Qbank DMD - Anatomy

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‘The aim of ethics is said to be which of the following? ‘A) benavier general consistent withthe principles ethical philosophers have been able to agree on over te past several centutes B) creating « communty of individuals whe can count on each otnerto advance commonly agreed posiive behavier CC) creating rules that are clear enough to unambiguously identify those who fairto Eve up to them D) deep understending of human nature Clear ancwor he correct answer is (B), If all we mean by ethics is. general approaches for enhancing behavior thet promotes social good, we may not nesd rules al, All hat is required is some understanding of how incivicual behavior contributes fo or detracts from social well-being. The “aim” of ethics is to Scvicristaile i city cial batunicira coudibhe Sdlngrees to wicedkcto crushes madially bullertaodd Which of the following are mobiized when a cell produces an excessive ameunt of protein? A)lipofusein granules B)lysosomes. ¢) mitochondris ) rough endoplasmic reticula E)allof tie above fhe correct arswar is (B). Lysosomes centain proteclytic enzymes capable of cigesting celular proteins. Endoplasmic retcula may appear to be the orrect answer since the proteins are produced by ihesomes of the rough endaplasmie reticulum. Howaver, the quastion is refarring to what accure fler these proteins are made. Mitochondria produce ATPs from the oxidation of glucose. Lipofuscin granules refers toa faty proteinaceous. iciewkal Shek abainulaies in uidor dle ie & seca of tes etc of lyuasoiios aiicel walionabe:. Which ofthe following types of epithelium lines the oropharynx? A) pseudostatiied columnar 8) simple columnar ©) simple cuboidal D) simple squamous E) stratified squamous [Gtearanswer) Hide Explanation [The comect answer is (E).A stralified squamous epithelium consists of squamous (flatiened) epithelial cells arranged in layers upon a basement jembrare. Only one layer is in contact wth the basement membrane; the other layers adhare to one another to maintain structural integrity. Although nis epithelium is referred to as squamous, many cells within the layers may not be fattened: this is due to the convention of naming epitnelia sccording to the cell type at the surface. In the deeper layers, the cells may be columnar or cuboidal. The oropharynxis lined by stratfied squamous feithelium. This type of epithelium is well suited to areas in the body subject to constant abrasion. as itis the thickest and layers can be sequentially joughed off and replaced before the basement membrane is exposed. It forms the outermost layer ofthe skin and the inner lining of the mouth, Jesophague, and vagi ‘The midale ringeal artery A) enters the skul through the formen ovale B)is typically a branch of the second part of the maxillary artery C) passes through a split in the trunk of the mandlbular nerve (V3) 1D) supplies blood to the temporal lobe of he brain E) usually arises deep to the neck of the mandible [Cearanwer he correct answer is (E). The middle meningeal artery is always found deep to the lateral pterygoid muscle, soitis arising deep to the neck of the andibi. It enters the skull by oassing through the foramen spinosum, not through foramen ovale. Remember-foramen ovale transmits the .andbular branch of tigerrinal. Athough the middle meninges! artery epoears to pass through e fork in the auriculetemperal nerve, it does not pess rough a spit in the trunk of V3. The mala meningeal artery is not a branch of the second par of the maxillary artery-it is @ very early branch that secarates from the maxilary artery almost immediately. It suppies blood to the dura mater and the bones of the crenial vault, butt does not supply the temporal lobe of the brain. The temporal lobe is supplied by the middie cerebral artery. ‘The ground substance of hyaline cattilage is basopiilic because it contains which of the following? Aj macrophages, 8) osteocytes: ©) mesotholisl calls D) osteoblasts, E} lyphocytes he correct answer is (0). Reugh-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum produces proteins for export out of the cell. The rough surface is lined with ibosomes which produce protaine. Ostencytes are mature bone calle lving within aleeady-formad bone and do not predliee large quantiias of rotein for export. Macrophages are primarily invalved in ingesting foreign material and are involved in immune respose. They do not produce iarce iuantties of export pretein. Osteodlasts are bone-forming celle which lay down Sone matrix which is primarily protein. Mesothelial cells are lining alls inside blood vassals. They do not produce large amounts of export prctein. Lymphocytes, involved primarily in immune response, do nat roduce large