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Chapter 9- Sorting

Prof. Ashwini Rao

Asst. Prof. IT
 Refers to the operation of rearranging the contents of a list A
such that they are in increasing or decreasing.
 If list A has n elements, there are n! ways the content can
appear in A.
 The complexity of sorting algorithms measures the running
time as a function of the number n of items to be sorted.
 Each sorting algorithm S will be made up of the following
 Comparisons, which test whether Ai<Aj
 Interchanges, which switch the contents of Ai and Aj
 Assignments which set temp=Ai and then set Aj=Ai
Sorting Techniques
 Bubble Sort
 Insertion Sort

 Bucket Sort

 Radix Sort

 Heap Sort

 Radix Sort

 Quick Sort
Bubble Sort
 Traverse a collection of elements.
 Move from the front to the end.
 “Bubble” the largest value to the end using pair-wise
comparisons and swapping.
Bubble Sort
Example - Bubble Sort (Pass 1)
Example - Bubble Sort(Pass 1)
Example - Bubble Sort (After
N-1 Passes)

Number of comparisons, f(n)=(n-1)+(n-2)+……+2+1 = n(n-1)/2

Time complexity is thus O(n2)
Insertion Sort
 Frequently used when n is small.
 Algorithm: Insertion Sort(A,N)
1. set A[0]:= -∞
2. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for K=2,3…N
3. Set TEMP:=A[K] and PTR:=K-1
4. Repeat while TEMP<A[PTR]
a. set A[PTR+1]:=A[PTR]
b. PTR:=PTR-1
5. Set A[PTR+1]:=TEMP
6. Return
Example 1 - Insertion Sort

Ptr Temp
Example 2 - Insertion Sort

Number of comparisons, f(n)=1+2+……(n-1) = n(n-1)/2

Time complexity is thus O(n2)
Bucket Sort
 Not a comparison sort of algorithm.
 Sorting algorithm that works by distributing the elements of
an array into a number of buckets.
 Each bucket is then sorted individually, either using a different
sorting algorithm, or by recursively applying the bucket
sorting algorithm.
 Steps are:
 Set up an array of initially empty "buckets".
 Scatter: Go over the original array, putting each object in
its bucket.
 Sort each non-empty bucket.
 Gather: Visit the buckets in order and put all elements back
into the original array.
Example: Bucket Sort

Time Complexity is O(n)

Worst case happens when all elements fall into the same bucket.
Radix Sort
 Used mainly to alphabetize a large list of numbers.
 Strategy used:
 List of names is first sorted according to the first
letter of each name.
 During second pass, each class is alphabetized
according to the second name letter of the name and
so on.
 If no name contains more than 12 letters, the name are
alphabetized with at most 12 passes.
Example - Radix Sort

Units digit

Tens digit

Hundreds digit
Example - Radix Sort
Example - Radix Sort

Number of C of comparisons needed to sort 8 such 3 digit numbers is bounded as

8 – Numbers for sorting
3 – Maximum of 3 digits in every number
10 – radix d=10 digits

C ≤ d*s*n
d: radix
S: Maximum number of digits in a number.
N: Number of digits to sort

Time complexity is thus O(n)

Heap and Heap Sort
 Heap is a tree structure used in an elegant sorting
algorithm called heap sort.
 If H is a complete binary tree, then H is called a
Heap or a Maxheap, if each node N of H has the
following property:
 The value at N is ≥ value at any of the
descendants of N.
 A Minheap is defined analogously.
Example – Heap & its
Example: Building a Heap
To build a Heap H from the following list of numbers: 44,30,50,22,60,55,77,55
Insertion into a Heap
 Steps to insert an ITEM into a Heap H with N nodes is as
 First adjoin ITEM at the end of H so that H is still a
complete tree, but not necessarily a heap.
 Then let ITEM rise to its appropriate place in H so
that H is finally a Heap.
Example: Insertion into a Heap

To insert ITEM 70 into the Heap

Example: Insertion into a Heap
Example: Deleting the root of a
Heap and Reheaping
Heap Sort
 If A is an array of N elements, Heapsort algorithm to
sort A consists of the following two phases.
 Phase A: build a heap H out of the elements of A.
 Phase B: repeatedly delete the root element of H.
Quick Sort
 Belongs to the category of Divide and Conquer
 That is, problem of sorting a set is reduced to the problem
of sorting two smaller sets.
 At every pass, this reduction step of the algorithm finds
the final position of one of the numbers.
 As there would be approximately log2n levels of
reduction step, and each level uses at most n
comparisons, the complexity f(n)=O(n log n)
Example - Quick Sort
Example - Quick Sort

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