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Everybody’s Concern

Disaster upon disaster. Filipinos have become unbelievably resilient in facing a great
battle and it is called, “The pandemic Novel corona virus 2019.”
Today, countries are facing the combat of slowing the spread of the virus with no
foreseeable solution that is too great to bear and it is like a moving wave, one that may yet
crash on those least able to cope. It is much more than a crisis by stressing everyone it touches,
it has the potential to create devastating social economic and political crises that will leave deep
According to WHO, “Ncov-19 is a newly discovered infectious disease, a respiratory
illness that reported last December 2019 and as early this year 2020.”The pandemic Corona
Virus 2019 has transformed how the world is doing and it alters how hospitals are operating. It
hurts the fact that nowadays hospital that once bustled with activity have been reduced to
treating only the sickest among us, and many medical students who roamed the hallways have
been sent home out of concern for their health.
Philippines is in a state of turmoil. We are in great fear, which causes us to stop and
question what God has clearly told us to do. We don’t know what lies ahead of us, so we
become apprehensive and our imagination can magnify problems until they seem insuperable.
Life under quarantine lockdown is giving so much suffering to Filipinos. There are
scarcities of food, relief goods, and protective gears. People are into panic-buying, hoarding,
and overpricing their goods. Also, there are losses in business and employment that has greatly
affected the economy of the country. Sadly, our government can’t handle COVID-19 cases
beyond its capacity because of the surging number of infected patients, death, and shortage of
isolation rooms. Obviously, we’re all caught in surprise and we’re not prepared for this situation.
As I go thru the internet it made me feel as though the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a
seismic tear in both the communities of the internet and real-life by upheaving peace and
normalcy. Online, new articles, hashtags, and posts about every little update and tidbit about the
Coronavirus are being pumped out every second, every minute, every hour, every day and in
every corner, leaving no digital stones untouched. Panic runs rampant as the rhetoric portrays
the beginning of the apocalypse and the end of the world as we know it. It’s as if the internet has
been set ablaze with no fire-exits to escape, with no firefighters to extinguish the flames.
But in moments like these at home, we’ve managed to survive our day by being
productive. We do the household chores and prepare stuff which serve as a bonding moment
for our family. It is also a time to reconnect with our Savior in preparing for Lent. It nourishes our
spirit whenever we watch mass and pray the novena. Thus, I immense myself daily in the Word
of God because if I don’t guard my heart, I will grow cold in my love for Christ.
This quarantine, I learned to count my blessings. To count what we’ve left. Counting our
blessings gives us comfort and strength in times of crisis. It cushions our sufferings from any
kind of loss or failure. Realizing that we still have a lot of things to look forward to and enjoy can
give us a sense of hope. There is no reason to live in fear when we have the mighty presence of
the Holy Spirit within us. God didn’t promise a trouble-free world. He allows us to suffer
difficulties for a purpose. He allows people to hunger so they could experience His provisions
and develop a deeper level of trust within Him.
I feel incredibly optimistic about the future, there is an antidote to fear, as it is HOPE that
will pull us through these difficult times. By having faith that this virus will pass, listening to the
medical professionals and authorities, staying indoors, keeping good hygiene, social distancing,
not giving in to the fear-mongering and being mindful and supportive for those deeply affected
either physically or emotionally, I whole- heartily believe that we will be able to persevere and
come out stronger than ever.

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