quantiles of export protein. if lymphocytes become plasma cells (partculatly B lymphocytes when they differentiate into plasma cells) 1en large quantities of antibodies would be produced. ‘The area at which calcification of a tocth begins is which of the following? A) enamel matrix B) cementoename! junction ©) root D) dentinoename! junction E)rone of the above fhe comect answer is (0). The calcification of atocth begins at the dentinosnamel junction. Maturation of the enamelis characterized by the gradual -ompletion of mineralization. At each level, maturation begins at the dentinal end of individual enamel rods. The actual sequence of malutirg rods, rowever, ic from cusps down towarde the cervical line. ‘The zona pellucida is associated with which ofthe following? A) corpus albicans B) cocyte ina mature folicle ©) corpus luteum 1D) cocyte in an early primary follicle E)erector spine [Glearansver| [he comect answer is (B). With the onset of pubsrty, a number of primorcial folicles begin to mature wit each ovarian cycle. The evocyte is an early rimary folicie. it undergoas several important changes as it matures. It begins to increase hn size. The surrounding epithelial cells, the follcle cells, hange from flat to cuboidal end a layer of acellular material is deposited on the surface of the ovocyte. This material which is produced by the licula cells as well as the oocyte gradvaly increases in thickness ferming the zora palucida present in a mature ‘alice of the oacyle. The corpus, juteum is formed by the luteal cels folowing ovuletion and secretes progesterone. The corpus albicars is e mass of fibrote scar tissue and itis med by the degeneration of the corpus kiteum when fertilization fails te occur. ‘Which of the following bones is part of the superior wal (roof) ofthe orbit? A)ethmoia 8) lacrimal ©) maxilla D) sphenod E) zygomatic he correct answer is (0). Tha bat-shaped sphenoid bone sits at the base ofthe skull with the wings comprising part of the bony erbit or aye socket each side, Located in the central body of the sohenoid bone, the saddle-shaped concavity known as the sella turcica houses the pituitary glanc. Extending from each side of the body are the greater winge of the sphensid bone, which curve in @ cuserior and lateral direction to form par of the ral floor. The lesser wings of the sphenoid bone also spread outward, forming the posterior portion of the orbital roof on each side, Several rellabiia: eeletinn, Veins, and hervde tersieaie the araler ari ieneer Wide ellie epliaridd io artes and ionea the oibta: Which of the following papillae of the tongue ere the largest, are the least rurerous, have many taste buds, and are associated with the ducts of von Ebner's glands?” A) cireurnvallate By flform ©) foliete ) fungiform Steacanswer] Hide Explanation [The correct answer is (A). The mucosa of the dorsal surface of the tongue has four different types of lingual paotlae. Some of these have a mechanical function white ethers bear taste buds and have a sensory function. (C) The folate papilae coniain only afew taste buds and resemble harp parallel ce‘ts of varying lengtns on the lateral tongue. (8) Tre fliform papillae covers the anterior portion ofthe tongue. These are cone haped and contain no taste buds. (D) Interspersed between the filiform papilae are the isolated ‘ungifoim papillae. These are round end recdlish 1nd contain a few taste buds, Circumvallate papilae are the largest type of lingual pepilae, They are surrounded by a deep circular groove into which pen the Cucts of von Ebner's gland, which iS a minor salivary gland. They are elso the least numerous, usually consisting of 8-12 on the tongue, and lisey cindai rhirry tastebiicl, All of the following function in the process of wine EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A) Bowman's capsule 8) distal corvoluted tubule ©) glomerulus 1D) macula densa ) proximal convoluted tubule |Gearanewer] he correct answer is (D). (A) Bowman's capsuie, (8) distal convoluted tubule, (C) glomerulus, and (E) proximal convoluted tubule all function in the reduction of urine. Macula denea functions in the regulation of bleod pressure. Langerhans cells are located primarily in which of the following? A) stratum basale 8B) stratum comeum C) stratum granulosum D) stratum lucidum E) stratum spinosum earanewer] 8 correct answer is (E). Stratum spinosum is the fourth of the five layers that make up the epidermis. Itis also called the spinous or prickle cell Jayer becauce of the presence of celle wth epiny arms diverging outward and intereonnecting with other prickle cells. The stratum spinoeum ie the rimary location for Langehans cells and aiso cortains keratinocytes. Its man function is to protect against foreign materials, and to produce