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Me: Hello ....

o: Hello, how are you?

me: I'm fine and very excited

x: why?

me: I'm traveling in Arequipa

x: wao! I am also traveling, but in Chachapoyas

me: good, I also traveled there last month.

x: incredible, it is very beautiful Chachapoyas.

Me: Yes, but Arequipa is cleaner than Chachapoyas.

x: It is true, but Arequipa is more peaceful than Chachapoyas.

Me: You know, I came on a trip with my sister, she is the tallest of all the tourists in my group.

x: HAHAHA, I am with my friend, but she on the contrary is the smallest of my group of

me: so my sister is taller than your friend

me: and now where are you?

x: I am in a hotel, it is comfortable and cheap.

me: I am also in a hotel, it is expensive, but it is the most comfortable.

X: Great, my bedroom is small, have a bed and nex to a armchair. The closet is in from of the
bed and the closet is in front of the bed and next to it is a bathroom.

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