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At The Supermarket

Okay, I’m at the supermarket. Let me see if I have my

shopping list with me. “Oh, here it is!”, let me put on my
mask and head over to get a cart. “Oh my gosh! I forgot
my rubber gloves. I look around and I see that there’s a
sign that says that the supermarket provides free gloves.
So, I got me some. Suddenly I bump into my neighbor
Kelly and she asks me “ do you know how to separate
recycled trash from the regular trash? If you don’t I can
show you.” So I reply “why do you ask me this here at the
supermarket? At. This moment I don’t care about my
trash at all. I have important stuff to buy. If you want to
share with me your thoughts about separating trash, we
can continue this conversation back home. See you later!”.
So Kelly replies: “ Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just
emailed the landlord with this question and he hasn’t
replied for a week, that’s why I asked you. Have a good
day!”. So I reply to Kelly: “ wait just a moment, I have a
lot of free time today and I suggest we get together later
to talk about it over a cup of coffee at the Seven Stars

Bakery. They have new recipes direct from Paris for
croissants and we will try them. Afterwards we can look at
the Bakery’s trash container and I can explain to you how
to separate trash.” So Kelly says, “I’m so glad for your
kind offer. Actually, I’m launching a new environment
project called Clean Providence and we are asking for
donations, would you care to become a member?”
After this conversation I check my shopping list and
realize that I don’t know how to ask the Butcher for one
kilo of ground beef in pounds. Suddenly, I remember how
to convert kilos into pounds and I ask the butcher “I
would like two pounds of ground beef ”. The butcher
answers: “ we don’t have that much”. So I think to myself:
it’s so sad. I am expecting two guests in a couple of days,
so I’ll come to the store tomorrow to buy as much meat as
I want.


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