Ashley Lanting, Indiana University Kristi Fragnoli, SUNY at Cortland
Brian Lynch, Portland State University, Oregon Melaney Kay Gillaspie, Old Dominion University
Serena Pyo, Woosong University, Taejeon, Korea Judith A. Hakes, University of Texas at Austin
Sara Cushing Weigle, Georgia State University Chris Leahey, University of Texas at Austin


Karon Nicol LeCompte, University of Texas at ag Adam Golub

Austin ah Andrea Howard
Patricia D. Martin, University of Texas at Austin aja Alex J. Angulo
Richard Milner, University of Texas at Austin al Ashley Lanting
Frances E. Monteverde, University of Texas at aim Amelia Maness
Austin als A. Lorraine Schmertzing
J. Wesley Null, University of Texas at Austin alw Andrea Williams
Jo Beth Oestreich, University of Texas at Austin amm Asa M. Miura
Karen Riley, University of Texas at Austin amr Anne Reynolds
E. Wayne Ross, University of Louisville an Alven Nieman
Kathleen Scott, University of Texas at Austin ao Allison Olson
Jared Stallones, University of Texas at Austin ap Anne Proctor
Barbara S. Stern, University of Texas at Austin at Anna Twyman
Donna Love Vliet, University of Texas at Austin aw Amy Warren
Erik Wilson, University of Texas at Austin ay A. Yang
Sandra E. Wolf, University of Texas at Austin baul Bradley A.U. Levinson
baw Barbara Wand
bba Bonnie Armbruster
Hal F. Smith, City College of New York bdj Brian D. Johnson
bgr Beth Rapps
bjl Betty Liebovich
bib Brenda L. Bowen
Suzanne Ripley, National Information Center for bmm Brad M. Merker
Children and Youth with Disabilities, Wash- bs Betty Sanders
ington, DC
bsb Brent Blanton
Jessica C. Penchos, Harvard Graduate School of bss Barbara S. Stern
Education bt-b Barbara Thayer-Bacon
cag Christine A. Gibbon
cap Carey A. Pawlowski
TEACHER EDUCATION caw Christine Woyshner
cb Chara Haeussler Bohann
Renee T. Clift, University of Illinois at Urbana-
cd Cynthia Duda DuBois
ce Connie Elam
Jeehae Ahn, University of Illinois at Urbana- cf Cameron Fincher
Champaign cfl Catherine Finnegan
Russell Binkley, University of Illinois at Urbana- ch Chadwick Higgens
Champaign chb Clifford Baden
Brenda L. Bowen, University of Illinois at Ur- chm Catherine Monaghan
bana-Champaign cjb Jeffrey Berg
Patricia Brady, University of Illinois at Urbana- ck Christine King
Champaign ckc Cybil Cheek
Cari L. Klecka, University of Illinois at Urbana- cl Carolina Leal
Champaign elk Cari L. Klecka
Betty Liebovich, University of Illinois at Urbana- clp Connie Phelps
Champaign cm! CM! Palacio
cml Claire Major
Contributors by Initials cmdv
Cathy DeVaughan
Chris Leahey
ab Angela Byars Winston crll Corey R. Lock
ac Ann Crawford crsg Cheryl Grossman
ad Amanda Davis db Debra D. Bragg
af Anne Fields dbl Donna Bell


