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Good night Angie

I was visiting the city of Cuzco from there with my family, we headed towards

the best wonder of the modern world, that is, to Machu Pichu by train, which

took us around three hours, but it was worth it since the view is beautiful, I I

leave without words the beauty of the landscape, the mountains, the river, the

animals and houses that are seen when passing on the train, after this beautiful

train journey we arrived at our main destination but before we had to make a

quick stop in Aguas Calientes town where we took a bus that took us to the

Sacred city of Machu Pichu in 15 minutes bordering the mountains and giving

us the beautiful view of them.

When we arrived at Machu Pichu, I was shocked to see what I had wanted to

see for so long. It is the most beautiful, unique and what a magnificent place,

which was built by hand and with such perfection so many years ago when

technology was null, I could not help but be moved by what my eyes saw, and

walk throughout the sacred city, taking photos everywhere to not forget this

wonderful experience which I recommend you visit!

I hope to see you soon, may God take care and protect you always.

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