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What do you think about Peruvian culture?

Peru, the Inca culture predominates due to its great cultural diversity.

We find the culture of Paracas, Mochica, Nazca, Chimú, etc.

I think the Moche pottery was the best in ancient Peru and one of the best in the world
because thanks to the fine and elaborate work that shows its examples.

What I think of Peru is:

- The variety of Peruvian gastronomy is a reflection of the Peruvian culture and magnificent
because tourists like delicious food.

- On the other hand, I like the city of Ica because it has a great culture that is the Nasca culture,
I knew its museums, its tradition is the harvest festival known as the grape harvest.

For my part, I like lomito saltado but I prefer ceviche.

I hate that museums don't keep it, some museums are run down

- I like that the city is clean.

I hate the long trip from lima to ica because it was boring to sit for more than five hours

- I want to travel to Cusco to know machu pichu

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