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the movie was released on October 17,2017, the movie is based on the weather

disasters, the director is, Dean Devlin, He was born in New York on August 27,
1967.the characters are
Gerard Butler like Jake. Designer engineer Dutch Boy
Abbie Cornish like agent Sarah. Girlfriend of Max
Alexandra Maria Lara like Ute Fassbinder. Commander of the ICSS.
Jim Sturgess like Max. Brother of Jake
Ed Harris like Secretary Dekkom.2
Andy Garcia like President Palma.2
Amr waked like Dussette. Member of the crew of the ICSS.
Eugenio Derbez like Hernandez. Member of the crew of the ICSS.
The budget of the movie is 120 000 000 and the collection of this movie is 221 000 000
and the settings are Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo, Afghanistan, Orlando.
The plot is about the weather disasters in all the world and the people build a system
called Dutch boy and it controls the nature mother We want to change one part of the
movie in the middle of the movie when Max is trying of to know of who is the virus
that he thinks about Duncan because he was strange and that the system doesn’t

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