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CONTENTS Introduction........ Games Workshop Staff... 4 Ivan Bartleet........ The Great Day. . Single Miniatures Single Miniature Conversions. ..... Mounted Miniatures... . 40k Vehicles... .... Standard Bearers. . . Vignettes........ Monsters. . Staff 40K Vehicles. . Painting Guide... . ISON 99698 6 INTRODUCTION ‘On Saturday 27th May, the Derby Assembly Rooms played. hhost to the chaos, conflict and fan that was Games Day 89. twas spectacular day and, after the crowds had gone, the one Impression that really remained was the astonishing display of enthusiasm shown by everyone for all aspects ‘of our hobby. It wasn't just apparent in the amazingly high standard of painted miniatures entered for the Golden ‘Demon Awards, or in the skill shown in the participation, ‘games and competition finals, it was everywhere. (Games Workshop's Project Manager, Andy Jones was the man esponsble forthe organisation and planning of Games Dayolden Demoa 1989. He as agreed to put pen 1 paper f tell You how an event ke Games Day ‘sommanse. ‘The succes of the Gaiden Demon Awards in 1988, made it apparent that, fhe potential exited fora much bigger event in 1989. We decided this eat ‘hat we waned o feature every aspect the Games Workshop hobby, fom ‘minature panting and model balling dough artwork and lusralon. Most a al, we wanted t focus onthe fun, challenge and excitement Of playing Games Worksop games “Thefintstep was to setup gaming leagues cross the country for both Blood. Bowl snd Dark Future: Local playotls were run in each aea to find representatives forthe regional heats, which were held inthe diferent ‘Games Workshop mores eros the county. The two winners and ruanen: ‘upifom each heat would ten go throught the Games Day national inal Ashe same tm sional heats were also aking place 0 fn the hobby's test miniature painter, who were competing to send thee manerpieces {0 the Golden Demon awatds 1989. Inpreviows years Games Day had been held in London, Aluhough this wat ult prestigious itao longer made sense to hold an event witha national focurin the south of ngland. When we st the Assembly Rooms in Dee, ‘we knew that Games Day had found a aew ome As wells the Golden Demon Awards, Dark Future and Blood Bow! competitions, Games Day was tobe the venue for the 1989 Osprey Warhammer Fantasy Battle World Championship play-offs, a1 Built pte missing worso Gusta aRtOR CONVERTED TO, nd limbs, betng cart EEL ace BL eo ac hie fecea aeaire hcp ie” — Ae avers ” MOUNTED FIGURES MOUNTED ORC BY PHILIP LAWRENCE Philip Lawrence's Orc biccit caught our 3 mediately. The bike wel is Scruchilt sing wo part epoxy pty Milipu is good example wrapped ‘round wire ame. Although Philp as the wire if you are earful you Can tse human hair make the spokes ELDAR JET BIKE BY SCOFT HIGION MOUNTED ELVEN PERSONALITY BY DAVID WILKINSON MOUNTED ORE BY RICHARD BANCROFT BY NICHOLAS LAND ‘CHAOS STEED AND RIDER BY JACKIE ASHMORE Enea MOUNTED ORC BY ANDREW DOCHERTY ‘GREXTER DAEMON OF T2EENTOH ‘WITH WRAITH RIDER David witkinsom has stuck wa small plete of colours nhs BI howseman: By conning heel! shades of {gicenandbrown not only does be feficc themaaatues Bickgroundinitscolourscheme ease give the whole ‘odes strong, coherent image Davi hs sso pained the model andar n four dacinct ands the green cowl, the brown han the en ga the hn ath ‘This horizontal banalng makes te vertical sword And bb even more noeable, and draws our atenion > the Eis here pose (CHAOS CHAMPION MOUNTED ON CONVERTED DRAGON TOAD BY PETER COOK MOUNTED FIGURES 'CHAMPION OF NURGLE ON FALANQUIN BY MICK BEARD [HARLEQUIN JET BIKE BY STEVEN JOVES CHAPLAIN ONJET BIKE Fe ies PHIL RAYNER ‘BY SID WELLSTEAD 'SNOTLING ON DRAGON BY MARK WATSON Look at how Stephen Joyes and Sid Welitead have mounted