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World Thrift Day

The blissful moment of holding the piggy bank in your hands and jiggling it to get an idea of the
amount of coins you’ve saved is cherished till date by many of us. We’ve always been taught that
save now so that you can buy better things later.

Good morning respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. I ___________ of class
_______ stand before you to educate you about World Thrift day.

Whatever you want or need in life, money plays a crucial role in getting it. If it’s a material item you
need, you will need money to buy it. If it’s a course that you need to study, you will need money to
pay for it. If it’s a surgery you desperately need, you will have to pay for the expenses. Everything
comes at a price. Sometimes, people do not have the right amount at the right time and suffer due
to the lack of money. To avoid such a situation, people need to realise the worth of saving money
before they get themselves in a mess.

While people know the importance of saving money, they know little about World Thrift Day which
was aimed solely to spread awareness about the impacts of saving money.

Observed every year on the 30th of October in India and 31st of October throughout the globe,
World Thrift day goes out to explain that a penny saved is a penny earned. Money resources of
even the richest man on earth are not inexhaustible. Extravagance brings even millionaires into
want. So, the habit of saving should be practiced by all.

Now comes the question, “How? How can we save money? We being students aren’t employed
in any sort of manner to earn a living, then how the question of saving arises? Well the answer to
this is quite easy. All of us cannot deny the expenses we perpetrate daily. You may argue that
these expenses are negligible but remember that even a small leak is capable to sink a great
ship.You’d be surprised to know that in 1987, the American Airlines saved $40,000 just by
eliminating one olive from each salad served in the first class.

Everybody can make small savings. The man, who spends all that he earns, is poorer than the
man who earns less, but saves something out of his small income. We must live within our
means.Whether it is a used book or previously worn clothes, there is no shame in taking hand-me-
downs. If somebody offers you something and you can use it, take it gratefully.Before making a
purchase, make sure it is truly necessary.Get tips on how to deal with financial peer pressure.

World Thrift day brings people together on an international level to make them understand how by
saving money, they are gaining more and actually investing for their own future.

In a nutshell I’d like to conclude by saying Prioritize future self. Save money. Although money
doesn’t always buy happiness, but it can buy you financial freedom for sure.

Young you can survive without money, old you cannot.

It’s such a lovely day – I hope you’ll be enjoying the rest of it.Thank You!

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