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Before you begin teaching, take note of the teaching tips below.

Because you are holding these teaching notes in your hand, we know that God has called you,
and He will use you. Every audience is different and so be prepared because you will have to be
flexible as you present this material. Some days you will teach from the notebooks, at other times
you might use a white board or even a black board to teach from. Again, at other opportunities,
you will have no resources outside of your own voice and God will use you as a master-teacher
to present these truths.

At times, it will be appropriate for you to present this seminar entirely on your own and in a
relative short time frame.  (Rick’s original presentation was about two hours.)  However, it may
be that you will want to divide the teaching up between the members of your group so that each
person will deliver one of the purposes.  In another place you might make this into a five-night
series with each night featuring one of the purposes of God.  Each of the six sessions can take
from 20-30 minutes and more if you leave time for questions and answers.

Be flexible, be creative, and think of the needs and resources of your audience. This talk will
serve you well whether your congregation is very affluent and sophisticated or your listeners are
simple and poor.

What follows are some coaching tips that you will find useful in teaching the Seminar.  These are
just tips.  The best teaching is when you are just being yourself.  Share in your own style, not
Pastor Rick’s. All of the page numbers refer to the printed Student Notebook.

Teach the Seminar

1. Welcome Your Audience

 Give your name and then tell your story that reflects your own personal experience and
understanding of the PD Life.
 Take a moment to thank them for coming, just like Pastor Rick would! (p.3)
 Review with them the expectations of this course, as written: (p.5) 
Study pages 4-12 of the Teacher’s Notes. 
 Direct them to review and take some time later in the day (while the ideas are still
fresh) to respond to the “Next Steps” instructions on p.35.  Alert them to the fact that
they can find any answers that they may have missed during the fill-in time on p. 36.

2. Start with the Introduction and make sure that they get all of the blanks filled in. (p.7) Make
an announcement that reminds them, “There will be plenty of blanks to fill in today so grab
your pen or pencil and let’s get started.”
3. Referring to the Teacher's Notes as needed, proceed to teach through the materials, chapter by
chapter and point by point. Begin with Purpose #1 (p.9) and work your way through each of
the purposes consecutively. The Teacher's Notes are packed with additional teaching tips. You
have a lot of help!
 Be careful not to deviate from the materials as written. This is a standard presentation
in our PEACE Toolkit and we want to keep it consistent. This is the essence of Pastor
Rick’s life message and it has been well-researched, masterfully ordered, and logically
 When filling in the blanks during your sessions, be very clear and “flag” your
expectation that they will be following you and filling in blanks by saying something
like, “Write this down!” or “Here’s your next fill-in.”
 Each section of the seminar will take you between 25-30 minutes to deliver. This
means you don’t have to rush at all, but you will have to keep a consistent pace.
 At appropriate times you will have the opportunity to illustrate your teaching with
stories and testimony from your own life.
 If you have time, especially if you break up the Seminar over several evenings, you
might use the Discussion Questions for each purpose that are found in Appendix 3 of
“The Purpose Driven Life” book.
 In the section on the purpose of Ministry you will teach the concepts of SHAPE.  If
you have time or want to do an additional seminar that digs deeper into this concept,
there are materials available to do so.  (See Session 3.)

4. Now it's time to close your teaching. What will you do? (p.33)

 Boldly challenge your listeners to answer the questions that you are asking: “Will you
commit the rest of your life to the eternal purposes of God?” Ask it with confidence
and clarity. Ask it in such a way that your hearers know that you are serious and you
are expecting them to say, “Yes, I will.”
 Review the five purposes (p.33) and pause for a few short beats at the end of each
question so that they will have time to give their pledge to each of the statements that
you are offering.
 Read each Bible verse with a clear and confident tone. Be resonant here and let the
scriptures ring out.
 Dramatically, and with great feeling, read the final question and last words of the
seminar (p.34) “Will you live the rest of your lives for the purposes of God? Will
 Pause a moment, and then, lead them in a simple prayer of thanksgiving and promise. 
(See p. 68 of the Teachers Notes)  We call this The Purpose Driven Prayer:

“Father, more than anything else, I want to fulfill the purposes that You created me for. I
want You to use me any time, any way, any place. I want my life to bring You pleasure. I
surrender my heart in worship. And I want to grow in loving You. I want to be used to build
Your fellowship, instead of tearing it down. Thank You for the privilege of being a part of
Your family. It is my heart’s desire to become like You, Jesus. Do whatever it takes to cause
that to happen in my life. If that means pain, so be it. Help me to discover my SHAPE for
ministry. And help me to have a servant’s heart, and not worry about what other servants are
“Forgive me for my criticism, and my jealousy, and my competition. Father, I want to fulfill
my mission in life. I want to bring others to You. Give me a burden for others around me, for
those who don’t know You. I want to serve Your purpose in my generation. And I want to be a
part of what You’re doing in this world. I want to be a part of Your movement of God. From
this day forward, I want to build my life around Your eternal purposes for me. And I want to
help our church fulfill those same purposes. Help me to reach “one more for Jesus.”

“Father, I want to thank you for these who prayed this prayer. Even before we were born, You
knew we’d be here today. May this be a turning point—may we never be the same again. May
we serve Your purposes in our generation. Father, for those who are discouraged, give them
encouragement. Help them to realize how much You love them. That You planned them for
Your pleasure. You created them, You formed them. You fashioned them for a ministry in the
church and for a mission in the world. And we want to give glory to You. We want You to take
the honor, the power. You created all for Your glory!

“Lord, help us to remember that it’s not about us. It’s ALL about You. And we exist for Your
glory, Your pleasure, Your benefit, Your desire. To the best of our abilities, we commit to live
a life that is pleasing to You, and to fulfill these purposes.

In Jesus’ name, Amen”

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