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The physician: The science vs the

The physician is a historical drama film based on the novel publish in 1986 bay
Noah Gordon, the film was written and directed by Philipp Stölzl in 2013 ; The
film starts in 1.012 A.D. England, in where a kid named Rob Cole is orphaned
when his mother died for the side sickness, a disease that was unaware, he decide to
stay with a barber-surgeon who teaches Rob about the medieval medicine.

When he grows up, he became more curious about the medicine and what is inside
the human body, the latter is a serious felony punish by the church with the dead,
so he travel to middle east to learn with Avicena, “the prince of doctors”, Rob will
have to hide this religion, name and curiosity for not to be discovered.

The film had a budget of $32 million and it raises a total of more that $57
million, we can stand out the visuals and the scene design, you get involved in 11th
century Isfahan, also, the acting of Ben Kingsley who embody the famous
professor Avicena, the only problem that the film has is that simplify the Avicena
Character to be an Historical drama movie, so we can´t see the contributions of the
prince of the doctors, also, they changed how he died.

In my point of view, the film is very interesting, you get into Rob´s role, the
curiosity he had, the desire to learn and help about the life; I will recommend this
movie to everybody, especially to the people who wants to became part of the
health science, The physician show how the medicine was a millennium ago, where
the illness was consider as a divine punishment.

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