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Guddanti Damarakeswar

Guddanti Damarakeswar is a senior student at Sri Chaitanya Junior College Eluru, Andhra Pradesh
and currently taking up a bachelor's degree in Engineering at National Institute of Technology Andhra
Pradesh. As a science student he has trained to perform highly in different fields such as event
organization, project works, course management and screenwriting. His dedication is what sets him
apart from everybody else.


It came back in one single moment.

The fear returned to laugh at me
like a prisoner begging to be free.
Unable to speak wishing to disappear,
shut myself away
and stop trusting anyone again.
It kills me.
She still lives there
haunting violently in my memories,
spitting out her rage
and her big fists clenched ready
to beat me again.
Take me seriously,
this isn't a story that needs pity
and I'm a Man who needs justice!
Understand I am exhausted from constantly moving,
always staying busy with sleeping rarely.
Turn back the clock.
Stop this nightmare!
Box of Insecurities

We all come with a big box of insecurities

and what if the main content in that box is us?
What if I screw up?
What if the person I love won't accept me as I am?
What if someone doesn't accept your love?

We all come with a big box of insecurities

and we don't know the content in it.
Don't know whether something will happen,
don’t know what should one say or do,
don’t know how things will go,
don’t know if there is future to this relationship.

We all come with a big box of insecurities.

Be it anything inside,
we lose the present moment,
we lose the present feeling;
we may lose an opportunity to create something that can happen,
we may lose a person we love.

We all come with a box of insecurities which hurts us,

it makes us overthink,
it makes us sleepless,
it makes us unhealthy,
it destroys our present.

Why not give up the box?

Why not live in the present with confidence?
Why not try to grab the opportunities?
Why not try speaking to someone in love?
We all come with a box of insecurities...

A Girl and her Insecurities

You decide where I go and what I wear,

You decide who I talk to and for how long,
You decide how close I let people in my life;
And of course, you decide how I feel about myself deep inside.

You can hide the sun from the seed wailing to sprout,
You can hide the talents dormant in a creative heart,
You can hide the turning wheels in an overactive brain,
And of course, you can turn a happy day into one of pain.

While you fight the bravery with doubt,

While you kill off ideas before they blossom,
While you cripple a soul made to wander,
Just know that after every lightening, there comes thunder.

When the war of passion comes rolling in,

When I find the microphone and use my voice,
When I show the world my kind of flower,
You shall stumble and lose your power.

For I decide that I deserve to be free,

For I decide that I am good enough,
For I decide that I'm made for something more,
And of course, insecurities, I decide how long you control me!

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