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Internship Evaluation

The Internship experience at Vanrai was truly a wonderful experience. This

internship helped me discover myself, my strenghts, my weakness and areas for
improvement more than just providing me with an experience certificate. Inorder to
complete my responsibilities I had to adapt to the hardships I faced, I had to modify
the way I speak, my language, inorder to communicate with children, I had to improve
on my presentation skills to help convey the idea to masses who didn’t have any
previous knowledge about the topic. This internship made me realize the value of the
effots, people put in, to improve the conditions of our society. Moreover I realized the
importance of contributing our limited knowledge to the betterment of our society.

The organization also helped me discover my skills in the field of

communication, management, organization and undertaking responsibilities. This is
the very fisrt time I was subjected to work under limited time and resources and
provide results within such short time frame. Vanrai provided me with a sneak-peak of
how fast but at the same time how complicated things can get in the real world. It also
helped me realize the difference between theories and applying them in real world.

Vanrai also ancouraged me to take up responsibilities and to come up with my

own innovative ideas to promote the campaigns which helped me realize my true
potential and helped me work upon it. They also appreciated me for the
accomplishments I did, which inturn gave me an incentive to push my potential to the
limit to achieve the task at hand.

Maybe the experience I gained from here is not even near to real world
scenarios, it may be tougher more hectic, more complicated and more fast-paced but I
realized the importance of dedication, hardwork, effort and preperaion required to pull
off these tasks which contribute to create a better society, a better tomorrow.

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