converted Ore Vilagerasa stand, pinning the ike with {lenght wire Bodhneihods avoid wing plastic andr which ‘an detact from a models appearance Mark Watton has turned to nate for his scene work, ang teal tige to represent tcee Natural materials can be verP ‘sel bat can lookout of scale unless you ate ceil Mark fas avoided this by only using thin ewig, DEATH FROM ABOVE” BY KEVIN HOUSE. x ig Spc rk vil cs wo nel Roo 2 wating po re ite of psc The tee of dyorushing athe sel ape oval die exues parc onthe ining ‘here it shows the ran very effectively Novice now the vile looks sf has been ‘thrown tgethe exactly how ‘owshould consiger what Hida and you should selec tis in your move, “ “ ‘Other ice ouchesincude the lookout tower on he Front Rhino, he Big Bomb? rane onthe ear ofthe vehicle, and the chimney sack PREDATOR BY ROSS NISHET 40K VEHICLE ‘NURGLESQUE” PREDATOR CONVERSION BY RICHARD SMITH Ss STANDARD BEARERS. _ igh and pig aed Sono PY Meme feet he si you ea Standards pve youthe chance 10 show of you sls on larger Scale that allowed by single ministre. Although they Se sully sen athe focal point of 3 miniature army, sandard bearers mae ideal splay models-a¢ the following nists Gary 'Worden must have spent many hous on his tandard to schleve this amount of deal. Working under bight. nara ‘do something like tis plus’ gest deal of patience! TARINE STANDARD BEARER BY CALLM ge. MACDONALD THARLEQUIN STANDARD BEARER BY STEVEN JOYES alum MacDonald has panied hs farine banner with bate damaged ‘edges to mae more relist, and hat ‘ag the movement of the ancasd Inthe wind by bending the paperbetore ‘arising Th la Hartgun by Seven Jones aught our eye because ofthe shape o thestandand, which-although untsual isin beaiflly with the Harlequin ‘conogriphy "NORMAN STANDARD BEARER ‘BY GARY WORDEN 2 ‘CHAOS STEED & RIDER WITT STANDARD BY DOMINIC CAMUS 'HLOODBOWL TROLL AS A STANDARD BEARER “ORC STANDARD BEARER BY MARTIN ASTLES. BY SCOPT HIGTON STANDARD BEARERS ‘WIZARD WITH STANDARD ‘BY DAVID KN BY MICK BEARD ‘BLOODROW STAR PLAVER ASS TRHORNE CHAMPION WITH STANDARD BY MARK LEBAN ‘OGRE STANDARD BEARER BY DAVID WILLERTON. 23 VIGNETTES The Important part of any vignette is the ‘ckground, which see the miniatures in atest 2nd Beisel story Balsa wood, twigs and pebbles are the standard nates fr contracting bases, ue if you have 2 rk around you may find something more onda that will make your model sand owt “The column on PilRayner'wgnet, for nsance, cake decoration ofthe ype nowy used for ‘eddingeskes Marek Sroka the cher and, Mas {ed frinens of slate on hin Eldar’ base "A GREATER DAEMON OF NURGLE PRACTICES KEEPING HIS EYE IN ‘BY MARTY BEARD ELDAR SCOUT & WAR DAEMON ASSAULT DREADNOUGHT BY MAREK SROKA ‘ORC HOWDAH” BY MARK WATSON VIGNETTES OREN ERInG CHAnsIS SESE ORTTOE TEE DWARTS & FINES TRY TO STEAL A GOLDEN ‘BY ANTHONY WARRINGTON DEMON FROM A SERPENTINE DRAGON BY PHIL RAYNOR TELDAR HARLEQUINS & WAR WALKER BY DAVID WILKINSON VIGNETTES SLAANESH PREPARES FOR BATTLE AGAINST A 'BEOODLETTER & FLESHHOUND BY DAVID SOPER ELDAR STYLE - TWO ELDAR ON JET BIKES FIG TT OUT! BY STEVEN OSBOURNE *JOUSTING” ‘8 HORNEESS GREATER DAEMON OF NUKGLE RISES FROM THE SWAMP BY JACKIE ASHMORE ELDAR HARLEQUIN AND DREADNOUGHT SALUTE THEIR ALLEN COMRADE BY IAN DUTHIE ‘A MOUNTED KNIGHT SEES OFF AN AMBUSH BY TROLL AND ORC ‘BY ADRIAN HOPWOOD, ‘DRAGON MASTER'S DRAGON BY J.MENNTE STEVEN BELL the mlatate painter to {cally show off is skis, The large Steven Bellas mounted his Dragon on anol piece of sipped driftwood 2 inne pat of whic he as eft pated to ontrac with he brigh green of he Bragon ie fale op ofthe demons four the details It the Dragon's Bead was very dak, Hghtee Colour would have cca eter on the daftwood, provide adequate con: : Ett between the head ‘

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