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Youths now hve many ways to express their feelings. Wht r some more of these ways?

F2F is the best way to express ones felling.

1. Interpret thoughts and feelings

- Whn we r f2f, we can see and respnd to ppls reactions.
- For exmple,their facial expressions, body language, their tune of voice n so on.
- We hve chance to show they care by asking n actively listening.
- Ths is especially critical whn u need ppl to adopt new behaviors to advance ur goals.
2. Enchance credibility n trust.
- Ppl need to build a prsn trust to be effective.
- F2f interactions allows us to share ppls strategy,explain or aswer questions honestly
- Ppl can see how actions align wth words, whch enchance to the other prsn credibility n
3. Gather feedback
- Meeting to prsn hlps othr prsn feel valued n gives them a chance to contributed input to
organizational strategies n communication.
- It can gives the prsn a chance to cnfirm ppls to understand of key issues, identify gaps n
encourage ongoing feedback n engagement.

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