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Turning up -> dejarse caer

Counterparts -> equivalente, homólogo

Treks -> caminata

Dwelling -> vivienda

Northern -> norte

Droughts -> sequía

Ravaged -> destruido, devastado

Neglect -> negligencia, abandono

Wary -> precavido

Truly -> de verdad

Isolated -> aislado

Tucked away -> apartar, aleja

Southern -> sur

Weekly -> semanal

Politely -> amablemente

Southwestern -> suroeste

Insight -> percepción, conocimiento

Eastern -> este

Alongside -> junto a

Hikes -> caminata

Myths -> mito

Spread -> extenderse

Western -> occidental

Lowlands -> tierras bajas

Remarkable -> notable

Priest -> sacerdote

1. I just knew Wayuu culture, for example, I knew that they inhabit in the Guajira Desert and
I have always liked their bags.
2. I would like to know the Wiwa culture and I would like to travel to Lost City because it is
another of the adventures that I would like to experience with my boyfriend for the trek
that must be done to get there
3. I agree with the second opinion because I consider that the costumes they should never
be lost. People must maintain their essence.

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