and shilrs hayes oF icicle that peeved. enclsture lees frowi the skit. (sen eohdbill Wogan cot, DheeSicee > Thick Skin - ees Besal Region Which of the following is the component of bone tssue that provides kone tensile strength? A) calcified ground substance B) colegenous fibrils of matrix C)elastic fers 1) interconnecting canatcul E) periosteal connective tssue | Gearansner) ine correct arswer is (8). Tensile strenath in bone oF cartlage ‘s dependent primanly on the rumbar of collagenous fibers present Elastic fibers will ds fleibilty and elasticity, but not tensile strength. The calcified g-ound substance adde compressive strength, not tensile strength. The interconnecting canaicull serve to interconnect the lacunae which contain ostsocytes. Thay also connect the lacunae to the haversian canal which si Soca: ectial saciid. Farce’ t:isoein Mi: Vics icele-oh ai i Gace Voc ne eae cs cama: ecco dk ccaeisiaed acide stich. ‘The jugular foramen transmis vhich of the fellowing crarial nerves? ANIL IX, and XI B)IX, X, and Xil G)IK. XI, and x1 D)X, XI, and Xil E)rone of the sbove | Gearanswer] correct answers (C). The jugular foramen is an irregular foramen situated lateral to the occipital condyle. It transmits the internal juguar vein, the loesopharyngeal nerve (eranial nerve IX), the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) and the epiral acceseory nerve (cranial nerve XI). Which of the following ribs cannct be palpated? A) fist 8) second, °C) D) firstang second E) one of the above © correct answer is (A). The first rb shaft that it wide and nearly horizontal anc has the sharpest curve of the seven true ribs. Ite head has a ingle facet to articulate with tne ‘rst heracic vertebra (T').It also has tivo grooves for the sudclavan vessels, which are separated by the scalene iiksarCles This dicots Gor wis toe alepesice tidecéc:ep-cabers ‘caguthis ith tha tnateelelervand. 11. The .Skat Hs castindk be’ polpoled iis faiths clevisbe Which of the following is MOST Ikely io be involved in the process of forming an atheromatous plaque? A) granulomatous inflammation 8) reduction of LDL ) damage to the endothelium D) apoptosis E) cholesterol kiosynthes's re correct answers (C). Damage to the endothelium increases the r'sk of forming an atherosclerotic plaque. It promotes coagution, cell adhesion nd inflammation. Hypertension, smoking and diabetes are factors that promote endethelium damage. Infawnmation plays a key role, kut not ranuiomatous inflammation (A). Oxidaton, not reduction, of LDL is a promoting factor (B). Necrosis, not apoptosis, occurs over time as the plaque ts larger and causes tissue ischemia (D). Although elevated cholesteralis the most important risk factor, itis synthesized in the liver, not within the Jaques themselves (E). Endothelium damage plays an important role in inititing the formation of en atheromatous plaque. (see exhibit) Which muscle is part of the posterior abdominal wall? A) external oblique muscle B) intemal o ©) quadratus lumborum muscle D) rectus ebdominis muscle E)transversus abdominus muscle © correct answer is (C). The quacatus lumborum muscle is irregular and quadriateral in shape, and broader below than above. It arises by sponetrtic bers trom the iliolumbar ligament and the adlacent portion of the lac crest for about 5 cm. and is inserted inte tne lower border of the Jact rib for about haif te length, and by four small tendons into the apices of the transverce processes of the upper four lumber verte2rae. \ecasionally 2 second porton of this muscle is found in front ofthe preceding, it arises from the upper bordlars of the transverse processes of the Jower three or four lumbar vertebre, and is inserted into the lower margin of the last rib, The quadratus lumorum muscle is part of the posterior abdominal wal Which ofthe following abcominal muscles is responsbie for the "6-pack’” ab look in bodybuilders and main purpose is to flex the spine forward? A) external oblique B) intemal obliques () rectus abdominus D) tensverse abdominus Clear ancwr he correct answer is (C). The rectus abdominus muscle is the most superficial of the abdominal muscles. It extends from the front of the ribs to the ‘ont ofthe pelvs at ie pubis symohyss. Its main job |S to flex the spine forward. It and the external obliques affect body posture, just net as much sn is ahaha Whaiel Cbieihed avid Wamenianinis: The sachan aiblcsieirta, rebiadin la ticipate ter Bia: 0-paik abs icick in vary edeehin, ‘The secretion of which of the following with tongue development is NOT essertial to life? A) adrenal cortex. 