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Ingles pal oral

Hiiii serious  Peopleeee¡¡¡ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)It turns out that a few days ago  arrived in cuzco...  fuck this
country it's very beautiful... ^o^ the people in there are very friendly (¬‿¬) architecture is
surprising  /(o‿o)/  I spent a whole day walking around the city center with my friends of the
university... this day(yesterday)... we should have been at a conference at the UNA... should
have... :P hahah  dont care... it's fineee.. it was worth every fuck second. :) becouseee i can see
many tourist attractions... the main square.. the cristo blanco... stone of the 12 corners... 
saqsaywaman aaaaand the pine forest (where we got lost :"C) jejeje.for the night we got lost again
7.7 but... in the clubs (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)👌 I don't remember what exactly happened on that night... but I only
know one thing... That was fuckin great :) literally :V .... now... I'm lying in my bed but I know I will
have the same or better time today than yesterday... (• ◡•)| Take care criaturitas del señor
:vvv 157 words Berly Laguna

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