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The Last Four Day of the Prophet

Fourth Day Before Passing Away:

Bilal � came to request the Prophet to lead the Isha
Salat. The Prophet said, “Tell Abu Bakr � to lead the Salat.” I humbly said, “O Messenger of Allah! Abu
Bakr � is very soft hearted and he cries during recitation of Qur’an. His voice will not reach the people
due to his crying. Hence kindly instruct Umar � to lead the Salat.” The Prophet again said, “No. Tell Abu
Bakr � to lead the Salat.” I said to Hafsah to repeat what I said to the Prophet and request the Prophet
‫ غ‬to instruct Umar � to lead the Salat. On hearing this, the Prophet ‫ غ‬got angry and said: “You are like
the ladies who were trying to make Yusuf ‫ ء‬slip (i.e. move him away from the correct path). Tell Abu
Bakr to lead the Salat.” (Bukhari: 713, Muslim: 418) According to the instructions of the Prophet,Abu
Bakr � started leading the Salat from that day. He led seventeen times Salat during the life of the
Prophet) Isha of Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Fajr of Monday)

Aisha narrated, . I asked Fatimah “What made you cry?” She said, “Why should I tell you? It is the secret
of my father.” After the death of the Prophet I asked Fatimah , “What did the Prophet whisper in your
ear?” She said, “Yes, I can tell you now. First time he said: “Jibril ‫ ء‬used to review Qur’an with me one
time every year. However, this year he reviewed with me twice. It indicates that I shall leave you soon. I
advise you to fear Allah and be patient after I leave you. I shall be, inshallah, good for my kins.” Hence, I
cried as you saw. When he saw me in distress, he whispered to me:“Fatimah! Are you not satisfied that
you will be the leader of all believing women in Jannah?” He also said, “You will be the first one to join
me from all kins.” Hence I laughed.”

Three days before Passing

Away Jaber � narrated that he heard the Prophet saying
three days before he passed away, “You should be hopeful and confident before your death that Allah
will treat you good.” (Tabqat Ibn Sad 2/255) Three days before the Prophet's death, 'Umar ibn al-
Khattab and other companions were present by his side. The Prophet said, "Now let me write
something for you whereby you shall not go astray after me." 'Umar said, "The Prophet is
overcome by illness; you have the Qur'an, the Book of Allah, which is sufficient for us."'Umar's
statement caused a furor among those present. Some were saying that the Prophet's command
should be obeyed so that he might write whatever he desired to write for their guidance. Others
sided with'Umar. When the tension and uproar intensified, the Prophet said, "Get away from
me!" Therefore, Ibn 'Abbas used to say, "It was a miserable, absolutely miserable, occurrence
that the conflict of opinion and noise made by the people came in the way of the Prophet's
writing a will and, because of it, the Prophet could not leave behind what he wanted to put on
  One or Two days before passing away
On Saturday or Sunday he felt a bit relief
from his illness. He ‫ غ‬came to Zuhur Salat assisted by two men. At that time, Abu Bakr � was
leading the Salat. When he saw the Prophet ‫ غ‬he intended to step back. But the Prophet hinted
him to stay at his site and instructed the assistants to make him (i.e. the Prophet (seated by the
side of Abu Bakr � . They seated the Prophet ‫ غ‬on the right side of Abu Bakr � . The Prophet ‫غ‬
was leading the Salat while sitting, Abu Bakr was 466 Biography of Prophet Muhammad ‫غ‬
following the Prophet ‫ غ‬and others were following Abu Bakr � in Salat. (Bukhari 1/98-99) On
Sunday, one day before he passed away, the Prophet set his slaves free. He gave in charity six or
seven dinars he had. He donated his weapons to the Muslims. Hence Aisha borrowed some oil
from her neighbor to light her oil-lantern. (Tabqat Ibn Sad 2/239) Note that the armor of the
Prophet ‫ غ‬was mortgaged as a security with a Jew for three Saa (or about 75 kilograms of barley.
(Bukhari: 2068) It is mentioned in Musnad Ahmad that he did not have enough to release his
armor from the Jew.