8) pancreatic islets ©) anterior pituitory D) acrenal medulla ) parathyroids he correct answer s (0). The adrenal or suprarenal medulla, which produces epinephrine and norepinephrine, is not essential to fe. The erathyroids produce parathyroid hormone which raises blood calcium through bone resorption. Steady biood calcium level is essential. The adrenal cortex produces aldasterene which aids in sodium resorption, as wall as | cortisone and many glucacertcoids and mineral cortiecids As these are involved inion balance, the adrenal cortex is essential 0 life. The anterior pitullary, is the so-called master glend and, as such, contio's many other lands. Itprocuces, among other 1 hormones. GH, FSH. LH, ACTH and TSH. Itis considered essential to life. The pancreatic islets produce both lucagon, which raises bicod suger, and insulin, whch lowers blood sugar. Since biooc sugar contiol is essential, the pancreas is elso essential to Ife. Which of the following rruscles is relied on heavily when swinging the arms? A) bleeps brachil 8) brachiais| ©) coracobrachialis D) dettoia ) triceps brachii he correct answar is (D). The deltcic muscie is the muscle which givas the shouidsr its rounded shape. This muscle is responsible for the .bduction of the shoulder and some of the rotation of the arm or limb. In humans, the Geltoids are a common target of weight training, with people gaging in activtice like proscos to develop and sirengthen thair deltoids. In people with very well defined musculature and low sody fat, the deltoid Js often highly visible on the shoulder and upper arm. This muscle has three neads. The posterior deltoid originates at the scapula, while the arteror hd lateral dekcids connect with the collarbone. The other end of the muscle attaches ‘o the humerus, the armbone, Stucturally, the deltoid muscles semble triangles, or the greek latter A, or delta. The primary function of this muscle is to abduct the shoulder. W/hen peopl rotate a shoulder, the Jeltoid muscle does much of the work, guiding and stabilizing the movement. Outward rotation of the arm aiso involves the deltoid muscle. In 2 Leoni: nicatigla sf thd inencln asetrk, poplin talc: ever eit aires sible wellaelg erat nihjegg hhenily ain Sve leltciel nuncls for Sou weehigig wWEGR: ‘An infection in a mandibular incisor with an apex below the mylohyoid muscle drains into which of the following spaces? AA) parapharyngeal 8) sublingual C) submandibular 1D) submental E)rone of the above he correct answer is (0), The submental artery is a branch of the facial artery that runs on the underside of the chin. The submental arteryis the Jargest of the cervical branches of the facial artery. given of just as that vessel leaves the submendioular gland: itruns forward upon the mylohyoid, just below the body of the mandible, end beneath the digastric muscle. It supplies the surourding muscles, and anastomoses with the sublingual tery and with the mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar artery: atthe symphysis menti t tus upward over the border of the mandible, The jubmental vessels also supply a territory of skin in the submental eree. Surgeons can use the skin and vessels in reconstruction of tie face or the ral cavity. Odontogenic infections of a mandibular incisor with an apex blow the myichycid muscle have the potertialto epread to the sutmental pace. ifthe apex Is above the mylchycid muscle, the infection would spread to the subingual space. Both of these spaces communicate with the idsinesal taller nan. ‘Odontoblasts secrete the organic components of the dentin mauix. The fibrous mattixis MOSTLY A) keratin 8) reticular fbers (©) reabsorbed as tho dontin matures 1D) Type | collagen E) Type Il and Ill collagen Cleat anwar ‘correct ans i (D). The formation of dentin starts wth odontoblasta, celle which eacrote collagen which forms into a donee matrx of Lubes ich grow out irom the pulp ofthe tooth. These tubes are known as dentinal tubules, because they are the underlying structure ofthe dentin arsa of 11001 As the tubes grow out towards the surface ofthe tooth, they become more widely spread apart, but be dentin is stl fail porous, thanks to @ multitude of smal heles in each tooth, Fibrous connective tssu0 (FCT, is tissue madi up of high strenath, slighty strotchy fbors. Those fibers onsist mainly of Type | colagen, water and comolex strands of carbohydrates called polysaccharces. The fous connective tssue provides support and shock absorption to surrounding orgarss and bones. As fous connective tissue cells and fibers are so densely packed together, they re somatires simply referred to as dense comactive issues. Connective issue is one of the four main kinds of fssue within the Lely and is found | youghoutto hold other tissues and crgens together. The nowiving Porton of these tissues, such 2s that ‘ound in fibrous connective tissue, sisting elbctHaaly ai: Oubil: CiantdigitSa Bia tailibn: int coigiinadeltn bldniann sisy