dbc Donald B. Cagle jbl Jan Bengtsson

db-j Donald Bloomenfeld-Jones jbb Jennifer Bruning Brown
dc Darlinda Cassell jbl Jane B. Lindamood
dd Don Daughtry jbo Jo Beth Oestreich
dg Darlene Guerrero jc John Covaleskie
dho Douglas H. Olson jcl Janell Carter
djr Denise Rosenblatt jc2 Jackie Cossentino
dl David Levy jcp Jessica C. Penchos
dm Billy Duane McFadden )d Jessica Davis
dml Doug Mann jde Jeffrey David Ehrenreich
dmv Diane Vreeland jdk Jaime Keel
drb Deron R. Boyles je James Eck
dsm Debra S. Morris jf John Fleischmann
dv Donna Love Vliet jfb James F. Burnham
dwm Douglas Mikutel jg Jan Price Greenough
ec Eva Maria Cadavid jh Jon Hobbs
ecr Elizabeth Rightmyer jih J. Irene Harris
ee Elizabeth Everett ji-m Jose A. Ibanez-Martin
ef Elizabeth Farokhi jjc James J. Carpenter
egh Elaine Gass Hirsch jk Jill Korey O'Sullivan
eh Elias Holman jkd Jamel K. Donnor
eht Eileen Tamura jlj Jill Jacobi-Vessels
em Ethan Mintz ja- John Rudolph
emm Elissa M. McElrath ils J. Lea Smith
er Emily Robertson jlw Jeneen LaSee-Willemssen
ew Erik Wilson jm Jennifer Morales
ewr E. Wayne Ross jmb Joan M. Burke
ey Elaine Young jmc John M. Casey
fa Felito Aldarondo jmo Jamie Morgenstern
fd Fred Davidson jmw Julie Marie Wood
fern Frances E. Monteverde jn Jana Noel
fh Felicity Haynes jne Jessica Neamon
gac George A. Churukian jpc John P. Comings
gd-b Gloria Delaney-Barmann jqa J.Q. Adams
grw Gregory R. Wheeler jr Jerri B. Roemer
gs Gregory Spano jrb Jayne Beilke
gtm Gabriel Matney jrj Janice Janz
gu Gabriel Uzquiano jrk Jane Katz
hbv Helga Visscher jrm Jenna Montgomery
hfs Hal F. Smith jrs Jared Stallones
hg Howard R.D. Gordon jrw Janice R. Welsch
hh Heping Hao js Janice Saturday
h-jk Hyun-Jung Kim jsl Jenjee Sengkhammee
hrm H. Richard Milner jsj JuSung Jun
hv Heather Voke jt Jill K. Steward-Trier
ieh Ilona E. Holland jtr Janice T. Ritter
ig Ignacio Gotz jv Jennie Ver Steeg
igb Irma Garcia Bakenhaus jw Jeffrey M. Wright
ih Ian Harris jwb Jenny W. Best
ja Jeehae Ahn jwc John W. Collins
jac Jeffrey A. Cantor jwg Jannette Gutierrez
jah Judith A. Hakes jwn J. Wesley Null
jam Joseph A. Maxwell kab Kate A. Barrett
jb James E. Bartlett kbc Karin B. Cooper


kc Kathleen Condon mgl Millie Gore

kdc Kristina Christensen mg2 Marc Galvin
kf Kim Frumin mgg Michael G. Gottfried
kfl Kristi Fragnoli mhi-y Mary Helen Immordino-Yang
kg Kenneth Gray mhs Marjorie Hodges Shaw
kgl Kathleen Guinee mje Marilyn Eisenwine
kgh Karen Hemmerling mjs Michael J. Scheel
kh Ken Howe mkg Melaney Kay Gillaspie
khl Kate Hahn mkr Mary Kathryn Robinson
kl Keith Leitich mkt Meredith K. Taylor
klj Karen L. Janke mkw M. Keith Whitescarver
km Katie McCarthy ml Mark Langager
kms Kelly McPerson-Shuff mlp Maria de la Luz Perez
knl Karon Nicol LeCompte mm Marilyn Martin
kpb K. Page Boyer mml Marlow Matherne
kr Kerri Richardson msb Mary S. Black
krl Karen Riley nb Nicholas C. Burbules
krk Kevin Kosar nc Nadine Cohen
ks Kathy Stewart nl Natasha Levinson
ksl Kathleen Scott npo Nancy Patricia O'Brien
ks2 Kimberly Schlussel nt Natalia Taylor
ksp Kelly S. Petska pbc Preston B. Cline
kt Kim Tolley pdm Patricia D. Martin
ktc Kyle T. Curry peb Patricia Brady
kva Keith V. Adolphson PJg Patricia J. Gibson
kw Kevin Williams pjm Patricia Moran
las Lisa Soricone pk Patrick Keeney
lbl L. Burlingame-Lee plw Pamela L. Whitehouse
lew Linda Weber Prg Peggy Ruth Geren
Id Laura Dewhirst ps Paula Schornick
ldc Leon D. Caldwell psb Paul S. Baker
le Linda Eisenmann psc Paul S. Collins
lg Lisa Gonzalez pw Phoebe Williamson
lh Laurel Haycock rb Ronald Butchart
lj Lama Jarudi re Randall Curren
Ijl Lee LaFleur rdh Robert D. Heslep
ljm Laurie Mullen rdk Ron Koehn
lkk Laura Kerr reb Russell Binkley
llf Lisa L. Frey rem Robin E. Macdonald
lr Larry Rogers rf Robert E. Frederick
lrm Laura-Renee Mendoza rih Rita Herron
lw Laura Wayth rk Rodman King
ly Lee Yeager rl Rich Luekenga
mas Marydee A. Spillett rls Randy L. Swing
mb Mark Bay rnp Robert N. Portnoy
mbm Michael B. Mathias ros Robert O. Slater
mc Marianne Castano rt Roben Torosyan
mcl Mark Condon rtc Renee T. Clift
mc2 Melissa Carpenter rvb Randal V. Bass
mc3 Melissa Cast rws Richard Schmertzing
mem Melissa C. Magreta salb Scott Beck
med Mary E. Dawes sc Stephen Clinton
mf Melissa Ferguson scl Suzanne Cutler
mg Maughn Gregory seme Susan C. M. Crane