The Last Day of the Prophet’s Life

On Monday when Abu Bakr � was
leading Fajr Salat, the Prophet raised the curtain of his hut and saw the Muslims praying in their
rows and he smiled. Abu Bakr � thought that the Prophet intended to come out for Salat. The
Muslims were also over joyed. The Prophet hinted them to continue threir Salat. Then he
dropped the curtain. The Prophet did not live till next prayer time. In the morning, the Prophet
whispered to his daughter Fatimah twice as mentioned in detail earlier. According to some
narrations it was done one week before Prophet’s death and according to others one day before
the death. Then the Prophet said to Aisha about the poisoned meal, “The poison is cutting my
main artery.” (Bukhari 2/637) The Prophet’s face was covered with a sheet of cloth. When it was
hard to breathe, he removed the cover from his face. Last reminders of the Prophet were: (a)
Jews and Christians are cursed by Allah (i.e. removed from His blessing) since they made the
graves of their Prophets as the places of worship

The Last Moments of Life of the Prophet

When the pangs of death started,
Aisha rested the Prophet against her breast. Aisha used to say that it was the bounty of Allah
upon me that Allah called the Prophet from my hut on the day of my turn and while he was
resting between my breast and neck. Furthermore, Allah mixed my saliva with his saliva just
before his death. This is how it happened. Abdur Rahman bin Abu Bakr came to visit the Prophet
.He was holding a miswak (a branch of a tree used for brushing teeth). I noticed that the Prophet
was constantly looking at the miswak. I understood that he wanted a miswak. Hence, I asked the
Prophet ,Do you want miswak?” He nodded his head in affirmative. I handed over the miswak
to him which he found hard to use. I asked, “May I soften it for you?” He nodded his head in
affirmative again. I softened it with my teeth and saliva and he brushed his teeth as nice as he
could. There was a water container near him. He put his hand in it and wiped his face with it.
The Prophet said in very low tone. An-Nisaa 4:69 “In the company of those on whom Allah has
bestowed His favours, of the Prophets, and the truthful people [who promptly embraced Islam,
like Abu Bakr � ], the martyrs, and the righteous. And how fantastic these Companions are!” It
is also narrated that the Prophet said: “There is no god but Allah. Indeed, death is full of agony.”
Then he raised his hand or finger and said, “In the company of the Highest”, till he died and his
hand rested (back on the bed). This occurred on the 12th Rabi Al-Awwal 11 A.H. in the morning
hours. The Prophet was sixty-three years and four days old when he died. The Prophet used to
say: “Whosoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet with him.”

Umar’s Reaction
Umar � could not digest this news. He said to the people in
his speech, “By Allah the Prophet has not died (Umar said later, by Allah, this was my firm
thinking at that time). He went to his Creator just like Musa ‫ ء‬went to his Creator and he was
away for forty days. Musa ‫ ء‬,however, returned to his people, although it was propagated during
his absence that he had died. By Allah, the Prophet will come back and he will cut off the hands
and legs of hypocrites who claim his death.”

Abu Bakr’s Reaction

Abu Bakr � returned from his house in As-Sunh on a horse
and went straight to Aisha after his arrival in Madinah. Abu Bakr � saw that the Prophet’s body
was covered with a Yemeni piece of cloth. He uncovered his face and kissed him and then cried.
Then he said, “I sacrifice my father and mother for your sake. Indeed, Allah will not cause you to
die twice. The death, which Allah has written for you, has occurred.” Then he came out of the
Prophet’s hut and he found Umar � making a speech to the people in the Masjid. He said to
Umar, “Sit down!” Umar � ignored it. He said again to Umar, “Sit down!” Umar � ignored it
again. Then Abu Bakr � started giving a speech and the people gathered around him and Umar
� also starting listening to him. Abu Bakr � said, “Whosoever from you worships Muhammad,
Muhammad has died now. And whosoever worships Allah, He is Ever Living and He never dies.
Allah say: (Ale Imran 3:144) “And Muhammad is only a Messenger (not God who cannot die or
be killed). Many other messengers have passed before him. Hence, if he dies or becomes a
martyr, would you turn back on your heels (i.e. quit Islam or quit Jihad)? And he who turns back
on his heels will not harm Allah in any way. And Allah will soon give reward to those who are
grateful (and remain steadfast in Islam and fighting).” On hearing that the Companions realized
that the Prophet ‫ غ‬had actually died. Ibn Abbas � said, “It looked like people has forgotten the
above verse of Qur’an. With this reminder, everybody started reciting this verse (in the Masjid).”
Saeed bin Musaiyab (said that Umar � used to say, “By Allah, as soon as I heard Abu Bakr �
recite this verse, I fell to the ground and my legs became so weak that they could not carry me.

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