Calan Ne 0 ehipkscel ep¥idind lceisa, Glbarunadicalasd palrt Which of the foliowing joins) in the human body contain a syrovial joint with an ertcular disc? A) temporomand bul joint 8) sternoclavicular jeirt ) sacrolia joint D)AandB E)A,B, andc he correct answer is (D). A synovial jont or diarthrosis, is the most common and most movable type of ointin the bedy of a mammel. As with most 1 joints, synovial joints achieve movement at the point of contact ofthe articulating bone. An articular ciee isa thin, eval plate of fibrocartlage resent in several joints which separates synovial cavities. This separation of the cavity space allow for separate movements to o=cur in each space. he only 2 synovial joints with an articular disc in the entire human bedy are the tempporomancibular joint (oint ef the jaw) and sternoclavicular joint (saddle joint). (see exhibit) ‘The presence of valves characterizes which of the folowing? A) lymphatic vasseis and veins B) blood sinusoids only CC) lymphatic vessels only D) veins only E) blood sinuscids and blood capilaries © correct answer is (A). Within the circulatory system, valves can be found in veins of mors than 2mm in diameter and in small and medium sized lymphatic vessels. Blood sinusoids are capillaries of wide diameter but do net contain valves. Blood capillanes are small olood vessels with Keiasatiis sleds ts Sheak cldnet elocid call oad 1 piuinaical; Shida es nab Hosa abwe: Ureters travel inferiorly just the parietal peritoneum of the posterior body wall. They pass. {6 the common lac arteries 1s they enter the polis. A) ebove, anterior B) above, posterior ©) above, superior D) below, anterior E) below. posterior | Gearanswer] \ fhe comect answer is (D). The ureters are muscular tubes that propel urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. The weters arise from the renal elvis on the medial aspect of each kidney before descending towards the biadder on the front of the psoas major muse'e. Uroters travel inferiorly just below the panetal peritcneum of the posterior body wall. They pass anterior to the commen iliac arterias as they enter the pelvis. The backflow of sine is prevented by valves inown es uwelerovesical valves. in fernaiee, the ureters pasa through the mesomstrlim on the way to the erinary bladder. Which of the following forms of connective tissues has @ preponderance of amorphous ground substance over fibers? A)cartiage B) dense, irregulary arranged C) dense, regularly arranged D} loose E)reticular he correct answer is (A). Connective tissue usually cortains fibers, offen of collagen, and ground substance which is an amorshous material surrounding the fibers. In paricular, loose connective tissue Is stretchable and contains collagenous and elastic flbers and hyaluronic acid ground substance. Certlage, our correct choice, containe bere of collagen or elastic, but a much greater percentage of ground substance than found in the | ther connaetive tissues. Reticular connective tissue is primarly flrous; in particular, reticular fibers. Itis found in lymph nedes and splean and doss ‘0: contain much ground substance, Dense connective tissues consist primarily of collagenous or elastic fber bundles with only smaller amounts of uid metrix, Dense connective tissue comprises tandons and ligamerts. ‘The chorda tympani enters the infratemporal fossa after it exits the: |A) foramen lacerum 8) foramen spinosum ) petrotymparic fissure ) stylomastoid foramen | ear nsw) he correct answer is (C). The chorda tympani exits the stull through the petrotympanic fissure, The stylomastcid foramen is the space that the facial 1erve travels through to leave the skul--remerber, the chorda tympani has already separated away from the facial nerve by this point Feramien ;pirosum is a hole in the base of the skull that transmits the middle meningeal artery and vein. Finally. foramen lacerumis a ragged foramen thatis nN artfact of a cried shull. In Ife, tis closed by cartlage, Nothing passes cirecty through foramen lacerur, altiough both greater and deep petcsal 1erve pass through some of tho cartilage that fills it, in order to enter the pterygoid canal at the antericr margin of foramen lacerum. ‘The infraorbital nerve is a branch of which ofthe following? A) mandibular nerve 8) maxillary nerve ) eculomotor neve ) ophthalmic nerve E) optic nerve fhe correct arsweris (B). The maxila forms the upper jaw. part ofthe floors of the eye sockets, or erbits, and the lewer parts and sides of the nasal avities Its palatine process extends forward to create the harc palate. A hole known as the infraorotal foramen is situated in the maxila just inderneath the ork. This allows a branch of the maxllary nerve called the infraorbital nerve to emerge from the skull to supply sensation