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Where did you grow up?

Who did you look up to growing up?

What is at the top of your bucket list?
What are your favorite things about yourself?
Which of your parents are you closest to?
Which of your parents are you more like?
What is one thing that you�ve never revealed to your parents?
What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
What is your biggest accomplishment?
What is your biggest fear?
What is your biggest regret?
Do you have a hidden dream that you�ve never shared with anyone?
What inspires you?
What is the most boring movie you�ve watched?
What is the scariest movie you�ve watched?
What is the worst grade you got on a test?
What is the most important thing in your life?
What has required the most courage of you in your life so far?
Who is your favorite actor?
Who is your favorite actress?
Who is your favorite celebrity?
Do you have a best friend, if so, then who?
Do you have pets?
How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn�t real?
How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Have you ever taken self-defense lessons?
Have you ever visited a country outside your continent?
Have you ever won a trophy or an award? What was it for?
Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
Which one is your favorite?
Who is your favorite musician?
What is your most embarrassing moment?
Who�s your favorite person in the world?
What is the first thing you do when you get home?
What is the one item you can�t leave home without?
What do you like about your home?
What do you love about living in your neighborhood?
If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess,
what would you do?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your favorite drink?
What is your favorite fairytale?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite holiday destination?
What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?
What is your favorite music genre?
What is your favorite physical activity?
What is your favorite quote?
Are you scared of heights?
What is your favorite snack?
What is your favorite song?
What is your favorite sport?
What is your favorite time of the day?
What is your favorite type of clothing?
Are you scared of heights?
What is your favorite way to pass time?
What�s the weirdest thing you�ve seen in your life?
What is the name of your favorite restaurant?
What is your all-time favorite town or city? Why?

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