sew Sara Cushing Weigle tfg Thomas F. Green

sd Silva Dushku th Thomas Hehir
sdc Sherry D. Ceperich ti Tania Israel
sdt Sandra Davis Trowell tkb Tyler Kemp-Benedict
sew Sandra E. Wolf tl Timothy Letzring
sf Susan Faulkner til Trudilyne Leone Lord
shf Susan H. Frost tm Troy Mooney
sk Sandra Kerka tp Teresa Parish
sir Stacy Reeder tr Tom Redmon
sis Stephanie L. Standerfer trc Timothy Reese Cain
smc S. Megan Che tvh Tammi Vacha-Haase
smt Stefka Masinova-Todd tw Tim Wright
sn Sharon Naylor vdf Vicki Darlene Flournoy
snr Stephanie Robinson vm Victoria Molfese
sp Serena Pyo vmm Victoria-Maria MacDonald
sr Suzanne Ripley weh William E. Hanson
srl Suzanne Rice wg Wanda Gill
sr2 Shennika Rutledge wgw William Wraga
srd Stephanie Davis-Kahl wja William Arbuckle
srs Sharon R. Stevens wl William Losito
ss Susan Sears xss Ximena P. Suarez-Sousa
St Shona Terrell yb Yash Bhagwanji
sv Susan Verducci yc Yeonsuk Cho
sw Scott Walter yji Yujie Julia Li
swl Shana Walton yu Yuuko Uchikoshi
tb Todd Brown za Zoe Agnew
tc Teresa Chen zy Zheng Yan

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About the Editors

JOHN W. COLLINS III is Librarian of the NANCY PATRICIA O'BRIEN is Head of the
Harvard Graduate School of Education and Education and Social Science Library at the
a member of the Faculty of Education. He University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
directs the Monroe C. Gutman Library, and Professor of Library Administration.
which maintains significant collections in the She was named the Distinguished Education
field of education and provides a full range and Behavioral Sciences Librarian in 1997
of research support services to the scholarly by the Association of College and Research
community. Collins is a specialist in infor- Libraries. She served as Chair of the Execu-
mation technology and serves on a number tive Committee of the National Education
of national boards and task forces. He re- Network, the outreach arm of the National
cently completed work designing a new Na- Library of Education, from 1998 to 2002.
tional Library of Education and is currently Professor O'Brien has written articles and
consulting with the U.S. Department of Ed- presented papers on the history, organiza-
ucation in developing and implementing the tion, management, and preservation of edu-
National Education Network. cation and testing resources in libraries.


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