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Fauziyah Arbi, 882030115017. The effectiveness of Write Pair Square

technique to improve students’ writing skill. SMPN 2 Indramayu. Paper.
Indramayu. English Education Department. Faculty of Teachers Training and
Education Science.

The purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of Write Pair Square
technique to improve students’ writing skill. One of the English skill that complex
and difficult to teach is writing skill. As stated by Heaton (1997:135), writing is
complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of
grammatical and rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and judgmental
elements. Thus, writing includes aspects of language activities that is considered
difficult. The difficulties lead some problems to the students. The problems that
mostly felt by the students are vocabulary and grammar. It is supported by
Chaniago and Zainil (2019) who found that they found problems in writing such
as less grammar, and limited vocabulary.
According to Harmer (2003:134), as a language teacher, we use a variety of
teaching aids to explain language meaning and construction, engage the students
in a topic or as the basic of whole activity. Thus, the writer uses Write Pair Square
technique to improve students’ writing skill, especially in writing descriptive text.
Using this technique, the one way in teaching writing in order to improve the
students’ writing skill, as an effort to make the students able to write.
In this research, quasi experimental was applied as research design. This
research was conducted at SMPN 2 Indramayu. The writer used two classes, both
classes consist of 30 students. The writer used 8B as the experimental class and
8F as the control class. The experimental class was given the treatment and
control class was not given the treatment. It means, experimental class used Write
Pair Square technique and control class did not use Write Pair Square technique.
The writer used written test as instrumentation to get the data that support the
research that is conducted two tests namely pre-test and post-test. The data were
quantitatively analyzed using IBM Statistical Package for the Social Science

(SPSS) version 20.0. To analyze the data, this research used statistic calculation
through t-test (Creswell, 2009:343).
From the statistical analysis the result of teaching writing descriptive text by
using write pair square technique was not effective because it showed that the
average value of the N-gain score for the experimental class was 37,9470 included
in the ineffective category. With a minimum N-gain score of 2,56 and a maximum
of 58,75. While the average N-gain score for the control class is 32,1950 included
in the ineffective category. With a minimum N-gain score of 13,79 and a
maximum of 51,25. So, the hypothesis alternative (H a) was rejected, and
hypothesis null (Ho) is accepted. But, there was an effect on students after being
given treatment. After concluding and analyzing the research results, the writer
has determined that write pair square technique was not effective to improve
students’ writing skill.


Praise for Allah SWT for all the blessing and grace to enable the writer to
finish this paper, entitled: The Effectiveness of Write Pair Square to Improve
Students’ Writing Skill. This research is to fulfillment of requirement for Sarjana
Pendidikan Degree.

The writer wants to thank to Mrs. Natalia Anggrarini, M.Pd as a supervisor

1, and Mr. Dede Irawan, M.Pd as a supervisor 2. Thank you for all your
suggestions and guidance which are useful to finish. The writer also thanks to all
my lecturers in English Department for all your time to share your knowledge.

Indramayu, 22nd August, 2019

The Writer


The first gratitude is decided to Allah SWT for his blessing, merciful, and
love, so that the writer could finish her paper. Secondly, the writer would like to
conver her gratitude and sincere to many people who have supported, motivated,
and contributed for valuable input in writing this paper.
1. Dr. Ujang Suratno, SH., M.Si., as the Rector of Wiralodra University.
2. Dr. Runisah, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Teaching Training and
3. Ida Yulianawati, M.Pd as the Head of English Department.
4. Natalia Anggrarini, M.Pd as the Supervisor 1 who has patiently guided
and directed the writer until the completing of this research.
5. Dede Irawan, M.Pd as the Supervisor 2 who has patiently guided and
directed the writer until the completing of this research.
6. Istirohah, S.Pd as the principal of SMPN 2 Indramayu for allowing to
conduct this research.
7. Parmi, S.Pd as the English teacher of SMPN 2 Indramayu who has given
motivation to the writer.
8. All the lecturers of English Department who have given motivation to the
9. The writer’s beloved parents Mr. Ato Sugiarto and Mrs. Tuningah who
always care, love, and motivate the writer. The writer loves them so much.
10. The students of 8B and 8F SMPN 2 Indramayu for being perfect
participants in this research.
11. The writer’s beloved young sister Faiqoh Irbah thank you for always being
there when the writer needs.
12. The writer’s boyfriend Mohamad Jajuli who always support from the very
first time until this paper finished and thank you for always being there
when the writer needs.

13. The writer’s beloved friends Siti Arfiyani Marlina, Intan Layung Syifa,
Intan Nurhayati, Sri Lefina, Anisah who always support from the very first
time until this paper finished and thank you for always being there when
the writer needs.
14. All students of English Education Department 2015 especially in class B
who fight and learn together.

Finally, the writer would like to convey her gratitude to everyone who have
helped and supported the writer to finish this paper. May Allah SWT bless them
with welfare and happiness.

Indramayu, 22nd August, 2019

The Writer


ABSTRACT................................................................................................ i
PREFACE................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................. vi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the study................................................................ 1
1.2 Identification of the problems........................................................ 2
1.3 Limitation of the problem.............................................................. 2
1.4 Formulation of the problem........................................................... 3
1.5 Purpose of the study....................................................................... 3
1.6 Significance of the study................................................................ 3
CHAPTER II THEORITICAL BACKGROUND.................................. 4
2.1 Theoretical description.................................................................. 4
2.1.1 Writing.................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Descriptive text..................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Write pair square technique.................................................. 9
2.2 Framework of the study................................................................. 10
2.3 Hypothesis..................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................... 12
3.1 Method of research......................................................................... 12
3.2 Place and time................................................................................. 13
3.3 Population and sample.................................................................... 13
3.4 Instrumentation............................................................................... 14
3.5 Data analysis technique................................................................... 14
3.6 Statistical hypothesis....................................................................... 15

4.1 Data description.............................................................................. 16
4.2 Statistical Analysis.......................................................................... 20
4.3 Hypothesis test................................................................................ 24
4.4 Discussion...................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION............................. 28
5.1 Conclusion...................................................................................... 28
5.2 Suggestion....................................................................................... 29


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