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The Ascension of Jesus

Today, not even I can believe what happened after all the things we have gone through. JESUS LEFT
US! Just when we thought we were going to get used to the fact that He has risen from the dead, He
leaves once again. But let us say that was not what exactly happened.

He took us to eat with him at lunch, (I was hungry!) and told us to stay in Jerusalem and wait until
we receive what The Father Almighty promised to send. He reminded us that we were receiving the
Holy Spirit to be baptised with.

We wondered why He was telling us this as we asked whether it was the time to give the People of
Israel their kingdom again. He replied, ‘The Father is the only one who has the authority to decide
dates and times. They are not for you to know. But the Holy Spirit will come on you and give you
power. You will be my witnesses.’ He then said we were to tell everyone in the world about Him.

The sentence echoed in my head as I pondered on it. How was I going to go around the world? In the
end, I had to think of it later for I saw a cluster of clouds spiralling above Jesus. I looked at the
others, checking if I was hallucinating. I should have guessed this was real for they were all gawping
at The Lord, as He ascended into the clouds. He was gone. Undeniably, everyone must have had the
same questions as me. Before a gossip could start, two people in dazzling white clothes stood before
us, saying, ‘Men from Galilee, why are you standing here looking into the sky? You saw Jesus carried
away from you into heaven. He will come back in the same way you saw him go.’

I felt astonished. He was the only one that knew what to do for us. Now that He was gone, what
were we to do in the next few days? I felt angry, frustrated. But I realised that He had to go. He told
us to go on this mission, and we cannot let him down. Most importantly, He would return, in the
form of the Holy Spirit, guiding us through this difficult journey.

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