to the skin ‘the upper lip, lower eyolid, the sido of the nose and the chook. (see exhibit) ‘The posterior cervical tangle is bounded partly by which of the following? AA) splenius capitis and trapezius muscles 8B) clavicle and the longus colli muscle C) trapezius muscle 1D) vapezius and subclavius muscles E) trapezius and sternocleidomastodd muscles Clear ane he correct answer is (E). The side of the neck is often thought of as being divided into two triangles. The sternocleidomastoid muscle divides the rea into an anterior and posterior triangle. The posterior tangle is bounced by the clavicle, the posterior bordar cf the stenzocieicomastoid and the nierior border of the trapezius. The anterior tangle 's bordered by the anteticr side of the stemocleidomastoid, the lower border of the mandible, and the midline of the neck. The suéclavius is a muscle located undlemeath the pectoralis major and inserts on the clavicle and first rb. The spienius apitis is a muscle which extends the nead and neck and is located in the floor of the posterior triangle and inserts on the mastoid process. The Jongue coll ie. a muscle of the prevertebral group and ineerts on the vertebra: Blood is shunted from the pulmonary artery to the aortic arch during fetal development by means of the A) ductus arteriosus 8) ductus venosus, C) foramen ovale ) foramen secundum E] sinus venosus (iemcererwer) he correct anewat is (A). Tha ductue arterioeue ie a key arterial shunt (Auetue) in fetal life, Before birth, bleed pumped frem the heart through the ulmonary artery toward the lungs is shunted into the aorta, This arterial shunt is a short vessel called the ductus arteriosus, When the shurt is open. is said to be patent The ductus arteriosus usualy closes ator shorly a‘ter birth, permitting blood from that moment on to course from the heart irocty to the lungs. However, ifthe ductus arteriosus remains open (patent) flow reverses and blood from the aoriaie shunted loftto-right into the ulmonary artery and thence recrcuiated through the lungs. ‘Tho dentist incises the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth This incision oxtends from the molar region te the sublingual caruncle (papilla). Which of the following structural groups will be exposed frst? A) anterior belly ofthe digastric muscle, mylohyoid neve, and submental branch ofthe facial artery 8) hyoglossus and myichycid muscles, and hypoglossal nerve (C) lingual nerve, hypoglossal nerve, and aubmental branch of the facial artery 1D) ingual nerve, ingual artery, and anterior belly of the digastric muscle ) sublingual glanc, ingual nerves, and submandiivular duct ‘leas anwar Hide Expianation [The correct anewor ic E). The eublingual gland, lingual nerve and cubrrandibular duct le immodiataly deep to the mucosa of the floor of the mouth. [Thre duct of the submandibular gland crosses the lingual nerve twice, frst deeply and then superficially, as ccurses to its opening at the sublingual ‘aruncle. The hypoglossal nerve passes deep to mylohyoid and superifcal to hyogiossus as itleaves the anterior triangle to enter the floor of the bes The Ingual artery enters the tongue by passing deep to hyoglossus. The anterior belly of digastric forms a boundary of the submenial i jangle, @ subdivision of the anterior triangle of the neck. The submental artery is a branch of the fecial artary which travels with the myionyoid nerve suapicdipviadiche oid atid sarkatick dtpealat Deoxygenated blood from the transverse sinus di into which of the following? A) confluence of sinuses B) inferior sagital sinus CC) intemal jugular vein D) sigmoid sinus E) straight sinus |(cearanewer] 1 correct answer is (0). The sigmoid sinuses (lett & right), within a human head, are 2 areas beneath the brain, which allow blood veins to span the 02, from the canter of the head downward. They drain from the traneverse sinuese (under the back of the brain) to the internal jugular vein, [Decxygenated biood from the transverse sinus drains to the sigmoid sinus, which empties into the intemal jugular veins. The transverse smuses séeiite blood freer thie cerdlunsice of thinioud itboh le iccehed tthe pouledor crekikan: (eae ashi) Inferior Tholamostriste sagittal (orminal) vein sinus Choroidal vein Cavernous sinus“ Interior P0991 soperor ~aasal veta (oF Rosenthal) tranoverse sini ‘occiitel sirus sete!