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Arsel Ibrahim

Marketing A1

Photo Essay

People's lives were quite simple, people’s lives were perfectly fine, work schedules were simple,
school activities were normal, families on vacations, people can normally get their errands done,
going to places were normal, cities from all over the world were fine. But not when the COVID-19
pandemic suddenly happened. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has affected day to day life and is slowing
down the global economy. This pandemic has affected thousands of peoples, who are either sick or
are being killed due to the spread of this disease. COVID-19 has rapidly affected our day to day life,
businesses, disrupted the world trade and movements. Identification of the disease at an early stage
is vital to control the spread of the virus because it very rapidly spreads from person to person. This
COVID-19 has affected the sources of supply and effects the global economy. There are restrictions
on traveling from one country to another country. The virus even caused cities to be in lockdowns,
shutdowns, and alteration of lives all around the world. Life in the virus has proven to be difficult.
Supermarket aisles are empty, public transportation was deemed dangerous, and some schools
closed. Not being able to be on campus has proven difficult for me because I can no longer access
the counseling resources, the career and professional center, or any other amenities. As an individual
who prides themselves on progression, lacking academic and personal resources leaves me severely

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