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My name is Mario Parra, I was born in Barrancabermeja and my parents were

born in Florencia, they lived there until my sister was three years old then they
moved to Barrancabermeja in 1989. I have two sisters, my older sister has
twenty seven years old and my younger sister has six years old .

My father wanted to be a soccer player but he broke his ankle and he couldn’t
play more soccer and he is now a topographer ,my mom is housewife. I and my
older sister look like my father, we have the same face but my father is taller
than us, my younger sister looks like my mother they have the same hair, eyes
and face.

My two sisters want to be primary teacher.My parents are divorced, I live with
my dad, my younger sister live with my mom and my older sister live with her

I studied in ITSI School, I always got better grades than my sisters. my house
have two floors, I sleep in the second floor my bedroom has shades, night
stand,TV, a carpet and bathroom private also I have a XBOX 360, I like to play
video games online, soccer, go to the swimming pool and go to vacations with
my family, Well Actually I spend more time playing video games than with my
family because my mom live in Bucaramanga and my dad works all day and he
gets at home very late.

I remember my frist vacation witn my family, I was ten years old, I went with my
family to Cartagena city It was my first vacation in other city and it was
wonderful.We had to take sunglasses,cool clothes,sandals and things like that
because the weather there was very very hot. We went in the summer,well
actually there usually is Summer.

The hotel was very nice,it had swimming pool,soccer field, private
beach,Bar,Pool tables and a restaurant with delicious food.We visited San
Felipe castle,Clock tower,India Catalina Statue and the popa convent.We took a
lot pictures around the city. We were about three days and then we came back
to a Barrancabermeja.

I’ll probably go to the Santa Marta city this year in December with my dad,well
actually if I get good grades,I guess I’ll go to the Santa Marta and I may know
some people there and maybe I’ll take a lot of pictures in the beach.

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