“ SIGMOID SINUS Atreiic folicles ere a cheractevistic of A) integument of scalp B) lymph gland C)evary ) pituitary E)thyroid he correct answer's (C). Ovaries are part of the reproductive system of female organisms. In vertebrate animals, the ovaries also produce and lease sex hormones whicn gover physical characteristics and fertity. Ovaries are extremely Important because they ensure the continued survival f the species ky producing ova, or eggs, which are intended for ferilization. Ovaries around the size of an almond, and females are actually bom all of the eggs thay wil aver have. Few folicles, grow up to the point of ovulation. Most bagin to graw and then daganerate. In young follicles the jocytes degenerate frst In secondary folicles, early changes include the presence of folfcular cells floating in the antral fuic and the invasion of ine biood vessels and connective tissue inte the grancicea celllayer. In these follicles the grenuiosa celle degenerate first, then the oocyte: he jenerating tissue is replaced by connective tissue, macrophages, and capillaries. The folicle collapses, and the follicular basement membrane jecomes wavy and thickens into amass of hyaline material called the glassy membrane. The gassy membrane is @ wavy, refractle, pint-staing line, usually U-shaped or circular. This and its associated calls are terminal remnants of atratc foliciee. The pracess of atresia (breal-down of the \varan folicies) can take several morths. It occurs continually tnroughout a woman's life, as she 's born with approximately 2,000,000 follcies ang W ctly ovulate around 600 In Hier ffelirne: ‘The parotid duct pierces the buccinator muscle opposite which of the following? A) maxilary second molar 8) mexllary first molar C) maxillary first premolar 1D) mandibular frst premoiar ) mexilary third molar [Glearansver| he correct anawerie (A). Tho parotid lari th largetof he paired elvry gland and contains eroue rater than muceus ain ari loco va space roughly bordered by me styelé process, the excerral autor mess andthe mastod process, The pare ductor Stenson duct aves he anterior border of te glen and plerces the bucchetor muscle feertet the oral eavy on he burcal surface opposle the second maxilary lars Of the ncoect choices should be noted that he sublingual and subrrandinda’ glands empl ito he floor of he mouth ard might be Onsidered to be opposte fe manciouar tet The submendiouer gand drans trough Wanovs duct mo the foor ofthe mouth, whl the SBN Gusl GluLt rece toga ec Maveatat coerinee Who aia cre neu ‘Which ofthe following cranial nerves contains parasympathetic compenents? A) abaueens 2) facie C)hypeclossel D) spinal accessory E) trigeminal 8 correct answer (@) The facial nerve is the seventh (VII) of twelve paired cranial nerves. It emerges from the brainstem between the pons andl ne medulla, and controls the muscles ct facial expression, and functions in the conveyance of taste Sersatons ‘rom the anterior two-thirds of the jongue and oral cavity. Ita's0 supplies preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to several head and neck ganglia. There are hwo facisl nerves, one on ne lat side of the face and one on the right. Each nerve dividas into five branches ast travels across the face. from back to front. These branches, fom top to bottom, are called the temporal branch, the zygomatic branch, the buccel branch, the maiginal mandibular branch, and the cervical ranch. Together these branches central the muscles responsible fer facial movements such as smiling, blinking, and wrinkling of the forehead. hey also carry sersory input to the brain from the eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and sk, Which ofthe following layers is totally lacking in thin skin? AA) stratum comeum 8) stratum germinativum ) etratum fucidum 1D) stratum spinosum (Glear answer) rhe correct answer is (C). The functions of the skin include protection, sensetion, and thermal regulation. The skin isthe largest crgan of tne body -onstitting almost one cisth ofthe total body weight. Structurally the skin s divided into a deep layer (dermis) and a superficial layer (opidermis), he epidermis is made up of five layers of celis in thick skin and four layers of cells in thin skin. From superficial to deep. thick ekn consists of firstly he stratum corneum on the surface, then the stratum lucidum, the stratum granulosum, the stratus spinesum and the stratum germinativum. In thin kin, however, the stratum lucidum is net present. ‘The muscle thatis found in the walls of the heartis characterized by which of the following? ‘A)a peripherally placed nucleus 8) fibers with spincle-shaped cells C) intercalated dises 1D) muttple nuclei E)none of the above | Gearanswer) 12 correc: arwer is (C), Interealted dlises are cagions where acjacant cardioeytes interlock and where gap junctions permi electrical coupling jetween the cells. Atan intercalated disc, the cell membranes of two adjacent cardiac muscle cells are extensively intertwined and bound together -gap junctions and desmosomes. Tasso connections help stabilza the relative positions of adjacent cells and maintain the three-

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