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Inputs / outputs
1. User name & pass word (security)
2. Documentation files
3. The title of files
4. Overview for this file
5. Name of owner
1. Edited Documentation files
2. Name of developers who did edit the files
3. Order of the editing with time
4. The reasons of these editing
5. The original files with owner name
1. Input your name

2. Input your password

3. If the name & password are correct

4. Write( “hello ”+”name ”)

5. Delay two seconds

6. Show on screen this lest

A.Up load a file
B. Show the projects

7. If the member chosed (A)

8. Inputs the title of files
9. Sort your files about what? ( front-
end , back-end , designing ,…etc)
10. Write short essay about the aims

11. If the name & password are correct

12. If the vistor want to up load files
split with respect to its type

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